David's Mighty Men

Duration: 56min
Luke 22:19
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Address—D. Bilisoly
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Luke 22 and we'll begin at verse 19.
And he took bread, and gave thanks, and break it, and gave unto them, saying, This is My body which is given for you. This do in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the New Testament in my blood, which is shed for you. But behold the hand of him that betrayeth me.
Is with me at on the table. And truly the Son of Man goeth, as it was determined, but woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed. And they began to inquire among themselves which of them it was that should do this thing. And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest. And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles.
Exercise lordship over them.
And they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.
But ye shall not be so.
But he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger, and he that is chief.
As he that does serve for weathers greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth is not he that sitteth at meat. But I am among you as he that serveth year. They which have continued with me in my temptations. And I appoint unto you a Kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me.
That she may eat and drink at my table.
In my Kingdom and sit on Thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel. Now, brethren, I've had a certain line of things on my heart lately, and we'll go to the Old Testament in a moment. But I believe that we have a portion here that corresponds with the Old Testament in a very remarkable way.
And, you know, it's lovely to notice that in reading in the Old Testament because, you know, the Old Testament, really.
Describes New Testament truth really brings before us important things and gives us detail it's good if we read the Old Testament and know a little something about it and see the lovely, lovely lessons that God has for us in the. The Old Testament word of God, because you know it says very plainly in Romans 15 it says the things that were written before time were written for our learning that we through patience and.
Of the scriptures might have hope. Yes, we like to think of those passages in that way that would give us comfort.
And give us hope, and indeed we should get real comfort and hope in reading those accounts of those Old Testament personalities, because they were people just like we are, and they had feelings just like we had, and they had fears and infirmities just like we do. They were very much real.
And we don't want to just detach ourselves from those Old Testament personalities.
And think that we're any different. Oh no, it's only by the grace of God that we know what we do know. And God values faith wherevers to be found. And there's some real Old Testament worthies and oh, what faith they exercised under such circumstances and with a little light and knowledge of God that they had. Well, that's one way to think of those passages in the Old Testament that they're written for our our.
Our learning and comfort. But then, you know, there's the warning side of things too, because.
Paul says over there in first Corinthians, he says these things happen unto them for examples to the intent that we should not lust after the same thing. Now that's a warning. That's where we have the Old Testament Scriptures as an example or a warning to us. And brethren, we need that too. We need that too. If we read of things in the Old Testament where they failed and they sinned in certain ways, then it's a good warning sign for us too. And we we need to remember that our.
They're no different. I was reading in the synopsis in connection with Jonah, the book of Jonah.
And brother Darby terms that the history of the human heart.
And honestly, isn't it true? It is indeed the history of the human heart. And you see as you read through that book that it is just that reflection. But it's lovely to consider this, that, you know, how did the book of Jonah get penned? Well, well, Jonah must have had a change of heart. He must have repented at the hardness of his heart. And then he told all these things on himself, as it were. And I tell you, that's real.
I believe that's real progress when we recognize the treachery of these hearts and are able to judge them before God and able to to overcome for his glory and own up to these false and failures that we have. Well, so then we have these lovely Old Testament scriptures. But this is an important thought here that the Lord brings before us. First of all, you see, he's talking about his suffering.
The very institution of the Feast of Remembrance in verse 19 is proof of his sufferings, proof of his death. And we may think it's strange that the disciples would hear these things over and over again and it didn't seem to register and they were really taken back when the real test come. Why was that? Well, it's because, you know, their minds were so set on an unearthly things, an earthly.
And even after the Lord's resurrection there in Acts chapter one, they said to the Lord, they said wilt out all at this time, restore the Kingdom unto Israel. You see, their thoughts were in connection with the earth. And so they just didn't want to believe or accept the fact of what had to take place. But how could there be any blessing even for an earthly Kingdom apart from the death of the Lord Jesus Christ? Oh everything.
Centers around the death of the Lord Jesus. Believe it. Without the death of the Lord Jesus Christ, there is no blessing. Absolutely there is no blessing. But of course the resurrection is foundational, because where would be the hope without the resurrection? So all of this has been so fully taken care of according to God's determinate counsel and foreknowledge.
So here the Lord Jesus, he speaks of his death.
It refers to it, implies it, and then on top of that in verse 21.
He talks about being betrayed, you see.
And this was a distressing thing to his heart. You know, the Lord Jesus felt these things, brethren, He really felt these things keenly. And he speaks of Judas as his own familiar friend, my own familiar friend hath lifted up his heel against me. And the Lord keenly felt that his betrayal in that way and how responsible a person Judas was that he could witness those miracles, that he could hear the.
Words that proceeded out of his mouth as the others did, and yet turned so against Him in greed. Oh, how treacherous is the heart. And so here the Lord Jesus speaks of all of these things very plainly to the disciples. But then we come to verse 24. Now, brethren, when we read a verse like verse 24.
Let's not shake our heads at the disciples because that kind of thing is gets into our hearts.
If we're honest about it, that kind of thing gets into our hearts. Maybe we would, in the light we have. Perhaps we'd hesitate ever to say so. But oh, that treacherous.
Comparing, as it were, gets into the hearts of the Saints of God, and you know it says in Two Corinthians.
They that compare themselves with themselves are not wise, are not intelligent. Is the thought is not intelligent to be comparing ourselves with others and saying, do I have something a little more than this brother or is that brother more than it'll either puff us up or it'll discourage us because, you know, there aren't many real gifts among the Saints of God. It's a day of great weakness and I don't believe that God is raising up.
Real gifts, I believe it's mostly in the category of helps in this day and age, but the helps, all of them certainly are needed. So it's a day of of great weakness. But yet this is a terrible spirit of things. And you know, God, it says, has placed the members in the body as it hath pleased him and not us. So you know, I've just got to live with who I am.
And accept that from the Lord and just.
Go on by his grace, you see, but God has put each one of us in the body where he wants to see for his glory, for the glory of his beloved Son. And O brethren, if, if this is what's before our hearts and if this is satisfies us, we'll go on in a steady way and we'll go on to his glory. Instead of being concerned that we were this person or that person or had this gift or that gift, why don't we just go on and.
Serve the Lord and serve the Saints, and it will all be rewarded.
In due time, and the Lord will give the right appraisal of the whole thing. And brethren, we know that he immensely values faithfulness even in little things. I trust will notice that in a moment as we go over to the Old Testament, we'll see that the Lord values little things.
And the Lord Jesus would even speak of a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple. Here's a I found a cup of cold water and I kind of need this because my throats bothering me a little bit. And I'm very thankful that that cup of cold water was put there just because I'm a disciple, just because I belong to the Lord Jesus. But the Lord values that you see, and even just a little thoughtfulness like that is going to have us reward. That seems unbelievable, but it shows just how.
He really appreciates little things and I am convinced, brethren, that we're really going to be in for some surprises in that coming day. We're going to see, I believe, where the true values are. I believe sometimes certain things get a lot of attention and yet, who knows? But these quiet things done for the Lord maybe are the things that are really registering as it were, and the Lord counts them well.
He'll rightly appraise all in that coming day.
But here's our hearts, brethren, we read this verse 24 and we just have to hang our heads and admit that these kind of thoughts come into our hearts. But the disciples were unfeigned. They just blabbed it out. See, in their simplicity, they just said, I think we I should be greater. And here comes Zebedee's two sons, you know, and the mother brings them and, and she wants one to sit on his right hand and the other on his left in the glory.
Oh, no wonder the other disciples were so indictment.
At that sort of thing because they probably thought I should have that place, I should have that place. Oh brethren, what hearts we have. So here's this kind of discussion, but always in the Lord channel in the way he deals with his disciples. Oh, what lessons, what examples we have in the Lord Jesus in every respect, from every point of view. We see perfection in that person. We see absolute perfection in that person.
In his ways and dealings with people and with these disciples, no thought of harshness or severity with them, but he reminds them in a very plain and a very pointed way that this is not according to the mind of God. He says this is exactly what the Gentiles want. And we know what it's like in the Gentile world. We know what it's like in the working world. We know what it's like in the schools and all and wherever it may be in the neighborhood.
And wherever it may be, there is is it where that vying for a place and prestige and status symbols and positions and what have you not. The spirit of it is so strong in the world. And I know what it's like. I've worked when I worked for the state of Colorado and all there were those, what we would call opportunists, men that just looked for chances to muscle ahead and get ahead of the others and to play favorites with the supervisors and and work this thing.
Work that thing and, and wedge and muscle and, and work their way ahead. And I just watched one after another go past me and this is the way it is, you know. And you think, oh, it bothers you sometimes. Ah, that fellow so unqualified and, and how did he get there? And oh, you shake your head at some of these arrangement of things. And yet amazingly so things do seem to get done.
But this is the spirit of the world. This is the course.
And they vie for these places of position to exercise, as it says, Lordship, to be called benefactors. But what does the Lord Jesus say in all gentleness? I'm sure he says, But it shall not be so, He says. But she shall not be so, he says. But he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger.
Oh, now we're getting divine qualifications on this matter. Divine qualifications?
Ah, he that is greatest, let him be as the younger. That's a little humiliating, isn't it? That's humiliating. And he that is chief as he that does serve. Oh, the flesh loves to be served. Not to serve, really, but the flesh wants to be served. But here is the test.
To true greatness, and attest to those accounted as chief by the Lord Jesus. He that does serve. Now, if there's any question about it, he can freely give himself his example, because there was always perfection there. For weather's greater. He that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth is not he that sitteth at meat. But I am among you as he that serveth. And that is a marvelous thing, is it not, brethren, to consider the.
That the Lord Jesus will remain a servant forever in a certain respect, all how he loves to serve. So you know here then in verse 28, what does he say? Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations.
That is pure grace that made that statement. Pure grace. Here they're talking about who's the greatest when he speaks about his sufferings and all. And then he credits them with continuing with him in his temptations. Oh, brother. And I think that's lovely to consider and think what that means. You know, there's deep meaning to that, I believe. And I believe the application is far reaching because.
To take a place.
Outside the camp.
The systems of men to go on with the truth of the one body holding no other name as a gathering center, but the name of the Lord Jesus is going to cost reproach. It's going to bring us into a certain temptation or trial and I believe that there can be a present application to what the Lord Jesus says in verse 28 year they which continued with me in my temptation.
O brethren, if there's faithfulness in going on right to the end until the shout is heard, if there's faithfulness continuing on with a little testimony, though it be despised and weak, and though Satan would make an attack at it from 1 angle after another, it doesn't have to be but even a fragile and a very weak little testimony, it has to be even but a literal two or three, and he'll attack it. He'll make an attack against it because he hates the truth of the one body.
As it was mentioned at a conference I believe in Montreal one time, I'm not sure.
A brother raised the question, why is Satan so opposed to the truth of the one body? And a brother answered, because it's a truth that draws the Saints closer to Christ. See, it's a truth that draws the Saints, as it were, closer around the person of Christ. So it's a truth hated of Satan, but it's lovely the thought of continuing with him in his temptations. And so the Lord then speaks of greatness.
He speaks of honor, see, He can speak of it, and this is what was to come. Verse 29 I appoint unto you a Kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me, that ye may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom, and sit on Thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel. Now, brethren, that is the very Lord with whom we have to do, the one who could speak in such ways to the disciples, when they would speak of among.
Of who should be greatest then the Lord Jesus on the other hand, says I'm going to bring you into real honor and real greatness. I'm going to establish you in my Kingdom. You're going to sit on Thrones. Isn't that marvelous? Oh brother, and are we not willing to continue with him now in his temptations? Let's go over to the Old Testament now and let's read a little bit about some who continued with David in his temptation. Let's read over in.
In Second Samuel.
Chapter 23.
Second Samuel 23.
This whole 23rd chapter, so lovely. I think we should just read a little of it to begin with here, though I was going on actually to verse 8. But let's read the first part of it because you'll see that it does tie in with the thought the Lord spoke. You remember to the disciples about the appointed Kingdom and about them sitting, as it were, on Thrones in that Kingdom.
And of course, we know that that's our portion too, because.
We are going to reign with Christ also in royalty as kingly priests.
So it says verse one. Now these be the last words of David. David.
The son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel said, the spirit of the Lord spaken by me, and his word was in my tongue. The God of Israel said, the rock of Israel spoke to me. He that ruleth over men must be just ruling in the fear of God.
And He shall be as the light of the morning when the sun rises, even a morning without clouds, as the tender grass springing out of the earth by the clear shining after rain. Although my house be not so with God, yet He hath made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and sure.
For this is all my salvation and all my desire, although he maketh not to grow.
Notice David's words here. By the Spirit of God, they reflect upon the true king.
The true King, he that ruleth over men, must be just ruling in the fear of God. Who else could meet those qualifications but the Lord Jesus? The man according to God's choice, just like David was the man according to his choice. And so it says that he shall be as the light of the morning when the sun rises, even a morning without clouds over a day that will be when the Lord Jesus.
Asserts his power over this world. Brethren, do we long for that? Do you understand? Do we understand?
What the apostle Paul is speaking about in Two Timothy 4, when he says and for those also who love his appearing, what's he talking about? There's a crown of righteousness reserved for those who love his appearing. Why? Because the love of his appearing, I believe has to do more with the the establishing of all things in righteousness, the putting down of all unrighteousness. And there is so much unrighteousness in.
World. And if we knew but a small part of it, we would be so distressed and distracted.
I don't think we could stand it, but when the Lord allows us to get a little glimpse of it, as it were, a little taste of it, it is absolutely shocking. And when we see how so often the courts of the land are perverted and how there's a bribery with authorities and how things are done unfairly, and oh, the cries and groans that must go up as a result.
But isn't that comforting to think?
That when the Lord Jesus takes his Kingdom and asserts his power and authority, that all of this kind of thing is going to be absolutely put down. I love to think of that. I love to think of that. Of course we're going to be with him, which will be far more blessed, and we're looking for the Lord Jesus to come and take us to be with himself. But remember that God's thoughts reach on to the end. That God's thoughts reach on to the fulfillment of all these things that the Old Testament speaks so much.
About And here we have it here, another reflection on that coming time of the true King, the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who will bring in a mourning without clouds. You know, we live in a place where we see lots and lots of clouds and sometimes it's a little depressing because it's so cloudy so much of the time. And it's nice, as I was doing this afternoon, just to sit out that sunshine and let it kind of penetrate it and it helps, you know, and it feels.
Good but clouds, you know, kind of bespeak in this way of of troubling things and things that are not pleasant, but all how lovely that will be when the Lord Jesus asserts that authority and power and removes all of this hindrance in these clouds and it'll be like the clear shining after rain. See all what refreshment what refreshment but now David has to frankly admit in verse.
That it was not so according to his house. Oh no, he saw ruin and failure in his house. So it has to reach on to a future time. It has to be David's greater son, not David's direct descendant as it were, but David's greater son, the Lord Jesus Christ himself. And so David frankly admits that his house, as it were in verse five, the end of verse 5 isn't was not growing.
No, it was not heading that way as it seemed. But notice 2 verse six certainly bespeaks of the putting down of all these rebels, these worthless as it were, billials. And he'll put them down, and he'll put them down by the word of his mouth. It won't even require a hand. And so then.
We see that that He will, with power, establish all of these things in verse 7.
And there'll be real judgment brought about.
Through the resistance now in verse verse 8 here we come to our review. It's almost as it were a little bit like the judgment seat of Christ because here we have a review of these men who continued with David in his temptations. See just like the Lord Jesus spoke of the disciples year they which have continued with me in my temptations. Well here's a list of.
Those that continued with David in his temptations. And you notice that it says that their mighty mighty men. Now you say, what made those men mighty?
I don't think they were super men. I don't think they were abnormal men. What made them mighty?
It was because they were associated with David. They were associated with David. That's what made them mighty.
And not only that, how was it that they accomplished the things that we read of here? How was it that they accomplished such marvelous, almost inhuman victories? They have as their example, David. See, David was their example, you say? What do you mean David was their example, David? David was the one who went down into the Valley of Elah and met the power of the strongman.
And met the power of Goliath, and he overcame the strongman. Oh, that's the way the Lord Jesus did, who through death, it says, annulled him. Or that had the power of death and delivered them, who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to *******. And so we see what a reflection this is upon the Lord Jesus, and how these men that were David's mighty men derive their power.
Their energy because of their connection with David, and two, their attachment to David. Oh surely this is of key importance, brethren, that there cannot be the real victories over the enemy. There cannot be apart from real communion with the Lord Jesus, attachment of heart to Christ. I believe that's the key thought in these things, that they were attached in heart to David.
And they had as an example David in his power over the enemy. So here in verse eight it says these be the names of David's mighty men, whom David had the Tacmonite that sat on the seat, chief among the captains. The same was a Dino, the Ease knight. He left up his spear against 800, whom he slew at one time. What a victory. Just think, what a victory.
All those men accomplished this marvelous things, but as I say, I believe it was all because.
They had David as their example and there was true faith with them, faith in the God of Israel that enabled them to accomplish such things. There's faith behind all of these things. Don't think that they were doing any of these things in human strength. And if, if we are confident in the flesh, if there is this confidence as it were, in human strength, cannot the Lord make us really feel that? I don't know if you've had experiences like I've had, but.
Sometimes you know, if I if I'm putting confidence in in.
My own strength. Oh, how the Lord can frustrate that and make us feel that we're weak as water. Absolutely weak as water.
But, you know, if we derive our strength from him, then we're empowered to do things that might be even humanly speaking, impossible. And I think we see a little reflection of that as we read through here and just the fact that this man could overcome the enemy himself. 800 what a victory that was. It is significant, but he did it, I'm sure.
Because of attachment to David, faith in the God of Israel, and David as his example.
So then we have Eliezer in verse nine. And after him was Eliezer the son of Dodo, the whole height, one of the three mighty men with David, when they defied the Philistines that were gathered together to battle, and the men of Israel were gone away he arose and smote the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand clave unto the sword. And the Lord wrought a great victory that day, and the people returned after him.
Only to spoil. Now what does it say? It says the Lord brought a great victory. Now if we hadn't read that, we might have said, oh, how daring this man was, how bold he was. Was it foolhardy? No, no, no such thought as that. But that man had real faith in God, just like Jonathan at the time. You remember when he went up to the Garrison of the Philistines, He says the Lord.
The Lord is able to save by few or by many. What is it to the Lord? He can get the victory, whether it be few or whether it be many. And sometimes, you know, the Lord may have to reduce the numbers, as it were, to put down pride, to minimize pride. Just like with the Gideon's men, they, they just had to be sifted and sifted until they were brought down to 300 men. And those 300 men didn't even have to lift.
The initial time that was all they had to do was what seemed to be a very humiliating thing, but it was according to the mind of God, it was divine instruction what they were to do. And all they had to do was to do it in obedience, foolish and and ridiculous as it may sound to to break a Lantern so that the light could be seen and to blow on a trumpet. Now that sounds like like as we might say, children.
Play, but it was nothing of that sort. It was all according to the purpose of God, but it was done in humility. God had to do that because there was too much pride with the people. And they were really in no state for such an overwhelming victory, though they got the victory, but they got it in humility. Oh, brother. And there's some real lessons in things like that.
So we see here this, this Eliezer. Oh what a victory God accomplishes.
With that man battling the enemy and I like to think about these things and picture.
What that man experienced at that time, can't you just see him with the enemy trying to get at him from every point? They probably come from behind him and from the side and front of him and on every hand. And can't you just picture that man of God withstanding those enemy and fighting on every side, Wheeling that sword around and skillfully and this one, that one, and just constantly trying to get at him and, and to do away with him.
But they can't do it. They can't do it and he accomplishes the victory. But poor, poor Eliezer, you know, can't you just see him? After all these enemy are dead and down on the ground and slain. Can't you just see Eliezer laying down there and, and just exhausted and, and his hands hanging out, You know, like you would do after you've had a hard day's work and just sitting there and exhausted and he can't let go of his sword.
Sword clamped into his hand. He wouldn't dare have laid it down. It would have been instant death.
Had he said, I'm too tired, just a minute. And lay a sword? No, no, no. His whole life depended upon it. It was urgency. And he wouldn't dare lay that sword down and a clay to his hand. His hand was locked to the sword. And I know I've done carpentry work and, and wood cutting and things like that. And I have found that that if I've used an axe a long time or a hammer and then you stop, oh, it hurts. When you unfold your fingers, it hurts.
Painful and it hurts when you use something that long. You don't realize how clenched up your muscles were and your tendons. And so you go to put it down and oh, it hurts like. But he couldn't even let his sword go. It was in the death grip, as it were. But old brethren, what an immense lesson. What an immense lesson we have in this little passage of Scripture. Because here we have in our hand the sword of the Spirit of God.
How is it? Are we using this word?
Do we value it so that it cleaves to our hand? And is it what we use skillfully against the enemy? Oh, it's good to read our Bibles and to know these passages of Scripture. And when people confront us on the street or wherever it may be, and ask questions and throw infidel things at at, at us, are we able then to refer them to God's precious words? See Eliezer.
Certainly accomplished this victory by the power of God.
And in true faith and confidence and with David as his example and his devotedness and attachment to David. But I'm sure he was a skillful warrior. Let's not underestimate it. I'm sure he was a very skillful warrior, but he didn't become skillful in one night or in one day. And so also, beloved brethren, you know, how is it? How are we going to be able to, to withstand the enemy with the word of God unless we know our Bibles, the Spirit of God is not going to use something we don't know.
The Spirit of God will take the Word of God and, and enable us to use it if we've never read it or, or enjoyed it or, or used it. You see, and so there must be the skillful use of God's precious word. But let me tell you this. If God's precious word is used skillfully, they cannot withstand it. I don't care how keen they are in infidel arguments, if you just keep bringing the word of God before him against their human wisdom and.
Intelligence they cannot stand it. They may say I don't believe that I don't I don't I admit just wrote that that's I don't believe that don't listen to them just read the word of God skillfully to them. Just quote those verses to them and they'll be done with it pretty soon. They don't like it. They can't stand it because it is the the living word of God. It is sharper than any two edged sword. It pierces as it were to the dividing asunder of spirit and soul of the joints and Morrow and.
Is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart. So let's not be afraid to use God's precious word and don't even pay any attention to their arguments against it because it speaks right to the heart and to the conscience of man. And this dear man of God, Eliezer, he valued that sword and he used that sword and God accomplished a great victory. But then we've got Shama and these men are singled out and marked out as.
Being outstanding, prominent men in the ranks of David's special warriors, his mighty men. And it was a select group. And you know, it seems like every country likes to have a select group of soldiers. I wouldn't want to speak disparagingly of any country, but we think of those like the Green Barrettes and, and men like that and, and the French Foreign Legion and other groups like that. And we see breakdowns. We see breakdowns.
In all of those things and we see human failure come in man can't achieve.
A class, A army like that. But here these men were outstanding. And Shama, what about him? Well, if we didn't know the circumstances of this, we would say, why, Shama? What a foolish thing to do. Because the people retreated. They went away. But Shama stood his ground on this little patch of ground. What was it? It's called? It's called a piece of ground full of.
Have you ever seen lentils? They're just like a tiny bean. They're ever so insignificant. And you might say, why would a person risk their life to defend a little patch of ground, a little patch of vegetables, of food? Why? Well, you notice what it says in the end of that verse 12. It says, and the Lord brought a great victory, Shama.
Did that in faith. He It was not foolhardy. It was not boldness.
It was not human bravado. It was nothing of that sort.
He did that in faith and you say, why would he not yield that ground? Well, I enjoyed what another brother said. He said simply because it was food for the people of God. That was reason enough, was it not? Because it belonged to the God of Israel? It was his possession. It was their possession, the people of God. Why should he yield that to the enemy? Let the people retreat if they want. They're not going to get this ground of lentils. He stood there and.
It with his life and God calls it a great victory. God values.
That person's fate, Shama's faith and desire to preserve.
That which belonged to the people of God. Now, brethren, how are we going to make this a practical application?
Do we value that which belongs to the people of God? Do we value the food?
That God has given to us his precious word. Are we yielding any of this to the enemy? Are we holding fast the truth that God has entrusted to us? Will we have the same truth when we get home to glory? You know, when Ezra and the others came down from Babylon, the gold was weighed weighed out to them. They were held responsible for those precious things and so when they got to.
They had to weigh it in again. Why? To make certain that nothing was lost on the way.
Now brethren, that is a searching thing to my own heart and conscience. When I get home to glory, will I have all the truth that the Lord has entrusted to me while I was here in this world as a believer? Will I have it all? Will I? Will you have it all? Will you have? Will we have all that the Lord is entrusted to us? Or will something be missing? See.
Will something be missing? Oh brethren, how we need exercised hearts.
To hold fast that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. That was said to to Philadelphia a time of a week in a in a small remnant testimony, a time of the very last days. Are we holding it fast, or is this letting loose little here and there? Oh, this is searching to our hearts, but not Shama. No, he wouldn't budget a bit of it to the enemy. And this is something that is.
Lovely to consider and read. And the Lord valued it. The Lord valued it and called it a great victory. He called it a great victory. We were not told how many He slew. We're not told anything like that, but rather the fact that He stood and held that ground. But now when we get to verse 13, now we're going back to what I was referring to when I talked about this cup of cold water in the name of a disciple.
And it's so delicious. It's good water, see, and I enjoy that. And it's nice to have refreshing water at hand. And look what we've got here. This is interesting because more is said about this than the others. And yet what did they accomplish? Verse 13. And three of the 30 chief went down and came to David in the harvest time to The Cave of Dellum, and the troop of the Philistines pitched in the valley of.
And David was then in a hold and the Garrison of the Philistines.
Was then in Bethlehem and David longed and said, oh that one.
Would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem which is by the gate, and the three mighty men breakthrough the host of the Philistines and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem.
That was by the gate, and took it and brought it to David. Nevertheless he would not drink thereof. It poured it out unto the Lord, just like a libation or drink offering, and he said.
Far from me, O Lord, that I should do this. Is not this the blood of the men that went in jeopardy of their lives? Therefore he would not drink it. These things did, these three mighty men.
Now, do you remember what we read there in Luke 22?
The Lord Jesus said he that is chief as he that does serve well. Here's three chiefs, and they come to David Ware at The Cave of Adela. There should be no question at all that that was a time of David's rejection. There was a twofold reason why David couldn't enjoy the waters of the well of Bethlehem.
Number one, Saul was after him, chasing him like a Partridge.
On the mountains he had to hide out from Saul. 2 The Garrison of the Philistines were in the land, and they were blocking all the way. It was inaccessible. Humanly speaking, it was inaccessible.
Why did David long for those waters of the well of Bethlehem? I've tasted good water in other places and this seems like very good water up here this morning or this this evening.
But why is it that David marked that out and mentioned that particularly well? Because that's where he spent his boyhood days. He knew something about the sweetness of those waters of the well of Bethlehem. I can just picture him as a young boy shepherding the sheep in the heat of the day, finding his opportunity to get over there and get to that well of Bethlehem, draw up those sweet waters and take a nice cold drink.
Where my grandparents used to live up in Leiden Junction.
In Colorado, Granddaddy had a well underneath a railroad trestle and it was just a choice place. And once in a while we used to like to go with him down to that well. And we he would toss the bucket down on a line and he would draw up that nice cold clear water up out of the bottom of that well. And my brother Bob and I used to just love to put our faces right down in it and drink that water right straight out of that bucket.
And it seemed like there was number water that tasted quite as sweet as that, if you know what I mean. Oh, it was so good on a real hot day. And so that leaves boyhood memories of such times as that. And I can just believe that David, you know, reflected back on those boyhood days. And here now he's separated. He can't get to his beloved Bethlehem, as it were, and enjoy those sweet waters. And so he is thinking out loud, I don't believe.
He shouted that out. I don't believe he spoke very loud at all. I believe it was just the longings of his heart. And I like to think of it this way, that these men, these men were so drawn to David. See, they had place, they had rank in the armies of Saul, But they come to the conclusion that David was really the man of God's choice. And we better share with him in his rejection now because one day he's going to take that Kingdom. And those men, you know, they gave up.
Position and rank as it were to identify themselves with David in his humility, which we can do now, brethren, in this day of his rejection, the Lord Jesus. And so here they are attracted to David and I can just believe that they were as close to him as they could be. Can't you picture that? They are taken up with David, They're attracted to him. They said, well, here he is and his roughness and simplicity. But this is God's true man.
And they must have gotten close today because they wanted to hear Him. They wanted to hear things that he said. And so they overheard the longings of his heart. I can just picture them and those three men when they overheard the longings of his heart, that was a command to them. And it's just like his wish was their command. Oh brethren, is that our attitude toward the Lord? Jesus Is my will so subject to His will that his.
Wishes it were is my command. Can I say that? Oh, I have to hang my head in shame and and own up to the fact of how much I have acted in self will and contrary to what was the will of the Lord Jesus. Oh brethren, but here you know they act immediately upon the wishes of David and in jeopardy of their lives. What a risk they took. There's none of the enemy defeated, no great battles won, nothing of that sort.
Was nothing but purely an act of devotedness. Purely an act of devotedness. How much did David value that? How much did God value that? That he recorded this in his Word? He valued it very, very much. It was an act of devotedness. And God knows these things and values every little act of devotedness. Maybe no one else knows anything about what you have done for the Lord. Maybe it was done purely out of.
Devotedness to the Lord Jesus does evaluate it. It's all recorded above, brethren. It's all recorded above. And they'll be reward for all faithfulness in acts of devotedness. Now you know, I've enjoyed this thought too. There must be a prophetic sense to what is uttered here, a deep prophetic sense. And I think we can see this connection.
And that is that Bethlehem has real significance prophetically.
You know, because it says in Micah's prophecy, it says in now O Bethlehem.
Ephrata, though thou be little among the the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall come forth. He who shall be ruler over my people, Israel, who's going forth are from everlasting, from old, from everlasting. Well, what a striking prophecy that is, because it foretells of the true king, springing as it were.
Out of Bethlehem and who is that true king? It's deity. It's the Lord Jesus Christ God manifest in the flesh, whose going force are of old from everlasting. It's the Lord Jesus, the Lord of glory. And so here I I see a connection, a link as it were to that prophecy, to that thought of God's true king. Here he's in rejection, as it were. And Micah's prophecy anticipates as it were the coming of the.
Springing from Bethlehem and you notice that these men come to David in the time of harvest. Well, that's what it is. Now as far as the gospel is concerned, it is the harvest time and yet the rejection of the Lord Jesus. And so you know, we're fast approaching the time as it says in in Isaiah or Jeremiah, it says the harvest is passed, the summers ended and we are not saved.
Oh, how tragic that would be.
If that were true of anyone here in the room tonight, I trust those not. So we see that this is a marvelous and a mighty act of devotedness. Now, I believe that the apostle Paul himself, in his devoted, untiring laborers for the Lord and to the Saints of God was just at the point of being poured out as a libation, a drink offering. He says that in Philippians. He says that I'm ready to be.
Offered up.
So he knew what this was, he knew what might result from this life of devotedness and all, but oh, how worth it was, because he could say to depart and to be with Christ, which is far better.
Now brother and I hate to bring up a sad note here, but here you know in verse 18 we have Joab mentioned but only mentioned in connection with his brother Abishai.
And also, if we read on, we'll see Joab as mentioned in verse 24.
But only in reference to his brother shell.
And we read on, and we see that Joab is.
Is mentioned in verse 37 but only in connection with his armor bearer. Joab was not one of Davidde mighty men. But you say wait a minute, didn't Joab accomplish some great victories and all? Yes he did. But why is he not included as one of David's mighty men? Because he had no real heart for David.
Because he, in the end, was really opposed to the throne of David.
And proved himself to be a true rebel against the throne of David. God keeps track of all these things. God keeps track.
And he knows the heart. And these brethren, are most serious matters, to see how that this is like the manifestation, as it were, a little glimpse, as it were, of the judgment seat of Christ. And we see the seriousness of this matter, how that Joab put on a good front.
Through many years, but when the real test comes, his true colors were shown. Oh, how sad and how solemn. But now as far as Benaya here is concerned, in verse 20, it's interesting to notice that he slays 2 lion like men of Moab. Or a better thought would be, I believe heroes. Those that could really pride in the flesh, outstanding men in the flesh, as it were, heroes. And there's lots and lots of heroes.
In the world today, but what is it worth in the sight of God? What is it worth? These heroes? And so he overpowers the strong ones, these heroes of Moab, as it were. And then we see that that also he slays a lion in the midst of a pit in a time of snow. While we talk about handicaps, we talk about.
Disadvantages. You know, it'd be a terrible thing to meet a lion under any circumstance.
Let alone in a pit and on a snowy day where you couldn't keep your footing and where who knows what could happen? You see, So what a what an unusual thing to accomplish in God's word records such a thing as that. We don't know what the circumstances were in connection with it. Maybe the pit was made to trap an animal or something. And maybe, maybe he been beneath, maybe accidentally tripped and stumbled and fell into this thing and here he was.
Face to face with the lion. What's he going to do? Well, he he defeats the lion. That's it, see. And then we notice another thing that he does in verse 21 and that is that he slays an Egyptian, a goodly man, it says, and it describes this Egyptian and he's no pushover. He's a giant. He's a he's a fearful man, but yet he accomplishes these victories. And here these all these things are noted that Vinaya did well. It's just a little reminder, is it not?
That in type in picture here he met as it were, the power of the enemy. And you know, brethren, we have 3 foes, the flesh just like these heroes of Moab, the power of Satan, like the lion in the pit on a snowy day. And the world that's a real, a very real enemy to overcome figured in this Egyptian. How was it that Binaya accomplished such remarkable things?
It was by faith and confidence in God. It was by David as his example and his attachment, his devotedness.
To David, one of his three mighty men. Well now our time is up. But you know, as we read on here, it is a lovely thing to notice that there are Gentiles involved with David, even an Ammonite in verse 37. And then we got Uriah the Hittite, which account we know is very sad as far as David is concerned. But still Uriah as a person was a devoted man to David and classed as one of his.
Mighty men. Well, these are things to think about, beloved, and to consider, and God has given us this little record, and we ought to be exercised by it, and we ought to see where the true values are, and what the Lord's thoughts are about these things. Shall we just have a word of prayer?