Today we see the mercy of David in allowing Absalom to come home. The king has a tender heart toward his son, yet realizes his responsibility to God to punish Absalom for the shedding of the blood of Amnon.
V.1-3 The subtle (tricky) Joab knew the heart of David was anxious to have his guilty son Absalom back again. So he uses this woman who pretends to be a very sad person.
V 4-20 Joab had made up a story for her to tell the king.
V.12-20 The king gives her his word. To act in grace was what David loved. Like Mephibosheth in chapter 9. The act was working well. If David could spare someone else’s son, would he not spare his own son?
V.13-20 But the king sees the workings of Joab in the whole visit.
V.21-23 The king does not change his mind, but orders Joab to bring Absalom home. Joab really knew nothing of grace himself, but he knew it was in David.
V.24 The guilt of Absalom was still in David’s mind, so we see the restriction put on Absalom.
V.25-27 What Absalom looked like. Both Saul and Absalom were very attractive to the eye.
V.28-33 Joab has another scheme worked out to get the king to receive Absalom. We can see plainly that though David was a good king, he was a poor father in many, many ways.