V.1-22 The conversion of Saul (Paul). The Lord Jesus in heaven told Saul that the people he was persecuting were part of Himself! The Lord Jesus was never seen by Saul on earth. But now He is revealed to him from the heavenly glory. Notice in the 20th and 22nd verses the subject of his preaching.
V.23-25 Would the conversion of Paul have a good effect on the other Jews, for he was a very active member of the sect? They try to kill him!
Circumstances don’t convince unsaved persons — only Christ, by the Holy Spirit.
V.32-43 Peter’s preaching continues. He cures Aeneas through the use of a name, not his own. Even though he did not use that name in the raising from the dead of Tabitha (Dorcas), notice to whom the people turned (v. 42).