Day 142 - Luke 6, Verses 1-19

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
V.1-12 The “Sabbath,” (Saturday) was the day set apart by God for rest, and specially given to the Jews. They had really already rejected Him, so He tells them that He is “Lord of the Sabbath.” He did right to heal on the Sabbath. This made those religious leaders terribly angry. The Lord on the cross was dead all day Saturday, proving that that day of rest was finished, because they had killed the Lord. But on the first day of the week, Sunday, the Lord’s day, he rose from the dead, and brought believers into a new position. So we can understand that the first day of the week is set apart for true believers, and it is called “the Lord’s Day.” It is not a day of rest, but a day when we have the special privilege of worshipping and serving the Lord.
V.13-16 He chooses 12 of those who followed Him, whom He calls apostles.
V.17-19 Many come to be healed, but it does not say they truly believed on Him.