Next, a pure person. Leprosy was found in persons, clothing and houses. Romans 5:12 tells us that death came into the world by sin. So leprosy was like sin acting in the flesh. Not the doctor, but the priest was the man who could tell the truth about it. It wasn’t easy to detect.
V.2 For the believer, the person who lives close to the Lord, is better able to detect sin ({vi 30045;29978}Heb. 5:14; 1 Cor. 2:14). So here Aaron (a picture of Christ), or Aaron’s son (picture of a believer living close to the Lord Jesus) could decide whether it was leprosy or not.
V.2, 4, 6 If the raw flesh appeared, it was leprosy. When the flesh (the old nature) is active in us, sin is at work. It becomes evident.
V.16-17 If the man was white all over, it was like a person today who confesses that there is no good in him, only sin, then he is clean (Rom. 7:18). The great thing for the sinner today is to confess to God.