V.29-33 Jehoshaphat almost loses his life because of his wrong association.
V.34-40 It looked like an “accidental” shot, but God will see to it that His Word is fulfilled in every way.
V.41-50 There were some things Jehoshaphat failed to do — God does not miss anything in our lives — but at least he seems to have learned his lesson with Ahab (v. 49). And he did do some good things which are also written down (v. 46). God is writing up His people (Psa. 87:66The Lord shall count, when he writeth up the people, that this man was born there. Selah. (Psalm 87:6)). What is He writing down about us?
V.51-53 Another king of the 10 tribes another sad story of “like father, like son.”