V.1-13 Jehoahaz, king of Israel — don’t confuse the two kingdoms — not only took over the kingdom from his father, but his sins as well. God had rewarded his father for his obedience (2 Kings 10:30), but punished him for his idolatry, but there is no sign of returning to the Lord.
V.14-21 The faithful life of Elisha has been long. He lived under kings Jehoram (son of Ahab), Jehu, Jehoahaz of Israel and Joash (king of Judah). We come now to the evening of his days, his sun is about to set. Many of us believers have stood at the bedside of a faithful old Christian. What a great experience this can be. Here we stand by such an one.
V.15-19 Elisha uses this to encourage the king against their old enemy Syria.
V.21 Even in the hour of death, God shows His power. Possibly a glimpse into the future, when Israel itself shall be miraculously brought back to life — after the church has been caught away to glory see your chart. (Also look at Dan. 12:22And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. (Daniel 12:2)).