V.1-3 It if was a serious thing to dishonor the law of the Old Testament, how much more serious it is to neglect the wonderful and complete salvation that is now offered.
V.5 “The world to come”, refers to the time when the Lord Jesus will reign in power and glory over this earth in the millennium (see your chart). We shall then reign with Him over the earth. 2 Tim. 2:12.
V.7-9 Adam, because of sin, was sent out of the Paradise of God (Eden); Christ, to cleanse away sin (not His, but ours) was sent out of the Paradise of God (heaven), but now has been given the very highest place in heaven.
V.10 He was always perfect, But in order to perfectly understand our suffering and trials, He Himself has experienced suffering. So we can always turn to Him in any suffering or trial we may have. He understands for He is a “perfect Captain.”
V.12-13 It makes His Father’s heart happy to have us gathered around our Lord Jesus, Who is so happy that He sings praises to His Father.