V.1-21 Here is the sad end of the story of disobedience to God. This beautiful land which God had given to Israel, has been lost to them, and now Judah is being taken captive to Babylon. They will remain there for 70 years; then a faithful little remnant will be brought back. God always has His few.
V.22-26 Most of the people who remained in the land turned to Egypt for help. God had told them to submit to the king of Babylon and He would preserve them. But they refused and are destroyed (read of the same incident in Jer. 43). So we come to the end of this book of 2nd Kings, with many incidents, some bright but most dark; about many men, women, youths and children, some faithful, some unfaithful to God. How will your and my life show up when it is reviewed before the Lord Jesus Christ? This is our only opportunity to live faithfully for Him. Proverbs 14:2323In all labor there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury. (Proverbs 14:23) says “In all labor there is profit.” But in the believer’s life no labor brings richer, more lasting fruit, than the patient, prayerful reading and living of God’s Word. Many have found this to be a life of joy. We believers cannot progress, but will go down and down, unless we are willing to step out of the religious evil which is all around us. Does this strike a chord in your heart?