V.2-4 The many Jewish martyrs who die for their faithfulness to the Lord are seen here in heaven. You can read in Revelation 20:55But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. (Revelation 20:5) as to how they are in heaven, even though they might have been living on the earth at the Rapture (See “C” on your chart). They had never heard the Gospel of the grace of God, so are not taken then. But now they have a special resurrection and form part of the first resurrection (the rapture).
V.5-8 When we think of the temple in the Old Testament Scriptures, we think of quiet order and priests going about doing the service. And we also think of the kindness and grace of God making a way for His people to meet Him. But look at the contrast here. Seven angels (not priests) have seven plagues. God’s terrible anger is going to be poured out on this earth. But let us never forget the truth of this. That now it is grace and love. Later it will be anger and punishment.