V.1-6 The burnt offering is a picture of the perfect One Who was such a delight to the heart of God — the Lord Jesus who “offered Himself without spot to God,” and in Whom God found such perfect delight. It is truly wonderful to know a little bit of what the Lord Jesus has done for me, and of how His mighty sacrifice has put away my sins. But let us not forget that He means more to God His Father than He does to any one of us. Read carefully and slowly John 17:44I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. (John 17:4).
V.12-40 On the 15th day, they were to bring an offering of 13 young bullocks. That would be a very great and costly offering to present to the Lord. Through the days that follow to the 8th day, the number of Bullocks becomes less and less until on the eighth day it is just one. Even though we may not know as much about the Lord as some others, God delights in all that we are able to enjoy of the beauty and the loveliness of Christ. Don’t hesitate to praise Him and to thank Him. He looks at your heart and He values very much your thoughts about His beloved Son. Try to remember what the Lord Jesus has done for God’s glory first. Then what He has done for you.