Nothing is more clearly taught in the Scriptures than the need to separate what is clean from what is unclean, between those who love the truth and those who live to please themselves.
V.10 How precious to be able to say this! The righteous are not ashamed to run to that name. The Spirit of God desires to gather all believers to that Name.
V.13 A person who answers quickly, usually makes a mistake. So it is always wise to think a bit before we answer; to listen than to speak.
V.15 The importance of listening.
V.17 God tells us that our neighbors know more about us than we realize. The faithful believer has a good testimony for the Lord among his neighbors.
V.21 More wisdom about the power of the tongue.
V.24 Don’t we often find that unfriendly people are the first to complain of how cool people are to them! Here is the true reason. No friend we could ever have can compare with the Lord!