V.4 Two words important in understanding the Epistle. “Liberty” and “bondage” the liberty of the gospel of our Lord Jesus, and the bondage of the law.
V.9 Paul explains that the Lord had specially sent him to preach to the “uncircumcised” (the Gentiles or heathen). Peter was sent to the “circumcised” (the Jews). Satan wants to divide these two companies, but the Spirit of God has united all into one.
V.11-12 At first Peter mingled with either Jew or Gentile, but later he separated from the Gentiles, and there was danger of a sad division. Paul sternly corrects him for this.
V.16 He goes on to show that we are not saved by trying to keep the law, but by the faith of Christ. By His death and by His living now for us in heaven.
V.19-20 Paul is dead to the law, then he is able to go on and say “nevertheless I live.” That is the way God delivers us forever from the bondage of the law. We are dead to it, through the death of Christ. It doesn’t mean we don’t bother about it, for the believer is to live a godly life.
V.21 The terrible error of teaching that righteousness comes by the law.