V.1-3 Now the Lord speaks about Himself. Such a loving God!
V.4-30 Here we see that not only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin — they are back in the land since 1948 — but all the other 10 tribes which are still scattered and unknown, shall be called back too.
V.31-40 Beautiful promises for the Millennium. But notice that the Lord Himself shall be there with them. The new covenant (or contract) will be made with Israel, not law-keeping, but, because of the death on the cross of the Lord Jesus, God will forgive them their sins. Those who believe will be the only ones who will go into the Millennium. Everyone born during these 1,000 years will be a believer also (v. 33-34).
V.36-37 Notice the “ifs.” If heaven could be measured, then His promises wouldn’t be kept! Impossible!