Day 295 - Job 33

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Notice something new in verse 4. For the first time in the book of Job we read of the Spirit of God — once in 26:4, but not spelled with a capital “S.” When the Spirit of God speaks through a person, it no longer makes any difference whether they are young or old. This young man is speaking as guided by the Holy Spirit of God — the secret of his power, the secret of power in any believer’s life. There is always a great difference between the man who speaks what God tells him to speak, and the man, no matter how clever, who speaks his own thoughts. This is what we can see in the book of Job up to this point. The other friends were speaking their own thoughts, and so was Job! (See Job 32:99Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgment. (Job 32:9)). The world is becoming darker each day because the people are listening to “great men” and not God’s Word. Throughout this chapter we notice how nicely Elihu speaks. He is not boasting, but speaks with confidence — with grace and truth.
V.8-11 Elihu was a good listener, and good listeners have good memories. Elihu repeats what Job had said.
V.17-30 A very important lesson in these verses. We can apply them to our own life as believers in the Lord Jesus. Take a minute to read Job 36:77He withdraweth not his eyes from the righteous: but with kings are they on the throne; yea, he doth establish them for ever, and they are exalted. (Job 36:7). The Lord Jesus never takes His eyes off each believer today. But that doesn’t mean that He lets us get away with our careless, disobedient doings. Yet Job was the most upright man on the earth. So what is wrong with Job? His problem was that he was thinking that he was pretty good. If Job had bowed his heart before God, he would not have had these troubles. So we all need to learn that the Lord loves us too much to let us do our own will.