We read about the city of Nineveh, that had been spared at the time of Jonah. But now, about 150 years later, the city has gone back to idol worshipping. God is very angry with this city. And Judah was equally guilty of idolatry.
V.6 The river may be the Tigris river. The dams would be broken.
V.7 “Huzzab,” is a symbolical name for Nineveh. We hear a great deal about Iran and Iraq, that is where that city was. Those countries will be some of the enemies who will attack Israel in the Tribulation.
V.8-13 Refer to God’s punishment that would soon take place for their great wickedness. Today, the world is becoming even more wicked and violent, so let us be as separate from it as possible.
Chapter 3:8 Probably refers to Egypt, “whose rampart was the sea,” or the river Nile.