Jesus is gathering His sheep to a new center — Himself. He was gathering them out of the old sheepfold (Israel). The Jews had been helping on the work of the Lord, without knowing it, by putting out the man in John 9:3434They answered and said unto him, Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou teach us? And they cast him out. (John 9:34).
V.3 The porter is the Holy Spirit. Jesus leads the sheep out of the Jewish fold to bring them into life in a new condition.
V.7-9 Those who enter in through the door (Jesus), find salvation, liberty, food and closeness.
V.29 They also find security and protection. The Father gave the sheep to Christ.
V.16 The “other sheep” are us, Gentiles. Some have heard Him. Notice there is one flock. He is the Shepherd. We stay close to Him because He attracts our hearts. There is no fence around us, there is no law, but He is the attracting Center.
V.24-38 The Jews are divided again. Who is He? they say. He again tells them of His Words and works. They would not believe because they were not His sheep.