Day 71 - Mark 9, Verses 1-32

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
V.1-10 The Lord always connects suffering with glory. He has been speaking of suffering, so now He is going to show some of them the glory. Read Peter’s own words in his Epistle, 2 Peter 1:16-18, where he tells of this experience. What a privilege for stumbling Peter to be a witness of the Lord’s glory. Soon it will be ours too! And forever!
V.5 Ever-impetuous Peter desires to put Christ, Moses and Elias (Elijah) on the same level. But Moses and Elias disappear and Jesus only is seen.
V.9-10 Although this experience was well-suited to strengthen the faith and increase the intelligence of the disciples, they were not to speak about it until Christ’s resurrection.
V.11-13 We need to listen to God. Then we understand plainly.
V.14-29 Another example of the Lord’s patience. Notice that the poor father does not lose out because of the failure of the disciples. “Bring him to Me,” must have been sweet music to the father. What was lacking? Power? No. Prayer and fasting.