We shall not comment on every chapter in this book as some may find it hard to understand.
However, if you have the time, read the chapters omitted. Commencing with Isaiah, to the end of the Old Testament, we have seventeen books of scripture, which foretell the future. No one but God can tell the future correctly. God spoke to these prophets, and told them what to say. But He has told us that all these things happened and all were written for our instruction and warning (1 Cor. 10:11). Prophecy is mostly about the earth, not heaven. Isaiah gives us the greatest and longest view of the future of the world. The other prophets take up little sections of the future. Isaiah lived during the reign of four kings of Judah, or roughly from 765 BC to 700 BC.
V.1-9 A summary of the whole book of Isaiah; God loved Israel very much, but because they had turned away from Him, He must punish Judah and its capital Jerusalem for all their wickedness. The other 10 tribes had already been taken away into captivity. This terrible event should have shown them that God had carried out His warnings, and had allowed the 10 tribes (the kingdom of Israel) to be carried away captive. They never have been brought back (about 2,700 years ago). But the kingdom of Judah went right on in their own sinfulness.
V.10-15 All their religious acts were just a sham. God hates this pretense.