Death:  — and After

 •  5 min. read  •  grade level: 9
A MIDST the ceaseless hubbub, restless excitement, and ever-increasing pride of the twentieth century, amidst earth's fleeting pleasures, dreams and fashions, and the hysterical fancies of the so-called "higher critics," one appalling fact ever stands supreme and preeminent, a fact which not all the combined efforts of philosophy and science, nor the higher education of this age of progress (as men say) can ever alter. This fact is that death, the king of terrors, who for nearly six thousand years has stretched out his encircling arms, still goes on with his resistless work, and in his cold embrace still spoils all the dreams of men, and suddenly stops all their wild schemes and reckless ambitions. Slowly, but surely, and every day, he overtakes his victims one by one; yet, for the most part, how little do they think when "the silver cord is loosed," that "after death, there is the judgment." Alas, alas! the world, still lulled to sleep by Satan, profits not by these ceaseless warnings, for the very last thing that men care for or desire, is to be right in their souls with God. Conscience, however, that inward monitor so often stifled and seared, still cries loudly; and, though so frequently unheeded, yet from time to time asserts her sway until her voice is heard.
Reader, how is it with you? If, until this present moment, you have never paused in life's journey to consider what the end will be, then indeed, yours has been a wasted life. Brittle as a thread, scripture compares that life to a vapor, or a shadow that quickly passeth away; for death, death, nothing but death is ever on your track, and may overtake you even now, as you read these lines. How truly blind then must be the man, woman, or child, who looks not beyond this present fleeting moment into the immediate and eternal future! Yes, "after death, the judgment," is God's solemn message to every unrepentant heart to-day. "God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap," but what shall the harvest be? Shall it be of sin unto death, or obedience unto righteousness?
Remember, dear reader, that death does not terminate your relations with God, for again and again come back those same solemn words, "After death the judgment," that day of solemn reckoning between the unsaved sinner and "the Judge of all the earth." No wonder David exclaimed, "Enter not into judgment with thy servant, O LORD, for in thy sight shall no man living be justified." Listen, too, to the warning voice of Amos, who, looking clown the stream of time, declares in solemn tones, "Prepare to meet thy God." Think, oh think, of a lifetime's sins meeting you at the great white throne, and the record of a wasted life read out in your ears, from those books of judgment': The murdered Man of Calvary, now risen from among the dead, yea, crowned and glorified, will occupy that throne; "for God hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained, whereof he hath given assurance unto all in that he hath raised him from the dead." How then, dear unsaved reader, can you be indifferent to the awful fact that you will have to stand before God when the wicked dead are "judged every man according to their works?” God makes no mistakes in His book-keeping, for even now if unconverted, are your secret sins in the light of His countenance. Yes, after death the judgment; and after judgment the long dark night of endless sorrow in the lake of fire! How solemn t oh, how solemn for all the Christ-rejecters and Christ-neglecters, and for you also should you die in your sins But ere I close this paper, let me gladly tell you on the authority of the word of God, that there is a bright side to this dark picture; and life, eternal life may yet be yours in Christ, instead of the second death. Yes, thank God, there is a way of escape from coming wrath which God Himself has provided, for Jesus is the way, as well as the truth and the life; and the blood which flowed from His pierced side on Calvary's cross avails for all, and therefore for you.
It is the blood alone which is the believer's shelter from coming judgment; and the very moment that you (a poor lost sinner) trust it, your sins are all forgiven and you pass from death unto life. It is the blood which is the life; the blood which makes atonement for the soul; the blood which cleanses, justifies, and sanctifies every believer; yea, opens up the way through Christ's death and resurrection, into the very holiest of all, so that, forever redeemed by that blood, the believer may worship in spirit and in truth. Yes, the blood of Jesus is the true and precious token of pardon, peace, and full and free salvation, for God Himself declares, When I see the blood, I will pass over you.”
Reader, time admits of no delay, for "Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." Close then at once, as you read these lines, with God's wondrous offer of a present and eternal salvation; and you will prove the truth of the words of the little hymn:—
Though the restless foe accuses,
Sins recounting like a flood,
Every charge our God refuses,
Christ hath answered with His blood.”
S. T.