December 14

1 Peter 5:7
“Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you”―1, Peter 5:7.
DO we really believe this? If we do why are we so often fretted by the carking cares of daily life? God our Father has promised that all shall work for good for those who love Him, and we have the assurance that He feels for us in all our trials. He bids us bring everything to Him in prayer, and He has promised to undertake according to each day’s need. Let us heed the exhortation to cast (or, literally, roll) our burdens on the Lord. He is all sufficient and “He careth” for us. His love and compassion go out to all His suffering saints. We wrong our own souls when we do not refer all our griefs to Him.
“Through every moment of the day,
Whate’er may meet thee on life’s way,
This thought shall be thy strength and stay:
‘He cares.’
When shadows veil the fairest scene,
And pleasures fade that might have been,
On the unchanging Saviour lean:
‘He cares.’
He marks thy steps, He goes before,
From this time forth, for evermore:
Then from thy heart let praise outpour:
‘He cares.’”
—F. Buckley.