WE may think His coming has been long delayed, but He “is not slack concerning His promise as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish.” Every day He delays gives additional opportunity for men to come to Him and become members of the Church which is His body. When that Church is complete He will descend from heaven with a shout to call all His own to Himself. Then each shall be rewarded according to the measure of our individual faithfulness.
“The year is creeping to its end,
Low bent with burdens it has borne—
A world at war! No peace on earth,
Though Christ has died to give it birth.
What hope have we who wait and mourn
That things will change and times will mend?
Our hope is fixed on Him who died
And rose triumphant over death;
For He will come to earth again
To keep His promise made to men
For whom He cried with dying breath.
‘Tis finished!’ He was satisfied.
The New Year dawns! With it we pray
That, sooner than we think, the light
Of peace and life and love will drive
The shadows from our hearts, revive
Our hopes, dispel the shades of night,
And bring the glories of His Day.
―T. E. P. Woods.