Delay, and Its Dangers.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
ABOUT the year 1837 a severe snowstorm visited Lewes in Sussex, and the snow drifted along the South Downs, so that in one part, which was very high and overhung some alms-houses, great fear was entertained lest the weight of snow might cause the cliff to give way, or lest the snow itself falling should injure the inmates of the alms-houses. As the day wore on the danger became apparent to the onlookers, who, with great kindness warned the inmates of their danger. Surely, you will say, such a timely warning was thankfully accepted. I am grieved to tell you that only a few would even listen to those; who urged them to leave their homes and escape, for their lives.
One woman came to her door, and looked up at the overhanging mass of snow. One of those who, saw her and knew that destruction was certain should she go in again, caught her by the arm and dragged her from the doom she sought, for which he was rewarded by the sound of her complaining voice as she quitted the ill-fated dwelling. A few moments after the snow fell, crushing the Boulder Cottages, as they were called, and burying alive fifteen of those who refused to listen to the solemn warning given. The crier went through the town calling men to dig out the sufferers. But, alas; not one of those who had remained in one house was saved; their mutilated bodies were carried in one large cart to their grave, there to await the judgment day, unless among that number there were some who had listened to the warning voice of Him who said, “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.”
Dear reader, have you listened to the gentle, pleading, loving call of Him who died for sinners? have you taken your place in His presence as a sinner? and do you believe what God says respecting you? “The soul that sinneth it shall die.” There is yet time. God is warning, persuading, beseeching you to come to Him; to own your sinfulness and worthlessness, to come out of that a house of self-complacency and indifference; to throw away that flimsy covering of self-righteousness, which may perhaps look well in the sight of men, but is in God’s sight but as a filthy rag.
I beseech you, delay not. Every day brings you nearer the end of your time here, and “after death comes the judgment.” Are you ready to stand before that Holy One? Are you happy in the thought of standing in His presence now? If not, be not like those foolish ones of whom we have just read; do not rest until your feet are upon the Rock, ―then the winds of God’s judgment may come, but they cannot touch you. You are sheltered by “the blood;” you shall have boldness in the day of judgment. Once more, let me as it were put my hand on your arm, if you still linger, and say, “Today is the accepted time,” “now is the day of salvation.” You will, I am sure, think how foolish those poor creatures were who refused to give up their few possessions to save their lives. But, dear reader, they had only the death of the body at stake; if you neglect the voice of Him who speaks from heaven, eternal death will be your portion. “Turn ye, turn ye, why will ye die?”
“‘Come!’ for night is gathering quickly
O’er this world’s fast-fleeting day;
If you linger till the darkness,
You will surely miss your way.
And still waiting-sadly waiting,
Till the day its course has run,
With His patience unabating,
Jesus lingers for you― ‘Come!’
‘Come!’ for angel hosts are musing
O’er this sight so strangely sad;
God ‘beseeching’―man refusing
To be made forever glad!
From the world and its delusion
Now our voices rise as one;
While we shout God’s invitation,
Heaven itself re-echoes― ‘Come!’”
E. L. W.