There was not one thing in the world of which God could say, “I am well pleased,” but of Christ. What a stay this is to the heart, exercised about good and evil, and learning what there is in self. In Christ we see the good come where the evil is, and God is well pleased with Him. And as taught of God, one can say, “God is well pleased with Him, and so am I.” What a stay this is to the heart!
If we look at saints we get heart-broken. Even where blessing is, we know the power of Satan can come in and spoil it all; but if the eye be turned to Christ, the heart has rest where God’s heart has His. There is complete satisfaction in the object revealed, and how near He has come to us! He has dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; and in the evil we are in, He has manifested the good in which God rests. These things angels desire to look into. They learn what God is, as manifest in the flesh— “seen of angels,” as we read. But there is more than this. Christ has not only perfectly manifested God in the scene of evil, but He has accomplished a work to deliver us from the evil altogether.