
Children—Mark Breman
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Good morning. Good morning.
Let's start the Sunday school out this morning with singing hymn #34. OK, hymn #34. And while we're singing, if there's children that would like to come up here, we have two seats here, two more seats there, a whole row of seats right here. And there are hymn books on these seats for the children if they want to come up here. And.
And occupy these seats this morning.
She's not his friend. Shall. It's like a campaign, that's why.
It's no.
Yeah, I mean, well, I'm sorry.
OK, before we sing another song, let's bow our heads and let's ask for the Lord for His help this morning.
Our blessed God and loving Father, we thank thee for the privilege of singing of the precious blood of the Lord Jesus, thy well beloved Son, together this morning. And we just pray that if there is a boy or a girl here, or anyone in this room who has yet not taken the Lord Jesus as their Savior and found the cleansing power of that precious blood, that this morning they would do so.
Before it is forever too late. So we ask for thy help this morning, as the children would say the verse. And we speak of these things, that these things would be a blessing to each one, and to especially one who is without Christ, that this morning they might find that peace and joy that is in the Lord Jesus alone. And so we ask thy health, because we need thy help, and we depend on the most worthy and precious name. We pray Lord Jesus, Amen.
Amen. OK. We have quite a few kids up here already.
And I wonder if anyone of you have a song to sing? OK.
Life at best is very brief life.
That I will turn it down and but there's no light in my life.
Speaking on.
It I hope not a question that means that all to be in time.
Your pride becomes too late.
Being time.
There is large 2 decades and unity passed away all you have so far to spend in the night.
I invited friendly by that and judgment of God I to the arms of Jesus.
All I pray is down to the cross and the pale lightly crossed, And your pride when sold me above.
Be upon.
Along your way you may find no one can get it and your pride. Be honest to the hang me in time.
1013 from 1 earning point make the water to your mouth. These choices and all that do well restore it in mind.
From darkness into light. From the way that see the product.
On and start for heaven to die.
Being time.
In time.
Well, this song is an invitation, isn't it, to come to the Lord Jesus in time.
And even though it said start for heaven tonight, we know that was written, uh, to be poetically correct with the song. But it is right that right now, isn't it where you're sitting in your seat this morning in the Sunday school to come to the Lord Jesus? Because we don't know what does that mean? We're saying it twice in this song. Fatal line, fatal line if the that fatal line.
Be passed? What does that mean? The fatal line?
It was in the last of the first verse and it's towards the last of the third verse. It says fatal lines be crossed. Who knows what is fatal line mean?
Well, maybe I'll tell you a little story that might help you understand what fatal line means.
Earlier this week, umm, where I work, there was a man that works in the department I work in and uh, in the middle of the morning his cell phone rang and he took the call and he looked very disturbed.
Then a little bit later after that we had a meeting to go to and he was at that meeting and his cell phone rang again and he said I have to go.
And we said you just stole and punched the time clock and go ahead and go home. Take care of what you need to take care of.
Well, this man, he had a stepson. Stepson was a big man in good health, strongman.
And uh, this young man, he, he confided in his strength a lot.
A matter of fact, this young man, for an occupation, he was a fighter.
And people would pay him money to go into a ring with another man who is also big and strong and healthy, and they would fight.
Until one of them won the fight and the other one lost the fight well.
The last fight that this man was in was a couple of weeks ago, but he hadn't been feeling very well after the fight.
And uh.
Monday morning when he when he got up.
He didn't feel good at all.
And so he told somebody to take him to the doctor. He was only 28 years old, told him to take him to the doctor. So they took him to the hospital.
And he was losing his strength.
And so they asked him, can you give us?
Somebody that we can contact to let them know that you are here.
And he got 2 cell phone numbers out of his mouth and that was his last words that he could say and he went unconscious.
And it wasn't very long later he crossed the fatal line.
And what is a fatal line mean? He crossed that fatal line.
He died.
And he died. That's a solemn thing, isn't it? The fatal lying that man went into eternity.
And I do not know if he knew the Lord Jesus as his Savior.
Now I'm thankful to say that I know his stepfather and I've known him for quite a few years and I've had a lot of nice talks with his stepfather about the Lord Jesus.
But even his stepfather didn't know.
If he knew the Lord Jesus, what a solemn, sad thing.
That fatal line? I trust there's no boy or girl here that's willing to go on without the Lord Jesus.
Not knowing when that fatal line would be crossed for you.
We sang of the precious blood of the Lord Jesus.
Shed for each one of us. Oh, make sure that you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior. Last night I think most all of you were here in the gospel meeting. It was spoken of about hell, the end past, the fatal line for those who reject the Lord Jesus. An eternity apart from God forever.
The judgment of God forever.
Isn't that sad? But the Lord Jesus went to Calvary's cross to bear our judgment in our place, if we'll receive him.
Have you received the Lord Jesus this morning?
OK, who would like another song?
Glad to hear.
Believe me.
And he called and he called all the GI art of life and the required song to give out by the students.
Now, I'm sure that all you kids know how to spell these words.
That's a nice way to put a song, isn't it? To spell it out, to help us remember glad tidings. I bring good news of the Lord Jesus, that Jesus has come to save me that wonderful. That's why the Lord Jesus came to save us.
And he wants, and he calls all the girls, and he wants all the boys too.
To trust in Him and have all their sins now washed away. Do we deserve that? Do we deserve for the Lord Jesus to call us and to take our sins away? No, no we don't. It's a free gift. We don't deserve that, do we? But there it is. The Lord Jesus came for that reason, that He might show us that love and that grace.
He wants you.
He loves you. Come to him this morning. Let's sing another song, OK?
Around the throne of.
Me children are all forgiven, well held, handsome, strange.
Glory days to come.
And shining round the spotlight twice, each one will be afraid.
Right away, again for your life, sing light and joy. That's everything.
Glory, glory.
To God.
Nsnoise one, bring them to that world of thy heaven, so bright and fair.
Where all his peace and joy and love are from the children dancing.
Because the Savior shine is 1/2 bridge away their sins.
No, I understand that. Most precious one be home and white and clean thinking glory.
Glory to God.
It would be nice to be able to sing that now, wouldn't it? If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you can give glory to God right now for what He's done for you. It's a wonderful thing to be able to praise the Lord, isn't it? And in the chapter of the verse that you learned, it speaks of us praising the Lord and having much to praise the Lord for.
Who else has this on them?
And it doesn't have to be just somebody in these two front rows. Here too, somebody has a special song that they would like to sing. OK, there's one back here.
Somebody else start that one please.
Oh do not let the word deeper and more thine eyes look at the boy.
Or 10:00.
I'm in my heart. Love what he's saying. Why don't you come out in the morning? Why not? Why not? Why not?
29 I love you night no one wants me to say thanks to I'm gone to the night.
Oh my God, I didn't see my winter snow. I'm well thought about it. As long as I mean it's quiet breathing out that way. The lights are very well.
All but speak satisfaction. Why not give mine?
Love what's been saying.
Why not till my?
Well, I don't have none.
To give and I don't know if you're eating like explore now do you see thus Christ and live.
Thou would have been saying, why not your time?
Why not tonight?
Why not during the winter?
Today, Why am I still Miami?
OK, there it is again, the question put forth. Why put it off? And no, it doesn't have to be tonight either, does it? You can do it right now, right where you are sitting.
Somebody else have a song?
Here's one back here, number 20 #20 thank you.
The longest way in Kingstown.
Yeah, yeah. No one could ever find snow.
All right now, God, you know I will never end. I can start with you.
OK umm Oh my God.
I need to go in my place when I get there alone.
Open the door.
In a manner.
I'm not with you.
I gave me part time every time.
What about your daughter?
Seeing I don't know.
Never endure today.
From time to time.
Long part of their joy.
Stand down.
Welcome to be calm and stand to the mouth.
Open the door in heaven.
OK, I'm done with you.
I'm you, President.
OK, maybe we can close our songbooks a little bit and we'll talk about the verse and.
Maybe you kids would like to say the verse. That might help us out if somebody would like to say the verse that was in the Sunday school paper and Psalms 107.
If you have a Bible, you can turn there.
Psalms 107 believe it was verse 19.
Hmm, I'll, I'll say it first and then, and then see if somebody else wants to say it. And they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses. Psalms 100 and 7:19.
We have a volunteer.
Anybody else want to say it?
Found 107. Nineteen. OK.
Didn't they crying to the Lord and their trouble? And he said it's no matter their distress. Psalm 10719.
Very good. OK.
Very good.
OK, maybe I should.
They cried unto the Lord.
The trouble and he saved him out of their gestures.
Home 1/07/19.
Very good.
OK, somebody else.
They cried unto the Lord in their troubles, and the Lord saves them out of their distresses. Some 107 Nineteen. Thank you.
Some more.
OK, I don't see any more volunteers. You did a very nice job.
Thank you.
They cried unto the Lord in their trouble.
They save them out of their distresses.
You know, I think this verse very, very similar wording is.
Four times in this chapter. Four times.
Now I'd just like to make a little application that might help the children to understand about our need, OK?
The disciples came to the Lord Jesus and they wanted him to teach them how to pray.
And in this chapter, we have what I'd like to think of just for the sake of the Sunday School this morning.
For for basic needs.
That the Lord Jesus even brought before his disciples in verse six of this chapter.
It's the almost the same verse. Then cried the end to the Lord in their trouble He delivered them out of their distresses. And verse 13 they cried unto the Lord in their trouble. He saved them out of their distresses. And then verse 19 is the one you learned.
Verse 28 They cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses. It's another one, four verses like there's other verses that are very similar that we might speak of here this morning too.
The first one, verse six, I'd like you to think of as our natural need, our need needs that we have naturally. The 13th verse, we have spiritual needs, spiritual needs.
The 19th verse We have moral needs.
And the 28th verse, there are needs that we have to get through this life. It speaks of business and finance and the things of this world that the Lord understands that we have need of to get through this world. The Lord was speaking to His disciples.
In Matthew chapter 6.
Just very quickly, just for the basic.
Principles of.
This thought.
In the Lord Jesus.
In uh.
Verse 9 after this manner, therefore pray ye our Father, which art in heaven, that's you cannot call the Lord Jesus your Father, which is in heaven if you don't have your spiritual need met. First of all, how can you call him your Father if you don't know the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior? That's the first need that you have to address.
The first need is to come to the Lord Jesus so that you can pray a prayer and to take up the things that we have in the chapter of the verse that you learned and then.
In verse 11, give us this day Our Daily Bread. We have natural needs, don't we? And the Lord recognizes those natural needs, and he's very plain.
That we can come to the Lord Jesus with those needs. And then verse 12, forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. There are things in our life in the interaction with with the world around us and things as we get through that the Lord understands that those things are brought to Him in prayer as well. And then verse 13, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
We need help. We have moral needs too, don't we? We need help as we go through this world. So let's turn back to our chapter, Psalms 107.
And let's look at this a little bit.
Psalms chapter 107 and it says here.
In verse five, hungry and thirsty.
They're so fainted in them, they cried unto the Lord. Each one of us have natural needs.
Uh, who knows what this piece of paper is?
What is that?
What's that piece of paper?
It's an old coffee. Some of you don't think it's old, though.
It says Salem General Hospital, Salem OR birth record. This certificate certifies that Mark Andrew Bremen was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Borneo Bremen in this hospital at 12:12 AM on Tuesday, the 7th of July, 1964.
What is that?
That's a birth certificate, isn't it? And each one of us were born into this world and we have natural means now. What we, what do you think would have happened to me if my mom and dad were glad that I was born? And, uh, they brought me home from the hospital and sent me down on the couch and walked away.
And there they just left me.
What happened?
What would happen to me?
Would I still be here today?
Oh, I see a head going like this. We have needs, don't we? And we are dependent creatures. We are very dependent creatures, and the Lord knows that. The Lord knows that we are dependent creatures and we can come to the Lord with every need that we have. If I didn't get fed and cared for until I could feed and care for myself and so on, I would have a lot of difficulty, wouldn't I? And sad to say, there are some little children in the world, some parts of the world.
That don't have that kind of care that they need.
But the Lord knows that we have needs.
And here it speaks of drawing unto the Lord in their trouble, And he delivered them out of their distresses.
The Lord knows that we have those needs. Oh, that man would praise the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men. This next verse is very precious. He satisfies the longing soul and soweth the hungry soul.
With goodness. And then it goes on into another need that we have. You know, I was both. I was born. That's not the only need I have.
Now here it speaks of sitting in darkness.
In the shadow of death.
Being bound in affliction and iron. You know, we might be born into this world, but we're born into this world of sin and sorrow and sadness.
And we each have a spiritual need as well, don't we?
Well, I have a little calendar that I've kept around for quite some time.
And this calendar says 1964 on it 1964. And a long time ago I circled my birthday on that calendar. I don't remember when this calendar was printed and I was too little to remember that. And I'm not even sure where I got this calendar, but I've had it for a long time.
Had it for a long time and on the other side of the calendar is a little worse.
It says as my father has sent me. Who's that? Who did God the Father send?
We sang about it this morning. Who did God the Father send?
Who did he send down into this world?
There are boys and girls in this world that have that need of the Savior. So who did God send into this world? His Son, the Lord Jesus, to meet that need. He as my Father has sent me so.
The Even so send I you and the Lord sends us out as this young man was saying right here.
So that boys and girls can also hear the love of the Lord Jesus. And then inside here is another verse that says go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. And then there's a little poem inside there about sharing the gospel with others. We have a spiritual need. Each one of us do. If you don't know the Lord Jesus as your Savior this morning, you need to cry to the Lord.
Even as it says here in verse 13, they cried unto the Lord in their trouble. You're in trouble. We were born in trouble. Isn't that something to realize? We were born in trouble. The good news that we sang of is that the Lord Jesus came into this world to deliver us from that trouble. Isn't that a wonderful thing? And have you made that your own this morning to be delivered from that trouble?
And then?
In verse 17, it says fools, because of their transgression and because of their iniquities, are afflicted. You know, sometimes we say things and do things that might get us in trouble. And there's all kinds of ideas in this world, all kinds of ways and methods that we could find that people say, do this, do that. Now the guys at work, they got me a little thing to put up on my wall.
Over my desk. I brought it along to show you. Sometimes my day is pretty filled with responsibilities and they put this sign up over my desk.
It says anti stress sign bang head here and there's some instructions to continue to bang your head till your stress goes away and so on that fix it that fix it so to place it on a hard service. If we stuck it over there by Bill Shane on the.
On the brick wall, you think that would fix the problems that we get into?
He says, No, no, that won't do it. No. Then the verse that you said this morning, they cried unto the Lord in their trouble. He saved them out of their distresses. It's a wonderful thing after each one of these things, and verse eight, it says, Oh, that men would praise the Lord for his goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men. The Lord fills the heart with praise.
When we see His hand in answering these needs that we have, verse 15, oh, that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works for the children and men. And then again, after the Sunday school verse that you said, verse 21. Oh, that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men. And then the last verse, that's like your memory versus verse 28. Then they cried unto the Lord in their travel.
And he bringeth them out of their distresses. Well before that. We see in verse 23 about going down to the sea and ships and they do business in the great waters and things like that. We have needs as we get through this world. And you know, we heard already in this conference how that the economics of this country and the world system is like a piece of elastic that's just stretched.
To its end in just about ready to snap, you know?
There are those probably here at this conference that it was harder for them to get to this conference this year than it was for them five years ago because of that.
And this world thinks they have answers for those things. And, you know, some years ago, just just for the fun of it, I picked up a book that I saw at a garage sale and, uh, thought it was kind of interesting. It says trade secrets fact you're not supposed to know. And this book will tell you how to keep an insurance man from taking advantage of you and the way to, umm, purchase a car.
Without getting taken advantage of, it will tell you how.
How to, uh, uh, make your car last twice as long. There's all kinds of pointers in here about traveling to third world countries with, without being taken advantage of and things like that. It's got all kinds of answers of things in here. And I thumb through this thing and I, I hung on to it because there's some things in there that I just had to chuckle at. But you know what? I looked this book through.
From cover to cover. And I didn't find one word in here about the Lord Jesus. I didn't find one word in here about the Lord Jesus delivering us from our troubles.
This world has tips and pointers and things that they would like to give you, but there's only one answer and it's in the memory verse that you had this morning.
They cried unto the Lord in their trouble. If there's only one way that the Lord can help us in all these needs that we have, and that's to go to Him. First of all, you have to know the Lord Jesus as your Savior.
If you haven't taken care of that question this morning, you're still on your way to hell. You're still on your way to a lost eternity. And as we sang precious, precious blood of Jesus, shed on Calvary, shed for rebels, shed for sinners, shed for me, can you say that this morning that the precious blood of the Lord Jesus was there to meet you in that need and you accepted it, Yes.
It's there and it's still there this morning if you will put your trust in him.
And every other need that you might have in your life, you can come to the Lord Jesus and he is there now when you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior. It's a wonderful thing. Lord willing, when we're done with this Sunday school, we are going to remember the Lord Jesus in his death. What a wonderful, wonderful thing that is.
Let's go back to the first part of the chapter.
OK, thanks unto the Lord for He is good, for His mercy endureth forever.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
Have you given expression to the Lord Jesus?
For all that he has done for you in.
In worship to his name.
I'll just leave that thought with you to think about.
And let's close in prayer. Our blessed God and loving Father, we thank thee for the Lord Jesus. They came down into this world to meet us in our every need. And though man house is his systems that he has tried to develop to gain peace without the Lord Jesus and how we see around us that that system only fails and there is no peace apart from the Lord Jesus. We pray this morning.
That these boys and girls would see that it is only through the precious blood of the Lord Jesus that one can be saved and delivered, delivered from hell, delivered from eternal damnation, and delivered from anything Lord Jesus in this life that they might have needs of. And so we thank Thee that Thou art a full Savior, and that Thou has promised to keep us until thou dost come.
So we just thank the two for the privilege, Lord Jesus, of returning a word of praise and thanks to Thee for what Thou hast done for us. And so we just would commit this time into Thy loving care, the precious and worthy name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.