
Duration: 1hr 6min
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It picked him up at 288.
Thou was mercies RXDR we can do a state.
That was number 288.
Where thin thy chow Gray fall.
May be progressively on my way and then I say turn off.
I don't wanna say.
I don't know what I'm saying.
This might sound like uh.
Uh, seal your subject to get into, but there might be some value, and I think there'd be a lot of value, actually.
And uh.
Subject that came up, it's uh.
Uh, they're in Wyoming.
At the Morningstar, yeah, that was an issue concerning prophecy, but the the concern was, or there was some concern.
Of the quote UN quote demise of, uh, the notion of dispensationalism. Now, having said that, I challenge you to find that term in scripture, but, umm.
I just wondered if even if it were just even one meeting.
That there might be some.
A clear, uh, Clarion voice on the matter of what it means and why does it make a difference to us? Like who CARES, Umm.
Umm, and maybe why we should care.
I'm I'm not suggesting it's an easy.
Topic right off face value but.
Uh, value in understanding the ways of God, which every Christian should have a notion of the way God.
And, uh, so from that point of view, there just might be some value in reviewing what it is.
Umm, why it is? And maybe, uh, some sources like forget how long this meeting is supposed to go through. So, uh, 4:30 So we have a fitted time.
Uh, and someone might be quite a bit more organized on the purchase than I am, but I, I do know that it is.
Such questions have been raised and continue to be raised.
A About this topic of prosthetic dispensation.
We gotta check your horse to leave.
Well, we can start in, uh, Genesis one and give a nice review all the way to Revelation 22 That might be helpful.
And actually you're, uh, your question about what chapter you read is, is part of the issue.
And why?
Why? There are some challenges in connection with that?
The ways of God are not expressed in a certain verse, sentence, paragraph, or chapter in the Bible. Ways of God or.
Are the whole scripture actually. So that's where we'll need some help in narrowing thoughts down.
Well, first it came to my mind a couple of verses are in the first chapter of Hebrews.
Uh, just read it.
Hebrews chapter one.
Umm, maybe I'll read through verse four. God who at sundry times, in a diverse manner spake in time paths under the fathers, by the prophets.
Anthony's last days broken indoors by his son, whom he had appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the world, who, being the brightness of his glory, and expressed image of his person Napoleon, all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high, being made so much better than the angels as he hath, I inherited, obtained a more excellent name than they.
Well, the reason I.
Little passage that, uh, tells us that God has spoken in time past in a different way than he was speaking now through the Lord Jesus Christ. Now I realize that doesn't go into the various dispensations.
We could find a phrase, uh, and uh, Daniel not working too hard, I think.
About referring to the times the gentiles.
Well, that's part of the dispensational truth, but, uh.
What, uh, maybe you wanna umm.
Talk about the various dispensations that uh.
Our uh mentioned in scripture, not as such.
As they are in structure.
Might be helpful to know what the word dispensation refers to.
And I have a note here in my Bible which can perhaps say it more clearly than I could put it in my own words.
Says a dispensation is a period of time during which man is tested in respect to obedience.
To some specific revelation of the will of God.
Seven such dispensations are distinguished in Scripture.
And the first one, of course, is found early on in Genesis, and that has to do with.
Uh, man and innocence.
The topic is obviously a very broad and, uh, if I infer correctly from the presentation of it, the thought isn't so much to go back through and list each dispensation, when it started and when it ended and what it was about, but rather to get a sense of the importance of the overall. If I understood correctly again, the importance of the overall and a sense of why we should really care, I think was was was stated and then perhaps some of the details that helped to support it.
I just suggested in the spirit of that, a verse that doesn't directly relate to this sensation or not normally taken up that way, but in Luke 24 to capture the spirit of why these things are sometimes hard. Just a couple of the verses, they're so familiar to us in Luke 24.
And, umm.
24 and it says verse 15.
And it came to fact that while they communed together in reason, Jesus himself turned here and went with them. But their eyes were cold, and that they should not know Him. And so there was a reason they couldn't see Him personally here. And their reason is he asked them why they were sad. And they said in verse 18 in the middle, arts have only a stranger in Jerusalem, and have not known the things which have come to pass there in these days. He said unto them, What things?
Nay, said unto him concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet, mighty, and even word before God, and all the people. And they continue on. And the Lord speaks to them in verse 25, and says, Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow apart, to believe all of the prophets have spoken. Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? And beginning at Moses all the prophets, he expounded unto them, and all the Scriptures, the things concerning himself.
I just suggested, sometimes when we don't understand something in Scripture, it's because we've inserted ourselves into the equation and one way that it becomes difficult. And then their difficulty that comes up and they're interpreting of the Scriptures is when we stick ourselves in there and we want everything to apply to ourselves. And the Lord here in this portion, He redirects everything and he says in verse 26, ought not Christ to suffer these things and enter into His glory. It switches everything around and He puts suffering before glory. They have put glory before suffering.
And they've inserted themselves into it. The disciples, when they were speaking with the Lord, they inserted themselves into the picture. And they, James and John, want to know where they're going to sit in the Kingdom. And the Lord brought before them the fact that that wasn't for him to give. Could they follow with him in the suffering? And So what their portion was the suffering first, and then glory. And he brings out these things in the Scriptures and the end of verse 27, the things concerning.
Himself So I would suggest that as a very basic foundational level in understanding things that are dispensational, it has to be that Christ and his glory comes first and everything revolves around him and then his purposes for all his people and all his creation. And what other verse that in the big scope of it in Ephesians chapter one.
And verse 10 very well known, but I think it's important in that, umm, maybe reading from verse nine pieces one verse 9.
Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He has purposed in Himself, but in the dispensation or administration of the wholeness of times, He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth even in Him. And so the ultimate purpose at the end of recorded time is, that everything in two spheres in heaven.
And on earth is going to be gathered together under the authority of that one person, all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth. There's a related thought in Colossians, one in the beginning of Colossians 2, where it speaks of wisdom and understanding being in the mystery of their heads, in which our heads are better. I'm sorry, I was trying to quote it and I can't.
Turn the cost into umm.
To full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, the Father of Christ, verse 3, Mr. Garvey translates it in which that is in the mystery, our head, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. So if our cornerstone for interpreting all the Scripture is ourselves instead of Christ in glory, we're going to twist many different parts of Scripture so that they apply to ourselves in the proper right to apply them. But then we're going to put the interpretation on ourselves.
Then we're going to rapidly slide out of the purposes that God had when he, uh.
When he wrote the scriptures and we're going to begin to twist and end up with an angled mess. But in his dispensation and his ordering, ordering and in his administering, if Christ comes first, if it's the things that relate that himself.
Then the overall interpretation is going to come.
Uh, on a good solid foundation.
Maybe it's helpful for us to realize that God has set his, uh, his purposes out, umm, very, very soon, uh, we get the call of Abraham and Genesis where God, umm, falls out an earthly people for, for blessing. And I believe that we can say.
The Prophecy.
Is regarding the earthly people.
But we also have.
A fixture in the Old Testament of God calling out a Gentile bride for his son.
And we get the revelation of that fully revealed in the New Testament. It's called the church.
And there's very little, if really any, prophecy regarding the Church.
And so if we, if we're Speaking of prophecy.
That which was given to the prophets it is it has to do with some connection to his earthly people. It may be that it's revealing how God is going to chase him, his earthly people by using the Gentiles. But it all comes back to.
God having an earthly people that he, he will in the end after they're brought through.
Umm, much crime, tribulation. They're going to be brought back into flexing because that was God's design and his desire from the very beginning. But.
We have to do with that choice of God.
To allow a heavenly people, a Gentile bride for his, for his son, it's going to be interesting.
That those two are going to be brought very closely together in the Lord Jesus comes to reign.
The Bride of Christ.
Is going to have a a big role, you might say.
In in the administration. But if if we can see the purposes of God as he has revealed in the Old Testament, I believe that those are two key things for us to understand.
And I believe that most, if not all of the confusion regarding.
Are there dispensations or no dispensation? Is the modeling together of?
Which is metformin the earth, and that which was in that business for heaven.
Like to just take, uh, you know, Stevens remarks a little bit further in connection with.
Uh, suffering coming before, uh, glory. We're reminded in first Peter of the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow. We go back to Joseph in the Old Testament. It was the sufferings before.
His glory He was. He gave instructions.
Later tell my father of all my glory in Egypt. And I wanna go on a little further in, uh, Peter's epistles, the second, uh, Thistle to Peter and the first chapter.
In the 16 first it says we have not followed cunningly devised fable fables, when we made known unto you the power and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His Majesty.
For he received from God the Father honor and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory. This is my beloved Son.
And whom I am well pleased. And this voice which came from heaven, we heard when we were with him in the holy mouth.
Our thinking especially of these next few verses, we have also a more sure word of prophecy. Where, until you do well, that you take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts.
Well, that should be in effect. In effect, or uh, a consequence of, of laying hold of what we have today, star arising in our hearts. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private or isolated interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God's faith as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
We see that those profits of old that uttered those prophecies did not utter them of their own selves. They were moved of the Spirit of God, weren't they?
The, uh, truth that was mentioned a number of times already, the truth of the mystery is very, very important. And I like that verse in Colossians. It's if we don't understand the truth of the mystery, we don't really understand the New Testament. We don't really understand the word of God. It's so important. Well, what is the mystery, what Paul tells us what it is in Ephesians 3. So maybe I'll just read it, uh.
Ephesians chapter 3.
He's speaking up in verse four, the mystery of Christ. Middle of verse four, my knowledge in the mystery of Christ, which in other ages has was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto His holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit.
That, and I was gonna tell us exactly what the history is, that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel. So you say here this, this truth of the mystery was hidden. It was not made known in times past. So I would agree with what Phil said. You won't find it in prophecy. You won't find it at all. It's just not there in the Old Testament.
But now it's made known by the New Testament apostles and prophets. It's been made known to us. And what is it is that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body. Phil talked about Gentiles in prophecy in the Old Testament. It says that they were going to come into blessing. That's not what this is. This is far beyond that. In in the future, Gentiles will come into blessing in the Millennium, but they're going to be blessed in subservience under Israel's rule. That's not what this is. This says fellow heirs of the same body.
So in other words, what the apostle Paul is bringing out here is that God had in his purpose.
To bring Jews and Gentiles into something brand new that had never existed before, and to be blessed in that new thing which is the Church.
So this truth of the church formed of Jews and Gentiles brought into something brand new, which he goes on to explain throughout this epistle of of Ephesians. For inviting the Holy Spirit and dwelling members of the body of Christ and uniting them into this church is something that was not known, but it's what God has had in his heart from the furthest point into eternity, if that even makes sense, which it doesn't, but he speaks about it as umm.
The deep things of God in First Corinthians 2.
So this truth of the mystery is the deepest secret, you might say, that God has had in his heart, and he's now come out and he's revealed it to us in the New Testament. But it was not made known before this very, very important. And if we don't understand it, the whole rest of Scripture is just a muddled mess. In fact, the apostle Peter wrote his second epistle and he speaks of quote, our beloved brother Paul.
And he says that he writes in all his letters things some things hard to be understood.
But those who don't understand it, he says they wrestle not just with the things that all roll, but with all the other scriptures. So in other words, Peter saying what the Apostle Paul's talking about is key. Learn it, understand, it'll help you with the rest description. So we need to do the same thing. So now I just want to take that one step further. If this truth of the mystery, the formation of the church, the gospel, going out to Jews and Gentiles, everyone, the whole world, and bringing so many people into the church.
To be blessed to be the bride of Christ, to be to be the closest thing possible to Christ for all eternity. If that was so great, then why did you wait 4000 years to do it?
Why did he wait 4000 years to do it?
And I I appreciate other answers to this question, but I just want to turn this over to 1St Corinthians 15 just to bring out a, a, a principle here. 1St Corinthians 15.
Verse 45. We'll start there.
And there's a lot more that's really going on in First Corinthians 15 than what I'm bringing out in these verses. But I think it's an important principle. And so it is written. The 1St man Adam was made a living soul. The last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Howbeit, that was not first, which is spiritual, but that was just natural. And afterward that was just spiritual. That's what I'm going to 0 in on.
That which is natural and afterward that which is spiritual. The 1St man is of the earth earthy. The 2nd man is the Lord for man.
Well, I think at least one thing that the apostle Paul is bringing out here is that there is a natural man and there are natural things and there is a spiritual man and there are spiritual things. Who is the 2nd man? Is the Lord from heaven? But the first man and the natural things had to come first.
So when you're doing an experiment, there are times when you'll have you're trying to demonstrate a certain phenomena, physics or chemistry or whatever it is, and you'll set aside something for for the control of that experiment to see what it would do on its own, you might say.
And what happens is at the end of the experiment, you compare it to the control and you show the difference to magnify the effects that you're really trying to study.
It's been described umm in a similar way, with the way a jeweler will set a diamond on the backdrop of black velvet. Why the black velvet? I'm borrowing this from Steve. I heard him say this two days ago.
Because it illuminates the beauties of the diamond.
Well in the same way the natural had to come first, the 1St man had to come first and that's what the dispensations are I believe that we get leading up to Christ, we get the 1St man natural.
And placed in the best possible circumstances and he would fail. He would fail. Adam failed in the garden, Noah failed and what was given to him. Abraham failed, Israel failed. And and then God would tweak something. He would give something new. He'd give government.
For he gives a lot, or he give the priesthood, or he give kings, and he do something. And what happens is that man just fails him. And what's going on for 4000 years is this test that keeps rolling on and on. And what does it show? It shows that the 1St man, he just fails. He just does. So that when we come to the second man and the Lord Jesus Christ coming down from heaven, we see His perfection as we never could have seen before.
And what we are in is we are in this wonderful time following.
The second man has come down from heaven and everything that we have is connected with him. It is totally disassociated with all of those things that were connected with Israel. We live post, you might say, the coming of the second name.
And so I guess I don't know what's going on a while here, but to go back to what was before the 2nd man had come down and to take up with Israel, to not understand the dispensation is to totally miss the purpose of God in bringing out the glories of Christ.
If we go back to, uh, Ephesians chapter 3, there are a few verses that, uh, didn't get to, but I just like to read, uh, verses 9 through verse 11 and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hid in God who created all things by Jesus Christ.
To the intent that now onto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church, the manifold wisdom of God.
According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus. So there was an eternal purpose, and we've been Speaking of God's ways with Israel.
God's ways with mankind and they end or point to the Lord Jesus Christ. As you said, there was that delay of some 4000 years before this was manifested. We've had hints in the Old Testament of the Gentiles being brought into a place of blessing, but we don't see the full manifestation of that, do we?
I'm thinking.
Of a verse that we have in the 49th chapter of Genesis that speaks of Joseph, speaks of him as a branch, as rather a fruit, a fruitful bow, even a fruitful bow by a well whose branches run over the wall. Well, some have felt that this would bring before us the fact that the Gentiles would be brought into a place of blessing, but as you said, we don't see that full blasting.
Uh, that's outlined for us in Ephesians chapter 3.
I just might say, you know, some of us aren't real studied in these subjects like others are. We have a brother in our meeting that that umm, has studied this quite at length and he's quite a help in our assembly when these questions come up. But I've been reading, uh, recently and Isaiah flying for some help in the ministry and back in, umm, the days of the early brethren they were.
They were dealing with umm, these, this confusion back in that day. Sometimes we think, well, this is just confusion that's come up recently. It is more widespread. The hope of the Lord soon return is not near as well known or appreciated possibly as it was back in those days. But this is not new to safety would try to introduce.
Confusion regarding God's purposes.
And really a purpose is, as we've been saying, for price.
Thinking that, thinking that if I interpret the spirit of the subject correctly, I'd like to bring out two things related to why it's so hard to understand a topic such as dispensationalism, umm, and why it's so natural to go back to other interpretations. One of them was brought up in in what Josh said just a little bit ago. Or some persons related to it anyway, in a piece of three.
Just wanna read from Mr. Darby's translation. Just a little piece of an expression. It's an illustration of a point, really. And verse four pieces 3, verse four, it says you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of.
So Darby translates that as the price, and that expression, the price, is often used in connection with the mystery, just as it was described. The Gentile and the Jews together in one body, with Christ all together as one entity, and God bringing us all together as a body with a head. Well.
Trying to visualize that for a minute, try to put that into your daily experience. It's pretty tough to do. I don't know how many here, and I illustrate the point from a different angle here for a moment. I don't know how many here have had a discussion with a Muslim, perhaps the fellow students, perhaps somebody in the neighborhood. Our particular neighborhood seems to have more and more mosques going up on Islamic education centers, and we run into Muslims fairly often and try to have a discussion with a Muslim on the subject of the Trinity.
And to a Muslim, it's just very simple. There's one God and what's the business of Father, Son and Holy Ghost and all being one and confusing? Here's the point that I wanted to make. There are things that God has revealed that are true, the Christ being one of them. The mystery there, the two and the Gentile in Christ all one that are incredibly wonderful. The Trinity is another incredibly wonderful.
And where have you? And there's lots of analogies for them, but the actual thing itself goes far beyond any experience that we can have. Try to explain the Trinity to a child and there's some wonderful analogies, but it goes far beyond our physical experience. And it's something that God has revealed in his word. And so this mystery, for example, it's easier to abandon it because it's a such a beautiful and.
Outside of human experience thing, but it's God's truth and it's revealed fully in the Scriptures. The second principle that I think makes these things hard to understand goes back to some of the verses that Brother Bruce read and the first Peter one, and I'm sorry.
Second Peter one. Second Peter one.
The 1St 20 and again reading it from Mr. Darby's translation.
Says no prophecy of Scripture is had from its own particular interpretation.
That is not some sandal and formed by itself.
In opposition to other scriptures, many scriptures are brought together as a as a group for the proper interpretation. Here's why this is hard. I don't know how many of you have.
Seen or heard? But there's a little, uh, spoof on Amazon's Amazon.com and their yesterday delivery.
That is, by the time you think of it, it's already there on your doorstep. And that was the ideal of the person who is doing the little spoof. That's the desire of man to have their idea delivered to them before they even thought of it. In other words, super, super simple. But this particular scripture says that to properly interpret, you need to take. And who said in this introduction? Well, we can start with Genesis 11 and go to the end of Revelation.
And bring it all together. That can't be done.
In our modern instance, mentality not a thing of the intellect, but it is a there is a natural aspect of it. When I illustrate the natural aspect this way, there was a lady, a professor, her specialty was in reading and she taught it academically at a university. She was also big into the English language, thoroughly enjoyed it, loved reading and in her college career read many of the so-called English classics and literature.
But she discovered about about 2-3 years ago, I don't remember exactly, she sat down on one vacation to read one of her favorite big old complicated English novels, and she couldn't do it. She literally couldn't get past the first page. So she stopped to ask herself why I used to be able to what's happening to me. And she reflected on it. And in all of her academic research, her mind was constantly skimming along the page, looking for that nugget of information and bouncing to the next one and jumping around.
And that particular skill was not at all compatible with with what you needed for the COM. I'll use the word meditation, the thoughtful reading of the book. And so she went back and took herself three or four weeks, but she retrained her mind. And now she has a steady diet. And the way she reads them both kinds, they're both valuable.
Scripture speaks of meditating in His law day and night. It speaks of I by words were found that I did eat them. It speaks about the, uh, Word of God being, umm, more important than our daily food. And unless those aspects of meditating on dwelling, on sitting, soaking in marinating, in considering the Word of God at length and comparing one scripture with another are part of our regular habit.
Then it's much, much easier to dismiss.
The oh, I thought of dispensationalism because as Bruce said in his introduction, it's not something that can be done from one verse or two verses or one chapter. It's something that involves over the throttle.
Well, it all has to do with the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, those two.
Beside those that went to emeralds and were distressing these things.
They said that we trusted that it had been He which should have redeemed Israel. They were waiting for the redeeming of Israel.
Pavan he lost sight of possible resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
OK, the sepulchre. They couldn't find him. He wasn't there.
And then they get a handful of him.
Was 25 of.
Then he said unto them, All whose and slow apart to believe all that the Prophet had spoke.
Heart of the Christ who had suffered these things, and to end and to his glory.
They should have asked the prophets, but they had already said, because the Lord Jesus started with Moses.
And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he founded unto them in all the Scriptures, and things concerning himself.
Well, we all think brother would like to have India and listen.
You really hit upon something that.
Could be pretty uh.
Uh, basic to, to the whole discussion and we thought that maybe this.
There was expectations concerning what a Messiah was supposed to do.
And somehow those expectations were not met.
And the question is, well, why?
As humans, we do not really understand our own flight.
Is a challenge to really face ourselves in the mirror and to really understand what we are.
Here is a God which is triune, OK, and not, not as not, shall we say, a single entity. You've got fathers on the Spirit.
And we call that the Godhead. And within that Godhead has eternally flowed alone.
Which you cannot have if it's a singular thing, because. Because love is between.
Love, experiences, or whatever else you wanna put into that.
And because of that.
God steps forward and he says yes and.
This is love, but we want to love to flow out.
Larry, you are still at work. There's no words to fill it anyway. God is love and His nature was to reach out.
And so the method of reaching out was to create.
But anything that is separate from God is going to ultimately fall apart.
And this is certainly obviously a cosmic dilemma.
Falling apart is another word for sin.
And so things were created.
And it started to break down. There's only one entity in the universe that does not break down and that thought itself.
Even things created by law breakdown and part of that breakdown we call sin.
Because part of the breakdown is rebellion, it's disobedient is self will. And we know this story right from Adam and Eve.
God reaches out and says, but This is why I created.
For relationship.
And that is really, shall we say, the kernel.
Of proxy.
It is not going to happen overnight.
It's going to happen.
And even time is not coming but.
When's it going to happen?
And in human experience with faces.
6000 years on. A long, long time.
To God it's not.
And as humans, we've been wondering, what is God doing? What is God up to?
Well, his purpose.
Which is really probably little.
Nothing of profitable.
Is this purpose is to bring in that into the?
Fear of love that has been in the Trinity for eternity.
Is going to.
And bring that right into.
That's how we say into his heart.
And that is really the end point of what we call process.
God says I have intentions. There's a reason why I create it.
And I trade it because I love.
And anything that's outside of me is going to fall apart.
But there is redemption.
And so in the Old Testament, the old problems concerning Christ.
Coming to be a Savior and the one born in Bethlehem. Read those things in Isaiah and the other places to kill us.
So the.
The real display of what we commonly call prophecies.
Is really a display of God's heart to reach out and to gather to Himself.
To reach.
Outside of himself so as to break into himself. A people to be appreciated and enjoyed and loved.
And God has done that in certain steps.
They've been mentioned back in Genesis.
We know the story of in the Old Testament that the Christ was going to come. Who was this Christ and exactly what was going to be the mind that was coming?
And then it goes blank.
Sometimes call for 400 and 500 years. There's actually other pilot periods in the Bible. But anyway, that's a pretty dramatic 1.
And then a child is going to definitely.
This was prophesied child.
This was the one who is going to be the Redeemer.
This is one who is going to think bring human beings into lessons eternally, whether there where there will be no future failure because I don't know about you, but I sit around and I certainly wondered about.
The whole notion of failure in the future, I mean Gary Foster.
But God has secured all this.
And he's he's unfolding and as we actually have a physical book.
And he's definitely unfolded in this physical book, asked him to read through it. We see what's going on and why he drinks it and how he's drinking it. And the purpose for it involves the purpose of the agent.
The ultimate.
Purpose of God is to bring glory to Himself and to bring a people to Himself.
Now prophecy, by definition I guess, is really things in connection with the earth.
It's not really heavenly.
Actions, but it has to do with the earth, because the earth is the platform on which God.
God is manifesting His love and that God is calling out.
And God is accomplishing it certain.
He has a goal, The goal is to be reached.
Any other program?
And it it doesn't all happen in a day.
Doesn't all happen in 1000 years. It's gonna take 7000 years.
So it's all.
Is is unwrapped really.
We look at prophecy often and I do it's it's very easy to get bogged out and go where let's look at this by the time can't give my brain a rest.
And so it's it's. It's not a simple place.
But to see that there's a purposefulness, and that's a problem here with God's purpose.
To bring forward creation.
And to call I should say call out from Fall integration.
Those who were all applied will really never fail.
Out in the largest of the future now and so that go back because prophecy is building connection with the earth.
But it's on this earth, and God has played all of that out.
He hasn't got us somewhere else.
We've got it. All good.
This particular blessing, this particular.
Is being played out on this globe where you look out the window and there's grass, trees, water.
Probably tomorrow to be great. This is Ohio so.
You have this sphere.
It's not happening with angels. You read about angels and display they can be secured by the death of Christ, the thought redeemed.
There's gonna be a new heaven and a new earth, and have you ever asked? If you haven't, you should.
Why won't the new heaven and the new earth fall apart too, just like this one is?
The good question The answer is found also calories.
Because that is the security.
Of all of us.
Nothing's going to fly.
Because in the face of the death of Christ.
We refuse and we go through the Old Testament and all those things in Isaiah and and they're just astonishing. And most of them we really don't understand that that's OK They're astonishing anyway.
And how's the phone going to work out?
What's the real end point? Where is God going?
God is going.
To a secured.
Kevin Anderson, fair enough to say.
Where there will? Because ask the question, if Earth is so defiled right now, why can't it happen again later?
And it won't happen later because of the death of Price.
I mean that that could be a person but but.
This is the security we talk about external security when we think of our own souls, and we should if we were very thankful for it. There is an internal security in all other purposes of God to share everything in Christ, in Christ and to.
To the point where he will look out.
Into a vast universe.
Which will be forever.
Some places where there will be no.
Future failure at all based on that one.
So it's not making it too simple because it was not simple but.
On Calgary 2, almost 2000%.
That's what all the answers were for.
God's purpose.
I wonder if I could just tie a few, few thoughts in, umm, from the beginning of the meeting. I'm not sure exactly where the subject is gonna go, whether we're gonna take it up again, but the question of dispensationalism and.
These questions, umm, can be quite troubling to the church as a whole, or maybe, umm, to the minds of the young people. I'd like to just turn to, uh, John Chapter 3.
Because we have we have a beautiful illustration here of one you have no problem.
Accepting the fact that God was going to change his feelings of man and he was going to have a different place in God's plan than others were umm I'm Speaking of John the Baptist and and John chapter 3 says in verse 27 John answered and said a man can receive nothing except to be given.
M for Adam.
Ye yourselves bear me witness that I say, I am not the Christ, that I am sent beforehand. He that hath the bride is the Bridegroom, that the friend of the Bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoices greatly because of the Bridegroom's voice. This my joy, therefore, is fulfilled. I must increase, He must increase.
But I must decrease. Do we have a problem with dispensationalism? Do we have a problem with the fact that God will choose to deal in His purposes differently with one, uh, portion?
Of mankind and another portion of mankind.
For, for, for the first thing that we see here is just John, uh, John recognized that what he was saying was revealed to him. So it was God who showed him, we might ask, well, how does he know what he's going to be the friend of the drive? Well, it was revealed to him by the spirit. And what was his response to resist it and say, no, I need to figure out how I'm going to be connected with.
The drive, No, he said this, this, my joy is complete. And he said I must, I must decrease and he must increase. So it gets back to the thought that Steve was bringing before us that.
It's God's purpose to glorify Christ, and whatever part we have in that, we're brought into it through revelation by the teaching of the Spirit of God.
We're not looking, you know, sometimes today I believe the church is having a problem with dispensations or with especially covenant theology because they want to see the church.
Very usher in the Kingdom.
Well, we see in Scripture that that's not God's plan. It's not God's plan for the church to save the world so that the Kingdom can be established because of the condition of the church. That's not God's plan at all. And so we take, we take Scripture and we, we, we, we start wrestling with it, rustling and trying, trying to make it fit something that we really have a desire to see. But.
What we need to do?
Is have God revealed to us what His plan is?
And then find our joy in that which he associates us with.
We've seen #310.
I'm on my way home or sailor and away. At the end of the day, I'm on the way.
Karma Karma Rajesh Khanna to take care of her.
And try on life by a day.
Every glory together.
And our God.
Is gone now.