Divine Facts

Narrator: Ivona Gentwo
Duration: 12min
 •  10 min. read  •  grade level: 10
Listen from:
H. D. B. Jameson
There is nothing by which men are so deeply moved, or so profoundly affected, as by the simple conviction of great divine Facts. Theories may interest the mind, and that interest may suffice to hold the attention for a time; but mere theories accomplish nothing that abides. That, on the other hand, which is used in bringing to pass mighty results, which are eternal in their character, is the simple naked truth of God, in its own solitary grandeur and magnificence: the outlining to men of divine facts of utmost simplicity but tremendous import. Let us, without following out the detail, look at some of the greatest of these briefly and earnestly:
1St. God Is
Seek to get hold of, and to be taken hold of by, that greatest of all verities, the fact that “God is” — that God lives today. Satan well knows the profound effect of this as a fact accepted and present to the soul, and therefore his constant effort is to obscure and occupy the mind with a thousand trifles of a changing world, in order that God be denied His rightful place in the heart as a living reality.
The Bible commences with the words, “In the beginning God...” In this simple but majestic way are we introduced, in the very first sentence of the Book, to the great reality of the existence of God.
In Hebrews it is laid down as a first essential that, if any would come to God, he “must believe that He is” (Heb. 11:66But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)): and it is worthy of remark’ that this epistle especially emphasizes the great fact that God is the “Living God.”
Four times over is that striking expression repeated, twice in connection with the present time and twice in connection with the future; (Gen. 3:12; 4:14; 5:31; 12:22); twice is it linked in warning with the fate of the apostate, and twice on the other hand with the blessing of the believer. In each connection what is prominent is the fact that He lives.
All creation bears witness to Him. Every blade of grass and tiny drop of dew, every mountain peak and verdant valley, each shining star in the heavens and each mighty planet as it ceaselessly travels its vast appointed orbit, bears mute but eloquent testimony to the fact that God is.
There is mighty inward witness, too, for man has been, of divine intent, so formed and so constituted, that he cannot get away from the secret conviction in his inmost soul, that God is. Man is not like an animal; when he was created the Lord God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul” — a being with a capacity to know, enjoy, and have to do with the living God.
Eternal, immortal, invisible, dwelling in unapproachable light, infinite in holiness, righteousness; power and love, all seeing, all present, and almighty — God is.
2nd. God Has Spoken
This is the second great fact which demands the attention of men, for God is not only an all powerful and eternal Being, of whose existence we must take account as a tremendous fact, but He has spoken to men, and in the Scripture of Truth these divine communications make their universal appeal.
In times past God spake by the prophets; then, such is the wonder of divine grace, He deigned to enter manhood, and, in the deepest, fullest, and most final way, He spake in the Son: Who Himself is the Word of God, the exact expression of the Divine Being. But what we here consider is the inspired record of the whole testimony of God, the book in which He has addressed Himself, and does address Himself, to men today — the Bible.
The Bible comes to us directly from God. In 2 Timothy 3:16,16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (2 Timothy 3:16) we read that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,” and again in 2 Peter, 1:21, that “The prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”
If the Bible be not a direct revelation from God to men, then it stands utterly discredited in that which is fundamental to its possession of any authority over the consciences of men. But if it be, in deed and truth, inspired, as it claims to be, from cover to cover — (“all scripture”) — and inspired not only as to the truths contained, but as to its very words, its numerals, and more, its very letters (for the whole argument in Galtians. 3 hangs on the inspiration of the letter ‘s’ in a word quoted from Genesis 22:1818And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice. (Genesis 22:18)), then with what reverent attention and unique interest should we receive these divine communications!
3rd. The Incarnation
From out a myriad worlds this tiny planet in God’s vast universe is chosen to be the theater for the display of all that God is in the might of His victory over the powers of evil; — from out unnumbered hosts of higher intelligences man is chosen for this high purpose; and into the very world in which we live and move, a world moreover of sin and rebellion against God, the mighty Inhabiter of Eternity, the High and Lofty One, is born a Babe! Oh, marvelous fact I the mighty Creator on whose uttered word hang countless worlds, come in matchless grace into manhood, into the condition of His lost and fallen creature.
We do not dwell here on the wonders of that life, its purpose as regards man, and as regards the wider question of good and evil and the glory of God, nor on the infinite perfections that shone in Him who was very God yet very man, but concentrate our attention on the great fad of incarnation, for this world has been in deed and in truth visited by the Son of God!
4th. “Christ Died”
We pass not on to the stupendous results which flow from Christ’s death, but tarry to think of the verity itself. That simple fact of mighty import contained in two words of Romans, 5:6, “Christ died”!
I point you back to the moment at which this occurred. In the long history of this world, from the time when in far back ages “its deep foundations on nothingness were laid,” to the time when, at the conclusion of all God’s ways, the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and all these things shall be dissolved — in all the history of time no moment has presented issues so vast as that moment of time in which Christ died. Nay, more, in all the history of eternity (if the word history can be applied to so limitless a conception) no instant has been pregnant with results so tremendous as that instant in which Christ died!
The Death of Christ! What words can picture that scene of scenes — the thronging hosts of darkness there gathered in hostile array, and the measureless hatred that would crucify infinite Love; the horror of great darkness that gathered about the soul of the suffering Man of Sorrows, and the uttermost distance and abandonment of the forsaken One; the storms of almighty wrath that beat upon the open bosom of the great Substitute and Sin-bearer, and the fathomless depths of those waters of death into which the Savior descended; the heights to which sin there rose in its onslaught on the very Highest, and the higher heights of all conquering Love; the infinite perfections of the Crucified, and the glory of God shining in the darkness of Calvary in splendor without a parallel — every divine attribute supremely glorified: infinite Righteousness, Holiness, Wisdom and Power alike resplendent in that scene of unmeasured Love, where perfect goodness gains its supreme and everlasting triumph over evil, and where all that is infinite finds its eternal center. Oh the mysteries, the heights and the depths of the death of Christ! The ages of eternity will not suffice to exhaust the deep meaning of these two words “Christ died.” My soul, ponder! wonder! and adore!
5th. Christ Is Risen
He has been here, and the world around about us has been actually traversed by His blessed feet; but, look as you may, He is not here today. Somewhere in Palestine is a place, which the wise providence of God has prevented our actually locating: there is His grave-the very spot in which His holy body was laid; but if we could look in yonder grave today we should find that He is not there.
Where, then, is He? The 3rd chapter of 1St Peter gives reply in words that tell us of “the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto Him.” He is there! We need to lay hold of the FACT that Christ is risen. He is not a “spirit,” as many conceive of Him, but a real living Man seated at this very moment in heavenly splendor in the glory of God, and having in His hands and feet the marks of earth-given wounds.
6th. The Holy Spirit Is Here
We do not dwell on the results which flow from the presence of so wonderful a Person, but invite attention to the bare fact itself, that here on earth today the third Person in the divine Trinity, God the Holy Spirit, is present and is dwelling (John 14:16-1716And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (John 14:16‑17)). In Old Testament days He did not dwell on the earth, though He exercised influences over men here, but at Pentecost He came Himself to take up His abode on earth, in and with the Christian company. He is here. To theorize on the matter, however correctly, will not affect us, but if we ponder the truth itself we cannot but be moved by a fact so immense.
7th. Christ Is Coming Again
The last statement of the inspired volume is “Surely I come quickly” — a clear and positive declaration. Here and in many another passage of Holy Writ is distinctly brought before us the fact that Christ is coming again.
The doctrine of the second coming of Christ is accepted by multitudes of Christians today, but doctrine alone does not affect men. What we need to get hold of is the fact itself, the immense fact, that He, who has been here, is coming again.
Just as the instant came when Christ was born in Bethlehem and Micah’s prophecy written 700 years before was fulfilled; just as the appointed hour came round when Christ should become a sacrifice for sin, and Christ died, thus fulfilling Scripture; and just as the third day, long foretold, at last dawned, when Christ arose, according to the Scriptures, so the day is actually fixed in God’s account, and the very moment is appointed and fast drawing near, when this last great prophecy will be fulfilled and Christ will — COME. We never were nearer to that instant than we are Now.
Oh, may the Lord awaken us from all that is merely theoretical, and give us to take sober account of these immense facts, thus shall we be divinely and profoundly affected in heart, life and ways.