Divine Intimacy

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
The intimacy between the Lord and His elect is beyond, we may say, what is known elsewhere. Angels do His pleasure, wait in His presence, have kept their first estate, and excel in that strength that serves Him. But they are not where elect sinners are. They learn, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God—to us, all that the Son has received from the Father, He has made known. The Savior acquaints Himself with the secrets of the bosom of the sinner; while He communicates to such a one the secrets of the divine bosom. This is intimacy indeed. He finds us, at the beginning, in our ruin—we are taken up as sinners, having come short of His glory, and are in revolt and distance from Him. It is from such a point we start on the way. But He leads us along from our depths to His heights, from our ruin to His wonders and riches of mercy. And at last He plants us on an elevation where we can challenge all our enemies, and find ourselves above all that might be against us. Who can be against us? is the language of the heart there; who can accuse, who can condemn, who can separate?
The Prize—It is a great thing for the soul when resurrection from among the dead, and likeness to Christ in glory, are the grand objects of its earnest desire and fervent hope. This was the state of the apostle’s mind. One thing, at least, he could say, he forgot all that was behind as to progress or attainment, and pressed on towards the goal, keeping it always in sight, to obtain the prize of the high calling of God, which can only be in the resurrection state. Till then, like Rebekah in the desert, we must press on; at the same time living Christ, and having Christ as our one object. Blessed are all they who have the single eye and the undivided heart, in following the Savior risen and glorified, according to the whole will of God.