Do You Read Your Bible?

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Some time ago a group of boys had gathered in our home to trade postage stamps. They were very lively boys, and we always enjoyed their visits. At such times we always sought to tell them of the Saviour’s love in dying for sinners. We asked each boy to quote a verse from the Bible, and some of them had a lot of trouble in remembering any verse at all. One night, just as they were leaving, I asked them how many of them read their Bibles. They looked at one another and then two or three hands went up. I was disappointed, for they were bright boys and 1 knew they all could read very well. Then I asked them how many of them read comic books, and every hand went up at once!
Dear young reader, the Bible says, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.” Matt. 24: 35.
Not long ago we heard of a dear Russian Christian who started on a journey to China. As he went from place to place he found that very few people had Bibles of their own, and they were so glad to hear God’s Word that they asked him if he could spare them at least a page. or two for them to keep and read. Bibles are very hard to get in Russia, so this dear Christian man did as they asked him. When he at last arrived in China he had nothing left but the covers! Every page had gone to those hungry people whom he had met along the way. They were hungry for the Word of God! if we could visit that part of Russia and Siberia today, I am sure we would find these treasured pages read and reread and passed around by those who, in spite of much persecution, love God’s Word and treasure it.
I hope that every boy and girl who reads this paper will begin today to read God’s Word.
ML 01/08/1950