Creation is now complete. Man is created—male and female—and placed in that beautiful scene, the garden of Eden. They are there in the image and likeness of God, to have dominion over all that has been prepared. So it is with a couple who are culminating their courtship in marriage. They are to have dominion over, not be dominated by, the circumstances of their romance, marriage and home they establish. And as a young couple walk in the fear of God they will find all the light and guidance needed in order to enjoy this most blessed of natural relationships instituted of God for man.
Each event that comprises the fabric of a courtship ought to prepare for and lead to the "creation" of the "male and female" (the marriage union). We have said previously, dating is not a recreational sport! It ought never be viewed as a casual activity-something that is just a normal part of teen years and not taken seriously. It is the very activity that leads to a life time union—two becoming one. Oh! beloved young readers, do take this relationship very seriously!
Once in the happy union of marriage, the man and his wife together exercise dominion over all that takes place in their domain. In Genesis 2 Adam and Eve are placed in a beautiful garden (which we may see as a picture of the marriage union) where Adam is told to "guard" it. Prayerful obedience to the principles of God is the way in which you will exercise that dominion and guard your courtship and marriage. Cattle, creeping things, and the beasts of the field, though necessary and right, should never dominate and control Christian courtship and marriage-man is to have dominion over all creation.
"And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good... and God ended his work... and he rested" (Gen. 1:31, 2:2). May each young person who reads this meditation be given grace to follow the Word of God, applying its instructions and principles to the wonderful and exciting world of courtship. Such a path will bring joy to a Christian couple, and more importantly, will not grieve the heart of God who brought them together. What sweet rest can be enjoyed when this is so!
"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity" (1 Tim. 4:12).