Among the many stories Gypsy Hawkins, the evangelist, liked to tell, was one about a little girl at St. Edmunds. They were having special gospel services in connection with the railway mission there.
After one meeting Mr. Hawkins spoke to every grown-up about deciding for Christ. Then they had a time of silent prayer and the evangelist closed the meeting. However, one little girl waited behind.
“Have you given your heart to Christ?” asked the evangelist.
“No, but I want to,” she replied with tears in her eyes.
That night he had the joy of leading the dear young soul to the Saviour, and a flood of happiness filled both their hearts.
Mr. Hawkins rebuked himself for having overlooked her and for concentrating solely on the adults. Probably neither he nor the other Christian workers thought that very much had been accomplished that night. Yet the Spirit of God was doing His own blessed work in the soul of that young girl and there was “joy in the presence of the angels of God” that night.
Ten years later Mr. Hawkins was holding gospel meetings at Stow-market, when a wealthy Christian man offered him the use of his Cor and chauffeur, saying, “Drive where you like.” One day he asked the chauffeur to take him over to St. Edmunds. Then he inquired of the local preacher how the young girl who had been converted in his mission there ten years previously was getting on. “She is the best Christian worker we have,” was the reply.
ML 12/10/1967