Continental Brethren
Hymn #227 (translated by Miss C. A. Wellesley).
This brother requested at his death that he should not be spoken of. Information is therefore very brief, and we give a quotation from another concerning him:
“He was well known as a physician, but he heard at an early age the call of the Lord to serve Him. He was for 58 years the editor of the monthly periodical ‘Le Messager Evanggliquel, which is still a precious paper among the brethren in France and French Switzerland. He has left to his brethren the most valuable written ministry: many writings for the edification of the saints (notes and studies), and beautiful poetical works. He wrote also 28 hymns of a great elevation, for the book still in use in our meetings.”
How precious the thoughts in his hymn:
“Lord, e’en to death Thy love could go,
A death of shame and loss,
To vanquish for us every foe
And break the strong man’s force.
Oh, what a load was Thine to bear,
Alone in that dark hour,
Our sins in all their terror there,
God’s wrath and Satan’s power.
The storm that bowed Thy blessed head
Is hushed forever now,
And rest divine is ours instead,
Whilst glory crowns Thy brow.
Within the Father’s house on high
We soon shall sing Thy praise.
But here, where Thou didst bleed and die
We learn that song to raise.”