Dreams and Visions: May 2025
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Dreams and Visions
“God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, that He may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man” (Job 33:14-17). When man is awake and spoken to, there are multiple things going on in him in how hears. If his will is working, he may not have ears to hear and not listen to the message. His feelings toward the person speaking will be involved in how he interprets what he hears. If his pride is at work, he may be thinking about what he plans to say when the other person has finished what they are saying. As Elihu explained to Job, God, in speaking by means of a dream or vision, “openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,” for He bypasses all of the things which hinder the message from getting into the mind of a person. They are in a state of listening without distractions, without their will being at work, without pride distorting the message to their mind. Sometimes, like Nebuchadnezzar, the result may trouble the spirit and remove sleep from man to make him ready to listen to God’s messenger to him – “a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among a thousand” to make him understand. God made Nebuchadnezzar listen to Daniel and Job listen to Elihu. Job listened and repented. Nebuchadnezzar’s pride stopped him the first time, so God had to speak twice by taking his understanding from him for a time.
Dreams and Visions in Scripture
In considering the subject of dreams and visions from a scriptural point of view, we know that for thousands of years men have been fascinated by such things. Dreams, for example, are common in all of our lives, and while we normally do not attach much significance to them, people have, for many years, been tempted to attach a meaning to at least some of their dreams. As we all know, dreams are often associated with what we already know or have experienced in the past, but these experiences and knowledge are often jumbled together in a somewhat chaotic manner. We know too that dreams are sometimes pleasant, but can also be frightening. This fear is, of course, exaggerated by the darkness that is usually present when we are dreaming.
Visions too have been a common subject among men for thousands of years. A vision generally describes that which is seen at any time while one is awake or asleep, in contrast to a dream, which occurs during sleep. Visions have been common in human history, and many have claimed that such visions were divine and had a significant meaning, at least for the one who saw it. Of course, there were those who claimed to have seen a vision when the account was merely the result of an overactive imagination in the mind of an individual.
Dreams in the Past and Present
Where then does this leave us, first of all, in the history of dreams and visions, and, second, in our present world? Did the Lord speak to man in dreams and visions in the past, and does He still do so today?
As to the first question, yes, it is very clear that God spoke to man through dreams and visions, and especially at a time when the Word of God was not complete, and before the full light of Christianity had dawned on this world. In the Old Testament, God often spoke to man directly, in a voice that could be heard, while at other times He chose to speak in dreams and visions. This latter way is referred to in Job 33:14-17, in Elihu’s speech to Job:
“God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, that He may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.”
There are multiple examples of both dreams and visions in the Word of God, some of which are mentioned in other articles in this issue of The Christian. What is most important to realize is that God has a way of making it clear to the individual that a particular dream or vision that comes from Him is of divine significance and that the person involved should pay attention to it. For example, it is certain that the chief butler and the chief baker of Pharaoh, king of Egypt (in Genesis 40), must have had dreams of various kinds during their lives, yet they realized that the dreams they had while they were in prison with Joseph had a meaning to them. Likewise two years later, when Pharaoh, king of Egypt had two dreams, he knew that those dreams had an importance to them that needed to be searched out. God can show those involved that He is the author of a particular dream or vision.
The Early Days of Christianity
Even in the early days of Christianity, the Lord sometimes spoke in a vivid dream or vision, such as what Peter experienced in Acts 10:9-16. Peter immediately recognized the divine source of this vision, although its meaning was not evident to him until later, when he reached the house of Cornelius. It is not surprising that later, in Acts 12, when Peter was miraculously delivered from prison, he thought at first that he merely saw a vision. The Lord also spoke to the Apostle Paul by visions multiple times, and Paul readily recognized the divine source of these visions.
The Role of Satan
However, when we speak of dreams and visions, we must recognize that Satan, who is a great imitator, can also be involved in these things. Under his influence, Satan is capable of bringing people into a disordered mental state, where they see visions and then attribute them to divine power. In this way, Satan has used his power for thousands of years to masquerade as God Himself, deceiving man into worshipping him instead of the true God. For this reason, the Lord warned the people of Israel in Jeremiah’s time, telling them, “Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord” (Jer. 23:16). Although it does not seem that Satan can know our actual thoughts as God can, yet he has had tremendous experience in deceiving man over thousands of years. He knows how the mind of man works, and he knows our particular weaknesses too. He is able even to present himself as “an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14) and to present himself in so-called “white magic,” which further deceives man into thinking he is a divine power rather than being the devil. (“White magic” usually refers to bodily healing, which Satan sometimes uses initially as a “false front” to deceive people: The sting comes later.)
Accounts abound in which Satan has been involved in the dreams of those who are somehow connected with the occult. In one well-documented account, a single girl had an affair with a married man who was involved in occult practices. Even after he moved away from the area, he reminded the girl that he would continue to visit her at night, in her dreams. He did “visit” her repeatedly and she felt his presence very clearly during many nights. She was disgusted and distressed by these “virtual” visits, but was powerless to prevent them. In situations like this, only the power of Christ can deliver a soul, for Satan’s ability to use dreams and visions to his advantage is very real and very strong.
The Lord Is Not Restricted Today
Finally, what about today? Does the Lord still speak in dreams and visions? Yes, He does, and especially in places in this world where His Word is not readily available. In parts of the world where the Word of God can be easily obtained and where the gospel is generally presented without restrictions, most of the time God uses His Word. Of course, we cannot restrict the Lord, and at times He may use dreams and visions even in countries where the Word of God is easily accessible. However, there are areas of the world today where those who are seeking real light as to who God is and who want to know Him might have a very difficult time obtaining a Bible or contacting someone who can help them. In such places there are many documented accounts of how the Lord revealed Himself in a dream or a vision in such a way that the person involved knew that the revelation came directly from God. Often they are directed to a certain place to meet someone or to a certain person whom they might already know. In other cases, they do not know the person they are to meet, but are rather directed to go to a certain place at a certain time, and they may even see in their dream the exact person whom they are to meet. In this way many have been brought to Christ, although in some cases the persons who were brought to Christ in this way suffered persecution and even martyrdom later.
In summary, then, we may say that the Lord is not restricted in the way He can reveal Himself to man. He still uses dreams and visions, but we must be on our guard against Satan’s wiles. Again, the Lord is able to make it clear what is of Him and what is of the devil. God wants man’s blessing and is willing to make Himself known.
W. J. Prost
Dreams and Visions From God
God has spoken to man in many ways (Heb. 1:1-2), and He is not limited in His ability to speak to men. This is particularly evident when He speaks through dreams and visions, when the persons receiving the communication are asleep or in a trance without self-awareness. The question arises as to why God resorts to this mode of communication. What is His purpose in speaking in this way? In dreams and visions, God, by His Spirit, is communicating to the spirits of men who are often without intelligence of its meaning. Furthermore, the subjects are often left in fear and wonder, or in consternation. The words of Elihu to Job in chapter 33 give a list of reasons why God speaks in dreams and visions. Job at that time was under the discipline of God. During the trial, Job justified himself even to the point of blaming God. For this reason Elihu said to Job, “Behold, in this thou art not just: I will answer thee, that God is greater than man. Why dost thou strive against Him? for He giveth not account of any of His matters. For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction” (Job 33:12-16).
God Is Greater Than Man
Communications by dreams and visions do not allow for man to exert power or influence over God. Nor can men contend or answer back to God. Men are reduced to listening mode. Also, dreams may easily be forgotten or need interpretation for understanding. Joseph told the butler, “Do not interpretations belong to God?” Thus Elihu pressed Job about striving against God and emphasized that God owed Job no answer about what He was doing with him. Later we know that all was made clear, but at that moment God refused to communicate to him on the terms that Job wished.
God Speaks Once, Yea Twice
In reality, God had already communicated to Job by a dream, even before Elihu said to him, “God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not” (Job 33:14). In chapter 4, God spoke to Job through Eliphaz, who said to him, “Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker?” (Job 4:17). At that time it appears that Job discredited this remark as irrelevant, for he replied, “Then thou scarest me with dreams, and terrifiest me through visions” (Job 7:14). Though the message from Eliphaz was also mixed with misapplied accusations, the substance of the words was most apropos. “I heard a voice, saying, Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker?” (Job 4:16-17). This vision that Eliphaz rehearsed from God was aimed precisely at Job’s problem, but he did not take it to heart. When God spoke, he did not perceive it.
Then in Job 20 we have another reference to dreams. This time it was Zophar that reminded Job that the exaltation of the wicked is short. “Though his excellency mount up to the heavens, and his head reach unto the clouds; yet he shall perish forever like his own dung: they which have seen him shall say, Where is he? He shall fly away as a dream, and shall not be found: yea, he shall be chased away as a vision of the night” (Job 20:6-8). One of the purposes of dreams and visions is to prevent man from proceeding on such a course of vanity. We may well admire the length to which God goes to communicate His mind, to give warning, or to reveal His ways to His creatures. But Job needed more than dreams to turn him around. Understanding comes from being in the presence of God. The first case of dreams was a word to Job concerning his actions or works; the second was a word concerning his person, the vanity of man without God.
To Hide Pride From Man
Another purpose of God in speaking to men by dreams and visions has to do with pride. God does not need our input, and He will not allow man to take credit for what He does. So Elihu continues, “That He may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man” (Job 33:17). Job was defending his own righteousness as a standing before God, and in pursuing this ground we easily become proud of our achievements. God hates pride and will not allow it in His presence.
In recent years there have been an increase in the publication of books that tell of non-Christian people having dreams and visions that lead them to trust in the Lord Jesus. We can be very thankful that God uses these means to draw souls to know the Lord as Savior. But we must remember that when God operates by this means, it is not for us to elevate the experience of these people. Rather, it is an example of how far God goes to reach people that otherwise would not hear the gospel. God keeps back their soul from the pit and their “life from perishing by the sword” (vs. 18). “If there be a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among a thousand, to show unto man his uprightness: Then He is gracious unto him, and saith, Deliver him from going down to the pit: I have found a ransom” (Job 33:23-24).
Moses, Miriam and Aaron
In Numbers 12, we have another case of God speaking about how He uses dreams and visions to confirm His word. In this case, when Miriam and Aaron had spoken against Moses, the Lord called them together and intervened on behalf of Moses. He said to Miriam and Aaron, “Hear now My words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make Myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream. My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all Mine house. With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the Lord shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against My servant Moses?” (Num. 12:6-8). Here we see the great difference in the ways the Lord would speak to them. To Miriam and Aaron, God would reveal Himself by a dream or vision to confirm that they had a message from Him. This would prove that He had given the message. But to Moses the communication was very different. No confirmation of dreams was necessary for Moses; He would speak “mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches” (vs. 8). Moses received many messages from the mouth of God. How much greater is that form of communication! There is a place for each. Regarding dreams and visions, God is able to pierce through our distance from Him and reveal His Word. But with Moses there was understanding, and it is recorded of him, “He made known His ways unto Moses, His acts unto the children of Israel” (Psa. 103:7).
The Visions of John and Paul
One further comment seems worthy of consideration concerning the reason why God made prophetic revelations through visions in the New Testament rather than speaking literally on the subject. Paul wrote of this matter to the Corinthians, saying that though he saw unspeakable things, he was not to boast about those revelations, but rather to glory in the One who was revealed — the Lord Jesus Christ. God has purposely chosen to reveal prophetic revelations by means of dreams and visions. The revelations of God may go beyond our intellectual comprehension of things that can be explained by literal speech. They are best communicated in figurative or symbolic language. So it is in John’s book, the Revelation of Jesus Christ. We understand this concept in the writing of poetry. Figurative language can communicate far more to those who know and understand the terms used with one another. Family members that live together are able to communicate in language that others do not understand. The Revelation is written in this format so those who know the Lord get far more out of it than any attempt to describe heavenly things in literal terms. The means and ways of God’s revelation are excellent. May we each learn to appreciate and understand His revelation.
D. C. Buchanan
Divine Manifestations
The Lord addressed His people of old in visions. The eyes then, of course, realized the revelation, for it was a sensible form of one sort or another which conveyed the revelation.
Faith and Conviction
Now, it is faith that is addressed. But faith realizes its object as surely as sight or hearing of old did. Faith “is the evidence of things not seen.”
There was a vision of the throne and the seraphim in the temple filled with smoke, to Isaiah, and he was convicted and overwhelmed. Then there was the application to his lips of the purging coal from the altar, and he was restored to peace (Isa. 6). We may see the like process, though by other instruments, in the persons of Ezekiel and Daniel (Ezek. 1; Dan. 10).
We have the same under the ministry of the Lord Jesus, as here under ancient visions. To Peter, in Luke 5, the Lord was manifested, through the draft of fishes, in a way that overwhelmed him. He was convinced of being a sinner, then, as the prophets, of whom I have spoken, had been. But the words of Jesus restored him to peace, as different instruments applied to them restored the prophets. And so it was with the Samaritan woman. The word of the Lord first convicted her, as much as disclosed to her, of her condition as a sinner, as the sight of the glory had convicted Isaiah. But the further words of the Lord, in like manner, restored her.
And still further, we have the same effects under the preaching of the apostles. Peter’s word in Acts 2 draws out the cry, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” and then his further word imparted joy and peace in believing. The same effect from simple, intelligible speaking in the assembly of the saints, without anything marvelous or miraculous, is contemplated in 1 Corinthians 14:23-25.
Thus the like effects are wrought, though the circumstances change from palpable visions or touches to the Lord’s personal ministry, or from that to simple testimony or preaching.
All that is needed is the realization of the thing revealed, and faith does that through the Word, as the eye would do it in the presence of a vision. Of course, the Spirit, we know, must give the faith.
Elijah and Elisha
Another illustration of this occurs to me. Elisha followed Elijah along the road that was leading Elijah to his translation. Temptations beset the path. Difficulties crowded there, and hindrances were repeated. But the purpose of Elisha’s soul was fixed and single. He purposed to be with his master all along the way to the very end. He would hear of nothing else, and therefore hindrances and difficulties and temptations got a ready answer from him (2 Kings 2).
The saints at Thessalonica had nothing but a report to lean on. They had no vision, no miracle. They had no master, as Elisha had, in their company, whom they knew was to be taken “from their head,” no sensible sign to feed the expectations of their hearts. But the objects of faith were as real to them as the sensible things were to Elisha, and the same effect was wrought in them. In the spirit of victory they disposed of hindrances, as he had done. They turned from dumb idols. Faith had its work in them, love its labor, hope its patience. They served the living God and waited for the Son from heaven.
Was all this anything less than Elisha following Elijah all the way from Gilgal to the other side of Jordan, round by Bethel? The Thessalonians, as surely as the prophet, had their loins girded and their lights burning, and they were as servants that waited for their Lord. Faith in a divine report wrought as effectually in them, as the palpable presence of his master did in him.
And the same fruit was borne. All we want is to realize our object, and faith does that as well as sight or touch or hearing.
The Effect of a Manifestation
But the effect of a manifestation of God, while it does not necessarily depend on something palpable, as a vision or a miracle, will have to be measured by the condition of the soul to which it is made. That is so, and this is an important moral truth. And this scripture illustrates for us also.
Jacob had been greatly wrong at his father’s bedside (Gen. 27), and at Bethel he was tasting the bitterness of his doings, a wanderer then from his father’s house, unfriended and unsheltered. In the glory of goodness, God is manifested to him. The opened heavens, the ladder, and the angels afforded a wondrous answer from the grace of God to such an one as Jacob then was. But so it was. The Lord is wonderful to His saints, while suffering under His rebukes for their naughtiness.
Jacob had been, after this, very unbelieving at Peniel (Gen. 32). He had dreaded Esau’s host in the presence of God’s host. He had turned his eye from the Lord to the creature; he had trembled and calculated and prayed, as though He that was for him was not more than he that was against him, though the One was God, and the other man. The Lord rebukes this — surely He does. He withstands Jacob. But Jacob holding up under this rebuke, his faith reviving, and grasping the Lord, the Lord gives him a wondrous manifestation of His grace allowing him to prevail over Him, and then giving him a new name and a fresh blessing.
Such were the materials in Jacob’s history on these two great occasions, at Bethel and at Peniel. But the experience of this saint of God on each occasion was different.
The Gate of Heaven
At Bethel, Jacob’s experience was of a mixed nature. He said the place was “dreadful,” and yet “the gate of heaven.” He was encouraged by the vision, but we can scarcely say he was gladdened by it. But at Peniel all was joy to him. He has a boast, a holy triumph, on his lips, and addresses himself to his journey as in the light of the face of God. Here is a difference, and a difference to be accounted for by the condition of the saint himself (not by the manifestation), for that at Bethel exceeded.
There was in him no exercise of spirit at Bethel as there was at Peniel. He was asleep there; he was awake here. He was simply acted on there; he recovered and stirred himself here. There were moral differences in the same soul, and consequently different experiences. Peniel was more to Jacob than Bethel had been, for a manifestation of God is more to a waking than to a sleeping saint. It is found to be so at this day, as it is thus seen to have been in the early days of the patriarchs.
Moses in the Cleft Rock
And here let me contrast Moses at the vision in the cleft rock, with Jacob at either Bethel or Peniel (see Ex. 33-34). Moses pleads with the Lord and prays that he may be shown “His way.” What he had as yet heard of Him would not do for him. He had already seen Him as the Lawgiver and as the Lord of the conditional covenant, even eating and drinking in His presence, together with 70 of the elders of Israel (Ex. 19; 24). But such manifestations of God would not do. Moses was not satisfied. And rightly so, for Israel was at that moment lying, under his eye, in moral ruins; all was over with them on the terms of the law or under their own covenant. Moses therefore must see God in His own way. He must know Himself, as he now tells Him — know Him in sovereign grace.
The Lord promises to do as His servant thus craved. He will let His glory pass before him, “all His goodness,” His sovereign grace, that grace which, as in the gospel, abounds. And He does so.
Moses is deeply, fully satisfied. He bows and worships. He asks no more — no more manifestations of God — only desires that He, who had now descended and stood with him and passed by in His own proper glory, might go along the way with him and with Israel.
This was a blessed experience indeed. It was as “an overflowing and pouring down in a living and life-giving stream.” And why this rich enjoyment? Moses had sought this. He was not asleep under the vision, as Jacob was at Bethel, nor had he simply recovered himself under it, as Jacob did at Peniel; he had himself sought it. It was exercise of spirit that had led him to the vision, and thus he was prepared for the full power of it; and the full power of it he got.
J. G. Bellett
Four Dreams of Joseph
How God Guides When There Are Not Definite Scriptures To Direct Us
Joseph, the son of Jacob, had two dreams that are recorded in Scripture. Joseph, the husband of Mary the mother of Jesus, had four.
God often speaks through dreams. “God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, that He may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man” (Job 33:14-17). However, God’s primary means of speaking to man today is through His Word. “The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath My word, let him speak My word faithfully” (Jer. 23:28). We should never rely upon a dream for direction when God’s Word gives definite instruction. To be governed by dreams is to be guided by circumstances and is not walking by faith (2 Cor. 5:7). There are many things in our lives, however, for which we do not have a specific scripture to guide us. To know God’s mind requires humility and nearness to the Lord. “The meek will He guide in judgment: and the meek will He teach His way. ... What man is he that feareth the Lord? him shall He teach in the way that He shall choose. ... The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him” (Psa. 25:9-14).
In the four dreams of Joseph who is introduced in Matthew 1:16, we see some principles of Scripture illustrated as to how God guides when there are not definite scriptures to direct us. In each of Joseph’s dreams he was directed to do something, and in each case he did not move until he received a word from God. He did not act on impulse, but rather waited patiently upon God.
First Dream
When Mary, his espoused wife, was found to be with child of the Holy Spirit, Joseph was unaware that she was the chosen vessel to bear “the desire of women,” that is, the Messiah (Dan. 11:37). “Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily. But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost” (Matt. 1:19-20).
As Joseph pondered the matter before God, he was given instruction that must have thrilled his soul. How tragic it would have been if he had acted hastily and rashly, being guided only by appearances. “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment” (John 7:24). The evidence seemed indisputable, but Joseph did not act until God spoke to him.
Second Dream
The second dream Joseph received was like the dream the wise men received from God who warned them to return to their country another way (Matt. 2:12). The wise men had been given definite direction from God to return to the East. Joseph did not follow their lead, but waited until God spoke to him by a dream and told him to take Mary and the child Jesus to Egypt (Matt. 2:13).
How often we see others guided in a certain way, which may very well be the mind of God for them. We may be tempted to follow them, rather than wait for God’s special direction for us. We should not follow others in their exercises, but must be before God ourselves. It may be God will guide us similarly, but the will of God must be taken up individually.
Joseph obeyed the heavenly direction, and as a result Jesus could come forth out of Egypt and so fulfill prophecy (Hos. 11:1).
Third Dream
While Joseph was in Egypt, Herod died. It would seem that Joseph would now feel clear to return to Bethlehem, as the threat of danger was past. But again, Joseph waited to be directed of God by a dream (Matt. 2:19). How often we presumptuously assume providence is ordering for us because of favorable circumstances! Sometimes this is the case, but sometimes it is not, as seen in Jonah who, in disobedience, fled to Tarshish. Joseph was not moved by favorable conditions, but waited in dependence upon God. “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Rom. 14:23).
When he arrived back in the land of Israel, he heard Herod’s son Archelaus was reigning. This caused him fear, but as he was led of God to return to the land of Israel, not being governed by favorable circumstances, he now waited for another message from God. He did not move in fear because of unfavorable conditions. Often we move in fear and not in faith, but this is not how God guides. “The fear of man bringeth a snare” (Prov. 29:25).
Fourth Dream
Perhaps it would seem only prudent to go elsewhere, and so it was. Joseph’s departure to Nazareth, however, was not merely a move based on sound logic, but in subjection to the Lord’s guidance by a dream (Matt. 2:22).
Joseph was led of God at each step, moving in dependence and obedience. How we need to wait upon God in lowliness and humility, seeking His direction rather than being guided by appearances, the movements of others, presumption, or fear.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Prov. 3:5-6).
W. J. Brockmeier
The King's Dream
Nebuchadnezzar went to bed one night in Babylon with the might and majesty of his empire upon his mind, and wondering what would be the development of it. God graciously answered his pagan thoughts by showing him in vision Gentile imperialism as a whole and its ultimate destruction by the superior power of the Kingdom of God (Dan. 2). This was intended to act upon his conscience for his blessing, but no such effect was produced at that time. The blessing came later (Dan. 4).
Solomon went to bed in Gibeon with very different thoughts exercising his mind. He had become the most exalted person on earth, head of God’s chosen people, now triumphant over every foe. He felt the seriousness of his position, and the great responsibilities connected with it (he may still have been a teenager), and his heart turned to God. Happy would it have been for the nations throughout the centuries if rulers everywhere had felt as Solomon did that night in Gibeon (1 Kings 3:5-15).
Ask What I Shall Give Thee
“The Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall give thee.” A dream is not God’s most intimate way of communicating with men, as He Himself told Aaron and Miriam in Numbers 12:6-8; but it seems certain that Solomon never knew God as his father knew him. He lacked David’s deep spiritual experience, never having suffered as he suffered. David’s years of affliction gave him a knowledge of God from which we all benefit to this day as readers of his Psalms. David could have said like a later poet:
“Deep waters crossed life’s pathway,
The hedge of thorns was sharp.”
Such language would be foreign to Solomon. With reference to the Temple, although denied the honor of building it, it was to David that Jehovah gave all the necessary instructions, which he passed on to Solomon (1 Chron. 28:1-12). It is also noticeable that David is named in God’s list of men of faith (Heb. 11:32), but not Solomon.
The Spirit of a Little Child
It was after a busy day in Gibeon when a thousand burnt offerings were offered upon the altar that “the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night, and God said. Ask what I shall give thee.” The young king’s answer delighted the heart of God. First, he acknowledged His loving-kindness in giving David a son to sit upon his throne. Then he confessed his own insufficiency for the heavy responsibilities which now lay upon him. Jehovah’s people were a great people, distinguished as His chosen. To guide and direct them aright in their unique relation to God was beyond his power. “I am but a little child: I know not how to go out or come in.” The spirit of the little child ― humble, confiding, and teachable ― is becoming in us all. The Lord Jesus lays this down in Matthew 18. The concluding verses of chapter 17 give us a wonderful setting for this instruction. Peter made himself foolish with the tax-collector in Capernaum, but the Lord took occasion by it to declare the exalted position in which Peter and every other believer stands in relationship with Himself through grace. We are sons of the Sovereign of the universe in association with the Firstborn! (Heb. 2:10).
The believer in Jesus is thus a very dignified person, according to grace. Note the sequel. “In the same hour (the correct rendering of Matt. 18:1) came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus called a little child unto Him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Thus we have to become very small in order to enter into blessing. The next verse teaches us to continue small. “Whosoever shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 17:24-27 shows us the dignity of grace; Matthew 18 follows suitably, instructing us to keep small and insignificant in our own esteem. Even King Saul was little in his own sight to begin with (1 Sam. 15:17); exaltation and power drew out his inherent pride and stubbornness, to his ruin. A later king ― Uzziah ― walked well “till he became strong. And when he was strong, his heart was lifted up to his destruction” (2 Chron. 26:16).
Self-importance was the plague of the apostolic band. Even at the Last Supper “there was strife among them which of them should be accounted the greatest” (Luke 22:24). The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to take charge of the assembly for Christ should have made this impossible in the new order, but flesh is ever restless. The Apostle’s plain injunction in Romans 12:3 has been but little heeded: “I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.” The vastness of the divine immensities that he ministered made Paul feel personally very small— “less than the least of all saints” (Eph. 3:8). In 1 Corinthians 14:20 we find a truly impressive appeal: “Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye babes, but in understanding be men.” He had no desire that his readers should be childish, but he longed that they might be childlike. “I am among you as He that serveth,” said the Lord to His self-important followers (Luke 22:27). Did He not wash their feet that very night? (John 13).
Seek ye First the Kingdom of God
Solomon felt that he was “but a little child”; accordingly he seized the golden opportunity divinely given to ask for “an understanding heart to judge Thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this Thy so great people?” His speech pleased Jehovah well. He might have asked for long life or riches, or the life of his enemies; instead he asked for an understanding heart that he might rule well the people of God. Our blessed Lord once said: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” On this principle Jehovah dealt with Solomon. “Behold, I have done according to thy words: lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee. And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches and honor: so that there shall not be any amongst the kings like unto thee all thy days” (1 Kings 3:12-13). This seemed to make the blessing of Israel secure; but God went on to say, “If thou wilt walk in My ways, and keep My statutes.” The priesthood having been in a secondary place since the breakdown of Eli and his sons, everything depended upon the fidelity of the king. The “if” to Solomon in 1 Kings 3:14 was as fatal as the “if” to Israel in Exodus 19:5, for poor flesh can never be trusted, and Solomon’s failure was truly catastrophic. Blessed be God, all that has been lost by the unfaithfulness of men will be taken up by the Lord Jesus, God’s faithful second Man, on the principle of grace, and on the ground of redemption. This makes all things sure forever.
Let us ask our own hearts what reply we would give if God were to say to us, “Ask what I shall give thee.” It would be a testing moment assuredly, and the turning-point of our lives. Elisha had a moment of testing in 1 Kings 19:19-21, and he responded well to it. He left his farm and forthwith shared the path of the persecuted prophet. Matthew was similarly tested and he abandoned a lucrative calling and followed the rejected Jesus (Matt. 9:9). What do we desire more than anything earth can give? Is it to “know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death?” (Phil. 3:10).
W. W. Fereday
Visions of the Apostle Paul
In another article in this issue of The Christian we have mentioned that dreams and visions were frequently used in the Old Testament, before the Word of God was complete and before the coming down of the Holy Spirit to indwell every true believer. We have also mentioned that God continues to use dreams and visions today, especially in parts of the world where His Word may not be available. However, the Lord did use dreams and visions from time to time in the early church, particularly with Peter and Paul.
Both Peter and Paul lived in a transitional time, and the Lord did not immediately stop using this way of communicating to His servants. “The darkness [was] passing,” and the “true light” was already shining (1 John 2:8 JND), but this took place over a period of time. Paul was the one used of the Lord to “fulfill [or complete] the word of God” (Col. 1:25), and thus he had a very special calling. There were seven times in his life that the Lord chose to speak to him in a direct vision, rather than simply leading him by the Holy Spirit.
The First Vision
The first time that Paul saw a vision was when the Lord appeared to him on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:3-6). A light brighter than the sun suddenly struck him down, and a voice spoke to him: “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?” Saul, as he was called before he was saved, immediately recognized this as a “heavenly vision” (Acts 26:19), and he replied, “Who art Thou, Lord?” He knew that the Lord Himself was speaking to him, and he waited for the Lord to tell him what to do next.
It is important to recognize that Saul was persecuting Christians with a good conscience, for he could say later to the Jewish Sanhedrin, “Men and brethren, I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day” (Acts 23:1). Saul thought he was doing the right thing and that persecuting the Christians was pleasing to the Lord. But the Lord was going to show him otherwise and that Saul’s laying his hands on believers in Christ was persecuting Christ Himself.
The Second Vision
The second vision Paul had was shortly afterward, when he was in Damascus, blinded for three days, with time to ponder what had happened to him. During this time Saul evidently saw another vision — a vision of a man named Ananias coming to him, putting his hands on him, and giving him back his sight (Acts 9:11-12). The Lord had also sent a vision to Ananias, telling him to go and do this, and He had told Ananias that Saul would be expecting him. During this same visit from Ananias, Saul was baptized and was “filled with the Holy Ghost” (Acts 9:17).
It was shortly before this that Stephen was martyred while Saul looked on with approval, but as another has commented, “It was typical of the ways of God in this dispensation of grace, that when Satan succeeded in putting out one of the brightest lights in the early church, God laid hold of the worst one responsible and said, as it were, “You come and take his place!” Then the Lord made of Saul of Tarsus an even greater servant than Stephen.
Direction in Service and Guidance
For the third vision we must go on to Acts 22:17-21, where we read Paul’s account of how God gave him direction in service. Saul (by this time called Paul) was evidently in Jerusalem, praying in the temple, when the Lord told him clearly to “depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles” (Acts 22:21). Unlike Peter’s mission, which was to the Jews, Paul’s commission was to the Gentiles. Later, when Paul did go back to Jerusalem to witness to his own nation — the Jews—there was nothing but trouble. All this is a good lesson for us; we are always right to do what the Lord gives us to do. Following our own way, even with good motives, will never accomplish God’s purposes.
The fourth vision is given to us in Acts 16:9, for here Paul and his companion Silas are uncertain of what to do. If Paul received general guidance as to his service for the Lord in Jerusalem, he also sometimes needed specific guidance. They were “forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia,” and when they tried to “go into Bithynia,” we read that “the Spirit suffered them not.” But then, after coming to Troas, they received another vision telling them that there was a man in Macedonia, asking them to “come over into Macedonia, and help us” (vs. 9). They had labored for the Lord in Asia, but now it was time for the gospel to be introduced into Europe. Again, how wonderful are the ways of God! Little did Paul and Silas know that to reach that man (the jailor in Philippi), they would have to endure beating and imprisonment. Paul was learning how he was to suffer for the name of Christ (Acts 9:16).
The fifth vision is one of encouragement, for here Paul is in a large, wealthy, and very important city in Greece — Corinth. Paul was fearful as he went there, and he admits this later in 1 Corinthians 2:3: “I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.” It was not that he had any doubt as to the power of the gospel, but he was afraid that perhaps these wealthy, educated people might not want to listen to him. The Lord encourages him by telling him that “no man shall set on thee to hurt thee” and that He, the Lord, had “much people in this city” (Acts 18:10). The Lord kept His word, and we do not read of any direct persecution in Corinth, although Paul stayed there for a year and a half. The one attempt by the Jews to raise up persecution resulted only in the Jews’ being driven from the judgment seat by Gallio, the Roman deputy of the region.
The sixth vision is very precious, for it occurs at a low point in Paul’s life, when he was doubtless rather discouraged. After being told that his commission was to the Gentiles, his love for his own nation, the Jews, caused him some years later to go up to Jerusalem once more, intent on preaching to them one more time. However, there was no blessing from his efforts, and had it not been for the Lord’s allowing the Jews to force him out of the temple, he might have seriously compromised his Christian position (Acts 21:18-30). As a result of the uproar that ensued, he was taken into custody by the Romans and no doubt felt his failure keenly. The night following the Lord appeared to him and said, “Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of Me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome” (Acts 23:11). We might call this encouragement in trial, for, as we have mentioned, Paul surely must have realized his failure in going up to Jerusalem. Also, many believers had witnessed to him on his trip up to Jerusalem that he should not go there. But the Lord had pity on His servant, for He knew that Paul’s motives were right. The Lord first gives Paul credit for testifying of Him in Jerusalem, and then He tells him that he would also bear witness at Rome. Paul knew, right from that point, that he would reach Rome. All this must have made it somewhat easier for him to bear the two long years in prison before he was finally sent to Rome. But Paul knew that the Lord was in charge of all his circumstances.
His Appearing Before Caesar
The seventh visit might be called encouragement or intelligence in danger. After spending two years in prison in Caesarea, Paul was finally put on a ship to Rome. It turned out to be a dangerous journey, and so much so that most on board the ship thought that they would be lost at sea. Paul already had the answer: He knew that would not happen, but that he would reach Rome. However, now God gave him a further vision. Not only would he reach Rome and be brought before Caesar, but the Lord would graciously preserve all who were on board that ship (Acts 27:23-25). When Paul revealed this vision to those on the ship, he spoke with authority, and he took charge of the ship, although only a prisoner. The result was that “then were they all of good cheer” (Acts 27:36). Again, this is an encouragement to us, for when a believer in Christ speaks with God’s authority, others, even unbelievers, will often recognize the voice of the Lord and listen.
We might mention one final vision Paul had, although it was more than a vision. I refer to the time when Paul was “caught up to the third heaven” (2 Cor. 12:2). No doubt Paul was actually caught up to the third heaven (the dwelling place of God), although he was not conscious of whether he was in the body or out of the body. It was a wonderful preview of coming glory, yet afterward he needed “a thorn for the flesh” (2 Cor. 12:7 JND), lest he should be “exalted above measure.” Human pride could still get in the way, and that thorn kept Paul humble. Yet later Paul could rejoice in it, for it only made the power of Christ more evident in his life.
You and I will not likely experience visions such as Paul had, but God by His Holy Spirit can make His mind very clear to us, in all the areas where Paul saw visions. However, we must be walking with the Lord, with a true desire to know His mind.
W. J. Prost
A Vision of the Night
Many people have crowded into an “upper chamber,” where an evangelist from a distant town is to speak of Jesus. Such a sight is not an unusual one in our own country, but in the far south of France gospel meetings are not so frequent, and many of these people were this evening to hear it for the first time.
With eager faces riveted on the preacher they listened, while he pleaded with them to flee to the Savior, to find instant salvation in His finished work on the cross. He showed them what a “refuge of lies” that false teaching is, that tells the sinner his attempt at good works can gain him heaven. But while he spoke of the love of God, who sent His Son into the world that, believing or Him, we should not perish, he warned them too, of a surely-coming judgment, and earnestly implored them to come to Jesus before it was too late.
Concluding in deeply solemn tones, which thrilled through the hearts of his hearers, he related the following incident from his own life, which may have a warning voice even to some in our land—
“Brought up by a truly godly mother, who from my earliest childhood tried to lead me to Jesus, I was never without serious impressions. I wished my mother’s Savior to be mine, and I admired the beauty of Christ as exemplified in her life. But though earnestly desiring to be a child of God like her someday, I still kept putting off the moment of deciding for Christ.
“And so my boyhood passed away. The time was drawing near when I must leave my home to go out into the world, and I was yet unconverted, out of Christ, notwithstanding my mother’s constant earnest pleadings. At length God Himself spoke to me through a warning dream. It is now twenty years ago but it is as vivid to my mind as if it were but yesterday.
The Dream
“I dreamed one night that I was busily engaged at my studies with the tutor, my mother sitting at my side. It was midday, when the light should have been at the brightest; but suddenly the sunshine faded away, and a deep gloom overspread the heavens.
“Awestruck I arose, and groping my way towards the window, flung it open, and stood looking out into the ever-increasing darkness, which became a ‘darkness that might be felt.’ In the far distance I discerned one tiny luminous speck, coming straight from heaven, which steadily increased in brilliance as I gazed upon it.
“A terrible foreboding seized me. ‘Can this be the coming of the Lord?’ I exclaimed.
This was no new thought to me; for my mother, in her solemn warnings, had often told me He was coming again, begging me to be ready to meet Him.
“I stood transfixed, unable to remove my earnest gaze from that bright light, which, seeming to overpower the darkness, grew larger and larger, and came nearer and nearer, until I saw distinctly in the midst of the glory, the Person of the Son of God Himself, and knew that my worst fears were realized.
“Shining angels issued from that glorious center, and sped downwards, entering one dwelling or another, wherever the Savior’s blood-bought ones were to be found. I watched the heavenly messengers returning, some leading but one, others two or three of the saints into the presence of the Lord, and I saw the sweet reception of each one by the Savior—the look of tender love and welcome that He gave them — and understood that they had indeed entered into ‘fullness of joy.’ My soul was filled with longing to share such glorious happiness, but I knew I was not ready. Oh! if I could but recall a few hours of that precious time, which God in His long patience had given me — now gone forever!
The Lost Souls
“I would gladly have looked longer at those faces, lit up with such holy rapture, but another scene attracted my attention, and riveted my horror-stricken eyes — a scene of misery, desolation, and woe, going on in the blackness beneath. Lost souls, who in that terrible hour had vainly sought to hide themselves from the wrath of the Lamb, were cursing God, and railing against Him, as the inevitable judgment overtook them. I heard them blaspheming His name, as they were hurried down to perdition, into the ‘outer darkness, where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth; where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.’
“Dear friends, I beg you to remember this is but a dream, and so to bear with some details that are not scriptural. It is not angels who shall come to lead the redeemed into the Lord’s presence. You will see if you turn to 1 Thess. 4:16-k17, that He will not entrust this mission to any other, but that He Himself will descend from heaven, and call His own to join Him in the air. The terrible judgment that will fall on the wicked, will not take place until after the children of God are safe at home in the Father’s house, far away from this scene of woe. However, in my dream, God, in His grace, purposing thoroughly to arouse me, brought vividly before me all the horrors of the damned, at the same time that He showed me the blessedness of the saints. It was truly an appalling moment.
“I cried aloud, in a fever of anxiety, entreating for that mercy, which I knew had been so freely offered me a little while before, mercy from which I had then turned away in indifference, but now realized to be of such eternal value. I prayed for salvation — the salvation I had delayed accepting when it was within my grasp. I besought for but one hour more. But even as I called upon God, I felt, in my anguish, that there was none to hear; the prayer came back as an idle echo to my own bosom. I knew it was too late; the day of grace was over, the day of judgment had begun!
“My eyes again sought those bright messengers of the Lord. One of them must come to our home, for there was undoubtedly one child of God there. A faint hope arose within me, that when the messenger came for that one, there might yet be mercy for another; that perhaps (not having positively refused salvation, though so guilty in delaying to accept it) I might find forgiveness, and be caught up with her to join the glad throng around the Lord.
“The door opened, and a radiant angel stood before us, his face beaming with the love and peace of Him from whose presence he had come. I felt the decisive moment had arrived, and that my fate was sealed. How many of the inmates of that room would he call?
The Door Closed
“Beckoning to my mother, the angel said, ‘Follow thou me,’ and she rose up quickly and followed him. Will he call but one? Has he no word for me? Oh, how gladly would I go too! As a poor suppliant, my entreating eyes were on the angel’s face, but not one look or word had he for me. It was the voice of my loved mother that pronounced my doom, as she left me forever. At the door she turned, and casting on me an earnest look that pierced my very soul, she said in sorrowful tones, ‘My son, I often spoke to you of this, and told you that if you would be saved, you must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; now it is too late! too late!’
“The door closed, and she was gone, leaving me with the burning words ringing in my ears, ‘too late! too late!’ I sank on the ground in an agony of grief, weeping as if my very heart would break. Nothing remained for me, all had vanished in one moment — both earth and heaven — my mother and the Lord. In the utter depth of my misery I awoke!
“Awoke, to find the pillow drenched with my tears. What! a pillow, a bed! Then this awful scene had been but a dream. It was not yet for me to lift up my eyes in hell, being in torments, dragged away from the eternal light by those fearful heralds of judgment.
‘Depart from Me, ye cursed!’ had not yet been said. Those terrible words, ‘too late! too late!’ were not yet true. The ransomed saints were not yet gathered into the Father’s house. One golden hour was still mine; not one moment of it must be lost. I sprang out of bed, and casting myself on my knees before God, with many tears cried for mercy, while I thanked Him that He had given me one hour more in His ‘day of salvation.’
“Blessed be God! there was yet time left for me to find Christ, to be washed in His precious blood, and to live from henceforth unto Him who died for me, while watching for His coming.”
This was the story told by the preacher that night in the little French town.
Dear reader, you who are yet without hope and without God in the world, oh! delay not to come to Jesus while there is time. Do not put this aside as only a dream, for there is a solemn lesson in it. Christ is surely coming again; the cry, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh!” has sounded. Is there oil in your vessel, and, with lamp trimmed, are you going forth to meet Him? How will it be with you when He calls His saints to join Him in the air? Be warned; flee to Christ, while the long-suffering of our God is salvation, and cast in your lot with those who are waiting for the Son from heaven, “even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.”
D. & A. C.
A Dream With a Sequel
Some years ago, when at our station at Teianhsien, in China, a very interesting answer to a dream came to me. I was told that a visitor was in the guest room desiring to see me. After the usual salutations, he said, “You have a message for me?”
His home was in a village many miles away from Teianhsien. For many generations in his family, they had been great worshippers of idols and of their ancestors. For some years, however, he himself had not been satisfied, and he had been seeking how he might obtain happiness in the next world.
He told me that, three nights previous to his coming to me, he dreamed that he saw a man standing beside his bed, who told him that he was to arise and have breakfast, and after the meal he was to descend the mountain and cross the plains until he came to the Teh River; there he would find the ferry boat on his side, and by it he was to cross the river near to the North Gate. There a man would be standing, and he was to inquire of him where a foreigner of the name of Wang (my Chinese name) lived. This foreigner would tell him how to obtain the happiness he was seeking. Our friend then told me how, when he woke up, he at once arose, had breakfast, descended the mountain, crossed the plains, found the ferry boat on his side of the river, crossed, and reached the North Gate. There was the man standing, and when he inquired where the foreigner lived, he was told to go through the city till he came to the South Gate, and then to pass on till he came to the last house. There he would find the foreigner, Wang. He said, “Now I have come, and I have found everything to be according to my dream; I wish you to tell me the message that you have to tell me.” What a joy was mine, as I sat there, to be able to tell to this man the gospel message!
We sat together for the whole day, talking of the things of God, and towards evening he had the joy of finding peace through believing on the Lord Christ, who had died for him. How he rejoiced in the knowledge of the sure salvation that he had just found!
Echoes of Grace (shortened version) 1973
Jacob's Dream
The night was dark, the desert drear,
And Jacob’s heart was sad with fear.
He laid his staff upon the ground;
A stone he for his pillow found;
And jaded, sorrowful, oppressed,
He seeks his aching limbs to rest;
He counts himself of all bereft —
None near to shield, or cheer him, left;
A stranger, homeless and forlorn;
Through his own fault so rudely torn
From all he’d loved from childhood’s morn.
He sleeps at last — forlorn, alone,
His aching head upon the stone;
When lo in visions of the night
What heavenly glories meet his sight!
From the cold earth on which he lies,
A ladder reaches to the skies.
The upward path to heaven above;
The downward of Incarnate love;
And lo! above it stands the Lord,
By all those angel hosts adored,
Whose gracious voice, in accents clear,
Thus spoke to Jacob’s ravished ear:
Though now alone, cast out, distressed,
More than the dust thy seed shall be;
To north and south, to east and west
Shall spread thy countless progeny;
Lo! I am with thee; I will keep
Thee as the apple of Mine eye:
My loving care shall never sleep;
I will thy every want supply.
Wisdom and mercy — all engage
His head to shield, His woes assuage;
To comfort, to protect and bless
His journeys through the wilderness:
Whene’er he leans on pilgrim’s rod,
Jacob may well trust Jacob’s God.
J. G. Deck (adapted from a lengthy poem)