NEARLY every child who has the chance likes to strike the notes of a piano. But the early attempts do not produce much music nor give much pleasure to those who hear. It is a long time before a tune can be played by the little fingers, and a great deal of patience is needed on the part of the one who teaches as well as on the part of the child who learns.
Music for the Lord—who can produce this? Who can give Him pleasure? “Making melody in your heart to the Lord” is the privilege of all Christians, young and old. The very little ones who believe (Matt. 18) may gladden Him. The children may praise the name of the Lord. (Psalm 148:12, 1312Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children: 13Let them praise the name of the Lord: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven. (Psalm 148:12‑13).)
Do you remember how the children who were in the temple cried, “Hosanna to the Son of David”? Did the Lord despise those early notes? No, He delighted in them. He was glad to hear their voices telling out His praises; and when the elder people murmured and asked whether He heard what the children were saying, He answered, “Yea!” Yes! the Lord heard those little ones, and He hears the little ones still. Out of the mouth of babes God perfects praise.
Cannot you praise Him, dear boys and girls? Do you know the Lord Jesus as your own Saviour? Are your sins all put away by His precious blood? Does He care for you day by day? Yes, and He is thinking of you still, although He is in heaven now. Surely, if all this is true with you, then you may well praise Him.
Perhaps you have learned to pray to Him. You know how to go to Him with your sorrows. Then do not forget to go to Him with your joys as well, making known to Him your heart’s thanksgiving for all that He has suffered in order that He might be your Saviour, and for all His grace and goodness.
He will love to hear your early notes of praise.
ML 01/30/1916