Early Training

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
"A time to plant." "In the morning sow thy seed," &c.
A few years ago a company of Indians were captured on the western frontier. Among them were stolen children. They had been with the savages for years. Word was sent throughout the region, inviting all who had lost children to come and see if, among the captives, they could recognize their own. A long way off was a woman who had been robbed of a boy and a girl. With mingled feelings of hope and fear she came; with throbbing heart she approached the group. They were strange to her. With the dull feeling of despair at her heart the was turning away, when she paused, choked back her tears, and, in soft, clear notes, began a simple song she used to sing to her little ones of Jesus and heaven. Not a line was completed before a boy and a girl sprang from the group, exclaiming, " Mamma! mamma!" So lives a mother's early influence in the hearts of her children.