Echoes of Grace: 1944
Table of Contents
The Druggist's Mistake
The life-long friend of a young Christian was employed as a druggist, but he was far from sharing in his friend's faith. Every time the latter spoke to him of God, the young chemist made fun of him. Accordingly the friend decided never to touch upon the subject again in their conversations, but to confine himself to ordinary topics. He said: "In the future, old man, I shall not trouble you with these matters, because you only make light of them. I have only one word more to say before closing the subject, until you care to re-open it—a word from God to you. It is a verse from the 50th Psalm: `Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me! Don't forget it!' " But the other just laughed.
Some time after this the young chemist was on night duty at the pharmacy, when a sudden and violent ringing at the door roused him from his sleep. A little girl had brought a prescription which the doctor had just given to her mother who was very ill.
Annoyed at being disturbed, and still half asleep, the young fellow weighed out the drugs, mixed them, stuck the label on the bottle, and handed it to the child who ran off with it as fast as she could.
After she had gone he proceeded to put the various bottles back in their places when—horrors! what had he done? He had used the wrong bottle! Instead of a soothing drug he had put a violent poison into the prescription! If the patient took any of it, death was sure and a death of agony!
But unfortunately he did not know the little girl, nor where she lived. If only he could find, her! He rushed out of the store into the dark streets. He ran to the right, then to the left, but in vain. The darkness had swallowed her amid the streets of the great city. Besides she seemed in such a hurry, perhaps at that very moment she was giving her mother a draft of the poison he had prepared!
A cold sweat covered the poor fellow. He was at his wits' end... when suddenly his friend's verse flashed on his memory: "Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.”
He hurried back to the pharmacy, threw himself on his knees and.. prayed. O, he did not make any fun this time. In his terrible anguish he besought God to help him, for He alone could.... What! Another ring? He rushed to the door and to his unspeakable amazement saw the little girl bathed in tears and holding the neck of the broken bottle!
"O, sir!" she sobbed, "forgive me! I ran so fast that I fell and broke the bottle.”
We can imagine the feelings of the young man as he took the prescription in hand again and prepared it correctly. But the gratitude of his heart did not vanish like a fleeting, though profound, impression. Conviction had pierced his soul; he realized how unworthy he was of such goodness from God, whom he had ' so long slighted and even mocked.
It would be natural that he should tell his friend what had occurred and should of his own accord re-open the subject he had closed.
He soon learned to know the Savior whom his friend knew, and was enabled, too, to realize the last part of the verse: "And thou shalt glorify Me.”
A Sermon in a Barn
Some years ago a preacher of the Gospel felt very impressed by the Spirit of God go to a certain village to preach. In due time he found himself in the place, a tiny village that had neither church, chapel, nor meeting house. He walked through the place, knowing no one in it, and no one knew him. He wondered what he should do. He retraced his steps. On the outskirts of the village was a barn in a field. The Spirit of God seemed to tell him that this was the place where he had to preach.
Impelled by the influence, he entered the barn. In it were two cows and some hay. The Spirit of God bade him preach. He hung back. It seemed the height of absurdity for him to speak under such circumstances.
But a voice seemed to say to him, "Are you My servant, or your own master?" He replied, "Thy servant, Lord.”
"Then do what I bid thee," came the unmistakable answer.
He opened his Bible, read a portion, preached a good gospel sermon, prayed, and retired. The whole affair seemed to foolish that he determined that he would not divulge the evening's proceedings to a living soul.
Years rolled by. The circumstances had almost passed out of mind. One day he was preaching. At the close of the, service a stranger came up, and asked him, "Were you ever in such and such a county?”
"Certainly," was the reply.
"Did you ever preach in such and such a village?" was the next inquiry.
The preacher hesitated to answer. The questioner urged his question, telling him he had a good reason for asking. Most reluctantly the preacher replied in the affirmative.
"Did you ever preach to two cows and some hay in a barn just outside the village?”
The preacher, being pressed on the point, again answered in the affirmative.
Then the questioner grasped the preacher by the hand, saying heartily, "I thought I recognized your voice again. I thought I was not mistaken. All those years ago I was disturbed while poaching, and hid myself for safety in that barn, under the hay. I fell asleep, and must have slept for hours. I was awakened by hearing your voice. I made sure that God must have meant that address for me. You thought the address was given to two cows and some hay, but in reality it was meant for me, and me alone, and God used it to my salvation.”
In this striking way did God bring the preacher and the hearer together.
Reader, does not God mean to speak to YOU, and that by this printed page? Has this great matter of your soul's salvation not occupied your attention as yet? God grant that it may from this hour.
God's way of salvation is plain in His Holy Word. It says, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved" Acts 16:31.
This one verse is enough for the earnest seeker. May God bless it to you.
"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up; that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:14,15,16.
The Power of the Book
A vessel was sailing in the Pacific Ocean when she suddenly struck a reef. The shock was so violent that it was evident that the vessel must soon become a total loss, so the captain and crew immediately took to the boats, hoping to reach some island or to sight a ship which would take them aboard. But they scanned the horizon in vain; neither land nor ship appeared for fourteen days, and they were beginning to despair when on the morning of the fifteenth day they saw that they were approaching an unknown coral island, on the shores of which they could see the waves breaking with masses of white foam.
The islanders had already sighted the boats and were crowding to the beach, but the sailors did not know whether they should rejoice or tremble, exhausted as they were and almost dead from hunger, for, if the islanders were pagans, a worse fate than to be swallowed by the waves perhaps awaited them, for it often happened in those days that if some unfortunate whites fell into their hands, they were regarded as victims to be offered to their idols and then eaten.
While the shipwrecked men watched with anxiety every movement of the people on shore, they saw one of the natives approaching rapidly through the breakers, holding a book aloft and crying: "Missionary! missionary!”
What a reassuring cry! Missionaries had been in that island, and through them the people had learned to know the Holy Book. There was nothing to fear!
With joyous shouts the sailors answered the natives and called for help. At once there was a rush to meet them: some guided the boats through the reef, others carried the men to shore and gave them abundance of food and every possible care with truly Christian affection.
But a still greater surprise awaited the captain. He found out that the humane feelings of all these people were due to the labors among them of his own brother! God had used him to bring to these pagan islanders the precious Book and the knowledge of its teachings. He had granted him not only the honor and joy of imparting the blessings of Christianity to these poor pagans, but also the happiness of saving the lives of his brother and his crew.
And what about the Book which the islander had waved aloft as a token of peace? It was the Book of books, the Bible; the Book which God has given to men that they may know Him, and it meets the soul's need of every human being in every land who reverently accepts its teachings. That Book had changed those coarse, ignorant and cruel savages into Christians full of gentleness and kindness. It had told them of a Savior who loved them and died for them, and they had believed the good news.
Dear readers, may we ask you if you have this Book, and if so, what has it done for you? The Lord Jesus said: "Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify of Me." John 5:39.
Peace at Last
A noble-looking soldier lay in the ward of a military hospital.
"I want to speak to you about religion," he said, as I stood by his bedside. "I have made up my mind," he continued, "with an earnest resolution, to serve God and do my duty—not with the feeble resolution of a boy, but with man's determined purpose, that henceforth I will do right.”
At some length he told me what he was going to do; he spoke about his vows, his purposes, his plans. All was about himself, not one word about Christ the Savior.
Having listened to him quietly, I said at last, "Then you are at peace, my friend.”
"O no," he said, "my agony of mind only increases.”
"Why so? Have you not kept your vows?" "No, I cannot," he answered despairingly.
"Had you not better then try again? or can you think of no way of making up the account?" He shook his head hopelessly and said, "I know not what to do.”
"My friend," I replied, "stop your vowing. Satan has enticed you on to one of his quicksands, where you are fast sinking down to hell. Your house is on the sand. You cannot be your own Savior. Listen to God's way of saving sinners. Jesus Christ—God manifest in the flesh—came into the world to save sinners, not to help them to save themselves. His work was finished on the cross over nineteen hundred years ago, and He has left you nothing to do but to receive by faith the benefit of what He has done.
"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.”
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." (John 3:36; Acts 16:31).
"But must I not do something?" he asked. "Can I believe on Christ, and become a child of God, and tomorrow go back to the world, and live like the other soldiers?”
"God forbid," I cried. "How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?”
"When you become a child of God by faith in Christ Jesus, God gives you the nature, the heart of a Child, and the Holy Spirit to dwell in you, so that you no longer love the sins you once delighted in; and you have the power of the Spirit to resist the flesh, your old nature.”
After some other questions and answers, the Lord gave him to see, not only that he was a lost sinner, but that Christ had borne the judgment of sin on the cross, and that all who believed on Him were saved. Still his mind was not clear, for, though he lost confidence in vows and resolutions, the enemy had thrown him on his feelings.
"Must I not have happy feelings," he said—as thousands say—"before I know that I am happy?”
"No," said I, "on the contrary, you must believe, before you can possibly feel happy. Peace comes from believing, and not believing from peace. You are to believe simply because God says so, and not because you feel happy. Were happy frames and feelings the foundation of your faith, you would drift about at their mercy. But. God's Word is a rock that cannot be moved. It is when we are dwelling, neither on our feelings, nor our faith, but on the object of faith, Christ Jesus, that we are brought into peace and joy.”
It was now evident that the Holy Spirit had led him to the Savior, though he still inclined to look into his own heart for happy feelings. This led to the close of our conversation.
"Do you believe the testimony of God concerning Christ? This is the question, and not the evidence of happy feelings. These are changeable as the wind. Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and that God gave Him to be the Savior of the world—the great propitiation for sin? Take your thoughts completely off yourself, and look to Jesus. Do you believe in Him?”
"With all my heart I do," he answered earnestly.
The Lord's name be praised—to Him alone be all the glory. And now, "Can you believe what God says concerning them that have this faith?”
"What is it?" he asked eagerly.
"He that believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God.”
"He that believeth hath everlasting life.”
And observe, my friend, it is not can have, may have, or shall have, but hath everlasting life. When we believe in Jesus, and surrender the heart to Him, we have perfect peace, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. What a salvation! Full pardon, everlasting life, peace with God, and only waiting for glory. In parting, I said to him, "May I not leave you now with the happy assurance that you know, on God's testimony, that you have eternal life as a present possession?" After a pause, he raised his eyes and said, with deep feeling, "Yes, you may. I have eternal life through faith in Jesus.”
Time and Eternity
I have read of a man who was brought to the knowledge of the Lord by reading the fifth chapter of Genesis. Perhaps you may not see much converting power in that chapter for it largely consists of a list of names of men that lived before the flood with a general sameness in each of these little biographies, but what struck him was the fact that notwithstanding the great ages to which they attained—one of them living 930 years, another 912 years, a third 910 years, a fourth 895 years, and in one case 969 years—yet it is said regarding every one of them except one, "And he died," while regarding the exceptional, it is recorded that "he walked with God, and was not, for God took him.”
The thought that impressed itself upon the mind of the man was this, that if men who lived for centuries, all died at last, excepting the one who was taken to heaven, then no lapse of time can save us from death, and so it is well to be prepared.
What do you think of this man? Was he a wise man or a fool? God says, "It is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment." Heb. 9:27. And this man believed Him.
The solemn truth that death was the appointed doom of man, was brought home to his conscience by the case of the antediluvians, and so he bowed the knee and thankfully accepted the salvation of Christ.
Jesus Bore My Sins
"O death and hell, I cannot dread your power, The debt is paid.
On Jesus, in that dark and dreadful hour,
My sins were laid.
Yes, Jesus bore them! bore, in love unbounded,
What none can know.
He died, but rose again, and so confounded
The awful foe.
He's now up there! Proclaim the joyful story—
The Lord's on high!
And I in Him am raised to endless glory,
And ne'er can die.”
Acts 17:31.
2 Cor. 6:3.
"That Is Plain"
"What are you to do in order to be saved?" was a question put by me to someone in whose spiritual welfare I was interested.
"I must do what the Bible tells me," was his answer.
"And what is that?" said I.
"Well, I know that we all come short, and fail to walk up to our duty," he replied.
"That is, no doubt, true, lamentably true —for God declares that man is 'altogether become unprofitable,' and that 'our righteousnesses are but filthy rags'—but," I said, "what was the answer given by the Apostle Paul to the earnest inquiry of the Philippian jailer, when, on the night of his conversion, he said, "What must I do to be saved?”
"O! he was told to trust in the Lord." "Yes," said I, "he was told: `Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.'
Now to trust and to believe are substantially the same, and the man who really trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ believes in Him, and is therefore saved.”
"But," he replied, "there is so much difficulty in this trusting; it seems to be so hard, although in another sense it is so simple; its very simplicity makes it difficult!”
"Stop a moment," I said, "and take this illustration. Suppose that I had run into some serious difficulty, and was unable to extricate myself without legal advice and assistance, I should call on a lawyer, and spread my whole case before him, and, having done this, I should tell him that I trusted it all to him. Thus I should, so far, be relieved, and my sense of relief would be proportionate to my knowledge of the skill of the lawyer. In the same way," I continued, "is it that we are called to trust the Lord Jesus Christ. The soul learns by the Word and Spirit of God that it is hopelessly ruined, and morally bankrupt—a fearful discovery indeed—and, like the jailer, it cries out,
`What must I do?' and the Word of God gives answer, 'Go to Jesus'—`to Jesus the Mediator,' —`to Jesus the friend of the sinner'—and to Him therefore does it apply; the whole case is spread out before Him, the whole story is told, and the result is left with Him.”
"That is plain, very plain," said he.
And so it surely is, so far as the trusting goes, but then all would be uncertainty as to the result. That He would never deceive, and never play false, and never lose a case, is all Divinely sure; still the soul is destitute of assurance, if the result of its trust were only to be known in the future. What it seeks is a present knowledge, and a present assurance.
But the case has been in court, and has been tried, and has been settled. Man, as a criminal, has been arraigned, and has been tried, has been found guilty, and has been sentenced. All is past. Man is proven. to be "all under sin," and the unbeliever is "condemned already.”
Such is the verdict of the Court of Divine equity. Nothing remains, therefore, but the execution of the sentence, and the consignment of the criminal to the judgment pronounced.
But could not substitution be allowed? Could not the criminal escape, by the execution of the guiltless? Yes! and O! wonder of wonders—the Judge, in love untold, takes the place of the guilty, bears the punishment, and dies instead—
"He took the guilty culprit's place,
And suffered in his stead,
For man—O! miracle of grace,
For man the Savior bled.”
And what about the culprit—the condemned and consciously undone sinner? His judgment has all been borne by Another, and he is free!
He looks back to the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, and there beholds the dark judgment-cloud burst upon the soul of his Divine and precious Substitute. The load of sin, the hours of darkness, and the wrath of God, pressed their crushing weight on Him; but the Prince of life broke the bonds of death, and was raised by God, and seated at His right hand in glory; He is there without sin, and there as the measure of the acceptance of the soul that trusts in Him.
And the case is settled—Truly, "it is plain.”
"Happy they who trust in Jesus,
Sweet their portion is and sure.”
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus." Rom. 8:1.
"A Most Impressive Sight, Sir"
I was traveling by rail from S. to W. At S. stood a number of young men, many of whom stepped into the coach in which I was, some lighting cigars and some pipes, and my first thought was to go into another coach; but immediately these words rested on my mind: "There's need here," and I stayed.
As the train moved on I began to offer tracts to my fellow-passengers, which all received—some laughingly, others with soberness.
One young man was evidently interested in what he was reading, and when he had read the tract through, handed it back to me, and asked for another, which I gave him, and which he also read. When he had finished it, he told me that he, with the rest, had just returned from a review of all the volunteers in the county.
"It was a most impressive sight, sir; a fine sight for young volunteers!" and with all the enthusiasm of youth he went on to describe the effect upon himself and others, etc., and wound up by telling me how the commanding officer complimented them upon the soldier like manner in which they had acquitted themselves.
I listened till he finished the account. We were nearing H., the junction at which I must change, and the train was already slackening speed.
"You have told me," I said, "of a sight which you felt to be most impressive, though only the gathering of a few thousand men; but there is a sight far, far more impressive than the one of which you have spoken, which you and I must see one day—the dead, small and great, standing before God; the books opened, and the dead judged out of those things that are written in the books! That will be an impressive sight, indeed! Where will it find you?”
The train had come to a stand. I spoke not another word, save, after a solemn pause, "good night.”
As I left him the expression of great solemnity was upon his countenance.
Unsaved reader, where will it find you?
How I Was Brought to Christ
I should like to bring out the fact that many people have religion, without Christ. This was my experience, and I will try to relate, in my own words, how I was brought to Christ.
I was reared up in the Roman Catholic faith and taught that it was the only true and saving faith. I lived thus until I married, which took me to a different creed, as my husband was a Lutheran. After my marriage I began to get troubled about my soul, as I knew that I did not have peace with God and I was afraid that I had left the only true church. My husband was a faithful Lutheran, and as I was thirsty and hungry for righteousness, I joined his church in the hope that I might find peace. This also proved to be in vain, as I had no peace. Religion evidently did not satisfy me.
Prayer seemed to be my only recourse, so I prayed without ceasing and begged God to have mercy on me. I did not want to be lost for all eternity, and for several years I prayed that God would show me by the work of the Holy Spirit whether I was wandering on the broad road that leadeth to destruction, or on the narrow road that leadeth to life. I wanted to be certain, for I was troubled about my soul and wanted to be sure where I would spend eternity.
Thank God, he answered my prayers, as He always does when they come from the heart.
"The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." Psa. 34:18.
Being hungry and thirsty for righteousness, I attended some gospel meetings held in our town, and I came to the conclusion that I was spiritually blind as regards God's way of salvation. The scripture that awoke me was: "All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags." Isa. 64:6.
When I let go of self-righteousness, I found that I did not have Christ, that I had not given Christ His proper place in my heart. I was not trusting in the precious blood of Christ, which alone can save. As I was very anxious to have peace, I humbled myself before God, and when I pleaded guilty and took the lost sinner's place, God in his mercy revealed to me His only begotten Son, Who bore my sins on the cross of Calvary, and paid my debt with His own precious blood, that I might go free. I turned away from self, and by faith looked to the finished work on the Cross of Calvary which was done for me; and when I accepted Christ as my own personal Savior, and claimed His righteousness as my own, I came into possession of the peace that passeth all understanding. The darkness that I had been groping around in all these years had passed away, and the true light now shines, as Jesus is the Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.
My greatest desire now is to bring others to Christ, as it brings such perfect peace to know that you have eternal life, that you have passed from death unto life, and that you shall not come into condemnation, as we read in John 5:24. Now I pray that many may be brought to Christ, and that so-called Christians may ask themselves if they have the assurance of eternal life, as all true believers have, according to 1 John 5:13.
I find that self-righteousness is the hope of many so-called Christians today. Ask them about the way of salvation and the answer will be generally something like this: "Do the best you can, go to church, lead a good moral life, do good works," and so on. These are the things I also used to trust in, but though these things are right in themselves, God says, that without Christ, they are only filthy rags.
In order to obtain eternal life, you will have to accept it as a gift, because God says distinctly in Eph. 2:8:
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.”
Make sure that you possess this gift and do not merely profess to have it.
Lord, while our souls in faith repose,
Upon Thy precious blood,
Peace like an even river flows,
And mercy like a flood.
What Is Faith?
A friend of ours who is very fond of children has a class every Sunday to teach them the truths of the Gospel.
Wishing to show them what faith is, he took from his pocket a beautiful new watch and said: "I will give this watch to whoever wants it." The children stared at him with astonishment, but did not answer; they could not believe that he really would give them so handsome a gift, if they just asked for it. He turned to the eldest boy in the class and offered him the watch, but the unbelieving boy smiled and did not move. Our friend offered it to each of the children and met with the same unbelief and indecision. At last he came to the smallest, a little fellow of four years.
"And you, Henry, do you want the watch?”
"Yes, sir," he replied, and without hesitation, stepped up to receive the watch, which was to be a precious remembrance of the kindness of his friend.
The sacrifice the gentleman had made in giving the watch was well repaid by the deep and surely lasting impression made by his act on all the children, and by the lesson he was able to draw from it, seeking to awaken their young hearts and to lead them to receive simply, without reasoning, and at once, the Gift of God.
"If I had said to you, dear children," he continued, "'Who wants to buy this watch?' No one could have got it, for none of you has enough money in his pocket to do it. I said: 'I will give the watch to whoever wants it.' It is simply a question of believing my word. Little Henry believed and he has the watch. He didn't pay for it, he couldn't, but I paid for it. It is the same with God's salvation. If we had to buy it, or earn it, we could never get it.”
How simple, and yet how telling, were the words of our friend! Our sinfulness is such, our guilt is such, that neither our money, nor our so-called good works, nor our religious observances, whatever they may be, could ever save us; indeed the Scripture says plainly: By the works of law there shall no flesh be justified before Him (Rom. 3:20).
Salvation has been acquired for us by the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, who as our substitute "bore our sins in His own body on the tree," that is, on the cross. Our sins were laid by God upon the holy head of the Son of God, and were judged in His person who of His own free will took our place and judgment. And now in virtue of this act, God offers forgiveness and redemption for nothing, freely, to all who believe.
"By grace are ye saved, through faith," the apostle Paul tells us, and the Lord Jesus said: "He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death unto life." John 5:24.
Faith then is to believe what God says and to accept what He gives.
"Behold the Lamb of God"
Behold the Lamb of God, 'tis He
Who bore our judgment on the tree.
He bowed beneath sin's heavy load,
And died to bring us nigh to God.
His precious blood so freely shed,
When He for us on Calvary bled,
Avails before God's holy eye
To cover sins of scarlet dye.
The soul that trusts in Christ can say,
"My Savior put my sins away;
As Jesus is, e'en so am I,
Made meet for God's most holy eye.”
To those who trust in Christ alone,
And own themselves lost and undone,
"Clean every whit," is Jesus' word,
What joy, what peace those words afford.
O sinner, rest not till thou'rt sure
That thou, all guilty and impure,
Art cleansed from sin's defiling stain,
And brought, in Christ, to God again.
Then never from Him turn astray,
But follow "Jesus in the way";
So perfect peace shall fill thy soul,
And Christ Himself shall be thy goal.
A Question
Jesus, who came to earth nineteen centuries ago, who was despised, rejected and crucified by man, then went back to heaven whence He came, is coming back again to earth no more as the Savior of the world, but the Judge.
Are you ready to meet Him?
Were your eyes this moment suddenly to "see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory," would you be one of those who will "say to the mountains and rocks, "'Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb'"? or can you look that day in the face and in perfect peace say, "Come, Lord Jesus"?
Remember you cannot meet the Judge in peace unless you have first met Him as Savior.
"He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed." Isa. 53:5.
Why Everybody Should Love Jesus
It is related of one of Dr. Doddridge's children, who was a general favorite, that she was one day asked by her father why everybody loved her? when she simply but beautifully replied, "I do not know, unless it be because I love everybody.”
Is not this sweet child's answer the very reason why everyone should love Jesus, because He loves everybody? Was it not a great proof of His love shown in a wonderfully earnest way when He came down from heaven, took upon Himself our sins; yea, verily, bore our sins in His own Body on the tree, so that by His stripes we are healed?
Let us add to this the remembrance that, while we were yet sinners, rebels, coldhearted towards Him; when not a spark of holy love lodged in our hearts, nor a thought was lifted up towards Him; even then He loved with a yearning love, and "gave Himself for us.”
"God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were sinners, Christ died for us." Rom. 5:8.
Rev. 20:12, 15
The Young Fishermen
A happy company of schoolboys with home-made fishing rods, cut from trees, are on the way for a day's fishing in the country, laughing and shouting as they go, planning what they will do with their fish before they catch them, as some older people do with other things of more value than a few small trout fished from the tiny stream.
I happened to be out that way in the evening and met the row of young fishermen looking tired and feeling downcast, for like some fishermen of whom we read in the Bible, they had "taken nothing.”
It was amusing to hear the various reasons for the want of success. One had the "wrong kind of bait;" another had "too short a line;" a third had pierced his hand with a hook, caught himself instead of the fish, while a fourth most confidently affirmed there was "not a trout in the stream.”
But two little fellows who had been quietly fishing only a short way further up, had a string of fine spotted trout out of the same stream all the same. The young fishermen, successful and otherwise, have their lessons for us all in greater things, the things of Eternity and of the soul.
Napoleon thought he could conquer Europe, tried it, was disappointed. He was conquered, himself, banished from the land he thought to rule, and died an exile in St. Helena. He failed to catch his fish.
Tom Paine, a noted infidel, who denied the existence of a God, and wrote a book called "The Age of Reason," said in his last hours, "I would give worlds, if I had them, that the book had never been published," and cried out, "If ever the devil had an agent I have been that one." He expected to catch the world for Satan and infidelity, but the hook caught himself and ruined him for time and eternity.
Voltaire, seated in his house in Geneva, said there would "not be a Bible in Europe within a hundred years," but that very house, which was acquired by one of the Bible Societies, was filled with Bibles from floor to ceiling, and hundreds of thousands more have been circulated from it in all Europe. The great skeptic was disappointed, he had the wrong bait, but the Word of God grew.
Cecil Rhodes dreamed of a united South Africa with himself at its head, but he was cut off before his dream was realized, and lies buried on the top of one of its mountains, awaiting the resurrection hour, and the judgment, when he will give an account to God.
All these, and thousands more, want forth in the morning of life to make themselves a name in the world, but they all were disappointed, they all died before the object of their life was attained. They failed like the young fishermen.
The only one who comes back in triumph, bringing with him the fruit of his labor is the Christian, the one who knows Jesus Christ and lives for Him, not serving to be saved, but saved by grace to begin with, he goes forth to serve. None who truly live for Christ, and serve Him are disappointed.
Robert Cleaver Chapman, an aged pilgrim, who went to be with Christ in his hundredth year, said, "I spell 'disappointment,' by changing the `d' to an 'H'; then it reads 'His appointment.'”
He knew no disappointment, because a loving Father ordered all his path. So He will yours, if you are one of His children, through faith in Christ Jesus.
"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom. 5:1.
My Conversion
The blessed God deals differently with souls. Each saved one, if asked, would tell a somewhat different story of the way in which the Lord Jesus discovered Himself to his or her soul. In reading Acts 16 you get inspired instances of this. You will see how, diverse were the exercises of the Philippian jailer and Lydia, before the Lord made Himself known to them. But both were real. Their works showed that their faith was genuine. And it must never be forgotten that while works have nothing whatever to do with our salvation, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast" (Eph. 2:8, 9); on the other hand, it should be insisted on and affirmed constantly that "those who have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works" (Titus 3:8).
It was several years since, when quartered at W—, and living (I regret to say) as wild and reckless a life as did any in the regiment, that it pleased God, by the Holy Spirit, to convince me of my sins, and to show me the emptiness and hollowness of things down here; and so, like the prodigal in Luke 15, "I began to be in want;" and the truth of those words, "Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again" (John 4:13) began to dawn upon me.
While in this frame of mind, two of these friends (who were brother officers recently converted) came to my quarters, and pointed me to Christ as the alone and only Savior; and with but little intelligence, yet with all sincerity, I decided for Him, and confessed His blessed Name.
Still for some time I was in a very unsettled state—some days thinking I Was saved, other days not. Some days I was happy, then again wretched and desponding. But no doubt this exercise was good, and needed by me; and the Lord in His own time sent a servant of His, who was the instrument of my being set free; for these many months, although doubtless I was "born again," I lacked liberty, and needed, like Lazarus (who had been called out of the tomb), to have the grave-clothes taken off. (See John 11:14.)
This person, hearing I was religiously inclined, came to call on me, and after some conversation put the question point blank: "Have you eternal life?”
"I hope so," I replied.
"Is it only a hope?”
"Yes, I hope I have it.”
"He then took out his pocket Bible, and turned to John 3:36, and said, "Read this." So I read, "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.”
He explained that it did not mean "hope" or "shall have," but "hath.”
I never saw till that afternoon that, as a true believer, I really did possess "eternal life," and need not hope, doubt, or fear any longer; for the Son of God Himself declared, "He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life." John 6:47.
And from that day to this, through grace, I have never had a doubt; for although one's feelings vary, and one's experiences are not always the same, yet there stands the eternal, unchanging word of Him who cannot lie: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life." John 3:36.
But, in the goodness of God, a few weeks later there was more light and blessing in store for me.
Up to this time, although I knew that Jesus was in the glory, I thought of Him more as "a spirit," and was something like the disciples when the Lord appeared to them in His resurrection body, "They were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit." But the blessed Savior said, "A spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see Me have." Luke 24:37-39.
I learned, to the joy and delight of my heart, that the Lord Jesus was a real Man in the glory.
He was a Man on the cross, He was a Man in the tomb, He was a Man in resurrection, and, blessed be God, He is a Man at this moment on the Father's throne, crowned with glory and honor—very God, yet very Man; God the Son in a human body; "for in Him" (Christ Jesus) "dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily," or "in a body." Col. 3:9.
I now had what I longed for—an "Object for my heart.”
"The heavens are opened now,
Sound it through earth abroad;
And we by faith in heaven behold
Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.”
And now, dear reader, having told you of some of the Lord's dealings with me, let me ask you in all affection a plain, pointed question, "Do you have eternal life?" Do you say,
"Nobody can know that?"
Then listen to what God says,
"These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life." 1 John 5:13.
"God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
May the reader of these lines be given to see that "God loved" and "God gave," and then be able to say, "I believe" and "I have." God grant it for Christ's sake.
Extract: Power and Grace
To create man out of the dust of the ground was power; but to seek man in his lost estate was grace.
Little May's First Star
"How pretty you are," said little May,
Looking up in her sister's face,
Who was dressed for a dance that night,
In tinsel and in lace.
She placed on her head a brilliant crown,
The center of which was a star,
Which dazzled the eyes of the wondering child
As it scattered its rays afar.
May greatly admired that jeweled crown,
But she heaved a heart-felt sigh
As she thought of the crown on the Lord
When men passed scoffing by.
And she seemed to see the crown of thorns
As He hung upon the tree,
Till the darkness veiled the most awful sight
That eyes could ever see.
Then she thought of a crown, though not of thorns,
But the crown of glory bright,
Which adorns His brow, who for sinners died,
Midst heaven's eternal light.
And her mind recalled the oft-told truths,
Of those who win the lost,
Having crowns to cast at His pierced feet,
Who redeemed at tremendous cost.
In wistful tones she murmured low:
"I wish I some soul could win
To the Savior who for sinners died,
To wash away their sin.”
The simple words of a little child,
Were winged as an arrow's dart,
And her conscience reached: they were sent by God,
And they pierced that sister's heart.
She went to the ball in her grand attire,
But the words of the little child
Were re-echoed main and yet again,
In that heart by sin defiled.
She vainly tried to forget the words,
And enjoy the dance as before,
But no, the Savior was standing there,
And knocking at her heart's door.
And a vision rose of that eager face,
And those eyes so full of love,
It seemed like a heavenly finger-post,
To direct her gaze above.
Again she heard that murmur low:
"I wish I some soul could win
To the Savior who for sinners died,
To wash away their sin.”
She thought of the time so vainly spent
In gaiety, sin and show;
She thought of the life she was wasting away,
Leading downward to death and woe.
She thought of the Savior's boundless grace,
In dying for her on the tree;
She thought of the times she had slighted Him,
And longed to His side to flee.
She hurriedly left that ball-room gay,
Went home in her soul despair,
And pardon found, through a Savior's love,
For she sought it in earnest prayer.
Then she went and kissed the sleeping child
As the silvery moon shone bright,
And softly said, "She has won a star,
I am saved by grace tonight.”
How good of God to give His Son,
How good of Christ to die,
That sinners young and sinners old,
Should know eternal joy.
This love is boundless, full, and free,
And you its power may prove,
So turn to Him through Jesus Christ,
No longer from Him rove.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31.
"Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." 1 Tim. 1:15.
"The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin." 1 John 1:7.
The Three Warnings
A young man whose course of life for several years had been so desperately wicked as to attract more than a passing notice, had been brought on three separate occasions to what was thought to have been his deathbed. Three times he had solemnly declared that he was repentant, and vowed that if God would be pleased to restore his health, the remainder of his life would be consecrated to his Creator and Redeemer. Three times, God who is patient, and merciful, heard his supplications and responded to them, but alas! his fears were no sooner dispelled, and the danger passed, than he returned to his sins as "the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire." (2 Peter 2:22), and like the unclean spirit in the parable (Luke 11:26):
"The last state of that man is worse than the first.”
Again he was brought to his bed by a prolonged and dangerous illness; the most terrible agony possessed his spirit; prayers, readings, conversations did not appear to produce either hope or consolation.
One day when he was in an agony of despair, he asked one who was seated near his bed to get the members of the family to retire to their rooms and pray for him. This they at once did and he was left alone. While they were all engaged in prayer, (and as it was afterward known, at the same moment) these terrible words came before the mind of each,
"Because I have called—and ye refused; I have stretched out My hand—and no man regarded; but ye have set at naught all My counsel, and would none of My reproof; I will also laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh." Prov. 1:24-26.
Instantly, and as they said irresistibly, they returned to the room of the patient, and as they opened the door, the same awful words, "I will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;" escaped with a great cry from the lips of the dying man. In an instant all was still; the silence of death succeeded to the cry of agony, and his spirit took its flight to its eternal destiny (Heb. 10:29-31).
Readers, these warnings are for you! Do not follow such an example of unbelief. Now is the day of grace for you! Do not trifle with your convictions lest you drive away from you the Holy Spirit of God; have pity upon your own souls.
"Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near." Isa. 55:6, 7; thus you will obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Heb. 4:14, 16).
"He, that being often reproved, hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy." Prov. 29:1.
"Behold, now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation." 2 Cor. 6:2.
"That Blessed Book"
Only an old, tattered flower-woman, withered and weather-beaten, ragged and wrinkled! How fair and sweet looked the flowers carried by the brown, horny hands!
A kindly smile lit up the rugged face, and there was a hearty ring in the words she so repeatedly emphasized, for the old body had still a thought for others and their needs.
"Look here, ma'am, you gave me some of them little books the other day. There's a poor old man near me, and he says: `Ask that lady if she hasn't something for a dying man to read.' That's just what he says, lady.”
So I took a little Testament out of my book-case, and turned the leaf down at the third and tenth of St. John's Gospel, and told her to give it to him.
Some days passed away, and then the old body came again.
"O! that blessed book," she exclaimed, directly she saw me, "he's been a-reading it, and he says he's got the peace, and if ever he gets out of his bed he's a-coming to see you.”
The withered old face looked quite radiant, as she nodded and emphasized her words.
"He gets up in his bed to pray for you, he does, and he says that book has told him all he wants.”
Aye! sometimes the Bible tells us more than we want to know. It tells us of the sin so dark, so heinous, that it shuts us out from God's heaven and God's rest.
But, if you will listen, it tells us also of the Days-man, the Substitute, the One whose precious blood blots out all sin, until not a spot remains, and the soul is whiter than the driven snow (see Isa. 1:18).
Many question that book, but it is the only book that can show us what we are, and what God is; what we are, and what Christ is. Moses, the law-giver, may fail; Jacob, "My servant," may deceive; Job, "the upright," may vaunt his righteousness; David, the man after God's own heart, may dishonor His name; and the children of Israel may make the golden calf as a sequel to their cry of "All that Thou sayest we will do"; for the heart of man is laid bare, as it is, and only the spotless Son of God could walk in this defiling world, and do "always those things which please Him" (John 8:29).
Eph. 2:8, 9.
The Pawned Book
Dr. W. P. Mackay left home to attend college at the age of seventeen. His mother gave him a Bible, writing her name, his name and a verse of Scripture on the fly leaf. He graduated with very high honors and became the head of a large hospital. He also became the head of an infidel club where they practiced everything that was licentious and vile. He was open in his ridicule of God and the Bible. The only thing that gave him any thrill was when an ambulance would unload some patient in a critical condition.
One day they brought in a man on a cot, the lower part of whose body had been horribly crushed. On his face, however, was a look of calm and peace so pronounced that it amazed Dr. Mackay who was accustomed to seeing people suffer. With a smile the patient asked what the verdict was.
"O, I guess we will pull you about and fix you up," replied the doctor.
"No, doctor, I don't want any guess," the man said. "I want to know if it is life or death. Just lay me down easy anywhere, doctor. I am ready. I am saved and am not afraid to die." With a face fairly shining with radiance, he continued: "I know I am going to be with the Lord Jesus Christ. But I want the truth. Just what is my condition?" Whereupon the doctor replied, "You have at the most three hours to live.”
The doctor was touched and thinking there might be relatives to notify, asked: "Is there anything you would like to have us do for you?" Thanking him, the injured man said, "In one of my pockets is a two weeks' pay check. If you can get to it, I wish you would send it at once to my landlady and ask her to send me the book.”
"What book?" inquired the doctor.
"O, just the book," the man answered.
"She will know.”
Dr. Mackay arranged for the man's request to be cared for, and then started on his rounds through the hospital.
But those words kept ringing through his ears, "I am ready, doctor." "Just lay me down easy anywhere, doctor." "I am ready.”
Dr. Mackay had never been known to inquire about a patient from any personal interest, but for the first time in his life he wanted to know how this one was getting along. He returned to the ward where the man had been placed, and seeing the nurse whom he had assigned to the case, he inquired as to his condition.
"He died just a few minutes ago," the nurse informed him.
"Did the book get here?" asked the doctor.
"Yes, it arrived shortly before he died," the nurse answered.
"What was it? His bank book?" inquired the doctor.
"No, it wasn't his bank book," replied the nurse. "He died with it under his pillow.”
"What was it?" asked Dr. Mackay.
"It is still there. Go and look at it," said the nurse.
Dr. Mackay went to the bedside, reached under the sheet and drew a Bible from under the pillow. As he did so the Bible opened and the pages turned over to the fly leaf. There in his mother's handwriting, was Dr. Mackay's name, his mother's name and a verse of Scripture. It was the Bible given him by his mother when he left home to attend college. In a drunken brawl he had pawned it years before in order to get whiskey.
Even in death the injured man's face had magnified the precious Savior made known to him through that Bible. Dr. Mackay slipped it under his coat and rushed upstairs to his private office. He asked God to have mercy upon him and in repentance accepted Christ as his Savior. He came into the glorious realization that "By grace are ye saved through faith," and that "Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.”
He later became a minister of the gospel. One can understand how he would write such a wonderful book as "Grace and Truth.”
Saved or Lost?
Walter G—was an energetic young man with ability above the average, and by faithful attention to his work had advanced himself to the position of manager of the important office in which he worked. Thoughtful and well informed on nearly all subjects of the day, a chat with him was profitable and interesting. Feeling a real interest in his welfare, I often sought to turn the conversation to the way of salvation and to speak to him of the Savior who was willing and ready to save him from the judgment of his sins. Pressed more than usual one day he exclaimed, "O, I know plenty of fine fellows who never think about these things. Do you think they are going to hell?" I assured him that if they never turned to the Savior, confessing themselves sinners and trusting in the Savior and the work He accomplished for the redemption of sinners upon Calvary's Cross, they would certainly be lost for eternity, be consigned to the hell created for Satan and his angels. He was unconvinced. I am afraid pride in his own ability and integrity, measured by human standards, kept him from acknowledging the truth of God's Word, which says, "The soul that sinneth it shall die" (Ezek. 18:20), and if ye die in your sins, "Wither I go ye cannot come" (John 8:21-24).
No wonder God's Word condemns pride (Prov. 6:17), and numbers it among the things that God hates; for how many souls has it not kept away from the Savior, keeping them self-satisfied with their own goodness, and so not realizing their need of Him as their Savior. Consequently they fail to avail themselves of the value of the work He accomplished upon Calvary's Cross. When we reflect, too, on who the Savior was, God's own Son, none less than the Creator of the world, and that He became a man in order that He might by His death satisfy the righteous claims of a thrice holy God who cannot have sin in His presence; and then learn that God was so well pleased with the work He accomplished that He raised Him from the dead and gave Him the highest place in heaven at His own right hand; surely to fail to acknowledge, yea, to slight such a Savior, is to throw insult in the face of a gracious God, who so loved the world as to give His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
Soon after this interview Walter G—was driving back to the city from his country home. It had turned cold and rainy, and overheated by some work he had been doing, he took a chill. Pneumonia rapidly developed, and in a day or two, in spite of all that could be done, he was dead. Friends spoke of his good life, his funeral service was conducted from the grandest cathedral in the city, the choir sang some beautiful hymns, but where was his soul? Had he ever turned to God as a sinner deserving judgment and put his trust in the Savior? If he did, even at the last moment, we know God saved his soul, but he left no evidence of it, and surely his case is a warning of the danger of putting off the settlement of this momentous question. O reader, whoever you are, "what think you of Christ?" Can you say, "He is my Savior?" If not, let me beg of you to turn to God now, to believe His Word, confess your lost and ruined condition before Him, and put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ who is waiting and anxious to save you.
"Have You Accepted Him?"
"God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
We have all read this verse over and over again, but how few believe it! and yet it is so easy to understand; I mean, as to our acceptance of it. Now, dear friend, just look with me at this beautiful verse.
"God so loved." Who was it He "so loved"? His enemies—you and me, dear reader. What did this love lead Him to do?
"He gave His only begotten Son" (the Son who had been with Him from all eternity), "that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Now everyone knows the meaning of the word "whosoever." Are not you, dear reader, included in that statement? If God had mentioned your name, you could not be sure it was meant for you after all, because there might be someone else of the same name, but "whosoever" includes all.
The commandant of—Prison was to give pardon to five of the prisoners; they were all assembled, anxiously waiting to know which were the pardoned ones. The commandant rose and said, ' "I have five pardons for five prisoners, the first is for Joshua Huxley.”
He of course expected Joshua would immediately answer, but no one came forward. Again he called, "Joshua Huxley," and again a third time. At last someone at his side said, pointing to the man, "That is Joshua Huxley.”
"Why do you not answer to your name?" asked the commandant.
"O, sir," said he, "I did not think it could mean me. I was waiting, thinking it meant someone else of the same name.”
Now God has no limit to His pardon. He does not promise pardon to a certain number, but leaves us no excuse for doubt. He says:
"Whosoever believeth," nothing more.
You say "I don't feel I am saved." Ah, now, you must begin to reason, and put your own thoughts before God's. God did not say "Whosoever feels this or that." He simply says, "Believe, and you have everlasting life.”
It is so simple. Believe. Hath Nothing to do.”
"They that are in the flesh cannot please God.”
You must come to God just as you are, with all your sins, and all your bad deeds, pleading what Jesus Christ has done for you by shedding His precious blood, and because of what Jesus has done, God will accept you. All that had to be done to meet God's righteous requirements, was done fully by the Lord Jesus Christ, and "raised from the dead." He now offers to you life, pardon, salvation, and nothing to do!
It is no use waiting till you are better to come to Jesus.
"If you tarry till you're better
You will never come at all.”
It is to "him that worketh not but believeth" that salvation is given. What could the thief on the cross do to save himself? He just owned Jesus as Lord, believed He could save him, and Jesus said, "Today, shalt thou be with Me in Paradise.”
A man was hurrying for a train, but through his watch being two minutes slow, he lost it. The thought came into his mind, "I'll walk on to the next station.”
As he went, he saw a young man walking from the rectory. He went up to him, and asked him the question, "Where is your rector?”
"He is dead," said the young man. "And did he preach Christ?”
"Yes," he replied.
"Well, my young friend, have you accepted Him?”
The young man seemed indignant, and there was a struggle going on in his mind.
"Now, my friend," said this man, "don't reason. Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above) or who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring Christ up again from the dead). But what saith it? The Word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart;—that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." "Now," added the man, "do you believe in Him? It is just as simple as that,—do you accept Jesus for your Savior?" A strange light broke upon the young man's countenance. With his whole heart he replied, "Yes, sir, I do," and "he went on his way rejoicing.”
One minute a lost sinner, the next saved, forever, "shall not come into condemnation.”
"God only offers you mercy today—you know not what may take place before tomorrow.
I have heard of two cases, one of a man saved at three o'clock in the morning, and before twelve there was an explosion in the mine where he worked, and before they could get to him he died.
The other, a young woman, saved one night; the next morning crushed to death.
Today, then, I beseech you, accept God's offer of salvation.
" 'Art thou weary, art thou languid,
Art thou sore distressed?
Come to Me,' saith one, 'and coming
Be at rest.'
If I ask Him to receive me
Will He say me 'Nay?'
Not till earth, and not till heaven
Pass away!'”
Stop, Stop There
A woman lay sick in a lonely cottage away up among the mountains. The cottage was lonely, but the woman's heart was lonelier still; for she was "without Christ, having no hope, and without God in the world.”
As she lay on her sick bed, weak and weary, she had time for thought; but what availed it when all was dark—the past, the present, and the future?
The multitude of her thoughts within her were "like the troubled sea when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt." Poor desolate soul, drifting on in the darkness to a still darker eternity having no light, no hope!
A lady heard of her case and visited her; she was civilly received, but no interest was evinced in what she read from the Word of God. It was the same time after time; but at last, one day, she read, "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”
"Stop, stop there! that's enough for me. `Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.' I am the sinner, that's enough for me!”
Then she calmly lay back on her pillow, her countenance expressing the peace that filled her soul, and over and over again repeated the precious text ever and anon adding, "That's enough for me.”
Yes, blessed be God, it was enough for her, and it is enough for any sinner upon earth. Millions upon millions have found it so; millions are resting upon that precious truth today, and "whosoever will" may find in it their soul's salvation.
"This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”
This then is all the qualification you need, if you are but willing to be saved. Saved from your sins, not with them; for Christ and holiness cannot be separated.
Simply as a sinner, confessing yourself to be such, you have a right to lay hold of the promise of God, as being one for whom Christ died. You have but to accept of the "unspeakable gift," and praise His name for "the exceeding riches of His grace.”
God's great salvation is for all; the door is open wide: "Whosoever will" may enter in; for "whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Why Jesus Came
He left the throne above,
That throne of holy light,
And came in perfect love
Down to this scene of night;
He veiled His glory, hid His fame,
In perfect, lowly grace He came.
He came, the Father's son,
To do the Father's will;
The holy spotless One,
God's counsels to fulfill;
In perfect, lowly grace He came,
Revealer of the Father's name.
He came, God's only Son,
His glory to retrieve;
He came to bear the sins
Of all who should believe;
Obedient unto death, He came,
God's love and mercy to proclaim.
He came to save the lost,
To break the captive's chain,
His precious blood the cost
Of our eternal gain,
That we might share His blessed place
As sons before the Father's face.
He came to lift the curse
From the creation wide;
He came in matchless grace
To win His heavenly bride;
To carry out redemption's plan
That God might dwell indeed with man.
Mark 8:36.
Acts 16:31.
"Ain't It Nice"
A mechanic and his wife had taken a poor sick woman into their home, who had been turned out of house and home, because of her inability to pay rent. I entered the sick room and found lying upon the bed a woman past middle life, far gone with a terrible disease that was literally eating her life away. She was wan and thin; her face was marred with pain and plowed into deep furrows with suffering. At the time, she was moaning with agony; so that for a while I could not speak to her, but taking her thin hand in mine, I sat by the bedside and waited awhile till she turned her face toward me.
"My dear friend, I am sorry to see you so sick and suffering so much.”
"Yes," said she, "I am sick, and I am suffering more than I can tell you. O, the pain is so great, but it won't be for long, I think.”
"And are you at peace with God?" I asked.
With this, a look of darkness and mental distress worked its way into the face of pain, and turning her distressed eyes away from mine, she said in a despairing kind of way, "No, no, I have not as yet made my peace with God, and I am too sick to do it now; I am in such pain that I cannot even think of it for long at a time. O no, I have not made my peace with God.”
Then in a few detached sentences, she betrayed the false teaching she had received upon the whole subject of salvation, by grace, through faith; all of which was so mingled with despair, that my heart was greatly moved.
I waited till she was done, and then said kindly, and softly to her, "I have some good news to tell you.”
"Good news for me," she said, "there can scarcely be any good news for such as me; but, what is it?”
"Why, that you have no need to try and make your peace with God." Upon this, she turned with a quick eager glance toward me, and said, "What is that you say, sir? And what do you mean by saying that I do not have to make my peace with God?”
"I mean this, peace with God has been made by another, and I have come to tell you about it. And first, let me say, you are quite right in saying that you are too sick to try and make your peace with God; and even if you were ever so well, you could not yourself make peace with a justly offended God. But God Himself, has, through the sacrifice of His only begotten Son, opened up a way by which you can obtain peace with Him. Jesus Christ is our peace; and He came into the world to be a propitiation for our sins and iniquities, but is now entered into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.”
And then as simply as I could, I went on to explain to her God's plan of salvation; how that Jesus had come into the world to save sinners; and that God made Him, who knew no sin, to be sin for us, and how that God laid upon Him the iniquity of us all; how that He was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities, and how that the chastisement of our peace was laid upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed. And again how He bore our sins in His own body on the tree; and how that He died, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, and many other like precious truths.
And then opening my Bible, I read to her from Col. 1:20, that Christ had made peace for us by the blood of His cross; and from Eph. 2:14, that Christ is our peace; and from vs. 17, that He came and preached peace to us, who were far off, and that we therefore have no need to take it upon ourselves to try and make peace by our works, or our walk, our penitence, our prayers, or penances; but that Christ having made peace for us, once for all, by the sacrifice of himself on the cross—He now declares it to us, and is now offering it to us freely—on the simple condition of our accepting it in the simplicity of faith. And so I said to her: "Do you not now see what God in Christ has done for you? and that He now can, as it were, say to you, "You, poor helpless sinner, you have no need to try and make your peace with God, only believe in what has been done for you, and rest contended there.”
During all this reading and explaining, she had regarded me most intently and eagerly; and indeed so great was her interest that she had raised herself partly on her elbows, resting her forehead on her hand. And when I had finished and was waiting a moment to see the effect the "Word" was having upon her, she said, with great eagerness, "O, sir, would you read again to me about the peace?”
So I read the passages again to her, and again sought to show her how that the Lord Jesus had undertaken her cause for her, and how completely He had made peace for her; and how utterly useless and unnecessary anything would be that we might attempt to do to this end.
Her eyes closed with my last words; the tears trickled into, and down the deep furrows of her pain-worn face; a sweet restful smile came about her lips, and laying herself down, she said again, and again, "Ain't it nice! O, ain't it nice, that the Son of God should come into this world, and die, to make peace for one like me? Ain't it nice? O, ain't it nice?”
I arose softly, and left her with a new found Savior and peace.
As I went away from that house, my own eyes were full of tears; but my heart was full of joy and peace; and I was saying to myself as I have hundreds of times since, "Ain't it nice? O, ain't it nice? that the Son of God should come into the world and die to make peace for one like me, simple and unworthy me! Ain't it nice?”
Now Is the Day of Salvation
A young man who had finished his studies in medicine and had been appointed to the staff of one of the large hospitals, was one day called to the bedside of a dying man who had been a porter, and although still young and of a robust constitution, he had been seriously injured by a heavy lifting. He thought at first the trouble might pass away and so continued at his work, but after two days, unable to keep up any longer, he had to be taken to the hospital.
Our young doctor with other medical men of the hospital were soon at his bedside—an examination revealed the fact that he had received a fatal injury and that the poor man had only a few hours to live, he seemed already to be losing consciousness and human skill could do nothing for him.
What could be the thought of the young doctor in remaining by his bedside after the others had gone away? Had he some secret hope of yet being able to save him? No; but he was a Christian, and he thought of this soul which was about to enter eternity. Was it saved? And if not, how could he, in so short a time, make the truths of grace and salvation understood? He lifted up his heart to the Lord and asked that He Himself might give the suited word.
"Do you know Jesus Christ the Savior?" he asked the dying man.
A slight movement of the head was the only response he received, but it gave him to understand that Christ was unknown.
"Ah!" said the young doctor, "the Word of God is the only thing able to reach him." And he repeated very slowly in the ear of the poor man: "The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.”
Three times in succession he repeated the words without addition, but there was no indication that the dying man had heard them. He left him without any hope of seeing him again alive. He returned the following day and as he had anticipated, the porter was dead. His sister was weeping beside his bed; she had arrived shortly after the doctor had left him.
"Did your brother say anything before his death?" he asked her.
"Ah! sir," she replied, "he could hardly speak; but at the moment of his death he opened his eyes and looked upwards—I put my ear to his mouth and heard him say: "'The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.'" 1 John 1:7.
Who can say what passed between God and the soul of the dying man during those hours when no living being could communicate with him. It may be that the Lord revealed Himself to him as He had done to the thief on the cross.
How infinite the grace of God which can thus bless the word at the last moment for the salvation of a poor sinner!
But, dear reader, I implore you, do not delay in putting yourself under shelter for eternity by coming to the Savior.
"What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”
Who knows if God may not be saying to you:
"This night thy soul shall be required of thee.”
There is not always a deathbed where one can have the time or the necessary faculties to think of eternity and salvation. It was perhaps the first time that the poor porter had heard the message of grace, and have you not heard it many times? But if it is the first time, O! come without delay for fear that it may also be the last, and that not having received the good news, "now," it may never return. There will not always be a tomorrow to which you can defer your decision—and what a decision! Even for eternity. O come now today—today—now—all is ready, pardon, peace and eternal life—from the glory which Jesus has entered, after having shed His blood for you, He is now calling you; do not turn away from Him.
Come, believe and live.
"It is the blood that maketh atonement for the soul." Lev. 17:11.
"In Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace." Eph. 1:7.
The Warning Heeded
Captain O., commanding a sloop of war, was working up for Barbados, when the hurricane came on. He had been upon the deck during some of the finest weather ever witnessed in that climate, and had just been admiring the beauty of the evening. The atmosphere of the horizon was perfectly clear, not a cloud obscuring the sky; nor was there the least probability of a change, as far as could be judged from any appearance observable in the heavens or on the ocean.
Going below to his cabin, the Captain threw himself upon a sofa. A minute or two afterward, chancing to cast his eyes upon a barometer suspended near, he observed that the mercury was falling. It was a moment when he would not have thought of consulting the instrument for any purpose; and so strange did he think the circumstance, that he rubbed his eyes, imagining he was deceived. Still the mercury fell. He rose from the sofa, and, approaching the instrument, discovered that the quicksilver was falling quite fast. He went on deck; but the weather was as lovely as before. He descended again, and tapped the instrument; still the descent was certain, and continued. A fall so rapid and remarkable, of which he had never seen nor heard the like, convinced him that something unexpected was about to happen.
He called the first lieutenant and master, and stated what he had seen. These officers alleged that there could be no storm likely, the sea and sky were then so clear and beautiful. The Captain was not of their opinion; and, as the ordinary falling of the barometer indicated a storm, he resolved to prepare for one, with a speed and energy proportioned to the singular rapidity of the indication. He ordered everything instantly to be made snug, the topmasts to be struck, and all to be got down and secured upon deck. The officers and ship's company were surprised, and still incredulous. One man said to another: "The Captain is determined to sweat us.”
By an activity urged on by the union of command and entreaty, all was lowered and secured. The officers of the ship, except the Captain, were still of their previous opinion, and well they might be. So far, none of the appearances then existed that usually precede storms and hurricanes in that latitude.
The evening had closed in by the time operations on board the ship were nearly completed. Captain O. relaxed nothing in the way of preparation to the last, and saw it finished to his satisfaction.
An hour or two had gone by, during which his mind had become composed with the reflection that he had prepared for the worst, when he had proof of the value of the instrumental warning. A storm did come on, and reached its fury almost at once, so that a rag of sail could not be kept up. The wind blew with a fury so great that the sea could not rise into waves, but became one vast plain of foam, on which the ship lay driving furiously along.
Fortunately there was ample sea-room, and the good ship rode it out in safety., Do you know, my reader, of that storm of judgment so soon to break upon this poor world? The Word of God is our sure, unerring barometer, and plainly indicates its approach. Everything around may appear calm and peaceful; but directly we open its pages of truth, we learn how surely the wrath of God will fall.
Had Captain O. refused to act upon the warning given, he and his crew would probably have perished amid the waves; but forewarned, he was forearmed, and his vessel and her freight were safe.
If you refuse to hear the voice of Him who speaks to you—if you neglect the great salvation so freely provided by God our Savior, you will find no refuge in that coming day. Remember the solemn words of our Lord Jesus: "As it was in the days of Noe, so shalt it be also in the days of the Son of man." Luke 17:26.
How was it then? They did eat, they drank, they married wives, and were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. So the world goes on now, and so it will go on, until sudden and swift judgment overtakes it.
"The Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power." 2 Thess. 1:7, 8, 9.
Believe the warning given, and flee-flee to that Savior whose arms of love are still open, returning sinners to receive. Then blessing, present and eternal, will be yours. No condemnation can reach you then; for you will have a new place, even in Christ now, and a portion in glory with Christ by-and-by.
"All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Rom. 3:23.
"Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." 1 Tim. 1:15.
"The Blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin." 1 John 1:7.
"Come unto Me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matt. 11:28.
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." Rom. 8:1.
Personal Testimony of a Lieutenant
U. S. Army Air Corps
The Lord in His Word said:
"Look unto Me and be ye saved." Isa. 45:22.
"Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37.
"Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Rom. 10:13.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31.
"As many as received Him, to them gave He the right to become children of God." John 1:12.
"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Rom. 10:9.
"Whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins." Acts 10:45.
History tells us of magnificent presents bestowed by earth's great ones upon those whom they esteemed, or whose goodwill they deemed it well to seek; but the choicest gift that was ever given; the greatest present that was ever made, was the gift, the wondrous gift, given by the great God to guilty rebels, who deserved naught but judgment and banishment from His presence forever.
"God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.... He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life." John 3:16, 36.
Is not Christ the grandest gift that was ever given? Have you received Him?
Rom. 4:25; 5:1.
An Infidel's Conversion
While Mr. Moody was still in business, before he had taken up Christian work as his exclusive occupation, he often went out holding meetings. One time he was holding meetings in one of the smaller towns in Illinois. The wife of the district judge came to Mr. Moody and asked him to speak to her husband. He replied: "I cannot speak to your husband. Your husband is a book infidel, and I am nothing but an uneducated shoe clerk from Chicago.”
But the wife was so insistent, that Mr. Moody finally called upon the judge. As he passed through the outer office, the law clerks tittered to themselves as they thought how the learned judge would make mincemeat of the uneducated shoe clerk from Chicago.
Mr. Moody said to the judge in the inner office: "Judge, I cannot talk with you, you are an educated man; I am nothing but an uneducated shoe clerk, but I just want to ask you one thing. When you are converted, will you let me know?”
"Yes," the judge replied banteringly, "when I am converted I will let you know." And then he raised his voice louder and said, "Yes, young man, when I am converted I will let you know. Good morning.”
As Mr. Moody passed into the outer office, the judge raised his voice still louder, so that all the law clerks could hear: "Yes, young man, when I am converted 1 will let you know." And the law clerks tittered louder than ever. But the judge was converted within a year!
Mr. Moody revisited the town and called upon the judge. He said: "Judge, will you tell me how you were converted?”
"Yes," the judge replied. "One night my wife went to prayer meeting as usual, but I, as usual, stayed at home reading the evening paper.
"I began to get very uneasy and miserable, and before my wife returned from the prayer meeting, I was so miserable I was afraid to face her and retired for the night. On her return, finding me in bed she came to the door and asked if I were sick.
"I replied, 'I am not sick, only I was not feeling very well. Good night.'
"I had a miserable night and was so miserable in the morning that I dared not face my wife at the breakfast table, and I simply looked in the door, and said: 'Wife, I am not feeling very well this morning, I will not eat any breakfast.' I went to my office and told the clerks that they could take a holiday. I locked the outside door, and then went into my inner office, and locked the door to that. I sat down, getting more miserable all the time.
"At last, in my misery and in my overwhelming sense of sin, I knelt down and cried:
“‘O God, forgive my sins.' But there was no answer. Again I cried:
“‘O God, forgive my sins.' But still there was no answer. I would not say:
"O God, for Christ's sake forgive my sins,' because I was a Unitarian and did not believe in the Divinity of Christ. Again I cried:
“‘O God, forgive my sins,' but still there was no answer. At last, in desperation, I cried:
"'O God, for Jesus Christ's sake, forgive my sins,' and instantly I found peace.”
There is Divine Power in a faith that accepts Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
"Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom. 5:1.
"This is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, Whom Thou hast sent." John 17:3.
"Decide for Christ Now"
"Will you decide now?" was the question I put to an elderly man; but no answer followed. His head was bowed in thought. I waited, and still waited, but no reply came.
"When will you decide?" was my next interrogation, but yet no response.
"Will you decide twenty years hence?", Twenty years; twenty years, and the man already old!
"No," said he; "it is not likely that I shall live twenty years!”
"Then will you decide ten years hence?”
"No," said he; "I dare not put it off ten years?”
"Then will you decide five years hence?”
"No," he replied; "I dare not delay for five years!”
"Then will you decide this time next year?”
"No," said he; "I might die before next year.”
"Then will you decide this day next month?”
His answer was delayed.
It may be that the devil suggested that four weeks would soon roll round and that he might safely wait that length of time; but at last after mature consideration, he said—
"No, I should not wait a month.”
"Then will you decide this day next week?" Again he said "No.”
"Then will you decide this time tomorrow?”
Tomorrow, so near at hand! Tomorrow, only a few hours away! Tomorrow!
"No," said the old man, "I ought to decide now!”
Why now? Age, wisdom, conscience, time, eternity, Scripture furnish the reason why. Their combined and unanimous, their long and loud and only cry is now, NOW, NOW!
Undecided reader, say when shall it be? When? It may be NOW OR NEVER. God places a period before you. He says: "Now is the day of Salvation"—nay more, He says, "Now is the accepted time." Decide for Christ now.
Professors, or Possessors
William C. was the son of a respectable farmer, and to better his circumstances, crossed the Atlantic, and obtained employment in Chicago. In the providence of God, he was led to board in a hotel kept by a Christian couple known to the writer. Away from parental and home influences, like many young men who move West, he "left his religion" on the other side of the Atlantic. His "religion" had never caused him much trouble; and it was easily kept at the bottom of his trunk along with his Sunday clothes, and taken off and put on with them. On Lord's-day evenings he usually went to hear one of the Chicago preachers, but this was the extent of his religious observance. Having ample opportunities of coming in contact with professors of religion, he "measured" some, and became disgusted with their lives. He saw that they were professors and not possessors, their religion being solely from the teeth outwards. Like multitudes, he reasoned in this way:
"So many profess to be Christians who are not, therefore Christianity is a sham." Alas! that multitudes should argue so illogically.
Donald, an earnest Christian, went to stay at the hotel where William "boarded." Now and again he availed himself of opportunities afforded him of speaking to William about his soul. The way in which God met with him was somewhat peculiar. He had gone to rest, and from his room he heard Donald speaking to a fellow—boarder of God's way of salvation. The young man had taken shelter in William's refuge "so many hypocrites"—and Donald was unearthing him.
"Suppose," said he, "that I took from my pocket a handful of dollars, and there was a counterfeit one among them, would I be so foolish as to throw them all away on that account?”
Applying the illustration, he showed the unreasonableness and absurdity of rejecting Christ, because of some who profess to be believers, are mere counterfeits. The Holy Spirit carried the words through the partition which divided the sleeping apartment from the hotel parlor, into William's heart and conscience.
"That is just what I have been doing," said he. "I have been occupied with the inconsistencies of others; and here am I, a poor, guilty sinner, hurrying to eternal ruin.”
As he lay in bed the Holy Spirit convicted him of the sinfulness of his condition in God's sight. Scenes and incidents of bygone days were recalled. His past life, with its sermon-hearing, psalm-singing, prayer-saying, almsgiving, sacrament taking, and high-handed sinning against the eternal God caused him to tremble. The cry burst from his lips:
"God, have mercy on me.”
For several hours he pleaded for pardon, until the thought took possession of him that he was beyond the reach of hope, and was doomed to spend eternity in the lake of fire.
Despairing of salvation, and giving himself up as one beyond the pale of God's love, he ceased praying. He had, to use a familiar expression, "come to an end of himself," and had reached the borders of the region of despair. When there seemed not a single ray of hope for his poor troubled spirit, the Holy Spirit brought to his mind the wondrous love-message contained in John 3:16:
All at once the soul-saving truth, unfolded in, these glorious words, was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit. He saw that on account of what the Lord Jesus had done for him on the Cross—through simple faith in His finished work—he was saved, and had everlasting life.
The new-born soul instinctively thinks about and longs for the conversion of those who are near and dear to him. William was no exception to this rule. His heart went out toward his father and mother, sister and brother, in far-off Scotland. It was true that his father had been fifty years a member of the church, and had maintained family worship. Was he converted? Was his dear mother "saved"? Though they were upright, "religious" people, he feared that they had never really accepted Jesus as their own Savior.
From a heart overflowing with love, he wrote to his father, telling him of the great change which had taken place, and put the Gospel before him as plainly as he could. Mail after mail carried letters brimful of love and sympathy, giving his reasons for the hope that was in him, and urging his father and mother to have the "great question" settled. Mr. C. was so vexed with his son's communications that he declined to acknowledge their receipt or reply to them. Becoming greatly concerned about the conversion of "the old folks at home," and fearing that they might die and be eternally lost, William resolved on re-crossing the Atlantic to plead with his dear ones about their souls. He went to New York, and from thence sailed for the British shores. To the astonishment of his relations, William turned up at the old homestead in L—. The night of his arrival he told his parents the story of his conversion to God.
Day after day William spoke to God about them, and spoke to them about God and His great salvation. His mother became deeply troubled, and she besought William to pray for her. A week after his arrival he had the joy of seeing her rejoicing in Christ. His brother and sister were brought to accept of God's "unspeakable gift"—the Lord Jesus. His father fought hard ere he yielded to the truth of God. Though professing to believe that men were justified by faith apart from works, deep down in his soul he clung to the popular doctrine, that "simply believing in Christ" was not enough. While believing that Christ's death was necessary in order to satisfy the claims of offended justice, he had not learned that it was enough. Besides, it was a very humbling thing for him to admit, that he who had been for over fifty years a member "in good standing" in the church, was all the time a lost sinner on his way to hell.
William's heart was gladdened by seeing his father rejoicing in the Lord. They had been speaking together regarding some passages of Scripture in the Epistle to the Romans. The old gentleman retired to rest still unconverted. In the morning the scales with which Satan had been blinding his eyes were removed, and he saw himself to be lost. Scriptures he had read were recalled, especially Rom. 10:9,10:
"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
God's "simple, easy, artless, unencumbered plan" of salvation was perceived by him, and he believed in Christ, who was "wounded for his transgressions, and bruised from his iniquities" (Isa. 53:5), and was saved, gladly confessing with his mouth the Lord Jesus.
Unsaved reader, do not delay a moment longer. Accept of God's "great salvation" by believing on Him who loved you and gave Himself for you, and you too will be saved.
Salvation Completed
I called on a man who, I felt, was anxious about his soul.
Scarcely had I taken my seat on the bench beside him, when he said to me:
"I longed to see you."
"What for?" said I.
"Since daylight this morning," said he, "I have not been able to pray; I can only find time and room for praise.”
"How is that," said I. "What makes you so happy?”
"You remember," said he, "your visit to me last Friday, and the three chapters you told me to read in Romans? Well, after pondering a good deal on what you had told me, and which sounded so differently from anything I had ever heard, I read them over and over again, but I got more and more miserable.
"All day Sunday was dark and gloomy, and yesterday too. I felt as if I must surely perish. Last night I could not close my eyes a single moment, but I lay on my couch in misery—O, what misery! Suddenly, while in my despair, my mind was arrested by a part of Romans 5—these verses:
“Tor when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die; but God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.'
"Oh, dear, dear sir, need I tell you the effect? I jumped to my feet. I praised God outright. I felt like a man who is already in heaven. I saw why Jesus was on the cross, crying out: "'My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?'" Matt. 27:46.
"I understand what is meant by 'It is finished.' I saw God's love to me, and I praised, and praised, and praised again. I saw my salvation was not out of anything from me, but out of Christ's finished work.... How blind I have been! I never saw till this morning! Till then, my eyes were altogether turned inward—looking within to see something that God could be pleased with; but since early this morning, my eyes are turned outward—to that which has been done for me. Till this morning, I always thought, what I had heard many say, that Christ has done His part, and we must do ours to be saved. What my part was, however, I never could get anyone to tell me with certainty, and still less could my own heart tell. I had the Bible, but I did not know where to begin. I was told I must repent; and earnestly and prayerfully I went at it, but never had the certainty I had fully satisfied God. I was told by many to be very earnest in prayer; and I agonized with God until I could but cry out:
"Lord, if I must go to hell, I will go there praying.
"I tried every way, but there was no light.... But this morning, as I saw my salvation all finished—yes, finished by the Lord Jesus—as I saw I was justified freely by God's grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, an indescribable peace took hold of me: all was bright. I saw at once I now had the key to the scriptures—the key of heaven itself. The face of God was now visible to me. I could see Him smiling on me, and I shouted to the top of my voice:
"This is the true light that comes from heaven!”
"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." John 3:36.
Fragment: We Will All Give an Account
All will give an account of themselves to God—the saved when caught up to be with the Lord; and the wicked at the end of the Millennium. The saved will give an account of themselves in the glory. "We are made manifest to God, not shall be." The Christian stands in the presence of the glory now. We want this light acting on the conscience, but we must have perfect confidence in God, for there can be no happy play of the affections if there is not.
Heb. 9:27.
1 Cor. 15:3.
Going to Heaven in a Jiffy
A preacher was addressing a number of railroad men, and telling them they should all believe in the Savior who said: "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life," the only way to happiness here, and heaven hereafter. He told them how suddenly accidents happened, especially in their line of work, and urged the expediency of being saved, and then if an accident should take place, and they were killed, he said they would "be in heaven in a jiffy," for the moment they were absent from the body, they would be present with the Lord.
Among the hearers were two men who were Christians, J. T. and J. S. At the close of the meeting they met, and the former inquired: "What did you think of the preaching?”
"I did not like his idea of going to heaven in a jiffy," replied the other.
"Just what I did like," said the first. "It was an odd expression, but one, which will not be forgotten, and praise God, it is blessedly true—instant death here to the Christian, would be instant glory yonder.”
Little did J. T. think that in a few short hours at most he would know the reality of the things spoken of—but so it proved. Very soon after they separated, he with his train was journeying toward the south. All went well until B. station was reached, when, as usual, they were shunted on to a siding to let the express, then due, pass. On it came and in a few 'moments had whizzed by and was out of sight. But from some cause or other, J. T. had failed in getting clear of its way in time, for between the rails over which the train had passed, he lay a crushed and lifeless corpse. A number gathered around and carried the body to a place of safety—the happy spirit had risen to God who gave it, and redeemed it by the blood of the Lamb.
On another taking up the work he had left he found beside the way bills, train journals, etc., a little hymn book, which, on being taken up, opened at a page where with a pencil a line was drawn around one verse, reading thus:
Fixed on this ground must I remain,
Though heart may fail and flesh decay,
This anchor shall my soul sustain,
When earth and heaven shall pass away,
Mercy's full worth I then shall prove.
Loved with an everlasting love.
And underneath the pencil line the words were written, "J. T.'s testimony.”
Reader, you may not have to encounter the perils of the railroad, still thousands die suddenly who are not called to meet this form of danger.
Dangers stand thick through all the ground To push us to the tomb, And fierce diseases wait around, No matter where we roam.
Seeing this is so, how important it is to be prepared! Are you? If not, I earnestly beseech you, delay no longer.
Do you honestly ask, "What must I do to be saved?”
The only answer to this question is: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31.
Read again and again till you believe in your heart the following verse: "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
The Greatest of All Tests
Four men were fishing in the Niagara River, a short distance above the renowned "Falls," and got into a heated argument regarding Hell. Three of them maintained that there was no such place, while the fourth contended for the truth as revealed.
The disputants became so excited that they got perilously near to the sweep of the current, and it was only by dint of hard rowing that they escaped being dragged down the Falls. The danger being over, the believer asked the others why they had been so excited, seeing that, according to their belief, there was no such place as Hell. One of them replied that it was a "good enough doctrine to go fishing with, but a poor one to go over the Falls with!”
There is a Hell as well as a Heaven. He who tells us of the one, speaks to us of the other. At the judgment of the Christ-less dead on the great day of reckoning, it is distinctly stated that whosoever's name is not found written in the "Book of Life" will be "cast into the Lake of Fire.”
Many try to persuade themselves that God "is too good" to send any of His creatures to Hell. As they find no countenance in Scripture for such a belief, they appeal to sentiment and assert that a "God of love" could never be so "unjust" as to cast man into such a dreadful place. They seem to forget, or ignore, the fact that God is "holy" as well as merciful, and has declared that He will "by no means clear the guilty" (Ex. 34:7). God's pardoning mercy has but one channel through which it flows, and that is through the Cross of Christ. God's Holy Word declares: "The wicked shall be turned into Hell and all the nations that forget God." Psa. 9:17.
"Hell is a man's conscience," say some. If this be so, then we may read Psa. 9:17 as follows: "The wicked shall be turned into his own conscience!" That would be a strange place to be "turned into." What of those who seem to have no "conscience," or whose conscience is seared? It is to be feared that multitudes are in that terrible condition described in Scripture as "past feeling." In eternity they will be fully alive to their folly and madness!
Thank God, there is no reason why anyone should go to Hell. Hell was not prepared for man, but for "the Devil and his angels" (Matt. 25:41). It is not God's desire that any one Should go to the place of woe.
"As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn ye, turn ye, from your evil ways; for why will ye die?" (Ezek. 33:11) is God's solemn declaration. When He swears by His own existence that He has "no pleasure" in the sinner's death, and that He desires him to turn from his evil way and live, He ought to be believed.
“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering to usward not willing that any should perish." 2 Peter 3:9.
He has no desire, therefore, that the unsaved reader should go to the abode of despair.
"Why will ye die?" since God loves you and has no pleasure in your death.
"Why will ye die?" since Christ died for you.
"Why will ye die?" since God desires to save you from going down to eternal woe. Hearken to His glorious declaration: "Deliver him (the sinner) from going down to the Pit: I have found a ransom." Job 33:24.
At an infinite cost He has opened up a way whereby you can now be rescued from eternal perdition. What then is the "ransom" of His providing?
"There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all." 1 Tim. 2:6.
God has accepted the "ransom" on your behalf. Christ's death for you is a perfect atonement to the injured honor of the divine character and government of God.
"Escape for thy life." There is danger ahead.
"Flee from the wrath to come," else death may overcome you. Enter the door of mercy ere it is closed.
Extract: Thou Canst Make Me Clean
A man heard a sermon about the leper who came to Jesus, and said:
"Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean.”
Being told that true faith had no "if," he went home to his house, opened his Testament at Matt. 8:2, and read it thus:
"Lord, Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean.”
A ready response of the Lord Jesus Christ to all that come to Him is:
"I will, be thou clean.”
"Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37.
A Policeman's Experience
Some years ago a young policeman left the station to take up his lonely night beat. A few minutes after leaving the station he was brought up most suddenly by a thought! It was a strange and a most momentous thought. It presented itself so vividly before him that it escaped from his lips in these striking words:
"What a mercy that I am out of Hell!”
After he had thus exclaimed, he stood still and reconsidered the awful import of the words he had given expression to. He owned that if he then had his deserts he would have been in Hell. He owned that the "counsel of God against himself" (Luke 7:30) was perfectly justified. He knew he was a sinner—that is, an unconverted sinner, and that the unconverted, when they die, wake up where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Where the worm of a gnawing conscience dieth not, and the fire is not quenched! (Mark 9:44).
He had heard men "explaining away" Hell, but he did not believe them, and probably no one else does in the depth of their hearts. It is a most unsafe belief, and it is foolish to accept it unless absolutely certain of the fact. But meanwhile, God, who cannot lie, has declared that there is an eternal lake of fire which Christ rejecters and Christ neglecters must share with the Devil and his angels (Matt. 25:41). All this our friend the young policeman knew—knew to be true—and trembled!
"What a mercy I am out of Hell!" His beat that night was lonely and quiet, as regards his duty. But a tumult was going on within him. He could not shake the thought off, because it was an arrow of conviction shot from God's bow. The Spirit of God was arguing with him. He wondered if he would finish that eight hours' beat out of a deserved Hell. It was a memorable beat to him. At its close, however, he had come to the conclusion, though naturally a little vaguely, that whatever the cost he would yield to God. It was a wise decision, not to be repented of forever! He at once sought men who were well known to be "converted." They told him of Jesus, how He loved him, how He came from the glory to seek and to save that which was lost—himself a lost sinner. They told him further how Christ died for him in shame on Calvary's Cross—for him! How the Lord Jesus was "made sin" that he, the policeman, might be clothed in a righteousness which was of God, and that His blood blots out all sins, and finally how to appropriate all these eternal benefits to himself, was just to believe! He did believe there and then and so was converted. He now is secured from ever being in Hell, and it is simply through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
"God commendeth His love toward us, in that, 'while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
"Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him." Rom. 5:8,9.
Look and Live
How lost was my condition,
Till Jesus made me whole!
There is but one Physician
Can cure a sin-sick soul!
Next door to death He found me,
And snatched me from the grave,
To tell to all around me
His wondrous power to save.
The worst of all diseases
Is light, compared with sin—
On every part it seizes,
But rages most within;
'Tis palsy, dropsy, fever,
And madness all combined,
And none but a believer
The least relief can find.
From men great skill professing,
I thought a cure to gain;
But this proved more distressing,
And added to my pain;
Some said that nothing ailed me;
Some gave me up for lost;
Thus every effort failed me,
And all my hopes were crossed.
At length this great Physician,
How matchless is His grace!
Regarded my condition,
And undertook my case—
First gave me sight to see Him,
For sin my eyes has sealed;
Then bade me look unto Him;
I looked and I was healed.
A dying, risen Jesus,
Seen by the eye of faith,
At once from anguish freed me,
And saved my soul from death.
Come, then, to this Physician,
His grace He'll freely give,
He makes no hard condition
'Tis only look and live.
Not Ashamed of Christ
A miner who was lately converted, and works in the pit among a lot of godless youths, took down his Bible with him to the pit the day after his conversion. He was met with a volley of abuse by the ungodly young men as they gathered in a group to play cards, and invited him to take a "hand" as he had done before.
"I've changed my master," said the young miner, "and if you are not ashamed to own your master, neither am I to own mine.”
So, he sat down a little way off from the group to read his Bible by the light of his pet lamp. When they saw that he was determined to "stick to his colors" they let him alone, and in a short time a number of them gathered around Davie to hear him read the Word aloud, and God blessed it to the conversion of several of them.
Never be ashamed of Christ. The servants of the devil are not ashamed to own their master. Why should those who are the servants of Christ?
"Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father which is in heaven.
"But whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father which is in heaven." Matt. 10:32, 33.
Good Morning
One Lord's Day morning as a preacher of the Gospel was on his way to his labor for the Lord, he met a very dejected looking man. He said heartily:
"Good morning, sir," and spoke a few gracious words to him.
The man made no reply, but as he slowly wended his way home after his night of debauchery, and went to bed to get some sleep, he kept thinking—Yes, it's a good morning for him—a very good morning! He is on his way to preach the Word of God, and to help others; here am I, and it is a miserable enough morning for me!
"At last," he said, when telling his story, "I came to this: I will have a good morning too! And that night I went to hear the Gospel, and trusted the Savior. It has been a good morning with me ever since!”
"Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him." Psa. 2:12.
Redeem opportunities. Let your words be always with grace. A word, fitly spoken, how good it is. Who can tell the present and eternal results? "He that winneth souls is wise.”
"Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee." Mark 5:19.
The Guilt of Neglect
You would severely censure the merchant who neglected his business; the skipper who neglected his ship; the engineer who neglected his locomotive; but how deep and terrible is the guilt of the man who neglects the salvation of his soul! Think of the magnitude of the guilt! You have broken God's law, and trampled His commands under your feet numberless times.
"The wages of sin is death," Rom. 6:23, and you have richly earned the "wages.”
Instead of punishing you, He has blessed you with innumerable blessings, and says, He has no pleasure in your death (Ezek. 33:11).
Through the sacrifice of Christ, He has provided deliverance for you, from the penalty and thralldom of sin. His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, "suffered for our sins, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.”
"He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities." Isa. 53:5.
By His dying for us, God's righteous demands have been fully met, and all who believe on the Savior, are saved eternally.
"Be it known unto you, men and brethren, that through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins; and by Him, all that believe are justified from all things." Acts 13:38, 39
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life." John 6:47.
Matt. 11:28
Rev. 22:17
The Neglected Treasure
A traveler one day called at a cottage to ask for a drink of water. Entering he found the parents cursing and quarreling, the children trembling, crouched in a corner; and wherever he looked he saw only marks of degradation and poverty. Greeting the inmates, he asked them: "Dear friends, why do you make your home so miserable?”
"Ah, sir," said the poor man, "you don't know the life and trials of a poor man, when, do what you can, everything goes wrong.”
The stranger drank the water, and said softly, as he noticed in a dark and dusty corner a Bible.
"Dear friends, I know what would help you, if you could find it. There is a treasure concealed in your house. Search for it." And so he left them.
At first the cottagers thought it a jest, but after a while they began to reflect. When the woman we're out therefore to gather sticks, the man began to search, and even to dig, that he might find the treasure. When the man was away, the woman did the same. Still they found nothing-increasing poverty brought only more quarrels, discontent and strife.
One day, as the woman was left alone, she was thinking upon the stranger's word, when her eye fell on the old Bible. It had been a gift from her mother, but since her death had long been unheeded and unused. A strange foreboding seized her mind. Could it be this the stranger meant? She took it from the shelf, and opened it, and found the verse inscribed on the title page in her mother's handwriting: "The law of Thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver." Psa. 119:72. It cut her to the heart.
"Ah!" thought she, "this is the treasure, then, we have been seeking." How her tears fell fast upon the leaves!
From that time she read the Bible every day, and prayed, and taught the children to pray, but without the husband's knowledge. One day he came home as usual, quarreling, and in a rage. Instead of meeting his angry words with angry replies, she spoke to him gently and kindly.
"Husband," said she, "we have sinned grievously. We have ourselves to blame for all our misery, and we must now lead a different life." He looked amazed.
"What do you say?" was his exclamation. She brought the old Bible and, sobbing, cried: "There is the treasure. See, I have found it!”
The husband's heart was moved. She read to him of the Lord Jesus, and of His love. Next day she read, and again and again; she sat with her children around, drinking in the blessed Word of God.
A year later the stranger returned that way. Seeing the cottage, he remembered the circumstances of his visit, and thought he would call and see his old friends again. He did so, but he would scarcely have known the place; it was so clean, so neat and orderly. He opened the door, and at first thought he was mistaken, for the inmates came to meet, him so kindly, with the peace of God beaming in their faces.
"How are you, my dear people?" said he. Then they knew the stranger, and for some time they could not speak.
"Thanks, thanks, dear sir, we have found the treasure," they at length cried out. "Now dwells the blessing of the Lord in our home and His peace in our hearts.”
It was indeed to a transformed home the stranger had returned. They had found that precious treasure—the Word of God, and as they searched through it, they found that supremely glorious treasure—the Lord Jesus. They saw their ruined state, that they were guilty before God, and that sin had caused their misery and wretchedness. But they had found, too, that: "God hath made Him to be sin for us, He Who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Cor. 5:21.
They had received that Savior as their own, and had become children of God (see John 1:12), and were taken out of darkness, and brought into His glorious light.
What about you, dear reader? Are your sins gone? Do you stand before God as a poor, condemned, guilty one?
"He that believeth not is condemned already." John 3:18. But blessed be God! His well-beloved Son has taken the guilty sinner's place, and was condemned in our stead; for "Christ died for the ungodly," Rom. 5:6, is His word. Own yourself as ungodly, for that is what every sinner is, and take the Savior who died that you might live.
That Does Not Alter the Fact
Perhaps you do not believe in "original sin?" Perhaps you do not agree with the "born in sin and shapen in iniquity" doctrine?
But that does not alter the force of the truth of God:
"The soul that sinneth it shall die." Ezek. 13:4.
You may class yourself as good as the majority, and a good deal better than many. But are you included in the Scripture which says: "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God"? Rom. 3:23.
Have you, even in your own estimation, reached the standard that God desires you to reach? Have you lived that life which never "comes short" and "never goes beyond" (or transgresses) God's will? If you have not, you must plead "Guilty" at the bar of God, and you must bear the awful sentence: "The soul that sinneth it shall die.”
"Shall die!" what does it mean? It means to be cut off from all we hold dear in this life. To leave friends and all the happy and holy influences in this world, and, above all, to be severed eternally from God. Nor is this all; it means to be shut in with all that is wicked and sinful, and to be with all the unrepenting souls forever.
"O," you say, "is there no escape from this terrible doom?" Listen: "Jesus was made a little lower than the angels, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for every man." Heb. 2:9.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved.”
Will you believe now?
Travelers to Eternity
Some travelers who had passed through a mountainous district, had the matter of salvation put very clearly before them. The conversation turned upon the subject of how easily and comfortably they had traveled through the great mountain range on their train, as compared with the varied dangers and difficulties as well as downright hardships, which had to be encountered and endured, by any who had to pass that way before the great tunnel through which they had traveled, had been pierced through, and the railway constructed for the accommodation of travelers like themselves. One of them had nearly missed the train before it had left the last station on the other side, and had suggested how impossible it would have been to have climbed the huge mountains on foot, to have reached the other side, had such a thing been necessary. It was here that the case of one's salvation was brought in.
"Suppose," said one, "you were on a journey which must needs be accomplished without any stop, and you arrived, at just such a place, a huge un-scalable mountain with high steep precipices, reaching up far beyond the snowline and into the clouds, a mountain which none had ever succeeded in climbing, in spite of many, many attempts. There was a tunnel pierced through, and a train waiting to take its passengers to the other side, provided they had the necessary ticket, which ticket, was absolutely free to any who would receive it. Would you be foolish enough to say:
“‘O! I will take my chance of doing the best I can, by climbing the mountain, and I hope I may arrive safely at the other side?'
"I am very sure you would not, but with all speed, you would obtain your ticket, take your place on the train, and await the completion of your journey.”
"It would not be necessary to begin to hew a path for yourself through the mountain, for this has already been accomplished; in a word, it has been done, and you have nothing to do, but to accept the ticket and take your place.”
Thus it is with your salvation. The great mountain of sin, with its after effect, death, is before you.
"It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." Heb. 9:27.
You cannot avoid it. Just a safe and accepted way has been made straight through the great barrier by God's Son, and the cost was His own life! Now that this way has been opened, and the barrier blocking us from our desired destination has been conquered, you and I and every other descendant of Adam, is invited to take our place in the manner provided, and with our "ticket" in our possession, to travel to our destination without all the toil and hardships and certain failure involved in attempting to climb the un-scalable heights.
What is our destination? Eternal life in that place prepared for those who come that way!
What blocks our way? Sin, for God is of holier eyes than to behold sin!
What is the way over the mountain that so many try, and that all fail in? The Law! "By the works of the law shall no flesh be justified." Gal. 2:16; Rom. 3:20.
What is it that corresponds to the tunnel? The Lord Jesus Christ Himself—"He who knew no sin, was made sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Cor. 5:21.
What corresponds to the train? Faith!
"Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom. 5:1.
What is our ticket?
"The Blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanseth us from all sin." 1 John 1:7.
What does this ticket cost us? Nothing: "The gift of God is eternal life.”
"It is the gift of God; not of works" Eph. 2, 8, 9.
These seven questions, and their answers cover in a brief manner, God's way of salvation, but there is another important and pressing matter to be considered and decided upon without a moment's loss of time, and that is, to accept this offer while you may The means of conveyance is very soon to be withdrawn without notice, and the means of passage to be closed.
It is therefore up to you to take advantage of it while it is still available for you! Remember, that to not make up your mind, means that you have made up your mind!
If a vessel has been torpedoed, and is rapidly sinking, and you are standing on the deck just as it is about to plunge into the depths; and a lifeboat is waiting for you to embark, and you cannot decide what to do, you cannot make up your mind! The fact that you cannot make up your mind, really means that you have decided, for you remain exactly where you are, on the sinking ship!
When the lifeboat pulls away at the last moment without you, you go down with the vessel, because you are undecided whether to leave your dangerous situation or not. Your decision is, not to embark on the waiting means of safety!
Is this your situation, dear reader? Are you "undecided" as to whether you will accept God's free offer of salvation or not?
Remember, we are living in perilous days, and the gracious offer may be withdrawn at any minute, indeed, many believe it will be withdrawn in the very near future! Then why delay any longer in a matter so very serious, and so very important to you?
"Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of Salvation." 2 Cor. 6:2.
"Eternity! - Where?"
At a gospel service the following was related:
A young man was working alone in a large room in which was a clock whose loud ticking suddenly seemed to him to frame itself into the words:
Unable to endure any longer the reflections thus awakened, he rose from his stool and stopped the clock; but the question: "Eternity!—where?" still so haunted him, that he threw down his work, and hurrying home, determined that he would not allow anything to engage his thoughts till he could satisfactorily answer that searching question:
The following lines (slightly altered) were sent anonymously to the preacher a few days afterward:—
"Eternity!—where?" It floats in the air, Amid clamor or silence, it ever is there! The question so solemn, "Eternity!—where?”
"Eternity!-where?" O, "Eternity!-where?”
With redeemed ones in glory? or fiends in despair?
With one or the other,—"Eternity!—where?”
"Eternity!—where?" is aught worth a care?
O! shall we—O! can we e'en venture to dare
Do aught till we settle "Eternity!—where?”
"Eternity!—where?" Q! friend, have a care!
Soon God will no longer His judgment forbear;
This night may decide your "Eternity!—where?”
"Eternity!—where?" O! "Eternity!—where?"
Friend, sleep not, or take in the world any share,
Till you answer this question: "Eternity!-where?”
Fragment: The Ground of Forgiveness
The Cross of Christ is the solid ground of the forgiveness of sins. Justice has owned it; the troubled conscience may rest in it; Satan must acknowledge it.
Part One
Our First Need, as Sinners, is Forgiveness; and there is forgiveness with God, of which His word speaks: "Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin." Rom. 4:7, 8
This blessedness is a present possession, "We have the forgiveness of sins" in Christ (Eph. 1:7). And the portion is that of the simplest, as well as that of the most advanced believer, for we read: "I write unto you, children, because your sins are forgiven you." 1 John 2:12.
Forgiveness is the act of God toward the sinner. We must not mix in our minds, our tears, prayers, repentance, or any inward work, with God's act of forgiveness. Suppose a man having no means whatever, owes one hundred dollars. His creditor pities him, and forgives him the debt. The forgiveness is not a long process worked within the mind of the debtor, but the act of the creditor.
"I forgive you," he says, and the forgiveness is accomplished. The debt, no doubt, made the debtor feel miserable; but when the creditor forgave the hundred dollars, the debt was gone, every cent of it, not because of what the debtor felt, but because of what the creditor did.
"Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: and by Him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses." Acts 13:38, 39
(To Be Continued)
Extract: Faith - Salvation - Unbelief
Faith in Christ Himself is the first and absolutely necessary thing upon which all else depends.
To seek salvation of soul from duties, instead of the blood of Christ, is taking poison to cure disease.
Unbelief is the height of presumption. It plainly proves that we are seeking for some cause of God's in the creature, which can never be.
"Such an Offer"
"Such an offer!" Full and free!
Is it really meant for me?
That all my sins on Christ were laid,
That all my debt by Him was paid?
Yes, Jesus says it, who has died:
"Believe," and thou art justified.
Such an offer! Pardon now
For hidden sin and broken vow;
For years of cold neglect and scorn,
Can mercy's ray upon me dawn?
Yes, Jesus died instead of thee;
His death for thine, must be thy plea.
Such an offer! Peace and joy
Untainted by the world's alloy;
The sweet assurance of a Friend
Who, loving, loves unto the end;
The knowledge now of sins forgiven
And of a Home prepared in Heaven.
O, what goodness: Lord, I take
This offer Thou dost freely make;
My own desire shall henceforth be
To live for Him who died for me;
Spread glad news, through every nation,
Instant—free—and full salvation.
Phil. 2:9, 10, 11
"What a Pity You Are Not a Christian"
The story of a friend's conversion to God is an exceedingly interesting one. He had occasion to call on Mr. Arthur Kinnaird. Mr. Kinnaird suggested that he might see Mr. Hitchcock. He visited the warehouse and had an interview with him regarding a business matter. On leaving, Mr. Hitchcock said to him:
"Mr. Forlong, what a pity you are not a Christian!”
Unwilling to be drawn into a discussion on religion, he parried Mr. Hitchcock by saying:
"We are well up in the Bible.”
"What a pity you are not a Christian!" was repeated by Mr. Hitchcock.
The man hummed and hawed for a moment, and then said that he did not understand Mr. Hitchcock.
"If you think you are a Christian," said the earnest soul-winner, "sit down on that chair and talk to me about Christ.”
"I cannot do that," replied Mr. Forlong.
"No; I knew you could not," said the Christian merchant. "Now, Mr. Forlong, I would be very pleased if you would be kind enough to read a small book that I have." Mr. Forlong remarked that he read a good deal, and would gladly look over the book that he purposed giving him.
The book he received was an able vindication of the Christian faith. He took it home and read it carefully. On perusing it he said to himself: "This book is wrong, but I cannot tell where.”
He became greatly interested in the position taken by the writer, and began re-reading it. As he studied it carefully, he was arrested by the words of Lev. 17:11:
"For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.”
While reading these words, the light of the glorious Gospel of God's wondrous grace burst into his soul's vision, and he said to himself: "That explains how the whole Bible streams with blood.”
He perceived how the blood made atonement; because the life is in the blood, and to pour out the blood signifies death.
"He poured out His soul unto death." Isa. 53:12.
And by believing that Christ died and made a full and perfect atonement for all his sins, he found rest to his sin-sick soul. He saw he was safe, not because of what he did for Christ, but because of what Christ did for him.
He hastened to tell Mr. Hitchcock that through reading the book he gave him he was saved.
"Thank God for that," was the Christian merchant's response.
"I cannot go on 'with that business matter now," said the young convert.
"And what are you going to do?" inquired Mr. Hitchcock.
"I must preach the gospel," was the characteristic reply.
He felt he had a call from God to make known the unsearchable riches of Christ, and he commenced to preach Christ and Him crucified with remarkable fervency and power. Multitudes of sinners were saved, and many Christians were helped through his faithful ministry. For more than half a century he was privileged to be an ambassador of the cross.
The writer can never forget the words spoken by Mr. Forlong. I don't remember if he had any text, but I know he repeated again and again the following words:
"It's the blood that saves! It's the blood that saves! It's the blood that saves!”
He explained that Christ's blood-shedding bad made a perfect atonement to the injured honor of the divine character and government, and all who believed on Him had eternal life. Dealing with the widespread difficulty of waiting for feelings, instead of taking God at His word, he repeated again and again the words: "Believing is the root; feeling is the fruit! Believing is the root; feeling is the fruit!”
I thank God that His servant was led to speak as he did. I had been waiting to feel saved. I ceased looking within, and looked to Christ dying for my crimson sins, and found life in a look at the crucified One.
Where is the looking—to Christ or self? to faith or feelings? Christ's atonement is enough to meet your deepest need. Is God not fully satisfied with what Christ did and suffered for you?
"It is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.”
The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, has made an atonement for all sin. Don't try to atone for the offenses of the past. It is too late in the day to attempt that. Christ has done everything that was necessary. The blood in its "solitary dignity" has eternally satisfied the demands of law and justice. Don't wait to feel that what God says. is true. Believe the "glad tidings" regarding Christ and His finished work, and the feelings will follow. May you be enabled truthfully to lay hold of the meaning of the familiar lines:
"Just as I am, and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come.”
"Trusting in You"
A medical man, under the conviction of sin, was visiting a patient who was saved and happy in the Lord.
"Now," said he, addressing the sick. one, "I want you just to tell me what it is—this faith in Jesus, and all that sort of thing that brings peace.”
"Doctor, I have felt that I could do nothing, and I have put my case in your hands. I am trusting in you. This is exactly what every poor sinner must do with regard to the Lord Jesus.”
This reply greatly awakened the doctor's surprise, and a new light broke in upon his "Is that all," he exclaimed, "simply trusting in the Lord Jesus? I see it as I never saw it before. He has done the work.”
Christ Jesus said on the cross, "It is finished," and "whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”
From that sick bed the doctor went away rejoicing in Christ. The Lord Jesus finished the work; you believe and live.
"It is finished!”
Finished every jot;
Sinner, this is all you need,
Tell me is it not?”
"In Whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins." Col. 1:14.
"How Do You Know That Yours Is the Right Faith?"
Because I know the Person in whom I have believed.
A man once said to me:
"You ought to study the various religions; you would then find out if Christianity is the true faith or not. Look at Mohammedans, Buddhists, etc., etc., they are quite as earnest and devout in their faith as you are; why should not they be right?”
Now I can quite grant that any religionist may be as sincere—perhaps more so—than I am, but (to use a simple figure) if I possess one good note, which the bank honors as genuine, what a mad freak it would be to examine all the bad notes I could find, to satisfy myself that mine is a good one!
Mahomet is dead, not alive. Confucius and Seneca have disappeared in the grave long centuries ago, therefore it would be ridiculous for one to say: "I know Mahomet;" "I know Confucius," etc., and herein lies the difference between religions or "faiths," and true Christianity. I not only believe in the Lord Jesus, but I know Him, and so does everyone who is truly a Christian. I may revere the memory and follow the teachings of a dead man, but love him I cannot: a man must live to be known and loved.
A person may know the Bible from cover to cover, and expound Christian doctrines with the clearness of an apostle; perform good works and religious ceremonies with ardor and zeal, and yet not be a Christian; for with all these things, he may be a stranger to Christ.
Having once tasted death; entered the grave, and left both behind Him forever, having accomplished redemption for man, Christ now lives triumphant over all the power of evil, and can speak and make Himself known.
To observe the outward forms of Christianity, and believe its doctrines, without knowing and loving Christ Himself, is to be no better than a Mohammedan or Confucionist; such conduct degrades Christianity into a mere religion.
The religionist asks: "To what shall I go," but he who knows and loves Christ says: "Lord, to whom shall I go? for Thou hast the words of eternal life." John 6:68.
Reader, it amounts to this; you either know Christ or you do not; differences in creeds, -isms, -ologies, etc., will not alter the fact; upon that, and that alone will be decided your eternal destiny. Have you accepted Christ as your Savior?
Unlike the dead-and-gone philosophers, Christ lives and speaks today. His blessed voice, with all its charm and power, still invites: "Come unto Me," amid the confusion of creeds, schools, parties, churches, and sects. The "true faith" is faith in Christ Himself, the Son of God; such finds complete satisfaction in Him. He gives abiding rest and peace. Come to Him!
He undertakes to teach those who come. "Learn of Me," He says. Learn of Him, and you will have nothing to unlearn.
"Never man spake like this Man." John 7:46.
"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." John 3:36.
Christ Is All
I am so glad that Christ has died,
And put away my sin;
I am so glad He lives again,
My wand'ring heart to win.
I am so glad He's gone on high,
For me to intercede:
Watching o'er my steps down here—
Supplying all my need.
I am so glad His boundless love
No change nor coldness knows,
For on His breast my weary soul
Finds undisturbed repose.
I am so glad God by His word
Has given me to know
That through the precious blood of Christ
I'm whiter far than snow.
I am so glad He did the work,
And I have naught to do;
My joy is now to rest in Him,
And seek to please Him, too.
I am so glad it's not myself,
But what Christ is for me:
In all His loveliness I stand—
My all in all is He.
I am so glad He's coming soon,
And I shall see His face;
Forever in His likeness shine—
A monument of grace.
I am so glad that all of self
Will soon have passed away;
And Christ will be my all in all
Through one eternal day.
Part Two
Forgiveness Is an Act of Pure Grace Upon the Part of God
We are entirely without resources; we are sold under sin, and we have no strength to do any single good thing whereby we can merit favor from God. On the contrary, every day and hour of our lives we add to the debt of sin. Yet whatever the debt of our sins may be, there is with God abounding grace to forgive it. Our Lord tells us of "two debtors; the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty, and when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both;" at the same time showing us that the sinner, who has the greatest sense of sin, has the greatest sense of the grace which forgives sin.
Forgiveness being the act of God, and His own pure grace to sinners, we inquire: What is the hindrance to the sinner receiving the knowledge of forgiveness of sins?
Pride of heart, which refuses to believe his real state, his utter sinfulness and helplessness, is a great hindrance. Pride sends man to the tread mill of his own doings; and there Satan drives the helpless worker to despair, as the taskmaskers lashed the Israelites of old, crying to them, when they could not make bricks without straw, "Ye be idle! ye be idle!”
Brick making did not bring the Israelites out of the house of bondage, neither will works bring a sinner out of his sins. Grace brought Israel into liberty, and grace frees the soul. Seeking to obtain forgiveness by our doings, is spiritual slavery. God will not be in debt to any man. Listen to what He says: "To him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.”
"But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." Rom. 4:4, 5.
Works and Grace Cannot Be Mixed
One drop of the poison of man's works let fall into a vessel full of God's grace, deprives grace of its character. God will not allow man to spoil His gracious act of forgiveness by any mixture of works, for: "If by grace, then is it no more works; otherwise grace is no more grace." Rom. 11:4, 5.
(To be continued)
Saved Behind the Plow
Some can tell of salvation received, and a start made on the way to heaven, while listening to the melting words of some gifted preacher of the Word, while others pass from death to life during times of awakening and conversion, when many are being saved. It was not so in my case. I was saved and set on my journey heavenward, while following the plow in the fields.
Brought up to read and reverence God's Word in my father's house, I had soon after leaving it, become careless and godless, but was never wholly at ease about eternal things. I found the world and all it had to offer, unsatisfying. Success in a worldly way I had known in measure, but it failed to give me what I sought. There was the sense of emptiness in it all, and an Eternity without God beyond. I knew some who had something I did not have.
Walking behind the plow that afternoon, I was musing to myself and asking: "What is it all for, and where will it end?" A voice within answered: "In the grave, and in a lost eternity.”
I knew it was true of me. All that day and next, I was in misery, and could have ended my life, but I knew that would not end my misery. Half along the furrow, I picked up a bit of paper, possibly blown from the road. It was part of a tract, and the first words I read on it were: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." 1 Tim. 1:15.
That was enough for me. I grasped the glorious truth, and I knew Christ had received me. It was a great day, and what I got, is with and in me still. Praise His Name!
I was saved behind the plow, and it is my privilege to tell you, that now and as you are, you may be saved also.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31.
The Consolation of a Dying Soldier
My Dear Wife—When this card comes to your hands, take courage, I beg of you; seek to be a brave mother. I am now with Jesus, who is the comfort of my heart and my eternal portion. Do not desire me back, but gladly let me have the rest for which I have continuously longed during this war. How good it is to have that blessed Savior at your side when everything goes at the end. May He be your comfort and staff, who has in His own Word given special promises of succor and blessing to the widows and orphans.
"Cleave to the Lord with purpose of heart.”
Instead of lamenting, pray more. Take no pains to find my body. The most important is accomplished—my soul is gone to the rest of the children of God.
Sorrow not, but give your strength for the bringing up of our dear children for Him, so that there may be a happy reunion for all of us above. In this happy confidence I send the last message of love.
Your Husband and Father,
Acts 13:38, 39.
Rom. 4:7.
"Be in Time"
Some time ago I was at a gospel meeting, where the preacher gave out a hymn, the only words of which I can recall are:
"Be in Time, Be in Time.”
They ring in my ears all day, and now I am going to pass them on to you, and also tell you of a little incident, that strangely enough took place on the very morning before the preaching.
I had occasion to travel by train on that day, and happily had plenty of time to buy my ticket, and watch the train whiz into the station.
I took my seat, aid soon I felt the train moving. At that very instant the porter cried, "Hurry up!" and hot and panting, a young girl rushed along the platform and was pushed into the train by him, at the same time receiving warning to "be in time" another day.
Hardly was she seated, when a lady, who had been studying the books on the stall for at least ten minutes, turned around, saw the train moving and sprang forward with a cry.
"Is that the M. train?”
"Stand back!" shouted the guard.
"Stop the train, stop the train! I must get to M.!”
"Too late, madam," said the porter, and he laid a detaining hand on her arm.
The train was now well out of the station, and I turned from the window to hear the remark of an old woman in the corner: "Well, now, if she wasn't silly—with them porters calling out 'M. and L. B.' in her ears!”
She was silly, but I felt sorry for that lady. She evidently meant to "be in time" for that train—but—she lost it! How sad!
Now, dear friend, don't you forget the lesson you may learn from this little incident.
Let your ears be open to the gospel cry going on round you, and answer to it.
Do not even be like the girl who just caught it, but be in time yourself, and then help others to catch the train too.
Remember you are at the door of Eternity, and have other work to do than to trifle away time.
"Today, if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts." Heb. 4:7.
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other Name (except Jesus) under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12.
"How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?" Heb. 2:3.
Part Three
The Ground Upon Which God Forgives Sin. Self must be set aside and God brought in, if we would know His forgiveness. God consulted Himself and glorified His throne. God magnified His own character of righteousness regarding sin by the death of Christ. The blood which Jesus shed is of sufficient value to discharge the debt of every sinner; and God in grace forgives sins upon the ground of what the Lord has done.
The blood of Jesus is available for all; and God's grace is like an exhaustless deposit placed at the bank, so that all, who are poor and needy, may obtain "the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace" (Eph. 1:7).
God's righteousness has been magnified about the very sins which burden the sinner's conscience, so that He declares "at this time His righteousness; that He might be just, and the justifier of him who believeth in Jesus" (Rom. 3:26).
The following illustration of debt being forgiven, was used of God to give the subject of the story assurance as to the forgiveness of her sins. May our reader have equally simple faith!
At a village store the old woman, into whose debt her customers ran, would carefully mark upon the back of her store door how much each one owed her. There, in white chalk, as well as upon her memory, was written the name of each purchaser with the exact amount owing beneath it. Name and debt were riveted together in the old woman's mind, and could only be separated by due and full payment of all that was owing.
Among the old woman's customers was one, whose conscience sorely troubled her on account of the debt of her sins, and who dreaded the opening of the books when small and great shall stand before the Great White Throne, and be judged according to their works. Our friend knew that her sins could never be erased from God's book by her own doings, and that unless they were blotted out, she must be everlastingly lost.
"Why do you mourn thus over your sins?" said one to her; "why do you not believe what God says respecting those who really desire forgiveness? Has He not told such that the debt is paid? You never trouble about the chalk marks upon the store door after the money is paid down. Can you not likewise rest in what the blood of Christ has done in paying the debt of sins, and satisfying the demand of divine righteousness?
"I will go to the store and see what she has against your name, and will pay the due; she will then rub out the chalk marks, so that when you next go there, she will tell you that not a mark stands against your name, and you will thankfully believe her. Yet in this work you will have no part, save the satisfaction that flows from believing your debt is paid.
"And thus, dear friend, it is with the terrible debt of your sins over which you mourn, and for which you own you have nothing to pay. Justice is satisfied, for the blood of God's Son has been shed for the sins of His people, and not one sin is left against their names. Jesus has paid the price of them all in His own blood. Indeed, justice has, as it were, by that precious blood, wiped out all the debt of their sins; and we, who believe God, can, and do rejoice in freedom from the debt of sin; and more, it is God's own joy to tell us that our names are no longer connected with our sins, but that our names are written in the Lamb's book of life.”
God graciously owned the illustration from her everyday life, and our friend believed, and henceforth rejoiced in God.
(To be continued)
Can You Be Saved Too Soon?
Can you be saved too son? Can you be happy too soon? Certainly, you cannot be out of danger of hell too soon; and therefore why should not your closing with Christ upon His own terms be your very next act?
If the main business of everyone's life be, to flee from the wrath to come, as indeed it is (Matt. 3:7); and to flee for refuge to Jesus Christ, as indeed it is (Heb. 6:18); then all delays are highly dangerous.
The manslayer, when fleeing to the city of refuge before the avenger of blood, did not think he could reach the city too soon.
Think over this matter; put the case as it really is: I am to flee from the wrath to come; then is it reasonable that I should sit down in the way to gather flowers, or play with trifles? for such are all other concerns in this world, compared with our soul's salvation.
"God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Rom. 5:8.
"How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?" Heb. 2:3.
The Five Go Together
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." John 5:24.
In this verse we have five precious things Please to take particular notice of them Heareth, believeth, hath, shall not, is. And mark, the five go together-you cannot have two and leave three, or three and leave two. They all go together. God says: "Here poor anxious soul, here is a bundle of blessings for you.”
Now, just read the verse again, and be sure you don't miss anything out of the bundle.
But I think I hear some poor, dear anxious soul saying: "O, yes, sir, I know all that; I've read that verse over and over again; but still I'm no better—its no use going over it any more, I don't feel that I'm saved!”
"I'm very thankful, indeed, for that.”
"Thankful, sir, because I can't say 'I'm saved?'”
"No! but thankful you can't feel saved. You see, you are trying to put into the bundle what God leaves out, and leaving out what God puts in. Feeling saved is not in the whole verse.
"Faith cometh by hearing" (Rom. 10:17), and, in this verse; Jesus puts hearing first; then, believing; then, hath; then, shall not; then, is. You want to leave out the believing and substitute feeling. So I am thankful, as I said before, that you don't feel saved; for if you were to get some nice feelings you would run away with the idea that you were saved, and if asked: "Are you saved?" you would reply: "Yes.”
"How do you know?”
"Well, I've felt a change, and I'm very happy.”
Then the first time the dark clouds sailed across your sky, your feelings would go, and then you would have lost your Savior. Thus you would make a savior of your feelings, instead of Christ. Now, please don't put in what God leaves out, and don't say you know all about it, for I'm sure you don't know these five precious things that go together. Let us look at the verse closely.
"Well, look here, have you 'heard' the word!”
"Yes, sir.”
"And believe on Him that sent Him?" "Yes, sir, I do believe.”
"Well now, please, tell me what you believe?”
"I believe that God sent Jesus to take my place, and He died for me.”
"Do you?”
"Yes I do.”
"Now, you are sure you do?”
"Quite sure.”
"Then you have heard?”
"Yes, sir.”
"And you believe?”
"Yes, I do.”
"Then, what is the third thing?”
"`Hath everlasting life.'”
"Then, have you everlasting life?”
"Ah! well, sir, but you see that's just what I cannot say, if I could only feel sure about that point, I should be all right.”
"Well, what do you think would make you feel sure?”
"I scarcely know, sir.”
"Look here, supposing you owed the rent of a house and couldn't pay it, and I go and pay every cent of it, and bring you the receipt. What would make you sure as to the rent being paid?”
"O! the receipt of course.”
"Quite so, and you would feel happy because you knew your rent was paid, and should the landlord again demand the rent, you would not speak to him of your feelings, but produce the receipt. And God is holding out His receipt to you, and you are shutting your eyes to it, and wanting to feel it, instead of reading and believing it.”
"You have heard?”
"You believe?" "Yes, sir.”
"Then God says, you have, not, you hope to get. `Hath everlasting life' is His word, and that is not all, you 'shall not come into condemnation' or judgment. That has all fallen on Jesus, and the believer is in Him, and 'there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus,'" Rom. 8:1.
"You will never stand before the great white throne to be judged for your sins; all your judgment was borne by Jesus on the cross, and He has so settled that question, that God has raised Him from the dead. 'The Man in the glory' is the proof that the debt is paid, and thus you can never come into judgment, for your sins are all gone.
"But that is not all, even, for we get another thing, 'is passed from death unto life.' You were in a state of death, 'dead in trespasses and sins' (Eph. 2:1). But now you are passed from death unto life; not will do so by and by, but, 'is passed.' How glorious! Quickened together, raised up together, made to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:5,6). What a bundle of blessings, and any poor sinner, that has heard and believed, gets the other three also, for they all go together.”
"Now, anxious one, would you like the five?”
"Yes sir, I would.”
"Will you take them?”
"Yes, I will.”
"Then, here they are for you.”
"`Heareth My word.' Have you heard?”
"Yes, I have.”
"`Believeth on Him that sent Me.' Do you believe.”
"Yes, I do.”
"`Hath everlasting life.' Have you it?" "Yes, I see I have.”
"'Shall not come into condemnation.' Will you be condemned?”
"No, I am sure I shall not, I see it now.”
"'Is passed from death unto life.' Are you thus passed?”
"Yes, I see I am.”
"Then you take the five in altogether?”
"I do.”
"And you are saved?”
"Yes sir.”
"How do you know?”
"God says so in that verse, sir.”
"And you are now perfectly satisfied with His word?”
"Yes, indeed I am.”
"Well, 'Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed.'" Rom. 10:11.
"The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Rom. 6:23.
"Christ in All"
What food is for hunger; drink for thirst; light for darkness; joy for sorrows; ease for pain; health for sickness; comfort for trouble; rest for weariness; wealth for poverty; friendship for desolation; support' in trial; help in difficulty; safety in peril; shelter in storm; guidance in perplexity; freedom in bondage; victory in defeat; strength in conflict; acquittal in accusation; pardon in guilt; love in hatred; power in weakness; key for lock; medicine for every ill; life in death; sun and star; object and goal; treasure unfailing, in time and through eternal days, So is Christ to the Christian.
Do or Done
A Christian lady said one day
To one close by her side,
"Between religions—yours and mine—
There is a difference wide.”
Astonished, he at once exclaimed,
"And how can that be true?"
"Well, mine," she said, "has letters four
While yours has only two.”
Self-righteous was this gentleman,
Yet seemed withal sincere;
He trusted in his works to save,
And wrath he did not fear;
Salvation by the grace of God,
To him was something new.
Once more he asked, "What do you mean
By letters four and two?”
"Why, mine is d-o-n-e done,
But yours is d-o do.”
When he believed in Christ the Lord,
Who "it is finished" said.
When next he met his lady friend,
He said with joy Divine,
"Those letters which you say are yours,
I now can say are mine.”
"I trust God's blessed Son,
My doings I have flung aside;
Who for my ransom shed His Blood;
His work for me is done.
Four golden letters! All is done!
Repeat the message o'er.
O, who would not give up the two
For precious letters four!
'Tis not by works the soul is saved,
Your doings throw away;
Rest now in Christ's eternal done,
And He'll be yours for aye.
Isa. 1:18.
1 John 1:7:
"It Will Put You Right"
Walking along the road, I was overtaken by a man, of whom I asked my way. After telling me, I offered him a tract.
"O," he said, "I see the road you are going.”
"Yes," I replied, "it is a blessed thing to be on the road to heaven." He assented, and then went on to say: "I was converted six years ago by a paper like this, which was blown between my feet. It was a windy day, and something seemed to say to me: " 'Pick it up, and it will put you right,' so I had to turn back and pick it up. It had a hymn printed on it, called:
“‘I always go to Jesus.'
"My conscience asked, 'Do you always go to Jesus?' I was obliged to own I did not, so I went to Him then, and He saved me.”
"Well," I said, "do you ever have doubts or fears now?" He owned that he had.
"Why do you not look at the receipt, then?" I asked him.
"So I do," he replied.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Why, the blood of Christ," was the reply.
"No," said I; "that is the money the debt is paid with; the receipt is the risen Christ. God has raised Him for our justification, and His resurrection is the full discharge, or the receipt for the debt he owed.”
"Well," he replied, "I never saw that before.”
Now, dear reader, are you a child of God by faith in Christ Jesus?
"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom. 5:1.
Kircher and the Sceptic
Athanasius Kircher had an acquaintance whom he much esteemed, but who was unfortunately infected by atheistical principles, and denied the very existence of a God. Kircher, sincerely desirous to rescue his friend from his mistaken and criminal prejudice, determined to try to convince him of his error upon his own principles of reasoning. He first procured a globe of the heavens, -handsomely decorated, and of conspicuous size, and placed it in a situation in his study where it would be immediately observed.
He then called upon his friend with an invitation to visit him, which was readily responded to, and on his arrival he was shown into the study. It happened just as Kircher had planned. His friend no sooner observed it than he inquired whence it came and to whom it belonged.
"Shall I tell you, my friend," said Kircher, "that it belongs to no one; that it was never made by any one, but came here by mere chance?”
"That," replied the atheist, "is impossible; you jest.”
This was Kircher's golden opportunity, and he promptly and wisely availed himself of it.
"You will not, with good reason, believe that this small globe which you see before you, originated in mere chance, and yet you will contend that those vast heavenly bodies, of which this is but a faint, diminutive resemblance, came into existence without either order, or design, or a creation!”
His friend was first confounded, then convinced, and ultimately abandoning all his former skepticism, he gladly united with all who reverence and love God in acknowledging the glory and adoring the majesty of the great Creator of the heavens and earth, and all their host.
This was the conviction to which the renowned physician Galen has conducted by his researches. He at one time of his career had been disposed to atheism. But when he examined the human body, when he perceived the wonderful adaptation of its members, and the utility of every muscle, of every bone, of every fiber, and of every vein, he rose up from his investigations in a rapture of praise, and composed a hymn in honor of his Creator and Preserver.
But there are many who will go this far, yet will not acknowledge the Lord Jesus as the One whom God sent to die in the sinner's place. And this is what is of the greatest importance, for if they do not believe in Jesus as their own Savior—the One whom God sent to bear the judgment they deserved, they will be lost. So while it is good to believe in God, as we see His power and wisdom in creation, we must believe what He tells us as to our need of a Savior and that Jesus is the Savior He has provided for us.
"This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." 1 Tim. 1:15.
Part 4, Concluded
The Sins of God's People Are Not Only Forgiven—They Are Also Not Remembered
An earthly sovereign once said, when granting a pardon:
"I forgive, but I cannot forget.”
If God acted thus, we could never be happy in His presence, but He says: "Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more." Heb. 8:12. Thus we can dwell in liberty in His presence, and rejoice in His grace.
The sins which God forgives, are ALL sins.
Some seem to think that a line is drawn at conversion, and that all sins up to that day are blotted out, but they are not at rest, when thinking of what sin they may possibly yet commit.
"I am safe up to this moment," said one to us.
"But what of tomorrow?" we inquired.
"Ah, of that I cannot tell," was the reply. Self, not God, was his confidence.
God does not say He forgives past, present, or future sins, but sins.
"Through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins; and by Him all that believe are justified from all things." Acts 13:38, 39.
The two "ails" in this verse take in every believer, and everything, all who believe are justified from all things. Whether it be strong faith, or weak faith, is not the question; but, do we believe in Christ as our Savior? And, if we do, the question is not great sins or small sins, but all sins; nay, God, in His grace, has spoken of things—not gross sins merely, but every kind of thing which we have done, or shall do, so that our consciences may be at rest, and our hearts rejoice before him.
The perfect work of Christ embraces all sins. Could it do less? It is terrible unbelief to weigh out our sins against Christ's blood in the scales of our imagination. In the balances of the sanctuary we find that our sins, however heavy, are nothing at all in view of the preciousness of Christ's blood. The grievous hindrance to our rejoicing in God's forgiveness, is unbelief in what Christ has done; and in God's grace which forgives all sins.
God knew every one of our sins when He "laid on Him the iniquity of us all" (Isa. 53:6); and Jesus endured the weight of them all, when "His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree" (1 Peter 2:24).
Where then are your sins, believer? They are not upon you, for God laid them upon Jesus. They are not upon Jesus, for He has borne them, and is in glory; where then are your sins? They are gone.
Rest in the work of Christ, believe and rejoice. Your sins are forgiven you for His name's sake; you have the forgiveness of sins through Christ; you are one of God's blessed people.
"Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered." Rom. 4:7. (Concluded)
At the Doorway
The door of salvation is open. It is opened wide at infinite cost. The death of the Son of God was the cost.
On one side is sin and judgment; on the other side is blessing and salvation. You stand at the doorway as you read this. There is only one step over the threshold. Will you not take that step now? You are a sinner. You are exposed to the judgment. Christ is Savior provided for all. Take then your true place as a lost sinner and owning your sins and your sinful state, believe on Him.
Do not stay outside the door for another moment.
"Come unto Me, and I will give you rest." Matt. 11:28.
"Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37.
The Story of Jesus Can Never Grow Old
They tell me the story of Jesus is old,
And they ask that we preach something new;
They say that the Babe and the Man of the cross
For the wise of this world will not do.
It can never grow old,
It can never grow old,
Though a million times over the story is told;
While sin lives unvanquished,
And death rules the world,
The story of Jesus can never grow old.
Yet the story is old, as the sunlight is old,
Though it's new every morn all the same;
As it floods all the world with its gladness and light,
Kindling far away stars by its flame.
For what can we tell to the weary of heart,
If we preach not salvation from sin?
And how can we comfort the souls that depart,
If we tell not how Christ rose again?
So with sorrow we turn from the wise of this world
To the wanderers far from the fold;
With hearts for the message they'll join in our song
That the story can never grow old.
"Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." 1 Tim. 1:15.
"The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin." 1 John 1:7.
"O! How Good He Is"
Mary was a young servant maid who knew and loved the Lord Jesus. One day she was in her room putting on her hat and jacket to go out on a message, but her looking glass did not reflect a happy figure; she was annoyed at having been taken from her work and could not repress her feelings.
"Mary! Mary!" cried her mistress, "are you not ready yet?" Mary obeyed the call and at once started out.
It was a charming morning; Mary soon quieted her impatience, and she had not gone far before she judged herself for her failure and soon regained her usual good humor.
"It was very wrong," thought she, "to murmur because I had to leave my work to go and inquire about poor Miss S— ." Here a shade of sadness crossed her face.
"They say she is dying," she continued "but if she loves Jesus, she has no fear, I am sure of that.”
Mary knew a little of the love of Jesus towards herself, but she had not yet learned to give up everything for Him, to be subject in everything and to overcome her impatience in her little trials and disappointments.
Near one of the windows of the house where Mary was going, and which she was now approaching, sat a lady looking out at her, with a heart full of sorrow and bitterness.
"Why," sighed she, "should my child have to endure all these sufferings, while this young maid is so happy?" and rising she came forward to meet Mary as she entered the house, and said to her:
"I suppose you have come from Mrs. E—for news about my daughter. Perhaps your bright and happy face may cheer her a little—come and see her and deliver your message to herself.”
Mary, who had often been at the house to inquire after the invalid, followed the lady, surprised at such consideration for herself, a little waiting maid.
When they came to the bedroom the lady left Mary, saying she would shortly return. Mary then turned to look at the pale and wasted face of the dying girl. Never before had she seen such a sight.
"Is she asleep?" said Mary. No, for opening her eyes the sick one said, partly to herself and partly to the young maid:
"I am so tired! so tired!”
In a moment all Mary's timidity vanished. Her heart was filled with pity for the poor sufferer, and approaching the bed, her eyes fixed on the thin and wearied face, she said softly and tenderly: "Do you not know that Jesus came to give rest, peace, and full assurance of salvation. He Himself says: "'Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.'" Matt. 11:28.
And growing yet bolder, she took a Bible which she found near her, and opening to the eleventh of Matthew, she read again slowly, the precious words of the Savior.
"Mark the place for me," said the sick one, "and tell me more about Jesus.”
In the few moments at her disposal, Mary told the young girl all that she had realized in her own heart of Jesus and His love, and as she thus simply confessed how precious her Savior was to her, the sick girl exclaimed "I understand; I see it now. O! how good He is. Jesus died for me.”
She had not time to say more. The lady returned, and Mary went back to resume her duties, wondering at all that had taken place.
Thus in this simple and true story is shown how the grace of God meets souls in their need, and where there is faith in the Word, and work of the Lord Jesus, the passing from moral death, to eternal Life is so gentle, but we see the blessed results, and give glory to God.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31.
"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Rom. 10:9.
The Rich Man's Retirement
The barkeeper had made his "pile," and was about to retire. There was a notice up in the "Bar" that it would "Change Hands" and be carried on by his successor on the "old lines." The last night of his occupancy had come, and a number of his "best customers" met in the "Bar" to drink the barkeeper's health in champagne. A motley group they were. Law clerks, book-makers, jockeys, coal heavers, and "gentlemen" of no particular occupation, were all there to wish the man whom they had enriched "goodbye" and "God-speed" as he passed into retirement. And so they drank his health and wished him happiness until the echoes rang. It was recorded as a "great success," and no doubt the devil agreed, for he knows how to dupe his slaves and lead them to their doom.
But God had something to say to that scene of godless mirth. The barkeeper was in his grave in less than a week from that hour. The "Bar" changed hands, and the man who had stood behind it, passed from the paradise of his retirement to "his own place" in the world beyond. This was not expected; it had not been taken into the reckoning in that last debauch. There was no "toast" to the lurking foe. Yet death's mark was on the rich man's brow. He was marked for doom, although he knew it not. So it may be, so it often is, with the world's most successful men. Like the farmer "fool" who had "made his pile," and whose folly the Lord records for all who follow in his steps (Luke 12:17-21), many are reckoning on "many years" of ease and merriment here, while death crouches at their door. In a moment they are hurried from their gold, in all their guilt, into the eternal world. Yet how little effect their untimely end has on others! They soon forget it, and hasten along the same dark path toward the chasm that lies at its end.
Thus men and generations live and die, and the godless race for gold and gain, forgetting God, ignoring His claims, despising His warnings and denying His retribution, increases in rapidity as the years go by. It is an awful fact that men and women are passing into that world beyond, every hour and every minute—some when they least expect the call. The great thing is to be ready to meet God, ready to enter the eternity beyond.
Are you ready, reader? You should pause and reflect. You may be called at any hour, and once there, there is no return. You cannot undo the past then: you cannot alter your state or rescind the choice you made, the course you pursued while here on earth. If you live a Godless life, and die a Christ-less death, you will find yourself in an undone eternity. If you have been converted to God, turned to the Lord, as the result of receiving Christ (John 1:12), and confessing Him as your Lord (Rom. 10:9), you will go to be "with Christ" (Phil. 1:23) hereafter. As the life now is, so shall the destiny be.
Remember, to die in sin is to remain "filthy still" (Rev. 22:11). No grace to save, no blood to cleanse, no action of the Spirit to convict or sanctify, in the world to come. If you would be saved from sin's penalty, severed from sin's service and fitted for heaven's holy joy, all this must be done here: Thank God it can be, and to all who receive Christ, who believe the Gospel of Christ. which is "the power of God unto salvation" (Rom. 1:16), it is a present reality, a joyful experience. Is it so with you, reader? Do you know God? Have you reckoned with Him about your sin? Do you know His forgiving grace, and the cleansing power of the blood of Christ. "The wages of sin is death: but the gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Rom. 6:23.
Isa. 53:6.
1 Cor. 15:3.