Echoes of Grace: 1968

Table of Contents

1. January
2. The Indian's Gift to Jesus
3. The Worth of the Soul
4. A Verdict of Death
5. Ain't It Nice!
6. Say, 'Yes! '
7. The Sunny Side of Calvary
8. Head or Heart
9. Might Have Been
10. February
11. Dead and Done With
12. A Two-Edged Sword
13. An Afternoon in a Factory
14. God Loves You
15. The Pain of a Wounded Conscience
16. A Conscience Healed by the Atonement
17. So Good" or "so Bad"?
18. Sinners, Lost and Saved
19. I Was a Wandering Sheep
20. March
21. It Works! I Know It Works
22. I Need Thee, O, I Need Thee
23. The Heavens Opened
24. Eternity - Poverty
25. They Believed God
26. Believing
27. Beyond the Brightness of the Sun
28. April
29. The Conversion of Two Jews
30. It Laughs All the Time
31. A Queen Made Sure
32. Fingers of a Man's Hand
33. Isaiah
34. It Is Finished!
35. I Left It All with Jesus
36. May
37. The Eskimo Chief and John 3:16
38. From Infidelity to Firm Belief
39. Saved on the Street
40. The Power of the Word of God
41. Whom Will Ye Serve?
42. The Power of the Gospel
43. Anathema, Maranatha
44. Lord, I Am Thine
45. June
46. Salvation Is of the Lord
47. The Present Salvation
48. Light and Darkness
49. I Credit It All
50. Him Who Is Athirst
51. Abide With Me
52. July
53. Indian Joe
54. The Message Rejected
55. Three Tuesdays
56. Something More Wanted
57. Neglect
58. A Message from God
59. Such an Offer
60. August
61. God Built a Bridge
62. Mighty to Save
63. The Waiting Friend
64. After This?
65. The Pharisee and the Publican
66. Used of God
67. Godly Contentment
68. A Drink
69. September
70. Sins as Scarlet
71. Sometime We'll Understand
72. I've Lost Him!
73. All the Way
74. Mak' Siccar
75. Lord, I Am Thine
76. October
77. A Rotten Rogue
78. Born Again
79. The Heart and the Head
80. A Living Savior
81. Because God Says so
82. Jesus, Friend Unfailing
83. Whiter Than Snow
84. November
85. He Made the Coupling
86. Thousands of Wrecks
87. Hope to Have
88. A Pauper's Grave
89. Whosoever
90. December
91. A Delinquent Reclaimed
92. Sow Thy Seed
93. I'm Going by the Book
94. A Big Difference
95. Few Preach Hell Now
96. God's Unspeakable Gift
97. Assurance for the New Year


The Indian's Gift to Jesus

Deep in a wild section of North America where the red man still followed his traditional way of life, a preacher of the gospel was seeking to bring before these children of the forest "Christ Jesus, and Him crucified."
The preacher spoke of the love of the Good Shepherd who came into the world to seek and to save the lost. He told how this Savior met the rude buffetings of the heartless soldiers, and the mockery and scorn of the ungrateful Jews. He drew a word picture of Gethsemane, and the crucified Nazarene bleeding upon the cross. He told his wild congregation how the loving Jesus was stricken, smitten of God and afflicted; wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. He told the Indians that all men like sheep have gone astray, that all have turned, every one to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all, the Lord Jesus, the Good Shepherd, laid down His life for the naughty sheep.
Soon there was a slight movement in the assembly, and a tall son of the forest, with tears on his dark cheeks, approached the rude pulpit. Brokenly he said, "Did Jesus die for me—die for poor Indian?"
"Yes," said the preacher, "Jesus died for sinners."
"Me give Jesus," replied the Indian, "my dog, my rifle."
"Jesus," said the preacher, "does not want those gifts."
"Me give Jesus my blanket, too. Poor Indian he got no lands to give Jesus—white man take them away. Poor Indian got no more to give."
The preacher replied, "Jesus is now risen, and is in heaven at the right hand of God, and He can and will receive those who believe in Him."
The poor, ignorant, but open-hearted child of the forest bent his head in sorrowful thought. Finally he raised his head, spread his arms wide, and with his eye fixed on the preacher, he sobbed out, "Here is poor Indian! Will Jesus have him?"
A thrill of unutterable joy ran through the souls of the preacher and of the natives gathered there, as this fierce son of the wilderness thus gave himself as a trophy of the constraining love of Christ.
"He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name." John 1:11, 12.

The Worth of the Soul

Oh, who can tell the value of a soul? Bring the scales and weigh it. Put the glittering gold and flashing gems of all the world into one side of the scales— they are altogether lighter than vanity. How far does the soul outweigh them!
Put in fame, position, and pleasure; throw in all earthly preferences; they do not turn the scale one hair's breadth. These things are but for a moment. They belong to a world that is swiftly rolling on to destruction, while the soul will live forever.
Death will not kill it. It will outlive the wreck of all created matter. When worlds will have gone crashing into oblivion it will exist, either in the brilliant glory of God, or amid the awful tempest of a lost eternity.

A Verdict of Death

"I had a contract to build a section of a railway through an unsettled part of one of the Western States," said a man to me one day.
He knew I had more than a passing interest in his affairs. He continued: "In the remote part where my work lay, far from civilization, I had a gang of about three hundred men. Most of them, if not all, were of the desperate character which at that time largely populated that country. There had been many instances of contractors defrauding their laborers by leaving without paying their wages, and all of us employers were looked upon with suspicion.
"However, my payments to the men for wages had been regularly made and up to a certain time all went on without any special disturbance. Then through the failure of the company which was having the road built to send me money for payments, I could do nothing but promise and hope from day to day.
"At length the storm broke. An indignation meeting was held, and in the belief that I had the money, it was resolved that I should be hanged unless payment were made. A deputation came to me with the decision, and said: 'If we do not get our pay, remember this: at nine o'clock tomorrow morning— you die.'
"There was no question whatever but that the threat would be executed. There was no possible way of escape, and death by hanging was before me as the inevitable result of the hopeless situation.
"The night passed; the morning dragged slowly by. I saw that it was eight o'clock and that I had but one hour more to live; but somehow when one has become accustomed to seeing human life lightly esteemed, one's own death seems less alarming.
"However, within an hour of the time when my life was to have paid the forfeit, a man was seen coming on horseback over the forest trail. He rode into camp and handed me a package. It was the money for my pay roll, and I was safe— delivered almost at the last moment."
If this man had been hanged, the general verdict would have been: unjust, a foul murder. If the incident had so terminated, you, my reader, would have joined in the feeling of indignation against the murderers.
But what of another murder, of a far worse character than this would have been— one in which you and I are identified with the murderers? All the world stands guilty before God in the death of His Son. Now the question is, Do you stand with those who killed Him?
Six people were hanged for the murder of President Lincoln, some of whom were "accessory after the fact." They knew nothing about it beforehand, but they became helpers of those who did and thus were part of the company. They suffered the penalty.
"He that is not with Me is against Me," the Lord says. With whom are you? Take your stand with Him, believe in Him, and say with Peter: "Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God." John 6:68, 69.

Ain't It Nice!

A mechanic and his wife had taken a poor sick woman into their house. She had been turned out of her own home, because she could not pay the rent. When I went to visit her I was invited to enter the sick room and I found her lying upon the bed— a woman past middle life, far gone with a terrible disease that was literally eating her life away. She was wan and thin. Her face was marred with pain, and plowed into deep furrows with suffering. She was moaning with such agony that for a while I could not speak to her. Taking her thin hand in mine, I sat by the bedside.
I then said: "My poor woman, I am sorry to see you so sick and suffering so much."
"Yes," said she, "I am sick, and I am suffering more than I can tell you. Oh, the pain is so great, but it can't be for long, I think."
"And are you at peace with God?" was my next question.
With this, a look of sorrow and soul-distress spread over her face; and turning her troubled eyes away from mine she said despairingly: "No, no, I have not yet made my peace with God, and I am too sick to do it now; I am in such pain that I cannot even think for long at a time. Oh no, I have not made my peace with God."
Then in a few detached sentences, she betrayed the confused teaching she had received upon the whole subject of salvation by grace through faith. All she knew was so mingled with despair that my heart was greatly moved.
I waited till she was quiet, and then said kindly and softly to her: "I have some good news to tell you."
"Good news for me?" she said. "There can't be any good news for such as me; but pray, what is it?"
"Why, that you have no need to try and make your peace with God."
Upon this, she turned with a quick, eager glance toward me, and said: "What is that you say, sir? And what do you mean by saying that I do not have to make peace with God?"
Just as quickly, I answered: "I mean this: that peace with God has been made by another, and I have come to tell you about it. But first, let me say that you are quite right in saying that you are too sick to try and make your peace with God. Even if you were ever so well, you could not yourself make peace with a justly offended God. But God Himself has, through the sacrifice of His only begotten Son, opened up a way by which you can obtain peace with Him. Jesus Christ is our peace! He came into the world to be a propitiation for our sins and iniquities, and is now entered into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us."
Then as simply as I could, I sought to explain to her God's plan of salvation. I told her how that Jesus had come into the world to save sinners. I explained that God made Him who knew no sin, to be sin for us, and had laid upon Him the iniquity of us all. I repeated Isaiah 53:5, telling how He was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities, and the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed.
I reminded the listening woman that He bore our sins in His own body on the tree, where He died, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.
Then opening my Bible, I read to her from Colossians 1:20, that Christ had made peace for us by the blood of His cross; and from Ephesians 2:14, that Christ is our peace. Now Christ, having made peace for us, once for all, by the sacrifice of Himself on the cross, is offering it to us freely— on the simple condition of our accepting it in the simplicity of faith.
And so I said to her: "Do you not see what God in Christ has done for you? He now can, as it were, say to you, "You, poor helpless sinner, you have no need to try and make your peace with me! Only believe in what has been done for you, and rest contented there."
During all this reading and explaining, she had regarded me most intently and eagerly. Indeed, so great was her interest that she had raised herself partly on her elbows, resting her forehead on her hand. When I had finished and was prayerfully waiting to see the effect the "Word" was having upon her, she said earnestly: "Oh, sir, would you read again to me about the peace?"
Gladly I went over the scriptures again. Her eyes closed with my last words; the tears trickled into and down the deep furrows of her pain-worn face. A sweet restful smile came about her lips, and laying herself down, she said again and again: "Ain't it nice! Oh, ain't it nice, that the Son of God should come into this world, and die, to make peace for the likes of me? Ain't it nice? Oh, ain't it nice?"
I arose softly, and left her with her newfound Savior and peace.
As I went away from that house, my own eyes were full of tears, but my heart was full of joy and the peace that passeth understanding. I was saying to myself, as I have hundreds of times since: "Ain't it nice! Oh, ain't it nice? that the Son of God should come into the world and die to make peace for the likes of me, simple and unworthy me! Ain't it nice?"

Say, 'Yes! '

We were distributing tracts in a small town in Michigan and came to a cottage occupied by a white-haired man seventy-five years old and his wife. Our rap at the door was answered by the lady, Mrs. Dunn. We handed her two gospel tracts, and asked her if she knew the Lord. Her reply was: "Come in and talk with my husband."
The door was opened, and inside the pleasant room we found Mr. Dunn sitting in his big chair reading the newspaper. Seating ourselves directly opposite him, we asked: "Mr. Dunn, do you know the Lord?"
"I know about Him," he said, "but I don't KNOW HIM."
This was a most intelligent answer, and showed that he had given the subject of his soul's salvation at least some consideration. After a few minutes conversation as to eternal matters we said: "Why are you not saved?"
His answer was honest, "I have JUST PUT IT OFF."
By this time the old man's eyes were misted with tears. We said: "Mr. Dunn, you are an old man. How much longer are you going to trifle with this most important issue? Don't you want to get saved NOW?"
His wife, sitting across the room from us, whispered, "Say, 'yes!' " and most emphatically came the response: "YES!"
With tears now streaming freely down his wrinkled cheek, he knelt with us, and in a moment the cry came, "Oh God, I'm a sinner. Oh God, save me!"
The matter was soon settled. Mr. Dunn confessed that he believed that Christ had died for the ungodly; he knew he was a lost sinner, and he poured out his heart to a God of infinite love, who answered him by giving him full assurance of present salvation.
Scriptures telling of God's love in giving His Son to save the lost, and the certainty of the completion of that work, were read and received into good ground. We left them both in tears.
The old man was still crying two days later, and even now at the mention of "Jesus" his eyes overflow. Now he is daily in the enjoyment of his relation to God as a son, and he and his wife are happily going on as one in Christ.
Perhaps you, dear reader, like old Mr. Dunn, "KNOW ABOUT HIM"; but do you KNOW HIM? If you KNOW HIM, that is life eternal.
"This is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent." John 17:3.

The Sunny Side of Calvary

Friend, have you ever thought of the love of God made known to us by the cross, in contrast to the love which God exacted from man before it? Under law the command went forth, "Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." (Dent. 6:5.)
Has man ever been capable of doing this? Also we read: "I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love Me, and keep My commandments." To His people Israel, God announced that He would punish those who hated Him, and skew mercy to those who loved Him. This was law; "this do, and thou shalt live." Luke 10:28.
After the grievous and hopeless failure of man to abide by such demands made upon him, can we wonder that God should conclude all under sin that "every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God"? Rom. 3:19. Dear reader, how will you escape this sentence? How will you please Him and live? To live forever in heavenly bliss is surely the desire of all.
Listen to the other side of the story— to the "sunny side of Calvary," as an old man was heard to say. "Law and demand and Sinai's thunders belong to the far side of the cross, to the shady side of Calvary." There, sad to say, many souls stay too long, seeking to satisfy their own consciences and the demands of a holy God by doing that which can never succeed— for how can tears and prayers and a good life atone for sins?
Beloved, we are now living on the "sunny side of Calvary"! God has been fully satisfied there. His Son came to die, the just One stood in the place of the unjust— in the place of those who had failed to love God. He has borne the burden and the penalty of sins, so that God can alter His proclamation now. Hence we read, "God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Rom. 5:8. No longer is it, "Thou shalt love," but "God is love." What a change!
"Does God really love me all the time?" This was the touching question asked of one who was seeking to set forth these blessed truths. The questioner was a poor afflicted deaf-mute, who probably had been a long time on the "shady side" of the cross. Tears filled his eyes as his visitor gladly replied, "Yes, all the time. He loved you in the past and gave His Son for you. He loves you now and offers you salvation, and He will love you in heaven."
Do you doubt it, reader? Listen, "In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins." 1 John 4: 9, 10.
Before the cross God's forbearance with man was in exercise: He was passing over sins in view of the work of Christ which was to be. Now He is manifest in all the fullness of His love. In virtue of a finished work, every soul who accepts this may bask in the sunshine of God's love on the "sunny side of Calvary." Thankfully we can say: "being justified freely by His grace." Yes, God really loves us all the time! Do you believe it?

Head or Heart

There is no knowledge absolutely needful to a man's salvation, except a knowledge of the things which are to be found in the Bible. All the education a man's head can receive will not save his soul from hell, unless he knows the truths of the Bible.
A man may have prodigious learning, and yet never be saved. He may be master of half the languages spoken around the globe. He may be acquainted with the highest and deepest things in heaven and earth. He may have read books till he is like a walking encyclopedia. He may be familiar with the stars of heaven, the birds of the air, the beasts of the earth, and the fishes of the sea. He may be able to speak authoritatively of plants, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop that grows on the wall. He may be able to discourse of all the secrets of the earth. Yet, if he dies ignorant of simple Bible truths, he dies a miserable man.
Chemistry never silenced a guilty conscience. Mathematics never healed a broken heart. All the sciences in the world never smoothed a dying pillow.
All these things are of the earth, earthy, and can never raise a man above the earth's level. They may enable a man to strut and fret his little season here below with a more dignified gait than his fellow mortals; but they can never give him wings, nor enable him to soar towards heaven. Death will make an end of all his attainments, and after death they will do him no good at all.
"What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36.
"For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Rom. 10: 10.

Might Have Been

There "might have been" no rock for sin-stained feet,
There "might have been" no golden mercy-seat;
There "might have been" no resting-place in God
If Jesus had not shed for me His blood.

There "might have been" no Father's heart for mine
To lean upon, no changeless Friend, divine,
To strengthen, shelter, on the pilgrim road,
If Jesus had not brought me nigh to God.

There "might have been" no blessed life of prayer,
With Jesus knowing, bearing every care,
No perfect peace, no precious path of trust,
If Jesus had not raised me from the dust.

Oh! sinner, pause, lest by-and-by you cry,
"There 'might have been' a place for me on high,
There might have been the light of Jesus' face
If I had harkened to His call of grace.

" 'There might have been' the hour of perfect rest,
`There might have been' a place on Jesus' breast,
`There might have been' the shelter from the strife,
If I had let His Spirit give me life."

Lest in the terror of eternity you see,
There "might have been" His endless joy for thee;
And from the misery of hell's abyss
You cry, " 'There might have been' eternal bliss."
"Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins."
1 John 4:10


Dead and Done With

He was very old, ninety-seven years of age. He wore no glasses, and had all his faculties in a remarkable degree, and looked the very picture of health! When I visited him, he asked me to be seated. Then he inquired as to the object of my visit, as I was a perfect stranger to him. I at once informed him that I had come to read the Word of God to him, to speak to him about God, about Christ, and His precious blood, about his own soul, and ETERNITY.
He looked steadfastly at me and said in the most determined manner that I might save my breath and time. He did not believe in anything of the sort, and was not in the slightest troubled about the future.
"I am ninety-seven years of age," he said, "and no thanks to anybody but myself. I have lived a most careful and abstemious life, and I mean to live three more years, until I am a hundred years old. Then I think I shall have seen and had enough of life, and shall quietly lay myself down and die."
"It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment," I rejoined.
"All fudge and nonsense," he said; "when a man is dead he is done with. There is no hereafter for him at all." Then for the space of nearly an hour he quoted to me the most blasphemous passages from his favorite infidel authors.
Through his recital, it was difficult to keep my seat. My blood seemed to curdle in my veins as I listened unwillingly to his awful conversation, and looked at him and thought of his nearness to eternity. What a dread future awaited him if he died as he was! I felt God had sent me to him with a message from Himself, and I must bide my opportunity to deliver it.
At last I told him that I had listened to him for nearly an hour. Now he must listen to me for ten minutes. To reason with the old man was useless, a waste of precious time. Besides, I had and have no faith in argument either, so I began quoting the Scriptures. This I knew was the sword of the Spirit, and God would honor His Word.
"The FOOL hath said in his heart, There is no God." Psa. 53:1.
"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." Psa. 9: 17.
"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." Mark 16: 16.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3: 16.
"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." John 3:36.
"And the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin." 1 John 1:7.
I then fell on my knees, and asked God to bless His word just quoted to the old man, to open his eyes to his danger, to deliver his precious soul from the diabolical grip of the fiend of hell, and let me meet him as a brand plucked from the burning, and washed from all his sins in the blood of the Lamb, in heaven.
As I rose from my knees our eyes met, full of tears. As I took my leave of him he grasped my hand, and said, "If there is a heaven, I hope I shall meet you there. If you are wrong and I am right, you are as right as I am. But, oh, if you are right and I am wrong, I am wrong indeed. You have two strings to your bow, while I have only one to mine."
I was unable to call again until two weeks later, when I found myself again knocking at his door. His wife, who was a Christian, answered my knock, and to my first question, "How is your husband?" bade me follow her. She ushered me into the old man's bedroom, and there before my gaze was the mortal remains of her husband!
She said he had complained of a spot on one of his feet giving him pain, which rapidly grew worse. Soon inflammation set in, followed by mortification, which closed his long career on earth. Thus had God summarily cut the impious old boaster down, three years less in this world than he had planned.
His wife informed me that the doctor who attended him in his last brief illness was also an infidel. He had urged the old man to "stick to his guns and to die like a brick!" But her husband found no comfort from his miserable, guilty adviser. No wonder! What had he to stick to in infidelity? No God, no Christ, no Holy Spirit, no precious blood, no hereafter! What was there in the baseless myth of infidelity—the thin, cold shadow of a fool's heart—to stick to?
I asked the sad, weeping wife to tell me her husband's last words. She said, "He took my hand in his, and looking earnestly at me, he said as loud as his remaining bit of strength would allow him, 'Wife, I believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, heaven and hell,' and then he breathed his last."
Dark, cold infidelity! Nothing can cheer its deluded votaries in the hour of death. Christianity has everything to rejoice its happy followers in sickness and in health, in poverty and plenty, in life and in death, in time and in eternity. There is everything to cheer and nothing to chill in Christianity. "What think ye of Christ?"
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Rom. 8:38, 39.

A Two-Edged Sword

A lady living at Bedford had bought a Bible intending to give it to one of her relatives. Not having an opportunity for sending the book, it remained some time in the room of one of the maid-servants. One evening this young woman opened it and her eyes fell upon this passage: "Though thou wash thee with niter, and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before me, saith the Lord God." Jer. 2:22.
Being struck by these words so strange to her, she became troubled and closed the Book; but what she had read impressed itself upon her mind, and occupied her thoughts all the following day. In the evening she took up the Bible again; and behold, it opened at the very same place! The same solemn words met her view: "Though thou wash thee with niter."
Her trouble increased; her sins were brought to her remembrance; she sought and found rest in Jesus, the Son of God, whose blood, "cleanseth us from all sin." 1 John 1: 7.
Reader, have you found rest for your soul in the blood which purifies?

An Afternoon in a Factory

In a large paper factory a number of men, women, and teen-age boys work for many hours each day. It is a veritable beehive of activity.
On a lovely day in September, I entered a long, lofty, spacious section of such a factory, called "the rag room." Considering the number of "hands," the silence was remarkable, perhaps because the "hands" were hard at work. Some were pressing the rags through large machines which rapidly reduced them to shreds. Others of their fellow-workers were sitting or standing at long tables "sorting." Many of them were young and bright, while others were more or less advanced in years, looking toil-worn and joyless.
As I walked up the room, passing out gospel books on the right hand and on the left, I was greeted with many a smile of welcome, and, "It's kind of you to think of us!" One said to me, "You passed me by last time!"
"It was not intentional; did you get no magazine then?"
"No, but a friend lent me hers."
"I am glad of that," I answered; "but here is a book for you today."
At the far end of this room sat an elderly woman, bending low over her work. To her I offered a book.
"I can't see to read," she explained, "but I would like one. I have cataracts on my eyes, but they will soon be removed. I have been to an eye doctor, and he said that when all is quite dark I am to go to him again. My eyes may fail, but they cannot take the gift of faith from me."
The light of earth was growing dim to this dear old woman, but by the God-given gift of faith she endured as seeing Him who is invisible. Reader, can you? Or are you too like some others among these busy workers, hard and indifferent to the gospel message? Would you, like them, refuse it with "I don't want one," or "only a tract; I thought it was a treat!"
"It is better than a 'treat,' " I said, and very unwillingly the little book, telling of a Savior's priceless love, was accepted.
My dear reader, there will be no tracts offered in hell. Not one message of a Savior's pardon and blood-bought peace will ever be sounded forth there, where there is "weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth."
"Now breaks upon my vision
Another scene—unblest—
A sinner unforgiven,
Who seeks in vain for rest.

"I would not have the glory,
Though pressed in Jesus' name;
And as an oft-told story
Treated His cross and shame.

"I would not have salvation,
Though offered full and free;
Eternal condemnation
Must now my portion be."
Beloved reader, is eternal condemnation to be your portion? Obey the gospel call before it is forever too late. Come to the Savior—come now! The present moment is yours, yours! Do not lose it!

God Loves You

At the close of a gospel address I spoke to a young man who, I thought, seemed to be impressed by the message. I soon found out that he had not heard a word, for he was deaf and dumb. However, I was not hindered by that difficulty; for, knowing a little of the sign language, I just gave him the simple message, "God loves you."
He looked at me with a vacant stare, and shaking his head, he replied by signs: "No, no, I don't believe it; I know He hates me."
"However can you say so?" I asked.
"I went to a church, and the preacher gave an address. It was interpreted to us. He told us that 'God would forever cast us into hell if we did not live holy lives, and keep His holy commandments.' Ever since I heard that, I have not opened a Bible, I was so afraid; and of course I never went to that church again."
"What did you come here for? You could not hear anything."
"I don't know why I came."
"Shall I tell you?" I asked.
"If you know, you can."
"Well, dear fellow, you wore drawn by an unseen Person, that you might know that 'God loves you.' " "I wish that I did know it."
Taking up a Bible, I turned him to John 3:16, that grand old verse, which has brought peace to thousands: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
The light seemed to shine in little by little, but still there was a kind of dread. Turning to many other scriptures which spoke of God's love, I at last pointed him to 1 John 4:17, 19: "Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as He is, so are we in this world." "We love Him, because He first loved us."
Again and again he read them, and the change in his countenance was wonderful. Taking his notebook out, he wrote down all the passages I had pointed him to. When saying "good-by" he added: "I see it all now; and, although dumb, I can praise God in my heart for the gift of Jesus."
Reader, are you deaf, spiritually deaf? Or are your ears open to hear the voice of the Son of God? God loves you, and has shown that love in giving His Son to die for you. He delights not in the death of a sinner. If He did, there would have been no need for the Lord Jesus to die. Make no mistake about it: God loves you. Own yourself as a lost sinner, and let that love draw you to His heart.
"All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me; and him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37.

The Pain of a Wounded Conscience

From all the down which floats on the wind,
And all the leaves from the tree,
Can ye make a couch for a troubled mind?
Can ye give sweet rest to me?
Though ye cull the dew from off the leaf,
And rob from the honey-bee;
Can ye 'suage the bitter tongue of grief?
Give a drop of sweet to me?
Let the cold wind blow through the midnight rain,
And the breeze waft in from the sea;
Can it breathe one chill on a burning brain?
Can it cool my brow for me?
Let the gale which springs in the morning cloud
Give life to all that be;
Can it quicken again my murdered mind?
Give back my thoughts to me?
Let the springtime shine with its sunny hours,
And the birds make melody;
Can ye gather, amidst ten thousand flowers,
One healing balm for me?

A Conscience Healed by the Atonement

Oh, there is a bed that was hewn in stone,
Where He lay who was nailed to the tree!
'Twas there my Lord lay, all alone,
And there's the rest for me.
And there was a dew, all silvery bright,
It fell on plain and lea;
They gathered it fresh at the morning light,
And sweet's its taste to me.
And there was a rushing mighty wind,
It blew o'er a bloody sea;
It breathes a calm for my troubled mind,
A comforter for me.
And there was a gale, when the day-star rose;
His shining clear I see;
My mind in His beams revives and glows,
And all is life with me.
And there was a flower which sprung from the tomb,
When the days had numbered three;
Upon my heart that flower shall bloom:
Eternal joy for me.

So Good" or "so Bad"?

"You think you are so good!" This came from the lips of one who had listened to a few words on assurance and the love of Christ.
But listen to a few Christians. Wrote Charles Simeon of Cambridge: "Dearest brother, God alone knoweth how corrupt I am. It is not for naught that I wonder at the mercy of being out of hell."
Said Henry Martyn: "If God's Word did not unequivocally declare the desperate wickedness of the heart, I should sink in despair. Nothing but infinite grace can save me. But that which grieves me most is that I am not more humbled at the contemplation of myself!"
Another devoted servant of God said: "I saw so much of my hellish vileness that I appeared worse to myself than any devil." This was dear David Brainerd. And again he says: "For my part, I feel the most vile of any creature living; and I am sure sometimes that there is not such another existing on this side of hell."
"None but God knows what an abyss of corruption is in my heart," says McCheyne of Dundee.
John Bradford, the martyr; "I am a most hypocritical wretch, and not worthy the earth should bear me."
"Lord, I am hell; and Thou art heaven," said his companion martyr, Bishop Hooper.
The Christian is not one who thinks himself "good," but one who has found out how bad he is that in him, in his flesh, "dwelleth no good thing," that from the "crown of the head to the sole of the foot there is nothing but wounds and bruises and putrifying sores." And seeing with horror himself, he has turned and seen the beauty of Christ, the spotless lamb of God: "the holy, harmless, undefiled." "Who did no sin,— neither was guile found in His mouth." 1 Pet. 2:22.
"Oh, what a contrast," cries the soul overwhelmed with a sight of sinful self. And what a joy to find that the soul dark with sin can hide in this perfect righteousness, can sink all the black stains in the blood of Christ, and can see Him stand before God as the Justifier for him. Abraham of old, "the friend of God," said he was "but dust and ashes."
"I abhor myself," said Job.
"I am a beast before thee," said Asaph.
"I am a man of unclean lips," cried Isaiah.
"I am not worthy to loose His shoes," said John the Baptist.
And the apostle Paul: "I am the chief of sinners."
It is at the cross we see our sin, understand how terrible and loathsome is that fierce tide of iniquity which needed such a remedy—needed the sinless stainless Son of God to hang there in that unfathomable agony as Substitute, bearing sin's heavy load—before God could admit man into His holy presence.
William Carey, the missionary to India, wrote: "I know the Lord can work by the meanest instrument, but I often question whether it would be for His honor to work by such an one as me."
Oh, dear friends, it is the one racked with fierce pains, and tortured with the sleepless nights and restless days of disease, who seek the physician, not the careless, robust possessor of perfect health. It is the famine-parched lips that cry for bread, not the sleek gourmand who knows no want.
Those washed in the precious blood of Christ are witnesses of their own badness, and cry out, "I have found how bad I was and how good He is, and I clothed myself in His beautiful garments of salvation, and threw away the filthy rags of mine own righteousness. And now, behold! I am 'perfect through His comeliness which He has put upon me.' "

Sinners, Lost and Saved

A man undertook to read the Bible for an hour every evening to his wife. After several such readings, one evening he suddenly stopped and said, "Wife, if this Book is true we are sinners."
He continued his daily readings, and several evenings later he exclaimed, "Wife, if this Book is true we are lost."
Profoundly anxious and unable to give up reading the Book, he kept on. A week later, he cried joyfully: "Wife, if this Book is true, we may be saved."
After several weeks, instructed by the Spirit of God, they both put their trust in Christ for salvation. Now they rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
Dear soul, read for yourself the precious Word of God. Compare for yourself the following passages in the epistle to the Romans: 3:10-23; 1:18 and 2:5, 8, 9; 10:13, and 5:1, 2.
See what God says to you in Romans 3:23. Believe it, and then accept the truth of Romans 5:1, 2; soon you will be able to rejoice in Romans 8:1-4, and Romans 8:38, 39.

I Was a Wandering Sheep

I was a wandering sheep,
I did not love the fold;
I did not love my Shepherd's voice,
I would not be controlled:
I was a wayward child,
I did not love my home,
I did not love my Father's voice,
I loved afar to roam.

The Shepherd sought His sheep,
The Father sought His child;
They followed me o'er vale and hill,
Over deserts waste and wild;
They found me nigh to death,
Famished, and faint, and lone;
They bound me with the bands of love,
They saved the wandering one.

Jesus my Shepherd is,
'Twas He that loved my soul;
'Twas He that washed me in His blood,
'Twas He that made me whole:
'Twas He that sought the lost,
That found the wandering sheep;
'Twas He that brought me to the fold,
'Tis He that still doth keep.
"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."
Hebrews 10:31


It Works! I Know It Works

Dr. Bob Jones, evangelist and educator, enjoyed conversing with an old friend, a man over eighty years of age. One day they were sitting together on a projecting rock of a mountainside in Arkansas and his aged friend told this story: "I was down in this country during the Civil War. Across on the other side yonder there were hundreds of tents where our soldiers were encamped. Measles broke out and many of our brave lads died. The epidemic got so bad we stretched some tents farther down the valley and moved all the measles patients into these tents. This, of course, was done to protect as far as possible the health of the well soldiers. I was ward-master in charge of the tents where the measles patients were located.
"One night while I was on duty, I passed a bunk where there was a very sick soldier lad not more than seventeen years of age. The boy looked at me with a pathetic expression and said, Wardmaster, I believe I am going to die. I am not a Christian. My mother isn't a Christian. My father isn't a Christian. I never had any Christian training. I never did attend church. I did go with a boy friend to Sunday School just once. A woman taught the Sunday School class. She seemed to be such a good woman. She read us something out of the Bible about a man—I think his name was Nicodemus. Anyway, it was about a man who went to see Jesus one night. Jesus told this man he must be born again. The teacher said all people must be born again in order to go to heaven when they die. I have never been born again, and I don't want to die like this.
Won't you please get the chaplain so he can tell me how to be born again?"
The old man paused in his story for a moment. "You know, in those days I was an agnostic—at least, that is what I called myself. As a matter of fact, I wasn't anything but an old sinner. So I told the boy, `You don't need a chaplain. Just be quiet now. Don't worry, and you'll be all right.'
"I went on around the ward and in about an hour I came back to the boy's bed. He looked at me out of such sad, staring eyes as he said, Wardmaster, if you won't get the chaplain, please get me the doctor. I am choking to death'.
“‘All right, my son, I'll get you the doctor,' I said. So I went off and found the doctor and he came and mopped out the throat of the lad so he could breathe just a little easier. I knew the boy was going to die. I had seen so many other cases just like his. The boy was so sweet he literally climbed into my heart. He thanked me for my kindness. He thanked the doctor for being so good to him. The doctor and I went away from the bed.
"In about an hour I came back expecting to find the boy dead, but he was still struggling. He looked up out of his eyes of death and said, 'There is no use, Wardmaster! I have got to die, and I haven't been born again. Whether you believe in it or not, won't you find the chaplain and let him tell me how to be born again?'
"I looked at him for a moment and thought about how helpless he was in the grip of death. So, I said, 'All right, my son, I will get you the chaplain.'
"I walked away a few paces, and then turned and went back to the boy's bedside. I said, 'My. boy, I am not going to get you the chaplain. I am going to tell you what to do myself. Now, understand, I am an agnostic. I don't know whether there is any God. I don't know whether there is any heaven. I don't know whether there is any hell. I don't know anything.
"Yes, I do. I do know something. I know my mother was a good woman. I know if there is a God my mother knew Him. If there is a heaven she is there. So, I will tell you what my mother told me. You can try it and see if it works.
"Now, I am going to teach you a verse of Scripture. My mother told me that I cannot save myself, but if I will believe that verse God will save me. This is the verse—John 3:16:
“Tor God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'
"After he had repeated John 3:16 with me, the lad closed his eyes and stretched his hand across his breast. In a whisper he repeated slowly, saying some of the words several times, Tor God so loved the world. He gave His only begotten Son... that whosoever, whosoever... whosoever believeth, believeth in Him, believeth in Him.' Then, he stopped and said with a clear voice, 'Praise God, Wardmaster, it works. I believe in Him! I shall not perish; I have everlasting life! I have been born again! Wardmaster, your mother was right. Why don't you try it? Do what your mother said. It works, Wardmaster. This thing works!
"Wardmaster, before I go I want to ask you to do something for me. Take a kiss to my mother and tell her what you told me and tell her that her dying son said, "It works.”’ I leaned over and kissed him and then as he drew his last breath he said, 'It works.' "
The old man, wiping tears out of his eyes and tears out of the wrinkles of his face, said, "The lad was right. It does work. Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but has now everlasting life. It works. I know it works."

I Need Thee, O, I Need Thee

A Christian mother was up late one evening recently. She was unhappy and almost desperate. Over the air came the strains of a gospel broadcast. A chorus was singing that beloved old hymn:
"I need Thee every hour,
Most gracious Lord,
No tender voice like Thine
Can peace afford."
Peace? This mother felt no peace. For four months now her husband had been very ill with a failing heart and unable to work. Now tonight to add to her sorrows her precious little daughter was fretfully tossing with a fever. The home was not as warm as it should be. With Father not working, she had been unable to pay the coal bill. The coal company refused to give her any more credit till she did pay what she owed. Today a letter had come from her son in the military forces. He was coming home on leave before being sent to faraway, troubled Malaya. Weary and with none to turn to for comfort, this mother felt she could stand no more.
The chorus sang on:
"I need Thee, O, I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee!
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee!"
The distressed mother's voice was joining in the chorus. Her singing was shaky, for tears were close; but the words were a cry from her heart, and the Savior who had saved her was at hand to help even now. He heard her cry for help, and His tender voice afforded peace to her troubled heart. As she tried to sing the precious old words, the floodgates were opened, and she wept freely. Relieved of her pent-up feelings, she was calmed and encouraged.
"I still have my husband," she reminded herself. "Things may be hard because he can't work, but the Lord will take care of us. My little daughter will probably be much better in the morning. Though my boy is being sent to Malaya, I am to have 21 precious days with him before he goes. And the Lord can keep him as safe in Malaya as at home."
The matter of the coal seemed like an impossible mountain just a few minutes ago. Now it wasn't. She sought the Lord for wisdom, and then visited the coal company's office, and arranged to pay, her bill in small payments. And they sent more coal!`'
How quickly all that had seemed; so hopeless was cleared up! She had renewed her trust in the Savior, and He had fulfilled His precious promise.
"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27.

The Heavens Opened

On a beautiful afternoon in late summer I went to pay a visit at a little cottage. I had frequently been there and had enjoyed the company of the man and his wife, both now past the meridian of life. The husband had been recently converted while attending the open air meetings on the village square. He was now happy in the knowledge of Christ as his Savior, having received the truth in much simplicity. The wife was still unsaved; and, knowing that her husband-blind and very dependent on her-had something which she had not, made her resentful, and stirred in her the natural enmity of the human heart to Christ. Since this feeling often hardens into bitterness unless God's grace is acknowledged and the heart melted under its softening influence, I was even more earnest in desiring her salvation.
The sun's rays were still streaming into the cottage through the wide open door as I entered, and I greeted her with the remark: "Mrs. Smith, your door reminds me of heaven's door. It always stands wide open."
She answered quickly, and with something of defiance in her tone: "May be for you, but not for me."
"What!" I replied; "heaven's door stands wide open for me, and not for you? What do you mean?"
As she did not answer, I said again: "Don't you know what opened the door of heaven?"
She stood quite silent, evidently not wishing to reply. I turned to her husband, who was sitting by the fire in his armchair, listening quietly. As if speaking to him, I said: "Your husband can tell you what opened heaven's door.”
He replied solemnly: "It was the death of Christ that opened the door of heaven, and I believe it!" Then, sorrowfully, he added: "But she won't."
"Yes, Mrs. Smith, your husband knows. Christ has died for us and for the glory of God, and heaven's door stands wide open now for perishing sinners. There is no barrier for anyone. The grace of God is flowing freely, and all are invited to enter. Won't you come in too? Your husband believes it, and is happy; why should not you believe, and be happy too?"
She was evidently affected and her heart softened. We sat down, and I spoke to her of God's wondrous love. I told her of His sending His Son to die, and shed His precious blood, that such as we might be made fit for heaven. "But," I said, "there will come a day, when the door of heaven will be shut. You would not like to be outside, and hear the Lord Jesus utter these solemn words, 'Verily, I say unto you, I know you not.' There will be no hope then! Oh, come to Him now while the door stands open. Soon it will be closed forever, and then—too late!"
A couple of weeks after this, as I was passing the cottage, I stopped to say that I would drop in on my return, as I had some other places to visit first. I was delayed in the village, and night had begun to fall ere I reached her door.
I sought to hurry on, saying that I had a long way to go, and that it was almost dark. The dear woman begged me to come in for just a minute or two, to hear something she wished very much to tell me.
Struck by her voice and manner, I stepped inside the cottage and she quickly began her story. She told me that after I had left, the last time I was there, she had thought a great deal about what I had said, and during the night she thought of herself as standing before the throne of God's judgment. If judged for her sins, what would be her terror when brought into the presence of the awful majesty of God! She knew there would be no hope for her, and that she would be condemned forever.
Her husband awoke, and tried to comfort her, reminding her that Jesus could save her. He, the Lamb of God, had died for her. Gradually she lost her fear, and, with a deep sense of security, she became quiet and fell asleep. When she awoke in the morning her dreadful terror was gone. She believed that Jesus had died for her, and that now she could never come into that awful judgment. "And," she said, "I have been happy ever since. I wanted to tell you about it, and that I know that heaven's door is wide open for me."
I saw them often afterward, happy and rejoicing in the Savior's love; and when their allotted years had passed away, He took them both to Himself, to be with Him in heaven forever.
God in the fiches of His grace is still calling sinners to Himself that they may be saved. The veil of eternity has been lifted, and He has told us what is beyond. There is coming judgment. "After death the judgment." "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works."
Oh, come to Him today that you may know His love, and the salvation he freely gives. The door to heaven is open wide for all who believe in Him. And "now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation"!
"The heavens are opened wide,
Sound it through earth abroad,
And we by faith in heaven behold
Jesus, the Christ, our Lord."

Eternity - Poverty

We were discussing the age-old problem of poverty and prosperity and commenting upon the sudden changes in life that quickly move a man from the heights to the depths. My friend and I were both thinking of the same individual. He had been prosperous and prominent, having made a "good mark" in the life and affairs of the community. Then, seemingly overnight, chaos and collapse had driven full force upon him, and he was reduced to a state of comparative poverty.
"Poor Edwards," said I. I would have continued, but was stopped by a solemn look in my friend's eye. And then there came that remark which I shall never forget.
"Let us not cease to remember that the poorest man in all the world is the man who has no home in eternity."
It is that which brings a tremendous change to the picture. A man may be stricken by a sudden turn in the fickle fortunes of life—as we say—and yet be in far better position than one who is always dwelling upon the "sunny side." It is "the end thereof" which determines the true gain or loss; and happy is that man who is identified as a new creature in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17), possessed of a loving Savior and a heavenly hope (John 14). Sad to say, "the end thereof" shall be quite different for those who were too busy for the Gospel, too proud to accept a crucified Christ, too self-important to be troubled about their starved and naked souls. The prosperity of the Christless soul becomes his eternal ruin, and nothing is left for him save "the blackness of darkness forever" (Jude 13).
"For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36.
Who shall answer that solemn question given by Him who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)? Earthly prosperity at the frightful expense of total bankruptcy of the soul; gain that turns to gall before the gates of eternity; winning so much for the here and now as to pitifully lose everything for the hereafter and to abide with the everlasting burnings of remorse because of it. What a ghastly price to pay for a rejected Gospel and a spurned Savior!
Friend, have you made sure of a home over there, on the other side, with the blessed Lord Jesus? There is no poverty like unto that which faces the Christless soul in the bitterness of the Christless beyond. May His precious blood shed on Calvary be your happy gain here and now. Then will the countless "riches of His grace" add measure to measure forever and ever!

They Believed God

It was nearly four thousand years ago that Abraham lived. He had no child, and he was old. God, however, told him that he should have a son, and that his descendants should be as numerous as the stars. This was a hard saying; but "Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness."
In this day of grace, God says: "To him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness."
Nearly three thousand years ago, there was an exceeding great city called Nineveh. The wickedness of its inhabitants reached up to God, and He sent the prophet Jonah there to preach whatever He should bid him. So Jonah stood in the street of the city, and he cried, "Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown!"
This was not a pleasant proclamation of grace and mercy, but a solemn one of judgment. Perhaps the Ninevites had never before heard about the living God, though they had plenty of false gods; yet we read, "The people of Nineveh believed God." They heeded His warning, and they were delivered from the coming judgment.
Some nineteen hundred years ago, Paul stood on the deck of a small vessel plying in the Mediterranean. He was a prisoner. A tempest was raging, and the ship was driving before the wind. There was no hope of being saved. Suddenly Paul stood forth among the crew and passengers, and told them that God had sent an angel to him, and that there would be no loss of life, but only of the ship. Incredible news! Almost too good to be true. But what did Paul add? "I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me." This was faith.
Friend, God tells you that He "commendeth His love" to you, "in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Do you reply, "I believe God"?
Blessing through Jesus is still being offered to the sinner. "We have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world." 1 John 4:14. What answer will you give to the love that makes known such blessing to you? Here is the inspired answer which is recorded for us: "We have known and believed the love that God hath to us." 1 John 4:16.


Believing is giving credit to a statement about some unseen thing. It is accepting the evidence of others, a thing constantly done in markets and law courts. Without it the affairs of daily life could not be carried on. Did not men believe in one another, there would be an end to all business and monetary transactions; banks and companies would close their doors. Almost every bit of buying and selling is carried on because there is belief in the veracity of statements made. Journeys are taken, papers signed, because of reliance in some telegram or letter.
Apply this everyday principle to statements made in the Word of God, and it engenders faith; its definition as given in Scripture is, "The evidence of things not seen." It is the confidence that God asks men to put in Him.

Beyond the Brightness of the Sun

I was journeying in the noontide,
When His light shone o'er my road;
And I saw Him in that glory—
Saw Him— Jesus, Son of God.
All around, in noonday splendor
Earthly scenes lay fair and bright;
But my eyes no more beheld them
For the glory of that light.

I have seen the face of Jesus—
Tell me not of aught beside;
I have heard the voice of Jesus—
All my soul is satisfied.
In the radiance of the glory
First I saw His blessed face,
And forever shall that glory
Be my home, my dwelling place.

Sinners, it was not to angels
All this wondrous grace was given,
But to one who scorned, despised Him,
Scorned and hated Christ in heaven.
From the lowest depths of darkness
To His city's radiant height,
Thus in me He told the measure
Of His love and His delight.
Romans 5:6.


The Conversion of Two Jews

Rabbinowitz, the celebrated Jewish lawyer, tells of his conversion to Christ early in the nineteen forties. He had gone to Palestine to secure some land for resettling his fellow-countrymen who were being driven from other countries. He was advised to use a New Testament as a guide to good locations in that country.
Standing on Mt. Olivet with this book in his hand, he read from the words of Christ the foretelling of judgment consequent on His rejection. He saw how that prophecy had been and was still being fulfilled, and a divine flash of conviction broke upon his soul: the rejected Nazarene was the Messiah! There and then, Rabbinowitz believed in the Sent One of God. Through the operation of the Holy Ghost, he became a Christian, and is content to follow the lowly Nazarene.
Born and bred in the very heart of Orthodox Judaism, Leopold Cohn says: "I did not know anything about the Lord Jesus Christ or His claims; I did not even know of the existence of a New Testament."
Being a devout Jew, he knew well the writings of old: the law, the prophets, and the Psalms. In the study of these Old Testament books, he became convinced that Messiah had already come, but he was completely in the dark as to who He was.
Pressed in spirit to go to New York, Mr. Cohn found himself one afternoon outside Mr. Warszawiak's mission in that great city. A brother Jew drew him away, saying, "You had better come away from there. There are some apostates in that church who mislead our Jewish nation."
"How, how, I pray?" asked Mr. Cohn.
"They say," was the reply, "that Messiah is come already."
After hearing this, Mr. Cohn could find no rest till he had interviewed Mr. Warszawiak. He gladly stayed for a time at the Mission Home with that godly man, and by constant prayer and searching the Scriptures, he said: "I became convinced in my own soul that Jesus of Nazareth is my blessed Savior and mighty Redeemer."
Blessed it is when a son of Abraham, of a people who sat in darkness, is drawn to see the great light of God's love and in Christ to find their promised Messiah. How sad when enlightened Christendom turns from that love to embrace the beggarly elements of this world and the blinding darkness of Satan's blandishments. For this day of apostasy, when many are turning from God and His Son, John 3:36 was fittingly written: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." John 3:36.

It Laughs All the Time

Bishop Whipple, of Minnesota, says, "One who had been a heathen red man came 600 miles to visit me in my home. As he entered the door, he knelt at my feet and said: 'I kneel to tell you of my gratitude. You pitied the red man.'
"He then told me this simple, artless story: 'I was a wild man, living beyond the Turtle Mountain. I knew that my people were perishing. They had no hope. I never looked into the face of my child that my heart was not sick with fear for him. My fathers and the old chiefs told me there was a Great Spirit. Believing them, I have often gone to the deep woods and cried to Him for help. For answer I only got the sound of my own voice.'
"Then looking into my face in that childlike way, he said, 'You do not know what I mean. You never stood in the dark and reached out your hand and took hold of nothing.'
"One day, an Indian came to my wigwam. He told me he had heard you make a great revelation at Red Lake. You had said that the Great Spirit's Son had come down to earth to help and to save those who needed Him. You had proclaimed the reason the white man was so much more blessed than the red man was because he knew and worshiped the beloved only Son of the Great Spirit. Then I said, "I must see that man."
“‘When they told me you would be at the Red Lake crossing, I traveled the 200 miles there. When I asked for you, they said you were sick and that I should see a missionary. Then I said, "Where can I see a missionary?"
" 'I came 150 miles more, and I found the missionary. He was a red man like myself. My father, I have been with him three moons. He has told me the sweet story of Jesus and I have the story in my heart. Now, wherever I am, I can reach out my hand. Jesus is there. My heart is no longer dark and sad. It laughs all the time!' "
"Happy they who trust in Jesus;
Sweet their portion is and sure,
When the foe on others seizes,
He will keep His own secure.
Happy people!
Happy, though despised and poor.

A Queen Made Sure

Friend, do you know where you will spend eternity? Have you made sure of your final destiny? Must the question of eternal blessedness or misery, heaven or hell, remain a torturing uncertainty until it is too late to make any change?
A true incident in the life of Queen Victoria is worth remembering. It has been published and is unquestionably authentic. The Queen had attended a service in St. Paul's Cathedral and had listened to a sermon that interested her greatly. Then she asked her chaplain: "How can one be absolutely sure in this life of eternal safety?"
Sad to say, the chaplain's answer was that he "knew of no way that one could be absolutely sure."
This momentous question and answer was published in the Court News. It fell under the eye of a humble minister of the gospel, John Townsend. This preacher was an intimate friend of George Mueller, founder of his well-known orphanages. This John Townsend was also the father of the "Sister Abigail," another Christian of extraordinary faith and of service to the Lord.
After reading Queen Victoria's question and the answer she received, John Townsend thought and prayed much about the matter. Then he sent the following note to the Queen: "To her gracious Majesty, our beloved Queen Victoria, from one of her most humble subjects: "With trembling hands, but heartfelt love, and because I know that we can be absolutely sure now of our eternal life in the home that Jesus went to prepare, may I ask your Most Gracious Majesty to read the following passages of Scripture: John 3:16; Romans 10:9, 10?
"These passages prove there is full assurance of salvation by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ for those who believe and accept His finished work.
"I sign myself, your servant for Jesus' sake,"
John Townsend.
John Townsend was not alone in praying about this letter to the Queen. He took others into his confidence, and much prayer from many hearts went up to God. In about a fortnight he received a modest-looking envelope containing the following letter:
To John Townsend: "Your letter of recent date received and in reply would state that I have carefully and prayerfully read the portion of Scripture referred to. I believe in the finished work of Christ for me, and trust by God's grace to meet you in that Home of which He said, 'I go to prepare a place for you.'"
(Signed) Victoria Guelph Whether one is an earthly monarch or an inconspicuous, unknown person, the way of salvation and of eternal life is the same. The Scripture passages John Townsend commended to the reading of the gracious Queen were these two: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Romans 10: 9, 10.
Salvation by faith in Christ is repeatedly declared in the Scriptures to be a present possession, not merely future, for those who believe.
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." John 5:24.

Fingers of a Man's Hand

There were great things going on in the city of Babylon. Mighty preparations had been on foot for some time past. Regardless of God and His righteous claims over them, heedless of His judgment so soon to burst upon them, the giddy, thoughtless multitude were about to abandon themselves to "lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries." They forgot that soon they would have to "give account to Him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead." 1 Peter 4:3-5.
At length all was ready; the appointed day had come. "Belshazzar the king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords." The invitations had gone out, the guests had arrived.
Now all are seated around the tables, gorgeously decorated with gold and silver, and laden with the choicest viands. Soon the wine goes round, and a loose rein is given to all the lusts and passions of the hearts—the human heart, the heart estranged from God, and filled with sin—the heart that is "deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked."
"Belshazzar, while he tasted the wine, commanded to bring the golden and silver vessels which his father Nebuchadnezzar had taken out of the temple which was in Jerusalem; that the king and his princes, his wives and his concubines, might drink therein."
Rash, foolish, and godless man! Do not think that your riches, your rank, or your human greatness and dignity, can deliver you from the hands of that God to whom you must give an account!
Suddenly the loud hum of voices ceases; the pealing laughter is heard no more; the stillness of death reigns in that banqueting-hall as, breathless, panic-stricken, and dismayed, every eye is turned towards the king.
What is the matter? What can have happened to turn the laughter so suddenly into dismay, the feasting into fear? "Then the king's countenance was changed, and his thoughts troubled him"—and well they might, for the God whom he had sought to obliterate from his mind had interposed, and was now pronouncing the judgment that was to seal his doom.
But how came all this about? Listen! "In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the king's palace; and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote."
The time for trifling is at an end. Matters have grown intensely serious; a solemn feeling of uneasiness overspreads that vast multitude, as they gaze with alarm upon these words, unintelligible to them, but written indelibly upon the wall.
Belshazzar is in dead earnest now. He cries aloud "to bring in the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers." But not one can help him in his difficulty. They can neither read nor explain the mysterious writing on the wall. And, dear reader, if you have never found this out, you will yet: that the world cannot help you in the hour of your soul-anxiety.
The alarm increases. It spreads from the king to his lords. Men and women that but an hour ago joined with the king in his reckless impiety, are now troubled in their thoughts and trembling with terror and alarm.
At length there enters the queen (not the wife, but the mother of the king), who it appears had not been present at the banquet. "There is a man," says she, "in thy kingdom." But Daniel breathed another atmosphere than that which enveloped the banqueting-hall of Belshazzar the king. He was a man of God, who walked with God, and lived for God; and this, dear Christian reader, is sure to make itself felt sooner or later.
"Then was Daniel brought in before the king." Rewards were offered, promotion was promised; but what cared he for inducements such as these? Conscious of the dignity of his position as the servant and messenger of the Most High God, he says, "Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give thy rewards to another; yet I will read the writing unto the king, and make known to him the interpretation." Ah, yes! Daniel, who until now had been despised, forgotten, and ignored, was possessed of a secret that was hidden from all the wise men of Babylon.
Fellow-Christians, let us not hide our lights; let us not shun the cross; let us not shirk our responsibility to confess Christ; yea, rather, let us not lose the priceless privilege! Wherever our lot is cast, let it be known that we are His, and His alone! Let us aim at being somewhat like Abraham of old, who lived a life of communion with God, apart from all the follies and pleasures of the guilty cities of the plain, and to whom was communicated the solemn tidings of the overwhelming judgment that was about to fall upon them! How different the case of Lot, who chose them as his dwelling-place, and was well-nigh overtaken in their downfall!
But Daniel boldly and fearlessly addressed himself to the king's conscience. He reminded him of warnings already received, but unheeded. "Thou,... O Belshazzar, hast not humbled thine heart, though thou knewest all this."
And have not you, dear reader, been warned times without number? Is it with you as it was with Belshazzar of old? "The God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified." Here was the secret of the king's distress: God had been left out, God had been forgotten. And that God was now speaking to him in judgment: "God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. Thou art weighed in the balances and art found wanting." "In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain."


What a remarkable personal experience Isaiah records in chapter 6 of his prophecy! It illustrates in a striking manner the ways of God in applying the gospel to the hearts of men in all ages. As the messenger of Jehovah, Isaiah had already pronounced terrible woes upon the people because of their iniquities. Now, seeing himself unclean, he is constrained to cry, "Woe is ME."
It happened thus: poor leprous Uzziah had just died, and the prophet doubtless felt that the unclean king presented a painfully correct picture of the moral condition of the nation at large. At such a juncture he saw in a vision the Lord sitting upon His throne in the temple, with seraphim reverently veiled in His presence, and crying, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts." The sight was overwhelming and the very foundations trembled at the sound. The effect upon Isaiah was instantaneous. Such a sense of the holiness of God, and the majesty of His throne was borne in upon his soul that he could only cry: "Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips,... for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts."
This is the effect that the presence of God produces upon the minds of lost men in all ages. Job exclaimed, "Behold, I am vile." Peter cried, "I am a sinful man, O Lord." He to whom God is only a name or an idea, can have no conception of what this means. Light alone can show up filth, and eyesight is needed ere deformity can be seen. Here men are frequently blind and painfully wanting in discernment.
The discovery of one's own evil is distressing. The terrors of hell take hold of the soul forthwith, and plunge it into trouble and sorrow. But this furnishes God with the opportunity of expressing the tenderness of His grace. Accordingly, one of the seraphim flew to the prophet Isaiah with a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar. As he laid it upon his lips, he said: "Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged."
The altar was the place of sacrifice, typical thus of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was therefore the efficacy of the atoning sacrifice that was so graciously applied to the distressed Isaiah. This alone can remove iniquity, and render the soul happy and free in the presence of its Creator and God.
Little wonder that the man thus happily purged forthwith offered himself for the service of Jehovah, when presently he heard the call: "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Isaiah eagerly replied: "Here am I; send me." He who ventures to speak to men on God's behalf, not having first tasted His pardoning grace, is a blind leader of the blind, hastening with all who heed him to the inevitable ditch.
"Who shall ascend into the hill of the Loan? or who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart." Psa. 24:3, 4.
"The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin." 1 John 1:7.

It Is Finished!

During his pastoral visits, Dr. Chalmers called on a woman who proved to be anxious and troubled about her soul. Her constant cry was: "Oh, tell me what can I do? What can I do to be saved?"
Again and again the minister told of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and how the suffering Savior had cried on the cross, "It is finished!"
It seemed, however, that all he said was in vain. Still the same earnest cry fell from her lips: "Oh, tell me: what must I do to be saved?"
At length Dr. Chalmers said: "Then would you like for the Lord Jesus to come down from heaven again, and to suffer upon the cross for your sins? He has been nailed there; He has done all the work of redemption, and He has said: 'It is finished!' Should He do it all again—for you?"
The spell was broken. The anxious one looked off from herself, and anything she could do, to the risen Savior, and to that glorious, all-sufficient work which He had done, and at once entered into rest of soul.
If I gained the world but lost the Savior,
Were my life worth living for a day?
Could my yearning heart find rest and comfort
In the things that soon must pass away?
If I gained the world, but lost the Savior,
Would my gain be worth the toil and strife?
Are all earthly treasures worth comparing
With the gift of God, eternal life?

I Left It All with Jesus

I left it all with Jesus long ago;
All my sins I brought Him, on the tree,
Heard His small, still whisper, "'Tis for thee,"
From my heart the burden rolled away —happy day!

I leave it all with Jesus, for He knows
How to steal the bitter from life's woes;
How to gild the tear-drop with His smile,
Make the desert garden bloom awhile;
When my weakness leaneth on His might, all seems light.

I leave it all with Jesus day by day;
Faith can firmly trust Him, come what may.
Hope has dropped her anchor, found her rest
In the calm, sure haven of His breast;
Love esteems it heaven to abide at His side.

Oh, leave it all with Jesus, drooping soul!
Tell not half thy story, but the whole;
Worlds on worlds are hanging on His hand,
Life and death are waiting His command;
Yet His tender bosom makes thee room—O come home!
PSALM 86:5


The Eskimo Chief and John 3:16

Early in the last century Hans Egede, a Danish missionary, left his native land to preach the gospel to the Eskimos of Greenland. He labored and toiled for years seeking to instruct them in the truths of Christianity, and yet he saw no apparent results from his arduous and self-denying efforts.
Eventually Hans Egede became so discouraged and depressed by the indifference of the unbelieving people that he decided to leave the country. The text he selected for his farewell sermon was from the words, "I have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for naught, and in vain." Isa. 49:4.
Egede was succeeded at the station by a Mr. Beck, another Moravian missionary. On his arrival he began to tell the poor pagans of God's wondrous love to guilty sinners as revealed at Calvary's cross. When Kajarnak, the chief, a wicked old murderer, heard the missionary reading the blessed and glorious words of John 3:16, he exclaimed, "Read it again."
Beck read the "wonderful words of life" again and again, and Kajarnak burst into tears and wept like a child. God's holiness and righteousness did not move him; the terrors of law and of hell made no impression on him. But the matchless grace of God in giving His only begotten Son to die that he might be eternally saved completely broke the stony heart of the murderous Eskimo chief.
Thousands on earth praise God for "John three and sixteen," and tens of thousands will do so in the glory. And yet no unsaved person understands the saving truth underneath the words of this "miniature gospel," as Luther delighted to call it. Every word in it is full of the deepest significance.
"FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD." Then God loves you, O unsaved fellow-traveler to eternity. However careless and indifferent to your eternal interests you may be, God loves you. He hates your sin with a perfect hatred, but loves you with an unmeasured wealth of love. `.Prove it," you say. That can easily be done.
"THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON." Loving and giving are inseparable. Here then is love that "passeth knowledge."
"Why did God give Christ to die?" may be asked by one. That you "should not perish, but have everlasting life," our verse replies. Sinners are perishing fast perishing in their sins, yet it is not God's will that any should "perish (2 Pet. 3: 9). It is His desire that "all men" should be saved (1 Tim. 2:4-6). At al, infinite cost He has provided salvation for all. Everlasting life as a free gift can be obtained as you read these lines, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me hath everlasting life."
Friend, don't delay. Time is short. Eternity is drawing nigh. The Lord Jesus is coming, and you may be left behind for judgment. Let the Savior into your heart. May you, before you lay these words aside, be enabled to say, "God loved—God gave—I believe—and I have everlasting life."

From Infidelity to Firm Belief

The doctor had spoken plainly, for his patient had asked to know the whole truth. This patient was an infidel, a bold one so he imagined; but to be told that in three months' time he would be forced out of this life had shaken him somewhat. However, the shock was evidently only momentary.
Soon an infidel friend called to see him, and on learning the news, was very sympathetic, of course. Yet what could he say but, "Don't show the white feather." Emphatically the sick man had replied that he would not.
A Christian relative also called to see him and suggested that he might be glad to have a visit from someone who could tell him of God's way of salvation. His reply was harsh and decisive. "I do not want anyone to come here talking rubbish. If you have nothing better to say to me, stay away."
This was a burden, and sorely troubled the Christian. He confided it to me, and many a prayer went up to God that the dying infidel might have his eyes opened.
The weeks passed, and an answer to our prayers came at last. It was in the shape of a request that the Christian relative would go to his bedside as quickly as possible. I was sent instead. The sufferer knew me, and motioned me to a chair by his bedside. Then he said to me with a thrill of earnestness that I shall not soon forget, "I have been looking DEATH in the face for two months and I am still not ready for it."
Yes, the bravery and the infidelity had taken their flight from that sick chamber; but was this the "white feather" of cowardice in the presence of a great foe, or was it "repentance not to be repented of"? This was the question in my heart as I interrogated him as to how this change had come about.
It was soon evident that God had been speaking to him, and that this was real soul trouble. With a great gladness in my heart I told him of Jesus, God's way of salvation. I told him the story as I would have told it to a child, and he who had boasted in the breadth and strength of his mind listened to that story as a child would have listened.
Before I reached the end of it he put his hand on mine and said, "Stop." Then, while down his cheeks tears flowed fast, he said, "Lord Jesus, I trust in Thee; I trust Thee about all the past, and about all the future, and with the present."
Then turning to me he said, "You told me that He would not cast me out if I came to Him, did you not?"
"Yes," I replied, "I told you what He said: 'Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out.' "
"Well, I have come to Him; and has He received me? Will you ask Him that?"
On my knees I did so, and left him. Since then I have seen him again and heard of him often. His witness to the saving power of the Lord Jesus was very sweet and clear. A few days before the end he said to his doctor, "You have done your best for me, and I thank you. I am not afraid to go, for my destiny is settled in heaven. 'Thanks be unto God, who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.' "
Again the grace of God had triumphed; the chains were broken, and the darkness dispelled. Another witness to the long-suffering and saving mercy of God passed away to be with Christ.
"Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound." Romans 5:20.

Saved on the Street

So said an honest, sensible railway man, in one of the higher grades, to me. Of course I can't "tell everybody," but I want to tell you, my reader, about this man's great blessing.
I had noticed him at the tent service on Sunday night. I had indeed been quite impressed by his earnest listening. He was there again on Tuesday evening, and also on Wednesday. On Thursday afternoon I met him on the street. We stood and talked a bit, and he told me that he wanted to be a Christian, not in name only, but in reality. He knew that he needed salvation because he was a lost sinner, and he also knew that the Lord Jesus was the only Savior.
I said to him, "You need not wait until the meeting tonight. Neither consecrated building nor so-called mourner's bench are necessary. You may yield to the Lord now. RIGHT HERE ON THE STREET OF YOUR NATIVE TOWN YOU MAY BE SAVED."
He thought for a moment, and then took my hand, and solemnly said, "I accept Christ as my Savior."
That was his decision; then followed his thanks. He said, "Lord Jesus, I accept Thee as my Savior." It was good to hear him talk like that, and to know that he meant what he said.
He had not been what would be called a bad man. He did not drink or gamble; and he was kind to his wife, and a good workman. There are thousands like him in these respects, but he needed the Savior. So does every man. He needed the Savior, because he was a sinner. Every man needs the Savior for the same reason, for "all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Rom. 3:23.
On Saturday of that week I called at his home to see him, and I got a very hearty welcome. He told me that he could now say, "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine." His wife, who was a Christian, said to me, "It was a happy day on Thursday. He came into the house saying. 'Christ is to be honored in this home." '
There are people who are very skeptical about such conversions. They do not see how a man can be "saved" at all. And if any do profess such things, they look upon it as "mob psychology"—a passing emotion, caused by the excitement of a revival service. And I freely acknowledge that there is a great deal of that kind of thing, a little of which would be too much. But this man was saved on the street on a dull, wet afternoon. There was no excitement there to make him do it; and what he did then and there has lasted, for he still says, "I truly thank God that I decided to accept Christ as my personal Savior. Tell everybody that Christ can be accepted on the street, same as I found Him."

The Power of the Word of God

A scientist who disdained the Word of God and believed in neither heaven nor hell, was constantly pricked in his conscience by his Christian housekeeper. Continually reading and quoting the Bible and praying and singing hymns as she busied herself about her work, she irritated and annoyed him greatly.
One day the scientist tried to tell her of man's tremendous intellect and ingenuity. In his enthusiasm he even claimed that by these every human need could be satisfied.
The simple-hearted woman pondered how to answer his boastful claims, and cried to the Lord for wisdom. At last a scripture came to her mind that she felt sure the Lord had given her for him. Reverently she quoted it: "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." Proverbs 3:5.
Not long after this, the scientist was reading the biography of a famous infidel. It told the story of how this man, while making sport of the faith of a Christian friend, was struck by a brick and lost his reason. A woman who witnessed the scene had cried out: "Poor man! 'Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.' " As the scientist read the story, he recalled these very words which had been quoted by his own housekeeper.
One evening, restless and troubled in spirit, the scientist went to visit a friend. The door being open, he entered the house but could find no one at home. On a table lay a well-worn Bible. He opened it, and his eye fell upon the passage in Proverbs: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."
Startled, he said to himself: "Three times these same words have come before me. Is it a voice from God? Yes, it must be, for 'God speaketh once, yea twice, and man perceiveth it not.' This third time I must answer Him. Oh God, it is Thy voice speaking to me, a sinner. I confess my dreadful error and sin. Oh, most righteous and holy God, forgive this fool who has so long defied Thee."
Earnestly he pleaded for mercy, and the Lord graciously pardoned him. What joy in the presence of the angels over one sinner that repents!
"If Thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with Thee, that thou mayest be feared." Psalm 130:3, 4.
"Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:7.

Whom Will Ye Serve?

Caesar's friends, or friends of Jesus?
Solemn question for today!
Friends of Caesar? Friends of Jesus?
Take your sides, without delay.
If ye pause for man's forbidding,
Caesar's friendship ye secure;
If ye do the Father's. bidding,
Scorn, reproach, ye shall endure.

Friends of Caesar, friends of Jesus,
Stand revealed! Your choice declare!
Who in truth two masters pleases?
Who may rival banners bear?
Jesus' friends account Him precious,
Lose for Him all other gain;
Dearer far the smile of Jesus
Than the praise of sinful men.

Caesar's friends! Ye foes of Jesus!
Mingling in a motley throng
Shall your sheepskin garb deceive us?
Wolves to Christ's fair flock belong?
Mighty is Jehovah's Fellow,
Though on earth in weakness seen;
Righteous is our Royal Shepherd!
He will sweep you from the scene.

Free from Caesar, friends of Jesus!
Stand in phalanx, never fear!
Love, severely tried, increases;
Courage yet! The Lord is near!
Onward still, His name confessing,
Weaving crowns to grace His brow;
Lo, His hands are full of blessing,
Lifted for your succor now.

Caesar's friends were we, but Jesus
Owns us for His friends today!
What! Shall rival friendship please us
While the Bridegroom is away?
No! Through grace would we surrender
Caesar's things to Caesar's care,
While to God, our God, we render
Filial homage, praise, and prayer.

The Power of the Gospel

In a train from Washington to New York City I met a Christian. By his own account, I learned that twenty-one years before he had been, without exception, "the worst sinner on the eastern seaboard." He had been a drunken, blaspheming skeptic; but God had laid His hand upon him in a gospel meeting, and through grace, he had turned to the Lord Jesus Christ.
He was a mechanic; and in the shop where he worked were six other unbelievers. They first scoffed, and often afterward tried to draw him into argument. His one reply was: "I will not argue with you, for you can beat me at that; but you know what I was, and you see what I am now. If you want to argue, argue with the power that saved and keeps me, for it is only 'by the grace of God that I am what I am.' "
They saw it, and their mouths were closed. Ere long he had the joy of grasping the hands of these six of his fellow-workmen as fellow-Christians!
Indeed he was not ashamed of that blessed gospel, for he knew it was the power of God unto salvation.

Anathema, Maranatha

"Accursed, The Lord cometh," is the meaning of the above words, which we have in 1 Corinthians 16:22. "If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha."
The meaning is as solemn as it is clear. At the coming of the Lord in judgment, he who does not love Him is accursed. And so it is elsewhere written, "Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him." Jude 14, 15.
"Ungodly deeds," and "hard speeches" are the outcome of a heart that does not love. Woe to such! Judgment, swift and unsparing, will fall upon him who thus acts and speaks against the Lord.
Friend, love to the Lord Jesus is the touchstone. Where there is true love to Christ, there is also a manner of life that is pleasing to God. Love for Christ is at the same time love for the truth; and this, I need hardly say, is productive of a life according to God.
It is not mere belief about Christ. One may have his mind stored with correct doctrine and illumined by clear views, but that will not suffice. Many a one at heart hates the Lord Jesus, while in his head he carries the most lucid apprehension of His history, His words and His work. This may startle you. Yet how frequently does one meet with those who are intimately acquainted with the Scriptures, able to quote them to the letter; but when the simple, but all-important question, "Do you love Jesus?" is put, they become uneasy, vexed and angry. But this simple question is, nevertheless, the crucible. Hence, we do not read, "If any man be ignorant of Scripture, fail in clear theological conceptions, or such like," but "if any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed, the Lord cometh."
Reader, you are either among the Christ-lovers, or the Christ-haters. There is no neutral ground. What an awful thing to hate the blessed Lord Jesus whose very nature is love! In John 15:25 we are reminded that when He was here, "they hated" Him, but it was "without a cause." No crime could they lay to His charge— not one act of unkindness, not one untruthful word. He healed their sick, fed their hungry, gave sight to their blind, raised their dead; and— fearful moral contradiction— they hated Him. And why? Because the light He diffused showed forth their sins. The silent witness of His pure and perfect life declared forcibly the guilt of a godless world.
It left them no cloak for their sins. And so they took Him, and with wicked hands they crucified and slew Him. This consummated their hatred. It could not have gone further.
Wondrous to say, God found in this climax of human guilt the ground of pardon. Guilt and goodness meet at the cross. What guilt! What goodness! Ah, the love of Christ, how it answers to the hatred of man! "Christ died for us." "If thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink; for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head."
Nothing makes one so ashamed of self as does the cross. Hatred buries her head at the sight. He "loved me and gave Himself for me." And what is the consequence? "We love Him, because He first loved us." Again, "Whom having not seen, ye love." How divinely intelligible! The believer loves Him; the unbeliever hates Him.
Reader, which are you?
Ah, remember that if you love not the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be accursed at His coming. Do you love Jesus?

Lord, I Am Thine

Lord, I am Thine: in mercy Thou hast broken
The fetters strong that bound me to my sin;
Thy blood was shed-of love the mighty token—
From ways of death my guilty soul to win.

Lord, I am Thine: who saw no beauty in Thee,
But spurned Thy mercy with rebellious pride:
Saved by Thy grace, I lowly bow before Thee,
And in Thy love my soul is satisfied.

Lord, I am Thine: yet sinful, weak, and fearing,
I need Thy grace to keep me day by day;
Hold Thou my hand, and keep my feet from falling,—
Then shall tread with joy my pilgrim way.

Lord, I am Thine: though sorrows gather round me,
And death's dark shadow 'thwart my path is thrown;
Savior divine, Thine outstretched hand upholds me;
And being Thine I shall not walk alone.

Yes, I am Thine, and Thou art mine, O Savior
My Lord, my life, my never-changing Friend;
Nor death, nor hell, can take me from Thy favor;
Those that are Thine Thou lovest to the end.

And soon shall shine the bright and cloudless morrow
When blood-washed saints upon the stormless shore
Shall stand with Thee, beyond the reach of sorrow;
Their boast that they are Thine for evermore.
"He that cometh to God must believe
that He is, and that He is a rewarder
of them that diligently seek Him."
Hebrews 11:6


Salvation Is of the Lord

I was on my way from the railway station to the little meeting place where I was to preach, when I was asked by my Christian companion if I would go with him to see a poor young fellow who was dying. I at once consented, having nearly an hour to spare before the time announced for the meeting. My friend led the way, and soon we were in the sick man's room. There, upon his bed, lay what had once been a fine young man, twenty-nine years of age. That deadly disease, consumption, had brought him thus low; and its awful sweat lay heavy upon him. I saw that he was fast sinking, and that if he were to be saved at all, it must be now.
His history as a sinner is soon told. He had lived hard and fast, and had been a prodigal to all intents and purposes. He had wasted his health and substance in riotous living; but he had spent all that he had without obtaining happiness or satisfaction; and now, in all the weakness and helplessness of disease, he desired to return to the parental roof that he had so long deserted, and die under the care and nursing of those simple, Christian parents.
He was brought home on a Monday, on the evening of which day the friend who took me to his house first saw him. On Tuesday, the day following his being brought home, I saw him, and have already told you how I found him as to his body. Now I will tell you how I found him as to his soul. I found that God had been working in him by His Spirit. He had shown him that he was a lost sinner, and that it was an awful thing to go into eternity unsaved.
His agony about his soul seemed almost to make him forget his poor suffering body, but he never expressed a desire to recover. Salvation was what he longed for, but he questioned if there could be salvation for such a wretch as he had been and was.
I opened my Bible, and read to him from 1 Timothy 1:15: "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."
I then asked, "Are you a sinner?"
"Indeed I am," he replied.
"Then Christ came into the world to save you," I rejoined. I then turned to Romans 5:8: "But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
I again asked, "Are you a sinner?"
He replied, "Yes, that I am."
"Then Christ died for you," I said.
I then turned to a third scripture, Luke 15:2: "This Man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them." Once more I asked, "Are you a sinner?"
"Yes," was his earnest, emphatic reply. Turning on his elbow, he looked across the room to the friend who had brought me, and said, "I think I see it plainer, Donald."
"But, man, you must believe it," replied the friend.
I then went over the same three Scriptures again, and asked him, "Whom did Christ come into the world to save?"
"Sinners," he replied.
"And what are you?"
"A sinner."
"Then Christ came into the world to save you; believe it."
Again I asked, "For whom did Christ die?"
"For sinners," he said.
"And what are you?"
"A sinner."
"Then Christ died for you; believe it."
And again, "Whom does Christ receive?"
"And what are you?"
"A sinner."
"Then Christ receives you; believe it, and you are saved."
He drew a long breath, and exclaimed, "I wish I could say I am saved!"
"If you believe that you are a sinner, and that Christ came into the world to save you, and that He has received you, then you are saved," I rejoined.
The blessed Spirit of God applied the word. Light broke in upon him, and he was saved.
I now read a fourth Scripture, Galatians 2:20: "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me."
"Who does 'who' mean?" I asked.
"And who is 'me?' "
"And what is between you both?"
He turned on his back and said, "I wish I could make a little prayer to Him."
"Thomas," I said, "He just wants you to thank Him!"
Immediately he cried, "Lord Jesus, I thank You for having loved me and received me."
My friend and I fell on our knees, and praised God for having shown this poor prodigal that Jesus had loved him, had died for him, received him, and saved him.
This sick lad was brought home to his parents on Monday, he was saved on Tuesday, and on the following Thursday evening he "fell asleep," without a doubt or a murmur. Thanks be unto God for this trophy of His grace; surely "where sin abounded, grace did much more abound."

The Present Salvation

A young man came to a good old professor of a college, a Christian, and asked him how long before death he thought a man ought to get ready for it. The professor's reply was, "A few minutes."
The youth, glad of this reply, determined to have his fling, sow his wild oats, see life in all its aspects— in fact, have a "high old time." Then, he decided, a few moments before death should close his selfish career, he would ask God to have mercy upon him!
"But," asked the professor, "when are you going to die?"
The youth replied, "I cannot tell."
"Then," said the dear old man, "GET READY NOW, for you may have only a few moments to live."
Many persons would like to be saved, but they say they are waiting God's time. Surely God knows the best and proper time for a man to be saved, and He says it is NOW. Nowhere in His Word does God promise that a man shall be saved next week, next month, or next year, or when he comes to his deathbed, or at the eleventh hour, as some people foolishly and unscripturally say.
God pledges His word to save a man when he believes on the Lord Jesus Christ; not when he says he believes, but when he does believe. His word is, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Acts 16:31.
"The time is short"; eternity is near; the dark clouds of judgment are gathering and are about to burst upon a Christless, guilty world, in all their crushing and grinding power. But ere this takes place, the word of God rings clearly out: "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation."
There is a verse in Isaiah 1:18 which is unequaled in Scripture for tender graciousness. "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."
God's word is "COME," but He says when you are to come. It is NOW. And He says how you are to come: it is "JUST AS YOU ARE." And then He concludes the magnificent verse with the promise of cleansing you from all your sins, and making you like His Son.
A simple miner who attended a gospel meeting heard the time element of NOW stressed. At the close of the meeting he remained for some personal conversation with the preacher. The miner, though desiring to be saved, was anxious to put it off to a future time; but God's word was quoted to him again: "Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation."
The miner bowed to God's word and time, and accepted salvation as God's gift to faith. He went home a saved man, and praising Him for it.
Early in the morning he went to his work in the mine, but he had not been long at his work when a large portion of the roof fell in and buried him. Loving hearts and willing hands soon removed the rubbish. When they had brought him to the mine's mouth, his lips were seen moving. An ear was bent to catch the dying man's last words, which were, "THANK GOD, I WAS SAVED LAST NIGHT." He had accepted the "present salvation" of God, and in less than twelve hours he was "absent from the body, and present with the Lord."
Dear reader,
"Take salvation,
Take it now, and happy be."
Satan will tempt you to put off the salvation of your soul until tomorrow; but tomorrow is too late. Tomorrow is death, the grave, the lake of fire, the eternal wail of an eternally lost soul. God would not say "now" so frequently in His word if He did not mean it! There is awful danger in delaying. Tomorrow will not do. It may be now or never with you. God grant that it may be now.
"Salvation now, this moment;
Then why, oh, why delay?
You may not see tomorrow,
Now is salvation's day."

Light and Darkness

Satan's kingdom is that of darkness. If a man gives himself up to it, he is marching to the blackness of darkness forever.
God's kingdom is that of light. If a man by Christ's invitation comes into it, he shall be prepared and at length received into that world of glory where they have no need either of the sun or the moon to lighten it, for the Lord God and the Lamb are the light and the temple of it.
These two kingdoms are in actual hostile array. The kingdom of our Lord with all its divine laws, and subjects, and agencies, and eternal interests is on the side of virtue and holiness, HEAVEN AND LIFE.
The kingdom of evil, with the devil, his angels, the spirit of lying deceit and impurity, with death and hell following after, will take you into the pit of despair and eternal night.

I Credit It All

In these easy-going days of indifference—days marked by form without power, and by routine without reality—it is blessed to see a soul downright in earnest to be saved. Such a one it was my privilege to see and talk with a few days ago.
He told me he was most anxious to be saved; that he had been harassed by Satan and by doubts for weeks. Now he said he was trying hard, but he could not yet say his feet were firmly planted on the Rock Christ Jesus.
He confessed what a sinner he had been, and that his sins troubled him. Seeing he was a truly repentant soul, I took out my pocket Bible and read from Exodus 12:13: "The BLOOD shall be to you for a token... WHERE YE ARE: and when I see the BLOOD, I will pass over you."
I pressed upon him that the blood of the Lamb and the Word of God, and nothing else, was what God put before him for salvation. His faith must be in the Word of God, which tells of the blood of the Lamb which cleanseth from all sin. I then read John 3:33: "He that hath received His testimony hath set to his seal that God is true."
I explained to him that Christ on the cross had paid our sin debts with His own most precious blood; that God, being perfectly satisfied, yes., glorified, with what Christ had done, had raised Him from the dead, and in that act had, as it were, receipted the bill; and that now Christ was in the glory of God as the paid and receipted bill in a safe place.
The dear man jumped up and stretched out his arm. Holding his right forefinger as if pressing it upon a seal, he exclaimed most earnestly, with tears flowing down his face, "I credit it all! I CREDIT IT ALL! Bless God, I am free; I am delivered. My soul is saved. I'm ready for heaven. Jesus has paid it all, and He is in heaven waiting to welcome me. I credit it all!"
At this point his wife came into the room. Taking her hand, he exclaimed: "I am free from my burden, for the blood of Jesus Christ has cleansed me from all sin. I am quite ready to go now; Jesus has made me ready. He has paid it all. You need not look this way or that way, but only to Jesus. I credit it all."

Him Who Is Athirst

A winter drizzle made the streets both cold and unpleasant, but it did not dampen the fervor of a veteran Christian, who for more than fifty years had been an open-air preacher. On that Sunday evening we went with him to tell the gospel story on the streets before going into a nearby hall for a further service.
As the old preacher proclaimed salvation through the Lord Jesus, a young medical student drew near and listened. He had come to the city from a Christian home, but contact with other students who held skeptical views and laughed at religion had shaken the faith that he had held. It may have been through his own reasoning, or his desire to be like his new friends; I cannot tell; but be that as it may, he was that night an agnostic in thought and intention.
But the plain words of this rugged old man made an impression on him. Here was not light-hearted inexperience toying with the realities of life and death, God and eternity, like a juggler tossing his balls at a circus. The student had grown used to that kind of thing in the class and dissecting room; but now he heard one who, near the end of his long life, was telling the story of what had given him peace and joy in time, and a certain hope for eternity. This impressed the young man, and when an invitation was given to all to come to the evening service in the hall, he came along with others.
The preaching in the hall deepened the impression of reality that had been made upon him in the street, and he remained in his seat when the meeting closed.
A Christian man sat by his side, but after a few minutes conversation with him, our young friend rose up to leave the hall, disconsolate and sad.
I had noticed him earnestly listening to the preaching. Extending my hand to him at the door, I asked him what his trouble was. He said, "That gentleman refuses to talk with me because I do not believe that the Bible is God's Word."
"Oh!" I said, "you do not believe that this Book is the Word of God?"
"No," he said, "I don't, for even if there is a God I do not see how He could write a book for us; it is the work of men."
"I see," I said; "then it is evidently useless to discuss that question, so I will put my Bible in my pocket. Now tell me, are you happy?"
He confessed that he was not, so I said: "If you don't mind, I should like to introduce you to some of my friends here."
I called two young men, the sons of the street preacher, to come and sit beside us. Having introduced them to him I said, "Do you think that my friends look happy?"
He thought they did. Then I said, "I am going to ask them to tell us how God made them happy."
Glad of an opportunity of bearing witness to the grace of God, the elder of the two told how as a youth he attended a certain gospel preaching. Though at that time he did not lay hold of the sermon, the text laid hold of him. It was that wonderful word from the lips of Jesus: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
The lad had seen that there was room for him in that great and blessed WHOSOEVER, and that salvation from everlasting perdition and the gift of eternal life were for him. Yes, more truly for him than if his own name had been in the verse, for there were many in that city bearing his name, whereas God's "whosoever" stretched out its long arms of blessing to embrace all who would simply believe no matter what their name or nation. There and then he, an anxious young sinner, put his faith in the only-begotten Son of God who had died for him; and he had known from that time onward that he had a Savior in heaven who would not let him perish.
The younger brother told us that on the same night that his brother turned to the Savior he also found the blessing. It was at home by the fireside that his father pointed out to him a beautiful verse in the Bible: "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Rom. 10:9.
He learned that his sins had been laid upon the Lord Jesus, his holy Substitute, and that He had suffered the judgment of divine justice instead of him. He read and believed that Jesus had not only been delivered for his transgression, but had been raised again from the dead—positive proof that the work was finished, the debt paid, that God was satisfied in all His holy claims, and that his sins were gone forever.
Who, seeing this, could refuse to bow the knee and confess Jesus as Lord? Certainly he could not refrain; and then and there he surrendered to the Savior, confessing Him as his Lord.
The lad also told how the next day he confessed the name of Christ at the dentistry establishment where he was at the time an apprentice, and that a fellow-dentist there remarked: "This is an important event! We must make a note of it." And he had written on the wall: "Conversion of St. Edward, January, 1951," and he had added, "but in three weeks St. Edward will be the same as he was before." The scoffer was no true prophet, however, as the happy face of the young dentist proved that night.
I too had a story to tell, a story of sin and need on my part, but of love and mercy and cleansing blood on the Savior's part—a story such as every saved soul delights to tell for the glory of God.
The young medical student listened to us with growing interest; and before we finished our tales of grace he had ceased to be an agnostic. He felt that his need was what ours had been, and that the Savior who had saved us could also save him. And so we knelt together, just the four of us, and we found the Savior very near to us as that anxious sinner sought Him.
Our kneeling there together was an incident that would not have interested the ordinary man of the world; but at that moment that young man's sins were forgiven and his soul was saved, and he could say:
“‘Tis done, the great transaction's done,
I am my Lord's, and He is mine."
This is the greatest event that can happen in the history of any man.

Abide With Me

Abide with me, my Savior, Friend, the King,
To Thee my life with all its sins I bring;
Thy blood can wash me whiter than the snow;
Thy power can keep me safe where e'er I go.

To Thee I come, no goodness can I plead,
Sinful I am in thought, and word, and deed;
Yet Thou for me dost care, for me hast died.
Friend of the sinful, oh, with me abide.

When I am far from those who love me well,
And round me fierce the tides of danger swell,
Lord, be my Shield, and keep me close to Thee;
Thou art my only hope; abide with me.

Abide with me when sin besets my way,
And like a mighty foe my faith would slay;
Preserve my soul, from yielding keep me free,
I must be safe if I abide with Thee.
"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."
Romans 5:1


Indian Joe

Joe was an Indian, an Indian with a very bad character, so bad that a price was set upon his head for the murders and outrages he had committed.
Fighting had been his delight; but the neighborhood having become too hot for him, he determined to go to a far distant tribe. A company of missionaries happened to be passing the place where he was, and Joe volunteered as driver of one of their wagons since they were going far away to the country of the Cree Indians.
However, being in the company of Christians did not make Joe a saint. He hated religion! Whenever he saw a hymn book he would scowl at it as if it were a serpent. Of the Bible he had even a greater disdain, and when one was being read he would get out of ear-shot. On the Lord's Day, not being required to drive, he would go off with his gun and spend the hours in shooting what game he could find, so that he might be well out of hearing of the Word of God.
As the party pursued their way, in the middle of July there came a Sunday so hot that even Joe did not care to take his usual ramble. He laid himself down in the shadow of one of the wagons, artfully selecting that of a missionary who was not expected to conduct the service.
Joe had made a mistake. The preacher whose turn it was to preach was so overcome by the heat that he had to be excused; and the owner of the wagon under whose shadow Joe was sheltering offered to take his place. Hence the little company gathered about the wagon, and the meeting began.
Joe was lying on the long grass underneath, half asleep, and was furious at being thus disturbed. To lie still while hymns were being sung, and to see the hated Bible opened, was too much for him. He would move. Rising to his feet, he stretched himself and started off. But the heat was great, and Joe was too lazy for locomotion. He again threw himself upon the grass; and there he lay, full length upon his back, right in front of the preacher, his angry eyes flashing defiance at him.
"Lord, help me to preach to Joe," prayed the man of God inwardly, as he saw the opportunity before him. Forgetting everybody else, in simple speech he set forth the love of God to all His creatures. He told his hearers that though God gave them rain and sunshine, flesh and fowl, corn and fruit, yet they did not love Him in return. Indeed, instead of loving Him, they hated Him, His servants, and His Book. But did He send the lightning to strike them down for their enmity? No, He had given His Son to die, so, as to put away their sins. He had shown His love to them, to the worst of them, even to the murderers, and if they would only believe in His Son, He would forgive them and make them His dear children.
Soon Joe's eyes were fixed earnestly on the speaker, who as he went on, watched the anger fading out of them. Was the Holy Spirit casting out the evil spirit of rebellion from the Indian? God says, "My word... shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Isa. 55:11.
Joe did not forget that sermon. One day, walking beside another missionary, he said: "Didn't the preacher tell awful lies that hot Sunday?"
"Lies, Joe? I did not hear any."
"He said the Great Spirit loved poor wicked Indians. Wasn't that a lie?"
"Not at all, Joe; it is in the Book. 'God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins."' Eph. 2:4, 5.
"But was not that an awful lie, that the Great Father gave His Son?"
"No, Joe, it is in the Book. 'In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins."' 1 John 4:9,10.
Then Joe said: "But it must be a lie, that He was preparing the beautiful country for them."
"No," was the answer. "That too is blessedly true. It is in the Book. Jesus, the Son of God, said to sinful men, whom He loved, and had saved, 'I go to prepare a place for you."' John 14:2.
Such love as this was a new thing to the wicked heart of Indian Joe. It penetrated the hard shell of his evil nature and created in him a longing to learn more of the love which passeth knowledge. When they reached the mission station, Joe refused to go further, preferring to serve the missionaries, who delighted in his changed attitude. Listening to the now-precious Word of God, Joe received the Lord Jesus as his Savior and rejoiced to follow the way of peace.
"Wherefore He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them." Heb. 7:25.

The Message Rejected

"She's dying, and dying fast! She will not speak to any of us. Oh, do get her to tell you where she is going."
The words were spoken from the broken heart of a hard-faced and hard-voiced woman who had always seemed strangely indifferent to the eternal welfare of her young daughter of nineteen. Nov the poor girl's life was fast ebbing away. I listened in silence. No words of comfort would come, for it was not the first time I had seen that mother and urged upon her, as well as upon the daughter, the necessity of coming to Christ. Each time, the message of warning had been rejected. It was the old story of the Savior's love rejected: "How often would I... and ye would not!" Matt. 23:37. And now it seemed too late.
Finding I did not answer, the poor mother continued: "The clergyman has just been, but she would not speak to him. He prayed out of the prayer-book, but Carol kept calling to him to stop. Oh, it was dreadful. Won't you speak to her?"
I went in, feeling sick at heart. The times I had read and spoken to Carol, and the utter indifference on her part, rose up before me. The only thing that had power to rouse this young girl was suggestions of recovery. She would eagerly catch at a straw in the hope of life in this world, while the forever which lies beyond was nothing to her.
Reader, is this world everything to you, also?
"The fashion of this world passeth away"—never to return. And you are passing too—passing out of the world you love—whether you will or not. Solemn fact! Pause in the rush of your life, and ask yourself, "Wither bound?"
Going into the dying girl's room, I found her propped up in a large armchair, several friends, both old and young, gathered around her. Her eyes were closed, and a look of pain on the fair young face. I waited a moment in silent prayer and then said: "Carol, you are fast going into the presence of God. Can you tell us—"
Here she interrupted me by almost screaming, "Don't speak to me!"
Horror fell on all in that room. They looked from one to another, but no one spoke. After a long pause, in the hope that even in the last hour the Word of God would reach her, I repeated these words, "The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin."
One in that room responded with a softly whispered, "Thank God!" But the dying girl made no reply. A few hours passed, and all was over. Yes, over! past and gone forever for this life. But what about the next?
My reader, what about the next for you? God has a home for those who love Him. Are you bound for it? There is "no night there." We must be "washed... in the blood of the Lamb" to enter those gates. Reader, are you? Or are you bartering heaven away for this poor world?
Perhaps someone may say, "It's not much of this world I have. I am just trying to make two ends meet.
Times are hard, and I have to work."
It was just with such words as these I was answered the other day. True—quite true. But do not make God out "austere," reaping where He has not sown. God does not come to you to exact anything from you. He comes to give.
"He, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." Isa. 55: 1.

Three Tuesdays

Some time ago a factory worker came into a meeting of Christians who were studying the Scriptures. There he learned for the first time the absolute necessity of "repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ." Acts 20:21. Because of what the Word is—"sharper than any two-edged sword" (Heb. 4:12)—it reached and pierced his conscience, and he went home under deep conviction of sin.
Scarcely had he arrived at his place of abode than he received a call from the factory. His services, he was told, were needed; and as he was a dependable man, he proceeded at once to his place of employment. As he walked along in the dark, the word he had heard would not leave him. At last he said to himself, "Why not believe and obey God's message the same as I believed and obeyed the call from the factory?" And so, through grace, by faith, on that Tuesday, he believed the word of God and received Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord. "Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom. 5:1.
One week later our friend met with a serious accident at the factory. Part of a machine that was to be set up fell on him and he was fatally injured. For a week he lingered, but on the following Tuesday his precious soul entered triumphantly into the joy of the Lord and eternal blessedness.
But where would his soul have gone had he not been seriously affected on that first Tuesday and have received the word of God? On the first Tuesday he was saved; on the second Tuesday he met with a fatal accident; on the third Tuesday he entered glory.
How important it is to take God at His word! It is the one sure foundation. It unites the soul with Christ, and in this way one receives blessing, peace, and life. How solid and unchanging the word of God is! It is an infallible Rock and resting place. Human words fail, feelings come and go, and our own hearts deceive us. We turn from all this, and look to God and His word. All things here change and vanish, but "the word of our God shall stand forever." Isa. 40:8.
In view of this, we plead with you, dear reader, if you sincerely desire salvation and blessing, to believe in all simplicity God's message, "how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures," 1 Cor. 15:3. Further, God says: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life." John 3:36; and "he that believeth on Him is not condemned." John 3: 18. Remember what the Apostle John writes: "If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater... He that believeth not God hath made Him a liar." 1 John 5:9,10.

Something More Wanted

At the close of a gospel meeting in the West Indies, a woman in great distress of soul remained to speak with me.
"Will you tell me what is troubling you?" I asked.
"Oh, sir," she said, "there is something more wanted."
"Indeed! What is it?" I inquired.
"Well," she said, "I really trust in Jesus. I know that He died for me; but something more is wanted."
"You are sure that Jesus died for you?" I asked. "Yes, I am sure of it."
"And that He is able to save you?"
"Yes, I am sure of that."
"Do you think that He is willing to save you?" "Oh, I know that He is willing," was her earnest reply.
"And you tell me that you really trust Him as your Savior?"
"Yes," she said, "I do; but I am not happy; something more is wanted."
"There is nothing more wanted to make you safe," I replied. "If you have really believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, YOU ARE AS SAFE AS HE CAN MAKE YOU. Not one poor sinner who trusted in Him was ever lost. But it is one thing to be safe, and another thing to be sure about it. What you need is to have assurance, and this you may have on the authority of the Word of God."
Taking my Bible, I turned to Acts 13:38, 39, and read: "Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: and by Him all that believe are justified from all things."
"Now, here we have God's unchanging truth. He says, 'All that believe are justified.' Are you a believer?"
"Yes, I am," she answered.
"Then what does God say about you?" I asked. "I'm justified," she answered, with a sigh of relief.
"How do you know?" I queried.
"It says so there," was her reply.
"Then do you want anything else?"
"Nothing more now, sir; that's enough," was her emphatic answer as she saw for the first time, on the authority of God's Word, that she belonged to the justified company because she was. one of the "all that believe."
Thank God! His word is true, and upon the authority of God's word every believer may say, "I'm justified."
I quoted those same words to a young fellow in Canada who was longing to have peace with God.
"Let me look at the verse," he said; "I never saw it like that before."
Slowly he read the verse over, and then, rubbing his eyes as the light broke into his soul, he said, "Praise God, I'm justified."
"How do you know that?" I asked.
"Why, 'THE BOOK' says so," was his triumphant reply.
Yes, the Book that never lies says, "By Him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the Law of Moses."
"What does justified mean?" said a hard-headed but conscience-stricken miner to me on one occasion.
I replied, "The man who is justified stands in God's sight as clear of all his sins as is Jesus the Savior."
Placing his finger on the verse in my Bible, he asked; "Do you mean to tell me that if I believe that verse I shall be clear of my sins like that?"
"No," I answered. "What I say is, if in simple faith you look to Jesus for pardon and salvation, believing what the Bible says about Him, what that verse says about 'All that believe' will be true of you."
"I see that, and I thank God for it," was his happy response.
God's Word is reliable. You may safely rest in what it asserts, beloved anxious soul. It has been written for us that we might know with certainty these blessed things, and that we might have joy and peace in believing.


In this day of widespread profession, neglect is the great sin. Neglect is the God and Christ and Holy Ghost-dishonoring sin. It is the heaven-forfeiting, hell-filling, and soul-damning sin of this privileged moment in which we are living. And if one remains in this guilty state of indifference and neglect, there is no way of escape. Look forward and behind, on the right and on the left; the words, NO ESCAPE, still stare you in the face; and most certainly there is no way of escape in ETERNITY, for there is no blood in hell! No Savior pleads with souls there! No salvation is offered there!
But, thank God, NOW there is a way of escape. Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts. There is a way of escape now from sin, death, and judgment. Oh, avail yourselves of it without another moment's delay, by accepting the "so great salvation" of God.
But it is not only that men are neglecters, it is what is neglected—"so great salvation"—that makes them so guilty and responsible.
Why is it called "so great salvation"? Because it saves me from my sins, from myself, from Satan, from the world, and from the lake of fire. It saved me to be a child of God, a member of Christ's body, a temple of the Holy Ghost, an heir of God, and a joint-heir with Christ. Think of the incomparable, unpardonable guilt of neglecting such a salvation.
It is called "so great salvation" because it is Christ Himself. When the patriarch Simeon held the holy child Jesus in his arms, looking at Him adoringly and confidingly, he exultingly exclaimed: "Lord, now let-test thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: for mine eyes have seen THY SALVATION." Luke 2:29, 30. When Jesus walked into Zaccheus' house (Luke 19:9), He did so saying, "This day is SALVATION come to this house."
JESUS is the salvation of God! To neglect Jesus is to be guilty of neglecting the "so great salvation" of God. What possible way of escape can there be for those who do it? "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12.
Friend, you may have neglected Him in youth, manhood, or old age. You may have neglected Him in health and sickness, in poverty and plenty. You may have neglected Him long weeks, months, and years. Do so no longer! Receive Him now in all the love of His heart, in all the efficaciousness of His blood, in all the power of His arm, in all His finished work, and in all the glories of His adorable and matchless Person. Yes, receive Him just where you are, just as you are, and just now, by simply believing on Him, and you will at once and forever be in possession of God's "so great salvation."

A Message from God

Anxious sinner! Troubled soul! Here is a message from the heart of God for you, one which He Himself speaks with His own lips. Turn your eyes to Him, and with the ear of faith listen to Him. He has seen your tears. He has heard your groans and sighs. He knows all that is in your heart.
God has numbered all your sins: Christ has suffered for them on the cross. Do you believe His word? Will you receive God's Son? If so, He announces to you that which will stand written on the page of eternity, when even heaven and earth have passed away into eternal oblivion: "THY SINS ARE FORGIVEN THEE... THY FAITH HATH SAVED THEE: GO IN PEACE."

Such an Offer

Such an offer! Full and free?
Is it really meant for me?
That all my sins on Christ were laid,
That all my debt by Him was paid?
Yes, Jesus says it, who has died:
"Believe," and thou art justified.

Such an offer! Pardon now
For hidden sin, and broken vow!
For years of cold neglect and scorn;
Can mercy's ray, upon me dawn?
Yes, Jesus died instead of thee;
His death for thine, must be thy plea.

Such an offer! Peace and joy
Untainted by the world's alloy;
The sweet assurance of a Friend
Who, loving, loves unto the end;
The knowledge now of sins forgiven
And of a home prepared in heaven.

Oh, what goodness! Lord, I take
This offer Thou dost freely make!
My one desire shall henceforth be
To live for Him who died for me.
Spread, glad news, through every nation
Instant—free—and full salvation.
"He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life."
1 John 5:12.


God Built a Bridge

See that lighthouse yonder, flashing in the darkness? One, two, three white flashes. It is a bull point, and shines over the Morte Rock, a Norman name, signifying "Death Rock." It is not far from shore, but a death-rock indeed it has proved to many, though there is a bright story attached to it.
Years ago, a Norwegian brig, the "Odin," was passing the rock, bound for Llanelly. She was laden with timber, and commanded by a Christian captain who read his Bible and prayed every day with his crew. In the dead of the night and during a storm the ship ran upon the Slipper rock. There was no lighthouse there then, so the disaster was not to be wondered at. What shall we say of those who run upon the rocks of sin in the clear rays of God's lighthouse? Such wrecks are willful, not accidental.
The doom of the "Odin" seemed certain, as she lay alone and unseen upon the rocks. Some of the crew were for taking to the boats, but in that fearful sea it was impossible for a boat to live. Signals for human aid were useless, but they could signal to the Lord, who holds the sea in the hollow of his hand, and has said, "Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me." Psa. 50:15.
It was a time of trouble indeed. No help was near, and so the captain said, "Let us pray unto the good Lord; He can do great things."
All knelt down as best they could, with the exception of an Englishman, who appeared to think prayer was useless. Like many a man, in spiritual matters he thought they had better do something toward their own salvation. Yet he knew that all their efforts to save themselves had proved powerless, and the captain was right in praying in his simple language to One who was able to do what they could not do.
"What next?"
"We will wait and see," was the only order from the captain's lips. Soon their peril became greater than ever—a heavy sea broke upon the vessel, and split her in two! Was God trying their faith, or was their prayer in vain?
The crew kept together as much as was possible, and questioned: "What now, Captain?" Still the same answer was given: "We will wait and see." Would to God we could always have such patient trust in Him in distress. It would be rewarded, as was theirs.
Through the hole in her side, made in their vessel by the heavy sea that had struck her asunder, the logs of timber stored within the ship began to wash out. One by one they floated out, and were tossed upon the rocks. Presently a watchful eye began to observe what was taking place. The waves were building the logs into a wooden bridge from the wreck—rock to rock—to the shore!
"Captain, I believe we can cross to land!" the observer exclaimed. Was this to be their way of deliverance? Not of man—not of themselves—not of any plan they could have devised—was their salvation to come. This proved to be their experience, and it may be yours.
Who could have planned God's way of salvation from the wreck of sin? Not of man's work, not of angel's aid, but all of His own wisdom, and by His own strong arm. Wrecked one, here is your hope. A wonderful bridge spans the waters of death, even Jesus, "the new and living Way," and "no man cometh unto the Father," but by Him.
At the sailor's words the captain looked upon what was being wrought by the waves. "Not yet, my men; wait a little longer," were his orders.
Again they prayed. Light was dawning, and they could see that there was just one space between the rocks which they could not pass. Then, guided by the Divine hand, another wave swept out some fresh logs and laid them exactly where they were needed. The bridge was now complete—a God built— bridge-and over it the drenched sailors scrambled. By God's preserving care they reached the bay and climbed a little path to the fields above.
Those who ought to have been on the lookout for these in trouble on their rocky coast seemed to have neglected their duty, for there were none watching to give the shipwrecked men any help; but the Lord led them over the fields into a road. "It leads somewhere," said they; "let us follow it."
Drenched and hungry, before long they came into the little village of Morthoe and to an inn. There the proprietor soon understood that food and warmth would be acceptable. But first thing the good captain did was to assemble his men to give thanks to God. They had cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and He had brought them out of their distresses. Now they were safe and grateful.
"Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!"
Friend out of Christ, the only escape from the wreckage of sin is living trust in the Savior of sinners. He has made a bridge from a lost eternity to everlasting life for all whose faith rests in the saving power of His shed blood. That bridge is Christ—Himself, His work, His word. Will you accept Him and His way now?
"Salvation is of the Loan." Jonah 2:9.

Mighty to Save

Many years ago in Brooklyn, N.Y., a Moody-Sankey evangelistic meeting was in full swing. Thousands had to be turned away from the huge Clermont Avenue Rink each service, for lack of room to accommodate the crowds. Other thousands received blessing from the gospel preached and sung by these two devoted servants of Christ. In addition, from two to three hundred requests for prayer would often be announced.
After one of the meetings, a fine-looking young man came into the inquiry room along with a number of others. Asked if he was willing to accept Christ as his only Savior, he bowed his head in his hands. His whole frame shook with deepest feeling as he replied: "Jesus will not accept me."
"Why not?"
"Because I have been an infidel for many years, a follower of Charles Bradlaugh, and for the last eight years I have spoken at every opportunity, in private and public, against Christ. I have traveled over nearly all the world, and have argued everywhere against Him and all those who professed to be Christians. Now I fear He will never forgive me for what I have done."
"Do you want Him to forgive you?"
"Well, sir," he said, "I can't explain my feelings about it or why I am here tonight. Some power that I do not understand has been striving with me for the last two days, and I am in a sad state of mind."
The Christian addressing this young man lifted his heart in prayer that he might make no mistake. After a moment he said: "My friend, what you need tonight is Christ. He will dispel your gloom and sorrow."
"But," exclaimed the young infidel, arousing himself from what seemed to be a deep reverie, "I have fought against Him so long; and thought I was right, too."
"Did you have peace in your heart when you were preaching against Christ?"
He looked up in some surprise. "No, I was a coward," he confessed. "I remember, while coming home from a long journey on the sea, we were one night driven by a storm near the rocks off a certain shore. When I thought we were sure to go to the bottom of the sea, I got down on my knees and prayed to God to save us. The storm died, and with it went my prayers, for as soon as. I thought we were safe, like the coward that I was, I went back to my old ways, and denied that there was a God."
"Well," the Christian said, "let that go. What brought you here tonight?"
"I don't know," he replied. "I have not been to a religious meeting for years. Neither have I talked to a Christian in that time. I have lived entirely among infidels and skeptics. But about a year ago I received a letter from my dear old mother, away over in Dundee, Scotland. She asked me to promise that when Moody and Sankey came back to America I would go to hear them, if they came near where I was. I answered her that I would, and when they came here I thought I would have to keep my word to my mother. So I went to the Rink two nights in succession, and since that time I have had no rest. I have been walking the streets all day, thinking, thinking. Not knowing any Christian to whom I could speak, I thought I would go once more to the Rink. And now here I am, talking to you."
"My friend," I said, "it is the Spirit of God striving with you in answer to your mother's prayer. She may be praying for her wandering boy this very night. Now, do not delay any longer. Yield to Christ and He will receive you, for He has said, 'him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out."' John 6:37.
He bowed his head, while his trembling form told how deeply his heart was moved. After a hard struggle he grasped the hand of the Christian and said: "By the grace of God I take Jesus Christ as my Savior now!"
After a word of prayer his friend asked him to write to Scotland at once and tell his mother all about it, and he promised that he would. A few evenings later they met at the door of the Rink. As they shook hands the Christian worker asked him if he had written to his mother.
"Oh, yes," said he, "but not until I had sent her a cable dispatch first."
"What did you say in the dispatch?" he asked. "Well, I just said, 'I've found Jesus,' and signed my name to it."
"Thank the Lord," said the Christian.
"Yes," he exclaimed, "that is just what my dear old mother cabled back to me, 'Thank the Lord, O my soul!'

The Waiting Friend

"Will you not stay to our after-meeting and yield to Christ?" I said to a young man at the close of a preaching service.
"I cannot," he replied. "There is a friend waiting for me outside."
"And there is a Friend waiting for you inside. He has waited for you a good many years. Do you know His Name?" I remarked.
My young friend hung his head; the shot had gone home.
"You would not like to disappoint the friend outside," I continued; "but you do not mind disappointing the Friend who is waiting inside, and yet He continues to wait. Do you know His name?"
"It is Jesus," he replied.
"And will you still keep Him waiting?"
Thank God, that night he turned to the Friend who waits to receive and bless poor sinners.
This same wondrous Friend of sinners is waiting, waiting, waiting still—waiting for you who are still away from Him.
Outside, there is the world which professes lasting friendship; but you know full well its promises are false. Pleasure, sin, Satan, all wait outside to please you for a while, and then to cast you off, and leave you comfortless and lonely in the night of your despair.
Will you listen to the voices of the false friends outside? They would keep you outside of heaven and the blessing of God forever; or, will you listen to the voice of the "Friend that loveth at all times," who "sticketh closer than a brother," who, that He might have your friendship, showed Himself to be friendly, and laid down His life that He might be your Savior? "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13. "Christ died for the ungodly." Rom. 5:6.

After This?

Two aged men, strangers to each other, met upon a path one winter's day. The hair of each was white as snow, and the steps of both were very feeble. One leaned upon his stick, the other upon the arm of an attendant. "We are both alike, sir," said the former, as he rested himself upon his staff; "we are both near our journey's end; and oh, what a joy it is to know there are but a few more steps, and then it is rest with Christ above!"
The other old man made no reply, but looked strangely into the face of his attendant upon whose arm he leaned. Perhaps his heart was saying, "What strange doctrine is this?"
The two aged ones separated, each to go his way. Both had trodden life's pathway more than threescore years and ten. To one the winter's day seemed to say, "Everlasting spring is near." To the other it was but winter, the cold and cheerless end of life, and then death; and after this—
Oh! traveler to eternity, consider these solemn words: "And after this—the judgment."

The Pharisee and the Publican

A "rich man... died, and was buried."
He lived and died a Pharisee. His Bible was annotated from beginning to end, but only to prove that he was right and that God was wrong. He did not need a Savior, for he trusted in himself that he was righteous; and like the Pharisee in Luke 18, he was justified in his own eyes, but not in God's.
When this Pharisee was dying, he sent for the minister and chose the text for his own funeral sermon; "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength," adding, "That is what my life has been."
This Pharisee had never seen himself in the presence of God, or He would have known that "that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God." Luke 16:15. "There is none righteous, no, not one." Rom. 3:10.
Not far from the house in which the body of the rich man was waiting to be carried to the grave, a poor woman, who was a sinner, sat weeping in her cottage. Why was she weeping, do you think? Her life was full of sorrow and need; but that was not now the cause of her tears. She was weeping about her sins, bowed down under the weight of them. She was not a rank sinner in the world's acceptation of the term, for she led a quiet, respectable life. Indeed, some even taunted her with pretending to be better than they. But she knew that in God's sight, the "heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked." Jer. 17:9.
For many weeks she had scarcely dared lift up her eyes to Him except to cry, like the poor publican, in Luke 18, "God be merciful to me a sinner." She did not know that the Lord Jesus was as near to her as to the woman who was a sinner in Luke 7, to whom He said, "Thy sins are forgiven."
"The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." Psa. 34:18.
"I'm such a sinner," she said, as I sat down near her. "I seem to grow worse every day."
This had been of late her constant exclamation. We turned to Isaiah 53 and read: "He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not."
"That's me," she said.
We read on again until the 6th verse, "All we like sheep have gone astray."
"That's me," she said again.
"We have turned every one to his own way." "That's just like me."
"And the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all."
"Yes," she said, as if a glimmer of light were dawning on her soul, "but I am the greatest sinner of all."
"Well," I said, "there is a verse in the New Testament that will just suit you," and we turned to 1 Timothy 1:15. Eagerly her eyes followed the words: "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."
"Yes," she said, "that's just me! I see it now. Jesus came to save sinners such as me; I thought I must be good first."
"No," I said, "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. He died for the ungodly, Romans 5 tells us."
Simply and with joy she now believed the Word and received the Savior. The load was gone, and she was able to thank God for saving her, and for giving His Son to die in her stead.
Friend, you cannot make yourself "fit" to be saved. Your only hope is in receiving Christ and His righteousness—a righteousness which is of God by faith. Will you accept Him now?

Used of God

The most useful life for God must ever be that which is firmly based on a knowledge of Christ crucified as the sole ground of acceptance with God, and on being justified and having peace "through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us." 1 Thess. 5:9, 10.
One who would serve God and his fellowmen acceptably must know himself to be forgiven by God and safe for eternity. It is written of Robert McCheyne, the Scotch preacher, that "he walked calmly in almost unbroken fellowship with the Father and the Son." McCheyne himself describes his own undoubted conversion in the only record he has left of it:
"When free grace awoke me, by light from on high,
Then legal fears shook me, I trembled to die;
No refuge, no safety in self could I see—
Jehovah Tsidkenu my Savior must be.

"My terrors all vanished before the sweet name,
My guilty fears Banished; with boldness I came
To drink at the Fountain, Life-giving and free—
Jehovah Tsidkenu is all things to me."

Godly Contentment

Composed by a brother converted by a stroke which maimed him for life.
A shattered wreck am I,
Enjoying now a chair;
And full of life I sit and sing
To Him who placed me there.
Content a shattered wreck to be
Because, my God, it pleaseth Thee.

Naught have I else to do,
But sing the whole day long;
And He whom most I love to please
Doth listen to my song.
He caught and clipped my once strong wings,
And now He stoops to hear me sing.

And it is good to soar
These palsied limbs above,
To Him whose purpose I adore;
Whose every act is love:
And in His mighty will to find,
Such sweet repose for heart and mind.

How sweet to trace the path He trod,
Learning of Him to walk with God.
His cross behind, His house before,
Himself today and evermore.
C. E. Eversfield

A Drink

Have you drunk the deep drafts of earth's pleasures?
Have you tasted her joy and mirth?
Have you gathered together her treasures,
What the world deems of value and worth?
Have you sought to drink at her fountains—
It may be, the purest and best—
After climbing o'er weary mountains
And seeking in vain for rest?
Have you stooped to drink at earth's rivers?
Oh, you know how true it is, then:
"He that drinketh of these waters
Shall thirst again."

Have you tasted the living waters?
Have you drunk at the living spring?
Have you come to the loving Savior
And asked for a drink from Him?
Have you come to Him, earth-weary,
Forlorn, discouraged, sad?
Have you drunk at the living fountain,
And has He not made you glad?
Ah, well you may sing of His goodness,
And praise from your glad lips burst:
"Whoso drinketh of this water Shall never thirst."
Jean Rule Baridon "The Word of the Lord endureth forever. And this is the Word which by the gospel is preached unto you."
1 Peter 1:25.


Sins as Scarlet

Some years ago, five young men were employed as clerks in different houses of business in a great city. They worked hard during the week, and were in the habit of using the Lord's Day as a day of pleasure. After one such outing they arranged among themselves that they would spend the next at a fashionable resort and there dine at a popular restaurant.
The Lord's Day came. It was a bright, fresh afternoon in December, so they decided to walk there. While on their way, one of them remembered that he had an important message to leave at a house that lay a little off their route. He begged his friends to proceed without him, asking that they wait for him at the restaurant where he would meet them.
He hastened to the house, and delivered his message, then set off to join his friends. In the meantime it had begun to snow, and soon a blinding snowstorm made him seek shelter under the porch of a chapel that he was passing.
Rather unusually, an afternoon gospel service was being held there, and the door-keeper, hearing someone outside, opened the door and warmly invited him to come inside. At first he refused; but being pressed at least to come inside out of the snowstorm, he very reluctantly entered and took a seat immediately inside the door, meaning to slip out again as soon as the storm had abated.
Just as he sat down, the preacher, in a clear ringing voice, gave out his text: "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow." Isa. 1:18.
The young man's attention was at once arrested.
The dazzling white snow he had just left came forcibly before his mind, and the thought of himself in the midst of it, with all his "scarlet sins" upon him. In connection with this providential circumstance, in which God's gracious hand can clearly be seen, the Spirit of God applied to his soul the word he had so unexpectedly heard.
Immediately he became deeply convicted of his state of sinfulness in the sight of God. "White as snow" and "sins as scarlet" kept ringing in his ears, and for a time he heard nothing more of what the preacher was saying. He simply trembled before the righteous and holy God against whom, up till now, he had been heedlessly sinning all his life. In an agony of distress he almost groaned aloud, "God have mercy upon me."
Just then the voice of the preacher again struck upon his ear with the question: "Do my hearers ask, `But how can scarlet sins become white as snow?' There is but one answer: by 'THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB."
"Thus we read in Revelation 7 of those 'who have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.' Nothing, nothing but the blood of the Lamb avails before God to put away sin. 'WHEN I SEE THE BLOOD, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.' Exo. 12:13.
"For it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul' was Jehovah's proclamation to Israel in the Old Testament. 'Without shedding of blood is no remission' is the solemn statement of the Spirit of God in the New Testament."
The preacher showed more fully from the Scripture that nothing but the death of the victim, witnessed by the shed blood (type of the Lord Jesus taking the sinner's place under the wrath of God on the cross), would satisfy the claims of God's name and nature against the sinner under condemnation on account of sin. Then he closed with an earnest appeal to all who heard him and were still sinners lost in their sins, to yield themselves at once to God's gracious entreaty: "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."
The meeting was over. Afraid of being spoken to, the young man hastily left the chapel. But he did not follow his companions to their promised meeting. The snow again was falling fast, and as he took his way back to his lodgings, a convicted and repentant sinner, he kept repeating to himself, "Sins as scarlet," —"White as snow,"—"Blood of the Lamb."
After several days of great distress of soul, he began searching his Bible. There he found perfect peace with God by believing in Christ Jesus as the One who, for all who trust in Him, has made "peace by the blood of His cross." Col. 1:20. He read that he was a child of God by simple "faith in Christ Jesus," Gal. 3: 26, and was able to say with assurance, "The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth [me] from all sin." 1 John 1:7.
A thoroughly changed man, he at once boldly confessed Christ among his companions, turned his back upon the sinful pleasures of the world, and became a well-known and much-blessed preacher of the gospel.
Shortly before the Lord took him to Himself, he preached in a crowded hall in this seine city. As he often did, he told the story of the snowstorm and his own conversion with graphic and thrilling detail. Many souls were blessed that night, and one case in particular was memorable.
It was that of a young man who, long under a very deep sense of sin, had vainly been seeking peace with God by living a clean life. At the after-meeting he remained for prayer. When asked if he was "saved," he replied with deep feeling: "No, I wish I were!"
"Then you don't know what it is to be 'white as snow' in God's presence?"
"Oh, no! I am still in my 'scarlet sins.' "
"But don't you believe in Jesus and His precious blood?"
"Yes, I do!"
"Then, if that be true, you cannot be 'still in your scarlet sins,' for God's Word says, speaking of all believers in Jesus, 'The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.' "
With a look of intense eagerness on his face, he exclaimed, "What! Do you mean to say that all who simply believe in Jesus are washed in His blood from all their 'scarlet sins,' and are 'white as snow'?"
"Yes, most certainly. Does not the Apostle Paul say that through Jesus 'is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: and by Him all that believe are justified from all things'? All who truly believe in Jesus can say, 'Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood.' "
The Spirit of God at once flashed the truth into his mind. His face lit up with joy, and he cried out, "Thank God, thank God! I see, I see; I am 'white as snow' in His sight through faith in 'the blood of the Lamb.' "
Set free from legal bondage by faith in the blood of Christ, another soul became a witness of the grace of God to poor lost sinners. And so the consequences of that memorable snowstorm flows on, with its sweet story of "scarlet sins" made "white as snow" by simple faith in "the blood of the Lamb."

Sometime We'll Understand

In the last quarter of the nineteenth century Maxwell N. Cornelius was born and brought up on a farm in Pennsylvania. When he came of age, he left farming and learned the trade of a brick-mason. Later he became a contractor in Pittsburg. In erecting a house in that city his leg was broken. Bone-setting in that day was very crude and prophylaxis almost unknown, and the broken leg became infected. The physicians decided that it must be amputated, and that there was little time to wait. In fact, they gave him a week in which to get ready for the ordeal.
When the day arrived young Cornelius said he was ready, but asked for his violin that he might play one more tune—perhaps the last one he would ever play. Whatever the tune was, the melody was so sweet that it caused even the physicians to shed tears. He stood the operation well and, to their surprise, came out safely, but was maimed for life.
The young man now decided to go to college and get an education. After passing through college with honors, he felt the Lord's guidance to become a minister of the gospel. His first charge was at Altoona, Pennsylvania; but on account of his wife's health he soon moved to California. Locating at Pasadena, he was instrumental in building a large church in that place; but many who had subscribed to help to pay for the building failed in business, and Mr. Cornelius was left to meet the obligations as best he could.
In a few years the church was cleared from all debt; but shortly afterward, his invalid wife died, and the bereaved pastor preached the funeral sermon himself. At the conclusion he quoted the words of a poem which he had composed shortly before. Both the poem and the sermon were printed in a Western newspaper, where Major Whipple, a contemporary of Ira Sankey's, found them. Impressed by the sentiment and beauty of the words, he cut them out and carried them in his Bible for three months before he wrote a chorus to finish out a hymn for the poetry.
"Then trust in God through all thy days;
Fear not! for He doth hold thy hand;
Though dark thy way, still sing and praise;
Sometime, sometime we'll understand."
Soon afterward he handed the words to his friend, James McGranahan, who composed the tune to which the hymn is now sung to the comfort and encouragement of thousands of sorrowing and tried Christians.
"Not now, but in the coming years—
It may be in the better land—
We'll learn the meaning of our tears,
And then, sometime, we'll understand."

I've Lost Him!

One evening I met at a friend's house a relative of the family whose appearance and manners at once arrested my attention. He was young and looked intelligent, but there was an air of restlessness, if not absolute uneasiness, about him. This could not be concealed by the flippancy of his manner; and, as I gazed on his thin, worn face, my heartfelt insensibly drawn toward him. He was evidently unhappy, and his desperate efforts to be what is termed "jolly" proved ineffectual to remove the dark cloud that hung over his soul.
After several feeble efforts to get up a lively conversation, he relapsed into silence and his face gradually assumed a dull, moody expression. It was then that I spoke to him about the love of God to lost sinners as shown in the gift of His only-begotten Son. As I dwelt upon the grace which brings a present and perfect salvation so close to the dying grasp of a lost, ruined world, he fixed his large eyes steadily upon me, but said not a word. I went on describing the wondrous love of Jesus in laying down His life for His enemies, and began to point out the solemn necessity of the cross as the only way of escape from eternal damnation.
"Oh!" he said, suddenly interrupting me, "I know all about that. But look here—I've lost Him."
"What do you mean?" I said, rather startled at the abruptness and earnestness of his tone.
"About twelve months ago I thought I was converted and I was very happy; but in course of time I again got mixed up with the world, and somehow or other my joy went, and I lost Christ."
"But if ever you received Christ you received Him forever. The Lord Himself said, 'He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life.' John 6:47.
"Now, if Christ is the life we get on believing in Him, and that life is everlasting, how can we lose it? If it were possible to do so, we could never say at any time that it was ours forever; and yet we read, 'These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life.' 1 John 5:13.
"Now suppose I turn my back upon Christ, and don't value Him—don't enjoy Him as I ought? God never takes away His eternal gift because its receiver fails to value Him as he ought, although most assuredly it grieves Him to see His gift slighted."
"Do you think so?"
"Indeed I do. Do you like horses?"
"Suppose I made you a present of one. What would you give me for it in exchange?"
"I would not need to give you anything for it, if you made me a present of it. It would be mine for nothing."
"That is precisely the way God deals with the sinner. He offers Him Christ for nothing. 'The gift of God is eternal life.' Rom. 6:23. But what would you do with the horse I gave you?"
"I would have him out every day and ride him everywhere."
"That would be a proof that you valued the gift. But suppose you got weary of your horse, and leaving him in the stable one fine morning, you went out for a walk. A friend meets you and immediately says, `YOU HAVE LOST YOUR HORSE.' Would you not at once say, 'You are mistaken. The horse is safe in my stable at home.' But suppose he replied, 'Oh, that can't be; you must have lost him, because you are not enjoying him—you haven't him out.' Would you not tell your friend that it was one thing to be sure of your possession and another thing to enjoy it? 'My horse,' you would say, 'is as much mine when I am walking without him as when I am riding him. Of course, the friend who gave him to me would greatly prefer my appreciating his gift by enjoying it, but he gave me the horse unconditionally. He never said, He is yours on condition that you ride him, and the moment that you cease to do so, I will take him away from you.'
"Now God gives Christ, not as a bribe for something to do, or as a reward for something done. He gives Him unconditionally. You have nothing to do to get Him, and you have nothing to do to keep Him. God knows the need of poor hell-deserving sinners, and He meets that need with Christ. And oh, blessed be His name, He does not give Him simply for a season, but forever."
"But when my heart gets cold," he eagerly said, "what must I do?"
"Bring it into the sunshine of His love, and that will warm it. Confess your coldness, judge your condition, and think of His love to you, and if that does not draw out your heart in love to Him, nothing else will. 'We love Him because He first loved us.' 1 John 4:19."
Tears filled the eyes of the poor fellow as I spoke. A light seemed to break in upon his soul, and his words at parting were: "Well, that certainly puts the matter into a clear light. I never saw it that way before."

All the Way

In John 14:7 Jesus says: "I am the way." When He proclaims Himself the Way, He gives a perfect direction. He is not only the road by which we must travel, but He is the end to which we must press forward. He is all the way.
Richard Weaver, a simple man but a great evangelist, used this plain illustration: "When I was over in Dublin, I wanted to get to my wife, who was living at Liverpool, and I hadn't any money. Without money, I hardly knew how I would manage it. However, one of my young friends came and said: 'Now, Mr. Weaver, I shall give you a first class ticket from Dublin to Liverpool, all the way through.'
"We went to the station, and I did not pay anything at all, for I had my ticket given me. I got into a first-class carriage and rode along until we came to Kingstown, and then we sailed across. But I did not need a fresh ticket, for the one I had was a ticket all the way through, even to the journey's end.
"Now," said Richard, "when the Lord Jesus Christ came to me I was a poor, lost sinner. I wanted to get to heaven, but I couldn't. And then He said to me, `Trust Me, and I will give you a first-class ticket to heaven, all the way through.'
“I did trust Him, and He gave me the ticket! I never paid a half-penny for it; but he paid for it with His blood, and gave me a first-class ticket all the way to heaven.
"That is simple faith and trust in Him. I have not had to get out to get a fresh ticket yet, and I don't believe I ever shall. Some people think you must get a great many fresh tickets before you get to heaven, because they think the first one will run out, and that you may be lost. But I know better; the ticket I had to start with was a first-class ticket all the way through.
"On that journey from Ireland to Liverpool, nobody came and said, 'Now then, Richard Weaver, you are only a poor collier; you have no business riding first-class, you must get out!'
"No, no: if anybody had said that, I would have said, 'Here is my ticket.'
"When the porters came, they said, 'Show your tickets; show your tickets'; but they didn't say, 'Show yourselves.' It didn't matter to them who I was. As long as I had a ticket—that was the thing.
"Now," said Richard, "the devil sometimes comes to some of you and says, 'What! you a Christian? You a Christian? Why, just look at yourself!' But you must not listen to him. You must show your ticket; that will answer all questions. Just say, 'I do believe that Jesus Christ died for me, and I trust in Him.' That is your ticket, blessed be God!—a first-class ticket all the way through; and there isn't a porter in heaven that can turn you out. Your ticket is valid even to the journey's end."
Friend, Christ is the way, the only way, all the way to heaven perfectly. He is the way NOW. Just where you are, just as you are, Christ says to you, "I am the way."
"For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God." 1 Pet. 3:18.

Mak' Siccar

"Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life, and we believe and are sure." John 6:68, 69.
When Roger Kirkpatrick asked Robert Bruce if he had slain the traitor Comyn in Minorite Cloister in Dumfries, he said, "I doubt so."
"You doubt so," replied Kirkpatrick: "I mak' siccar."
Siccar is an old Scotch form of the word "sure." If you are not quite sure of an interest in Christ, "Mak' siccar." If you don't know whether your sins are all forgiven or not, "mak' siccar." If you have only gone the length of hoping you are right with God, "mak' siccar." If you are not certain that you are born again, "mak' siccar." No man should live in the dim region of uncertainty upon these great matters, and no man needs to.
Settled forever! Fear not then to trust
Thy soul upon Him, even as thou must!
On Calv'ry's mountain all thy sin was met—
Settled forever, all that grievous debt.

Lord, I Am Thine

Lord, I am Thine: in mercy Thou has broken
The fetters strong that bound me to my sin;
Thy blood was shed—of love the mighty token—
From ways of death my guilty soul to win.

Lord, I am Thine: who saw no beauty in Thee,
But spurned Thy mercy with rebellious pride;
Saved by Thy grace, I lowly bow before Thee,
And in Thy love my soul is satisfied.

Lord, I am Thine: yet sinful, weak, and fearing,
I need Thy grace to keep me day by day;
Hold Thou my hand, and keep my feet from falling
Then shall I tread with joy my pilgrim way.

Lord, I am Thine: though sorrows gather round me,
And death's dark shadow 'thwart my path is thrown;
Savior divine, Thine outstretched hand upholds me;
And being Thine I shall not walk alone.

Yes, I am Thine, and Thou art mine, O Savior—
My Lord, my life, my never-changing Friend;
Nor death, nor hell, can take me from Thy favor;
Those that are Thine Thou lovest to the end.

And soon shall shine the bright and cloudless morrow
When blood-washed saints upon the stormless shore
Shall stand with Thee, beyond the reach of sorrow;
Their boast that they are Thine for evermore.
"There is no God else beside Me;
a just God and a Savior; there is
none beside Me. Look unto Me,
and be ye saved, all the ends of
the earth: for I am God, and there
is none else."
Isaiah 45:21, 22


A Rotten Rogue

Not long ago, out in the country we stopped to speak to an old man working on the road breaking stones to fill in the holes. After a few remarks, we asked him if he were going to heaven or to hell when he died.
He replied, as we often heard, "To heaven, I hope." "And what cause have you for such a hope?" "Why, 'cause God's merciful," he replied.
"Have you committed any sins?"
"Well," said he, "I suppose I've made mistakes in my time, same as most other folk."
"Have you ever got drunk?" His face told its own history.
"No, not as I knows on; maybe I've took a drop too much, by mistake like, in the hayfield; but I never did it meaning like."
"Oh! Then you never got drunk except by mistake! Have you ever told any lies?"
"Yes," he replied, "I suppose I have, like the rest of 'em."
"And were they mistakes?"
"Well, no, I suppose they wan't," he admitted. "Then how are you going to get forgiveness for them?"
"Oh, I mean to pray when I dies, and then He'll forgive me."
"How old are you?" we asked.
"Seventy-four, come Christmas."
"And do you ever pray to God?"
"No, I can't mind as I do," he said.
"And you think that your prayers will take you to heaven when you die?"
"Yes, I do; I means to pray sometime."
"Now, looking back over the past seventy years of your life—a good long time, mind you!—do you really believe the prayer of a rotten old rogue like you will then take you to heaven? You have neglected God all these years; and do you think your prayers will save you whenever you choose to make them?"
The poor old man turned in a rage and angrily said, "I may be a rogue, but I bain't a rotten one."
He could pray when he pleased, he said, and he meant to, before his time came.
We spoke to him of Christ and His love; of His one offering for sin; of His precious blood without shedding of which is no remission; of the sacrifice of Himself for sinners. Nothing seemed to reach him; rogue he might be, but not a rotten one. Mistakes he had made when tempted and led away by others; but sins he thought very lightly of. He stuck to it, his prayers would save him when he might choose to make them, because God was merciful. At length he asked us if we were sure of heaven; and on our saying: "Yes, perfectly sure," he said, "You bain't rotten then, I suppose."
We assured him that indeed we were not only rogues, but downright rotten ones too, deserving nothing but the wrath of God and eternal punishment. Yet we were sure of God's sovereign love and salvation through Him who gave His only begotten Son to die for sinners—vile, hopeless, helpless, hell-deserving sinners. The old man only shook his head, and repeated, "A rogue, but not rotten. You must pray, and I means to."
May the Lord in His mercy use the word then spoken to him, and awaken and save him ere it be too late.
How many are in just the same state as this poor old stonebreaker-their hearts well-nigh as hard as the stones he was breaking! Living in a professedly Christian land, calling themselves Christians, and yet they are in ignorance, almost heathen ignorance, of the grace of God that brings salvation! Here was an old man of seventy-four, calling his sins mistakes, excusing himself for them by saying he was no worse than others, and sopping his conscience with the promise to pray, when it might please him to do so, sometime before he should die!
Friend, are you deceiving your heart with such errors? Before it is too late, I pray you realize that, to God, sin is sin—He never reckons it mere mistake—and, because it is ever sin before Him, God offers His love, His grace, His mercy, wholly undeserved, to the very vilest sinner, through the finished work of His beloved Son.
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Rom. 3:23.

Born Again

We were holding evangelistic meetings in a small town in Scotland. There we learned of one who was helping us more effectually than we could, at first, realize. Indeed, I hardly know how we became acquainted with "Blind Aggie," for, besides being old and blind, she was broken in body, a great sufferer, and could seldom creep beyond her doorstep.
We were strangers in this town, and no one told us of this afflicted child of God. It was in His own providence that He led one of our party to visit her little room. There he discovered what a saint she was and how deeply interested she was in all she had heard about our meetings. She helped us mightily by prayer, arid as much as she could by individual, personal work.
Lodging in the same house with blind Aggie was a seamstress, a poor, giddy, foolish girl, in whom she took a deep interest. With great difficulty she persuaded this girl to attend one of our meetings. While the girl was at the meeting Aggie was earnestly praying for a blessing upon her. When she returned, Aggie called her to her room and asked her many questions about the evening's service. To her sorrow and disappointment she could not find that any impression had been made on the young woman's heart.
Dear old Aggie persevered and again induced the thoughtless girl to go to the meeting. When she returned the second time it was late, and blind Aggie had already gone to bed. But the girl burst into the old woman's room crying, "Oh, Aggie, where are you? I must tell you!"
"Well, dear, what is it? Come and tell me." "Oh, but I want a light first, I canna tell ye in the dark."
Though Aggie never had use for a lamp, she told the girl where to find one. After it was lighted, the girl burst forth from a full heart: "Oh, Aggie, ma'am, I didna laugh this time! They sang a hymn, and it kept saying, 'Ye must be born again.' It just laid hold on me, Aggie, till I thought my heart would burst.
Now Jesus has taken me, Aggie! He has washed me clean and I am born again."
Great joy was in Aggie's little room that night as the new-born soul and the old saint who had travailed in prayer for her knelt together to praise Him who had "loved them and washed them in His own blood."

The Heart and the Head

Not long ago I received a visit from a man who had been well known in former days as a priest. "We meet as children of God," he said, "as believers in the one Savior."
I knew this to be true, for I had heard of his preaching a faithful gospel on the previous evening. "Then how is it," I asked, "that you are no longer a priest?"
"I was a priest some years ago," he said, "and yet though I had been a priest for several years, I had become an atheist. The priesthood was only a profession to me, but in all honesty I must say I hated it, for I was sailing under false colors."
"Godless as I was, I had been brought up with a sense of honor; and as time went on my conscience prodded me. I felt it would be impossible for me to continue acting a lie. I therefore went to my superior, and told him I was an unbeliever, and that I could no longer endure to say and do things which deceived others.
"He told me that he hoped I would come to my senses. I said I had no intention of altering my mind, and that thenceforward I wished to be known not as a Christian, but as an atheist. I therefore broke off my connection with the church and considered myself a free man.
"Soon after this, a certain pastor heard of me, and invited me to read the Bible with him in the evenings at his house. I thought I should like to hear what he had to say, so I went to these readings. I found the pastor a very clever man, and very learned, and I could not in the least answer his arguments. Nevertheless, in spite of his explanations I was convinced more firmly that there was no God. I can't say why I continued to go there, but I did so for some months.
"One day, in the streets of the city, a poor and shabby man with a pack on his back came up to me. `Sir,' he said, 'do you know that you are a sinner, and that Jesus is the Savior of sinners? Go straight to Him, and He will save you.' "
"I said not a word, for I was speechless; but I turned around and went straight back to my lodging. I shut myself up in my room and knelt down there and gave myself up to the seeking Savior. In that moment I knew that He was with me, and that He loved me with unutterable love; and there He saved my soul. I was happy and thankful I could do nothing but praise God.
"The next day I went to see my friend, the pastor. I said to him, 'Jesus has saved me.' "
"He looked very much amazed, and said, 'So you are convinced at last.'
“‘No,' I said, 'I needed no convincing. He saved me Himself; He has opened my eyes, and given me forgiveness and eternal life.' And then I told him about the poor man who had spoken to me.
"To my astonishment he looked at me with a strange sort of displeasure. 'You refused to believe everything I said to you,' he said, 'and now you believe what a poor, shabby man said, whom you met in the street.'
“‘I beg your pardon, sir,' I said, 'it was not the poor man I believed, but God! If God chooses to speak by the mouth of a poor, shabby man, He can do so! It was God who spoke to me.'
"The pastor, you see, had been hammering all those months at my brains. He did not know that my heart was miserable. The words the man spoke went straight to my heart, and my heart turned to Christ. He welcomed me, and filled me with His love and peace; and now, for nearly ten years, I have been preaching His blessed gospel."
"Did you ever see the man again?"
"Yes; one day, to my joy, I again met him on the street. I found he was a colporteur, selling Bibles and bringing many, many others to Christ by the same message: 'Go straight to Him and He will save you.' "
Miserable and unsatisfied ones, "to you is the word of this salvation sent." To you Christ calls by these simple words. Do you doubt it? Ask Him if these glad tidings are true. "Go straight to Him."
"Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37.

A Living Savior

It was Good Friday evening. A weary woman was returning to her home from a religious service which had been marked by those emblems that naturally deeply affect our feelings—the dimly-lighted building, the black drapery, the slow and mournful music. The sight had its effect on the poor woman, who was a seeker after God, and, downcast and discouraged, she returned to her home. She had not found Him, and knew not that He was seeking her.
Not far from her house was a mission hall which she had to pass. From it came the sound of singing, and she climbed the wooden stairs, and stood at the door for a moment.
She could see inside the room, and instantly one thing struck her —the array of happy faces! The joyous countenances of many of God's children interested her. What could their happiness mean? Why did they look so glad? What made them rejoice? These questions passed through her mind, as such questions do pass through the minds of men and women when they behold the joy of the Lord filling the hearts of their fellow men. There is a testimony for God in the joy of His salvation which is unanswerable. "Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, ye righteous; and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart." Psa. 32:11.
Presently the stranger slipped in and was seated in the mission room. She had entered just before the speaker began his address. He opened the Bible and read these words: "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:14, 15.
The preacher told the sweet story of the love of Jesus, even unto death. He had been crucified. He had died. His hands and His feet had been nailed to the tree. He had borne the judgment due to His people in His own body there. All that work was done. "It is finished," were His own words upon the cross. The eternal Son sent from heaven had become the Son of man, and for us He had been lifted up. Blessed sight, all sights above!
That night the poor woman looked to Jesus once crucified. By faith she cast herself before Him. She heard and rejoiced that Jesus was no longer nailed upon the cross, no longer the suffering Savior, but the Conqueror, the risen and exalted Lord of all. A living Jesus was presented to her longing heart by the Spirit of God, and she found rest to her soul.
She too could now rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory, believing on Him whom not having seen, she by grace had learned to love.
Which is it, reader, with you—an image of a dead Christ, or Him who was crucified but who now liveth forevermore? Which is it with you—the solemn display of outward religion, senses awed and feelings amazed, or the peace and joy which God gives by His Spirit?
Ponder over the question, and may Jesus Himself be to you Savior, Lord, and ever-present Friend.

Because God Says so

My parents were children of God, and were anxious that my brothers and sisters, together with myself, should be brought to know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior. They insisted on our going to the Sunday school, and also to hear the Word of God preached.
The preaching on one Sunday night I well remember. When it was over the preacher went to the door, and spoke to the people as they passed out. Presently he took my sister aside and spoke to her. I saw the tears flow, and indeed I believe my sister was converted that night. In anger I said, "If that's the way he works, making people cry, he is not going to speak to me"; and, crossing the room, I went out by another door.
I lived on without God, getting further and further away from Him after this. But at length the Holy Spirit stopped me, showing me that I was a lost, hell-deserving sinner. He also showed me that I could not get salvation by my own works, or in any way other than by receiving Christ.
I was miserable, and continued in this state for some time, praying God to save me before it was too late, for I knew that if I died in my sins my portion would be outer darkness forever and ever. I knew if the Lord should come, and with His voice wake the dead and call the living, and take them to His home, that my parents would go with Him and that I would be left behind. Though the Word told me that Christ came to seek and to save the lost, I refused to make Him my own. Prayers and works were of no avail; and my misery increased, until God in His grace showed me what does avail.
One Saturday morning, while eating my breakfast, I was reading in a monthly periodical a piece entitled, "Because God says so." The story was about an old lady questioning a gentleman as to how she was to know she had eternal life. The gentleman told her to believe she had it, and on this foundation, "because God says so." Those few words were used to the deliverance of the old lady from her doubts and fears, and, looking into my own heart as I read it, God used it to my deliverance also. I knew I had eternal life, "because God says so." How well I remember that morning! I could have danced for joy. I took God at His word; I knew I was saved there and then, and never have I doubted Him since.
Now I can look forward to the coming of Christ with joy instead of fear. I know that I am a child of God, and that my Father has reserved for me a mansion in heaven. The Lord Jesus said: "In My Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, and...I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." Thanks be to God that, where Christ is, that is the place where we shall dwell. He will not send an angel to fetch us, but will come for us in His own blessed Person, and throughout the endless ages of eternity we shall be with Him and like Him.
"With Thee in garments white,
Lord Jesus, we shall walk,
And spotless in that heavenly light
Of all Thy sufferings talk."
And now, dear unsaved reader, ask yourself this question, "Where shall I spend eternity?" Where? Where?
Take God at His word. Believe it, "because God says so." If you spurn the offer, your portion must be weeping and wailing throughout eternity. Eternity! Where shall I spend eternity?
C. S.

Jesus, Friend Unfailing

Do you never crave for love, for a friend who can sympathize with all your troubles, and whose love never fails? Jesus is such an One— He loves you! Just think of that: Jesus Christ loves you.
Now what will you do with that love? Reject it? Neglect it? Slight it? Scorn it? Will you not rather come now to Him who loves you so much? He died to save you from your sins and to have you with Him in glory.
Reader, the love of Jesus is the most precious thing you can have. He loves you. He comes to you now in His mercy and calls you to Himself calls you to eternal blessedness calls you to receive His love.
Will you trust in Him as your Savior, your Lord, your Deliverer from sin? Do you not desire to be set free from the dominion of sin? Sin in your heart keeps you unhappy. It makes you proud, hateful, envious. Sin will destroy you forever if you are not saved from it; and Jesus only can save you, for "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Now what will you do with the love of Jesus? It is for you, it is yours to receive or refuse. Will you receive it, or will you refuse it? Will you come to Him now and let Him save you? This is what I urge you to do for your own good, your present and eternal good.
For this One who loves you wants you to come to Him, to trust Him that He may save you, take all your sins away, give you an eternal home with Himself and His people.

Whiter Than Snow

The snow is falling; soft and white and still,
Like finest fleece, or softest eider down,
It throws a mantle o'er you distant hill,
O'er meadow, copse, and o'er the busy town;
O'er all the world 'tis slowly settling down
To clothe the earth in robe of dazzling white,
And hide it from our sight.

How pure! How spotless! In the golden light
Of sunset, as the clouds begin to break,
And from the glorious sky the sunbeams bright
Ten thousand diamonds of those crystals make,
Their dazzling splendors all our wonder wake,
And we exclaim, "What whiter can we know
Than this, the drifted snow?"

But look again. Still through the frosty air,
The soft and fleecy flakes are whirling round.
Yet, looking up, we see but dark specks there—
In them no brightness can be found;
Those flakes that look so white upon the ground,
For their own light—they've lost in heaven's light,
Which they reflect so bright.

'Tis so with souls. They may seem good and fair,
And in our eyes they may seem beautiful;
But in the light of God they all appear
Blackened by sin and ruined by the fall.
God says there is none righteous-sinners all,
Ruined, undone, unfit for heaven and God,
Worms only of the sod.

Yet there's one remedy, sin's only cure,
For washed in Jesus' blood, thou may'st be pure,
Cleansed and made whiter than the drifted snow,
The whitest thing that mortal eye can know,
And thus prepared, reflect God's wondrous light,
Like crystal snow, so white.
Jean Rule Baridon

"Through this Man (Jesus) is preached
unto you the forgiveness of sins: and by
Him all that believe are justified from
all things."
Acts 13:38, 39


He Made the Coupling

A missionary to the lumber camps sat one afternoon in a bunkhouse, reading his Bible. A tall, well-built man, who was a brakeman on one of the logging trains, came in slightly intoxicated. Seeing the missionary reading the Bible, he began to curse and blaspheme God, the Bible and all Christians. Then he spat a quantity of tobacco juice on the open Bible and turned and left the room.
In the early hours of the next morning a hasty summons was sent to the missionary asking him to come to the office at once as there had been an accident. On entering he found that same brakeman lying crushed and bleeding. He had fallen under a car and his right leg had been severed from his body.
"As I approached," said the missionary, "he extended his hand and humbly asked me to forgive him. I assured him that I had already forgiven him. Then anxiously I put the question: "How is it with your soul, Jack?"
"I am a lost man," he said unhesitatingly.
With my heart lifted to God for guidance, I related to him the story of the thief on the cross and his agonizing cry to the Savior: "Remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom." Then I told him Christ's answer, "To-day shalt thou be with Me in paradise," and gave him the Bible promise: "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
With closed eyes he repeated with me the prayer, "God be merciful to me a sinner." Then a smile spread over his face as he said, "I see! I see! I see!"
A train was hastily made up to take poor Jack to the hospital sixty miles away. As I sat by his side, one of his fellow-workmen extended to him a whiskey flask with the remark, "Take a little of this, Jack."
"Boys," said Jack, "that is what brought me where I am. It was liquor that separated me from all I held dear—my wife and my children. It is whiskey that has brought me to my death tonight. Promise me that you will never touch another drop, and that you will take Jesus Christ as your personal Savior."
After a period of silence, which seemed like an hour, he suddenly reached for my hand. Grasping it, his face all aglow, he said: "I see! I see! Tell the boys I—made—the—coupling," and with a smile on his face he passed into the presence of the Lord.

Thousands of Wrecks

A luxury liner with many noted passengers aboard was steaming across the Atlantic. Seated at the captain's table was a young woman who casually inquired, "How far are we now from the nearest land?"
The general consensus among the passengers was that it was about eight hundred miles to land, but the captain turned the matter over to a quiet gentleman sitting near him. This gentleman looked at his watch and at a chart, and then he amazed his listeners by replying: "Just about seventy yards."
"The land I speak of," he continued, "is only thirty-six fathoms beneath this ship. It is the summit of an under-water elevation known among oceanographers as the Laura Ethel mountain, and rises about twenty thousand feet above the lowest known level of the Atlantic basin. This mountain, part of a great submarine elevation, or range, was discovered in 1878, and was charted as the highest of its peaks.
"Further west, towards America, lies Sainthill, the first underwater mountain discovered in the Atlantic in the year 1832. It has the doubtful honor of being in a region where many ships have been lost. It is estimated that at its base must lie about seven thousand wrecks.
"A rather gruesome distinction this! Still, of course, it is no fault of the mountain in question. Some parts of the ocean appear to be, from various causes, like death traps to ships."
What an analogy to the course of humanity through this life! If a great chart could be constructed to depict the journey from birth to the grave, and on into the vast eternity beyond, it would in many respects remind us of the map of the Atlantic. We should find marked upon the great ocean of life many a submarine mountain—sunken peaks, yet sufficiently near the surface to be of grave peril to souls in transit. And at the base of these underwater elevations, what wrecks should we find!
A danger spot is that marked vice—much ruin and loss are to be found in its neighborhood. Rocks a n d whirlpools abound. Still, for the most part they are plainly visible, and they who strike here and go down to perdition do so usually with their eyes open. Vice has its gilded palaces as well as its slums. Its road may lie as often through scenes of luxury and splendor as through a slum or a prison, but destruction is at the end of it all. At the base of the hill of vice innumerable wrecks are to be found.
Not far from that spot on the chart we should find the sunken hill of pleasure. Indeed, many would call it the hill of innocent pleasure, and by this very fact its danger and fatality may be measured. Who can tell how many are to be found cruising in its vicinity?
And how harmless it all looks! What more pleasant than to gratify one's every desire and continually indulge oneself according to taste! You ask: "Why should I not? What harm is there in it?" These are questions continually heard.
It is, however, a fact that the line between the pleasure that is innocent and that which is ensnaring and poisonous is very elusive and, therefore, very hard to draw. It is also a fact that all the pleasures of sin have the effect of shutting God out of our calculations. Can any of them therefore be harmless or innocent? Hardly; but divine and lasting pleasures there are, thank God! But around the base of the sunken hill of pleasure lie far more wrecks than ever have foundered at the hill of vice.
Another glance at the great chart of life, and we should see the submarine hill of false or nominal religion. This would, we suspect prove to be the "Sainthill" of the map, judged by the souls which, in these more enlightened lands, have been misled and ruined by this means.
A true "saint," according to Scripture, is one who has been "born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God," 1 Peter 1:23, one who has been "redeemed... with the precious blood of Christ." 1 Pet. 1: 18, 19. To imagine that one can be a "saint," a "child of God," by any other process is the most dangerous deceit imaginable, and there is no more certain way of courting disaster and spiritual shipwreck.
No religious ceremonies nor observances can put one into right relations with God and into vital connection with Christ; and these are the two things needed. Religion may be false, disguising the fact of sinfulness and need. It also hides from the sinner what is for the true glory of Jesus as God and Man, and the absolute sufficiency of His atoning work on the Cross and the value of His resurrection. On the other hand, profession of religion may be true as far as it goes; but is it only a nominal thing with you? Then it will be fatal indeed. Only faith in Christ—a living and personal faith in Him—can save the soul.
"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." 1 Cor. 6: 9-11.

Hope to Have

While preaching the gospel in a certain district, I had only one evening to devote to a particular place. In the afternoon, a young believer informed me that her mother, Mrs. Harden, had promised to come to the gospel meeting that night. She was an elderly person, by no means opposed to the things of God, but had never given evidence of having simply received the truth of the gospel in its peace-giving power. Anxious as the daughter was for her mother's blessing, she was nevertheless importunate that I should not speak personally to her for fear of her being offended, and laid rather a strict embargo on my lips, should I happen to come in contact with the old lady.
At the close of the evening gospel meeting, as I was standing near the door, I saw Mrs. Harden, whom I recognized from the afternoon's conversation, passing slowly out. Offering her a little tract, and at the same time expressing a wish that she might suffer no harm from the rain which was falling in torrents, she replied that she did not think she would, and further, that she was glad that she had come, for she had enjoyed the meeting.
As I had been speaking on the text, "Be it known, therefore, unto you that the SALVATION of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it"—(Acts 28:28), I added, "I trust you now know the salvation of God, and have eternal life."
"I hope so," she replied, showing no desire to pass me.
"But why should you only 'hope,' my friend, when God wishes you to 'know' that, if believing in His Son, you have eternal life?"
"Well, sir, I believe in the Son of God; and all I can say is, I 'hope,' and I don't think anyone can 'know' as long as they are in this world."
"If you will permit," I answered, "I will show you just one little verse in the Word of God which will settle that matter definitely."
"You need not trouble yourself," said she. "I know the Word of God well. Ever since I was a child I have studied it, and I don't believe there is a verse you can show me that I don't know."
"Just one, Mrs. Harden."
"Well, where is it?" said she.
Taking her large-print Bible from her hands, I found and read to her, "These things have I written unto you that believe in the name of the Son of God, that ye may KNOW that ye HAVE eternal life." I John 5:13. I read it a second time, and then said, "Do you believe in the name of the Son of God?"
"I do," was the emphatic reply.
"You really do own that you are a lost sinner needing salvation, and that nothing but the shed blood of the Son of God could avail to put away your sins?"
"I do."
"You repudiate all thought of salvation by your own works, confess that you are an undone, guilty sinner, and now simply believe in the name of the Son of God?"
"I do," was again the short and sincere answer. "Well, then, granting all that; have you eternal life?"
"I hope so."
"Oh," was my reply, "I see it now! In the days when you went to school, which is, of course a great while ago, they used to spell differently than now."
"How so, sir?"
"Why, K-N-O-W used to spell H-O-P-E in those days?"
"Not at all, sir."
"What did it spell?"
"Why, of course, it spelled KNOW the same as now."
"There is a mistake somewhere," I replied, "there must be, for you say you believe in the name of the Son of God and He says, 'These things have I written unto you that believe in the name of the Son of God, that ye may KNOW that ye have eternal life.' And you stand there and tell me that you only hope you have it."
"Let me see that verse myself," said the old lady. Suiting the action to the words, she thrust her hands into her pocket. Taking out and adjusting her spectacles, once and again she read slowly to herself, and then most emphatically, out loud, "These things have I written unto you that BELIEVE ON THE NAME OF THE SON OF GOD, that ye may KNOW that ye HAVE ETERNAL LIFE."
The Spirit of God blessed her perusal of the sacred message, and filled her heart with peace as she believed it. "Hope" died on the spot, and faith and amazement mingled had full possession of her soul.
Looking up, she now added, "Well, isn't that strange? For, often as I have read the Epistle of John, I never saw that verse yet. Of course I must have read it, for I am very fond of John's writings; but I never saw it in the light I do now. I am very glad you spoke to me, sir, and showed me that verse. Dear me, how dark I have been, and there it was all the time and so plain too; I wonder I never saw it before!"
"Well, thank God you see it now, and you believe it simply as it stands, don't you?"
"Oh, yes! There's no room left for 'hoping' or doubting now; I'm sure now, and I have to thank you for drawing my attention to the Lord's Word."
We had a little more conversation; and then seeing that she was now resting simply on the Lord and His blessed written Word, I bade her "Good night," closing our short and only possible earthly interview with this question, "And now, Mrs. Harden, if a friend meets you on your way home and asks, 'Have you eternal life?' what will you say?"
With a face beaming with joy in the assurance of God's salvation, she replied, "I shall tell them that I KNOW I HAVE IT because I believe in Jesus. And God has said, 'These things have I written unto you that believe in the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life.' Good night and good-by, sir."
To her it was truly a good night and to me truly a good-by, for not many weeks later the old lady passed away to be forever with the Lord, in the sweet enjoyment of the present possession of eternal life.
And now, my dear reader, I trust you will be as simple as the one of whom I have written. If you know that you are a ruined, lost sinner (and you must know it if you accept the testimony of the Word of God) just look away from yourself simply to Jesus. You will never get peace by looking to yourself, or trying to realize or feel assurance. This is obtained only and simply by receiving God's testimony to you. You must receive His witness to you before there can be any witness in you. Nothing can be simpler. I must be in a relationship in order to enjoy its proper affections, or fulfill its duties. I must know that I am a son of God, before I can feel like one; so must you. I must know (and I do know) from God's Word that I "have eternal life," before I can (and I do) feel that I have it. SO MUST YOU.

A Pauper's Grave

Big headlines proclaimed: "HEIR TO FOUR MILLION DOLLARS LIES IN PAUPER'S GRAVE." A newspaper writer, commenting on it, said: "Every heir to four million, or four hundred million, lies in a pauper's grave. Every corpse is a pauper. There are no pockets in shrouds, no bank accounts in the place to which we go from here."
This is only partly true. So far as taking earthly possessions along when we pass out of this world, a modern poet has expressed it this way:
"Out of this life I shall never take
Things of silver and gold that I make.
All that I cherish and hoard away,
After I leave, on the earth must stay.
"Though I have toiled for a painting rare
To hang on my wall, I must leave it there.
Though I call it mine and I boast of its worth,
I must give it up when I quit the earth.
"All that I gather and all that I keep,
I must leave behind when I fall asleep.
And I wonder often what I shall own
In that other life, where I go alone."
But to say there are "no bank accounts in the place to which we go from here" is the very opposite to the Scripture that commands us to "lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal." Matt. 6:20.
This is the very antithesis of what was previously stated in the same connection: "lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal."
What then is set before us? You have a soul! What is it worth to you? This is the great question. "What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
"To lose your wealth is much;
To lose your health is more.
To lose your soul is such a loss
As no one can restore."
Do you trifle with the matter as though it were worthless to consider? Dear reader, you must face the responsibility, either here or in another world. It cannot be evaded. The Savior said: "Take heed, and beware of covetousness; for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth." You may amass the wealth of the world, only to leave it behind when you "fall asleep."
Hear this parable spoken by the Lord of glory: "A certain rich man" possessed fields which brought forth plentifully. The bountiful yield of this man's ground caused him to consider how he could bank his possessions.
"What shall I do," he asks his soul, "because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.
And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry." (See Luke 12:16-21.)
What a solution of the problem that would affect him for all eternity! But he had not reckoned far enough. Just as he prepares to live he is called up to die!
"Thou fool!" the voice from heaven declares: "This night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."
Beloved, God so values the souls of men that He gave His only begotten Son to die, "that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3: 16.
What an unspeakably precious gift to sinful men from a loving, holy God! And what does He require in return? He says, "My son, give Me thine heart!" Prov. 23:26.
Here, in this life, everything is uncertain and perishable. There, in that life, everything is certain and sure. Banks do not fail there; no thief approaches there; neither does moth corrupt. Is your treasure there? If so, that is the dwelling place for your heart; and soon, in that eternal day, you will know the fullness of His great gift.
Dear soul, your love, your heart, are the treasure that God requires and values. Have you committed into His keeping the eternal welfare of your immortal soul? Then rest and peace should be your present portion and joy unspeakable and full of glory are yours eternally.


"Aye, but I wove the cruel crown of thorns
To pierce His brow—A crown to prove
In mockery we would not have
The Son of God as King o'er us."
But sweet and true
The words, "for you,
For every one of you."
"Ah, me; I threw Him backward there
Upon the cross—in demon strength;
Made helpless, Christ—God's unresisting Lamb
Who used His power to heal, and bless and save."
But love anew
Cries out, "for you,
For every one of you."
"And I (in tears and bitterness I tell)
I held His quivering hand while, fiendish, fell
The anguish-strokes upon the rasping nail!
The hand which healed-What can for me avail?"
Aye—if you knew!—
He says, "for you,
For every one of you."
"But I, oh, misery! I bound His feet
With soiled hands awhile, then fixed them there;
Feet, hunting sin and sorrow through the land
In love that could not rest while One had strength."
Still, like the dew,
The sweet "for you,
For every one of you."
Oh souls, no matter what your sins have been
Against the Lord of Life—between
Your heart, so stained, and His, there lies
Alone the wondrous love which cries:
"I shed My blood,
I gave My life for you;
Ah, how can ye, refusing, wound anew?"
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7


A Delinquent Reclaimed

Leonard Deane, though brought up in a God-fearing home, was incorrigible. At the tender age of seven he was hauled into the Police Court, and at ten was sent to a reform school. As a youth and young man, gambling and drink made him a wandering tramp; and finally, for brutally beating his wife, he was sentenced to prison.
Coming out of prison during World War 2, he at once enlisted and after "boot training" was sent to France. Through several engagements he courted death rather than feared it, hoping a sniper's bullet would end his miserable life; but, while comrades fell around him, he was spared.
One night behind the lines, he heard the singing of a hymn he had learned in his early years. It came from a hut where nightly services were held by the Christian Soldiers' Association. Soul sick, and his last penny gone in gambling, he went in and took a' back seat. The melody brought back memories of boyhood days, and stirred feelings long deadened by sin. He thought of his childhood with a saddened heart. The deep-toned voices of the massed men were not like the clear bright notes of long ago, but old memories crowded in upon his mind. He wished he could go back to the long ago and start afresh! But impossible—and any day he might be lying in some bullet-riddled spot in the front. The old hymn surely was not for such as he! Indeed, if these people only knew what he was, they would order him out! He wouldn't wait for that, and rose to leave. But just at that moment he caught the words of the hymn:
"Tell me the story softly, in earnest tones and grave,
Remember, I'm the sinner whom Jesus came to save,
Tell me the story always if you would really be,
In any time of trouble, a comforter to me."
He sank back in his corner and felt as though some kind friend had spoken; and he waited until the hymn was finished. Again he was at the point of leaving, but was held back as by an invisible hand.
The softly spoken word of the text was: "Come." The speaker seemed to be speaking to him, when he commented: "This is the mother word." Then he continued, "we think of her outstretched hands teaching us to walk, and inviting us to her comforting arms or to the embrace of her forgiveness. It is the voice of Jesus who speaks it now to you, whoever you may be. His is a greater love than ever a mother knew. He lived for you and died for you—COME! He will forgive and bless and make you a blessing. Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow. COME!"
"Oh, dear Savior, I do come to Thee, just as I am." Could such a cry from his heart go unheeded? Had not the Savior said, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"? There and then the soldier boy opened his heart to the Lord and passed from death to life.
In the large after-meeting Leonard was the first to raise his hand as a sign that he had responded to the Savior's "Come!"
"This is the happiest day of my life," he said. "Now I can write to my wife and my mother and tell them the good news. It will be the best they have ever heard."
From that moment he sought the same blessing for his comrades. That same night, putting his hand on the shoulder of another soldier, he urged him to turn to the Savior of sinners. Without a word the man followed him into the after-meeting.
"Here's a chum who wants to come, too," said Leonard. "I know he does."
Leonard was right, and soon he had the joy of clasping the hand of a brother in Christ, and of welcoming him into the family of God.
Dear reader, have you heard by faith the Savior's voice, "Come unto Me"? He is not asking you to DO anything. The work is DONE. Listen to His words—His dying words: "IT IS FINISHED." The work of redemption was completed upon the cross, and the Victim upon the cross is the VICTOR upon the throne.
Dear lost one, hopeless, delinquent, incorrigible, and bound for eternal doom, Jesus Christ "is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him." Heb. 7: 25.

Sow Thy Seed

We are at the beginning of another year. Many thousands now entering it will have passed away before it is ended! These seasons that remind us of the rapid march of time, and of the equally rapid approach of eternity, may well fill our minds with serious thoughts.
Perhaps most of the readers of Echoes of Grace have witnessed death in some form during the last twelve months. Funeral processions are common occurrences in our cities! Or it may be that the last dread enemy has entered your home, my reader, and laid his ruthless hand upon an object of your deep affection. Has not this been a voice to you?
"It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." Heb. 9:27.
In view of this, we would affectionately and earnestly ask you, Is it well with your soul? You are now at the start of a New Year. Begin it with Christ, we beseech you. Spend it for Christ; then, should He call you or should Christ come before its close, you will spend eternity with Him.
Reader, God loves you. He longs to have your allegiance and affection. He died to save you. If you are still in your sins, respond to Him now. Is not the amazing love He showed at Calvary enough to win you? Again we beseech you, come to Him as a poor, helpless, unworthy sinner; trust Him with your soul, and present yourself to Him as a grateful and "a living sacrifice." Rom. 12:1.
To those who know the Lord, we would say, "Sow thy seed!" Sow it "in the morning," sow it at noontide, sow it "in the evening." And, "Let us not be weary in well-doing."
To all distributors of Gospel tracts we would say, "Sow thy seed" in faith; scatter it in prayerfulness. "In due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Oh, what words of encouragement for those who distribute the Word at home and abroad! "Sow thy seed," and God will give the increase.
Not long ago a lady told us how the Lord had met her need and saved her soul. She had been anxious about her salvation for a long time. The Spirit of God had wrought conviction in her conscience, and she longed for peace, but knew not how or where to find it. One day she noticed a bit of paper in her garden; it looked untidy, and she picked it up, intending to throw it over the fence into the road. It was a torn tract. She put the pieces together, began to read it, and before she had finished it found that God had used it to speak peace to her soul!
"Sow thy seed." Possibly the tract distributor, had he seen the tract being torn and thrown away, would have thought his labor lost; but, "Sow thy seed... for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that."
A few years ago a Christian friend was on a train going to another city. In the coach was a young man most zealously distributing tracts. All the passengers but one had courteously received what had been politely offered. This one was a young lady, elegantly attired, who, when her turn came, kept intently looking out the window as though admiring the scenery. The young man quietly placed the tract on the seat beside her. At the next station she got out, and her place was taken by a careless-looking lad. When the train had started he noticed the tract lying on the seat beside him. He picked it up and threw it out of the window. The Christian, anxious to know what its fate would be, put his head out of the window to see. It fluttered about in the wind for a little, and finally dropped at the feet of a plate-layer on the line. The man picked it up, read its title, wiped off the dust, and put it in his pocket. "Ah," thought the Christian, "it has reached the one for whom God intended it."
May we not hope to meet that plate-layer in glory as the result of reading that tract?
Again we say, "Sow thy seed."
"I (Paul) have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase." 1 Cor. 3: 6.

I'm Going by the Book

Two men, one a ship-building foreman, the other one of the carpenters under him, were standing on the deck of a steamship then on the stocks in one of the ship yards.
"Well, Sam," said the foreman, "I have been anxious to have a conversation with you. I'm told you are one of those who say they know for certain that they are saved. Is that true?"
"Yes," said Sam, "quite true. Thank God, I know I'm saved; in fact, there is nothing I'm more sure of, than that I'm saved."
"Well, now," said the foreman, "that is something I cannot see through, how any man can say that he is saved as long as he is in this world. I think it is rather presumptuous for anyone to say so. I used to attend a certain place of worship a good many years ago, and several of the leading men in it pressed me to join them, but I could not, for I knew I was not a Christian, and told them so. In fact, I was disgusted with them. I knew so many who went to that place, and pretended to remember the death of Christ. I knew they were just as bad as I was. I left them, and have never gone to any place since. I concluded the whole thing was a sham, and that there was no reality in Christianity at all."
"Well," said Sam, "I'm not at all surprised at you, but there is a reality in being saved, in being a child of God, and in knowing it. What is the breadth of this waterway?"
The foreman, astonished at the apparently sudden change in the conversation, said, "Why, fourteen inches all around, to be sure; what makes you ask that, when you know?"
"But are you quite sure it is to be fourteen inches?" said Sam.
"But what makes you so sure?" asked Sam.
"Why, I'm going by the book!" And as he said so, he pulled a book out of his pocket, in which were marked the sizes and position of the various things on the deck. "I'm sure it is fourteen inches, for it is in the book, and I got the book from headquarters."
"Oh, I see," said Sam. "Now look here; that is exactly how I know I'm saved. I'm just going by the book. It came from headquarters—it is God's Word. I found in here that I was a lost, condemned sinner, worthy of nothing but the lake of fire; but I also found that 'God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' John 3:16.
"I took God at His word, and I'm saved; and you too may be saved if you will, simply as you are, a lost, condemned sinner. Believe in Jesus; that is, trust Him as your Savior, and you are saved; and then you can say without presumption, 'I KNOW I'm saved, for I'm going by the Book.' "
Can you say, on the authority of God's Word, "I know I'm saved"? Profession without the new birth will never take you to heaven. Before it is too late, hear the voice of Jesus calling, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matt. 11:28.
"He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life." John 5:24.

A Big Difference

"There is a wide difference between your religion and mine," said a lady to one in whose spiritual welfare she had long been interested.
"Indeed," said he; "what is that?"
"Your religion," she replied, "has only two letters in it, and mine has four."
It seems the gentleman was one of a numerous class who are seeking to reach heaven by doing, by ordinances and ceremonies, by what the Apostle speaks of in Hebrews 9 as "dead works." But he did not understand about the two letters and the four.
Often had this friend spoken to him about his soul and eternity. Now she was leaving for a while and had called to say good-by. "What do you mean," said he, "by two letters and four?"
"Why," the lady replied, "your religion is D-O, do; and mine is D-O-N-E, done!"
She took her leave, but her words stuck in his mind and changed entirely the whole current of his thoughts. DO is one thing; DONE quite another. The Savior came to DO a mighty work, the work of salvation, and on the cross He said, "IT IS FINISHED!" Reader, which word describes your religion: DO or DONE?
"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us... that being justified by His grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life." Titus 3:5,7.

Few Preach Hell Now

Hell is so seldom mentioned today that when it is preached you are startled. You open your eyes wide and say: "Only a few preach hell now!"
Because so few preach it now, hell is rarely thought about. Why is it so seldom mentioned in the pulpit? You admit that you often heard it preached in days gone by, and it seemed to be needed then. But is it not now? Why not? Has the Bible changed, or has hell—that dread place of the departed lost—become so unpopular, so unpleasant to the ear of the world, that the unconverted will not hear it? Must the message be suited to the times, and, in pleasing the unbelieving hearer, no hell be preached?
The wicked dead, in past days, were destined for such a place. What becomes of those now who live and die without Christ? One thing for sure—they are not with the righteous. God would ruin heaven if He allowed sin to enter that holy place. True, He loves sinners, but He hates sin; and if sinners refuse, in life, God's provision for their cleansing—the precious blood of Jesus—then their sin must take them, in death, to the eternal abode of sinners.
Is not this future destiny of the unrighteous that same hell which so few now preach about? Is it just and right to let them go to such a place without warning? Whitfield, McCheyne, and other godly men in their day made no mistake by preaching of death, judgment, and eternity, and warning thousands to flee from hell to Christ. Their authority was the whole Word of God, unbiased by man's opinions. They spoke the word of truth and it is still true today.
If no one preached about death it would be absurd to say that men do not die; and if no one preaches hell, it is just as absurd to say that men do not go there. Men may hush it up, pulpits shut down on it, infidels deny its existence; yet HELL IS. The unbelief of man does not alter the fact that "the wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." Psa. 9:17.
Oh, sinner, believe the Word of God, else you will be shut out forever from God and Christ, from light, love and peace. You may be saved today! It was to save men from sin and hell that Jesus came and died. Has He saved you? If you will not have Christ as your Savior in this life, you'll not see Christ nor heaven in all eternity.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3: 16.

God's Unspeakable Gift

A weary one sat at Jacob's well; He had left the land of the Pharisees. It was Jesus. He came in love to His own, to save them from their sins; but they received Him not. Weary and grieved was His tender heart, as He sat about the sixth hour at Jacob's well.
There is a woman coming with her water pot to the well. She is one to whom the proud Pharisee would scorn to speak. She is a despised Samaritan-and that is not all; she is a poor, wretched being, living in open sin. She little knows that she is about to meet the eye of Him who knows all that ever she did. She arrives at the well, and is astonished that Jesus, being a Jew, should ask her to give Him to drink. "Jesus answered, and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of Him, and He would have given thee living water."
He did not say, If thou were not so great a sinner. He did not say, If thou wilt reform and become a holy woman, then I will give thee living water. No! No! No! He let her know that He knew all that ever she had done. But there was such a depth of pity, grace, and compassion in the wondrous countenance; such tender love to the sinner in those words, that it won her heart, it converted her soul. Christ was revealed to her; and leaving her water pot she went to the city, her soul so full of Christ, that forgetting her own shame, she said: "Come see a man which told me all that ever I did; is not this the Christ?"
My reader, can you meet the eye of Him w h o knows every thought of your heart from childhood, and all that ever you did, open and naked to His eye, and can you say that you are not a sinner? How was it, do you think, that there was nothing in Jesus to repel this wretched sinner? And what can those words mean: "If thou knewest the gift of God"?
Is this the one great thing needed by a poor wretched sinner? It is; there can be no mistake about it, for Jesus says so. Of whatever nation, my reader, you may be—whatever the sins. you may have committed—what you need is not the waters of the Ganges, or the intercession of saints, or works of amendment; no, the first thing you need is to know the gift of God.
Do you ask who and what is the gift of God? The same that met that poor Samaritan sinner, Jesus the Son of God; as also it is written: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." "The gift of God is eternal life." "He that hath the Son hath life; he that hath not the Son of God, hath not life."
My reader, He is the gift, God's unspeakable gift. You cannot merit it. He that knows all that ever you did, all that you are, sets before you Jesus the crucified, Jesus the risen one, Jesus the glorified. Do you know Him, the gift of all gifts?
Do you say, "But my sins are heavy, they press me down, what must I do?"
"If thou knewest the gift of God!"
Yes, even though you may have committed every sin that has been done in this dark world, yet God's gift, "redemption through His blood," abounds above it all. His very business is to save just such burdened, weary, heavy-hearted sinners as you are. May God reveal to your soul, my reader, Christ Jesus! Change of heart and holiness of life will follow; but the first thing is the gift of God.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matt. 6:33.

Assurance for the New Year

As the old year now is waning,
And the New Year comes in view,
Blessed Savior, we acknowledge
Thou hast led us "hitherto."

"Hitherto" Thy many mercies
Have encompassed every day,
And we have Thy precious promise—
Thou wilt be with us alway.

Oh, what peace and joy in knowing
Thou art ever by our side,
And Thy loving hand of wisdom
Will forever be our guide.

What a merciful Redeemer!
What a wondrous Savior, too!
What a gracious, loving Shepherd
Who has led us "hitherto"!

Entering another New Year,
Pausing, we would contemplate
All Thy love's accomplished for us,
All Thy mercies, oh so great!

And we praise Thee for assurance,
Who has led us "hitherto,"
That Thy presence will go with us.
Every day the New Year through.
Lois Beckwith
"He (God) hath appointed a day, in the which He will fudge the world in righteousness by that
Man whom He hath ordained."
Acts 17:31