Echoes of Grace: 1991
Table of Contents
God Held Him Fast!
ALL morning Jack had been working in the hold of the ship, helping to load the cargo. The operation was going smoothly. Like clockwork, as the big crane overhead swung down a loaded trolley, an empty one came up to be reloaded. A fast worker and efficient, Jack kept pace with the incoming loads and looked forward to a quick end to the job.
Then disaster struck. Adjusting the rope around one of the empty trolleys, he gave the signal to Unknown to himself, he had caught his boot in a coil of the rope, and when the engine was started he found himself jerked from his footing and swung aloft to a height of forty feet.
The driver of the crane engine did not notice thing wrong until the trolley with its human freight had reached the jib-head. Then he panicked and stopped the engine.
The men below were horror-stricken as they gazed at him hanging head downwards beneath the heavy trolley. They realized that at any minute his boot might slip from the rope and the man come hurtling to the dock. But God was watching over him. The trolley was slowly lowered to the dock, and he was rescued from his perilous position.
Once released, Jack began calmly to go about his work once more. The men crowded around him. "Aren't you going home?" they asked, evidently thinking the shock would have completely unnerved him.
"No," he said, "I'm all right. I'm a Christian, and God has saved my life. You've heard me singing that hymn, 'He will hold me fast,' and He did hold me."
Later he described how the words of the hymn rang through his mind as he hung suspended in mid-air, and he knew that the One who had saved his soul could also keep him from sudden death. This calm assurance helped him to remain quiet until he was safe once more.
The Good Shepherd who gave His life for the sheep gives this promise concerning each of His own sheep: I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father's hand. (John 10:28, 29.)
How secure the sheep are between those two almighty hands! The Apostle Paul knew this, and so he could say with confidence: I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day. (2 Tim. 1:12.)
It is because the Lord Jesus died on the cross for sinners that we may say, if we have trusted in Him: He was wounded for my transgressions, He was bruised for my iniquities; the chastisement of my peace was upon Him—and, if that is true, we may add: with His stripes [wounds] we are healed.
Have you ever put your trust in Him? If not, why not do so today? Then you will be able to know that your sins are forgiven for His name's sake, and you will also prove that He is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.
Only a step to Jesus!
'Then why not take it now?
Come, and thy sin confessing,
To Him thy Savior bow.
Only a step to Jesus!
Believe, and thou shalt live;
Lovingly now Se 's waiting,
And ready to forgive.
Wanted: an Eyewitness!
Wanted: An eyewitness to the traffic accident involving a truck on Highway 59.
This ad appeared in a newspaper in Houston, Texas, not long ago. Apparently there was some dispute as to what had happened. These people wanted an eyewitness of the accident in order to prove what had happened.
Did you know that the Bible also speaks of eyewitnesses? God doesn't want us to have any doubt in our minds about the truth of what happened in the Bible, so He gave us many eyewitnesses. In Luke's gospel he said there were those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses. (Luke 1:2.)
The Apostle Peter wanted to assure us that God's Word is true, so he wrote, We have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty. (2 Peter 1:16.)
The Apostle Paul tells us that when Jesus rose from the dead He was seen of Cephas [Peter], then of the twelve: after that, He was seen of above five hundred brethren at once. (1 Cor. 15:5, 6.) There were over five hundred eyewitnesses that Jesus rose from the dead!
Yes, God wants each one of us to be very sure that the Lord Jesus came into this world to die on the cross for our sins and that He rose again from the dead. He provided many eyewitnesses and He also gave us His own Word so that we do not need to have a single doubt. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life. (1 John 5:13.)
Peter said they were eyewitnesses of His majesty. The Lord Jesus is in heaven with all the majesty and glory of the One who will soon reign over all the world. You and I will some day be eyewitnesses of Jesus! If you have been cleansed from your sins in the precious blood of Christ, then you will see Him as your Savior in all the beauty and joy of God's home in heaven. If you turn away from God's offer of salvation, you will still see Jesus, but as your Judge. Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. (Rev. 1:7.)
Jesus is coming soon. How will it be when you are an eyewitness?
Saved and Happy
Walking along a country road one sultry day some years ago, I saw a cottage on the edge of a wood. Being thirsty I knocked on the door and asked for a drink of water.
"Come in and rest yourself while I get it fresh from the spring," said the elderly woman who answered the door.
In a few minutes she returned with a pitcher filled with cool, clear water from the spring. I remarked that it reminded me of the text: As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.
I was surprised at the old lady's answer. "Yes," she said, "and the good news has come all the way from heaven above that Jesus died for sinners. Isn't it a wonder that folks do not take it in and have their soul-thirst quenched?"
"Yes, it is a wonder," I said, "but thank God, some have taken it in. When did you?"
"Forty years ago," was the prompt reply, "and I have rejoiced in the knowledge of my salvation all those years."
I could only praise the Lord to think that in this lonely corner of God's creation was one of the Lord's hidden ones, little known beyond her own door, yet well known in heaven. Although poor in this world's goods, she was rich in faith and truly happy. As I said "good-bye" to her I wished that some of the world's great ones could have had her happy smile as she pointed upward and said, "We shall meet up there."
Yes, she had Christ; she was saved and happy. Are you? You may have all that the world can give, yet if you have no Christ, no salvation, you are a thirsty soul. Jesus said: Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst. (John 4:14.)
He that believeth on Me shall never thirst. (John 6:35.)
Too Fast
HIGHWAY patrolmen stopped a speeding driver near Missoula, Montana. "Oh, thank you, officer," said the driver's wife. "I've been telling him all the way over from Helena that he was driving too fast."
He had been breaking the law for 112 miles, and for 112 miles he had been warned about it. But he evidently paid no attention to these warnings and was at last stopped by the police.
Multitudes today are speeding down the broad way that leads to destruction. They are being constantly warned about it by God's Word, by His servants who speak in the pulpit, on the street, over the air. They are warned by gospel tracts handed to them. God sometimes has to speak to them through some accident or sickness, but still they rush headlong down to destruction. And then what happens to them after this brief life is over?
They must meet God someday. Death plays no favorites: each year, millions of people die in the world. Each day, many thousands. When will your turn come?
No one knows but God. How imperative therefore to stop, stop now, immediately, before you do anything else, and accept God's invitation.
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. (Isa. 1:18.)
Remember: there is a way to keep out of hell, but there is no way to get out of it.
To-day if ye will hear His voice,harden not your hearts. Hebrews 4:7
Stewart and Billy
INSEPARABLE—that's what Stewart and Billy were. They walked to school together, they walked home together, they spent their free time together. Naturally, then, when one boy began to be concerned about his soul's salvation, they both came to the gospel meeting. One night I met them there.
Stewart was sitting close to the wall, looking so serious that I was certain something was troubling him. Sitting down by him, I asked, "Well, Stewart, are you saved yet? Can you look forward to being with Jesus in that bright and happy home where they see His face?"
He raised his head and slowly replied, "I can't say that, but I would like to be saved and I have been trying all I can since last Friday night."
"And what have you been doing, Stewart?"
"When I went home from the meeting last Friday, I told my parents I would like to be saved, and they told me if I was good, and did what I was told, and kept God's commandments, I would be saved and get to heaven. They said that was in the Bible, so Billy and I have made up our minds to do this, and we will try and live as well as we can from now on," answered the boy.
The manner in which he spoke left no doubt in my mind that he was really in earnest about his salvation, but it was sad to think that he had been put on the wrong track to find it.
I told him: "There is no part of the Bible that says people will get to heaven if they are 'good' and 'keep the commandments.' I'll tell you what it does say. It says there is none good, no, not one. Everyone has broken the commandments. Just read Rom. 3:9-19, and Gal. 3:10, and you will see."
The boy looked utterly discouraged. He asked, "Then what can we do?"
"You can do nothing, Stewart, but if you and Billy come close, I will let you read in my Bible what Jesus has done for you."
The boys bent over my Bible, and we read, He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes [wounds] we are healed.
"Now all this was for lost sinners," I said. "He suffered and died that they might go free. I am saved by His work, and not by mine. Do you believe that Jesus died for you?"
"Yes, I do, for I am a sinner," said Stewart.
"You are quite sure you believe?"
"Quite sure."
"Well, now, let us see what Jesus says of those who believe." We turned to John 6:47. There Jesus says, Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life.
"Now what does He say you have, Stewart?" "Everlasting life—everlasting life!" said the boy, and his face lit up as he said it.
We separated then, but the next evening the two boys were back. I asked Stewart how it was with him now.
"Saved, sir, saved! And Billy here too. He saw it first, and we are both happy now."
The Unseen Helmsman
As a young man, Daniel Matthews was wild and reckless, always in rebellion against any authority. The one thing he loved was the sea, reveling in its dangers. He was daring beyond all the boys of his age, and older sailors, experienced in life on the sea, would not have dared to do the things he did.
An unbeliever, he would with forceful language and powerful argument prove, as he thought, that religion was a fallacy and God was a myth.
One night the fishing fleet was far out at sea when a storm of unusual intensity sprang up. Nets had to be cut adrift, and every boat made for the harbor. So great was the tempest that even Dan became alarmed. For the first time in his life he was really afraid.
His Christian friend, Tom Rogers, was at the wheel with him when a great wave broke over the bow and swept the little craft from stem to stern. Tom was torn from the wheel and hurled into the raging waves.
He had no time to think or grieve over the loss of his friend who had often urged him to trust in Christ; it was now a desperate and lonely struggle to reach the shore. For what seemed like hours of terror he clung to the wheel, driving on and on through the darkness with no sign of the harbor light. He was losing strength, and realized that he could not carry on much longer. The icy wind chilled him to the bone. The spray that broke in clouds over the vessel blinded him and cut his face.
Dan felt sure that he was near the land, though he could see nothing in the intense darkness. Through the roar of the wind he could hear the waves beating against the rocks like distant thunder, and his heart seemed to freeze with fear.
In that terrible moment he prayed. Hopeless, helpless, and despairing, he cried to God for help. It was only a desperate cry: "O God, help me!"
Then a strange thing happened. He felt a strong Hand was on the wheel, turning it in spite of his own despairing grip, turning it—and swinging the vessel from its course. In a moment the fury of the wind lessened, the waves grew quieter, and Dan found himself within his own harbor.
What he felt at that moment he could never describe. At first he was terribly afraid. He knew —yes, he knew—that God had taken the wheel from his hand and brought him through the inlet into the harbor, and he was afraid of the unseen Helmsman whom he had mocked and ridiculed. But it changed his whole life, and he had the courage to tell his mates what had happened and how God had come to his help. As soon as he was able, he came to ask for help and guidance, and soon he found the way to the Lord Jesus Christ and accepted Him as his own Savior.
Until that same strong and loving Hand steered his vessel of life into its final port, he was never tired of telling all who would listen the wonderful story of the unseen Helmsman.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Rom. 10:13.)
I know not why God's wondrous grace
To me He hath made known,
Nor why, unworthy as I am,
He claimed me for His own.
But "I know whom I have believed,
And am persuaded that He is able
To keep that which I've committed
Unto Him against that day."
No Christians in Hell
We heard the other day of a young man in Switzerland, the son of a Christian mother, expressing himself as being "sick and tired of Christians," and of hearing them or talking to them. So one day he decided to take the train to a lake where he could be out of their reach.
He bought his ticket, and took his seat in the train. No sooner had the train started, than two men began a serious conversation about the Bible. "Oh, no!" thought the young man, "I'm not going to stay here!"
So as soon as the train stopped, he jumped out and got into another compartment with some old ladies. To his dismay he found that the topic of their conversation was the coming of the Lord Jesus. He was greatly annoyed, but they soon reached the next station and he could see the boat he planned to take waiting at the dock.
"Ah, there is the boat," said he, and on looking again he saw, going on board, a number of laughing young men and women.
"At last," he thought, "I have found what I want." But as soon as the boat left the dock he found that it was a Christian school excursion.
Gloomily he wandered downstairs to the dining room, where he saw the Captain sitting, writing.
"Good morning, Captain," he said. "Where can I go to get rid of these cursed Christians?"
The Captain, who was a worldly man, looked up with a laugh and said, "To hell!"
In sudden shock the two men stared at each other, realizing the truth. There would be no Christians in hell—but—they themselves were not Christians! As the meaning of the Captain's light answer dawned upon them both, they recognized their own danger of going to that awful place. God used it to turn them both to seek Him. Now they are both Christians themselves!
Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near: let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. (Isa. 55:6, 7)
The Gamblers
A SUDDEN thunderstorm sent a flash flood rushing through the streets and into the buildings and gambling casinos of Las Vegas, Nevada. As the Colorado River rose, downtown streets were closed off and buildings sandbagged, but in the casinos it was "business as usual" to the patrons determined to carry on.
The manager of one place said, "Water was dripping on the slot machines and stools but the people kept pulling the handles. We finally had to ask them to move. It didn't seem to bother them at all. You hear stories like this. It's hard to believe until you see it. They are oblivious! They couldn't care less!"
Oblivious—not caring—while the thunderstorms raged and the flood waters swirled higher. It was a perfect picture of many, many people in the world today. We are living in a time of wars and rumors of wars, a time when nations are being swept by storms of revolution and change, a time when the greatest storm of all—the storm of God's judgment on the world—could break over a careless world at any time, but still men and women go on, oblivious to all the warnings.
They are gambling, not dollars and cents, but their lives and their souls—their everlasting souls. Intent only on the object before them, they are risking their eternal future for a temporary gain now. They don't care that the Lord Jesus said, What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
They willingly run that risk every day, gambling that tomorrow will find them still alive and with one more chance to be saved. But the end will come. Sooner or later, the end of physical life will come, the game will be ended and the gamble lost. What will be left? Only bitter, bitter regret and everlasting sorrow.
O, don't take any more chances! Stop gambling with your soul. Believe now. Receive Christ Jesus now. Tomorrow may be too late.
Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. (2 Cor. 6:2.)
The Doctor's Discovery
ALBERT was the son of Christian parents. During his early childhood he had been taught the Word of God and brought up in the fear of the Lord. In his college days he became acquainted with a student who professed himself to be an atheist and, much to the grief of his parents, Albert soon became an avowed atheist also.
After his graduation he entered medical school, and in due time he became a skilled and popular physician. But his heart was cold toward eternal things.
Albert spent twenty years ignoring God. However, he experienced many a misgiving. This was especially true when he remembered the happy Christian lives of his parents, or heard the dying words of some of his patients as they entered the world beyond in peace, confessing their faith in Christ and their certainty of being in heaven.
Late one afternoon the doctor was called to see a new patient, a man saved and bound for heaven.
"Tell me my true condition, doctor; do not hide it from me. I have no fear of death, no dread of the future—all is bright ahead. Forty years ago I came as a sinner to Jesus; He saved me and has kept me happy in His love ever since. It will be the grandest day of my life when He sends for me to dwell with Him."
The doctor was touched by his patient's statement. It was not the wanderings of insanity. It was not the daydream of a visionary. It was the calm, sober statement of a man of faith waiting on the borderline for the appointed hour that would usher him into the presence of his Lord.
The doctor examined his patient and, contrary to his usual custom, he told the whole truth: "You may live a day, or you may go within an hour."
"Praise the Lord," was the calm reply, "Open up the blinds; bring in the boys; tell the men in the factory to come in. I want to spend my last breath in telling them of Jesus."
The doctor could stand it no longer. He hurried away, and in fifteen minutes was in his office alone with God.
"There is a reality in being saved after all," he said to himself. "My mother used to tell me so. That dying man knows it, and has the power of it in him. I can't doubt it."
A terrible struggle in his soul followed. For weeks the doctor was not "at home". Another filled his appointments. And when he returned to his practice he was a different man—a man saved by God's almighty grace: calm in spirit, gentle as a child.
In the days of his absence he had met with God, met Him at the cross where as a sinner he cast him- self on His mercy, claiming forgiveness and salvation through the merits of the blood of Jesus alone.
His conversion became the talk of the town. Those who had so well known his atheistic principles stood in wonder, some in scorn. This was hard to bear, but it served to show him his place as a stranger, rejected by the world as was his Lord. Grace triumphed, and for many years the doctor carried on his profession and guided many a sick and dying sinner to the Savior.
There is a reality in being saved. Do you know it? If not, you may. Just receive the Lord Jesus as your own Savior now.
Be it known unto you...that through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: and by Him all that believe are justified from all things. (Acts 13:38, 39.)
Jesus said: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10
One Sin
Next to me sat a young girl. Everyone around us was busily talking, and we two alone seemed out of it. Turning to her, I said: "Can you tell how many sins it would take to shut one out of heaven?"
She replied thoughtfully: "Could God allow one sin in heaven any more than a thousand?"
"No," I said. "One sin in the Garden of Eden brought ruin to man and to all the earth beside. All the misery in all the world is the result of that one sin in Eden. If God allowed one sin in heaven it would ruin that too."
"Then why did you ask me that question?"
"Because, my dear, I want to ask you another: Have you ever committed one sin?" Her eyelids drooped, and she remained silent. In a moment I saw a large tear running down her cheek, and she softly said: "Yes, more than one."
"Could you," I said, "put your finger on one, one that you remember?"
Another time of silence followed. Then, with evident pain, she said: "Yes, not along ago I denied what I knew to be true. I wanted to avoid difficulty"
"Well, then," I said, "by your own confession you have committed at least one sin. You said what I believe is true: that one sin would shut us out of heaven as well as a thousand. You are then shut out already. What are you going to do?"
A change came over her like a flash. Her eyes, still full of tears, looked straight at me as she said reverently: "The Lord Jesus died for me. He is my only hope."
For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God. (1 Peter 3:18.)
WHAT a wonderful work of God creation is! In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Gen. 1:1.)
Yes, God made every animal and bird and every creeping, crawling thing, and brought them to Adam to see what he would name them. And whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
Now in the creation of man, there is a great difference. God formed man of the dust of the ground, but unlike the animals, He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. God said, Let Us make man in Our image. This was not said of the animals. We are not like the animals; we have a never-dying soul. We are responsible beings, and must give an account to God. That is why we must accept God's way of salvation; it is the only way to spend eternity with Him in glory.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.
"I Am Saved!?
The young farmer came to Christ in a barn. He had been anxious about his soul for a long time. He knew he was not right with God.
"Not right with God." Yet he was religious. He attended church regularly, even the prayer meeting. In fact, he never missed. "Not right with God"—for he knew that he was an unforgiven sinner.
A man who had himself been recently saved was used of God in his conversion. One night this man told how he himself had received the forgiveness of sins. He did not preach a sermon, but gave a simple account of his journey from death to life and from the power of Satan to God.
Stirred in his heart, the farmer returned to his home. He realized as never before how unfit he was to meet a holy God, and he was alarmed at his lost condition. He did not yet understand the simplicity of God's way of salvation: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.
The next morning he remembered another farmer in the neighborhood, one who had recently been converted. He thought, If that man can be saved, there is surely hope for me! Leaving his work on the barn floor, he went into a stall. Falling on his knees in the straw, he repeated the well-known hymn:
Just as I am without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bid'st me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come.
This hymn was his prayer. He felt he could not say anything else. With only these words he came just as he was to Christ. At once the light of life filled his soul and he cried, "I am saved!" In his heart he knew that the Lord Jesus had received him, for him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out. (John 6:37.) Are you saved? You cannot come to Christ a day too soon. Come now, just as you are.
"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any hear My voice, and, open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with Me." Revelation 3:20
The Gospel Cap
An old, old man sat on a pier, looking out to sea. On his head was a captain's cap. On that cap was a big anchor of iron—a small copy of a real boat anchor. The anchor looked much too big for anyone to wear on his cap.
As two men approached the old captain one said to the other: "Take a look at that captain's cap!"
"Yes, I know him well," said the other man. "He wears that heavy anchor so people will ask him why."
"Good morning, Captain," said the first man. "That is a pretty big anchor you wear on your hat."
"Yes, sir," beamed the old sailor. "It is that indeed—would you like to know why?"
With that the old captain stood up and took off his hat, turned it upside down and handed it to him. Inside that cap were pasted the verses of the gospel hymn, "Will your anchor hold?"
"Read it, please," pleaded the old man. The man read it aloud, as the old captain smiled happily. He peered up at the first man and said, "Will your anchor hold too?"
The man assured the captain that his trust was in Jesus, and he knew he would be in heaven.
The old captain sat down again and put his captain's cap back on his head. He was happy to have told another person about his Lord and Savior.
Part of the hymn pasted in his hat is as follows:
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife,
When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain,
Will your anchor drift, or firm remain?
We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Steadfast and sure while the billows roll;
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
Grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love!
As the two men went on their way they spoke of this old captain. He was not an eloquent man, and he could no longer see to read, yet he still had found a way to tell others about the way of salvation. Every time anyone asked him about the large, heavy anchor on his cap, the gospel hymn was read and the message from God to sinners was told again. The captain himself had gotten saved the same way, that is, by hearing the word of God, for faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
One time, long ago, his dear brother had gone out in his fishing boat and never returned. Even now, that old man still looks for his brother to come home. He is very old, and he forgets how long ago it was that his brother went fishing that fatal morning. Sometimes he looks seaward and cups his hands about his mouth and calls his brother's name.
The Lord Jesus is calling to you to come home too. He wants to take you home with Himself to heaven when He comes again. In the Bible the words "troubled sea" are a picture of this restless world of turmoil. We need to have Christ as our anchor, the only anchor for a soul. Then we will not be troubled or disturbed by all that is going on today in the world. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked—but—Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee.
God's Love
I once thought that when the Bible spoke of Christ as a Mediator it meant He came between me and a hard and angry God to take up my cause and appease His wrath. But the very opposite is the truth. Jesus came between me and a loving, giving God. He came as the Gift of God, to express His love toward me by dying in my place. By His death He has swept away forever every hindrance to eternal blessing. God is love!
The gospel begins with God. It is God's good news to a sinner in his sins. In all His grace and loving kindness God has provided a Savior—His well beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Peace and Safety
It was Sunday. It was also May 30, Memorial Day, when the nation remembers and honors its war dead. To many of the residents of the war-built suburb of Vanport, just outside Portland, Oregon, the double holiday was a welcome opportunity to enjoy a well-earned rest. How peaceful and pleasant was the scene that quiet Sunday morning! Protected by a built-up highway, railway embankments, and the Columbia river dikes, the low-lying square of jerry-built homes looked as safe and attractive as many older areas around the great western city.
This day being Sunday, a few people went to church. Others, after a late breakfast, happily watched the children leaving for the parks and playgrounds while they themselves settled down for a day of rest. Some of the more roistering inhabitants, having spent the previous night in parties and pleasure, were "sleeping it off." Little did any of the nearly 10,000 residents dream that the swollen, hungry Columbia was quietly gnawing a hole in the spongy embankment protecting the town. How safe they felt!
Until late afternoon peace reigned throughout Vanport. The streets were comparatively deserted, the afternoon movies unusually filled. Some folks worked on their lawns and gardens; others spent the time lolling about the house. In a few of the larger apartments, friends met to drink and party, but everywhere, there was peace.
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them.
Suddenly at 4:15 p.m., the protecting walls to the north and west gave way, pouring millions of gallons of swirling water into the streets and alleys and roads. At first many residents refused to believe the bellowed warning about a sizeable hole in the dike.
"We want to see the water first," said some.
"There is no danger; everything is O.K.," said others.
One officer, attempting to persuade an incredulous householder to evacuate his comfortable home, was told belligerently, "Oh, go jump in the lake!" And before many minutes the town became just that—a lake, fifteen feet deep.
One deputy sheriff, describing the scene, said: "The whole place became a madhouse of people trying to save their lives, their families, and their belongings."
The flimsy, pre-fab houses were swept away on the river's current. Fragile apartments folded like matchwood under the crushing weight of water. Cars and buses were abandoned on the streets when driver and occupants fled to higher ground. Some people swam to safety. Thousands were able to escape by running, or by tugging themselves along human chains of rescuers.
In the wild scramble, wives became separated from husbands, mothers from children. But eyewitnesses estimated that many, paralyzed by fright or overtaken before they could reach safety, were lost in the deep muddy waters. Hundreds had heeded the warning signals and fled. But many others, lulled by earlier reports that the town was in no imminent danger, only scoffed at the wiser ones who were dashing for the high dikes surrounding the mile-square area. No accurate count of the loss of life has ever been made.
Does this account speak to your heart of a coming day when Christ comes to judge the world? Does it serve as a warning to flee from the wrath to come?
Are you safe in Christ? Does the peace of God rule in your heart? Take heed to God's own warning, and prepare now for His coming. But of that day and hour, knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but My Father only. But as the days of Noe [Noah] were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe [Noah] entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (Matt. 24:36-39.)
Tell Him All
A young music teacher was the sole support of her widowed mother and several younger brothers and sisters. Although an excellent piano player, she was unknown and without recommendation, so she had printed on her concert program that she was a student of the great pianist, Franz Liszt.
It was not true, but it was done, and what happened? Just at the day of the concert Liszt himself came to the town where she lived and stopped at the same hotel where the concert was to be held.
The music teacher was horrified when she heard of it. She had hoped for success, but could see only exposure and embarrassment. After a hard battle with her conscience, she decided that the only thing to do was to go to the great musician and tell him all. With a pounding heart she went to him and confessed what she had done.
Franz Liszt told her to dry her tears, saying gently, "Poor child, poor child! I forgive you."
Then he asked her to sit down and play a piece she had on her program. He listened and then quietly corrected a few slight mistakes she had made.
"Now," he said, "you can say you have been my scholar, and I would ask you to write on the program that Franz Liszt will play the last piece himself!"
Is it possible that you are doing the same thing as this young musician? Are you going under a name far greater than that of Franz Liszt? Many years you have borne the name of Jesus Christ; you call yourself a Christian, but are you really His? Before the day of eternal judgment comes, go to Jesus and tell Him all. He will forgive you and put His own blessed name on the program of your life.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31
"At the Last"
Wen the doctor shakes his head and says, 'I can do no more', when I am asked to arrange my affairs and give my final directions, when my family and friends move softly about my sickroom, and speak in hushed tones—then it will be time enough for me to ask for mercy. I shall pray and get pardoned at the last."
So said a procrastinator, one who kept putting off that vital decision for Christ until "the last". But—life does not always go according to our plans. She died suddenly, struck down and unconscious, and all that medical technology could do failed to restore her to consciousness for even one minute. Silently and sadly her immortal spirit passed into the unseen world without even a prayer. She had put off the salvation of her soul until a dying hour. That terrible hour had come.
Can you think of anything worse than to leave your home, your family and friends, to pass into the shadow of death with no Savior's arm to lean on, no Savior's precious blood to trust in, no Savior's love to cheer the soul with light and peace and joy? If you want to be safe for eternity and ready for death at any moment, get saved now.
Do not say, "I shall pray and get pardoned at the last."
Do not even think it. Like that poor woman, death may come to you in a form that deprives you of power to speak or to think before you breathe your last.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. This is God's way of receiving that salvation, but it must be today to be sure of it. Delay even one more day, and tomorrow it may be too late.
"To-day, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your heart.” Psalm 95:7
Are You a Stranger?
Grandma Evans was walking slowly home from the store. It was a lovely fall day, and the leaves were rustling under her feet. Children were running and playing in the park. The playground had a chain link fence around it, and two little boys came up to the fence to watch her go by. Grandma smiled at them and said, "Hello."
One of the little boys asked very solemnly: "Are you a stranger?" as he peered through the fence.
Grandma stopped to think a moment. This little boy's mother had surely warned him not to talk to strangers or to go with them, so she answered, "Yes, I am a stranger to you."
As she started to walk on towards her home the little boys walked along beside her on their side of the fence. Soon the other little boy said, "How do you know you are a stranger?"
Grandma stopped again and looked into those innocent, wide blue eyes. She felt she must be careful again how she replied. "If you do not know who I am, and if you have never seen me before, and if your parents do not know me, then I am a stranger," she said.
"Good-by then, stranger," said the first little fellow.
But Grandma stayed longer to tell them that the Lord Jesus Christ is the true Friend, and if they knew. Him and knew how He loved them, He would never be a stranger but would become their very best friend.
To many people the Lord Jesus is the Stranger. They do not know Him as their own personal Savior and, sad to say, they do not wish to either. Some have not been introduced to Jesus through the gospel, and their families do not know Him either.
How wonderful it is to know the Lord Jesus as your own Savior! He died for sinners (and even little children are sinners) so that we could have our sins forgiven and be with Him forever in heaven. He is no longer a stranger to us if we receive Him as our Savior, for He loves us and will come soon to take us with Him to heaven.
Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God. (Eph. 2:19.)
The Lord Jesus said that He would never leave you, nor forsake you. Take Him as your Savior now, and have Him as your friend forever.
Saved by a Sheep
Once there was a ship, the Boyne, which anchored at sea near the city of Portsmouth. One day the people on the shore were startled by a terrible blast, and looking toward the Boyne they could see that an explosion had occurred on board. In a few minutes the whole ship was in flames and those on board were seeking the best means of escape. A large number lost their lives in the explosion, and many others were drowned trying to swim to shore.
At the time of the explosion a young marine was on board with his wife and child, a toddler of eighteen months. The lifeboats were useless, and he could see that if they remained on board the burning ship they would all perish.
In the midst of the terrible danger the marine suddenly thought of a way of escape. There were some animals in pens on board, and he rushed to them. The animals were wild with fear but, seizing a full-grown sheep, he carried it onto the deck. Tying the baby securely on the animal's back, he dropped them both overboard. He said, "There—swim to the land, and God be with you!"
The marine's first thought was of the danger and, knowing all other hope of escape to be gone, he resolved to trust his precious child to the back of the sheep. This makes us think of that verse in the Scriptures, He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver Him. (Psa. 22:8.) It could also read, He rolled Himself on the Lord. The father simply rolled his child on the sheep. He thought, If it sinks, my boy sinks. If it survives, he survives too. What a beautiful picture of faith and trust!
Cast thy burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain thee. (Psa. 55:22.)
Now for the rest of our story. The sheep struck out for land with its precious burden and finally reached the shallow water. There it was rescued by spectators on the shore who rushed forward to meet it and released the child, safe and sound.
In the meantime the marine and his wife had leaped into the sea, where he helped her keep afloat for some time. Finally they were both picked up by a boat that had been sent to rescue survivors. The little boy was soon restored to his rejoicing parents, apparently unharmed by his strange experience and narrow escape.
One cannot read this story without seeing in it a picture of a more wonderful deliverance-the deliverance by the Lord Jesus of all those who trust Him for their souls' salvation.
In the hour of peril the harmless sheep was entrusted with the salvation of that little child; the little boy was "rolled" upon his deliverer and brought safely to shore. God entrusted to Jesus, His own beloved Son, the eternal safety of all those whose sins He bore upon the cross. Alone, for them, He went through death's dark raging flood; alone, for them, He bore the storm of God's wrath against their sins upon the cross.
The sheep in our story reached shore alive, but Jesus had to die. He gave up His life, that we might live. He shed His precious blood to wash away our sins, for without shedding of blood is no remission. By His death and resurrection He opened the way to heaven, and now as the risen and glorified Savior at God's right hand, He proclaims to all: Come unto Me.
I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. (John 14:6.)
Had the waves been too high, the sheep and its precious burden might both have perished. But all those who have put their trust in Jesus are safe forever. I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand, we hear Him say in John 10:28. Again in John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
On the cross the bitter cry rang from the lips of the Lord Jesus: My God, My God, WHY hast Thou forsaken Me?
Unanswered by God during those three hours on the cross, it is answered by thousands today and will be answered eternally by millions of redeemed ones surrounding the Savior in glory. Why was He, the holy, harmless, undefiled One, forsaken? Why was He, the One who did always the things that pleased God, His Father, abandoned?
Believers can answer: "It was for us." He, Himself, bare our sins in His own body on the tree. He who knew no sin was made sinfor us that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.
Christ is risen—the death of the cross is accomplished—the victory won—redemption obtained—God glorified, and the risen Savior comes into the midst of his loved ones and announces: Peace!
Why are you troubled? Is it on account of your sins? Well might terror fill your mind were there no Savior, had no payment acceptable to God been made. But there is a Savior; there is a sacrifice. He who was under the weight of sins on the cross is the risen, glorified Savior now saying to the believer: I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.
From heaven where the risen Christ now is, he asked Saul of Tarsus, Why persecutest thou Me? Saul was on his way to Damascus to find any who believed in Christ and to bring them bound to Jerusalem. A light from heaven suddenly shone on him, and Saul fell to the earth. On his astonished ears the question fell: Why persecutest thou Me?
Think of it! A Savior in heaven calling to one who called himself the "chief" of sinners! What wonderful grace!
Saul's enmity was vanquished, and the once-bitter adversary of Christians became the bravest champion of the faith.
The grace that saved a Saul can save you. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
Long ago the nation of Israel was asked, Why will ye die? Why would they hurry on to their deaths? Jehovah was ready to forgive, ready to help, ready to bless, but they "would not," and the judgment fell.
Why will you die? God asks of you today. In view of Christ in death—in view of Christ in resurrection—in view of Christ in glory—Why will you die?
Christ in dying asked, why?
Christ in resurrection asked, why?
Christ from glory asked, why?
Christ today asks, why?
He asked God, why?
He asked His disciples, why?
He asked Saul of Tarsus, why?
He asks you, why?
Detroit to Saint Louis
On a recent flight from Detroit to St. Louis, my seatmate was a young man who told me that he had recently earned his Ph.D. with a major in marketing. He was on his way to a mid-western university for a job interview. Curiously I inquired, "In your pursuit of knowledge did you include the knowledge of God?"
Much to my surprise he replied, "No, because I do not believe there is anything beyond this life."
My surprise was not so much that he had neglected, yes, omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith, but that a seemingly bright young man would so openly confess to such infidelity.
Confronted with this bold admission, I quoted to him: What if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar.
The poor man's reasoning was purely human, and he punctuated it with many references to the Word of God as "only one historical document." It was obvious that he considered my reasoning from the Word of God to be far inferior to that of one, like himself, of superior intellect.
Realizing the futility of further discussion, I asked the only question that seemed to make any impression: "What if what I have been saying is right?" A momentary visible change of expression appeared on his face as he reflected on the solemn consequence of such a possibility.
As we parted I simply said, "I trust that God will send you another messenger who can better present Christ to you than I have done, before you pass into eternity without God and wake up to the startling realization of how wrong you have been."
Now the same solemn challenge reaches you. Have you considered and settled the issue of where you will spend eternity? You may, as many have done, cast all your burden of sin, all your fears for the future, down at Jesus' feet and receive Him as your Savior, or you may continue to neglect so great salvation and spend eternity in hell, that was prepared for the devil and his angels. Come to the Savior now, and receive the forgiveness of all your sins. Then your destiny will be to spend eternity with Him in His Father's house—heaven.
"I Often Look at Him!"
"Would you like a little book about the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior?" said a man as he spoke to a woman in the door of a little mountain cabin.
"Oh, yes, thank you! I often look at Him!" she answered as she asked him into her home.
"Do you? Where?" he asked.
Pointing to a picture on the wall above the fireplace, she exclaimed, "There!" The picture was a painting of Christ on the cross.
"Ah, but He is not there on the cross anymore. He was there once, but He is not there now. He was there to do the work of redemption. He is not there now, because the work is all done. He is now in heaven at the right hand of God."
This was a new and wonderful truth to her. She knew that Christ had died on the cross, but had never grasped that He is now risen and glorified.
Yes, Christ is risen. The Apostle Paul says, If Christ be not raised, your faith is vain. But our faith is not vain! To us who believe, His resurrection is the blessed proof that our sins are blotted out forever.
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. 1 Cor. 15:3, 4
Napoleon and the Soldier
Napoleon Bonaparte, the great general of France, was at war. There had been a battle, and hundreds of wounded and dead men covered the field. At the close of the day's engagement the exhausted French soldiers threw themselves on the ground and slept. But Napoleon was unable to rest. He rose and walked around the camp with one of his officers, to see if all was safe.
The enemy had withdrawn, but to no great distance, and to make all secure against a midnight surprise, armed sentinels had been placed around the camp. Their duty was to watch and to give the alarm if the enemy made his appearance. All was quiet in the camp, but as Napoleon and his officer drew near to one of the sentinels they saw that he was fast asleep. This was a crime for which the sentence was death.
As the general looked at the exhausted man his heart was moved with pity for him and he quietly took the place of the sleeping sentinel and watched till morning dawned.
When the soldier awoke and realized that he had been sleeping at his post he trembled, and when he saw Napoleon by his side he gave himself up for lost. But no! The general had taken his place in order that law might be satisfied and the guilty soldier acquitted.
This is only a faint and very imperfect picture of what a greater than Napoleon has done for guilty sinners. The sentence of death had been pronounced, for the wages of sin is death. There was no escape for the sinner unless someone, himself a free man, could be found to take his place and suffer his doom.
This Jesus did. He suffered for sins, the just for the unjust. Christ died for the ungodly. Now God can be just and the justifier of the ungodly. He can show His grace, yet remain holy.
"Oh, matchless grace, oh love beyond degree, The Offended died to set the offender free."
Abigail Becker
We should be passing the Long Point Light-house any moment, cried Captain Hackett to the men on the ice-covered deck of the schooner. The ship, the Conductor, was sailing through a raging blizzard and his voice carried only a short distance before it was drowned out by the greater noise of the wind whipping through the sails. As the bow plunged in and then out of the rough sea the captain rubbed the sleeve of his heavy jacket to break loose the ice and snow which was coating his face. It was hard to see, and all eyes on deck strained toward shore hoping to catch sight of the lighthouse or some landmark by which they could steer. At times the visibility through the storm was a half mile; more frequently, the men on deck could see less than a hundred yards.
Suddenly the bow of the ship struck a submerged sandbar with terrific force. The men were flung across the deck by the force of the impact. The gusts of wind quickly tore the canvas sails of the helpless ship into rags. The yawl, which was carried on board the schooner as a lifeboat, broke loose from its lashings and was swept overboard. The wind and the waves pounded the ship, pushing it over onto its side. Straining to save themselves from drowning, the seven men aboard scrambled up into the rigging. From there the stranded crew could sometimes catch a glimpse of the faint outline of the shore several hundred yards away. The Canadian shore, well known to the lakemen, was one of the most desolate stretches of Lake Erie.
From the only cottage along several miles of shoreline, a woman, Abigail Becker, spotted a smashed yawl as it was thrown up on the beach. Her husband had left early that morning for work many miles away and she was alone with her small children. Seeing the broken yawl as it was thrown ashore, she ran out barefoot into the freezing cold to investigate. Over the crashing surf she spotted the men hanging perilously to the disabled ship's rigging. Running back into the cottage, she told her children not to be frightened because she had to leave them alone for a while.
Acting swiftly, she collected pieces of driftwood and soon had the orange flames of a bonfire leaping skyward. She hoped the men on the rigging would see the fire and be encouraged to keep up the fight for life.
Abigail Becker knew that the cold would kill the men if they weren't rescued within a short time. During a brief lull in the storm the woman cried out with all her strength, "Only swim! I'll fetch you to shore. But swim!" She repeated the message several times hoping the men would understand and do what she was asking.
One of the men stripped off his jacket and boots and plunged into the icy water. He swam with difficulty through the high waves. A few strokes from safety he started to go down. Abigail Becker broke through the surf and swam out to the man and hauled him safely to shore. She brought him to the fire and wrapped him in blankets and poured him a cup of tea from a pot of water boiling over the fire. In a matter of minutes the sailor regained his strength and she learned he was the captain.
Another man let go of the rigging in an attempt to swim for shore. This man didn't make it far before he showed signs of weakening, and the captain went out to help him. The captain no sooner reached the man when both of them appeared to have difficulty staying afloat. Into the icy water again went Abigail Becker, still wearing only a flimsy dress. The two men had disappeared under the water. She dove and found them beneath the surface and with a tremendous effort brought them safe to shore. This brave-hearted woman repeated her efforts until all seven men were safe on shore.
"Only swim! I'll fetch you to shore. But swim!" was her repeated cry. Her plea to the perishing sailors is like the Savior's plea to a perishing world. Earnestly He is entreating sinners, "Only believe! I'll fetch you safe to heaven. But believe!"
Why is it so important to believe? Because all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Every one of us who does not know the Savior is in a state of spiritual shipwreck and in danger of perishing. That is why faith in Christ is so necessary If you do not know the Savior you are in jeopardy of losing your never-dying soul. Should your grip on life be loosened and you pass out of this world, it will be forever too late to be saved. To PERISH means to
Sin has so ruined us that there is nothing left that we can do to save ourselves. The Lord Jesus died on Calvary's cross, finished the work of redemption and rose again. What does redemption mean? It means, "Deliverance with power." When the Lord Jesus Christ died He provided a way that we might be delivered from all the trouble sin has brought us into.
Eph. 1:7 says: In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. When anyone truly believes on the Lord Jesus as the Son of God they receive the forgiveness of sins. No longer will they have to dread the punishment from God which their sins deserve. Also, when we receive forgiveness we can know God as a loving Father who will never desert us. This was not possible before. The sins which we had committed were a barrier between us and God to keep us apart. When we are forgiven the barrier is taken down and we are able to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge.
"It is finished!" cried the Lord Jesus on the cross. It was one of the last sentences He spoke before He died. He was speaking of the work of redemption, that is, of the work by which sinners would be "delivered with power" from the deadly consequences of their sins. The work is complete. Because of that finished work of redemption, the moment a sinner believes is the moment he is passed from Condemnation to forgiveness.
The people of Long Point Bay still honor Abigail Becker. In commemoration of her amazing feat more than 120 years ago her portrait hangs in the Abigail Becker Ward of Simcoe Town Hospital. Will you be one who honors the Lord Jesus for the great work He accomplished on the cross? Or will you pass out of this world without ever having believed on the One who paid such a great price to save you?
God commendeth His love toward us, in that, white we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Rom. 5:8
Eighteen Today
Alice really hadn't intended to be late to the gospel meeting, but it was her birthday—her eighteenth birthday—and there were all her presents to open—and—well—she really didn't mean to be late! But when she opened the door very quietly and tried to slip unnoticed to her seat the speaker was already reading the Bible. The first words she heard were: Ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?
These words of the Savior went straight home to Alice's heart. Whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, she repeated to herself. That's me! I am eighteen today, and I know that I don't belong to God. If not, I must be serving Satan!
She heard little of the rest of the service. She saw that she had spent all her life—those eighteen years of health, comfort and many other blessings which God had given her—in forgetfulness of Him. She remembered that He had often called her, and she had refused to listen. Yes, she realized now; she had been bound by Satan for eighteen years. She was still bound. How could she be "loosed"?
The meeting ended, and Alice returned home. Still those words filled her mind. She went to her room. Her presents, so much enjoyed a little while before, were ignored now as she knelt by her bed. Earnestly she prayed, Lord, I am all wrong—I'm bound. Oh, show me what to do!
Even as she prayed, a ray of God's sunshine shone into her soul. "Ought not this woman to be loosed?" she whispered. "Oh, that I might be!"
More and more God's light crept into her heart. It showed her that though she was a captive to sin, bound by sin for eighteen years, Jesus had come to preach deliverance to the captives, and... to set [them] at liberty.
When Jesus was upon the earth, He said to that poor woman, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. He laid His hands on her and she was made whole and well and glorified God.
How very simple and natural it all was, thought Alice. Why should He not set her free, too. She determined to trust Him, and in faithfulness to His word He delivered her from Satan's bondage. She too was "loosed" that very day!
There are two great rulers in the universe: God, and Satan. You are serving under one of these two rulers. Which?
There are two roads which lead through time to eternity: the broad road and the narrow road. You are walking on one of these two roads. Which?
There are two classes of people in the world: the saved and the lost. You belong to one of these two classes. Which?
There are two deaths people can die: some die "in the Lord", others die "in their sins". If you die, you will die one of these two deaths. Which?
There are two places to which people go after death: heaven, and hell. You will go to one of these. Which?
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. (John 3:36.)
The Best Thing in the World
A servant of Christ placed his hand lovingly on the shoulder of a young man and asked, "My friend, can you tell me what is the best thing in this world?"
Turning around the young man looked into the face of the Christian, and said: "Yes, sir, I can. I never went very far in school, but God has taught me by His Spirit. I know what is the best thing in this world. The best thing in this world is to be ready for the next!"
Is there a better thing than that? Are you ready? Ready for heaven and eternal blessedness with Christ? Thank God, there is such a thing as being ready, and such a thing as knowing it, too.
So, are you ready? If not, do you want to be ready? Do you want to be ready now? Then turn to God. Repent now. Believe in Jesus now. Believe that His blood was shed for your sins. NOW confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and tell the Lord Jesus you believe He died for you, and you will be saved now.
The Robin's Message
ALL my plans seemed to work out. Education? Finished. Profession? Well begun. Future? Very, very promising. In other words, everything rosy—or it should be.
So why was I so miserable? The day was cold and dark and gloomy, and as I sat taking stock of what I had already accomplished and what I hoped to do I felt as dull and gloomy myself. Dissatisfied with my whole life, I began to remember what I had learned as a boy at home about God and eternity. Thoughts like that often haunted me in the hours of the night, and I would lie awake for a long time.
I did not want to believe in God! I wanted to enjoy my life in my own way, and tried hard to embrace the atheist's creed: No God! No hell! No judgment! You may do anything you like! But it would not do.
I was never really comfortable even among my atheistic friends.
This wintry day I sat alone by the fire, thinking and thinking where my life would end. I said to myself half aloud: Is there a God? If there is, let Him send me some proof that He lives and that He can provide for me in time and in eternity.
Just then a robin lighted on my window sill. Searching for a scattered crumb or two, he hopped about chirping as merrily in the snow as if it had been a bright May day.
Joyfully I exclaimed, "There is a God! Who but God could give that little bird so happy a song on a day like this?"
Gloom forgotten, I hurried to town and for the first time in years I went into a place where the gospel was preached. There I heard again the story of God's love for a world of lost mankind. That night my soul found peace and rest in believing in Christ Jesus. The doubts were gone, and I have known God's love and care ever since.
Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. (Isa. 45:22.)
"Don't You Believe in Good Works?"
WHEN people are shown that salvation is all of grace and not of works, it is not uncommon to hear one say, "Don't you believe in good works?"
This is a great mistake. What the Word of God shows us is that before a man is saved he cannot do a "good work", for a good work must spring from a good motive, and that motive must be love to the Lord Jesus Christ.
From the moment a person is saved, everything he does ought to be a good work done to the glory of God. No sooner do we read of the conversion of the jailor at Philippi than we see him proving his faith by his works. He took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes. (Read the account in Acts 16.)
The Bible teaches that without faith it is impossible to please Him [God], and so long as you are unsaved, you are utterly unable to do a single "good work". Believe in God's wonderful love to you, and you won't be able to keep from working for Him in return for what He has done for you.
What must I do to be saved?
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.
How Jack Was Made New!
It was the last day of the old year. A few of the men on board ship had met weekly for prayer, and lately they had prayed especially for one of the sailors whose reckless life was carrying him beyond all limits. Just before this man's watch on the last night of the year one of these praying sailors said to him, "Jack, we meet tonight to see the old year out. Shall we pray for you?"
Jack turned round in a rage. "Pray for me, if you dare, and I'll knock your brains out" was his answer.
Jack went on to his watch, and the night grew very quiet around him. Overhead shone the stars, and far away gleamed the lights of the city. The parting words of his mate rang in his ears.
As he calmed down he began to wonder, What'll they say? At last he thought to himself, Well, if they mention all my sins they'll have enough to keep them busy!
One after another, many sins of the past came up before him. Rousing himself, he tried to shake off these memories. It could not be done.
"We'll pray for you" rang in his ears. All at once Bible verses learned as a child came into his mind. Vainly he whistled and sang and tried to think of everything else.
The soul that sinneth, it shall die, said memory. The wrath of God abideth on him—shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. He could not shut the thoughts out of his mind. At last he saw himself a sinner before an avenging, slighted God. Despairing and trembling, he realized his hopelessness.
"Oh, what a list of sins I've got scored against me!" he groaned. "I can't ever get them washed out."
He saw himself lost and helpless, fast sinking in the waves of sin and shame. But as Jesus appeared to Peter long ago, walking on the sea, so across the cold waves of doubt, of anguish and despair, came the heavenly Comforter into the heart of this poor sailor. To his memory came the gentle words of the Savior: Be not afraid, only believe.
Alone at his post, Jack fell upon his knees. He believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. He received Him into his heart, and was saved.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. (Acts 16:31.)
The far-off city bells tolled out the dying of the year, and merry chimes announced the advent of the new as Jack, a new creature in Christ, arose from his knees. Grasping the hand of the one who came to relieve him, he exclaimed, "Ned, I'm a new man in Christ Jesus!"
As he thought of the depths from which he had been saved, he could not sufficiently praise God's goodness. He was untiring in his efforts to show his old mates the way of salvation, and more than one had reason to be grateful for Jack's new year and new life.
Will you also believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be made new?
Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out. (John 6:37.)
"Kept by the Power of God" 1 Peter 1:5
"The Lord will go before you." Isaiah 52:12.
"The glory of the Lord shall be thy rearward." Isaiah 58:8.
"The Lord is round about His people." Psalm 125:2.
"Underneath are the everlasting arms." Deuteronomy 33:27.
"His banner over me was love." Song of Solomon 2:4.
Benny's Hope
Miss Julie was a teacher in a one-room schoolhouse. One day the Supervisor brought a new pupil to her, a little boy six years old. But he was a very different-looking boy. His name was Benny, and he was born with only half of his arms. There were no elbows, and at the end of the short little arms were little half hands with only two fingers on each hand. No thumbs! So it was hard for him to hold anything.
"How can I teach him?" asked the teacher in distress.
"Well, just teach him to read," replied the Supervisor.
But later the teacher thought, He might learn to write too if he can read.
She got a new piece of chalk and placed it between his two fingers of one hand, and then placed the two ringers of the other hand cross-ways over the first two fingers. This steadied the chalk. She had him practice at the blackboard in the front of the room and he became very good at it. Soon he wanted a pencil just like the other children.
Miss Julie took her quilt clamps and fastened a sheet of wallpaper to his desk. She drew some lines on it. Then, with his pencil clamped between his crossed fingers, Benny soon learned to print. As time went by he became very good at printing, and then he wanted to learn to write in cursive with a pen just like the other children did. He was given a penmanship book, and he worked so hard that he had the best handwriting in the whole class.
Benny was a very bright little boy, and he did well in all his subjects. When it came time for his graduation the Supervisor came and gave the class a test. The names of ten famous men were written on the board and the children were asked to identify each. One of the men was Jesus Christ.
Many of the comments the children made about Jesus concerned Jesus dying. The Supervisor was displeased and said: "All of you write about death, and therefore your answers are not acceptable. The correct answer would be: 'Jesus was thought to be the Son of God.'"
Benny raised his little arm and waved it frantically in the air. When he was called upon he said, "Sir, if Jesus hadn't died, I wouldn't live in heaven, because He died for my sins so that I might live forever."
Benny will always be physically handicapped and because of it he will face many special challenges during his lifetime. But Benny has the promise of a new body like the Lord's body! The Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change our vile [corruptible] body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body. (Phil. 3:20, 21.)
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him. (1 John 3:2.)
Isn't this a wonderful promise and grand hope! You too can have that hope. Like Benny, you can have this wonderful promise: I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (Heb. 13:5.) And, He said, I will come again. (John 14:3.) If Jesus is your Savior, He will be coming for you too.
The Man Who Found God in a Well
Mr. Bell always said that he "found God in a well," but perhaps it should be said that God found him in a well. He certainly had not been seeking God! In fact, in spite of having had Christian parents, he was living only for himself with the object of "having a good time in this world." So when his parents died in England, he moved to Canada and bought a farm near Oxbow, Saskatchewan.
He dug a 17-foot well on the farm. Someday he was going to put a ladder down it to get in and out of the well if necessary, but that ladder never got built.
One day, when he was about 55 years old, a neighbor came to his place for a load of hay and promised that he would be back in the afternoon for another load. Left alone, Mr. Bell went down to his well to get a bucket of water. He slipped and fell into the well! There he stayed, in water halfway up his chest, for five hours.
At this time his "good time in the world" came to an end. God had put him in a place where he was helpless. He realized now that God was the only One he could cry to. Right then and there he took the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior, trusting in the precious blood of Christ to cleanse him from all his sins.
Late in the afternoon the neighbor came back for the other load of hay. Entering the yard he could not see Mr. Bell, who was by now unable even to call for help, but the dog came running to him whining and thrusting his nose into his hand. Following the dog's urging, he looked at last in the well.
Friendly hands soon were able to draw the poor man up—out into the icy air. It was 40 degrees below zero that day, and in his soaked clothes he was nearly frozen.
Mr. Bell's health suffered greatly from this experience; when he was finally able to leave the hospital the doctors told him he had not long to live. In view of this, he turned his farm back to the man he had been buying it from and bought a little land in the town of Oxbow. There he had a small house built to live in the rest of his time down here, near medical help.
But the doctors were surprised. He didn't die then, though he was never really well again. The Lord left him in his little house for 17 years, years that he spent in telling all who visited him of his experience. Children from the town often came and visited him and listened as he told them of the Lord Jesus' love for sinners and how he was now trusting in Jesus for salvation.
After those years he was brought into the hospital in a wheelchair, all crippled up with arthritis. I was in the hospital for an operation at the time, and he was put in a bed in the room where I was with three others. He immediately started to tell his life story. He began by saying, "You can't tell me there isn't a God! I am reaping for what I sowed in my life!"
God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (Gal. 6:7.)
Rejoicing in the knowledge of his sins being forgiven, he was just waiting the Lord's time to take him home to the Father's house. While he remained here in this world he was telling his story to all he came in contact with. Even though some laughed and made fun of him, he kept talking. He had good news to tell!
"Though the Mountains Shake"
San Francisco. April 18, 1906. Dawn was just breaking and the city was beginning to wake to the new day. There was a clip-clop, clip-clop of horses pulling milk and delivery wagons, but most of the people were still in bed.
Then came the rumble of deep thunder—but not from the sky. From below, deep underground along the fault lines in the Pacific belt, the earth's crust buckled and cracked. Shock waves raced through the ground. Earthquake!
The heaviest damage was in the main business section of the city. It was largely built upon filled land—land built up from the sea. Sand and mud, pumped in together for a foundation, were shaken into a "thick soup"—and the buildings fell.
Fires broke out, great fires that swept uncontrolled for miles in spite of the efforts by the firefighters. There was no water to combat the fires; the water mains for the whole city were laid across that unstable filled-in land.
The best estimate was that 3,000 people died in that disaster. Damage was estimated at $300,000,000—a tremendous sum in those days.
Again, San Francisco. October 17, 1990. This time the city was not sleeping; it was 5:04 in the afternoon and rush hour was well under way. In Candlestick Park 62,000 people were gathered; the third game of the World Series was to be played. Again the tectonic plates slipped along the fault lines, and again the earth rippled and shook. Highways cracked, hillsides collapsed and slid down with a roar and buildings shook, cracked and fell. In Oakland, across the bay, columns supporting a section of Interstate 880 failed and some 26,000 tons of concrete crashed down on the roadway below.
The greatest damage to buildings was in the "Marina" district, which was built on land filled in after the 1906 quake. In the rush to rebuild and to prepare for an international exposition in 1915, San Francisco used rubble from the collapsed buildings to fill in yet more of the shallow water of the bay. As before, the built-up land was the most unstable.
What about the 62,000 people in Candlestick Park? They were shaken, but the structure was sound. The many tiers of seats did not collapse, one upon another, on the frightened people below. Candlestick Park was built on rock—on solid bedrock! It stood firm.
Where is the safest place to be in an earthquake? Firmly on the rock! Where is the safest—no, the only—safe place while our world is shaken around us? Again it is the rock—but this Rock is Christ.
"Earthquakes" are not only geographical today. Governments that claimed to be formed to "last a thousand years" are collapsing almost overnight. Nations are rising—falling—being divided—being reunited. Nearer home, businesses are failing, bankruptcies are common, and the rising tide of crime and violence threatens every area of life.
In the midst of the turmoil there is still a firm foundation for our hearts. It is a foundation, not on a sandy, shifting base of human ideas and efforts and promises, but on the absolute Word of God. The Bible tells us that other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus Himself said, Come unto Me... and I will give you rest. (Matt. 11:28.)
To those who come to Him He promises: My peace I give unto you.... Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27.) Rest—and peace—a sure, a certain promise.
For who is God save the Lord? or who is a rock save our God? (Psa. 18:31.)
On Christ salvation rests secure,
The rock of ages must endure;
Nor can that faith be overthrown
Which rests on Christ, the living stone.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear... though the mountains shake. (Psa. 46:1-3.)
Answered Prayer
Not in great things only do we prove that God answers prayer. One Christian told this little story: "When I was in the Navy my ship was once anchored in Table Bay. We landed each day to practice shooting on the mountainside, and on one of these times I lost my favorite knife. The ground was so rough, and the path I had taken so winding and uncertain, that to look for it appeared useless. I did look, but with no success at all.
"Going back on board I happened to mention the loss, when one of the men tauntingly said, 'You had better ask your Father about it,' and the other men around burst into laughter.
"I felt that, simple though it was, I could pray about it, realizing that the answer would be a real testimony to these men. So I did pray that I might be directed to where the knife was.
"Nearly a month went by and the last day for shooting arrived. On my way I unconsciously turned down a bypath. Along this trail in a most unlikely place I saw, lying at my feet, the lost knife. My prayer had been answered; I could show my shipmates the proof that God delights to hear the prayer of His children."
Prayer is so simple. It is counting on God to meet a felt need, and the more we avail ourselves of this wonderful privilege, the more our confidence in God will be strengthened.
Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me. (Psa. 50:15.)
The Greatest Gift
It was holiday time, and an open-air preacher had gathered a large crowd around him as he told the old old story of God's love and Christ's death, and the willingness of the risen Savior to save all who come to God by Him.
A chimney sweep who was on the fringes of the crowd thought: Wouldn't it be a good joke to march right through that ring of eager listeners and cause a commotion, and stop that preacher?
No sooner thought than acted on. Straightening himself up, with his sooty brushes and his soot-black clothes the chimney sweep made ready for the charge. Soon the men and women would be scattering in all directions! Just as he reached the edge of the crowd the preacher's eye caught sight of him and at once guessed his plan. Quickly whispering a prayer to God for help, he shouted to the sweep, "GOD HAD ONLY ONE SON, AND HE GAVE HIM UP FOR SINNERS!"
"What's that?" exclaimed the sweep, forgetting for the moment his plan of campaign.
With all his force the soul-winner again shouted the wonderful words, "GOD HAD ONLY ONE SON, AND HE GAVE HIM UP FOR SINNERS!"
Amazed and awestruck at the unexpected turn in events, and with the crowd collecting to hear the dialog between the sweeper of chimneys and the seeker of souls, the intruder once more asked, "Say those words again, for they are new to me!"
Again with glad heart the preacher added to the words and cried, "GOD HAD ONLY ONE SON, AND YET HE SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIM UP TO THE DEATH OF THE CROSS FOR SINNERS!"
"Well," the sweep exclaimed, "these are the most wonderful words I ever heard. I have five big boys at home, and I wouldn't give the worst of the five for the best man who ever lived. Yet you tell me that GOD ONLY HAD ONE SON, AND HE GAVE HIM UP FOR A SINNER LIKE ME!"
Instead of the sweep's splitting up the open-air meeting, God opened up the sweep's heart and let in the glad and glorious message, and for many years the converted sweep lived to tell to all around what a dear Savior he had found.
Can you join with the chief of sinners (Gal. 2:20) in saying, The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me? If so, you may truly join with him in saying, I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day. (2 Tim. 1:12.) Or, as the little poem says:
Upon a life I did not live,
Upon a death I did not die,
Another's life, Another's death,
I stake my whole eternity.
A Candid Confession
Some missionaries had gone to a previously unreached tribe. Their message was listened to with interest for a while, but then the tribesmen spoke: "You say that the God of the Christians knows everything, that nothing is hidden from Him, that He is everywhere and sees all that is done. Now, we do not desire a God so sharp-sighted! We choose to live with freedom in our forests without having a perpetual observer of our actions over our heads."
In their simplicity they told what was in their hearts. But what they uttered candidly is what many secretly wish might be the case.
Man's desire is to hide himself from God. He wishes that there were no God who observes his ways and to whom he must give account. In all his thoughts it is, No God for me. No one to control my action. No one to record my sins against me. No one to call me to account.
But God IS. And whether people of savage tribes or "civilized" people like it or not, He observes men's ways.
The wicked... will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.... He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: He hideth His face; He will never see it.... Thou hast seen it; for Thou beholdest mischief and spite, to requite it with Thy hand. (Psa. 10:3, 4, 11, 14)
God has seen.
Who is this God who "has seen" and who "will requite"? Is He a God delighting in judgment? Is it His pleasure to condemn the sinner? Far from it. He delights in mercy. He has made Himself known through the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. There He has revealed Himself in His true character: God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Rom. 5:8.)
Sin deserved judgment. For believers, judgment has fallen. But it has fallen on the One whom the love of God provided. The way of blessing is open now. God is known as Love, and those who once feared Him, now rejoice in His presence.
Eternal Salvation
Do you long for eternal salvation? Then you must put your whole trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and the atonement He made for sinners on the cross. Through Him is pardon and peace. Without Him there is none. Put your whole trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Salvation is only by the grace of God, by the blood of Christ and through faith in the risen and glorified Savior. If you want to be saved forever, to live forever, and be blessed forever, you must trust Christ to save you. You must entrust your soul wholly to Him. And when you know Him as your living and loving and divine Savior, you will love Him in sincerity and in truth. Then you will delight to obey His will and honor His holy name.
Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord. (Jer. 17:7.)
"After This"
"How silly to put a thing like that up there! Some of that tent preacher's work, I guess, and just like him. I wonder if he thinks that will do anyone any good. Come on, Beth; I wouldn't stand and read any such rubbish."
The two girls had been walking together when they noticed a small white board fastened to the trunk of a tree. On it were printed the words: "AFTER THIS THE JUDGMENT."
The other girl stood reading the short phrase over and over again. Her friend, losing patience, called out again, "Come on, Beth! If you stand there much longer you'll be converted!"
"I wish I were, Nancy," said the girl wistfully as she rejoined her companion.
"What makes you say that, Beth? I'm sure you don't believe in tent meetings and singing at street corners. You enjoy having fun too much to join with that kind of thing."
"You're right, Nancy. Still, I'm not always happy. I do stay awake many nights thinking about the hereafter, and I can't help it. In spite of having fun all evening my conscience troubles me when I go to bed. I can't help thinking of the eternal future."
Nancy was amazed at the turn the conversation had taken, and listened silently as her companion went on: "I once worked in the same room with a girl who was a Christian. I can never forget her—nor some of the things she said to me. She said she didn't need to go to parties and shows to make her happy; she had Christ.
"You can't imagine, Nancy, what a sweet girl she was. She said those same words to me that are on the tree: After this the judgment. It made me think of her when I read them, and I wish I could be as sure as she was of being ready for eternity."
The girls came to the corner where they had to separate. With a relieved and hurried "good night", Nancy went one way and Beth the other.
Beth knew full well that she had to meet God, and that she was unprepared. She lay awake for a long time that night; sleep just would not come. In time with the slow ticking of the clock, the dreadful words throbbed through her mind: After this the judgment.
How she longed for the next night to come! She made up her mind to go to the tent in spite of Nancy's ridicule. But that was a long time to wait. What if death should come before? Just then a verse of a hymn she had heard came to mind:
Just as I am, without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee;
O Lamb of God, I come.
Beth repeated it aloud and the Lord listened and heard. He knew the longing heart that would trust herself wholly to Him, and in His love and mercy He banished her fears and doubts. Peace came to her troubled spirit.
The following night she went to the tent meeting and heard the words: He that believeth on the Son [Jesus] hath everlasting life. This gave her intelligent assurance of her salvation, and with confidence in God's saving grace she gave witness by her life that she now belonged to the Lord Jesus.
Beth was right to have been troubled at the thought of coming judgment, for the day of God's wrath will soon descend upon this world. Why? Because it has refused His Son, Jesus Christ, and His mighty work on Calvary's cross. Only by turning to Him now, acknowledging Him as the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world, can anyone escape that coming judgment.
I [Jesus] say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation [judgment]; but is passed from death unto life. (John 5:24.)
The Great Physician
A doctor was visiting a Christian patient. He had himself been trying to find peace with God. He was convinced of his sin and need, and he longed for that peace which passes understanding.
On this occasion, speaking to the sick one, he said: "Can you tell me just what you mean by 'believing' and being saved? How does one have 'faith in Jesus,' and all that sort of thing that you say brings peace?"
The patient's answer was simple. "Doctor, I have found that I can do nothing to make myself well. I have put my case in your hands—I am trusting you to use your skill for me. This is exactly what every poor sinner must do—just put himself in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. On Calvary's cross He did all that is needed to save those who believe on Him."
"Is that all?" exclaimed the doctor. "Simply trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ? Oh, I see! He is the Great Physician. He has done the work that will save my sin-sick soul."
"Yes, Doctor. Jesus said on the cross, It is finished. His promise is, Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
The "British Sportsman"
The 16,000-ton-tanker, British Sportsman, was berthed at an oil dock in Antwerp, Belgium. The ship had just unloaded three million gallons of crude oil from Kuwait on the Persian Gulf. To make the vessel easier to handle on the high seas, the emptied oil tanks were being filled with water for ballast.
It was miserable weather in the late fall. The air was beginning to turn cold, and leaden clouds dropped their loads of moisture with annoying regularity as they passed. It was a welcome sight to see the sun come out occasionally.
After supper one evening some of the crew who were staying aboard made themselves comfortable in their cabins. The others prepared to go ashore. Suddenly a storm struck. Starting quietly enough with a patter of rain and a few gusts of wind, the rain soon got heavier and the wind blew stronger. Doors aboard ship slammed shut as the wind whistled through the passageways. Almost immediately a howling gale was blowing.
Suddenly and without warning the ship gave a lurch. There was a sound of grinding metal. People on the dock and some aboard the ship shouted warnings. One of the deckhands ran through the ship crying out, "ALL HANDS ON DECK!"
Everyone from the captain down came running. The ship had broken her mooring lines and was drifting helplessly before the gale. Four large cables and numerous broken lines dangled uselessly down the side of the ship. Her engines were being overhauled. Having no power of her own, she soon was blown a quarter of a mile off from her berth.
The captain ordered the anchors to be let down at once. When the winches stopped their whirring we knew the anchors had struck bottom. Would the anchors hold? The ship stopped drifting—the anchors held! She was safe from following her aimless, dangerous course.
Like this ship, we have no power within ourselves to work our own salvation. Nothing in us can prevent us from going to a lost eternity. Before the British Sportsman could be safe and secure, the anchors had to be let down into the water. They were useless while lying on the ship's deck; only when they were dropped overboard outside the ship and were safely held on the bottom were they of any use in saving the ship.
This is like the need of every sinful soul! Not by our own doings can we be saved, but rather our trust must be placed outside of ourselves—in Christ. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. (Eph. 2:8.)
Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. (Isa. 45:22.)
"What More Can I Do?"
A young Hindu stopped for a few moments on a street in Calcutta to hear a gospel preacher. He heard only the words,
All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
He walked away at once, but the knowledge of personal sin had entered his conscience and he could not shake it off. At last he sought relief by entering upon a religious life. For several years he wandered over India and prayed at many shrines, but he found neither rest nor peace.
He turned to a group of people who were dissatisfied with Hinduism. Their belief was: "Do what is just and right, and all will be well."
While this sounded good, it brought him no peace. To use his own words: "The remembrance of past sins kept rushing into my mind. Something seemed to say: Without atonement for past sins you will perish.
This new society rejected the teaching of atonement, but Hinduism acknowledges the need of some kind of expiation. He turned to his old religion and again wandered from holy spot to holy spot seeking peace. At Varanasi (Benares) with its two thousand shrines he fairly gave way to despair, exclaiming: "What more can I do other than that I have done? Yet there is no peace!"
He returned to Calcutta to visit a sick nephew. His nephew had been converted to Christianity and he had a Bible, portions of which he read to his troubled uncle. He persuaded him to go and hear a Christian speaker. There he heard of God's way of salvation and received it. With joy he exclaimed: "This is what I have been longing to hear for many years."
Having obtained a Bengali Bible, he learned from the Word of God itself that the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Rom. 6:23.)
Though he well knew that if he became a Christian he might become an outcast among his own people, he gladly became a follower of Jesus Christ. With the peace of God in his heart he could now say with the Apostle Paul: I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things. (Phil. 3:8.)
His Stripes
The man was very ill, in fact, near death. Several times his clergyman had been to see him. He had read to him prayers for the sick, and told him what a great sinner he was.
But the clergyman himself did not know God's great love to sinners, so all he said only made the poor man more miserable.
These visits had been repeated several times, but the sick man had received no comfort; he could only moan about the weight of his sins.
One morning he sent his daughter to bring the clergyman one more time, but the minister objected. "It is no use for me to go," he said. "Your father never seems any better."
"Oh, please!" answered the girl. "Father said I was not to come back without you!"
"Well, I'll take my sermon to read to him," and he followed her to the sick man. He found the poor man in great distress about his soul's condition.
"I've brought my sermon to read to you," said the clergyman. He began by reading the scripture from which he had taken his text, the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah and the fifth verse: He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.
"Wait!" cried the sick man. "Read that again! Wounded for our transgressions. Then He was wounded for mine! I have it!" he exclaimed, starting up. "Bruised for [my] iniquities. Why didn't you tell me that before? But I have it now, thank God! With His stripes [I am] healed."
The next day the clergyman went to see a friend and asked what there was in that scripture more than another. "Why," said his friend, a believer in the Lord Jesus, "this verse contains the whole gospel. Now, I pray you, believe it! Can you say, He was wounded for my transgressions—the Son of God bore my sins in His own body on the tree?"
"Now I see," exclaimed the clergyman. "How blind I have been! I know the scriptures with my head, but never before have I believed with my heart."
After this experience his congregation was amazed at the intensely earnest way in which he preached. He told them that he had been only a blind leader, but that God's grace had shone in his heart. He was a new creature in Christ Jesus, and he begged them all to trust the Lord Jesus as their own Savior.
The Power of God
How often have we seen evidence of the power of the gospel of God! Men's lives have been changed by it, and their souls filled with desire to tell others of the One who loved us and gave Himself for us.
At a meeting where men were telling how they had heard the gospel and had accepted Christ, one stood up holding a New Testament in his hands.
"My story," he said, "is different from the rest of your stories. I was a thief, a pickpocket. One day I noticed a man with a definite bulge in his hip pocket. A fat wallet, I thought, and soon it was in my pocket. But when I got home I found it was only a little book. I threw it aside.
"A few days later I got curious and opened it and began to read. Before very long I found, in this little book, Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior."
"God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform." He makes the wrath of men to praise Him (Psa. 76:10), and in the same way He was able to make the wickedness of this man result in the thief's eternal blessing.
On the Sand
On the east coast of Florida a strange sight may be, seen. There stands on the shore a good-sized house surrounded by strong concrete walls.
Here you may notice an enclosed area, evidently intended for a patio. Step in at the open door of the house and you may walk through room after room; but all are empty and unfinished. When you look around you see cracks and fissures in the walls. The floors in some parts are sunk in or gone. Ruin is stamped on the whole scene. Yet the walls are very, thick, the beams very strong. What has caused this ruin? Just one fault—it was built upon the sand.
Yes, there lived not long ago—perhaps he is still living—a man who actually thought he could do what God in His own Word says is impossible: He imagined that he could build a house on the sand which would be strong enough to resist the force of wind and wave. In it he planned to settle down and live comfortably.
What was his great mistake? The foundation was wrong. What was the use of strong timbers and heavy concrete for the superstructure when the foundation rested on shifting, sinking sand?
Now we look at that house, the very thickness and Strength of walls testify the more loudly to the man’s mistake. RUIN must be the result of building on the sand.
And now on what is your soul resting? Are you safe on the rock—Christ Jesus? God says, Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. If you are depending on anything short of that—on your good Works, faith, or prayers— When that storm of judgment breaks upon you (as God says it must do on all who obey not His gospel); then most surely all that you rest on will be swept away. You will stand before God without one hope to cling to.
Be like the wise man who built his house on the Rock, Christ Jesus. Then the rains may come and the floods may beat, but they will only prove the safety of: Foundation and the everlasting security there is in Him.
My hope on nothing less is built
Than Jesus and the blood He spilled.
On Christ the solid Rock I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand!
In the Hands of the Master - to Think I Almost Refused the Master!
Have you heard this little story of Mendelssohn, the musician? Once he wandered into a cathedral in Germany. The organist, an old man, was practicing on the great organ. Going quietly to the organ loft, Mendelssohn asked if he might try the keys. The old man refused, fearing the stranger might not know how to manage the priceless instrument and might injure it.
The great master insisted, urging that if the organist would only let him try he would prove that he would not harm the organ. At last, reluctantly, the organist consented. Then began such music as the old man had never heard! He was enraptured, entranced! He sat spellbound with his eyes streaming with tears.
After a while the great musician rose to go. "Who are you? Who are you?" cried the old man. "Mendelssohn," he replied simply, and passing down the silent aisle he left the building.
"But, oh," said the old organist as he told the story, "to think that I had almost refused to let Mendelssohn, the master, touch my organ!"
Have not many of us refused to let the Great Master have our lives? Be sure that He will not harm the life given to Him, but will only bring out its wonderful harmonies as God meant them to be! In His hands our poor souls will render music, the glory and beauty of which we can only dream. Like the old organist with his organ, will you not give yourself over to the Lord Jesus? He will save your soul for all eternity, and with tender care He will carry you in His arms of love all the way to the Father's house. Will you not trust Him?
Professor or Possessor? Do You Have Religion or Christ?
Harold Vogt was born in Germany, but left there as a young man to make his fortune in California. He found a job and settled in San Francisco. Though brought up to respect and reverence God's Word, his Bible was laid aside and for years was left unread.
During this time Vogt was unhappy. His life was one long attempt to escape thinking about God, judgment and eternity. He well knew he was sinning against light and love; deep down in his soul he knew that it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.
Is this so with you? Are you attempting to get away from God? Do you shrink from being alone? Are you allowing your mind and heart to be absorbed in the business or pleasures or cares of this life, ignoring your soul's best interests? If so, remember that a day of reckoning is at hand. God has appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness.
An evangelist came to San Francisco to hold a "crusade". Vogt attended some of the meetings. One evening one of the workers asked if he were a Christian.
"I don't think so," was the reply.
"Would you like to be one?"
"I wouldn't mind," he answered.
The worker then read a portion of Scripture, prayed, and asked him to do the same.
Vogt left under the impression that he was a child of God. He had "prayed for salvation," and he "felt happy now"—but not happy enough. Something in his heart was still unsatisfied. "Perhaps," he said, "I ought to do more for God and I shall feel better."
So he worked and worked, trying to do good to others in order to obtain peace with God. Still he was restless and uneasy.
Late one night he saw a crowd of people listening to a street preacher who was telling out the "old, old story" of Calvary's cross. He listened for a while, and imagined that the preacher had singled him out-the preaching was too pointed and personal. He went home in a miserable condition; could it be possible that he was not a Christian after all?
The next night, Bible in hand, he was back to hear the same speaker. He was even more uncomfortable than the night before. He began to see himself to be a lost, guilty sinner and, hurrying home with his Bible, he began to read in earnest. For the first time he perceived that the Lord Jesus, by bearing the punishment due to him, had done everything necessary for his soul's deliverance. When he learned what Christ's death had accomplished, he fell on his knees and thanked God for giving Christ to die for him. Here at last his heart could rest!
The next morning Satan went after him with questions like fiery darts. "Are you really born again?" "Are you sure you have got the right kind of faith?"
Satan was defeated. Vogt rested his weary soul, not on what he had done or felt, but on the finished work of Christ; his assurance of salvation depended on the word of the living God.
Can it be that you are merely a "professor of religion"? Or are you a possessor of Christ? Where do you stand? Be honest! Get down to the foundation and ascertain whether you are building for eternity on the sandy foundation of your prayers, good works, happy feelings, resolutions, sacramental observances—or on the "Rock of Ages". Go at once to Him who is able and willing to save all who come.
He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them. (Heb. 7:25.)
The Teacher
A man went into a repair shop in a small town and talked with a mechanic. He asked him if he knew the Lord Jesus.
"Yes, indeed," he replied. "My teacher taught me about Him when I was just a boy. In fact,” he went on, "I would have starved if my teacher hadn't fed me."
"How was that?" asked the visitor.
"Well, we lived away out in the country, and went to a real small school. Times then were very hard, and some of us were scratching out a miserable living. In fact, the children in that school were so hungry they didn't have the energy to stay awake during class time. We were a hard bunch to teach, I guess.
"Our teacher was a real fine Christian lady who prayed with us each morning and asked the Lord to provide for the needs of this little school. That spring at recess time she had us all go out and help dig and plant a nice garden. Each day we worked at it, and watered and weeded it too. We had a real fine garden patch out there!
"She went to the school board and told them that if they would get her some supplies she would fix the children all a hot lunch every day. The school board agreed, and they sent her flour and sugar and other fixings she needed for the meals. I remember that she made a nice custard with lots of eggs and milk each day, and she would let me lick the bowl too. She baked biscuits in a Dutch oven on the wood stove, and we all ate the vegetables from our garden.
"After that we began to learn our lessons better, and she would tell us to remember how well the Lord Jesus, who loves us, had so wonderfully provided for us. She told us to be thankful for the way He answered our prayers too.
"That's why I always say, when anyone asks me about the early days, 'I would have starved if my teacher hadn't fed me!"
Christians too have a teacher. It is the Holy Spirit of God. In John 14:26 the Lord Jesus says: The Comforter, which is the Holy [Spirit], whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things.
Just as that teacher in the little village school took no credit for all that they had received, but gave all praise to the Lord, so the Holy Spirit speaks not of Himself but only of Christ. He shall testify of Me [Jesus]...for He shall not speak of Himself; but... He shall glorify Me [Jesus]. And this wonderful Person will feed us with spiritual food so that we can learn more of Jesus Christ, and grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Too Bright
One bright summer day a Christian was walking along a country road, and came to a man who was hard at work. He began to talk with him, and soon learned he doubted the truth of the Bible. The Christian said to him, "Well, my friend, just look up at the sun overhead."
"I can't," said the man. "It's too bright for my eyes."
"Now, friend, if you can't look at the sun, how will you be able to look at its Maker?" rejoined the Christian earnestly, and then he went on his way.
The last sentence caught the man's attention.
How could he ever behold such glory? The words stayed in his mind, tearing to pieces all his self-confidence. Before long he found real, abiding and eternal peace by looking to God in humble repentance for the forgiveness of his sins.
Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world! (John 1:29.)
Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. (Isaiah 45:22.)
Jesus the Messiah
We had been holding gospel meetings for several nights. On some evenings a young Jewish woman was seen in the audience. Her husband, a social-minded man, was in the habit of spending his evenings out with friends, while his wife, of a more serious nature, most often remained at home.
With the meetings being held nearby, curiosity led her to come to one of our services. The first evening's message left no particular impression. The question simply arose fleetingly in her mind: "Suppose that Jesus were the Messiah?"
She came the next night, and again Jesus was preached. Before the service was over the question became more than a question. She said to herself, "Jesus was perhaps the Messiah," and it greatly distressed her.
On the third night the thought seized her soul and shook it through and through: "Jesus was the Messiah!"
Of course there came with it the conviction: "I am lost forever, for my people killed Him."
Her husband came home at midnight. She met him in tears and said at once, "Go to some Christian neighbor and borrow for me a New Testament."
He tried to laugh her out of her depression, then to argue her out of it, but it was of no use. So, because he loved her, he went out at twelve thirty that night and rang a Christian neighbor's doorbell. When he came to the door, the caller said, "I beg your pardon for disturbing you, but will you be so kind as to lend me a New Testament?"
The request was cheerfully granted. The neighbor thought: "There is a work in that house to be done for Jesus tonight!" As soon as he could get dressed he hurried to the home of a Christian brother, and together they went to the Jewish home.
The door was instantly opened, and the woman met them with a welcoming smile. Her greeting was: "I have found Jesus, the Messiah!"
Then she told her story. She said that when her husband gave her the New Testament she could not speak. But she went into her room and, kneeling, lifted up her face toward heaven, crying, "O LORD GOD of my fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, give me light! Give me light!"
Keeping her eyes closed she opened the Testament. When she opened her eyes, the Scripture before her was the beginning of the letter to the Romans.
She read slowly, and the verses went tearing through her soul like thunderbolts until she came to the sixteenth verse: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first—there she stopped. Her tears blinded her. She looked again.
To the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
As she read these words she believed them and she knew her Messiah must be Christ Jesus, the Lord. When the Christians came she was rejoicing in her new-found hope and ready to confess Him before men.
For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Rom. 10:12, 13.)
“Man of sorrows," what a name
For the Son of God, who came,
Ruined sinners to reclaim.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Love's Greatest Monument?
The Taj Mahal is the jewel of Indian architecture. It was built by an Indian emperor, Shah Jehan, in memory of and as a burying place for his favorite wife. Even after 300 years the Taj Mahal is as beautiful as when it was built with white marble inlaid with precious stones. It was a monument to love-the love of a rich man for his wife.
The love of Shah Jehan was love for the woman who loved him, but there is a far greater love than that: it is the love of God for us who have sinned against Him by going our own way. The Bible says: Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
And again: God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Many who have visited India have gazed in admiration at the beauty of the Taj Mahal, and some would be moved by the love of the man who built such a monument in memory of his wife. But millions the world over, as well as in India, have marveled at the love of God in sending His Son to die for their sins. With deep thankfulness they have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and made him Lord in their lives. They have read His words: God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
We have all sinned against the God who loves—the God who sent His Son to die for us. The cross of Christ is the greatest monument to love—God's love. Respond to that love today; gladly accept Jesus as Savior, and make Him the Lord of your life.
Those who die unforgiven meet the judgment of the One whose love they despised: Jesus Christ who died for them and rose again from the dead to be their Savior. He is alive and is waiting for you to call upon Him. The Bible says: Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Joy and Peace in Believing
A telegraph clerk became concerned about his soul. He realized that he was a sinner and was on his way to a lost eternity. He could find no peace, comfort or rest, even though he sought it one Sunday by listening attentively to three different preachers. He went home to his room in great distress. How could he be saved? He had little sleep that night, knowing that his sins were unforgiven.
Monday morning he went to his work in a telegraph office at a railway station. Soon after he arrived, his station signal was called. As the message came over the wire he wrote down the name of the sender and addressee. Then came the message: Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world! (John 1:29.)
In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. (Eph. 1:7.)
Amazed, he read and reread the telegram.
Though it was sent to a young woman who was also troubled about her soul, it was God's message to him.
He said afterward, "The words—redemption... forgiveness of sins... riches of His grace—went right into my heart! No one in the whole world could have had greater joy than I had that Monday morning!"
Do you have this peace and joy? May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing. (Rom. 15:13.)
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. (Acts 16:31.)
O what a Savior that He died for me!
From condemnation He hath made me free;
"He that believeth on the Son," saith He,
Hath everlasting life."
Though all unworthy, yet I will not doubt;
For him that cometh He will not cast out;
“He that believeth"—Oh, the good news shout!
Hath everlasting life."
The Right Way
Many contradictory voices are heard today and many of them must be giving directions which are mistaken and misleading, even when given by well-meaning men. All cannot be true.
We should then, all of us, be on our guard against being misdirected for eternity. In such a matter as our soul's salvation it is vital to be certain where we shall spend eternity—in heaven, or in hell. It must be one of the two places.
Thank God, there is no need for us to depend on doubtful advice. God has given the plainest directions as to the way to heaven.
The way God directs is not the way of "doing our best," or of "observing the golden rule," or of "trying to be good." We are assured at the start that none of these will lead us to heaven. We have all of us wandered too far from God for any such directions to help us.
The Word of God points to Christ as the only way. Jesus Himself says: I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. (John 14:6.)
He suffered at Calvary, not merely as a martyr, but as the Sin-bearer making atonement by His own blood on the cross. Now that He is risen from the dead He is proclaimed to all as the only Savior. The way to receive blessing for the present and to enter into glory for eternity lies in trusting Him.
The Bible says: To Him give all the prophets witness, that through His name whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins. (Acts 10:43.) Could words be plainer?
True wisdom is to listen to the sure directions of the Word of God and so escape the dreadful danger of being misdirected.
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end there of are the ways of death. (Prov. 14:12.)
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on Him. (John 3:36.)
I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved. John 10:9
The Traveler
A Christian man became so occupied with this world that he almost forgot about the Lord Jesus. One day he started on a long trip from one village on the island where he lived to another. The day was hot; the path was rough. He had nothing to eat and nothing to drink, and he became tired. He had failed to prepare himself for his long journey.
Are you prepared for the journey through this world? Have you thought about your needs? The Bible says that the preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord. (Prov. 16:1.) You must look to the Lord Jesus to be prepared for the journey of life.
Finally the man realized how desperately hungry and thirsty he was. In the next village he stopped at a little shop and asked the owner for some juice and a cake to eat, but the shopman said that he was sold out. So he continued on to the next shop, only to be told the same thing. But this shopkeeper, pointing on down the street at another shop, said, "I believe they will have something for you there."
The traveler headed that way, hungry, thirsty, and oh, so tired. As he entered the little shop a beautifully colored text hanging on the wall over the counter caught his eye. It said: Casting all your care upon Him [Jesus Christ]; for He careth for you.
He just stood there looking in astonishment at that message. Finally, he turned to the shopkeeper and asked him if he had juice and cakes. The man supplied them with a smile.
The traveler accepted the refreshments gratefully, but he felt ashamed as he continued to stare at the verse hanging on the wall. He knew he had neglected to prepare for the journey he was on, and as a Christian he had neglected to feed on the Word of God. For the Lord Jesus said: I am the bread of life: he that cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst.
He realized he had failed. The Lord Jesus had died for him, and yet his thoughts and desires had been directed only on this world. Three times he had sought refreshment on his trip, and the third time he found what he really had need of—the Lord. He realized that the Lord Jesus had been watching him all the time, and at last gently reminded him of His love and care.
In Psa. 11:4 we read that: His eyes behold, His eyelids try, the children of men. Anyone who has trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior and Redeemer, can be sure that He is watching over him in love and protecting care every moment. But—the next verse adds: The wicked and him that loveth violence His soul hateth. No, there is no loving care promised to the wicked, even though we know that He is even kind unto the unthankful.
Let's Get the Record Straight!
Let's get the record straight!
It's not a question of what church you belong to. That never was the issue and it never will be.
When we stand before God, He's not going to ask us whether we went to a Protestant church or to a Catholic church. A person can be a Protestant and go to hell. And the fact that a person is a Catholic doesn't mean that he is automatically sure of heaven either.
All the rituals of all Protestant churches put together cannot put away sin. And the same is true of the rituals of the Catholic church. Whatever value they might have, they cannot deal with the guilt and penalty of sin.
A Catholic friend said to me recently, "I find it hard to believe that all the rituals I have gone through in the Catholic church have no power to save me."
"Well, do you have peace with God?" I asked.
"No, I don't," he answered.
"Then let me tell you this," I said. "The rituals of the Protestant church have no power to save you either, or to give you peace with God. Salvation is not found in ceremonies; it is found in a Person."
All the bickering between Protestants and Catholics has confused the issue. It has created the impression that if a person just joins one church or the other, then all will be well with him. That is not true.
What are the facts?
The first fact is that whether we are born into the world as Catholics or as Protestants, we are sinners: For there is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. (Rom. 3:22, 23.)
The second fact is this: whether we are Catholic sinners or Protestant sinners, we need to be saved: There shall in no wise enter into it [heaven] anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life. (Rev. 21:27.)
The third great fact is that salvation is not found in a creed, a church or a ceremony; it is found in Christ: Jesus saith ... I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. (John 14:6.)
The final fact is that we can be saved by receiving Him, that is, by believing on Him: As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name. (John 1:12.)
Don't depend on Protestantism or Catholicism to save you. Put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ who died for your sins on Calvary's cross, who rose again the third day, and who offers you eternal life as a free gift.
Eternal Safety
If we could see the Lord Jesus here with our eyes, we could ask Him: "O blessed Lord Jesus, please tell us, once and for all, whether we are always in danger of losing our salvation. Is it possible that one who is really born again and becomes God's child may after all be lost?"
Suppose He should reply, My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give unto them eternal life, would that be sufficient?
And suppose He should continue with, And they shall never perish, would that be sufficient?
And suppose He should still go on and say, Neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father's hand. I and My Father are one, would that be satisfactory?
Well, He has been here, and said all that, and it is on record in John 10:27-30, and there is nothing in all Scripture that disputes His statement here in the least.
As one friend said to another while they were discussing this: "Well, that's all right, and I agree that no one can get us out of God's hand, but we can get ourselves out of His hand if we will."
The other answered: "You remind me very much of my son who, while a very small boy, went with me for his first ride in a boat. He had never seen a boat before, and he was greatly interested in it and in the deep water in which we were floating. He saw no danger in that water as I did, and during the whole trip I was carefully and firmly holding onto him with my hand lest he fall or jump overboard and be drowned."
"Yes, but your boy could have wiggled out of his jacket and jumped into the water."
"But," was the reply, "I was not holding the jacket, I was holding the boy, and I saw to it that he could not get out of my hand even if he wanted to. Supposing you could succeed in getting out of God's hand, and staying out, then what would be the result? Would you perish?"
"But don't you see that the Lord has covered just that point? He says, And they shall never perish."
"Why, so He did! I never thought of it that way. Oh, how wonderful that is! The Lord has said that shall never perish! What a burden that lifts from my heart!"
For one who really understands the gospel of the grace of God, there is no possibility of doubt as to the eternal safety of the Christian. All the statements of Scripture dealing with the subject are in perfect harmony, and they all teach that the saved person has been saved by the grace (that is, the unmerited favor) of God. Salvation is a gift which he has received by faith. Since he never deserved it and never can keep it by deserving it, even to the end of his earthly life, if anyone is ever finally saved at all it must be by God's power alone.
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. (Eph. 2:8,9.)
God Speaking
See that ye refuse not Him that speaketh: for if they escaped not who refused Him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from Him that speaketh from heaven.
God is speaking to you. What answer are you going to make? Are you going to tell Him that you will enjoy the world for a while yet, and when eternity is drawing near you will think about being converted?
If this is your answer, be careful! God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (Gal. 6:7.)
You may go down very suddenly in a lost eternity. He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. (Prov. 29:1.)
Come then before it is forever too late! Now is the accepted time. (2 Cor. 6:2.)
An Officer's Message
A young Army officer was in the hospital near death. When one of the men of his regiment, Sgt. Taylor, visited him, he gave him a last message for his mother at home.
"Promise me, Taylor, that you will go to Easton and see my mother. Tell her all about me."
"Your mother, sir?" The look of sorrow and regret on the dying man's face made the trooper say gently: "May I tell your mother that you died trusting in Christ?"
"No, no," was the bitter answer. "She is a wonderful mother and a real Christian. It will break her heart, I know, but no, it is not true of me." He turned his face away.
"But Christ will receive you now just as you are, sir. Why not come to Him?"
"Taylor, I have lived only for myself, and given God no thought all my life. How could I be so low as to turn to Him at the end? No! It's too late. I set my course and left God out."
"Wait a minute, sir. Look at it this way. Look at it from Christ's side. After all He has done for you and He died for you, didn't He?—give Him the chance of saving your soul. He has suffered enough for you. Don't cause Him still more disappointment! Give Him at least the chance of saving you now, late though it is."
The man's eyes opened wide in astonishment. This was a new way of looking at it—that Christ would be disappointed if he were lost, and that he would be grieving Him still further—that was a new thought.
"Leave me, Taylor, but come back tonight. I must think this through."
That evening when the sergeant again stood by the bed of the dying officer there was no need to ask a question. The light in the man's eyes told the tale. He had not disappointed Christ! The lost sheep had let the Shepherd find him.
"Tell Mother that my trust is in Christ, and that He is not disappointed," he whispered.
Jesus says: Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out. (John 6:37.)
He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him. (Heb. 7:25.)
The Certainties of Scripture
Sir Ambrose Fleming, a famous British scientist, said: "We must not build on the sands of an uncertain and ever-changing science, but on the rock of the inspired Scriptures, which do not comprise the guesses of fallible minds, but the utterances of holy men of God who spoke by the Holy Spirit."
Listen to the witness of some of these "holy men of God." They speak with certainty.
Solomon, who was wiser than all other men, said: Have not I written to thee excellent things in counsels and knowledge, that I might make thee KNOW THE CERTAINTY of the words of truth; that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee?
Luke, the Evangelist, wrote: It seemed good to me... to write... that thou mightest KNOW THE CERTAINTY of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed.
Job, the Patriarch, said: I KNOW that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth.
Paul, the Apostle, said: I KNOW whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.
John, the beloved Disciple, said: We have KNOWN and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love.
Let the authoritative statement of the Apostle Paul be accepted and believed: Be it KNOWN unto you...that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: and by Him all that believe are justified from all things.
The word of the Lord endureth forever. 1 Peter 1:25
The Engineer's Surprise
"Bob, give me the paper," said Bill Lawson, an engineer, to the news-boy at a train station. Bob, the newsboy, had been recently converted to God. In his new-found happiness he was anxious to share his joy with others. "I'll give you a paper," was his answer, "if you promise to read this tract."
"Tract! I don't want any such rubbish," and Bill walked away.
At their next meeting the engineer made the same request, and got the same reply. A third time Bill asked for a paper, and when he heard the same answer he said to Bob, "You really want me to read it?"
"I sure do, Mr. Lawson."
Taking the tract, Bill finally said, "Well, then, I'll try it."
When next they met Bob's first question was, "Did you read that tract?"
"I did—and I never read anything like it before! I always thought God was like a policeman with a club in His hand trying to arrest me and beat me up. Now I see that He loves me! If He is such a loving God, then I want to know and love Him!"
Many, like Bill Lawson, imagine that God is like a policeman pursuing them to shut them up in the prison of hell. What a perversion of the true character of God! Though God hates sin, He loves the sinner with a great and tender love, for God is love.
Whoever you are, whatever you have been, still God loves you. He longs to give you a free and full salvation. This is what He says in the Bible: As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die? (Ezek. 33:11.)
God has no pleasure in the death of sinners. Scripture declares that the Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering... not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9.)
God is not willing that YOU should perish. He wants you to believe and receive the gospel of His wonderful grace. In spite of this, many ask if we believe that God would want to damn anyone. They should read the Bible! If they did they would learn that God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. (John 3:17.)
He longs to bless and save you. You may imagine that it is not a matter of concern to Him whether you spend eternity in remorse and misery, or in joy and gladness. What a terrible mistake!
The proof of His love to you is the fact that He gave Christ to die on Calvary's cross that you might not perish but have everlasting life. Christ bore sin's penalty and shed His blood as a ransom for your deliverance. The ransom price has been paid and accepted. God is satisfied, and He wants you to be satisfied too.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved—believe on the One who was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities, and you will obtain eternal life as your present possession. Like the engineer, you will have a glad surprise.
Why not believe now and be saved? Why not stop procrastinating? The Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon to take His people home to be with Himself. Are you ready for His coming? Now—now—NOW—tomorrow may be too late!
Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
“To know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge.” Ephesians 3:19
It was long ago in San Francisco. A group of us went to the beach by the Cliff House. We got to the beach about nine o'clock in the morning. The fog was just beginning to lift, and in a little while we were shocked to see all kinds of wreckage on the shore. Where did it all come from?
We learned that a ship, the Rio de Janeiro, on its way home from the Orient, had tried to enter San Francisco Harbor in the darkness and thick fog. It had run upon the rocks and was broken to pieces. Many passengers drowned; a few escaped.
Among the rescued was a young American journalist. Both of his legs had been broken when the ship crashed against the rocks. Only partly conscious, he dragged himself to the deck. There he lay until the surging waves washed him into the cold waters of the bay. The shock probably restored him to full consciousness and he began to float. Hours afterward that utterly helpless man was drawn out of the water by a rescue party.
What a picture of God's grace to the helpless and needy! There were some—strong, healthy men—who swam for hours before they were picked up. Many others became exhausted and drowned. But this man, seriously injured, could not save himself. He was totally helpless. Yet through God's grace and mercy he was saved.
What a picture of us: of you, of me! We too were helpless, lost and far away from God. But God, in the great love with which He loved us, sent His own dear Son to rescue us by dying in our place. And now all who believe on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:6
Braley Buries His Past
Joe Braley, a rough man of unenviable notoriety, was often in prison, and when not there was usually wanted by the police for one crime or another. In one of his short periods of freedom he made plans to burglarize a house out in the country.
While he was waiting for sufficient darkness to cover his crime, he heard a distant voice that seemed to carry far through the quiet country air. Curiously, he followed the sound for half a mile until he found himself on the outskirts of a crowd listening to the earnest words of a gospel preacher.
About an hour later, as Mr. Russell, the preacher, was sitting down to his supper there came a knock at his front door. Joe Braley wanted to see Mr. Russell.
He went to the door, while Mrs. Russell slipped quietly behind her husband. There at the door stood a sturdy figure, and a rough voice asked, "Are you Mr. Russell?"
"Yes, I am."
"Do you know me?"
"Yes, Joe, I do."
"I want you to come for a walk with me."
Then Mrs. Russell made her presence known by catching hold of her husband and begging him not to go out at that late hour into the dark night, but her pleas were in vain.
Together the preacher and the burglar walked in silence, Mr. Russell wondering what could be Joe's errand. On they went until they passed out of town and up a lonely lane between two high hedges. Then Joe came to a sudden stop and said, "I was out walking this evening when I heard your voice. I had some time to kill, so I walked on till I came to a crowd and heard you speaking. I want to know if all you said is true."
"Yes, Joe, every word of it," was the reply.
"Then do you think there is any hope for me? Can Jesus save a sinner like me?"
"Yes, Joe; the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sin."
"Then I want you to see me bury these things and kneel with me on their grave."
Cutting the turf carefully, he dug a little grave and deposited there his revolver and various burglary tools. Then stamping down the dirt, he relaid the turf and he and the preacher knelt in the darkness while Joe Braley confessed to God his sins and his need of a Savior.
When they rose, Joe left Mr. Russell and was heard of in the neighborhood (and on the police "wanted" list) no more. It was evident that he had put distance between himself and his old associates as his best chance for a different life.
Since "conversion" means "a turning back," "a spiritual and moral change attending a change of belief with conviction" (Webster), Joe Braley was truly converted. More than thirty years later Mr. Russell met him in another part of the country, and the ex-convict, ex-burglar was living an upright life and telling all he met of the wonderful grace of God.
The life which I now live in the flesh I live By the faith of The Son of God, Who loved me, And gave Himself for me. Gal. 2:20
The Old Signpost
Have you ever reached a crossroads and found nothing there to indicate which way you should go? You really needed a signpost then, didn't you?
The oldest known signpost in the world is in Great Britain. It stands at a junction of the road at Chesterholme, Bardon Hill, in Northumberland. This old servant of the traveler is made of solid stone and was erected by the Romans about seventeen centuries ago.
In spite of the many severe winters it has come through, the old signpost still stands on duty directing travelers. Though its wording is somewhat blurred now, its letters are still legible and its aged arms still point the way.
We all reach a crossroads of life at some time or other, don't we? Sooner or later we must each make a decision that affects our whole future pathway. And there we find a signpost, one that points the way to safety for all eternity. That signpost is the cross of Christ. It points the way to God, to heaven and to life. It tells us of the Savior who died for us, who shed His own life's blood as the basis for man's redemption and eternal safety.
God hates sin. No evil can ever enter His presence. Then how can we, with all our sins? How can He in His holiness receive us? Only by having our sins removed, their punishment borne! That is exactly what Christ did on Calvary. Now that cross stands as the witness of divine love, pointing men and women to God.
God commendeth His love Toward us, in that, while were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
Choose Your Side!
You must be on one side or the other. If you play a game of football you cannot be on both sides at once, sometimes carrying the ball for one team and then the other. You would be dismissed from the field very quickly.
In the game—no, in the reality—of life, you must be on the side of right or on that of wrong. No man can serve two masters. You cannot walk in the broad way and in the narrow way at the same time. You must either be for Christ or against Him.
Almost two thousand years ago the world rejected Jesus, the Son of God. The world still rejects Him today. Its character has not changed, though it may appear to have improved over the centuries.
The most religious nation of its time crucified Christ, and "culture" was then at its height under the influence of Greece and Rome. Hebrew, Greek and Latin were the three languages in which our Lord's accusation was written and placed over His head upon the cross. Hebrew represented religion; Greek represented culture and Latin represented power. Mankind, Jew and Gentile, educated and ignorant, rough and gentle, all joined in the rejection of the Son of God.
In the language of the Lord Jesus Himself, What think ye of Christ? The question is still, whose side are you on?
Choose you this day whom ye will serve.
I have set before you life and death...therefore choose life! Deuteronomy 30:19
Believe It!?
I was a British army officer. When retirement came, I settled on an estate near the city where I was married. With more free time, I began to think about my past and present life. I began to realize that I had never really lived up to my convictions.
One summer evening while walking in the fields with my wife I saw that some of my sheep had broken out from the pasture. Calling to one of the men, I ran toward the gap to help in heading them back. I was proud of my flock, having spent considerable money to get the very best of their breed.
One of the sheep escaped us again and again. The evening was warm, and I was soon overheated by my exertions. Angrily I said to the sheep, "I wish you were dead!"
Presently, as though struck by some unseen hand, that sheep fell. I left the man to deal with it, and walked away. I had scarcely reached the house when a message came that the sheep was dead, and to ask what was to be done with it.
"Take it away," I said, "And never let me hear of it again."
It was as if God Himself had spoken to me. I was conscience-stricken, and I felt that I should have been the victim and not the poor dumb animal. I made good resolutions to better myself. I soon broke them. I made new and stronger ones. It was worse. I resolved to make no more. I was like a man in a boat pulling against the stream, growing weary and taking in the oars. I lost ground and was drifting out to sea.
At last someone spoke to me about God's love, and I seemed to have a dawn of returning hope. I asked him if he thought there might be hope or help for me.
"That," he said, "depends upon yourself, whether you believe God's Word or not."
"Oh," I replied, "that's the anchor of my soul. I do believe God's Word."
"Let me try you. Your very interesting story supplies me with a verse: All we like sheep have gone astray."
"Yes, I believe that. I know it."
"We have turned every one to his own way."
"That is just what I have been doing," I said, "and so long that I cannot change it."
Then he said, "We will go on. And the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all. And that?"
"Oh, but—."
"There was no 'but' to the other passages."
"Well, if—."
"Nor 'if'! If you do not believe that, then you do not believe the whole Bible. If you do believe it, where is your sin?"
"Is that faith?" I asked.
"Faith," he replied, "is just believing what God says."
I did believe it; I do believe it, and the peace and joy I have found in believing it have been my comfort ever since.
I have learned, and love to tell others, how love had its first beginning in the heart of God, and how when we were all without strength, sinners, enemies of God and unbelieving, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us, to bear our iniquity and to suffer in our place. Believing and receiving, we are saved. It is as simple as that!
The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6
Time Enough
A strange dream was told long ago. I do not know who the dreamer was, but the dream is a warning to all of us.
A man dreamed that he saw Satan seated on a throne. All his evil spirits were gathered around him awaiting his commands. Suddenly the question was asked by their master: "Who will go forth to ruin souls on earth?"
The answer came readily enough from one: "I will."
"What will you tell them?"
"I'll tell them that there is no God."
"That will not do," Satan returned gloomily. "Men know there is a God. Sometimes they deny it, even to themselves, but deep in their hearts they know there is a God and that they must face Him some day. They may try to stifle the thought, but when sickness or death comes they have to admit the truth. That story will not ruin them."
Again he repeated the question: "Who will go forth to ruin souls?"
"I will," a second spirit replied.
"And what will you tell them?"
"I'll tell them that there is a God, a just and holy God, but that they are too bad to come to Him."
"That will not do," repeated Satan. "Their very need will drive them to Him. Besides, while there are Bibles left in the world, they have only to read how God invites them—sinners though they are—to come to Him and receive everlasting life. Something more clever than that must be devised to ruin men."
Once more the dreamer heard the terrible question ring through the darkness: "Who'll go forth to ruin souls?"
There was a pause. At last he saw in his dream a third spirit come forward and stand before the one on the throne. He heard him repeat the words: "I will."
"And what will you tell them?"
"I'll tell them," he answered slowly, "that there is a God. I will let them hear the gospel as often as they like. They may know the story of God's love in giving His Son for lost sinners. They may read of the Son of God giving Himself to die for them. They may listen to the free invitation, Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. I will not hinder them from hearing that salvation is the gift of God—not of works. They may hear it all."
"But how will that ruin them?" his master inquired impatiently.
"I'll tell them that it is all true! But," he added, with a look of fiendish malice, "I'll tell them that there is time enough to think about accepting God's offer."
A murmur of applause passed through the caverns of despair. "Go forth," said the Prince of Darkness; "you will be successful."
And he went forth! Day after day, and to this day, the message of destruction has always been and is still being whispered to thousands: "There is time enough!"
This—only a dream? Surely not! Long, long before the dreamer was born, that plot to ruin souls was planned in hell.
You have heard God's salvation proclaimed. You have felt your need as a sinner, and have heard of the terrors of judgment.
Does not the enemy of souls whisper in your ear, "TIME ENOUGH"? You are well and strong now. Does he not say, "Wait until your dying day? No need just now. Time enough!"
Yes, and "lost!—lost!" will be your cry. Remember, eternal life is offered to you today. There is no promise for tomorrow.
Behold, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2
Sam Leary's Barn
This was not Mrs. O'Leary's barn, made notorious by the Chicago fire. Nor was there the famous cow that kicked the lantern over in this barn. In fact, there were no cows in Sam Leary's barn. It was all cleaned out to be used for a series of gospel meetings. Many people had been attending the meetings every night, and several received the Lord Jesus their Savior.
Some of the boys of the neighborhood began to make plans to disrupt the meetings. They arranged that two of them should fasten and guard the door, while a third went up on the roof and dropped a bucket of burning sulfur down through a hole into the midst of the place. Other boys watched from a safe distance to share in the fun.
The meeting was well under way, and the two at the door had done their part in blocking the door. Now they stood waiting to hear confusion inside and a rush made for the door. Nothing happened. They dared not call to Ben on the roof for fear it might warn those inside.
At last, after waiting half an hour, one of them climbed up to find Ben. There he was, with his head close to the opening in the roof, listening intently to the preacher's voice.
When asked if he had dropped the sulfur, he answered, "No, Jack, I threw it into the watering trough, and I'm converted to God!"
Jack dropped to the ground and whispered to his friend, "The game's all up! Come on!" And they fled across the field.
Ben, while waiting for the most suitable time to interrupt the service, was obliged to listen to the words being spoken so earnestly inside. God used what he heard to waken him to the reality of eternity. It became so real to him as he sat there on the rooftop that he trembled. Throwing away his bucket, he listened carefully to the gospel. He knew he needed a Savior, and he received God's Word and was saved then and there.
As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on is name. John 1:12
The Light Shines Out
Two men lived in the hills of North Carolina. One of them heard the gospel and was convicted of his sins. He believed the Word of God and received its message of salvation in his heart. A few days later he went to his neighbor's house and said: "I have come to talk to you. Perhaps you know that I have been saved."
"Yes," sneered the other, "I heard you had been down to the meetings. And so you went forward for prayers. I am surprised! I thought you were as sensible a man as any in town."
"Well," said the first, "I have a duty towards you. I haven't slept for two nights thinking about it. I have four sheep in my flock that belong to you. They came two years ago with your brand mark on them. I took them and marked them with my brand. I know you asked around, but could not find them. They are in my field now, with their offspring. I want to settle with you if you are willing, or you can settle with me by the law if you'd rather."
The other man was amazed. He told his neighbor that he could keep the sheep-only please go away! He was shaken by the thought that something had got hold of his old friend which he could not understand. He repeated: "You keep the sheep, but please go away."
"No," said the Christian. "I must settle this matter. I cannot rest until I do. You must tell me how much I owe you."
"Well, then, pay me the worth of the sheep when they went to you, and six percent interest. Then please go away and leave me alone!"
The Christian laid down the amount asked, and then doubled it. He went away, leaving his old friend's heart greatly troubled.
Today the second man is no longer an unbeliever. He, too, is a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, and is another bright testimony to his Lord.
Let your light so shin before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16
All Sin
It seemed to me that possibly most of my sins could be forgiven. They were bad enough, but then they were only the same sort of sins other people commit, and if others could be forgiven, why could not I?
But there were some very dark spots in my life—sins that I was ashamed to think of. I could not bring myself to believe that there could be forgiveness for such sins as those.
There were hours of darkness, hours of sorrow, and then at last the light broke in. A verse of Scripture came to mind: The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from ALL sin.
And I just left the whole lot, little and great, inside the word "ALL".
"ALL sin"—yes! Sin of every character and shade: the "little sins," as people speak of them and the great ones too.
"ALL sin." None is too dark or desperate. The soul that comes to the Savior is completely cleansed.
"ALL sin." Come to the Savior now. He wants to bless. The door of mercy stands open wide. Soon the Master of the house of blessing will close that door of salvation. Think what it will be to have missed the cleansing, and to be linked with your sins and their doom forever.
"ALL sin." Let the words ring in your soul now and forever.
The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin. (1 John 1:7.)
The Man Who Had Nothing
William Hone was an atheist lecturer who traveled around the country speaking against the teachings of God's holy Word. One day he was taking a walk in the country and lost his way. He came upon a poor, tumble-down cottage, in front of which a little girl was reading a book. After getting directions to his road, he picked up the book the child was reading. To his surprise he found it was a copy of the New Testament. Throwing it on the ground, he said to the girl, "You foolish little thing, how is it that you read such stupid books as this?"
The child looked at him in shocked surprise, and cried, "Oh, please don't talk that way about my Book. My mother is sick in bed, and this book is our only comfort."
The simple words spoken by the girl set William Hone thinking. "Those poor, simple people," he said to himself, "are in trouble; the mother sick, the child young, and yet they have found something real in that Book; they have got something on which to live and die. What could I give them that would be a comfort now, or a support in death? All I do is take away people's hopes. No God, no Christ, no heaven, no hell. And what have I for myself but nothing, instead of something real?"
William Hone began to study the Book, and was saved with an everlasting salvation. It became his greatest joy to tell to others what great things God had done for him. On the flyleaf of his Bible he wrote the following words:
"The proudest heart that ever beat
Has been subdued in me."
Have you carefully read and thought about God's Word, the Bible? Do you take time when alone to see in it what God's thoughts of sin and salvation are? He loves you, and He wants to save you and to satisfy your heart forever.
I am come that they might have life and that they have it more abundantly. John 10:10
You are invited to the great feast of salvation. (Luke 14:16-24.)
What are you doing with the invitation?
You remember the parable. The invited ones made excuses. They had other engagements; their business matters, their family concerns filled their thoughts. They cared nothing for the grand supper. But the feast was furnished with guests without them.
And God's house of blessing will be filled whether you are there or not. But if not there, where will you be?
It is a small matter to slight the offer of hospitality of a fellow mortal, but we cannot trifle with God's invitation without danger. Do we dare to treat Him without courtesy, and not be condemned?
None of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper was the decision of the provider of the feast. They might choose to change their minds and come, after all. It would be too late.
No further message was sent.
You have been invited to the supper. What have you done about it?
”I Could Not Hold On”
"I have often tried to be a Christian, but I have failed. Sometimes I think I am one, but soon the happy feelings are gone and I am just as bad as ever, so there is no use in my professing."
You need not be troubled about your ability to "hold on". The moment you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, God gives you eternal life and He promises you will never perish. Don't worry about "holding on"; that's His job. He will hold on to you. After you are saved, the same Christ who saved you from wrath will keep you safe all the way home to heaven.
His name shall be called Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins, and He is able to keep you from falling. He has promised never to leave nor forsake those who put their trust in Him. The moment you believe on Jesus you are His, and He has pledged His word to guide, guard and keep you, and to give you strength and grace to live and work for Him. I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. (Isa. 41:13.)
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