
 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
AMONGST the many thousands of tracts distributed by the evangelists of the Open-air Mission at Doncaster Races was one which in a strange and providential manner found its way down the grating of a coal-cellar. It was thrown there probably by the careless hand of one who had himself despised the message which it brought. The cellar belonged to a refreshment-house, and the daughter of the proprietress, going there for coal, found the tract. It was entitled The Sacrifice of Love, by John T. Mawson, and in it the gospel is beautifully illustrated by an incident in Napoleon's retreat from Moscow. She read it, and the story of God's grace went to the heart of the young woman, producing an overwhelming conviction of sin bordering on despair. Her anxious mother eventually sent for the doctor, who, singular to say, was not only a Christian, but a member of the Open-air Mission. On his arrival the girl exclaimed in accents of despair, "Oh, those words, those words!" pointing to the tract which she had read. The doctor soon found out that her case was one of soul-distress. He pointed out to her the way of salvation, and with God's blessing it became the means of dispelling the darkness of her despair and enabling her to rejoice in the Savior's forgiving love. How true it is that
“God moves in a mysterious way,
His wonders to perform"!
This incident is full of encouragement to tract distributers. Go on, dear servants of the best of Masters, and spread abroad the glad tidings of redeeming love. Your labor, is not in vain. Many shall be the sheaves gathered into His garners through these silent messengers that tell Of One who is mighty to save.