Enjoyment of Christ

Ezekiel 47:1
Address—D. Anderson
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The First Doctor.
I'd like to refer to.
At the beginning.
Not to adopt one.
And verse 15.
Connection with the production that God has given given to Israel in the land of Canaan.
I said there, then we shall return under the land of her possession.
And enjoy it.
And enjoy it.
I want to put the emphasis on the news and joy what God has given us in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We have protection in our blessed Lord and things.
And we read in the book of Ephesians.
This book answers to Joshua. There we read that we're blessed with all spiritual blessings.
In the heavenly, in Christ.
That's our possession.
It's one thing to have these things, one thing to know that their power, but it's another means to enjoy it.
Not the enemy of our souls who seek to keep us from encourage the Lord Jesus Christ.
We thank God for everyone who knows the Lord Jesus Christ and Savior.
And I believe, perhaps that most of you have received Christ as your guy owes.
But how much of flesh are you enjoying?
How much is the blessings? Are you enjoying your soul?
That's the point that afternoon.
Enjoy and grace.
Now we might say, for you who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Now that's the first thing necessary for you.
God wants to be saved.
He's not willing that any should carry. God wants you to have His wonderful possession.
Lord Jesus Christ and all the blessings in David.
And then after you say he wants you to enjoy this, not for you who do know the Lord Jesus Christ is Savior. They cannot do anything about that. No doubt trying to hinder you from himself, but now that you are the Lord, Satan will drive the next day.
And that is to hinder you from enjoying the Lord Jesus Christ and all the blessings you give.
So we have the few things in this verse that speak up possession, and it speaks of enjoying the possession.
You have the possession, you have breaking. Are you enjoying Him? You have all the possessions, all the blessings in Christ, are you enjoying them?
I might ask myself, am I enjoying them? I know I'm not enjoying them to support and Nicole argue.
Over all, the truth for veterans here.
Who know the Lord Jesus Christ better?
Going more, we have more blessings. We have everything that God wants us to have in the Lord Jesus Christ the moment we receive Him as our Savior. But the enjoyment of Him and what we have in Him is the color thing.
Now, if we preliminary remarks before us, let us turn to Ezekiel prophecy.
$40, Doctor of Ezekiel.
I have in mind you use these few words here.
As far as they illustrate or parable the daughter of a figure who brings before this afternoon something which I believe is equal.
Additional Doctor 47.
Afterward he brought you down to the Torment house and revoked water heated up from under the threshold of the housekeeping first, and for the forefront of the house, good for the east, and the water came down to under the right side of the house at the South side of the office. Then brought me out of the way that came off work, and let me get out of the way without unto the other way by the way.
That looked at eastward.
And behold the land of water on the right side. I'm going to man that had the line at this time went walk eastward. He measured the 1000 cubic and he dropped me through the water. The water worked through the ankle again. He millions of thousands and dropped me through the water. The wallets were through the knees.
I guarantee the thousands and brought to you.
The water working the Lord afterward you measured the 1000 and it was a river that I did not pass over, but the waters were raising water for swimming aware that could not be passed over.
And he said unto me, Son of man and God, see this. Then he brought me to return to the break of the river. Now that I have returned before the back of the river where very nice trees on the one side and on the other.
Then said you gotta see these waters issue out for each country and go down into the desert and going to see which they brought forth into the sea. The water shall be needed and it should come to times that everything that comes the river shall come, shall live, and there can be a very great multitude of faith.
Because these water shall come thinner, so they shall be healed.
And everything shall live. Where will there come?
That first round by the river, upon the plaster out on this side, on that side, y'all grow off things for me whose grief shall not faith ye shall good to African truth. It will force you through the quarantine. Because there are waters. They keep it out of the sanctuary.
And a good philosophy for me, I believe there are for medicine.
Well, certainly here we've got a picture of lessons growing up.
This is a part of the description of conditions during the Millennium, when the Lord Jesus Christ will reign that day at Jerusalem.
But we're not going to talk about that. We're going to apply it to ourselves. Here's the afternoon.
Now over in the group of violations, the 26th or the 22nd chapter, we read about this water of life, the prayer of a water of life blowing out of the throne. But I do, it's the same, same river.
Speaking of the same faith that millennial blessing blowing up.
And here it takes that flowing up the sanctuary and Revelation is picture that going off from the probe. But who is in the sanctuary? The Lord Jesus Christ. Who is on the road, the Lord Jesus Christ?
Blessing comes from God himself, through the Lord Jesus place and blessings and coming all the way.
There is none other name under heaven given most men whereby we must be saved all in the name of Jesus. It all is through the Lord Jesus Christ that letting them come. And here we see that there's a river blowing out and the picture of the blessing that God wants us to have.
And you give soul this afternoon if you have the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
You don't have this blessing, but if you know the Lord Jesus Christ is your Savior, this blessing is yours. This river of the water of life has thrown into your heart, and the blessing is there. It's yours.
But the question is, how much are you enjoying?
At what depth are you?
In these things, are you a shallow Christian or are you exercise about rolling free and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Christ? Are you satisfied that we may remain a page in the Lord's things or do you want to grow?
In the epitome of God, we read about father young men and they what it brings before the fact that it's possible to be in different states of maturity. Not a lot would claim to be fathered, but yet it's put before us there and the standard after.
The desire of what our hearts to be fathered.
In the things of the law.
It should be our desire to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Firstly, we want to employ the things of Christ more than we do. Are you satisfied?
It was easy to settle down these days and to satisfy with the measure of growth to which we had a pain. I'm satisfied with that.
While Peter was satisfied, he said, Bro, I'm going off.
It's great I have a knowledge of our Lord and Sage of Jesus Christ and God Christ Lord, learn more about the blessings you have. Indeed or so important.
That's the reason why God who had the best the names of Jesus Christ, many of them.
For going into the world and the reason for.
Now they were told, growing in the crazy knowledge of the Lord.
Finding the Lord Presence and enjoying his things. He's not going to try to find his enjoyment in the world and the things of the world. That's one thing. Sure, now he died from there, but souls are seeking enjoyment.
They're keeping happiness.
But what are you trying to find?
Where am I trying to find happiness?
What is my come up in various ways we might try to find enjoyment in many different things.
About the experience, there is only one place that we can find real and lasting happy minutes and not in the Lord Jesus Christ and the blessings that we have with you.
Here, in this thing that we have brought before indeed, do we find that the man who measured the line raised Ezekiel through the water.
And the water are to the end. Well, that would tell us perhaps that they just kept in. They just stepped in to the rest and it was up to the anchors.
It will tell us from the beginning and with everyone who knows the Lord Jesus Christ and Savior, there has been a beginning.
Like with the children of liberals and the one they were to leave Egypt.
They were under the shelf of the blocks 1St and then they were brought up by the mighty following God, and God told, This shall be the beginning of monster unto you. Now you have come under the shelves of precious blood of the Lord.
And you can stay from staying in the penalty of faith. You've had an experience of which that thing, that of which we read in Exodus.
It's in the beginning for you.
By accepting Christ as Savior among the devil, the present blood, you're saved from government. You passed from death of the light at the beginning.
Now I ask you, have you had oxygen? Have you stepped in to the river of the waterway?
As you step in to the river of God blessing, are you there? Do you know anything about it? Well, I have to say that I know my sins are gone. I'm not coming into touch. I'm on my way to heaven and I'm happy.
Well, if you expect me to see souls deceive the Lord Jesus Christ the Savior.
And that the God of sins forgiven, nor the peace of God in their hearts, good feeling in the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that they're satisfied from all things whereby they do not be justified by the law of movement. It's a it's a joy to see that.
I want you to say that for myself. I know the God of sin forgiven.
But that's the second year at the beginning and it's regression.
You step in to a mountain free of cool water on the hot summer days. It's refreshing business to step in, even though it's only to the angle. But we find that those who who want to go little.
Into the water I'm not represented here as he wanted to the knee his mind on the may be wine. Hey, come on out into little deeper water and the water to the knee.
We find these little children.
The first time they get into water, perhaps they want to get into the water only to the angle as the drawer of older they may dense out a little further.
I'm not going to give it over again. A little further and finally we find that their way out of deep waters women.
Welcome back to illustrations of what we're spending on this afternoon.
But here we have water to the knee. Thank God for the beginning. Thank God He stepped in. What are you going to remain right by the door and the teeth in the blessings of God? Is that all you want to enjoy? The fact that you're in means that it's all for you.
But sometimes dear Christians are satisfied business to his God.
The elementary faith of Christ, elementary faith in the God, and we're not encouraging that, but I believe that we should encourage one another to grow, to go into this thing deeper, to enjoy the blessings of God more than you do.
Here we have to deny. Well, it's water to the ankles. Speaks of the beginning.
I'm not going to savior then walk to the knee for how to speak to us.
Our main Jesus, the Lord of our life.
National crisis Your faith? What is he your Lord?
I've revised the need for him. We might ask, are you afraid?
Well, it seems strange the doctor behind, but I'm afraid very often Christians forgot to pray. Do you spend a little time alone with the Lord every day?
Talking to Him to above the knee before him. Not to say like that very, very much. I can't say very many words, but the very fact that you take down signs of bother me. Bend your knees before the Lord and humble and support Him as dependence upon Him.
Why? That means much to the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you doing that? Are you spending time in prayer? We might ask again.
You know the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior, but what are you going to freeze him?
Are you asking to his request? Have you thought to him only Miss Lawrence and taking your place that the Lord table.
Oh how important that is. I don't believe you can enjoy the things of the Lord.
With adaptive the needs that there were until the problem needs on his devil to the Lord Jesus and given that place in your heart that belongs to him.
My son, he says, give them heart.
My son gave thy heart.
Mind, yeah.
After he received the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart, He wants your heart. He wants you to be used to Him, bowing to Him, making Him the Lord of your life, and then you will be enjoyed the blessings of the Lord more than you did before.
Now we have something else here.
That he took water to the wine, water to the wine.
We read in the 13th Doctor John's gospel while the Lord Jesus Christ birthday S to the tower, and one should decide to speak.
That is first practice service that he was performing for his decision. Perhaps Water to the Vine might speak to us about Sir for others.
What happens at?
And serving the Lord Jesus Christ in that way he well again the Lord.
We read in Ephesians the 6th chapters about our wanting to convert this truth.
Avoid truth.
We have our life vertical. We know the word of God to such an extent that it has become a practical thing in our lives.
You know, sometimes workmen put a lot of turtle around their waist, their wine to strengthen their time for heavy lifting.
Well, the truth of God is like that. That can occur.
It comes certainly close. It comes close to us perfect without.
But we can't expect to really serve God separately unless He left the truth of God. Search out our consciences and we look to the Lord for grace to obey what He has told.
God is not commanding.
He gave it over in his official.
You might just look at that. He's not commending.
In there.
If a burden of God, he's not commended for having a lot of truth. The first great thing when the president came to testify the truth, that is indeed he used the walkers in truth.
You're not thinking about having a truth, but walking in the truth.
Or when the truth and the truth in and walking in.
And we can't search unacceptably on that Tuesday dinner, and we're walking in it unless it's stretching the doubt.
So we have three things now, right at the beginning.
Enjoying the things of the Lord and the deep.
That's why the things of God seeking then enjoying the things that cause loyalty.
Where are we? To what extent are we enjoy the things of the law?
Now we go down and we believe that they got to a point.
Whether it wasn't swimming a river.
That couldn't be passed forward. They couldn't get to the bottom of them. Well, that tells us I'll keep the blessings of God unfathomable. We were Speaking of the love of God.
This morning already and we made that love and we found then we get to the top of the high dollar the breadth of the rain cover never if we could measurable love of God now.
Why we must think that we gave a new shot for all the love of God is so great that there's enough other parts to enjoy forever and ever.
How much are we enjoying it now? It's a ridiculous women.
It's an ocean attacking pastor.
I will really enjoy a blessing that we have in practice season.
How much you have heard some brother or some sisters in broad curves speaking well of the Lord Jesus Christ?
And speaking in such a way that you know that they were enjoying faith to a great extent in their hearts. What you said, well, I really don't know what they're talking about.
Yes, I know Jesus is my favorite. I know my sins are forgiven and I'm not going to come into judgment. I'm going to heaven.
But I don't understand.
I have to have said it all the way obviously out miles to anyone could hear, but then you thought.
I have.
You think so? Please.
Secret warning in the heart. Oh, I will find God. The Lord give things my soul so down. Maybe there's a longing like that in your heart. You wish to enjoy the Lord more than you do.
Well, let's do what Peter said, Watch out into the teeth, wash out into the teeth. Now if the work of God to save the soul.
It was the word of God to bring the children of Israel into the land of Canaan.
But after they were in one, then it was their business to enjoy it, and it took diligence upon their part who went into the engines of the whole land because there were enemies there had to be overcome, and dear young people.
You know what? Jesus Christ is your Savior. That's God's work. He saved your soul, but now it's up to you.
As to what nature you're going to enjoy, crazy, in what nature you're going to enjoy it. How much enjoyment are you going to get out of the salvation that God is hearing you? How much are you going to get out of this wonderful salvation?
You have to use diligence. They are enemies that will try to keep you from enjoying the Lord Jesus Christ.
And all the blessings that we have indeed. And they're busy.
The Word, the flesh and the devil. Yes, the flesh within is an enemy. Not all staff. There's a word and the devil outside.
They're working together to keep you from enjoying all the blessings that are yours in the Lord Jesus Christ is capability. It'll take what we were seeing.
All in this is.
It says indeed I live.
And I live, yeah, Paul said. For to me to live is crazy. And not only do we have life, but we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, who is the power of our new life. And certainly it will mean that we must go on in the power of an untreated spirit if we are to enjoy all that we have in the Lord Jesus Christ.
It will need constant self judgment.
Confessionally, I am nothing, yet all possessed.
Are we going to say need to be constantly before making everything up right?
I'm making nothing yourself.
What is Christ on the road and making nothing yourself?
Going on with the Lord while we're judging ourselves, Oh, how important it is. And we can come to the Roman place.
We've been invited to do so, and there's some always going to pray to steady mercy and find grace to help and find me. Perhaps you find that it takes an undue monoclonalism.
You really enjoy the things of the law.
Lord, may the Lord give us grace.
But we might enjoy these things more.
Let me speak to water swimming.
I like to think of being with the law. That's what we've been talking about in our reading this morning, being with a place.
Not only.
In case of death, but being with him eternally and enjoy all that we have and give over in God's 17.
In his prayer, the largest expression to his desire. Verse 24.
Father, I feel that they often without giving me the with me where I am.
But they may behold my glory. Stop giving me without loving me before the foundation of the Word. That's the Lord desire for you and me to be with me.
Beholds, Lord, to endorse a full of blessing.
We're here now in enjoying all that we have in Christ. But then there won't be any hindrances. And then you have truly the experience that we've never had it before. But here are blessings like a river, like an ocean water through swimming.
What we have presented to us as being the state of things in the future, to exercise our hearts, to want to enter into a whole right now. We don't have to wait until tomorrow. We don't have to wait until we're in the glory to enjoy the Lord and give things. We can enjoy them now. It's up to us.
It's not individually How much do we want to enjoy in town? How much happiness do we want?
Yes, it certainly is. We know.
That this water eastern out from the sanctuary.
That it went into the E country and down into the desert and into the sea.
And then when it got into the sea, the waters were healed.
And where the water went, it just everything lives.
This is a lot of life.
The blessing of God and Christ you, your soul is the mind and wherever that part of life goes, it brings life and all. What a joy it must it will be.
When that revelations out and that he is made alive, is all barren desert around there now.
Kind of like water of life. It's flowing into us and we're enjoying that river, the water of life, the blessing of God in Christ Jesus. What does it do to us? What makes us happy? It's refractive, not what's needed.
It's all very simple.
There's not a complicated formula for happiness. No, it's not a convenience thing. Sometimes some people might think, well, it's going to take a lot of energy and effort and so on to be a happy Christian. It doesn't cost too much.
I I can't. I can't. I can't believe I can't change you. I don't see how I.
Become a happy person. But it's all very simple. It's just as simple as receiving forgiveness of peace and knowing the Lord Jesus Christ this evening.
Just well by all of the ears and all that he's done for him. Well, that means he'll take time for medication through speaking about prayer and where you where do you learn of the Lord Jesus place and all the blessings you have indeed.
Right here in this book.
You have to take time.
Are you spending time in reading the word as well? I'm in prayer. I'm not talking about just some years or funk three and a big group praying and reading.
And spend a little time we meditated on what you're reading. Let's get down into your soul and say, well, I don't know how. Ask the Lord about it. Tell him that you want to read his word and get something out of and I'm sure you get something out of it for your soul.
What good would it be?
Or have a nice day full of food.
They will step deliciously and put food on the table if we never are cook off.
Will God have provided everything richly under the London? But what good is it to us really, if we're not partaking out and enjoying it? God wants us not only to be saved, He wants to come to the knowledge of the truth.
God wants to save you, but he wants to be happy.
He not only wants a family, but he was a happy family. Not only was children, but he was happy children and.
Those who are God, who are children of God.
And the greatest reason to be happy because we are given a rich father, and I have a Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, the creator of the universe.
As our favor, as their high priest, as their Lord.
As their right truth on someday we're going to be with him, we're going to be liking and we're going to reign with him.
Are you thinking about that? Are you doing that? And then we're going to be with him for all charities.
Well, we're enjoying Christ a little bit now. We're surely anticipating that time when we will be with Him and sending joy into the pool.
While I try to leave you remarks connected with this chapter, what exercise our hearts?
Because certainly there's room for growth on the part of everyone, and let us without peace and really enjoy all the blessings of God, the United part of ours in the Lord Jesus Christ.
And we're not enjoying his Father in the gospel, nor it is it's our own fault which we're not happy for you. God wants us to be happy. And may the Lord give us great not only justice step in. And he requests by no one place to stay.
What are you saying to the knee? Let's get into the morning. Let us watch out into the deep and swim in. My God has provided for Christ Jesus as you serve, enjoying it to the full mouth.
And I'm sure that if we're enjoying the Lord Jesus Christ to the full will not wash the things in the world. We'll be captured, we'll say, about the ground.
I've got greater joy now than I've ever had before, and the world can't give me these joys and the word.
Has has nothing to offer.
Perhaps he can't understand that kind of life.
Right proof, Lord, prove me now in how much we are of blessing.
Thank you can't even contain all you have. The Lord wants you to be happy, supremely happy. He wants me to be happy. May the Lord give us praise.
To live in dog while he has Earnhardt is the Lord.