Ephesians 1

Duration: 1hr 15min
Ephesians 1
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So that something further had this morning.
With the brethren to make it profitable.
She would touch on it more likely.
Supposing we read.
Come out and go back in the room.
23rd verse of the first of Colossians to the end of the.
Third verse of the second chapter.
That some brother would read.
Washington, Chapter One.
Verse 23.
If you continue in the way rounded and seven, and he not moved away from the hope of the gospel he's heard, and which was free of every creature which is under heaven.
We're all right of all, and made a minister who now rejoice in my suffering for you and fill out that which is behind the afflictions of Christ in my pledge for his body sake, which is the Church.
Where have I made a minister according to the dispensation of God, which is given to me for you to fulfill the word of God?
Even a mystery which has been information and from generations, but now it's made manifestation through God, would make known what is the richest of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles which is striking in you the hope of glory, whom it free warning every man teaching every man in all wisdom that he may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. We're not doing all the labor.
Right here accordingly working which worketh in the mightily.
Why would that? He knew what great conflict I had for you and relevant legacy, and for as many to not see my face in the place that the heart might be Confident he knit together in love, and after all risks of full assurance of understanding to the acknowledgment of the Mr. God, not the Father and Christ, and whom I need all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Conscience tells me I'm a Sinner.
But I need the Revelation from God to learn.
That we are lost. That we are helpless.
That day we have no strength in ourselves.
The danger?
And emphasis was losing the hope of their heavenly calling.
The dangerous Colossus.
It's in the eighth verse of the second chapter.
Philosophy and vain deceit.
The point is this.
That everything that the members of the body need is found in the head.
And the wisdom of God.
Is found in the Word of God.
And Christ is the head of the body of the Church.
Never let a problem arise in your life.
Never of any sort. But what? You turn to the word of God and look up to Christ, who is the head of the body, the Church.
For the needed wisdom, grace, and strength to pursue that fact, the danger and Philippians was.
Settling down.
Instead of pressing toward the mark for the prize of the falling on high of God in grace.
Each epistles has its own distinctive teaching each epistle. So here if we continue in the faith and don't weaken the gifts of scripture.
Every true believer does continue in the faith.
And their little story there.
Your old brother Eric in Montreal went to see an sister.
That was dying and doubted her salvation.
He looked at her and he said, why sister? Why not give up Christ and die without him? Oh, she said, I'll never do that for the red. Never. He says the question won't because you're going to be with him.
There's one thing that no Christian can do. What's that?
Give out strength.
He continue in the faith, grounded and settled assured.
That every blessing is yours. It's only a question, as we've tried to emphasize in these meetings.
Of enjoying it and living in the good eyes, and God has given to us the Holy Spirit.
To occupy our minds.
In our hearts with the loveliness of Christ, and with the assurance.
That every promise of God.
Yeah, and Amen in him.
Oh, blessed brothers, I look at you.
Every brother and sister here.
Will be in Christ. Will be with Christ in glory, just as sure as you're sitting on that seat.
But God wants you to have a happy journey homeward.
How are you going to have a happy journey homeward?
By walking in his company.
And joining his love.
Guided by his wisdom.
Strengthened by his might.
So that we have a happy journey home to the father's house.
Paint by the hill that.
Danger in connection with philosophy and thing to see.
Which you mentioned in the eighth version.
It's really the the reasoning of the human mind. Mine gets to work.
On divine things when the mind begins to work on the things of God.
It's still not a desperate departure from the simplicity of the gospel of our salvation.
Until you find that in Colossians, the impossible.
Mentions the Gospel in a special way.
Was evidently getting away from the God was all that was a sort of an elementary matter.
Teaching. But now we can advance beyond the article.
That's how to tell you, so to speak. And so you'll notice the same.
Subject is brought out in the first chapter. Look at the.
Third verse he says for the hope which is laid up for you in heaven.
Whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel.
Which is common to you, as it is in all the world, and bringeth forth fruits, as it does also in you, since the day he heard of it and knew the grace of God is true.
As he also learned of aphrodisiac, dear fellow servants, who is for you?
A faithful minister of Christ.
I commend the after us as a faithful servant of Christ.
Was seeing as when the philosophies were coming in that it was this Friday.
Who was tenaciously holding on to me? Simple, plain God.
Gospel has brought their salvation and now this man was not giving it up in any way and he is basically committed and in this verse where.
How many he feathers be not moved away from the hopeful God, I suppose, in our day when there's so much of man's wisdom and man's learning.
Education. Coming in that day, you perhaps face the danger of anyway getting away from of the gospel. Not that we want to stop there.
After we're free because we need higher, we need the trolls with establishments.
The truth of the Church. The truth of our heavenly falling and fall. But we need to be simple about the gospel of God's grace.
That wonderful grace that has met us in all our need of sinners failed us and we need to have our hearts filled with.
Well, the love for souls realizing that the only possible way that a Sinner can give her get to heaven.
Is through the preaching of that precious gospel of the grace of God.
All right, Brother Tyler, I know you love the gospel.
Doesn't speak to you for the marriage of gospel word places a very high premium on continuous.
They continue. Steadfast. Impossible, doctor, and the Holy Spirit energizes us the whole path and the standard path of the economy, the answer to every human commodity.
All these.
And the final answer.
It's the first product.
Price comes before us and protects himself.
And he refuses to be pigeonholed and did his philosophy of man. He's above and beyond this. None of us can hold it.
No, pastor, the apostle will here reduce thee.
Thought of being spoiled through philosophy and made the sea.
He brings in the amateur to it all.
In him that is in Christ.
Well, all the bullets that forgot his bottles.
That is.
In Christ you have the complete revelation of all that God is.
That what God is only used once in the new tenant, and here it is, and again dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead.
But it is fatherly and it is not a revealing side. He's come down and he can say handle me and see.
He can present himself here to the command my.
Who was he? Who was this man that's walked up and down the shores of Galilee? He was God manifesting plan. Now that is the answer all the philosophies of the world.
Try to hear on this earth hot and burning.
Young folks that are facing.
The philosophies that are put before you in the schoolroom.
No ever again Retreat.
Into the truth as to the person of Christ. Just retreat to him. Eat everything.
Get him the place that he takes in the word of God.
Nothing less than God, and hardly.
That will be the answer to every philosophy that ever presented sound to you. That's God and I notice here.
That the Apostle has great conflict, not only for the Colossians, but for the later the season and in the end of the Epistle.
We find that he wants this episode to be read also in the assembly of the Laodicean. Evidently there was the same kind of thing as working in later Zia as in Kamasi, and we gathered what was going on at Kalasi from Revelation 3. There was indifference to Christ. We read in that letter to the land of Cena.
Indifference to Christ.
So we get the elements of the gospel brought before them in verse 18 of Revelation 3, do we not?
A constantly to buy and be gold right in the fire as part of our salvation. Gold is a symbol and.
That thou may be rich and white, Raymond, that thou may be clothed, as we need clothing for moral nakedness, That's the shame of my nakedness. Do not appear in anoint thine eyes, I said, as our man see for those of the elephants of the gods who aren't telling us what we need in the way of salvation.
And it says there's none other name.
I'm very happy.
Men were buying. We must be saved. It's the whole world then, doesn't it?
First here in this 20-30 first.
Which was preached to all creation under heaven.
Outside the boundaries of Israel now.
How do you explain that version better?
Well, there's no limits now.
And while I had.
Lost it for me of Israel. The Nazis go out everywhere.
Going all over.
Christian Gospel name.
Yes, everybody has heard, is it? Oh, no, no, no, no.
Before the 10th of Luther has the modular the Lord sends disabled only, says go ye not under the way of the Gentiles, but go ye are the lordship with House of Israel.
That's before the cross, after the cross, Resurrection, he says to those same people, go ye under all the world and reach the gospel to every creature.
That's the change that costs brought in.
I believe the correct recording varies in the whole creation.
Money is the hope of the Donald.
Read it to it in Pauls ministry.
Gospel is flat, tidy, and thus it embraces every Christian blessing.
And the whole truth that has to do with the Revelation has come in with the God.
Remember this?
Faith that is the fruit of reason is not scriptural faith.
Faith that believes God because God has spoken.
His spiritual being, and a little child can have that.
The enjoyment of it depends upon our state of soul, and that's what one would press in these meetings. God wants us not only to know, I suppose everyone in this meeting that's a Christian is pretty well grounded in the fact that.
They have eternal life and will never perish.
But the enjoyment of it is the point in the ministry.
And that is just what's on my heart, brother. We're getting near the end.
And God has given us the Holy Spirit.
What for?
Well, why?
Breathe not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you're sealed unto the day of redemption.
For the Spirit dwells in us to take of the things of Christ and show them to us, and if we walk carelessly, we lose the enjoyment of Christ in our souls.
There is a peace.
A quietness of spirit.
That it can only be known as you're walking it. So we will add this.
Is there anything in your life and mind?
That conscience condemns turned into Romans. We give a verse that expresses it.
Get this into their own.
The 14th chapter.
And the last part of the 22nd verse.
Remember this verse as long as you live.
Happy is he that condemneth not himself in the faith in that thing which he allows. I'm going to say it over again.
How is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he allowed?
God has given to us this word, wisdom, I mean love. He's given us the this power to walk in the truth.
And it's only as we walk in it that we enjoy if we allow anything.
The word of God and conscience condemned, We lose the joy of these things in our souls, although we may not lose.
The knowledge of salvation.
And that, brethren, I want people to be so very practical and important.
The apostle says and have 24th verse says. I now rejoice in my suffering for it. Remember that this gentleman was written out of prison.
And fall and suffered for the truth. And I fill up fantasy behind the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body sake, which is the trigger.
That is.
May the whole truth pass to the Church have not been brought out.
While Christ losing below.
As a man.
And Paul was the chosen instrument bring out a man of truth.
Well, bringing out of the truth of the Church.
Entails much, sorry.
All life was a constant series of sufferings. We never get it if we only had the axe. If we only had the axe, we might have meant well. But once in a while the ball got into a little trouble.
Once in a while it got into the second place.
But when they go to the end of secondary, Fairview is forced to rehearse some of the things that he passed through.
We see that the most of all sufferings are never referred to in the book and the end of the call, so that he went through all this with what enemy.
That he might be able to the revelation that he had received from God, to bring out and call His pleasantries and all its fullest fullness. Is that the truth of the Church?
And while he'd be misunderstood when I say this.
But in a certain sense, you want to hide and compensators fall.
Not that we're going to bring out anything about the church isn't in the word with Paul. This is a revelation.
But you and I have the privilege of these black things.
I'm standing for the proof that Paul was used to talk into it.
And I believe, dear fellow Saints, that it entails a measure of suffering.
That is, to take the path and separation and maintain the truth of false doctrine in Christmas today is going to mean a measure of suffering for Christ.
Turn to 2nd Corinthians 6 verse 10.
Paul had to write the first epistle and correct.
Moral and doctrinal evil at first.
But he said as soluble.
Yet always rejoicing.
Is there a state of things in the little assembly where you've come from the cause exercise?
The great exercise should be that we say nothing, that we do nothing.
That would in any way.
Be contrary to the mind of Christ or the heart of Christ.
And meet the difficulties in quietness of spirit, even though you have to be faithful.
And get it, not get under the difficulty in your soul.
So Paul says, and he wrote with many tears.
A soluble.
Yet always rejoicing.
As for yet making many rich, as having nothing and yet possessing all things, now the next chapter, the seven.
The fourth verse Great is my boldness of speech toward you. Great is my lording of you.
I am filled with comfort.
I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation.
What does he mean?
Well, if I through suffering, as our brother Brown has reminded us in the end of this second Corinthians, much of which is not told us except in that short chapter.
But he got word that the Corinthian Saints had received his letter and prompted by it.
And he says I am filled with comfort. I am exceeding joyful in all our families.
Happiness is a state of soul.
To have the sense in your soul.
That what is in your life is pleasing to God.
Oh, how precious it is. What quietness of spirit, what peace.
What blessing now in the 2nd Corinthians 8?
We get another kind of rejoicing. Moreover, brethren, we do you to win to the grace of God, bestow down the churches of Macedonia, that was the poorest section of Greece.
Just like some of your states here in the United States, the poorest.
Part of the country called Greece of Macedonia.
All that in a great trial of affliction, the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty.
Abounded unto the riches of their liberality, or to their power I bear record ye. And beyond their power they were willing of themselves, bringing us with much entreaty, that we would receive the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the ministry to the Saints. And this they did not as we hope, but first gave their own selves to the Lord.
And unto us by the will of God.
The world is seeking happiness and peace.
The word of God tells us the role that we can walk in.
Whether we're poor.
Or circumstances are adverse. There's no occasion for depression of spirit.
We can walk with God. We can be triumphant over circumstances.
And rejoice in the Lord always.
Is that true?
I suppose the character of suffering that other ground was thinking about.
Is basically.
For the time in which we live, the suffering that goes along with.
The reproach of crime connection. We're going outside the camp under him at first in the 13 characters, people where the reason let us go forth there for under him.
Without the cast their inherent reproach. Well that reproach may entail.
The suffering.
For those who have been connected with a system that's popular in the world, where you're given the place, where perhaps you're given the power and.
Recognition everywhere.
And then to go outside.
Of that system.
Well, it means loss of friends, lost possession, lost prestige. So if we go on physically.
In the outside way.
Where we maintain nothing but Thy blessed name and name through which we have salvation, our soldiers face, in other words, to make it so we all understand.
Honest men.
Gathered through the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord. Well, if we're, if we're faithful in that position.
Why we're we're sure, find the reproach now is that on every side that seems to allure the title of God into the past, where he can escape a lot of the reproach and where he can be spared a lot of.
Like an easier time while we're not in the days of.
Such persecution that Paul went through when you were in danger of being thrown to the lion for your.
Your faith and the truth you stand for. Yes, we do find, and we're always trying, a definite report going on.
In the truth of coming outside of everything, that man is set up, every religious system, and maintaining the truth of being gathered through the name of Christ below, well, that's something on the line you have to the ground.
And so he says in that 25th verse.
Whereof I have made a minister, and parted in the dispensation of God, which is given to me or you to succeed, to complete the word of God.
That is, with false ministry, the whole range.
Of divine revelation was finished. Whole scope of was finished with Bob. How extreme. There were other parts of the word written after Paul got through.
But they gave us nothing new. They simply filled in the offline that have already been given us through fall.
Colleagues, the thing that brings reproach, the day in which we said is to seek to walk in the truth of all of God.
All kind of things.
Well, we, we know that all around us, if you've been saying from Paris.
There's a line of compromise.
Most Christians are quite satisfied.
With the Old Testament.
With the four Gospels, perhaps with the Acts.
But how seldom do they ever go as the emissions of fall? It's like an each sign we see set up around the military camps, you see signs set up and say all limits, all limits.
Well, one of the things that interest them about us is false doctrine while the science art is displayed ostentatiously.
Yet there seems to be the feeling that all doctors is off limits.
And I suppose the reason it is that if it were received.
It will.
In the very seriously effective, more constitution of somebody so over the same thing to do if they want to persevere in that that they have established and built up.
The only same thing to do is just to keep it off limits and go on with the gods.
In second Timothy chapter.
Three verse 10 The apostle speaks of his daughter.
He says. Burden has fully known my daughters.
Is that all matter of waiting? There was a lake that went with us.
Affliction which came underneath.
California at this trip while persecution by endure, but out of them all the Lord delivered me, but that is not only that he is getting the persecution but he says yay and all that will live God in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. All who seek to go on in the truth to false doctrine and also to have a life consistent with it, he said.
They'll suffer persecution too.
Welcome to the very earliest days of the Church. There were those in the Church who were seeking to make the ruthless to Christ power to the natural man.
It and there's where the reproach comes in is following a rejected Christ. And regarding that first there in April 1330, let's go forth there. We're on the hit without the calendar and approach that's very important. But then we have a principle that seems to give us a little wider range of separation. Exodus 33, seven.
Code is is called by the Jehovah.
I'm pitched it without a cat far off from the can and call it the Tabernacle of the congregation. And it came to fans when everyone, that son the Lord, went out under the camera angle of the congregation, which was without the cannon that was to give it a white murder, didn't come out on the borderline.
Far off.
From mechanics, not just nearby, they can look back over it, but a wide distance between.
There's no such thing.
In Scripture, as far as we know.
Of a popular Christ or a popular Christianity.
No such thing.
Never intended to be.
And when we create such a thing or try to do it.
We're not in a communion, but the mind of God is revealed.
This message again, Brother Brown, was constant computation, yes?
He was saying it's a little wheel and under constantly.
He He took his all of its rejection and reproach, and made it the state religion, and turned over the heathen temples, Christians.
And he absolutely Roland Roland the Church.
That isn't. It's awkward test.
If you find a hidden holiday.
Isn't it remarkable that God never acts in the way in which human wisdom would expect?
Here's it to Paul is a Jew, but love this nation. You could wish he was a Christian from Christ for his brethren according to the flesh.
And he's the very one that God takes up to unfold the truth of the bringing in of the Gentiles.
And a larger, richer blessing that is ever found in the Old Testament, saving in tighter shadow.
They're all the blessings are connected with the earth blessing of the earth.
After they were confined to Israel.
In the Millennium, Brother Jerusalem will be the center of glory.
There will be the manifestation of God's gracious only of that people.
And all the nations will have to honor Israel.
In that day.
But in Christianity?
It's important to see that the wall of separation is broken down and we're all made one interest.
The wall of separation will be up again after we're gone.
And the two will be the center of glory of the earth in the Millennium in the eternal state.
All that disappeared.
In eternal state, all things are of God.
But it will still be.
And new heavens and a new earth.
And Christ in manhood, the center and head of the whole scene of new creation.
And we the Church belonging to that upper.
Part We are the right of the land.
Israel, the bride of the king, but in the eternal state.
All things are of God. That means this.
Everything is suited to God as God.
All the enemy has brought in through saying you'll be entirely removed.
Everything according to the true nature of God.
This is something entirely new.
26th verse, the mystery which is interesting ages and for generations that now has been manifested through Saints.
Nothing of it in the old head, for the same in tight and shattered. The revelation of it was get back.
Always in the mind of God, oh, from before the foundation of the world.
But the revelation of the ministry, which has indicated of ages and generations that now it may manifest.
Through his things.
Whom God would think on what is the richest of the glorious?
Of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you.
The home of glory.
Four are tremendously above.
Find the spokes of Israel. It's the revelation of the mystery. But Israel.
You're after.
Nothing about heaven or hell, the old animal.
Now hail is taken away.
Let's see what He's counting. Persons are all for the heavens and with the earth.
And now we're brought into the riches of the glory of his mystery.
And the Church as an institution.
While he's composed his brother, Hanover was saying a human genius.
The wall is broken down.
Yet, characteristically, Christianity is Gentile rather than Jewish, characteristically told.
It's it's the rare case where did you get a converter? It's the rare thing. It's characteristic thing, a gentile testimony.
A natural practice were broken off and the Gentiles were drafted or said to different aspects, but the principle is there, the curing heuristic main Christianity.
Gentile rather than a Jewish testimony, once you see another brown type of that and ignore them when you were separated from his presence in Egypt.
And call it there. Pharaoh gives us Athena, a gentile bride.
Before his brother never returned and already known to it.
Oh, that really gives us a title to turn the same way with Moses when he.
Leads the conference committee and he takes the Gentile tribe too. So why do you say that this this mystery was His Majesty generation? You won't find a single product in the old terrace of the Gospel Church. You'll find me hiding a Christ in the church all the way through the Old Testament.
In fact, the first type we have is Jennifer is a type of Christ in the church. Have Adam leaving that deep fleet and out of his side is taking a Ridge and the left rib itself is a large top building a woman, you know the word should be filled in. The woman because of the spirit of God had his view so definitely.
While the type represented.
And in the New Testament and the 60s, Matthew, you remember the Lord says to Peter on this rock I will build my church.
So there we get Adam's first alone, and he goes into that deep sleep, which is a kind of death, and from his side has taken that upon which the woman is building.
Well, it wasn't a piece of his foot, but it was a ring, that which was right over his heart.
Or it tells us how dear the church is to the heart of Christ. Or Ephesians 5 tells us that Christ love the church.
And gave himself for him. I went into the world. It tells us that God will love the world.
When is the love of Christ? Basically until we get his love for the Church.
His fry his body.
And that's the minor thing that you're basically predicting at this time. And if we're to go on according to a mind of God, we will stand for that truth that there is one body.
And that if we stand for that truth, it will bring, it will bring reproach.
Person kills him.
I think it might be helpful if someone would go on further with.
What it means really to stand for the truth of the one body that be helpful.
Sometimes we meet this doing our someone says to us.
Oh, now what's the nomination? Are you connected with? I'm sure we've all had that question. What the nomination are you connected with?
Well, sometimes we might answer them like this.
I'm connected with the same 10 in the morning with which the apartment Paul was connected.
That we say now you tell us, you tell us what fun weather.
Well, it's a little bit embarrassing for them.
They certainly wouldn't say he was connected to the Baptist Church.
Or the press security, but what was it connected to?
Christ. He met John Christ.
And he refused every other name of the name of Christ.
Well, you and I.
Want to provide in the truth as we perceived it in the word of God.
How can we all any other name but the name of Christ?
I remember a young man, a dear Christian.
And he was in the division and he made this remark for me. He said that any group of Christians that were being, as he would call it in a New Testament way.
Where one was just as much right as the other.
All had the Lords table. One is just as famous the other.
But I had many of them. I said, Suppose there are two meetings in the same city.
I said, Did you say that the Spirit of God will lead some of the children of God to one of these meetings and then turn around and lead some of the children of God to this other meeting?
Well, he couldn't produce any answer. Well, I said to him, if he did, why then he contradicts his own word for the Spirit of God?
In First Corinthians and speaking about division.
The thing that he presses his list is a Christ device. Well, that's a tremendous thing of thinking. Divided, right? Real child City for a woman dividing, a blessing one.
Well, we have to admit that the Spirit of God contradicts his own words today, if he is a numerous manners and it makes no difference whatever. I believe that all goes in with the reproach that we find in these closing days in connection.
Where the truth of the mystery past, Brother Mary, forgive us and what she gave us last night. Enjoyed that about the Father, hey.
I got this from Brother Arnaut.
Other arm is like something to her father that has a very large family.
She's going away.
And when he before he takes his departure, he gathers his family around him. He tells our children, he says, I want you to all eat at the same thing.
Well, you later with that instruction, but after he is gone, will the family get into a into a form about half the family get up and say, well we're not going to eat, but the rest of the family or they're going to another room and they spread another thing.
And there aid in that other role.
And then when they get into a further quarrel than folks wait, go into different rooms, and they'll finally they've all went to the table where their father told them to eat their meals and they're getting all over the house, all over the house, eating a different room upstairs and downstairs.
Well, he said.
Two or three of the children get exercised about their failure and not carrying out their father's request.
Well, they go to the other members of the family and they say, well, let's all come together now. Let's go back to the table, touch ourselves for these things that have separated all the others. They're well satisfied where we are. We'll just continue to eat upstairs, this other room. We don't want to come back.
We're going to stay where we are, but what can they do? They can't get the family together, but what they do, they go back these these two or three.
To carry out their fathers wishes, they mean that the original table. They can't say they're the whole family, but they can have their happy assured.
That there is a place.
Where their father has asked them to meet, and where he left them, when he took him. When he took his departure.
Now, those people that come back to the father's table, they might be accused of being a division, but it would be a false accusation, wouldn't it? It absolutely was.
Sometimes we're accused of being a division and Christian of truth.
But we believe we are where the Lord is intermittent, on divine ground and source of false accusation.
Lord's table has two marks, just two.
The Lorna must have sent it out and the apostles doctrine and fellowship characterizes. And the third thing is to remember that we're to forebear one another in love.
I never expect to meet with a group of Christians that I can approve of and endorse everything they do.
But we're to for bear one another in love.
As long as the foundations be well maintained.
So I'll put now a mark of Mr. Davies that's always going to help tonight.
He said.
This I like, that brethren should have much likeness or in the interpretation of Scripture, as long as the foundations be well maintained.
The foundations.
If the foundation is given up, I can't go on with that which is contrary to truth and holiness.
But we need to for fear one another.
In love, and I repeat so we do not miss it, the 4th table has took two months. The Lord must have set it up.
And the Apostles doctrine and fellowship characterized. Look at the 1St President in the third of James.
First half.
Of the second verse.
And I can read it as it stands in another translation.
For we all often abandoned.
We all often the men.
Now can we not look at it this way? Our brother had said.
He was go on with our brother and modestly foundations are maintained.
Like this?
In my friend.
Have the grace and patience to go on with all time inconsistencies and imperfections.
Should I in turn be willing to do the same with that?
I can't get such a wholesome thing to recognize that scripture says that we all.
Oh, that means all.
Often not just one of the greedy wire, but your father. Well, if that's true.
Term that I see grace from God. Go on, my brethren, for the word of God. Doesn't that Ioffer the man?
I believe we can ban you. I mean it, make it easier. Boris. Go on with our credit.
One of the most bad person, The 137 sand that can't be owned. Jerusalem. That's my right hand forgetters, Honey by regard not Jerusalem. Above my chief joy, I left my noble Glee in the roof of my mouth.
Daniel prayed for the space toward Jerusalem, although it was in rubble at the time anyway.
And he owned it and the law he was made the governor, you know over the province in Finland. He wouldn't define himself with the kings meet and he identified himself as Jerusalem.
And accurate, of course. God set it aside, and he sent it out to the terriers, and he didn't make two places when the Lord and Spirit came down.
He best barriers to modeling to one, but I'm always felt it was only one in the oldest. It was only one place where the North had his name, and it certainly was in the Northern states in Daniels time And the same day, you might say.
There's still that two or three years, there's the two or three gadgets in the same Lamarcus in the mid, is that right?
Yes, I sometimes put it this way, brother. A hole.
Now my Christian thought Marvelous grace, 100% grace.
I believe that I'm where the spirit of God is gathering the Saints, and I felt that way for over 50 years. But if I'm not, come and show me.
Well, I appreciate that if you can call it a challenge a good many times.
And I've never had anyone come along and say, well now, Brother Brown, I I've accepted your challenge. I want to show you that you're the wrong place.
Well, how am I going to know whether they're having the right place or not? Well, Brother Abel's give them to us.
It is the drown on which we gather that in sanctioned by the Word of God.
Will it stand the test of Scripture?
On the.
There was one question that had to be put before them.
Was the showing of their Jenny Allen.
And if they couldn't properly show their generality, they were kept from the prezzies of the priesthood.
Every meeting on the face of the Earth has a genealogy.
And funds are meeting anywhere on the face of the earth and professionally a Christian meeting that doesn't have a history. How does that mean God to be there?
Show me your Jenny Allen.
I believe that's the legitimate test.
If that meeting is Gavin on divine and ground, according to the word God, they'll be able to give a clear denial.
And when Solomon built the temple, and it was built according to discuss the specifications, the God that devil David.
And it was built that way. Then regarding the dark, came down and built the house. The bar don't.
And you didn't set it aside until Lord came and said, behold, your houses left of the investment.
And he sent that to say.
Then that the state responded to nowhere.
To keep the facts over and the Jews and the trees already that in many confessed that he was the place they were to be put out of the synagogue, so they couldn't keep the badge over there and ask the Lord anyway. And the Lord told them where you go into the city and they find a man, and you pitch your water and the man is asserted gun. And the picture of water is the word is done.
And when they did that, the larger thing, is that right?
Would you say that yes.
You have the Lord there and you agree that's better than having a minions and not having the North, wouldn't it?
Hold us down.
The Lord is there not, as in the last two versions, that Paul was not satisfied.
Just against faith and believe them coming like Richard Weavers bed, he was a very earnest man in the gospel, but he doesn't have very much time or interest.
In church truth. Oh, he has got a way of saying it when he says that the Christians will waddle through I wail or another.
When he found the terrorist in danger every hour, so taking that as his principle to act upon by his recent gospel and let the Christians get along the best they could, well that must Causeway. And if he reads these last two verses, you finally see Paul's desire when we breathe.
Mourning every man and teaching every man and all women that we may present Hillary man perfect in Christ Jesus.
Where do I also labor hiding according to the working which workers in the mind that is all wasn't satisfied unless we saw those lead on to that which he speaks of a perfect in Christ.
Is that the slot of full grown Christmas?
Not just a baby.
By every window.
Was asked recently and I read his answer.
About what? What shirt has to go to? I'm saying What church should I go to?
Oh, well, he says I'm an evangelist. And he says that doesn't happen in the school of my business.
So he said. I I this is my we need an answer to that question.
Well, was there ever a greater advantage than the history of the world and their model? Paul? Never.
He was an ambassador.
Well, Lydia never hesitates to tell people where to go. Never.
He was he labor and suffered and finally died.
And why? Because he wouldn't stop short of the ideal of presented every man murdered in Christ peace. And you say, Brother Mary, he didn't satisfy him to get them saved.
The Planet Hawaii oh Wilderness Factory. How are unknown that rears it off the Living Stone 99.