Ephesians 2:19

Duration: 1hr 14min
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Visions, chapter 4. But unto everyone of us is given grace, according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
For himself, when he set it up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might feel all things. And he gave some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers.
For the perfecting of the Saints. For the work of the ministry.
For the edifying of the body of Christ shall we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, under the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men, and cunning crappiness.
Whereby they lie in wait to deceive for speaking the truth, and love may grow up into him in all things which is ahead.
Even Christ.
From whom the whole body thinly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplier.
According to the effectual working in the measure of every part maketh increase.
Of the body until the edifying of a self in love. I take it that when he says unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure, the gift of Christ, that grace is really the gift for it's all his grace, but he's looking at all the members of the body.
It's entirely different thought from the special gifts that you get in the 11Th verse. Your 5 gifts mentioned there that are special gifts.
But he's looking at the whole body, reminding us that.
Every believer.
Given grace.
Some special place to feel as it were, and that's the gift to fill a place in connection with the body and according to the nature of the gift of Christ so that.
Wonderful to think that Christ bestows what makes each believer.
Useful member of the assembly or the body, the Lord gives grace to each one to fulfill the place that he is intended to fulfill. We might ask ourselves on some occasion, am I able to undertake that work or I am unable to do that thing?
The question is, has the Lord called us to do it? And if the Lord has called us to do it?
He will give the grace to do it because He's the head of the body, the church. And so just like the head supplies direction for the hand and the power is given for the hand to be used for what it's intended, so it is in the body of Christ. If the Lord has called us to do something, given us some little service, greater small, He's going to give grace to do that. Well, to me, that's very, very encouraging.
Because if we looked at ourselves, we might be like the disciples when the Lord said, Give ye them to eat. They looked at their little supplies and they said, how can this ever satisfy so many? But when the Lord called them to pass it out, well then all it was needed was provided from those little supplies for the whole multitude. So let us be willing to.
Be before the Lord to discover what He has for us to do.
And then we may be sure He will give us grace to do it.
We're not to try to fill the place of someone else because we see someone that is especially qualified to fill a place of importance and usefulness. Well, the Lord may not give me that place at all. So it's seeking before the Lord to know just in what way I can be useful.
In the body and fulfill that.
That service, small as it may be now, this is rather simple, but remember a brother guilt held him about when he was a young man. He was very anxious to serve the Lord and he said to an older brother, Pollock, those labouring in those days, going about serving the Lord.
Brother Pollock, is there any services I can be engaged in?
Well, they had a meeting room and the door was was left open. They had chilled the room and the people would come in, throw it open and leave it open. So Brother Pollock says what can you see that door there still? You see there all the time leaving that door open. You go and watch and see that that door is closed after, after.
Everyone to come in, so, he said. Did I ever perform that service?
He said I watched that door and he said I never neglected it. Well, there was a young man that wanted to serve the Lord, and an older brother told him something very simple he could do. Well, the Lord didn't confine him to that little service, for as he grew older he became more useful. But I think there is this principle.
That if we perform some little service for the Lord, He may see that we can be.
Trusted with something that is more important, something like Philip. Known as Philip the Evangelist, he started out serving tables, helping with the.
Caring for the widows in Jerusalem.
But after they are driven out of the city where he goes down to Sumerian preaches Christ. He had served faithfully as carrying out a little humble work of seeing that the funds were properly distributed. And he did that faithfully and then the Lord used him as a servant to go out with the gospel. So let's remember that, dear young people, that if we perform any little.
Service in a humble, faithful way, not trying to imitate somebody else. But whatever little service the Lord sees we're fitted for, then he can, He can give us something that.
Will be of a little more importance to a little higher service. Do we find an example of that in with Paul's pistol to Timothy?
Thinking of the third.
First Timothy chapter 3 and verse 13. Of course here it's a diagonal service, but I was just thinking of the going on in that simple service.
First Timothy, 313.
For they that have used the office of a Deacon well purchased to themselves a good degree and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus going on in that simple service.
God was able to use them in a greater service. Very important that we ask the Lord, when Saul of Tarsus was saved, he said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And we know that in the Levitical order of things the Levites were taken representing the redeemed of Israel, and they were presented to air Aaron, and Aaron appointed to everyone his service and to everyone his burden.
And Paul speaks of this in Galatians chapter 6.
He says, let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another. I was very much struck by a remark by another brother in connection with it. He said it isn't to be the need merely that puts us to work. It's the Lords call because there are needs everywhere. Paul saw a need in Asia, but he was forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the Word in Asia. He saw a need.
But it wasn't the will of God that He should go there. And so I believe it's most important for us, young and old, to be before the Lord, asking Him what He would have us to do. And then, as it's been remarked, if He gives us something small to do and we do it well, He may give something more. It says He that is faithful and little is faithful also and much.
But let us remember this, brethren, that it isn't how important the service seems to be.
The slave in Colossi was told that if he served his master well, he served the Lord Christ, and he would receive the reward of the inheritance, and he might have felt, well, I'm just a poor slave, I'm not accomplishing anything for the Lord. Oh, there was a dignity to his service. He was serving the Lord. He was fulfilling the will of God in his particular life.
And I believe that so needful for us, we tend to measure the importance of a service by how much it puts us in the public eye.
Never does. It's the important thing to do, His will.
And even in the body of Christ, as we read in First Corinthians 12, the hidden members are considered more honorable than the ones that are seen. And we may be surprised at the judgment seat of Christ to find some who fulfill the will of God in a hidden sphere, receiving much to more reward than the ones who had the more public service. Because I'll say this, that the more public our service is, the more danger of self.
But the more hidden it is, the more we have to be cast on the Lord to continue in it because we don't get the human praise that perhaps there might be in the more public service. So let us remember it's doing the will of God and He gives grace for it, no matter how difficult. I think that side of it is very, very important because to undertake a menial service.
Having in the back of our minds perhaps the idea that eventually I'm going to get something just a little bit higher than this.
Would really not be proper, would it? I was just looking. I won't ask you to turn to it, but I'll read from Titus two concerning servants or slaves, not for learning, but showing all good fidelity that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things. Isn't that a beautiful expression? Just to think that that choice expression found nowhere else in Scripture should be.
Addressed to those who were servants.
Who simply fulfilled their responsibilities to the glory of God? Adorn the doctrine of God our Savior, not feeling all the while. When am I going to be promoted to something a little higher than this, but simply doing what the Lord has asked Him to do and doing it quietly for him? I have remarked that I remember.
A long time ago when they used to hold the meetings in Toronto in Foresters Hall on College Street.
That I went back into the hall after the gospel meeting was over for some reason, and there was a dear old brother. He seemed old to me at that time, although I was only a teenager, and he was gathering up the hymn sheets all by himself.
And he saw me come in and he said, Albert, I always have a lot of willing helpers to hand out to him, she, but I always have to gather them up alone. And you know, I didn't know quite what he meant at the moment, but I thought it over. And I soon realized, oh, how willing we are to do something. Sad to say that other eyes can notice, but how gladly we leave it to someone else to do.
When only the eye of the Lord can see it.
For me, when he said it, I'm very sure, but I just pass it on. I was thinking, Brother Gordon, when you were speaking about full seeing a need in Asia, but was forbidden to go to Asia because the Lord had another field before him, but the Lord didn't neglect that field. Paul saw the need and when God's time arrived and he did go there.
You know he he taught in the school of 1 tyrannous for two years.
And it says only which are in Asia heard the word of the Lord, and there were few places that were ever so blessed as that place of need when God's time arrived. But he was guided of the Lord as to when he should go, and didn't thrown ahead of the Lords time for him to go. Brother once sent a little statement in a letter.
Of that quite exercised me and pass it on, he said. If we hold back.
From some service for the Lord. Because we don't feel capable of doing it when we feel the Lord is telling us to do it, we're in danger of calling in question God's power. I don't know if I've quoted it exactly, but that's the thought of it, that God's power is there for those who would seek to serve Him as called by Him.
We can't hold back then because we feel that we're too insignificant. The Spirit of God puts up another guard in these things, though, that we're not to forget.
And that is what we have in First Corinthians 14. Let the prophet speak two or three, and let the other judge, so that while we should feel the call of God ourselves, the Lord said, Separate me, Barnabas and Saul, for the work were unto. I have called them. They already proved themselves in the assembly where they were, and had the fellowship of their brethren in it, And there have been those who have thought that they were.
Called or gifted for something that perhaps others didn't feel that they were particularly called or gifted. And I believe that this is good for us to bear in mind. The call is from the Lord, but God always, shall I say, gives us both sides of the truth so that we wouldn't forget.
And that we do need one another, and I believe that the Lord will.
Help us to discern this if we're before him and willing not only to be before him but also willing to prophet by the fact that the others judge, then I just like to say too, there's always a perfect balance in the word of God for everything someone has said. Providence put the put Moses in the court of Saul, but faith took him out of it and sometimes we might think that we're.
Put in such and such a place, therefore it's the Lord's will. We should stay there, but we have to be in constant exercise before the Lord. And it was right in the ways of God that Moses was in the court of Pharaoh. But when the time came, God led him out of that. And faith recognized that there was the leading of God not to remain there, but to see that he was calling him to something else.
Everything is so perfect in the Word of God. We always need to bear in mind both sides of the truth of God, which always keeps us from extremes. I've noticed, brethren, in connection with the comment about the apostle Paul of how he said, Lord, what wilt thou happy to do?
That in Mr. Garvey's translation, that verse is omitted from the 9th chapter of Acts, but the one place where it does appear, and apparently where it's intended to be, is in the 22nd chapter of Acts.
Now Paul's conversion, the account of his conversion is given three times in Acts Chapter 9 and in Acts chapter 22 and in Acts chapter 26. And I have been struck in noticing it that.
In the one place where it is called to be, where Paul actually says what shall I do or Lord, what would thou have me do? It's given at a time when Paul is really trying to defend the position that is indefensible. He's trying to defend himself before the Jews and defend the position when the Lord wouldn't happen there at all. And what an expense of my own soul or what it has meant to my own soul, rather than simply this.
That it seems to me there is a real danger of us.
Speaking of praying about things and trying to use that as a defense for a position that perhaps the Word of God would otherwise condemn, I have no doubt that Paul actually prayed on that way to Damascus. Lord, what wilt thou have me do? But in the 9th chapter of Acts, he didn't have to mention it. And in the 26th chapter of Acts, where he is really largely restored and is speaking to Agrippa, he doesn't see the need to mention it, but he does mention it when he's defending himself.
In the 22nd chapter of Acts, and while we should pray very earnestly about this step, we have to be very careful that we don't use that thought of praying about things as a defense as saying, well, I prayed about it as if that's what is all that's needed. When the Word of God would direct us into some other course. To simply be before the Lord outwardly and be able to say, well, I have prayed about it is not enough. We have the wisdom.
Word of God to direct us and we can very easily be in a false path and try to maintain ourselves in that false path by saying that I have prayed about, I've asked more about well, the next lovely thoughts brought before us in the eighth verse before he said.
He has set it up on high. He led captivity captive and gave his continent so that whatever gift or thought is committed to is thrown down here. It's now coming from an ascended, glorified Christ, so we need to have our eye on Him.
To realize that all power, all authority comes from that.
One who has been through death, has been raised again by the glory of the Father, and has now taken his seat on high, directing what is for his glory down here. But I just had a little remark in connection with what our brother John said.
I believe it's very important that we should never say the Lord let us to do something unless we have an actual scripture for it. There can be the conviction in our own souls, there should be. We shouldn't undertake something unless we have the sense in our souls. The Lord has called us and it says, hast thou faith? Have it to thyself before God.
But for any of us to say, the Lord sent me here, the Lord sent me there, the Lord told me to do this.
Unless we have a scripture for it is really pride. We are practically saying to our brethren, I'm so sure that I'm walking in communion with the Lord. I couldn't have missed his mind. He told me to do this. And so if we have his word, then we have something that's definite. We remember the Lord in his death why he asked us to do that. Someone says, did you have the Lord's mind in that? We say yes, his words says this.
Remembrance of me but someone says, Are you sure the Lord wanted you to come to the meetings in Ottawa? Well, we can say we prayed about it and we saw his mind, but it's a sense that we can have in our souls. But let us not be boasting about something when we don't have a positive scripture. This keeps us humble, keeps us in constant dependence upon the Lord. It is needful to pray about it. It's sweet to have the sense of.
Approval. But God would always keep us humble in respect to these things about discerning His will. And I just quote what the apostle said himself in First Corinthians 4. I know nothing by myself, yet am I not hereby justified? But he, the judges me is the Lord.
I believe that the gifts that it's speaking about here differ somewhat from what we have in the 1St Corinthians 12, Do they not that in first Corinthians 12 They are enablements by the Spirit. But here he is Speaking of what is taken up more clearly in the 11Th verse, and that is.
As our brother remarked in the seventh verse, it's rather the place of everyone in the body of Christ.
But they gave gifts unto men really refers to those whom an ascended Christ has given for the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.
You notice there are no sign gifts that are mentioned here. It's all that which is for the proclamation of the gospel. It's for the encouragement and establishing of the Saints of God, and these are from the ascended Christ in glory.
Who is seeking the good of the members of the body of Christ?
At first it was quoted from the from the 68th Psalm. It's a wonderful verse in the 68 psalmist, well worth our turning to.
Shows how perfect scripture is.
Spirit of God, force all that was to take place.
You'll get in the 18th verse of the 68th Psalm. Thou has to set it up on, has to send it on high. Thou hast LED captivity captive, Thou hast received gifts. Now the better translation should read in the man, of course, with no question who that man refers to.
Now go on. Yeah, for the rebellious also. Now Israel is the rebellious people.
And 1St we get gifts bestowed by the man, and thus that glorified man. And even the Old Testament, the Son has chose us, that is the man that's ascended on high, and that God has bestowed gifts in this glorified ascended man.
But God doesn't forget his rebellious people, Israel.
So he goes on to say, and that eighteenth verse, yeah, for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them, and the Lord will dwell among them, and the stole blessings to that people, but at the present time He is bestowing gifts.
In the glorified man, of course, as we know from.
Ephesians 3 that the truth of the mystery was hid from ages and from generations, but is now made known under the sons of men. Some have made their statement. I used to make it that he doesn't say was hit in in the scriptures but hidden God the brother errors when objected one time in my saying that because he said that the mystery was he in the old.
But it was only until the Spirit of God was sent down and Paul was raised up and gave us the mystery, that we could look back in the Old Testament and consider such portions as Abraham sending a servant across the desert to bring Rebecca for Isaac. While there we see very clearly the mystery of the church.
But no Old Testament St. understood that.
It was only after the Spirit was given, so I rather agree with that, that it was hid in the scriptures and in that way it was hidden God. But now having the Spirit of God dwelling in us, these subjects that are.
So wonderful and marvelous like this ascended one and God bestowing gifts in the man that glorified man. Well, we can see it all now fulfilled in what we're considering before us. But of course, as at first tells us that he first LED captivity captive. Perhaps this refers I believe it does to.
Deborah's song.
Yes. Isn't it the 5th chapter of Judges where she says arise thou?
What is his name first?
Riot Derek O'Sullivan and League captivity captive that is the Israel at the time of Deborah song for this was a song that celebrated the victory had been completely under the control of this this enemy Cicero and.
Eric was raised up and let him captive, led his old army captain.
Accept God's people, Israel, free from that.
Terrible slavery they they couldn't eaten there to go out and drive in the highways in those days, as Deborah says in her song with now captivity has been LED captive where we can easily understand the meaning of captivity LED captivity.
In a in a spiritual sense today.
Well, we were under the power of Satan. Oh, what an enemy he was. The wind of the Lord leads to Satan captive and was at the cross, wasn't it? He let all the power of Satan captive and set the set of believer free. And now having set the believer free, and here we are blessed in this way.
Now he as the ascended one who has read the captivity.
Captive is now bestowing gifts upon his people that have been set free through his victory over all the power of the enemy. It's very lovely. In the second chapter of Hebrews, I think we have something too that helps to understand this. The 2nd chapter of Hebrews and the 14th verse.
For as much, then, as the children are partakers of flesh and blood.
He also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil, and deliver them who through fear of death where all their lifetime subject to *******. That is, Satan was the one who brought him death, and men were held in captivity and the fear of death.
Was all through the Old Testament, even with the godly ones.
Who could overcome Satan? Who could set those captives free? While the Lord Jesus went right into Satan stronghold, He went into death, He overcame and now the believer no longer fears death. Death has become the believers servant.
It says in First Corinthians 3, all things are yours, whether life or death. Death belongs to us now, and the victory has been won. And the Lord Jesus descending into the lower parts of the earth simply speaks of his going into death, his burial, and then his rising triumphant, and just as Barrick went out, took Cicero captive.
And the whole army. So the Lord has done this, and now the people of God are set free.
But it's lovely, brethren, who is it that announces the victory? Well, it was Deborah, a woman. And who has the privilege of announcing the victory? Well, the church is to be in its proper place in subjection to Christ, but it has the privilege in this world of announcing the victory. That was one of Calvary.
And how lovely to think that we who were the rebellious, we who were so under the power of Satan and rejecters in ourselves, and now the Lord has won this victory, has gone up on highs. Head over all things. What does He want us to know?
He wants us to know the full extent and result of that victory. Supposing Deborah had said, well, I think they've been taken captive. We're not sure whether sister is dead. Well, they wouldn't have been in the full fruit of the victory. But when the full results of the victory were announced by them, everyone could share in the spoil and the results of it. And how many there are today who don't know the fullness of the results of the work of Christ.
What are we seeking to talk about here this afternoon? All the full results of that victory and the one who's gone up on high and who delights through his servants to make known the victory and all his glory to Him. She spoke about Barrack and the victory that he had won. So we speak about Christ and his victory.
In the first chapter of A Colossian, verse 14 and 15, we have something familiar about this victory of our blessed.
Lord Jesus, aren't we verse 14 that connection with the things of the law, say, blouting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us and took it out of the way in Ellen to the cross and having spoiled principalities and power and made a show of them openly.
Triumphant over them in it.
Well, it's blessed, isn't he? That's what the blessed eagle has done. What a savior we have our victory issue, beloved brethren, that sure because of the blessed Lord that has conquered all that enemy by being proud and on the 5th, is that what the song say brother, He taught all his enemy on the 5th on his feet. Oh, what a wonderful Savior. We have the love of breath now in.
Falling attention to the 68th South, it says here ascended up on high.
But the Spirit by the Apostle Paul reminds us that if he has ascended that Funkhite, that necessity states that he must have descended, and so before he could ascend on high, he must descend, and, as it says here, the lower parts of the earth.
Well, I'm ready to be corrected, but I had thought of that floor. Parts of the earth, that is the Lord went to the very lowest depth.
It was not only a man down here, but he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. The lower parts of the earth, what was most.
To be despised and hated, and among men the Lord took the lowest place. Now is that the thought? Well, He did, then would you not feel that His victory was through His death?
But he went into death. It was through death. He destroyed him that had the power of death. And as we have in Philippians chapter two, He took those seven steps downward. But it says even to death and that the death of the cross. So I'm sure it was all so it was going down. His whole pathway was going down. But just think the Lord of glory in death. And that was the way he won the victory, wasn't it? This is why the triumph of his resurrection, I think is so.
Very, very wonderful. I don't know whether I have really rightly understood what it says of it in Ephesians 1.
Verse 19. What is the exceeding greatness of His power to us? Were who believe according to the working of his mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him on his own right hand in the heavenly places, there seems to have been something about his death.
That was so far beyond our power to comprehend it. The very power that raised him from the dead is spoken of in these superlative terms. Something entirely different to the raising of Lazarus from the dead. Would you not say so? Is that why it's spoken of so marvelously here? A wonderful power that raised the Lord Jesus because of the steps downward that he had taken even unto that death.
I believe that it's something where man's power is totally ended.
Death men can invent the most marvelous machines. They can discover the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb. They can make great displays of power in the earth. But when a person dies, that's the end of man's power. He's absolutely helpless. He can't do anything. But here the Lord Jesus, the Lord of glory, goes into death, and he's raised again. Indeed, as we have it in John, he raised himself. What a mighty power.
One submitting to all the hatred and enmity of man and the display of man's power against him.
But now he rises triumphant over the whole thing. And the marvel of it, I think, is that it was for us.
Because having taken that place up there, it's to us word who believe he's gone up there associating with him with himself, who are sinners like ourselves say through grace and brought into this place. Now we're associated with him in his victory. Christ the first fruits afterward they their Christ that is coming. So I believe the mighty power that raised him seated them there at the right hand of God.
Is so that we he's there as the head, but we too are going to be with him in that place.
I used to be a young man very much interested in astronomy and red astronomy, and tried to get some of the theories into my mind. And I was speaking to an old brother about some fun things I've read about and all the immense distances of some of these stars, how many light years and so on.
Yes, he said. But just remember that one who has been exalted far above all heaven. Well, that took all astronomy out of my thinking.
Kept your eye on that one who is so far above all these stars of light to shine from such distant places. Think of the place that he occupies and he's going to fill the whole scene, hasn't he?
Someday he's going to fill the whole universe with the glory of redemption, and that's the far more wonderful, amazing glory than even the glory of creation. Brother, I have really enjoyed the language here, far above all heavens, thinking of it as.
Why this term is used here in connection with that which is the subject. In first Peter chapter 2, we read that he has passed into the heavens.
Into the heaven. And what is the purpose of his being having passed into the heaven, having angels and authorities and powers subject unto him? Well, we might think that was just a tremendous place of exaltation and superiority, that angels, and authorities, and powers would all be subject unto him.
But in order to occupy that particular office, he's passed into the heaven. But then when we turn to Hebrews 7, we read that he's packed.
Through the heavens. Oh, this must be something much more important than the angels and authorities and powers. And so it is. It has to do with you and me and our High Priest up there in the glory he's passed through the heavens to occupy that place of daily concern and care for you and me as our High Priest. But then we come to this first.
Far above all heaven that exceeds either of the other two references.
Because this has to do with His Church, His body. Oh, that just seems to me to put things in their proper order. This was referred to yesterday. The affairs of the world, the affairs of individual believers, and the affairs of the collective testimony. And these 3 verses just seem to me to be so beautiful in giving us to see the relative value, shall I say?
In the sight of our Lord Jesus, the whole affair of this world.
Caused him to pass into the heaven, that he might be in control. But in order that you and I might know that we have this faithful and merciful high priest. He's passed through the heaven, but in order that we might look up to him who is in this exalted position concerning a church, which is His body and His care, as we see here, he's far above all heaven.
Madden thought it was a marvelous feat of their power to send men to the moon, but.
Here is a far, far greater display of power. There's a real man in the glory, and he's there as the head of the body of the church. He's there seeking the good of the members of the body down here too. And this is most precious to our hearts, isn't it? No, Brother Barry, when you do refer to the universe in the vast distances, once in a while we hear references made, and they're kind of fascinating to some of us. But, you know, the more you hear about them and think about them, the more.
It exalts the supremacy that's referred to here in this verse. And not only that, sometimes they try to tell us how old all this is, you know. And when we hear this, we say, well, isn't it wonderful if it is that old? Before ever the foundations of it were laid, He thought upon us, and He had these very wonderful purposes in mind. So instead of being.
Occupied with them or instead of totally ignoring them.
We can look upon them and realize, well, he didn't just create them for nothing. I don't know really what the purpose of that vast creation is. I guess I'm a bit fascinated by it, too. I went to the headquarters of the National Geographic Society in Washington.
And I went into the astronomy department and I picked up one of those telephones where you push a button and listen to what they have to say about it.
And I tell you, when I hung that thing up, I was absolutely thrilled, shall I say, not thrilled with the universe, but thrilled with him who made it all. I think one verse answers what you were saying. In 19 the 19th Psalm. The heavens declare the glory of God. And if God is going to give us any kind of a picture of the extent of His glory.
Just think of the universe and the man as they get greater telescopes, they just find out a little more of the extent of the universe than they've never come to the end of it. And God says, well, I'm just giving you a little idea of my glory. What is it to the Creator to create this millions, billions, trillions of years, light years away? What is that to the Creator? If he wants to display his glory, He has all power and the one that we love.
Things, He is the one through whom all things were made and he's the one we're talking about this afternoon. And I'd like to think that the presence of a God is not very far from, is not made by measured by geographical distance, is right present with us. We don't see him, but he's right with us. When the Lord Jesus comes, how long will he take him to come to the earth, to the air? Oh, just a spit of a second. I suppose he will be here to take us to be with himself.
How marvelous it is. The Kingdom of God is within you. It is a dimension that you're not able to sense it and to realize that with the human sense. But it's not very far from us, Not very far from us.
When we trace the Lord to His ethnical of glory, then we are told about the gifts that He has bestowed now that He is ascended far above all heavens.
To say in the 11Th verse. And he gave some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the perfect meaning of the states, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Now it was made clear yesterday that the apostles and prophets were the foundation.
We get that at the.
End of the second chapter of Jesus built upon the foundation.
Of the apostles and travels well the foundation has been laid you don't run this foundation clear up to the ceiling it's laid and then the building is erected on it so that.
While we no longer have, or ever can expect to have again apostles and prophets, yet we do have their ministry, their writings we have, a whole false writings we have.
Peter's writings We have John's writings, so we are privileged to.
To be blessed by those first two gifts that are mentioned as has bestowed by the glorified head. Then we get the the three gifts that remain and those 3 gifts are some evangelists.
And some pastors and teachers.
I believe it's important to notice this, that the evangelist is a gift to the assembly bestowed by the ascended head on high for one to just say, well, I want to go out anywhere I can find a place to preach the golf course because I believe the Lord has enabled me to preach it.
Without any thought of those that are brought under the sound of the gospel and converted through it, being brought into the place where the Lord has put His name, I think you get completely away from the truth that is set before us here. That is, that the evangelist is definitely a gift to the assembly. I suppose we get an illustration of that.
In the certain Samaritan when he picked up the man half dead on the way.
To Jericho. Where did he take him? He took him to an end.
And the in there is the type of the assembly, the House of God, where he cared for. So I know that there have been men that started out with considerable power and usefulness. I think of one that was greatly used at one time, but his gift led him to go and to the various denominations.
And his work just faded away. He thought he was doing more for the Lord by going here and there and everywhere and preaching the gospel. Well, we should always remember that in connection with the gospel. It's in view of bringing those that are converted into the place where they're cared for. We have it very nicely brought before us. The whole 3 that you speak of in.
Chapter of Acts it might be helpful to notice it there connection with what our brothers said in the.
First Corinthians chapter 2, where it says I have not seen or ear heard, and have neither hath entered into the heart of man.
The things which God had prepared for them would love him. That was the Old Testament state. That is a quotation from the prophet Isaiah. Now God has revealed them by His Spirit. And as it tells us in that same chapter, which things we also speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth, that is.
By the apostles and prophets, God has given the very words that the Holy Ghost teaches.
And so we have these things written down in the Scriptures. That's why it's so important that in getting a good translation, it's not something that is put in other words than those which the Spirit of God used. So that a good translation will be an honest attempt to put into English or another language the very words that the Spirit of God used, not just the thoughts. So that was the work as we learn from.
Passages we referred to before.
In Romans 11 it says by the scriptures of the prophets made known to all nations for the obedience of faith.
So the apostles and prophets laid the foundation. Now we have in this in the 11Th chapter of Acts, we have the evangelists, pastors and teachers. Let's just notice that the 19th verse of the 11Th of Acts. Now they which were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose about Stephen, traveled as far as Venus and Cyprus and Antioch.
Preaching the word to none, but unto the Jews only.
And some of them were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, which when they were come to Antioch, spake under the Grecians, preaching the Lord Jesus, and the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number believed and turned under the Lord. There we have the work for the the Evangelist.
They were preaching, telling people how to be saved. Now let's notice the 22nd verse.
And tidings of these things came under the ears of the church which was in Jerusalem. And they sent forth Barnabas, that he should go as far as Antioch, who, when he came and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all at with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord, for he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith. And much people was added unto the Lord.
Now these ones that were saved needed encouragement. They needed pastoral care.
They needed someone who was interested and encouraged them to cleave to the Lord.
We are not told that Barnabas particularly taught them much of the truth of God.
But there is a very necessary work to be carried on, brethren. Let's not forget it. Perhaps it's neglected today. And that is the work of the pastor. How many dear children of God need that encouragement, that loving concern, that care that would seek to?
Help them to cleave to the Lord and go on to the Lord with the Lord. We might not be able to teach them very much, perhaps, if not called to that. But a little word of encouragement can go a great long way. And many of us, as we look back over our lives, know that some little word of encouragement perhaps didn't teach us anything as to the truth of God. But it was pastoral work, a very blessed work.
Now notice here we have the teacher, the 25th verse. Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus 4 to seek Saul. And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians. First in Antioch, now here Barnabas.
Didn't feel qualified, I don't believe, as a teacher, but he was a pastor. And you'll notice in the passage here in Ephesians 4, the pastors and teachers are linked together. And so here we find the two working together and they taught the people and they were called Christians. Here was the beginning of a Gentile assembly and we see just what we have brought before us. Here we have the work of the evangelist.
We work the work of the pastors and teachers. Another thing I might comment here. I think all may have noticed it, but in the other translation there is no comma. It's just he gave some apostles, he gave some prophets, he gave some evangelists.
Gave some pastors and teachers because the man himself is looked at as a gift. It's not a particular enablement, but that God raises up for his church as those whom he fits for the work, and the man himself is a gift to the church. Now isn't this very loudly? Because if it was something given to the man, it might pop him up, but the man himself being given, when you get a gift, who do you think?
When you thank the giver and saw the giver as the head and if he's raised up someone to help his people, well, we thank the giver that he raised up someone because it's a great blessing to his people to be led on as we have it here for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.
About the evangelist, pastor and teacher, isn't it I I've enjoyed the fact that no. Barnabas was an older brother, yet there was no pride he. He knew they needed some teaching and so he sought for Saul or Paul that's wonderful, isn't it, to see that, doesn't it the Is it true that the evangelist speaks to the conscience and the.
Pastor speaks to the heart and the teacher would bring the understanding into you, wouldn't he?
Of course it's all together, but I was thinking of those. Could we look a moment or could I ask a question in connection with?
Mark 1615. In view of what brother brought forth us to the evangelist, I believe some of the thoughts would be to be for the help of the younger ones. And we often see or hear this verse quoted, and it's often brought up, you might say, as a a little reproach.
Those that would desire to be going on in the truth, those that would just be, seek to be found according to the word of God, found at the feet of Christ, being obedient to His Word and remembering Him in death.
So there are those that would come forth and hold this verse up sort of as a challenge.
And as a rebuke to those that would seek to have the worship of Christ, first the worship and then serve. And so the verse in Mark 1615. And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. We have a word as to putting this in his proper order. But of course.
We're not speaking particularly of worship here, certainly.
As we know the Lord Jesus as our Savior and are led by the Spirit, there will be worship in our hearts.
To him, and I trust that the ministry of the truth leads the heart to worship. But here it's what the ascend of Christ has provided for the needs of his people, so that they might grow in the things of God.
The only thought here in this Matthew Mark 16 and 15 was that there was a greater sphere. Now for the telling out of the message. That is when the Lord sent out the disciples, He said.
Go not into the way of the Gentiles and into any cities of the Samaritans. Enter ye not.
But going rather to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. But now he's risen, Now there's to be, shall I say, a widening circle that goes out now to the whole world. Just as the same, when the Greeks wanted to see Jesus, he said that a corn of wheat must fall into the ground and die, but if it died, it brought forth much fruit. And then he said, I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw not just Israel.
All men unto me. So it's simply the thought of the spear of the gospel. Of course, worship has its right place and it's the response of the heart to Him. But of course, when we think of many who don't know Him, if they're brought to know Him, they will be brought to be worshippers too. In the Gospel of John. Shut the pen and verse nine, do we have a verse?
That is very, very precious indeed. Just a few ways.
But it brings to the whole truth of the Christian pathway in this very precious world.
Chapter 10 and verse nine of the Gospel of a John says I am the door by me. If any man answer in, he shall be saved. We say that's the first half, but it doesn't say here and go out first. It doesn't say that he say he shall go in into the presence of a God. His worship isn't he and then go out.
With whatever service the Lord will give us to do it, whether it be the gospel or anything else.
And then says here shall go out and in and out and find pasture. We need to pasture ourselves day by day in order to be able to bring it to us. I was thinking, Brother Gordon, what you were saying about the pastor's work, how important that service is.
What Peter says about the under shepherds in the in the third chapter to the fifth chapter of his first epistle.
There you see, it says in the second verse, Feed the flock of God, which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but by, but willingly, not for filthy Luther, but of a ready mind. Neither is being Lords over God's heritage, but being examples to the flock. Now notice this, And when the chief shepherd shall appear, you shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not.
That is, the shepherd's work is a hidden work, or the work of the pastor, one that goes to the homes of the Saints and seeks to encourage them if something has gone wrong and they need to help, need instruction in the quiet way of meeting the various needs of the people of God. The one who carries on a work like that gets very little importance among his brothers.
One who teaches, of course, gives certain prominence as well as the evangelist, but the pastor gets the least of importance in his service down here. But just as though the Lord says, you go on.
Serving in this way. And he said when the chief shepherd shall appear, you shall receive a crown of glory. He doesn't get the crown of glory down here, but he gets the crown of glory up there.
And what a what a important subject it is, of course, when you think of it and the way it's spoken up here as the pastor and teacher. A pastor could be one raised up to to serve the whole Church of God. And that's more the thought here that they are the under shepherds.
And in every assembly there were those that were known as elders looked after the welfare of the Saints and how needful that work is. And it's not that one has such a wonderful gift, but he if he loves the Saints. I was told someone said to Mr. Darby, I think you must be.
Having the gift of a pastor because you visit the Saints so much. Oh, he says. It isn't bad that I love the Saints.
And I love to visit them. Well, if this real loving heart for the people of God, and I know there are many of that, travel far more than I do and go to distant places where they're very poor and God for their courage, they may not have that courage. A dear brethren, the Lord is going to reward that faithfulness. I think that's a lovely example for that in First Corinthians chapter 16.
And verse 15.
Brother Barry was pointing out how the heart of one can begin trained the minister to the Saints when I believe it's brought out very beautifully here. 1St 1960 and verse 15.
I will teach you forever in our House of Stephanie that it is the first person IKEA and that they have addicted or devoted themselves to the ministry of the Saints. I mean, it's just speak volume to her. Yes, it's lovely to see it. It's rather striking that it says if a man desire the opposite of a Bishop, he desireth a good work. I wondered why it said that, because it might seem that he wanted to get a place of prominence. And then I thought, what brother?
Barry just said the Lord's people are so dear to him that he said, anybody that cares for my people, it's a good work. They're so dear to me, says in the song, Whosoever praise glorifieth me. And I've often thought of that visiting perhaps an older Christian in the systems. You may never see them progress in the spiritual things and the knowledge of the truth.
But if we can speak to them of the Lord Jesus.
And we leave them at a more apt to praise the Lord. We've done him service heavenly. I remember hearing Brother Brown say in connection with this, the word pastor is such a lovely, such a precious word, and yet it is so misused. Is it not imprisoned them? And he said the word of God plainly teaches the happy office of a pastor in the church, but not the pastor of a church.
And that doesn't sound perhaps at first very significant, but it really is.
The Word of God plainly teaches the happy truth of hey, pastor in the church, but not the pastor of a church. Well.
A principle of it. What says in as much as you have done it under one of the least of these, my brethren, you have done it under me. I was just going to comment on.
In the 12Th 1St for the perfecting of the sinks.
For the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Isn't there two distinct ways that services brought before us, we get the perfecting of the sink individually, St. has certain needs and.
And needs help in various ways and the Lord can use his servants to to guide them and help them and to instruct them in their pathway and in their in their various affairs. And then there is definitely the as he tells us there in the 12Th verse, the edifying of the body of Christ there is.
Certain ministry.
Affects the whole body, the whole assembly. So we need both. And that's one reason that your brother and the daughter live invited their brethren here. They not only want their brethren scattered over the various places in the States and Canada, but they won't they to be together so we can.
The whole body can be.
Edified. An assembly is made-up of individuals, isn't it? And the body? I was thinking of each of each member of the body, and I was thinking of the way the other translation.
Puts that verse I think is very seems to me to be clear.
This verse 12 for the perfecting of the Saints with a view to the work of the ministry with a view.
Edifying of the body of Christ, that each one of us individually are built up and we're a part of it, of the assembly where we are or we're in a part of the body. And if each one of us are in exercise before the Lord, sincerely before Him, seeking to be guided by His word and to desire to be a help to our brethren.
What a marvelous testimony, and what a joy there is, and a building up too.
I'm sure you've given us a very helpful thought because one brother that maybe is encouraged and might be restored or and instructed and becoming helpful in it would be a view to the strengthening of all the things. Yes, Tesla remark here in this 13th verse is good to notice in its context here till we all come.
Of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Ministry always has this in mind, if it is ministry according to God. But also I was going to comment that there are no sign gifts mentioned here in this chapter. And so in this place where we have those that are for the spiritual good.
Of the sites, the telling forth of the Gospel to the unsaved.
There is no mention of sign gifts, but there is a promise here of the continuance of these gifts.
I say that because I believe it's very important in what we were Speaking of the other day.
Where it gives us the signed gifts, it speaks about God confirming the Word.
Shows us the purpose for which they were given. But whenever it has to do with the edification of the body of Christ, as here, then there's a promise that these gifts will continue. And this is the object of the ministry. It's always looking on to the time when.
All be there with and like Christ. Ministry has that object in view and seeks by the ministry to produce in us even now that conformity to Him. If I use my gift to build up a party or to gather people around myself, that wouldn't be the unity of the faith. So the gifts are always with this thought, the unity of the faith.
A better knowledge of the Lord Jesus.
Growth to Him. This is the purpose of ministry, and we can test our own hearts in connection with giving out ministry. As to whether it has this purpose, which was God's purpose, or perhaps I should say the purpose of the ascended Head, the Lord Jesus, giving these gifts for the good of the Church. It speaks to our own hearts as we minister the truth. Do we keep this in view? Do we have this purpose before us, which is the purpose of the Head who has given the gifts?
We can be certain of this, that until the Lord comes in the air there will be the other gifts of the evangelists, the pastor, and the teacher. But we have no place where it tells us that the gift of tongues or the gift of healing will continue. These are to continue till we all come.
Timothy was exhorted to steer up the kids. How do we steer? Well, I believe that something like one of our brother Barry was speaking about.
Young people's meeting, that is. I'm Speaking of the principle of it. We can get so taken up with earthly things or other interests that a gift given by the ascended head could be neglected.
To the loss of the individual, and also to the loss of the Church of God, The same in connection with archipelas, it says.
Say to Archippus, take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it. And I do believe, brethren, that many a gift is lost to the Church of God through lack of devotedness. And I believe that even those of us who may seek in some measure to use it need to be constantly stirred up like Timothy, because it's very easy for us just to.
Take a little time of ease, so to speak, and forget that.
The Lord has said Occupy till I come. That's a very important point, Brother Gordon. I was thinking about little assemblies that are perhaps represented here and probably thinking that, well, where, where we are, there's no real gift. I believe if we get before the Lord, we'll find that the Lord has put someone there. He's given some little gift. Well, it's well for us to be exercised about this, isn't it?
God is faithful. He hasn't told us this and then left us as it were, in the dark about it. He'd given us the light and brought us into the light, even the expression covered.
The best gift. I hope it's not out of place to make reference to the way my father spoke of that verse I remember some years ago.
He said that as we remember it very well. When we were young my mother was very sick. She was not able to be out of bed for many weeks and father had to take over in the kitchen. Well, I think most of us remember that his first efforts in the kitchen were by no means equal to my mother, but as the weeks went by his labours in the kitchen improved and he wanted them to improve as well as we did.
He he mentioned this after he said I wanted to do better in the kitchen, Not because I wanted to outshine my wife, not because I wanted to gain the reputation of being a good cook, but because I loved my family and I did not want to see them go to school.
Hungry, he coveted the desire to do for his family that which would be for their good.
And I think what our brother has mentioned is very, very good for us. You know, in the very last epistle it says building up yourselves on your most holy faith. And I, I really believe that if we love the people of God, as the people of God and as our beloved brethren, would we not long for some way in which we could be of help to them?
Perhaps to nourish one another in the things of the Lord God forfeit.
That we should ever seek for anything that would bring recognition to ourselves, but anything that would be for the glory of God and for the nourishing of the flock. Surely we could long for that and pray for that.