Ephesians 2

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 2min
Ephesians 2  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Here we have quickening where one is morally dead. The whole course of our past is pointed out, but not the subject of penalties. We who were dead in sins have been quickened together with Christ (saved by grace).
He has brought both Jew and Gentile together in one and has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
The ages to come will prove the exceeding riches of God's grace to be poured out upon the Church. It is grace that saves us through faith-the gift of God.
The whole subject is grace and what God will do for His and our happiness. We are God's workmanship; to good works are we created which God has foreordained.
We were once Gentiles without God and without hope, we were far off from God, but now we are brought near by the blood of Christ.
The wall that separated Jews and Gentiles, in a religious way, is now broken down, and Christ has put away the law of ordinances, making one new man and the result, peace. He has reconciled both unto God in one body by the cross, all enmity is gone. Both Jews and Gentiles have access by the Spirit unto the Father.
We are no more strangers, but we belong to the household of God.
We are established on that cornerstone, Christ, with the foundation of the New Testament apostles and prophets. The building of the holy temple is progressing and will continue until the rapture of the saints. Today there is a public testimony in this world with the saints joined together as a place of habitation for God by the Spirit.