Ephesians 4:1-6

Ephesians 4:1‑6
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Address—R. Reeves
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Just the first two standards.
Stands as number one and two.
That seems to have confusion and greater confidence.
I'll speak in the coldness. Come here again when it's saying you've been fighting God, I grew up. Mercy there. Grow everything in the man's mind.
So it's fun that you're running off of your grandma's face and right that they never use blood. Cannot be.
The heart 100 and cry those and take her away from.
When I hear my heart.
With vinegar.
We're united.
And tasting.
Our father.
I'd like to ask you to turn with me this afternoon to.
The Epistle to the Ephesians, Chapter 4.
Ephesians Chapter 4, verse one.
I therefore the prisoner of the Lord.
Besides you, that you walk worthy of the vocation.
Wherewith you are called.
With all lowliness.
And the meekness?
With long-suffering.
Forbearing one another in love.
Endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit.
In the bond of peace.
There is one body.
And one spirit.
Even as he recalled in one hope of your calling.
One Lord.
One thing, one baptism.
One God and Father of all.
Who is above all and through all?
In you all.
We will.
Consider these.
Six precious verses together.
Because I believe this presents to us a very important.
Ministry for our hearts right now.
We're going to talk about the unity.
Of the spirit.
Now I believe the unity of the spirit.
Is that oneness?
And to which the Spirit of God has brought us.
Wherein we have things in common.
With all believers.
And in our song that we sang #225, it's.
Bonds that unite us.
And it said that with thine were united.
And hasting towards home.
Beloved brethren, there is a power.
That has brought you and me together.
And united US1 to another.
And that power is the power of the Holy Spirit of God.
We are united.
And the unity of the spirit.
Is that uniting power?
That has brought us together.
So that we have.
Things in common with each other.
Now, how many things do we have in common with each other?
In this portion of the whole word.
We're going to see that we have seven things in common.
And they're all wonderful.
But they're not the same.
Seven things in common.
Things that I have and that you have and things that we all have together.
And that is what I believe to be the unity of the Spirit.
Now to get the proper focus on considering this blessed unity.
We should notice.
Verses one and two.
Written by a great servant of the Lord who said he was a prisoner of the Lord.
I love those words because.
They show us that the Apostle Paul accepted his circumstances from the Lord.
And we do thank God that he was a prisoner.
Who had time to write this wonderful letter?
Do you like to write letters?
Some folks like to write letters.
But frankly, I do.
I like to write note.
And my problem is not that I don't like to write letters that.
But the problem for me is to find time to write them.
But once I get started, I like to read that.
I believe that God allowed his great servant Paul to be put in prison so that he would have time.
To write letters.
And this letter that we're reading today, at least a part of it was written from prison.
He said. I beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation or of the calling.
Wherewith your call and we're going to see what that calling is.
In the few verses that we've read.
We're going to see what that calling is.
And we are going to understand that.
We united brethren.
Did you ever think of yourselves as one of the United Revans?
Yes, you're you're a part of the United trailers.
Well, united in the sense that God gives it to us in His holy word.
And nothing you can do about it.
Because you're being united.
To me, and I've been united to you.
Has been done by God. And so, yes, we are united today. We've been united by the spirit of God to each other.
In this blessed unity.
And we want to find out how to behave ourselves and how to enjoy this unity.
And how to be a contributor to the piece of this unity?
We would like our presence to be felt for good.
Wouldn't they?
It says with all lowliness.
And make this.
Well, if we're going to.
Walk worthy of this calling.
And this calling is that of being united with every believer.
On the face of the earth.
It will have to be in lowliness.
We'll have to realize that we are not.
Any more important?
Than anyone else we'll have to enjoy.
The low place.
Rather than seeking a great place of promise.
And meekness.
Loneliness has to do with position.
Meekness has to do with the spirit.
And in our Lord Jesus we saw both lowliness and meekness combined.
And it would be God's will that these two qualities might be combined in ourselves too.
The joy of.
Of being content to be in a low position.
And have a spirit that is in keeping with that.
It says with long-suffering.
Now that word is often translated Patience.
And if we're going to enjoy the unity that we are a part of.
We're going to have to be patient with each other.
Patient and forbearing one another in love.
I think a lot about that word forbearing.
What does it mean?
Well, it has to do with these.
Ability to take it.
To encounter.
A storm.
Or an adverse input of some kind and take it.
That's the thought of forbearing.
And I've often explained it this way.
That if I were to take.
A tennis ball.
And to throw it very, very hard against the wall here under the cloth.
The wall here would not be forbearing.
That wall would send that ball back to me just as hard as I threw it against the wall.
You see, the wall is not for very.
It sent it right back to me, and the harder I throw it, the harder it'll come back. That wall is not for bear.
But if I were take a nice soft pillow and put it against the wall and throw that tennis ball against that pillow with all my might.
They would just ****.
Into the pillow and stick.
A pillow is for bearing. It doesn't fire back.
It doesn't fire. It's now. That's one of the qualities that is required.
By those who are a part of this wonderful unity.
And that is the quality of being forbarian.
The ability to not fire back in the flesh. And you, dear married people here, realize that you have had to exercise that quality in your home.
That quality of being forbearing.
That you have.
Known of your brother that if you said something harsh to your wife you may get back a very harsh reply.
And the harder your comment, the harder the reply, and the wife may find the same with her husband.
Unless there's forbearance.
If somebody says to me, Ron Reeve, you're ugly.
And I say.
I know it.
That's been forbearance.
Just take it. It's true. Might as well take it.
And forbearing is that quality of taking it.
And not firing back. The normal response would be just for me to say you are too.
That's not forbarance.
But forbearing is the quality of taking and in order to make this unity work well and gone in peace, we'll have to have all of these wonderful qualities that we.
See so well demonstrated in our Lord Jesus.
And forbearance, well, how wonderful they were demonstrated in him and by him.
And throughout his life.
Now let's go to verse three, it says, endeavoring to keep.
The unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Now to endeavor.
Here's the work at it.
It's an enterprise.
It's a job.
In order to maintain this unity that we are a part of.
In a peaceful condition.
We're going to have to work at this.
Marriage is like that too. Aren't we gotta work at it to make it proceed well and.
We're going to have to endeavor.
Now this unity of the spirit.
And the desire to keep it in a peaceful condition is what God asks us to do.
And if we do that, we'll be walking worthy of the calling by which we have been called.
Well, now tell me what the what is in this unity that we've been talking about?
Well, beloved brethren.
I see in the next 4 verses something very wonderful.
And about this unity I see it to be.
A unity in seven parts.
How can you have a unity in seven parts? It's easy.
You got a hand, haven't you? It's in five parts.
Isn't it? That's a hand.
That's five parts in that end, but it's just one hand, isn't it?
So my hand is a unity in five parts.
So you can have a unity that's in more than one part.
And the unity we're considering this afternoon is a unity not in five parts, but in seven parts.
And the best picture that we have of it in the Word of God is that.
That lamp stand that was constructed for use in the Tabernacle.
And it was a golden Candlestick. Golden.
Candle stand and it had seven lamps. Remember that?
Do they call it a Candelabra?
It was fed by oil.
And every morning the high priest, the priest went in there and put more oil in the lamp sack.
But remember.
He put oil in all the lamps.
Not just one of them.
His job was to go in there and take his special kind of scissors.
And cut those Wicks. Cut off the carbon that had.
Developed on the Wick.
Saw that the lamps would not smoke.
And the light would be brighter. That was the job of one of the priests.
And he did that while the incense was ascending to God. He trimmed the lamps and he burnt the insane all at the same time, every day.
And if he wanted to keep all seven of those lights burning?
Because if one of them went out, you wouldn't have as much light, and so you needed all seven turn.
And to use the same oil.
In all of them.
And you know, the Spirit of God is typified often in the scriptures as the oil.
It was the same oil.
But in seven lamps.
And you had really then a unity in seven parts.
And every one of those should be kept burning and cared for each day. And if you were to talk to one of those priests that went in there and said, Zachariah, what were you doing when you went in there?
While he would say, I was endeavouring to keep all the lights burning bright.
He was endeavored.
And he was working at it. And if you say Zechariah, what would happen if you didn't go in there today?
Oh, you say you did a cloud of smoke something awful.
You've got to keep it trimmed. Everyone else, and I've got to work at it every day, every day. I got to endeavor to keep the unity of this lampstand burning brightly in all of its seven parts.
And beloved brethren, that's what we've got in these precious verses. Unity in seven parts.
And we're going to consider them one by one.
And we're going to consider that God asks us to keep all of these lamps burning, because they are all.
The part of the unity of the spirit, Remember, it's the same oil.
But in seven different lights.
And we need to keep them all burning. Now what is the first one? There is one body.
Oh look, all that lamp #1.
Lamp number one is the one body.
Now that's a part of the unity.
And every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is a member of the one body suppressed.
Oh, that's wonderful.
And beloved brethren, the word of God says there is one body.
Doesn't say there was one body or there will be one body.
But no, there is one body, so a part of that blessed unity.
Formed by the Spirit of God.
Is the blessed truth that we're all a member of the same body.
Now, if you look around here today.
You wouldn't get that idea.
And if you took the telephone book and looked in the Yellow Pages under church?
You'd see a lot of different churches.
I haven't used it. I don't know. There's there's the you start with a it says the Adventist Church.
A Baptist Church. You go down the alphabet and the Catholic Church exposures one under D and go to E Evangelical, free and after the Federated and.
Go to G It's grace, brethren, and.
That would be the friend and down the alphabet to go and you're seeing all these different churches. You say this doesn't look like one body to me. This looks like a whole lot of different bodies.
I know. And that's to our shame.
Because what has happened is this.
That instead of God's beloved people being content to go on together and demonstrate that there's just one body.
All kinds of things that come in to separate God's beloved people into many different bodies.
And they all go their own ways here in Pella this morning they got cars going this way and cars going the other way and cars going a lot of the other direction and all going to church.
But they're going different directions.
And you say this doesn't look like the body to me.
Oh, I know it. And this is really audible.
No, it's it's something that the man had brought in and it's caused confusion.
But beloved brethren, in spite of that God pronounces, in spite of all the confusion that has come in.
That there's still just one body.
And every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Is a part of that one body, and maybe that particular person goes to a denomination and goes this way and everything goes to another denomination over here, maybe another one drives you to say, well, there's.
We don't have our church. Our church doesn't. We don't have one of our churches, Impella. I got to drive them on road to go to ours or I got to drive from Newton.
People are even going out of the city.
Well be that as it may, and it is.
Let us remember with joy every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is a member of the one body of Christ.
Even though they might be going on with something that really is not according to the word of God, that doesn't take them out of the body of Christ.
But it's the mind of God and the will of God.
That his people should meet on the basis of there just being one body.
That would be the way to drive, because you see, that's part of the unity of the spirit.
The view said that the unity of the Spirit is composed of taking all the denominations of Catholics and the Baptists in the Federateds and the Friends and the Presbyterians and the Episcopalians and mix them all together and say this is the unity of the Spirit.
No, no, no, no.
God is not the author of confusion.
But beloved brethren, the body of Christ remains intact.
In spite of the failure of man.
And it is the will of God that his people meet on that basis as members of the body of Christ.
And I believe with all my heart.
And I have given my life.
To the belief and the teaching.
And the practice of this fact, I believe that you here in color.
On Branson Street are meeting on the basis of the one body of Christ, I believe with all my heart.
Paul Brethren, thank God for this testimony now.
You are not your brethren who meet in fellows. You're not the body of Christ at fellow.
No, you're just a little bit little stinky part of it because every believer in Keller belongs to the body of Christ. But the sad fact is that they don't all assemble on those terms.
But you do, by the grace of God, and that's precious. And I hope you'll all continue.
Going on to God to demonstrate there's just one body, just one body, and you're in fellowship with every member of the body of Christ all over the world.
You are gathered to the Lord Jesus and you will meet in His name, and you give demonstration that there is just one body. And when you come together to break bread, you'll just see one loaf on the table, don't you? None of them. Several stacks of crackers. Just one loaf. And that shows that you believe there is one body and beloved rather than this is so wonderful.
And may the Lord help us to be to endeavor to keep our testimony as to the one body.
In the bond of peace.
And let's associate with each other in such a way.
With all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering and forbearance.
In order that we may keep this lamp burning, and we've called it lamp number one, haven't we?
Let's keep that testimony burning that we're part of the one body.
That's very precious to the Lord. Well, no, but that's just that's not the whole unity of the spirit. We've only talked about one of the lamps. We got to move on to the second one. What's the second one?
One strip. Ah, that's lamp #2.
Now that's a whole different concept. You see, we talked first about the body concept that were members of the body.
And you're not the same kind of a member as I am. You don't have the same job in the body that I do.
We have different functions in the body such as my thumb does a lot different for my body than my nose.
And my feet do a lot different than my ears. Every member in the body is different, but performs its function for the benefit of the whole body.
But when we come to lamp #2, it says 1 spirit. It's a whole different thought.
But don't forget it's still connected with the unity of the spirit. And what is this thought then about lamp #2?
Oh, it's the same power.
That dwells in me. That dwells in you.
And we've got this in common. Oh brethren, think of the divine guest that dwells within your body. Your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost.
Which dwells within you, Which I have of God now, brother and sister. The Spirit of God that dwells in you is the same Spirit that dwells in me. You see, we have the Holy Spirit in common.
And the same power who directs me is the power that helps you.
Now, would the Spirit of God that dwells in you direct you in one way and direct me in another? No, because he's the same spirit.
And what makes you and me a part of the body of Christ? Is it the same spirit as welcome?
We united.
By the Spirit of God, and that same spirit unites.
Of one to another, but it's the same spirit.
And how wonderful it is to come to a meeting where the body aspect is demonstrated and find that the Spirit of God is leading the members of the body to do the things that flee and.
The Spirit of God is what binds us together below the bread. Now you cannot see the Spirit of God.
But he is now dwelling in this world, and that's what characterizes the present administration of God on the earth.
Which means.
That this is the dispensation of the Holy Ghost. You see, the Lord Jesus went back to heaven.
But not long after he was there, He sent the Holy Spirit to live here.
And the Spirit of God dwells in US individually, and it dwells in US collectively, and we've got this in common. The Spirit of God who dwells within me and makes Christ precious to me, is the same Spirit that dwells in you and makes Christ precious to you.
For all brethren, brethren, that's Lance #2, and let's not do anything that would grieve the Spirit of God.
Now to grieve the Spirit of God is to let the smoke.
Can I come from that week you see from that lamp, and needs to be chopped off. May we not grieve the Spirit of God in our personal lives.
By allowing serum.
And may we not grieve the Spirit of God in our assemblies either.
Which would cause a poor testimony and we need to endeavor.
Begin to endeavour.
To keep that lamp #2 burning brightly.
That the flesh may not hinder the flame that comes from the fact that we have the Spirit of God in common. Oh, that's wonderful to me.
Now let's come to land #3.
On this beautiful golden panda stick.
Which figures to us the unity of the spirit lamp #3.
You're called in one hope of your call. Ah, brethren, you and I have got something in common. We're going home to heaven someday.
We're going home to heaven someday.
What is your hope?
What is your hope?
What have you got in front of you? What do you see in the future for you?
Call yesaria what I see in front of Maine. My future is to be with Jesus.
I'm just looking for him to come. I don't know why he has been so long.
I don't know why he didn't come last week, but what I really am looking forward to what I hope.
For is to be with my savior.
That's my hope. And I go to my dear mother and I say, Mom, what do you want? Oh, she says, I want to be with Jesus in the tears from down the road. I want to be with Jesus.
That's our hope, rather, and we've got it in common.
In the scriptures, hope is not uncertain.
Hope is delayed, certainty, delayed certainty and.
You're called in one hope of your falling and beloved brethren, we've got that in common, and let's keep that land burning brightly. Let's remind each other.
Often that Jesus is coming.
And let's not let anything get in the way of this lamp. Let's keep it burning brightly. Let's endeavor that the light that comes from this lamp shall be bright.
And will be recognized as people that are waiting for the war.
Oh, that's a precious part of this unity that you and I have in common. We're looking for the Lord to come.
Well, now let's go to lamp #4.
One Lord.
You know, beloved brethren, we're working for the same boss.
I don't know if any of you beloved brethren here who have farms. I have a.
More than one hired hand, but we're going to assume that there's a farmer that has three hired hands.
And they come there in the morning and.
The brother says.
To his pre hired hand when our Jack I want you to today I'd like to have you allow.
The N 40 Do as much as you can today.
Factors ready and you can plow the N 40.
And he says fine.
And it gets warm.
And George said, well, what do you want me to do? He said.
I tell you, we've had, we've been looking at that shed down there in the goalie for too long and George, I'd like to have you just tear that thing down.
George, you tear down the shed.
Yes, Sir, we can never do it. Off it goes.
And Bill said, well, look for me.
Well, I'd like to have you go to Newton and get some parts for me now for the combine, we're getting ready to get it ready. And Bill, I want you to, I want you to to go to Newton and get some parts. And there are several places for you to go and you'll have to make several stops.
And you can take the truck before we've got one man plowing, and we've got another one tearing down the building, another off on his journey to get parts.
They work for the same Lord, the same boss.
And maybe Bill gets home early from his trip to Newton and he goes down and he says, hey George, they don't like the way you're stacking that wood from the from the building. It's a mess. It's a mess.
George would say I'm doing good with pedestrian today.
This is my job. I'm doing it the way he told me. You see, I don't work for you.
I work for the other house.
Now you see, beloved brethren, if we realize we say that the same Lord, then they're going to keep each other out of the other guy's business.
And it's going to keep me from telling you what to do and how you should do it if you're doing the Lord's work.
Let me keep out of it.
And may I encourage you and I could even say, hey, let me let me help you curious, I'm still for you can help you but.
The Lord brings before us the fact that we just got one master below the breading. He's the boy.
And we must submit to him. And if anyone of those 3 hired hands used his own will, he could fired. He doesn't have a will. He's paid by the job or the day, and he is to do what he's told.
And beloved brother, let us realize that this is one of the lamps we need to keep burning brightly.
The Lordship of the of Jesus is everywhere.
We must do what he says and not what other people say.
Now we're being tested on this right now among the gathering. Are we going to do what somebody else says? Are we going to do what the Lord Jesus said?
And beloved brethren, I want to say this as clearly as I can.
But when an assembly of God's people.
Make a decision in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We have to accept purposes.
They got no right to refuse.
No light at all.
And if we get a letter from an assembly in another place that has acted in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ?
He's the Lord, he's the boss.
Who are you and who am I to say, oh, I don't do that, We're not going to submit to that decision assembly. You got no right, brother, to refuse.
The assembly decision done in the name of origin.
May we? Really.
Seriously, endeavour to keep this part of the unity burning brightly.
And that causes.
That causes a lot of trouble, and you and I are connected with the testimony of those called bread. Thank God for it.
But you know what has caused most of our trouble through the years?
Failure to receive and assembly decision done in the name of the Lord Jesus. That's close to almost all our trouble.
So this lamp, the Lordship, the headship of Christ, keep it turning right?
How do you do that? By submission to the authority of the kids. And don't forget it. We must.
To acknowledge the lordship of Christ, we must submit to assembly the sea.
Connected in his precious life, we must we have nothing much to do.
Keep that lamp burning. Bravely catch the purple.
Now the system one's faith. Ah.
A whole new lamp.
A whole new concept.
One faith all brethren.
What is the faith once delivered to the Saints, the holy Word of God?
And you possess it. You've got several copies of it. And this Bible is not changing. It's not changing.
There may be translations that are that are helping people who don't speak one language to understand their own language. Thank God for them.
You know, you'd have a terrible time this afternoon.
If I were reading to you from the Spanish language.
We say don't do that, we don't understand that language. Also, I've decided today to read to you from the English language and some of you brethren could could read to me from the Dutch language. And I said, oh don't do that, I don't understand that language. Read to me in the language in which I were born and then I'll get it. Thank God, beloved, rather than that God has his servants giving people this holy word in the language in which they were born and that they can understand.
There's just one thing.
And God's not changing his mind about the truth. We have it. And it's the faith once delivered to the Saints. Now we've got that in common.
It's part of the unity that we enjoy together, and your faith is my faith.
This holy Word of God-given to us by the Spirit of God through his servants.
This is the faith. Oh, thank God for every word of this precious book.
And rather, may we not give up one of God's precious word.
Not one Let us not think that certain passages in the Bible are not important.
Oh, they are all important.
If properly applied.
We leave them all so you and I have in common.
The revelation of God.
Oh, thank God. I've often sat down in my chair that I use in the morning to read the word. I've often taken my Bible like this and looked at it and I thought.
Can it be?
That I have in my hand that the revelation of God.
In this little book.
Royal Brevin what a treasure. Sometimes I just want to hold it close to my heart. I want to hold it close to my heart that God has given me His revelation. Industry.
Where may I spend time with it? May I sit and ponder it? May I pray it into my soul, The faith. Now I've got this in common with you.
And it's part of the unity of the spirit.
At 5 Now we come to another one in verse 51 Baptism.
I would like to call Kenneth McDaniels at this point.
He said. Ron. He said if you want to give the Brethren to wake up, talk about that, too.
Well, you can always.
It stirred up about a subject that we don't have total agreement on. But I'm not going to go into that side of it. I'd just like to say that one baptism is part of the energy of the Spirit. Why? Because, beloved brethren, there's something that you and I have in common.
And that is, we've all died with Christ.
We got that in common and you can go out here to the palace cemetery and I guarantee you.
That you'll see no sign posted in the Tele cemetery that says there will be no fighting in this place.
Dead people don't fight.
Residents of the graveyard are not to smoke.
Those in their graves shall not drink alcoholic beverages.
Oh, you're saying, Ron, we don't need signs like that in a graveyard. They're all dead. And those, they don't give the city any trouble at all. They're all dead.
Well, brethren, if we realize that one of the unity parts of the unity.
We all get together and you can't fight with me because I'm dead. I died with Jesus.
And if we recognize our position as being dead with him, we ain't going to get along a lot better.
And not fight with each other. We died with Jesus and we don't have any will of our own anymore.
But then you say, don't forget there's another side of that coin, and that is I'm alive with Jesus too, and I got the same life he's got.
Ah, brethren, that's a precious unity. That's the lamp number six.
And God would tell us to keep that lamp learning bright and every day realize that.
We don't really amount to anything too much, after all, if we're dead with Christ.
If you say you know, the brethren just don't recognize my importance.
And really, no, I am. I should have more respect than they give me.
Well, it starts out the bake realizing that you were dead. You wouldn't talk like that.
See, I don't have any place at all among my brethren because I'm dead with Jesus.
Well, rather than to recognize this number six lamp as are being dead together and having a new life together that isn't related to the flesh at all, you say, hey, let's keep that lamp burning brighter.
And that part of our oneness room. Now we come to the 7th one, which is in verse 6.
One God and Father of all.
Who is above all and through all and in you all?
Well, brethren lamp #7.
Which is part of this wonderful unity.
Is that we've all got the same fog.
We've all got the same father and we've all got the same name. You see, it's a family name. What is that for? Children of God?
Were Children of God. We've got the same father.
And this is a precious unity. That means that the one who cares for me is the one that cares for you.
And the one that kind of orders things for me is the one that orders things for you.
And plans for us?
We have the same father.
All brethren. That's a very wonderful lamp.
And now suppose.
Suppose that there's a Christian here.
On Broadway St.
That doesn't come to the meeting.
But you know that that person is a real Christian.
But that person doesn't come to me.
He does that and you say well.
This brother, he doesn't come to our meeting, and he doesn't demonstrate by coming to our meeting that he's part of the body of Christ.
Well, that's true.
And so that particular lamp is not burning very bright.
But old rather than keep the other six lamps clean.
That have to do with that, brother.
If he doesn't come to the meeting because he doesn't understand the things you stand that you stand for.
Can you not demonstrate to him that you have the same faith, that you have the same father, that you're both dead with Christ?
That you have the same spirit, in other words, if we can't enjoy everyone of these lamps.
Of this unity with God's people, shall we throw all the lamps out, shall we say? Well, lamp #1 is not burning very bright with his brother on Broadway St. Therefore I'll blow all the others out.
Oh, that wouldn't be very smart. If you can't enjoy all the lamps, enjoy the ones that you can't.
Enjoy the ones that you can, because, brethren, this unity is in seven parts.
And let me say again that which is most precious to my soul, that it is God's will, that we keep all these lights burning.
All of them, all of them burning bright and if you see one that's the Wick is not burning very well and maybe get a little tweezers and full of work, wake up a little bit and sniff off some of the carbon and and say lamp #1 is not burning very bright and well then then put some extra attention on that number one so you can get it burning brightly again.
The squeaking wheel gets the grease, they say, and the smoking lamp hits the attention and hits the endeavor. So in order to make this this lamp stand, give all seven lights with full brilliance, you've got to endeavor.
To keep the unity of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace.
Now the unity has been formed by God and you can't. You can't break it or change it if God has done it, but you can keep it in a peaceful condition. And you didn't make this lamp stand, but you can keep the light burning.
And that's your endeavor. And it's mine, too.
And I just want to give you that definition that I believe is right.
The unity of the spirit.
Is that oneness?
In the which the Spirit of God has brought us.
Wherein we have things in common with every belief.
Footprint. My father.