Ephesians 4:10

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16 First of Ephesians 4, from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplier, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, making the increase of the body onto the edifying of itself in love.
This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that she has more walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their minds, having the understanding darkness and animated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in there because of the blindness of their heart.
Who being past feeling, giving themselves over unto lasciviousness.
Work all uncleanness with grievance, but she have not so learned Christ, so be that you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus that you put off, or having put off concerning the former conversation, the old land, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lust, and being renewed in the spirit of your mind.
Unless you haven't put on the Newman, which after God is created in righteousness and through holiness, wherefore putting away land, speaking every man truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.
The angry and Sinnath, let not the sun go down upon your wrath, neither give place to the devil, but him that stole steal no more, but rather let him labor working with his hands.
The thing which is good that you may have to give him that needeth.
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good for the use of edifying, that it may be Mr. Grace under the hearers. Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, or by your sealed under the day of redemption.
But all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking.
Put away from you with all mouths. Be kind one to another.
Sender harder forgiving one another, even as God for Christ sake hath forgiven you.
Call attention to that sixteen birds called the public received that first as more. The maximus was a faithful gift to the body of Christ. They are special gifts that the offended strike stole upon his body down here.
Yeah, I've been considering those gifts and their ministry, the result of their ministry.
All we have in this fixing first.
The functioning of all members.
In the body of Christ, the whole body especially joined together and compacted by that with every joy by.
Oh, wait, yeah.
The operation of the Spirit of God in a local assembly, or the apostle of rating in this circle to a local assembly.
And the city of it, and that the subject of state from subject of the various gifts told on the whole body.
Or it was feared that as soon as one is definitely.
Marked out as the gift of the body of Christ.
As ministry is not localized in connection with one assembly.
We become.
Gift to the Body of Christ wherever the members of Christ are found here on earth.
But here we're looking in the 60s first.
And what we find in the local assembly, every member having a special place.
And a special function.
In thy body.
That rifle there, yes, and it says fitly join together. It's an unseen hand that was brought together. It is an abandoned together. So now we're going to get together and we're going to do this or we're going to do that, but let me join together the unseen path and that is you say there is.
It's compacted by that which every joint supply, every joint the body has something to supply. And in our physical bodies that way, if there's something in one joint didn't supply, why by by the the lameness there?
Well compacted by every joint supply.
And every choice of five left another joint supplier.
Each one has a distinct place, a place God appointed place.
So, well, we'll just speak to spill whatever little bit the water is being squeezed together.
It doesn't the matter of 1 member being more important than others. Just pulling the little place called Pastor Bill. I'm just thinking how important such things as prayer.
You can't see the heart.
But what would Japan do without the heart? And how important these things are? We see a brother going off to the hospital to visit the sick. We see a sister underneath praying for the work. Well, you don't see those things, but they are a part and important part.
Very important.
To know that that one who was out visiting or preaching is supported by prayer. All these things have their place and sometimes are the more important thing from dark side.
I once visited Montreal and went to see 2 old sisters. One was Edward, had been bedridden for years.
Oh, how to kill my heart when she told me it wasn't the day went by that she didn't pray for me. Well, that sister couldn't go to meeting, but she was doing her little party there, lying in that bed of affliction, lying to the hand of God, and that was glorifying Christ was.
On the members of his body.
Meridian, Subject One, verse 27.
Beautiful before God and the Father is this to visit the fabulous and we listen their affliction and then of course to keep himself on Spanish from the world.
I believe that will include.
On marriage of doll comes in through the mouth, doesn't it? But it has to get to each member of the body through the joints and them and each one of us should be exercised that there is no hindrance in on our part towards that.
Nourishment, getting to all the joints and bands. So I believe it's connected here with the 15th verse two speaking or holding the truth in love.
How often there may be some very precious ministry that's given out, but because there is some bad feeling that is allowed or something of that nature, the nourishment doesn't flow. The different members of the body as it should, while each one of us are either a help or a hindrance in that, not only by prayer and by the part that we do.
But there's that kind of flowing through the members.
So that each part receives the nourishment. And how lovely it is when each one of us are exercising to fill our part in the Assembly of God, so that there would be no hindrance to the flesh in reaching out to each other member of that body.
For it's all one. It all comes down from the head. Not one of us in this meeting have anything of ourselves. We had always come down from the head. That is their hindrance then. Oh, it isn't because there isn't plenty in the head, just as the food is taken in by the mouth, but the hindrances in the flow of the food and the nourishment to the parts of the body.
And to each one of us, not the exercise that we would never present any hindrance.
To that precious supply that comes down from the head, that each member might benefit by us.
Speaking of prayer, Speaking of epigraph and collection.
Buffing words there too, isn't it? Democrats 4 and 12, Who is one of you? A servant of Christ, Community servant of Christ. But notice what His servant is always laboring fervently for you in prayer.
And what is this, Claire? That you may stand perfect and complete, all will be strong or a very record that you have a great deal for you. It's lovely, isn't it?
You like one of those?
Four in the corner of the Tabernacle.
To read the subject, there were two boards and and connection with the building of the Tabernacle.
Completely hit it was a ring went around him so he wouldn't see the report from the Oxford, but they sold a very important place. They tell the old Tabernacle vision where or.
That's like one of those men called epocrat. Just one of you is that it was one of the board if anything, like get in First Corinthians 12 by experience and the 14th first of First Corinthians 12.
Of the body is not one member, but many. If the foot shall fade, because I'm not the hand, I'm not of the body, is it therefore not of the body? And if the air will say, because they're not the eye, I'm not of the body?
Is it fair for and out of the body if the whole body were and I where were the hearing the whole were hearing, where were the spelling? But now I thought that the members, every one of them in the body doesn't have pleased him.
But it is because one member did not get and is unable.
To be as helpful or.
Minister of the word as hard as another. I just mean that he has no place to build. He has a very important place to build. And there's another.
Warning that given in the 21St 1St and the I cannot say under the hand, I have no need of these, or again the head to the feet I have no need of you. A much more of those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary.
And those members of the body which we think should be less honorable upon being, we've been no more abundant honor and our uncommon part I have more abundant confidence.
There were two dangers that the apostle Warren against having him for a member of the party to say, Oh, I haven't any.
Faithful gift our mouth needed in any way well that's wrong because there I have a very necessary important part in our bodies doesn't change the fact that we require years the other danger of.
One thing well, I have no need of you, because the brother may have a shiny gift and a very special usefulness.
Well, he needs to be careful that he doesn't disturb or he doesn't hinder the working of the Spirit of God and another brother. If you have a very stable gift, but that's hard to but.
This weaker, this more feeble member carries on.
May be just as necessary as the brighter, more outstanding gift of another. Know how important it is that love should be the mainspring of it all. I was thinking of the prayer at the end of the third chapter of Ephesians and the 17th verse says that Christ may dwell in your heart by faith.
That he, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to top the hand with All Saints. What is the breadth and length and depth and height, and to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that he might be filled with all the fullness of God.
I believe in this 18th verse, comprehending with All Saints what is the breast and length and depth and height. It's not of the love of Christ. It's the length and bless and death and height of the truth of God, the place into which the believer has been brought.
So it says the measure of the blessings and then it says.
And to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that she might be filled with all the fullness of God.
It would be like the young man when he's married and he's provided a beautiful home and takes his bride and shows her this beautiful home that's been provided. He takes her from room to room and shows her how elegantly it has been furnished.
And she admires this lovely home. But then when that's done, he puts his arm around her and says, and I want you to know there was love that provided everything here for you. Well, that's the thought here. And to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge.
And unless we minister the truth in love, people may see the truth, but they'll never be kept unless there's that love that goes with it and joy in the soul. And that girl, if she has that beautiful home, it won't mean a thing to her if there isn't love inside its walls.
And brethren, I do feel how important it is that we hold the truth in love, that we speak the truth in love, because every blessing that has flowed out from the heart of God toward us has flowed out according to the law that's in His heart, and that law is without limit.
Have a blessedly ministered in that way. We are not presenting it as the heart of God would have it presented. If we give a gift to somebody on behalf of another, unless we give it in such a way as to express the heart of the giver, we have given it in the right way.
And so in presenting the truth, whether it's for God's will or whether it's the ministry to the Saints, what is going to nick the hearts of the Saints together, what is going to keep them going on is that it should be ministered in such a way that it shows forth the heart, the heart of God.
That their hearts should be warm and drawn closer to him, to one another.
Well, the Ephesians evidently failed in that because it's recorded there in Revelation. They had left the first thought and what you were saying about speaking the truth in love and whether it's finished in the Saints or in the God, for one is often thought of that in Second Thessalonians, the 2nd chapter about those that are.
Let it the snare of the Antichrist. It says they're in the 10th 1St about his what is deceivable work and with all the seawallness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved, doesn't say they've received not true.
They may have known people talk about plan of salary.
But they have received the love that was behind it all, the love that sent the Savior into this world. They receive not the love of the truth. I think that's very important.
Very important because they're found five times in the political.
That first chapter, verse four, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love, and 3:17.
At Christ play dwelling your heart by faith achieve being rooted and grounded in love and chapter 4 verse 2 with all loneliness and meekness, with long-suffering for bearing one another in love and 4:15.
Of speaking the truth about.
On verse 16 making increase in the body comes to be 85 felt in love and finally testified verse two and walked in love.
Of those two words are very important. Now suppose they repeated so often and the difficulty in chord. You were thinking about the passing knowledge. I'm just thinking about that which is understood by the spirit, the difficulty in court.
The first two chapters the apostle was bringing before them that which there was plenty of gifts, but they were being attracted to persons because it was they were carnal and it wasn't.
What we're thinking of these dimensions, the height and the depth pattern, you know, Abraham had the breath, but it was only as far as he could see. But we have the other two dimensions added and there's no limit now.
Because it's the Spirit, it's life from the Spirit. So the apostle brings them back in the second chapter of First Epistle of Corinthians to the cross.
Because it isn't creation. Now that's our teacher, but the cross.
There we see the maximus love of God, and I believe, brethren, that not only are we saved.
Through the brain being brought to that point on the cross, but every time that we advance in our soul.
It's going back again and again at that point, and if we are, if we get away, it's getting back to the cross again because it's the love of Christ that's half of knowledge. We've been brought into a new vast field that there is no ending to. Who's going to live with the Spirit? Who's going to limit that? It's down and brought to the believer in bright.
That much?
We've been brought into that which is endless in its character, and we need to, I believe, to get that point in the first two chapters of Corinthians, they're the apostles beginning to open up these truths and the practical truth of the body here on earth, and it goes along with our chapter at least that much.
It has to do with the law of the affection. So the Lord instructed his disciples, and he had them together in the 13th chapter of baptism.
This long men though that shear my disciple in that you have loved one to another. Then came in the world at the beginning because Adam and Eve doubted the goodness that was in the heart of God. If they had really believed that God had provided everything for their good and for their happiness in the garden, they would never have wanted one of yet forbidden.
It was because they didn't believe that he had provided for their goodness.
Happiness. And we know that in family life, if our children do not believe that we are really, that we really love them and are seeking their good, they're going to go elsewhere. They're going to seek something outside away from us. And I believe it's the same in the Assembly Light, brethren, that unless our brethren realize that we love them and that we're seeking their good.
Why? There's going to be difficulties arise, but if each one of us have that sense in our sense, in our souls, that there was a mutual desire for one another's good.
How much easier it would be to take correction than things that are spoken.
There's no love. Just me. Well, we all contribute to what in the assembly?
Our way of bringing our share of love, that's an exercise each plummet we see called well spring love ourselves. So the spirit of love, even if there is hold of indifferent among some and could destroy a lot of concern for their friends or the way that love is shown out.
John tells us is that.
Well, the Lord Himself says in the 14th chapter that the world may know that I love the Father. Is that the way it is? Even as He has given the commandments, so I do so He says to His people, to the disciples.
If you love me.
You will keep my commandments or my words later and so it is the the effect we have from the 71St arm shows.
Out that's in this chapter. It's the practical effect in our life. If there is that now in the in the 119 Psalm, I think it says thy testimonies are wonderful.
They're just my soul, nothing. Although it doesn't, it says therefore death my soul keep them. The Lord God is the sudden shield.
That's the the 45th Solomon or 84th.
The Lord God is the sun and shield.
Have some oh good things that even hold from them to walk upright. So that's it. It doesn't go to love him, but it still has walked upright. But they do like him if they walk upright. And so the practical effect of it is that if we keep his commandments, we manifest down here that we love.
My brother very speaking about complaining about lack of love, well, isn't like the sure sign one is complaining about the lack of it. They're not showing us themselves or they wouldn't be complained about it if it works. Your father used to use the illustration of.
You tell us that with your mind, brother Hail and everyone on the brother and Mark born from a reading meeting. You said that was a pretty dry meeting, wasn't it? Well, a lot of brothers said to him, well, why when silver flowing?
Next, what our brother stags. We all know that companies priming if there's water in the pump while we just put some in and we get out much more than we put in.
And God has put that love in the heart of every believer. But sometimes it needs to be drawn out and a little bit put in brings out a lot. A remark of Mr. Darby that has been a great help to me in my Christian life was Christianity is known by what it brings, not by what it finds.
And I believe that's important for us. We're responsible to bring love, whether it's into the home or the assembly or whatever it is the the Christian is to be one who brings something it says in first John 2-3 rather not my brethren, if the world hate you. And then instead of the next verse, we know that we have passed from them under life.
Loved the brethren. Now we might say, well, I don't get much love from the world, but I do get love from my brethren. But that isn't what the verse says. Doesn't say you can expect it from your brother, but it says you do love them. And so sometimes when we're disappointed with the way the world treats us, then we, we think, well, our brethren have just shown the love to us. They should. But that isn't what the expectation is.
We know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the problem that is God has planted in the heart of every believer of heart that is possible to love, no matter what kind of return there is. Natural love must have something in return. Divine law lacks from what it is in its source. And what is the heart of God?
Oh, it's the source of law, brethren.
And if you and I are acting in divine love, we show love no matter what there is in return. That's the way the light of God acts.
2nd Corinthians 1215 Second Christian 12 and I feel very glad his best and best for you.
Go the more fun fair enough is the best I belong. Can we say this view of the fact that the spirit is love, but not the spirit always minister of peace in law? Well, the spirit may be do that, but then the difficulty is with mimics of selfless do it unconscious almost thinking here this 17.
This I say therefore testify on the Lord henceforth walked on his other Gentiles walk here we've had some of the highest 2 The Christian truth Christian truths brought before.
Food price to our portion placing him and this here shows that the amount of truth of the whole will not in itself keep yet come down here and exhort not to walk with other Gentiles before.
In the vanity of their mind that the child of God is not in communion can take down to the level of what his past life. I heard a brother coming one time.
About him and others were looking for bad words, but him that soul feel no more and every time they got from the book of these seasons why they just skipped over that they said oh they wouldn't find it in Jesus because the Jesus gives us the highest risk truth that we have for word of God.
Well, that every time skipped over that and they hurt first. Finally, they had to turn to the book of these seasons and through their outstanding.
Found that first let him that stole still no more join the tireless dog, one who has high privileges and flesh. Actually guilty of the Lord. Kind of feeling that world despite Johnny in the second epistles of the elections.
A lovely word in connection with love. The elder under the elect Lady and her children.
Whom I love, truth has not, and not I only, but all, but also all the that have known the truth of the true state, which dwelleth inner and shall be with us forever.
Oh grace, be with you, mercy and peace from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father.
In truth and love and truth and love.
I'd rather go wrong, of course, either, George, lately that I found of thy children. I don't say all thy children, but of thy children might have been some that we're not working in the truth, as you have received a command from the father. Now I defeat the lady and others, though I wrote a new commandment under thee of that which we have had had from the beginning.
That we love one another. Divine love is lower down preciously in that literally fiction and our age of the glory of Christ and of the good of the same.
Refrained from stealing or more or less with me and is not negative, but positive. So it goes on to say that Ronald let him label.
Say, which is good, A-Team might have to give to him that needed a man who was just immediately refined from ceiling, but he jumped the moralist only.
Grace always goes beyond law. Law.
And command God shall not feel. Grace not only tells the believer not to kill, but it tells him also to label working with his hands when he may have to give.
That is good to others, just as long as don't put your hand in your neighbors pocket. Put your hand in your own pocket and give something to someone that's in need. The safety first tells us something of the depth to it.
The natural man has some, and it speaks they're having their understanding darkness.
The inalienated from the life of God, not terrible thing to think about it through the ignorance of them. Because of the blindness there are pardons of their heart, who being past feelings give themselves over the last seriousness work all uncleanness.
A bit of things that is, but still he says your role and you walked on another Gentiles walk that the child of God can sink down to that level gets out from him.
He has not to learn Christ. What of tomorrow? Wonderful contrast to talk before, and that's what the question is to be occupied with Christ himself, head of all the darkness of his corruption, being in the world on every side of the turn from that.
We see every perfection, every nuclear problem in The Walking waves of our blessing one down here. So with him before us, I were delivered from the world with all that planet here darkness.
Delivers us from the corruption down here isn't putting ourselves under law, and thou shalt not but his occupation was something infinitely better. And there is only in Christ we find perfection.
We bring like the truth. That's pardon me.
Some words are true, but it would be very difficult to speak of or explain. And this expression, life of God perhaps is one of them. As you were saying, there's some things that we we just wander in the door.
We enjoy these foods, but I suppose that we could speak of it in this way, that if we read the four gospels and we're occupied with Christ.
Someone has said if you want to have your heart or read the gospel and if you want to be instructed the missile, but in the Gospels we have the person of the right before us that life brought before vividly. We don't read the gospel. We won't be enjoying them practically in our souls. Again, here doesn't make us speak of the two natures.
And so we know that even if a person has been saved, the old nature has not improved at all.
It's corrupt according to the deceitful lust, and the Newman is created in righteousness and through holiness.
Would there be the thought alienated from the life of God?
Adam did receive his life directly from God.
But when he fell, he became a fallen creature, and so old man did receive his life directly from God. He is a fallen creature. And every one of us were born with that fallen nature. And when we are saved, it is important for us to see that the old nature does not improve at all. The truth that we may learn will never change the old nature in us at all.
Which is born of the flesh, his flesh. The old man is corrupt according to the deceitful love, and sometimes this is what causes discouragement with a young believer. After he is saved, he thinks that the old nature has changed.
And is very surprised to find within him the old information that were there before his conversion to God.
Well, let us remember, brethren, it never, never improves and never will, but we have this new life, the very life of Christ.
That which we will have in heaven. And now as we feed that new man and put the old nature in the place of death, then we can be in the enjoyment of these things and in the practical Buddhism in our lives. So it's not by attempting to change the old nature at all. And it's important to gain, I say, after we are saved. It has not improved.
And all the truth that we can learn will not change the old nature.
And so he goes on here to a little aggravation and connection with the two natures, and the way God sees the believer having put the old man in the place of death and having to put on the Newman, now he used to walk with the power of that new life that God has given to him.
Of the 18th blood terrorist.
As natural darkness of heaven and we have willful God. This is the woman in this in this hall that hasn't been brought into the light of love of God. One of wolves. There's natural dogs taken off here in the safety school. There is willful job John.
His job with our bubble, with the clothing of the gods.
Lead on to judicial doctrines.
Judicial dolphins and all the loans. Something most of the world. One was thinking here was 21St bird. If so be that she have heard him well, one might say that perhaps.
We take our thoughts back to left the Max, and come unto me. All you either labor or heavy laden. I'll give you rest. Well, have we heard that voice? Have you heard it to come on to me or land? And says and has been taught by voices. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me. So it's been taught by him.
And then it says, as the truth is in Jesus, it doesn't say that's the truth in Christ.
The beginning of your soul Christ. But the truth as it is in Jesus, all of that bowling life, that he way and manner in which he walked through this scene.
The truth as it is in Jesus, the one who humbled himself came down here and taught by him as the truth is in Jesus. So glad about this Christianism. Truth is mother Mary.
There is emojis of this Judas is part of probably a picture of what we have here.
This expression from the end of the 18th could be hardness, could it not? Hardness of their heart. And he hardened himself against the truth he had heard for possibly 3 1/2 years under the direct ministry of the Lord Jesus and.
He was passed feeling.
He hardened his heart, and so he turned to.
An outlet for his wickedness. And he was a thief. That's the second step, so.
He says.
You have not so learned Christ.
Judas had the opportunity, he was ignorant, but he was also willfully ignored because his heart was heart. But he says you have not still learned Christ. We vote three and if we have the heart going forward in three different ways, there don't we are thinking of the daughter to heart and heart.
Even 3 and verse 8 heart not your heart, that is that first they always heard of their heart.
The hardest part and the very heart, and then bothers making sweater must there be in any of you an evil mind adopted them hard and hard first, then it becomes an early heart, there is a very important.
Thought Forest on the 23rd horse and be removed.
In the third of your mind.
We need that constant renewed.
Oh, all through the day our minds may be get taken up.
With all the things of this world that far.
And troubled by.
Going on maybe in their family, but there needs to be that constant renewing of a mind bringing in the places through the word of God.
Friends of Christ, or that's something.
To exercise all.
Through the dam, we don't have night. When we're lying, I have to always drop off.
Speak to a friend.
My name is Patrick of his word the memory.
In our minds, engaged in the with the thing in Christ is glory before. That's the thought of the truth, that this is Jesus being occupied with the gospel.
Not necessarily just that, but I mean as sort of leading our hearts along those lines, yes, that's blowing life, right? How many self coming down here?
First Timothy 316 That was right to assist.
The mystery of godliness and then it gives us the pathway of the Lord Jesus through this world. And so the secret of godliness is his blessing halfway and in 2nd Corinthians 4 it says all he's caring about in the bodies and dying of the Lord Jesus that the life also of Jesus.
Might be manifest in our bodies. That is all. The one who is walking in communion with the Lord acts in this world. Well, he'll display the moral characteristics that we're seeing in the Lord Jesus and his blessed pathway here because we have his life.
And so that's why we need that continual renewing, because everything that's about us in the world appeals to the old man, to the fallen nature. It says in the first John Two, all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father, but he's of the world.
The whole vast world system is intended to stir those lusts in our hearts.
What do we need? Well, we need a renewing of the mind, because the truth of God and the things of God appeals to the middleman, feeds the Newman, and that causes us to be more occupied than the Lord Jesus, and that in a practical way to display that life which is ours, which we possess.
You were restoring the 2nd Corinthians for one. Yes, sorry.
Well, if we're living in lagoon of what we get Second Corinthians.
Three and the last birthday, Harvey, the 17th.
Now the Lord is that first, and where the spirit of the Lord is, and every liberty, but we all would openly the holy knowledge of nature that makes those.
The glory of the Lord are changed into the same way from glory to glory, even as far as the spirit of the Lord of the garden that we get there. Why the truth of Satan? Corinthians fall with the manifest in our life.
Always bearing about in the body the joy of the monster.
The life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our love.
Yeah, always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. Then we live our holy delivers on the death.
For Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal place. All wonderful.
I noticed that brother one being left 22nd 1St and the 24th 1St of March after.
As you'll find it in the new translation, the better translation.
Makes quite a difference.
The way read having for all and there is 24 words and having put on the new man.
That's the way God favors.
That we are.
Or a far crazy concern. We're done with the old simple man called the flesh. I'm nothing more than do it.
After old man met his end in the best of life, now God, Jesus and the new man.
So we are just to act and live according to what God says we are.
Invaded by new and bright fields going to Washington where you get resurrection thought in if she are dead is that positive statement of the truth that took place at at the cross. Now resurrection has come in and believers seen infection with that new life. So in Washington she are dead.
The wake of Christ and brethren is not only important to see, but He died before us.
Exactly that, but that we have died with them. It's very important to see the two aspects for the work of the.
Present ministry of the Lord and bring all that about the washing of water by the word my present himself a glorious church to that spot or wrinkle or any such thing. That's the green, the word report one way or another.
That is the washing, the water cleansing from the bottom of the way one was thinking about the moment, the second word be not informed. This world transformed by the renewing of the mind. Well, it may prove that that was good and acceptable, I believe.
Well, it's the application words were sold.
For that very purpose right now. So it's being renewed in the spirit. Your mind should leave, you leave and that 23rd verse theme.
It isn't an expectation, is it? However, it amounts to that in a certain sense that there should be that exercise, but.
It's the fact of the work of the Spirit of God and the soul God.
Thinking of Gideon when our brother read in Second Corinthians chapter 3.
Gideon said to his man book on me and do likewise and so they had the person pictures with the light, the lamps within the picture and then the lamp was broken so the lights would shine out well when we look at the Lord Jesus.
Then we want that which is of self to be broken down in the word, put in the place of death, so that the life of Jesus might be seen, might be a man married Gillian man who didn't like to see his vessel broken down, while Gideon would say it must be broken so the light can shine.
And so in that 4th chapter he says persecuted but not forsaken, cast down but not destroyed.
And brethren, if we would always see that all that God is passing us through is for this very purpose, it's so that we wouldn't be setting forth, you know, be occupied itself, but the circumstances of life are.
Calculated to help us to teach the old nature in the place of death so that the life of Jesus would be seen in US. And I believe that's what's brought before us here in this chapter 2, being renewed in the spirit of our mind. There were Gideon Smith with the pictures broken, with the light shining out brightly.
While it caused all the Camp Chlamydia Knights to run, cry and flee because.
They didn't see your pictures, they saw shining light. Well, that's what our testimony should be to in this world. We've got the urban picture, but let's keep it in the place of death and the light will be shine.
We'll rest the breaking of our own wheels, and we all have very strong wills like to have our own way as soon as we please.
To all kinds of things.
You will break. That will bring out you something to kill.
Must be the IT must be the working of the Holy Spirit in each woman.
Yeah, well, it will live in.
John that's a wonderful chance I learn there Genesis then the bike came down from from heaven. Well, it's not only for the brain and my soul salvation that is the way for me to feed upon on my daily customers.
And if I'm not speaking upon you or the lean soul?
Would you give us some thoughts on being angry and sitting off but not the sun go down on your rack? Well I know how something has taken this, but.
It seems to me here there might be occasions where one might be angry for the Lord's sake.
But if you carry it on too far and would come in and so don't retain us, let's not the sun go down upon your rest. I know some of things, you know a figure of gesture and I don't think it applies here.
That you never let suffer done, always hold it up. We became accustomed to evil. We accepted this sort of a light attitude because it had become a common thing. We're really giving place to the devil. That's why I was thinking of that verse in the Psalm, the 7th Psalm. God is angry with the wicked every day. God does not ever look lately upon man's sin, and we never should either.
If we supposing there's a there's all this witness live next door to you.
He speaks evil of Christ. Well, he is just this sort of forget that. Go along friendly with him. Oh no, you can never suggest. And his honor that has been done to Christ. And if you look lightly on it, first thing you know you'll be giving place to the devil. And I believe it's very solemn thing for us that if we are called upon to be faithful to the glory of Christ.
We can never, we will never, change our minds about what is according to the truth of God without giving place to the devil.
Nothing to say, official of John Poser, that we're not able to shoot, salute, salute such a man because that's what I'm saying. Yeah, he connected. Legal doctor, let me do perhaps those connection with the assembly.
It is too much.
Terrible doctor. So yes, go on there. But in the last of this chapter who had quite very little comment or read it and let it reach our carpet exercise. They just watch those characters.
Knowing that we have a simple evil nature, that we are capable of doing the various things we have also mentioned here, let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth. Well, is it possible for a person to join in with a world where how stories are told?
Even if it doesn't, tell them and talk to.
Them. Listen to them. Listen to them.
Well, we have a nature that can enjoy that kind of thing, so we need to be constantly on our guard. But here everything there's always a positive spirit, but that which is good through the use of edifying that it may minister great to hear should ever be ready to give a word.
That God can use his blessings to whether it's an unfazed.
One of God's children.
Real life exercise taking for the very.
The words and the don't we not, which is the connection with the that old nature on the 81St was 24th and the 29th verse the word. There is no corrupt communication for being out of their mouth.
Breathing not beholden Spirit of God providing your silence to their redemption. Even the thought and good thought raise this third of thought God's grace. We just told it you all, the Spirit of God never think well believers.
When you feel that that one or you feel them with a day of resentment, There is some you know that teach that we can grieve away the Spirit of God not to believe. The Spirit is a word that tells us that children here we're sealed on the day of redemption and that day of redemption.
The mom to the time when we'll get our glory for our body.
Already received but not our body. I suppose this is a different thought that we have in Thessalonians about my Jesus spirit claim the difference. Well, I think the connection there is just along him. The 5th chapter of first this long in the seems to be the connection. So the 18th bird or everything gives thanks for listening to the will of God.
Christ Jesus concerning you when's not spirit despise not prophecy, prove all things old fast actually good. Well, it seems to me is there more in a collective sense quenching the Spirit?
Spies on homicide, but that would be more than the Assembly if some brother would speak. And I didn't like like certain things about him, why I was despised what he said.
Well Quentin, the spirit would be that which would hinder operation Spirit God. Well, it seems to be breathing. The spirit here has more to do with my ways personally how I conduct myself raise the first thought. Well, that's what I get out of our brother Eric, the spirit of God in yourself.
Say it in a factful way. Oh the Spirit of God, just lay it on your heart.
Are for free after the morning Lord. Good morning leaving and you don't respond.
If you say that the question of spirit, I'm asking for information, well, I believe that would be on the I thought. But in the connection there in First Thessalonians, it was more a collective thing perhaps than others.
Yes, I mean, one could claim to themselves personally, but I didn't think that was there. But listen, it often seemed that there is law of black in the meeting where after brothers should have taken part fails to do it. We can pray that there might be the liberty of the Spirit.