Ephesians 4:4-11

Duration: 1hr 27min
Ephesians 4:4‑11
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General meeting, Toledo, November 1974. Second reading meeting.
Number 169 has been given out 169.
Lord, we can see my.
You on with the portion in Ephesians chapter 4.
So we start reading from verse 4 to get the connection.
Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 4.
There is one body and one spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling.
One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism.
One God and Father of all, who is above all and through all, and in you all.
But unto everyone of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
For his when he set it up on high, he led captivity captive and gave gifts under man.
Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?
Either descended to the same author that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.
Then he gave some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Shall we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, under the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine.
Sleight of men and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie and wait to deceive by speaking the truth and love, may grow up into him in all things which is ahead. Even Christ, from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplier, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, make an increase of the body under the edifying of itself in love.
This I say therefore in testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not, as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind, having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart, who are being passed feeling, have given themselves over under lasciviousness to work all uncleanness with greediness.
But ye have not so learned Christ, if so be, that you have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus.
That you put off concerning the former conversation, the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man, which after God has created in righteousness and true holiness.
Wherever putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor, where we are members one of another.
Be angry and sin not. Let not the sun go down upon your wrath, neither give place to the devil.
Let in the stool steal no more, but rather let him labor working with his hands, the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. Let no corrupt communications proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good for the use of edifying, that it may minister grace under the hearers, and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby years sealed under the day of redemption.
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice, and be kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ sake hath forgiven you.
There's a point in connection with what we were Speaking of yesterday.
That perhaps should be clarified. A brother was speaking with me about it, and it's in connection with the spirit of God being in the house.
And the Lord Jesus Christ being the center of those who are gathered to its crisis name.
And to distinguish between the two.
There is a tendency on the part of some and I have run across it myself.
That if you speak of the Presence of the Holy Spirit in the House everywhere in Christendom.
They take it to mean that the Lord Jesus Christ is there.
But I believe we must distinguish between the presence of the Spirit of God and the presence of the person of the Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of the assembly.
Now we know that the Spirit is present in the house, and all Christians can benefit from His presence if they would. But as our brother Gordon brought out yesterday, they do not give him the place that belongs to him in the house.
But the Lord Jesus Christ is present only.
Where Saints are gathered together unto the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, he is only present there.
Now the Holy Spirit has a work to do in the assembly, and that is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ.
And he is always pointing to Christ if its savior or if it's the center of gathering. The Holy Spirit is pointing to him to exalt him.
And so when we're thinking of the Holy Spirit present in the assembly, it doesn't mean that the Lord Jesus Christ is there.
We must distinguish between the two. The Holy Spirit is there to take of the things of Christ and show them to us. But the Lord Jesus Christ is there for us to worship and adore. We do not worship the Holy Spirit. We do not pray to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who leads us in prayer. Jude speaks of praying in the Holy Ghost and as we pray in the Holy Ghost.
Were led by the Spirit of God in our prayers. If it's praise, the Holy Spirit is the one that leads us in our praise. He's the one that fills our hearts to give thanks and praise to the Lord. But there is also this that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the midst of the gathered ones.
And he leads the praises of the assembly. But.
We must distinguish between the presence of the Holy Spirit and the presence of the Lord Jesus. And because the Holy Spirit is in the house, does not mean that the Lord Jesus is present everywhere.
Is that right? Of course. When we speak about divine persons, we have to speak very reverently and carefully, because God is omnipresent.
And so in the 28th chapter of Matthew we find that there was an appointed place where the Lord Jesus appointed that his disciples should meet him. And when they came to that place, it says, they saw him and worshipped him. But then when they were leaving that appointed place, the Lord Jesus said, Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age.
And so if there is a sense in which the Lord is present with his own individually, and that is true of every believer regardless of his association. But the thought brethren in Matthew chapter 18 is the thought of the Lords authority.
And if you read the context in Matthew 18, you'll see just as in Jerusalem.
There was the place where the Lord chose to put his name, and there were two particular things connected with that. It was the House of prayer, showing that God delighted to bless his people, and to find that mentioned in Matthew 18, where it says, if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done of that for them of my Father, which is in heaven for where two or three are gathered together in my name.
There am I in the meds. And then the second thing was authority. And Deuteronomy 17 shows us that when there was a matter that was too difficult that was carried to that place, there was authority there to settle it. That same point is mentioned in Matthew chapter 18, where it speaks about binding and losing so that the thought of the Lord being in the midst in Matthew 18.
And in the thought of those who are scripturally gathered is the thought of the Lord's presence to bless, and the Lords authority in connection with that which is done there. But it is true, of course, that every believer enjoys the Lords presence, individually, in some measure at least. But we distinguish in this way. I might mention too, that the two passages that bring before us about the.
Spirit of God, being in the house are in Acts chapter 2 On the Descent of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. It says that there appeared unto them cloven tongues as a fire, and sat upon each of them.
And also fill the house where they were sitting now if you turn to 1St Corinthians 3.
You'll find it again brought before us there. First Corinthians chapter 3.
It goes back to going back to the ninth verse. For we are laborers together with God. We are God's husbandry. We are God's building. And then it says in the 10th verse, according to the grace of God, which is given unto me as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation.
And another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon for other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble, Now the 15th verse, if any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss.
But he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire. Know ye not, that ye are the temple of God?
And that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you if any man defile the temple of God.
Him shall God destroy, or the temple of God is holy? Which temple ye are? So we see here that in this passage man is looked at as being a builder working together with God, and there are three classes of builders here There is a a saved man with good work, and that abides. There's a save man with poor work.
And my work is burned up, but he himself is saved. But then there is someone who defiles the temple of God.
And we know that it's quite possible, and has taken place, that right into the very professing house where the spirit of God dwells. There have been evil doctrines introduced that attacked the person and the work of Christ. Where were they introduced? Into the very house where the Spirit of God dwells. Because when man is looked upon as a builder, he is building into that which is of God.
Money may be building in wood hand stubble. There's going to be a manifestation, and the solemnity of it is that it was introduced into where the Spirit of God dwells. Just like in the Old Testament, to bring an idol into the temple of God was a much more serious thing than setting it up someplace else. And so the Spirit of God does dwell in the professing house. And let me say that what distinguishes this present dispensation from any other?
Is the presence of the Spirit of God on earth as a divine person?
He was not here as a divine person. A lawyer was operative before, but on the day of Pentecost he came down. When the Church is taken, the Spirit of God leaves, but he is still the operative after the Church is gone and souls will be saved during the tribulation period, so that we have to remember to take the truth in the way that the Spirit of God presents it to us.
And so if I were to say to a person who is not scripturally gathered, well, the Spirit of God is not there, why, That's not really the way the scripture presents it. I can say you don't recognize the presence of the Spirit. So I would. And Speaking of being gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus, I believe that we can say that when we are scripturally gathered, He Himself is the center. His presence is on his authority, is owned.
But an individual might say, well, I enjoyed the Lord's presence even in the wrong position. Well, as an individual he can enjoy it driving his car, he can enjoy it in his home, and he can enjoy the Lords presence where wherever he is in the measure in which there is personal communion.
But again I say, when we speak of Divine persons, we have to be very careful the way we put things, and that we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth, communicating spiritual things by spiritual means. I make these remarks because there are many dear young people that are sort of confused when we speak about.
Than leaving the Lord's presence. And they say, well, it isn't the Lord with every believer, but we need to distinguish between that which is brought before us as to God's, shall I say the presence of the Lord Jesus enjoyed collectively, and his presence individually, and the presence of the Spirit of God here upon earth in the House of professing Christendom and given his proper place.
Among those scripturally gathered to his precious name, Well, the subject you have been bringing before us, Brother Carol, is really the subject of the 4th and 5th verses of our chapter 10. You read the fourth verse. There is one body and one spirit. Even as you're called in one hope of your calling, everything in that circle is vital.
They're speaking about the body, and there's not a member in the body of Christ that's not a true believer.
Then we get in the first first fifth verse, 1 Lord, one faith, one baptism. Well, there you go, into the circle.
That has to do with men's responsibility that you are bringing before us in the third chapter.
First Corinthians.
Where man is the builder. So in that circle there may be wood, hay, and stubble, as well as gold, silver, and precious stones. 1 Lord, one faith, one baptism.
Their multitudes, as we well know all over our Christmas, that have been baptized.
And yet were never born again. So when you come to the fifth verse, you have a much wider circle than what you have in the fourth verse. And then the sixth verse we get a still wider circle, one God and Father of all who is above all and through all.
And in you all that's coming back to the 1St circle, those who are the members of the body of Christ, and that takes in every human being world over for God.
As Father, in this view of things, is above all and through all.
That is, God is working the world over to bring souls.
To their knowledge of his love. And when a soul knows God, loudness then revealed to him through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. For there's no divine life in this world except God is the life of Christ.
Born again is to have the very life and nature of Christ, and so we find in this.
In this view of things, this widest circle taking in the whole world, every individual in the world.
And through all and in you all, that is those who are the Lords in that circle are seeking to reach through God's grace, because God is working and the midst of sinners everywhere.
All over this sad world and seeking to bring the light of the gospel to some for a lost center. So I'm sure our brother Smith, sitting across from me, knows something of carrying the.
The gospel to those in that wider circle down in South America.
It occurs to me an incident in Bolivia. A missionary appeared to our brother Tilly. Tillies is a man of 70 years of age and been gathered for many years.
And this missionary said to him, Brother, tell you, you're just a few here.
Why don't you link up with us?
We are thousands in the States and Canada.
And then you've looked at this young man of about 22 years of age, just recently gone there, and he said, dear brother, can you have any more of the Lord Jesus with your thousands? And then we have with our twos and threes, and he quoted that verse where two or three are gathered together.
Really, it's Unto my name, which would exclude every other name. Of course, that little word in the Greek would exclude it. Where two or three are gathered together unto my name, they're mine in the midst will. Needless to say, the missionary had nothing to say. Can you have any more of the Lord Jesus in your thousands? And we have with our twos and threes.
Well, that was a very interesting answer.
Brethren, Christ is everything in the presence of God.
This is a basic thing that's come on home to my heart so much Christ is everything in the presence of God. So here we are, brought back face to face with what he means to the Father.
Sure, we have to be careful in the distinguishing between what our brothers just brought out. Well, it's a very, very sacred thing, isn't it, to even talk of this.
We're dealing with the triune God well.
I haven't been much more to say about that.
I just like to say this in connection with what our brother Bridge Cross said yesterday at the Bible, reading that many other groups of Christians will say, well, we are gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. But again, I say it's a question of authority of this country probably has a representative down in Peru, but he doesn't just take the name of the United States himself, He has to have authority to use that name.
And so if we just say that any group of Christians who is pleased to take that name can therefore claim his presence, it is really a denial of the meaning of that verse. We have to have scriptural authority to use his name.
Therefore we must be scripturally gathered before we can use that verse. And that is a very searching and humbling thing to us, and yet a very blessed thing to think about. Here upon earth there can be those who are doubted according to truth, or a testimony to the truth of the place that Christ occupies as head of the body and that we are members of his body.
Gathered according to His word, and therefore His authority for our gathering.
I think this is very important because as someone has said that if two or three are gathered and they just use his name, they can claim that promise. But that isn't the thought in the verse, Brethren, we are gathered because he is there. If a few people together came together and we said now we can claim the Lord's promise. That's not the thought in the verse. We are gathered because of his presence.
It's his presence that is the gathering center. He just like two or three people coming into a room and saying, now we can claim to have a certain person with us, but it'd be quite another thing if the person was in the room and you went there because the person was in the room. And this is the thing for us to see how that the Lord is gathering people around himself. And I believe it's beautifully brought out in this.
Fourth verse, there is one body and one spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling.
Shall we use the illustration about David? David was God's rightful king. There were a few that recognized that he was God's rightful king and were gathered to him in the time of his rejection. They didn't go because it was a pleasing company.
Because it wasn't a very pleasing company, but they were gathered to David and that's what was their cause for going out to The Cave of Dalam. But there was a hope to their calling too. David was in another day to be proclaimed as king over the whole 12 tribes.
Look forward to that time and all during the period of his rejection.
And they rejoiced that there was a time when God was going to honor that rejected man.
As king over all Israel, brethren, that's the hope of Our Calling. That was the thought in the little hymn that we had in the opening. Here We have a blessed prospect. Here are a few hundred of us gathered here this morning. But what a vast company it will be when the whole company of those who will be part of that glorious bride presented to Christ, we'll all be there. That's the hope of Our Calling. That's what we're looking forward to.
Now we acknowledge the truth that there is one body.
We acknowledge that the Spirit is gathering to him about when the Lord Jesus comes. I believe we can say the Spirit will complete His work and bring that company. Just as the servant brought the bride and presented her to Isaac, saw the Spirit will complete the work and present the bride as that which is so dear to his heart to occupy that place of nearness to him and perfection for all eternity.
Just one more.
Thought that came to mind in connection where the subject of the Lord in the midst, and being gathered to His name, where the assurance that He keeps His word, there am I in the midst of them we find that the Colossians Saints were spoken to about not holding the head.
Now let's remember, when we're gathered to the Lord's name alone, that he is the glorified head of the body.
And the guidance in the assembly is by the head, and it isn't just.
The thought of waiting on the Spirit to sort of give us.
An inspiration or an urge to proceed with any part we take, but it's waiting on the head in glory to direct by the Spirit. And if we're occupied with him, he does guide by the Spirit, and the sisters are have their place in connection with this as much as the brothers.
Who are the ones that the Lord has instructed to to be to offer the praises of the assembly, or to give out the hymns? They may be so occupied with the Lord that the that the Lord will direct a brother to? Maybe a hymn, a scripture that is just sewage.
To the character of the worship.
But I do think that's important because in prison down there it becomes more or less just a matter of waiting on the spirit or saying the spirit is moving them to do this or that, but for those who have the truth are gathered to the Lords name alone.
It's important to remember that we're to be occupied, not with the spirits work in us as to how he is impressing us with various thoughts or feelings, but we're to be occupied where that blessed one. And I believe if there was more occupation with himself, that we would see more of the direct guidance of the spirit of God.
It was an interesting point brought to my notice by one of the first converts in Bolivia. He was a professor in the university.
And he grew in grace. He's with the Lord. He went home at the age of 76 years with the Lord, and he was translating the scriptures. He was a Greek scholar in Hebrew, of course.
And he said, Brother Smith, I want to draw your attention to 1 little word.
Concerning gathered in the land, I said, What is it, brother? He said all the sex gather in the name, but they're not gathered unto the name, I said, Well how explain it then he said. That little word just EIS ice gives you the thought that it's unto. Well, I said, what's the difference? He said. Of course, if you're gathered unto the name of Christ, then every other name is excluded, brother.
That's how he put it immediately in his way, you know, every other name is excluded. Then he went on to say, why do we, why do we meet as we do?
Clearly says We are gathered unto the Lord's name.
There we by the grace of God, give the Holy Spirit perfect liberty to take of the things of Christ and reveal them to us, he said. Is that so? In the sex, He said absolutely no. Are there not children of God there? He said. Of course there are. But does the Holy Spirit have perfect liberty?
There as you're gathered unto the Lord's name, of course you do you have liberty, the Spirit of God.
Himself has give you liberty to worship. And then he said there's another point. He said, Hebrews 1313. We seek by the grace of God to fulfill that. Let us go forth unto him outside the camp.
Well, we know what that means, bearing his reproach. This is the Third Point. And then another point. He says we believe that the body is what? Well, some of these are some of his notes. I jotted down my Bible before he went away home, and I really took notice of it, that little word unto.
Well, we might not feel quite convinced as that dear brother was. He's a scholar with the Greek, and he says that word makes all the difference. We gathered in the name or unto the name of Christ. This is important.
Connection with giving the Spirit is placed. Perhaps we should mention that there is an exhortation in First Thessalonians 5 Quench not the Spirit. And even though we are scripturally gathered, and know that we should give the Spirit of God his place, it is possible for us to hinder the activity of the Spirit of God, And this is something that ought to exercise us.
And so the apostle, writing to the assembly there at Thessalonica, says, Quench not the Spirit. And there could be a state of things among the Saints of God, which hinders the Spirit of God during that blessed work that he delights to do, to take of the things of Christ and show them unto us. And I believe, if we are before the Lord, we are exercised when we see that.
Perhaps it's something in ourselves individually. Perhaps it's something that's been allowed in our lives and it hinders. I'm sure we have all felt it sometimes that there seemed to be perhaps a cloud when we come together. Maybe there has been something in us that has not been judged. The spirit of God is there. In fact, the very presence of the cloud is the evidence of his presence.
That is, how can he lead our souls in happy liberty if there is something allowed that's grieving to him?
I just mentioned this because.
We speak of the Spirit having perfect liberty. That is the.
Way it should be about each of us should be exercised, and I'm sure many of us are exercised in our own assemblies as to what help or hindrance we may be. As to that liberty of the Spirit among those gathered to His name, would you say that?
Grieve not the Holy Spirit whereby you sealed under the day of redemption is more individual.
Whereas quenching off the Spirit is more collective. Of course, if we are allowing something in our lives that isn't judged, that may be a hindrance to the free liberty of the Spirit and guiding in connection with the praise.
And worship are the one whose death we have come together to remember on Lord's Day Morning. I remember quite a few years ago, Father, mentioning, and I think Gordon will remember it of an occasion when on a Lord's Day Morning meeting there was such a very evident sense of the lack of that liberty that has been spoken of, it was very, very evident that the liberty was not there.
And at the close of the meeting, instead of everyone going home, they just sat there with bowed heads. And finally they got down on their knees and waited on the Lord and one brother. Finally rose and he said, brethren, I have been the Jonah this morning. He said I transacted a business deal during the week that left me with a bad conscience. And I haven't said it right nor owned it to the Lord. And he said I believe it has been on my account that the Spirit has been quenched this morning.
And I remember when Father told us a story. He said sons would to God, that there were still such a sense of the liberty and of the quenching, of the Spirit still among us. Isn't it embarrassing? Isn't it humbling to discover that there has been something?
Shall I say unrevealed in the Assembly, and it comes to light, and you realize that surely the Spirit of God, if we were in a right state.
Would have made us aware of this and it comes to light and we realized that it had been hidden there for quite a while. And I feel that there is that danger with us that we have become, shall I say, so accustomed to the normal procedure of a Lords day morning meeting that we can just carry on whether the spirit is quenched or not. And it's a searching thing to read a verse like that. In fact I have wondered. Perhaps I don't see it correctly, but.
The two consecutive verses here quench not the Spirit, on the one hand, despise not prophesying on the other.
That is, if the Spirit of God is free, and perhaps there is a word of prophesying led to the Spirit, we're not to despise it. Perhaps it.
Searches us out a bit and we don't like the tone of it very well, particularly if it comes from a local brother perhaps if it's a brother A from a far away place or a brother B from some far away place.
Will gladly listen to his words of prophecy. But when some local brother led the spirit may give a word, We are exhorted in the one verse not to quench the spirit, and perhaps in the next verse. When the spirit is free and the word of prophecy is presented to us, we're not to despise it. Would that be perhaps the thought in the next verse? The whole 3 verses go together there. The verse preceding is prove all things.
Not the spirit despise, not prophesying. So we have to prove all things and the way we prove it is by the words. And then there's a sense how the Spirit being hindered and that's why it says quench, not the Spirit. Then maybe there is something that would correct that state of things.
Are we ready to receive that when it is given? Or as you say, do we look at the brother instead of receiving the word is from the Lord. I believe this is all very important for us, because we need to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, and it's a blessed thing to know what it is to be gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus. But we also have to remember that the Lord said to Israel.
You only have I known of all the families of the earth. Therefore will I punish you.
Now that is, the very fact that the Lord allows these things to be felt among us is because of his presence, and that he wants to bless. And there's something that grieves his heart, and we ought to feel us.
The beloved of a spiritual awakening among us.
Undoubtedly. And our brothers mentioned concerns something concerning David. Now would you mind if I turn back to that A moment to First Chronicles 12?
At verse 16.
This came to my mind, Brother Gordon, when you spoke of David. And there came of the children of Benjamin and Judah to the hold on to David Will. He were the these were the followers of Saul. These were not one with with David in the first instance, but there's something here that spiritual rakening takes place and down in verse.
18 And the spirit came upon their mass side, who was teeth of the captains. And he said, Mine are we David? Thine are we David?
Oh, how it demands A loyalty to the precious Savior. Beloved, thine are we, David, and on thy side thou son of Jesse, Peace, peace be unto thee, and peace be to thine helpers.
For thy God help of thee. Then David received them and made them captains of the Band. Now later on, if you don't mind me going on a little.
Verse 31 and of the half tribe of Manasseh 18,000 which were expressed by name to come and make David king.
And of the children of Kisaka, which were men that had understanding of the time to know what Israel ought to do.
The heads of them were 200, and all their brethren were their commandments.
Now in verse 33 of Zebulun such as went forth to battle.
Expert in war and with all it, with all instruments of war. 50,000 which could keep rain, keep rank. This is something that is needed today, Beloved, keeping rank, they will not have a double heart. Many dear souls are turned aside because they find that we are not as sincere and not as keen to make mention of these blessed truths that we are contemplating.
And they they don't feel that there's a very great interest in our own souls concerning these matters now in verse 38. And these men of war that could keep rain came with the perfect heart.
Oh, how God would not have his.
Purposes interrupted by natural ties. Oh, how sad that is. These men of war that could keep ranked came with a perfect heart.
To Hebrew and to make David king over all Israel and all the rest of the Israel were of one heart to make David king.
Isn't this a wonderful portion Just to is what is wrong with me that I cannot by my testimony attract a poor soul outside in the camp?
Is there something so cold in my life that they're not attracted to my savior? Not to me, but to my savior. Well, I often rebuke myself when I read this portion. Breath. One heart. One heart. A perfect heart.
This would attract souls to Christ. Oh, may our life and testimony beloved be such that such would attract Christ.
I thank God today for losing much of the blessed truth of being gathered by the Holy Spirit.
We're talking about being gathered by that divine power, Holy Spirit, but.
In a practical way.
Do we realize the truth of that Scripture or that expression gathered by the Holy Spirit that is the Holy Spirit, the Divine Gatherer?
As is brought out yesterday and afternoon.
The Holy Spirit, the Divine Gatherer gathering.
The Lords people around himself.
And occupying us with Christ.
Who does not speak of himself, He brings Christ before us.
And at at the close of the Lord's Day morning meeting, if we realize this blessed truth.
We will spend the week with that thought, that on a special occasion on Lord's Day morning, to remember the Lord in death, and I am gathered by the Spirit of God.
And that should speak to my heart and conscience, and for my walking ways through the week, so that on the coming Lord's Day morning.
The Holy Spirit will be free, not only amongst one or two or three, but others who give out a hymn of praise to offer Thanksgiving or whatever it may be even in ministry, when I believe we have have him at at some measure at least, lost the sense on the truth of being gathered, gathered by the Spirit of God.
We're not gathered unto a name, or in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ unto.
And they we realize that truth, and until as we come together, as has already made reference to.
Recognizing the Lord Jesus Christ in the midst and that power and authority as we have in First Corinthians chapter 5.
And verse four in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ye are gathered together with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Recognizing his authority in the midst. Is that right?
Right. We're mentioning brother from about ministry.
And this is what follows, isn't it? Beginning with the seventh verse? But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
Now as the Apostle proceeds with this subject, he takes up the special gift, but before he takes up the the gifts that are mentioned in the.
The the 11Th verse.
He says that unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. The grace is really the gift.
And God gives to everyone of His children a major in which they can serve Him and be useful in connection with.
Blessing in the Assembly.
So it doesn't in this case necessarily refer to the gift to preach or teach or minister the word. But we can all be useful and helpful, and God has qualified each one for some little service.
If we're seeking to do His will and to act for His glory, the Lord will show us in some way that we can be a help and a blessing in the assembly where we live, And it may be just as simple a matter as being always at all the meetings.
And to come with a desired to en enjoy the things of the Lord.
And with everything judge that would hinder our enjoyment of His presence. The faithfulness of being at every meeting is one of the greatest encouragements, especially in small gatherings that we could almost consider.
We hear this statement sometimes. They are the regulars remember being in a meeting and it was a young sister there.
There are very few of the young people that were present at this Reading meeting, but a brother said of this certain sister. She's one of our regulars. She's always there. Well, that was a great encouragement to the whole assembly.
I was thinking it might be helpful just to mention why this comes in in the 4th, 5th and 6th verses.
It's connected with what follows. It's really the sphere of the activity of the work of God. An ascended Christ has gone up on high. He has given gifts to proclaim the great victory that he has won, just as when there was a victory won through.
Through Barrack and Deborah, then the message comes back for the blessing of all Israel, that they have been delivered. From Cicero, the one who held them in captivity was now himself taken captive, and he was slain, and they were set free. Well, I believe we could say that we have the three spheres of the operation of these gifts that have been spoken of.
We have the one body.
We have a circle of profession and then we have the Hall of Mankind. And then in what follows we have the gifts and the Evangelist, pastors and teachers. I think this is all very beautiful in its context because we need to understand our position here in this world. Isn't it marvelous brethren? There's been a great victory won. Satan is the God and Prince of this world.
But he's been defeated. There was one who went to the cross, who led captivity, captive, who's gone up on high, and who's going to proclaim the victory that has been won. Why, it's those who have been redeemed with a precious blood of Christ. Now they have the privilege.
And each one of us in our measure have some part in this testimony that is rendered among those who are gathered as members of the body of Christ in the vast circle of professing Christendom, and in the whole world at large. And so I just mentioned this, because it's very precious to my heart to see the context in which all this is brought in. And I've enjoyed that seventh verse unto everyone of us is given grace according to the measure.
Of the gift of Christ looked upon as a gift given. And now we might say, well, that's a very difficult work. Well, the Lord will never call any to any work that He doesn't give grace to proform. If He has placed some in a small assembly, he has placed some in a difficult spot or in a part of the land where there's persecution. Isn't it lovely to see that whatever the Lord calls us to do?
He gives grace to do it, and what is sometimes said, we should never ask ourselves, am I able to do this work? But has the Lord called me to do it? And if the Lord has called me to do it, he'll supply all the grace that's needed to do it.
And this is a very blessed encouragement for us, just like the Levites were brought to Aaron, and he appointed to everyone his service and his burden, and then he was able to perform that as something that was given to him. And wouldn't it be a lovely thing if every one of us?
Who belong to the Lord here this morning would remember that an ascended Christ has given us a place in the body.
Are we fulfilling that place? As our brother Barry remarked, it might be by our presence at the meeting. It might be in speaking to a neighbor. It might be that the Lord sending some to another land, but He gives each one some part to do in this vast circle.
Where he is proclaiming that victory that has been won. And we're, as the Apostle Paul said, we're being LED in triumph in this world a triumph has been won. And he said, now thanks be unto God who leads us in triumph in every place and makes manifest the Savior of His knowledge by us in every place. Isn't our place here in this world most blessed? And yet what a responsibility, oh may the Lord give us to see this place.
And each one of us to discover what the Lord has for us to do, and to seek, as under the head, to fulfill and occupy that place by the grace he supplies.
There's just another thought that we shouldn't pass, and it says that he that ascended is as he also that descended first into the lower parts of the earth, while it's a grand and marvelous and amazing thing.
To consider the marvelous victory that.
That our Blessed Lord has accomplished leading captivity captive, the one that killed us in His chains, setting us free now to go on and have service here below. But the Spirit of God says, I want you to remember that that one seated up there is the one that went down into the lowest depth of humiliation.
And for yourself descended first into the lower parts of the earth. I just take that as I mean the most humblest.
Most humiliating place that any man ever took in the scene.
Lower parts of the earth all beloved, we have a glorified Christ.
But let's look back and think, what procedures are taking that place on high that he went down into the very dust of death, and he was.
Crucified and insulted there on Calvary, and now it isn't our yet sharing the full glorious when we are with Him.
Like him and have seen above, we not only go out as victorious.
Warriors, as it were.
Carrying the victory into the enemies realm. But we are at the same time to share his rejection, the rejection of the one that went down into the lower parts of the earth.
In order that he might ascend into that scene where he is now seated. Remember a brother close using this illustration in speaking about.
Our diverse in Hebrews 13 going forth unto him without the camp bearing his reproach, he said, If you want to fly your arrow high, you must draw your bowstring low.
That is, the lower we go, the higher we ascend. And the one who has gone, the Lord couldn't go any lower, For Philippians 2 speaks Speaking of his death, it should read, and that the death of the cross it wasn't a death of someone who was honored in his death. Sometimes men you know have been.
Put up as, more or less honored. Preferred to be shot as.
A spy than to be hanged as an enemy, that he said, and that the death of the cross, though the one who has gone the lowest, and the humiliation and death and suffering force, is the one that fills the highest place in glory at this moment.
And beloved, if we desire in some leisure to share that place of exaltation with our place, below is the place that Philippians I mean. Hebrews 13 gives us a bearing hair reproach, and as the Lord instructed His disciples, he says to take up the cross.
And follow me when Speaking of the cross speaks of that rejection, that humiliation that is connected with the Lords sufferings that he endured when he made purgation for our sins. So glad that you and Brother Gordon have made these nice comments on these verses, because a young person asked me, Brother Smith, what's the meaning?
Of he led captivity captive, and I'm sure that one listening to that now will be very convinced it was so we turned back to the 5th of judges.
Concerning what their brother mentioned, which is so important. A week. A week. That's verse 12 if you don't mind me. Just going over it because of the person who asked the question. Awake. Awake. Deborah Awake. Awake. Utter a song.
Arise, Barack, and leave thy captivity, and leave thy captivity captive. Thou son of Abinoem.
I'm sure you've explained that on the garden, but isn't it wonderful that being returned from delivering the captives of Israel according to this and LED captive those who had LED them captive? And isn't this the work of the Lord Jesus, the Lord Jesus? And this was also asked to, and I'm so glad of your comment, brother, He that descended this person said Where?
Will, all I could say is there is the death of the cross and.
Or saying it's the same also that ascendant exalted to the right hand of God. What a wonderful truth we have been dealing with this morning. We're thankful for these comments, Bell.
I'd say here that some have connected this with first Peter 3, and perhaps we should look at it because.
There's quite a bit of misunderstanding, I think, about the Lord descending into the lower parts of the earth. First Peter, chapter 3.
Verse 18 For Christ also hath once suffered for us the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit, by which also he went and preached under the spirits in prison.
Which sometimes were disobedient when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing for in few that is 8 souls were saved by water.
You turn back to first Peter one. I think it helps to explain this passage. First Peter chapter one and verse 11.
Searching what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify?
When it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that you follow. Hear what he is speaking about is that it was the spirit of Christ in Noah that preached to those who were living before the flood, and now they are spirits in prison. If you look at the 4th chapter and the sixth verse, I think you'll see this.
1St the 4th chapter in the fifth verse, who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead? Or for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the Spirit? Now it isn't telling us in this passage that the gospel was preached to them when they are dead, but it was preached to them while there were men in the flesh.
But now they're dead. Now their spirits are in prison, and they rejected the spirit of Christ in North, who proclaimed to them about coming judgment and the provision that God made through the ark. And the result is that now having heard the gospel that through Noah.
By the spirit of Christ they are now spirits in prison there now is the 4th chapter says they're dead. So he is telling me that believers here and this epistle that just as these people rejected the spirit of Christ in Noah, saw the world too was rejecting the spirit of Steven said he stiff necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears he to always resist the Spirit of God as your Father's dead. So do ye.
So they were resisting the spirit too.
And the only ones who believed in the time of Noah were eight souls and they were brought into the ark. And what he is really saying is don't be discouraged if there's only a small company. There were only eight in the days of Noah, and why should you expect that there would be a vast number? The important thing is that those who got into the ark came out while the others were judged. And now he said Christ has gone up on high.
He is there. Angels and authorities and powers are made subject to him.
And he says by baptism a person takes their place as being identified with him. Said Don't be ashamed, even if you're persecuted and misunderstood, because you have identified yourself with the one who has won the victory.
Now gone up on high, and that is the same way in which it is used in our chapter, that is our brother, Barry remarked. The Lord was rejected. He was crucified, He went into death. He was buried. Christ died for our sins. He was buried. But where is he now? Oh, he's up on high in the highest place and he is proclaiming his victory. And so there the message is now going out to men in the flesh, those who are alive.
But if they die in their sins, they will be spirits in prison awaiting a coming judgment. I mentioned this because there's no thought in Scripture that the Lord went down and preached to people that were in prison and brought them out of that prison. In the Old Testament, when they die, they died in faith. The interval between death and resurrection was not revealed in the Old Testament, so the Old Testament doesn't speak of them being with Christ, which is far better.
And the first person who knew where he was going at death, while the thief on the cross, when the Lord said, today shalt thou be with me in paradise. Today it is the common minds of every Christian who is taught by the spirit of God that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. But again I say there there's no thought in this passage or in Peter, that the Lord went down and took some spirits out of the place of the departed ones.
It is only the reference to the victory that he has won, and his descending into death itself that he might rise triumphant over it.
You remember the account of of Samson where he was kept in in the city in Gaza.
In judgment 16 verse two it says and it was told, the Gazites say Samson is come, hit her and they compressed him in and laid wait for him all night in the gate of the city and were quiet all the night saying in the morning when it is day we shall kill him. And Samson lay till midnight and arose at midnight and took the doors of the gate of the city.
And the two posts and went away with them barnall, and put them upon his shoulders, and carried them up to the top one hill that is before Hebrew. But actually Samson was captive there in that city. But he took what was holding him captive. He took it away.
All the Blessed Lord has brought a great victory. It isn't as is talked in some places in Christendom that the Lord LED a host of captives.
No, that isn't the point. What was holding back, what was holding in captivity was taken away. The Lord brought a great victory when he arose from the dead.
We get the Lord sending up on high, We get His taking his seat on high. But here is might say superlative, It says He ascended up far above all heavens, that He might fill all things. That is the Lord He has descended.
The higher he asked him. So it doesn't stop where the mere fact, wonderful facts are, not diminishing it in the least that he ascended up, took his seat at the right hand of God.
But that he has ascended far above all heaven, that he might feel all things and the Lord while we see at the present time.
The universe filled with creation glory. Someday the whole universe must be filled with redemptions, glory, the far greater glory than even the wonders and marvels.
Creation, for that was our greater work than even the making of worlds.
When he on the cross.
I suffered for our sins.
Or the awful load of our guilts is all stark and solemn hours, and all that one and is in the highest heavens, and God will see to it that His glory as the Redeemer is going to fill this whole universe in God's time, in God's way, according to His purposes.
I think it's very lovely to that. The Scripture speaks of His having passed into the heavens, and through the heavens, and far above all heavens, and it is in connection with the latter statement. It seems to me to be concerning His beloved Church, and His provision and care for His Church. So the place of supreme exaltation seems to be in connection with the glorious wonder of the Church and the provision that He has made for it far above all happens.
Thank you, brother. Hey, that's still certainly very, very precious. And then.
Follows we get the Lord having ascended as a victorious one who has led captivity captive. Then he ascends.
Gifts, and the very realm of the enemy that he has defeated, so that the gifts that follow. And he gave some apostles and some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.
Now we need to observe that the gifts.
The Lord.
Sends into the enemy ranks here.
Is not the same as we find the Lord calling out the 12 apostles when he was here and sending them out with a mission that he gave them. But here it says the ascended Head of the body, the Church, that he is sending out the gifts.
I would take is that while the Lord called out the 12 apostles, they were called out in another way, in a special way, not confining the call to just the 12.
Into the realm of the enemy after he has been glorified on high, because we know that they were not only the 12 apostles, but Paul was an apostle.
And there were others that were apostles.
And you say that the 1St. 2 The apostles and prophets were the ones who laid the foundation. He turned back to the second chapter of Ephesians. Here we have this brought before us.
Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 20.
And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone.
How have you turned to Romans 16? We have some further mention about this too.
For Romans 16 and verse 25.
Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began, but now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets according to the commandment of the everlasting God.
Made known to all nations for the obedience of faith. Now could we also turn to 1St Corinthians 3?
First Corinthians chapter 3.
And verse 10.
According to the grace of God, which is given unto me as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation, and another build up there upon thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth there upon. The reason I turn to these three scriptures is because we see that the apostles and prophets were the ones who laid the foundation of Christianity.
And now the foundation has been laid. Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ? There are not in that sense apostles and prophets today. The foundation has been laid, and we have preserved to us in the scriptures.
And particularly in the New Testament, the foundations of Christianity. And it's most important, as we have been noticing, that the responsibility of the church is to be the pillar and ground or support of the truth.
We have evangelists, pastors and teachers who seek to spread the glad tidings, to give out the truth, to encourage the Saints to walk in the truth, but nothing in this day can be added to the foundation.
There is no new revelation of truth beyond what is written. It's by the scriptures of the prophets, by the foundation that has already been laid, and now all we are doing is seeking to build upon this foundation. I mentioned this because we have the promise of the continuance of these gifts, but in the first two it's preserved to us through the written word, and the last three it's by the act of energy of the Spirit of God.
Who has raised up and the ascended Christ on high?
Has given the gifts to the Church who would bring these precious things before us and encourage us to walk in those things that have been made known, They continued steadfastly, and the apostles doctrine and fellowship and breaking of bread and prayers.
#4 in the appendix.
Let's see, Barbara.