Ephesians 4

Duration: 1hr 18min
Ephesians 4
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General Meetings. St. Francisville, March 31St, 1963. Reading meeting.
Or presentation of the truth.
But holding the truth in love.
And that should characterize the the truth as it is in private.
Full verses 15 and 16 and still.
Collected, that is connected with the truth. That's the one body.
Growing up into him in all things, which is ahead, even pride, complexity.
We have the truth mentioned in 25th verse that seems to be on practice with with life instead of ordinary speech.
Truth in verse 15.
As the truth.
But the the functional.
Revelation concerning the body of Christ.
Was the basic connection between.
These verses 15 and 16 what we have in Jude.
18 and 9:21.
Dude, 2021.
Suppose listen dude would be more individual but.
When the principle applied. But ye beloved.
Building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying the Holy Ghost. Keep yourselves in the love of God.
Looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
Suppose it's possible to.
To become.
Careless regarding.
Our love for the Lord and our love for his. His brother. Our brother.
Keep yourselves in the love of God. That's a that's a positive responsibility, isn't it? Yeah, it's cool that there wasn't the keeping yourself and love of God and individuals satisfied wouldn't be able to carry out your collectively, no.
What we have in view perspective for a day like this when things are in terrible ruin and apostrophe S upon us.
It's a day in which we need especially those things that are mentioned there and those two verses that have been read.
Over in Ephesians of Trust we have.
The church presented to us.
As it is because it's the revelation that we get through the Apostle Paul.
And if it weren't for these officials, we wouldn't really know what the church is, and we wouldn't know what the truth is. And so in the time of ruin, we go back to these epistles to find what The thing is really in the thought of God. Because if we look around this impression and we couldn't find out what it is.
One is been impressed with that 20 second verse off on the lake and of some.
Have compassion making a difference.
Larry June 1St, 22.
And help patient.
And our loving and compassionate our blessed Lord has been toward us and our brothers who have been patient with us.
And so there may be cases that are very difficult.
But some have compassion making decisions.
The truth shouldn't be applied and strictly legal way. Let her kill us.
Now John and his epistle, the 2nd Epistle.
Seems to put an emphasis on the truth.
And in verse one.
He he's addressing his little letter to.
The sister.
Whom he loved in the truth.
Verse two. He speaks of the truth sake. Verse 3.
The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son and Father, and truth and love. Verse 4I rejoice greatly that I founded my children walking in truth.
And he also leads the truth and love together. It's very important that if he lives together. However, when we think of John, we think of him as setting forth the love of God. When we think of Paul, we think of him as setting forth the truth of God. But they both link both together, which is very lovely. And I believe the Spirit of God will remind us that we're not to forget the one at the expense.
Of the other.
We're not to emphasize one above the other, but we're to hold them in balance.
Follow 2 expressions in a festival of John. Give us the nature of God. Believe not his daughters life and God is love and the life that answered the truth.
Using the truth without our future. No doubt we have an example of that in John 13 where the Lord is washing his disciples feet.
The water, the figure of the word.
But when the largest Washington disciples see he wipes him with a towel, well, it speaks of doing it gently, not harshly.
And I'm sure when he's washing, his disciples see he's not using hot or boiling water. And sometimes we might make our words very hot. It may be the truth, but we want it up too much and it burns.
The ones to whom we're speaking.
All we can learn many lessons from watching the Lord Himself.
May grow up into him. That's important thing, isn't it?
Grow up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.
Thought there that our head is on high churches here. Well, the growing up would be the proper connection with the head and the whole body simply joined together in fact about whichever joint supply.
We get the next bird.
It was different from.
What the early Jewish Christians?
Hell, we read off, especially in the book of Hebrews.
They hadn't reached that stage. They weren't growing up into him. That is, they didn't see Christ having gone to glory. I believe that's the perfection that's spoken of in Hebrew, that they possible desires for them that they might be perfect. Let us go on and says what you want to watch.
Well be through thinking about looking for Messiah down here on the earth.
Remember, the Lord has gone to glory and be looking off unto Jesus.
And I believe he's telling them this same thing, perhaps in other words, but to grow up in him, get connected with Christ in glory.
But he's on high and glory and the church is down here very earthly minded. There wouldn't be a connection with it.
That is practicing.
Will establish and build up in Christ.
My heart is set ahead of the circuitry, the object of everything.
Doesn't him that she was saying we're leaving there throughout all things after him all things which is prepared.
But the truth all concerns about you throughout the art of him and in him.
The Ministry of.
Head of the Church in the body is having.
The Fijian.
Heresy to counteract an occasion she can give us a.
The Lord is a proponent of her head here.
What good would her body be without her head?
The head directs all all the directions from the various members of the body and the whole body sees a unit. All that direction comes from the head and if the body is not in practical connection.
With the head, well the the members of the body won't be energized. Take for instance.
A person who has some sort of paralysis may be an arm that's paralyzed.
Well, there's the link between that arm and the head has been cut off. It's injured in some way. True that the arm may have life in it. The blood is still going through it, but the connection with the head is gone. And the head may want that arm to do something, but it doesn't do anything. It doesn't respond.
Well, we might say that that arm is not growing up into the head. There's no connection there. And what's the result?
In incapacitation, paralyzed conditions, and so I believe that that is one of the problems, difficulties, sad things and Christendom today is not lack of growing up into the connected with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Why everyone of us was in sweet communion and fellowship with the Lord, and nothing between us and the Lord was giving us His mind and we were getting every.
Bit of his mind and responding to it. What a difference it would there would be in the Church of God today.
But the church is not responding to the game and so we have a bad condition, condition of all the divisions and so on in Christendom today.
He was certainly joined together.
And there's nothing to do with that.
Have to work with the Lord from home.
Isn't mindless.
Horrible failure.
Yes, I believe it's looking at it here. It's in the mind of God that they joined together.
We couldn't simply join one another together.
Leave that shirt large and attempt to do that. Each one will be appointed to a certain function or office.
But let's be a human eraser.
And human ranges while then it.
Couldn't be receiving what we had in the rest of the world.
Sometimes the human Ranger.
Attaches more than one head.
And that's very impractical.
Arrangement because the bodies as usual, as confusion.
11 had this there's no going on and and prominent because.
The contacting order.
And therefore chaos. There was thinking here of how important it is that.
Being that we are his workmanship and he has fitted us just where he wants us, how important it is to function.
In that particular capacity.
The mother was out of joy that couldn't function. Well, that's it. And the.
The different band joints they they surprised Americans, which is so essential and we find here that.
Making increase of the body and the edifying of itself in love and over in First Corinthians.
Well, and.
But however earnestly, the best gift.
And yet shall I ask you a more excellent way? And then we come right on into Chapter 13.
So then down in that chapter.
We have in the last verse.
The emphasis placed on love and now by the faith folks and love these three, but the greatest of these is love.
That God's estimate of love.
And that would perhaps be the lubricant by which the assembly.
Is preserved from friction love.
Speaking of a body.
The human body in its normal condition has power of function within itself. It doesn't need some outside outside power force to make it function.
The Church of God.
Body of Christ has power of function within itself.
Now many organizations have been created in Christendom.
And we might say in a way, they've been set up alongside of the body.
To keep the church going.
Well, it would be a strange thing. We got the idea that we needed some kind of a machine set up alongside of the human body to keep a joy, and we have to carry that around with us to to keep it going.
Well, it would be a weight and a terrible burden. And so all of these human organizations and human arrangements and Christians and today are great wake and burden in the dear Saints of God. Many of them don't realize, but there are some.
That are way down with them. They they're wondering what to do about it.
All we need to see that the body of Christ, that power function within itself. There's the head and all the members and every member is in practical union with the Lord Jesus Christ. It'll function. We may not be able to see something. That's something we have to go go through in our experience by faith. We have to believe that the head is there and He will take care of everything.
We get that, but before us in Colossians. Do we not blush in chapter 2 and the one given?
And the remedy in verses 18 and 19. Colossians 218.
Let no man beguile you of your reward and the voluntary humility and worshiping of angels, including into those things which he has not seen. A band popped up by his flesh reminder.
Now holding the head, or as in the margin, not holding past the head, from which all the bodies by joint and band, having nurse administered and knit together.
Increases with the increase of God.
What is the failure of customs on this?
All in the head, that's true.
And now they're figuring out things with the.
With these electronic computers to find out from where the dog is back there in office. A lot of non sex. If they put in enough lies, they get lies out.
And that's all about that.
$3000 for all this is what we have here, isn't it?
Secure food in the among us all.
The truth hopeful and the impacted by that which every giant supply may be some joints in our body. We don't know just exactly what the function is, but we miss them. If we didn't have it or if they were stiffened, they're not breaking why we soon feel.
So every joint so that every joint has a function.
One is a part of that body somewhere or the other and they have a function perform.
Come back in verse 7.
We were told that unto each everyone of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. And so here the.
It's according to the effectual working in the measure of every part. Every part was mentioned again here and each part has a place in the body and there's a measure.
For each Part 2 and it's for each one of us to be exercised as to the measure of our part in the in the body of Christ. But if we're all subject to the Henry hitting our orders from him and looking for him for that grace that he he speaks out here.
Why? We'll be fulfilling our part and we'll have the increase of the body.
Inverse cloud was seen as.
There's an individual responsibility, at least individuals are looked at there.
But over in the 16th verse.
It seems that the act which is put upon an increase of the whole body, the whole unit of the time.
In verse 12, it's the perfecting of the state.
But in verse 16 is the increase of the body.
Well, you can't think of the body without thinking about the individual things. And if we know the truth, we can't think of the individual things without thinking of the whole body. We mustn't separate the two.
You get them both from that 12, yes.
For the anytime of the body, of course.
Well, starting with verse 17 then.
We get some practical things brought before based on what we've had before.
We got the word walk again.
We've had the thought walk front before us in connection.
With our vocation, that is the calling, the heavenly calling.
But now the walk has brought the tour in contrast to the way the Gentons were walking.
Farther away we used to walk.
And it shows too, does it not? That mere fact that having had such wonderful truth brought before us that we need these expectations. We'll have to. We cannot say we're all without all this. Now, I don't need to speak to you about these other things.
What the pieces I therefore say therefore, and testify in a law, the committee is solemn charged for it.
Back in the second chapter we get.
These things mentioned.
Especially in verse 2. But how how thankful it can be for verse one?
And you have the Quicken who were dead.
Trespasses and sins, and that in that state.
We have verse two wherein when time passed, ye walk according to the course of this world.
According to the Prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the term disobedience and snow out.
One of the black pictures, but as we have in our chapter down in.
Verse 20 But ye have not so learned Christ.
I'm not saying capture notice from verse 11.
Wherefore remember that keeping in time past Gentiles in the flesh.
Now he says, don't walk as other Gentiles walk.
That is, they were Gentiles going on in the flesh, going on in the same He's been saved.
And they were in a different sphere altogether. Now it's been taken out of the world, they've been saved. They've been united to the Lord Jesus Christ. They were part now the body of Christ.
What a what a change, what a change for them, what a change for us to be taken out of that sphere in which we were and brought into the Church of God, made a member of the body of Christ. Well, when you think about that, you can't help but have a sense that.
It's not fitting to go on like a YouTube.
You're in a different environment. A difference here altogether. United through Christ, we're heading to law and aligned it to every other one who saved. Why we can't go on the same way we used to.
The word on verse 21 not to anticipate, but we know what our mother Hail used to say regarding that little word gift.
Put there to exercise our conscience.
If so be. If so, be.
That you have heard him.
And have been taught by him.
As the truth is in Jesus.
You just can't.
Work these things out.
Without him, it's impossible.
There must be that that provider relationship with himself.
There must need to be the indwelling presence and power, the Holy Spirit of God.
And then there will be light. And because there's light, there'll be growth will be increasing.
1819 versus show us.
The power of the Gentiles is mentioned in the 17th verse and why they do the things that they do. Having the understanding darken. You nearly need it in the life of God through the egg present them.
Because it blinds their heart and being past feeling and giving themselves over of all that seriousness to work all on things to treat him.
Picture of the gym talk darkened healing in.
And blindness.
And being passed here.
It seems the way you might say, strange to think that those he just demonstrated such wonderful truth do that he has to put them on a guard and falling into that old passport.
Which those in the life of God and religion and seem to enjoy.
And it shows how the.
If we get away from the Lord and the Spirit.
Then we revert back to those things.
Life hasn't changed any. There's a new man, but the old man still the same.
If the Holy Spirit.
Is grieved.
Well, we've lost the.
We've lost sense, as it were.
It makes me think of what we have in relations. The 5th chapter.
We're six feet of Galatians 5 This I say, they walk in the spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
Lots of positive things walking in the spirit.
And walking in the Spirit no doubt involves more than we might just see on the surface.
But to walk in the Spirit must mean who to follow along with the Spirit.
In everything and especially exhausting the Lord Jesus Christ because that's that's the principal work of the Holy Spirit is resolved, the Lord uses to occupy us with him.
If we should.
Then the Holy Spirit will have to occupy it with sustained and while he's occupying it with the sin that is, get to get us to allness and confession that we might be restored while we're losing out. We're not being occupied with Christ. We've lost something, and it's a serious thing. But if we walk in the Spirit, allow the Spirit of God to occupy with Christ people close to Christ.
And not fulfill the loss of the place.
And the next verse is for the flesh lusted against the spear and speared against the flesh. And these are contrary to one to the other, so that he cannot or should We may not do the things that you vote. Oh, how good of God has given us the Holy Spirit.
Be that restrained power in our lives we may not do the things that we would. Yes, we still have a natural man's flesh is still enough. Thank God, we're not in the flesh anymore. But the flesh is still enough. And we might see some terrible things but for the grace of God, but it will become terrorist must be careful. Let's watch out.
Never can tell what might happen.
My devil to read those verses as to the furthest spirit in that same chapter 5 of relations.
And these nine?
Fruit 9 falls through the Holy Spirit.
Can be born by a child of God, even though he's blood on his back and.
And do nothing perhaps but just.
Commune with the Lord in his heart. But the fruit of the Spirit is love. That's the first one on top of the list.
Love story and peace.
Then long-suffering, generous goodness, faith, meekness.
And they, their Christ, have crucified the flesh to the affections and lusts. If you live in the Spirit. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk.
In the spirit and let us not be desires of vain glory for working one another, ending one another.
So everything is the work of God.
New creation.
Legal use to bring all truth to God in the.
The first of the seasons are created with even sometimes darkness.
But now, are you lighting the World War? The children's life?
What we are we are children's life exhortation is false. So so here he says this don't stay there for I'm testifying the law upon count blocked will be considered listening.
We have something that's in a way similar.
In John's crystal.
In John's official firstly, the message is for the children in the family of God.
But the way it's brought out in John's epistle is that we're stepped in an absolute.
State for children of God.
To be that born of God does not commit sin absolute statement Hermes concerning the child of God well it's setting forth what he is as a child of God here in Ephesians it's set forth what we are members of the body of praise and.
What we are before God.
And we can't really.
Have a true exercise about these practical things that are brought out here if we don't realize what we actually are before God.
And I suppose in verse 20.
When it says, Would he have not so learned Christ?
But it isn't just, says the person of Christ isolated by himself, but isn't it Christ as head of the body?
They crashed and generally where you have the expression of each Christ, the Christ and the Church.
So it's the truth of what's been brought forth.
That is, it's far different from what he's Speaking of here, the way the Gentile.
The darkness and alienation from God.
Give not so alarming through Christ.
Is it possible or a believer to?
Experience verse 19 the past even.
Well, he can get through to us.
Second Peter One.
We've got a description of the First Timothy 4.
And the first.
2 verses in particular.
First Timothy 41 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly.
That in a latter time.
Some shall depart from the faith of giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils of demons speaking lies in apostrophe, having their conscience sears with a hot eye.
Would that be the professor there?
I thought it would be.
Departed from the faith, Yes, God man, go on a certain distance from that pastor, but the end of it is a thought. It goes on to stay there.
It's not a book of brethren. Remembrance of these things. God shall be good.
They, Jesus Christ, we wouldn't have them to see. Well, I won't go that far. Well, I can go along a certain way. I want to keep them out of that class in charge. If a believer got into that past where he'd be recovered, whether or not when it caused the end or would he wear on.
How far do you covered? I don't think you know French. It's not like scripture. First the second season.
Go pretty far there.
Each way as you mentioned those things getting diligent bad your face works and so I'm allowing the.
Eight verse. That these things being you in a power, they make you, that he shall neither be fair nor unfruitful in the knowledge of Lord Jesus Christ, but for the downward.
Night was cold, but he's like these things is blind.
Do not see a far off and have forgotten he was part of the gold standard work for the rather brother make your call, give diligence to make your calling election sure to do these things will never fail. So there believers looked at it fly generally that's the term to fly the unstable fly.
And cannot see a fire off his gaze of glimpses he appears in this life.
Being far off.
Couldn't have our eyes fixed upon the Lord and war if he couldn't see it far off, couldn't lift him down the scene. It's a sad picture and the one that says there he has forgotten that he was first from his old sins. He lost his joy.
Can't hold that through. I see forgiveness being furloughed. You just cannot hold it going along the world lost it be a lack of spirit for the summer. Yes.
I would turn the 1St Corinthians 11 to can be, not.
Those that have gone on in a bad course.
Some are weak and sickly moment, some are already asleep.
A lot of people were judging his father come in government.
But he gets something similar in the end of the third of Philippians, do you not?
17 first.
He followed together of me and mark them which walked towards we have us for an example.
There many will also whom I throw you off and now tell you even leaking that there are the enemies that thought of Christ, whose end with destruction. The daughter rebelling the floor is an ashamed mind. Earth is saved in our conversation and matter life in heaven.
The layers, of course.
That it ends in destruction.
Voices, as many walking my favorite often do not tell you weeping and the cross of Christ for ending the cross of Christ, I believe, is.
Seeking to avoid the persecution, so to speak, for the cross of Christ. We don't want that separation in the world or enemies out of it. Doesn't say you mean that they're apostate.
But they do not lock the path of separation.
Well, there's enemies across the top. Don't like that place to cross put you in?
Well, it goes on and the destruction you thought of the belly boys and shame ministry thing, there's the end of it. That is apostrophe. Well, I believe we may go along certain distances. Lord may not allow him to go.
Sure, I wouldn't mind go to complete way we may have taken away from the scene on countless stopping these course.
Religions, say, brought foot before the end of the court. What it leads to? Yeah, to exercise, to warn us.
Because when you get scriptures like this, it's put in such a way that one who's going on badly could not get any comfort out of it to make him feel that, well, everything's all at the end. No, God doesn't put it that way. He says it's not going to be all right in the age.
Second Peter 2 we've got.
The first 2 verses. Second Peter chapter 2 verses one and two.
Concern apostate teachers.
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as it shall be false teachers among you who privilege.
Shall bring in Donovan Harris is even denying the Lord of Boston and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
The minister follow their permission place by reason of who the way of the truth shall be evil spoken of.
Earthquake would be a plot that she wouldn't, denying a larger part.
In the second verse, many shall follow a finicious ways.
Well, people may be attracted by perhaps the personality of the display of knowledge, and Peter mentioned there a great show of liberty and promise and certain things.
Well, that he would be attracted by that.
And reading from the way of truth to be far.
Works for darkness we have here with that I am the truth, he says.
But a few of his indeed. Was that what he was here?
Yes, I believe so quite striking how and playing first she's not so learned to fight on the 21St course and talked about him as the truth is in Jesus Christ the Lord and his humiliation fast as he tried to.
The thing we get in Second Corinthians chapter 4 isn't it.
Inviting to the Corinthians, the apostle has.
In mind they.
The truth of the body, remember in the body of Christ and what he brings before the Corinthians is presented in relationship to that fact that they're members of one body. Second, for instance, chapter 4.
Now verses 10 and 11.
All was bearing about his bodies to dying Jesus, but to achieve that the light also Jesus might be made manifest in our bodies.
We which live are already delivered on the death of Jesus sake, that the light off of Jesus might be made manifest in our moral flesh.
Change Pleasure.
Rather looking down here.
And when he saw his own son as a man in this scene.
He was completely satisfied with it, found the light in him. There was a light that pleased him. While he's not here anymore, Jesus has gone up on high.
But we're here, and so God is looking down to see that same wife manifested enough the life of Jesus as a man walking to this sea for what responsibility we have.
To manifest that life of Jesus will no doubt that's the reason that we have these things mentioned to you bearing about in the body of the dying of Jesus. He delivered unto death for Jesus sake. All of that is necessary.
Death to the Old South needs to be brought in that that life might have a chance.
To be lived out because it was not wrecking ourselves dead and we're not delivered to death.
Why we've gone in our own willful way and forget to manifest the life of human.
Let in the 22nd, 1St and she put off concerning the former climate station.
This translation is namely you're having for the law, according to the former conversation. The old man disrupts himself according to people.
So that is the position for God and put that off.
It's nice to see that.
Yeah. And so then being renewed in the spirit of your mind.
Truthful righteousness and boldness? Or is there some righteousness and wholeness of truth?
Fabulously positioned being removed where your mind.
Well, the.
Nothing speaks about our mind. There's a mind.
Really. Of the old man.
The floor is room.
Please, of course there does not have something said like that.
The second book, let's say.
1St girl speaks about being present our body for the living sacrifice and the second verse can be not informed of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mom to make sure what you said in perspective perfect little job from an action man is proud of his mind will a mind of man a wonderful thing.
That he's.
How the man can grasp many things, educating himself.
Self training of his mind but all have to do with his stairs to this world.
Polaris speaks about being removed.
Either the transformed by the renewing of the mind.
Well, the renewing of the mind.
You know that you are doing sick. So there's not the old mind of the old man, my man. Well, in that connection, of course, afflicting.
The six and seven.
Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and suffocation with Thanksgiving. Let her request be made known to God in the peace of God. The path of all understanding to keep your heart and mind through Christie. I believe that as they should hear us from your hearts and mild. I mean through the guard around. I might be guarded so.
Well, it's.
Being careful for nothing that is not burdening, weighed down by things.
Well, not to be Carol Caesar, but in everything by clear and suffocation with Thanksgiving, that's a request to be made known unto God, and there's by prayer and suffocation.
Willing now speak of them in the eighth verse process whatsoever.
Love and so on.
Then in the night where those things which you have both learned and received and heard and seen in the doom God of peace. Really.
Oh, you first have. And I say prayer and that.
Six verse and the peace of God being with long and then in the ninth verse those things that you have pulled from your seed and heard and seen and they do well. There was the apostles teaching in his life. I manifested it where you have prayer there and reading the word so you'll have a.
Keep your mind and heart through Christ Jesus.
And then God keeps community.
All this is thinking of the mind in that way.
The mind is a wonderful thing, but.
It has to be kept an exercise before the Lord.
Has been said according to the thing that you seem to mind.
And let the mind that.
Is the door to which statement is.
Largely, I believe so, yeah, that says.
Number one, tactics and tricks, the television, filthy literature in the home corrupt mine has mentioned the lust of the collection of the mind. Those are two things.
And flossing ponomia has members which are on earth would like to those who could carry out the lust of life. But then what about the mind?
Well, normally you know why.
People like to think a lot about the mind.
The people more like that.
Dollar in the third is the Colossians.
Second verse set your affection or the new translation is your mind on the things that you're above and you're getting your life God.
And try to use our life. So here should be also period in glory the mortify therefore your members which are on yours, who are coming in the luck of the flight.
Well, six first of which things take the rapid growth coming on now chilling with its defeated, but she also also walks sometime when you live in them, but now you cut off all these hang your *** mouth flashing Celtic communication out of your mouth. Why not want another seed throughout the old man disease, let alone is more the luck of the flight than not reason the other. I believe the of the mind, but.
A mile and the rest of all those things connected with that.
Yeah, and I don't believe that it's generally recognized in the world with man has fallen both in his body and his mind.
I may admit to something about the body that aren't what they ought to be, because I think the mind is a wonderful thing.
Man is totally depressing. Nothing totally so.
Well, there's the Spirit of God with temperatures here on the back.
Of something having been put off, something having been put on.
The former conversation, the old man.
Has been put off.
And a Newman.
Not a fixed up man old man, but a brand new man.
It's after gone created in righteousness and people. There's nothing wrong with that man.
That man is perfect. We have put him on.
And that's the way God looks at it, and that's the way we are seeing as members of the body of Christ.
And in another place.
We looked at the churches, looked at as one Newman. I don't know of that thought.
Is brought in here in verse 24 are not, but nevertheless has brought in an Ephesians in chapter two. That is one new mass, all the members linked with Christ.
And her that again is brought before.
Omega. See how contradictory would be.
To go back to the old thing.
The old man has been put off. Well, why go back to it and the Newman in Quran. Let's go on in a practical way there according to that that the new man has been put on until verse 25 says wherefore having put away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor. I dream that's the way to read or for having put away line. That is because the old man's been put off and the news has been put on.
That thing has been put away.
Now go on and speak the truth. Every man speaks the truth with his neighbor. All remembers one of another. God won't let us get away from this fact that remembers one of another members of that body and leads to Christ in glory. And I believe it has power if we keep that discourse continually.
For a neighbor, here is the sense of being Newman and Christie.
I forget the word creators brought in there.
That's what brought the horse in Second Corinthians.
And then you might be in faith. There's a new creation. Well, if he's in Christ, he's, he's part of that new creation. He's in a different creation altogether. He's in this creation that we're reading about here, Creator.
After God created in righteousness and to holiness and the difference we're all together.
Well, if we're in that fear, a new creation, Michael Bass of the old order of paper. And that's what the apostles pressing upon these occasions.
Also the two to put on together. That is the what he thought.
They come to this side. Truth. Hell.
And yet at the same time, a lot of the love is left.
The hierarchy in the past come from.
Individual six goes to the 5th class here it shows that those Cathy Cathy, Pittsburgh.
To invest those things that they have to do and no inheritance consumed rights and thoughts. They let no land cause of these things on the wall of God on children of sisters of evil. He's not there for us. But I think it's listening when you have this big work that's important already.
And Kevin lives with it all.
We were sometimes dark, but now I like in the Lord walk of children's life.
Old Romans, chapter 13.
The last support team says, but put beyond the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provision.
Don't make familiar.
Now that's what we do all the time, isn't it?
To our change.
If you talk to say he is not so learned the fight.
The effort and has a proverb if you can't cross the river, the one foot in the canoe, never on shore.
Because you want to go on the side of the guard should put both feet in the canoe.
Don't try to do the other. Have a catastrophe.
How is it possible to be angry and?
Is that the right of indignation?
Tomorrow is the Lord out there that is if it was for the glory of the Lord and wasn't any personal glory connected with it by the cost of the angry and and hot but it's our own glory is mixed up in a thin space then it'll be the last part of the earth. It'll continue on then, won't it yeah let's let's not the sun go down upon your wrath well if it's.
If it's gotten hold of us and we've gotten worked up in the flesh.
Well, no doubt in one till after sun goes down.
Yet someone implied that let's not be Thunder down upon the wrath of comparing it to Jaisha held the son up. Always keep fighting, but I don't believe that it's suspense to the plastic here.
Do you think you can say?
Let not come to doubt on your *** not to hold and then you.
Need to give place together to do that and giving place together give them a chance back.
No anger without sin would be supposed in the sense of judging or something. And as soon as you have judged it, you're through with it. You don't go on thinking about it.
Don't we have an illustration of the Lord Jesus Temple?
Or return the tables of the money changers.
Yeah, looking for them. Angry. We have this too, and some 4/4.
To stand in awe.
Commune with their own heart upon their bed and distilled beautiful.
Home. There was a little colored boy that was coming to Sunny's room. He'd been out for some of the conference meetings and he told someone, I don't know what the 7th school teacher or not, but he said one thing he learned out there was not to go to bed mad at nobody.
You give place to the devil.
Well, the devil will intrude himself in wherever he cast.
And even when we sit here talking about the blessed proof of being members of the body of Christ, Christ the head.
Feel still bright and fruit himself in.
And we're no match for safe Norway.
We're no match for him at all. We're not. We're not to be like some who seem to take up a cause of of fighting the devil. They're always fighting the devil.
Were to resist the devil, but what comes before that submit yourselves to God and just the devil and he will flee from so we mustn't forget that side of and the man goes to this devil and you don't strength he's going to be defeated.
We had 6000 years of experiences, man.
Don't you have your brother in this? Well, what we've been speaking by being angry and still not that what it is the glory of God involved there is that holy anger.
And it is to be one. The matter, whatever it is, is subtle to the glory of God, and the anger ceases.
But isn't also a warning here that we're not to Passover, these things to Passover and say, well, I'm going to let it go. I'm not going to get angry about that. That's giving place to the devil.
The devil has brought an evil.
It's not a good place to go.
For the education is to be angry, I said. No connection made.
Second Brendan 2.
10:00 and 11:00.
2nd Corinthians 210 To whom he forgive anything I forgive also.
For if I forgive anything, to whom I forgave it, for your sake forgive I in the person of Christ.
Let Satan should get an advantage of us.
But we are not ignorant of these devices.
Absolutely the other side of it, isn't it?
That is, this one has been had to be dealt with. Well, there's repentance then. Then there should be the forgiveness restoration because faith has been taken advantage of a deeper way.
Tired of being angry with evil military if you.
Yes, there may be some say that having had so much to do with evil being the worrying of having to do with it and give them.