Ephesians 5:5-13

Duration: 1hr 10min
Ephesians 5:5‑13
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Well, for any that we're not here on Saturday, we were considering Ephesians 5 in the first reading.
I assume we can continue with that.
We didn't get very far.
Would verse 5 be about right, or did we get beyond that? Probably verse 66. OK, I'd like to refer back to five though, so maybe we could read 5 if that's OK. But I agree we did comment on it somewhat.
Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 5. For this she knows that no *********** nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath an inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words, for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them. For you are sometimes darkness, but now are you light in the Lord, walk as children of light.
For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth, proving what is acceptable into the Lord.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are approved are made manifest by the light, For whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he sayeth awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting yourselves 1 to another in the fear of God. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord, For the husbands ahead of the wife. Even Christ is the head of the church, and he is a savior of the body, therefore as the church is subject unto Christ.
So let the wives be to their own husbands and everything.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with a washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy without blemish. So it meant to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hateth his own flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church.
For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they too shall be 1 flesh. This is a great mystery. But I speak concerning Christ in the church. Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular so love his wife, even as himself, and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
The Lord has taken us.
From heavenly places and brought us right back down to the earth.
And we have heard, I'm asking us the question. We have heard that.
In the day of Joshua, it's it's taking the land or.
It correlates with this book.
The enemies were different, weren't they in in Canaan than they were in a wilderness. So these things that he's bringing before us are these different enemies than we would.
Find in the wilderness you understand my question.
It seems like a a big leap taking us right out of the heavenlies brought us right back down to earth.
Well, it seems that yes, the enemies in one sense in the land were different. It's a big subject and perhaps too too much to get into in detail. But of course we know that Israel was at one part of their history in the wilderness, and that's basically what is taken up, for example, in the book of Philippians. It's the wilderness book of the New Testament And then.
They crossed the Jordan and got into the land.
And the land would speak of the appreciation of heavenly things, which is what we get in Ephesians. And so the believer is at one time in his life.
At certain times in his life, in the wilderness and at other times in the land, and the enemies are different, very definitely. It speaks here in Ephesians about spiritual wickedness in high places and so on. And that's what we wore against.
But in one sense, the temptations that they faced in the land were.
Ultimately, similar to what they faced in the wilderness, and that is they continually turned to a Dollar Tree, didn't they? And so in one sense, yes, the enemies are different because the practical side of it is.
The going through a wilderness with the glory at the end.
But then the other side of it in Ephesians is enjoying heavenly things in this life, and so God wants us to be in the enjoyment of it now. But there's conflict in order to enjoy it.
So what we get in verse five that I just wanted to mention even though we considered it.
It mentions here.
And it starts off by going with the serious thing, no ***** ******. But then it says unclean person. That's what leads to being a *********** or covetous man. That's what leads to being an unclean person who is an idolater. That happened in the wilderness, It happened in the land too. And it says.
Have that kind of A man doesn't have any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ or of God.
And of God.
We get the Kingdom of God mentioned much in the New Testament and especially in Paul's ministry. He mentions it in Colossians. He mentions it in Galatians.
And it's particularly mentioned.
In connection with Paul, when he rehearses his ministry in the 20th of Acts to the Ephesian elders, it says he preached the gospel of the grace of God, but then it says preaching the Kingdom of God.
And at the end of Acts in in chapter 28 when he dwelt 2 years in his own hired house in Rome when he was essentially a prisoner.
Again, it refers to the fact that he was preaching the Kingdom of God.
Very, very important.
Because the Kingdom of God.
Is, in simple terms, a moral state.
That is in keeping with those who recognize the rightful king but live in a world where he is rejected.
That, to me, is a simple definition. You and I recognize the one who is the rightful king, and one day his claims will be owned in this world and the character of the Kingdom of God will reign in the Millennium.
But we are called now to exhibit that character.
And I put this out as a bit of a challenge to the children and young people here. See how many you can find.
Of the couplets of things in the New Testament that are referred both to God.
And to Christ, here's one of them.
And I believe, if I'm right, that this is the only place in the New Testament where you get the expression, the Kingdom of Christ. It's the Kingdom of God. I believe in every other place. But you can find a lot of others, and we could string them off but look for them Another one. There's such a thing as the power of God, but also the power of Christ, and so on.
And I would just suggest, not that we need to get into a long discussion on it, but.
When it's something referred to God, its nature and power, when it's Christ, it's the practical side of it in our lives. He is the one who walked through this world. He was the perfect example of the Kingdom of God, He could say in Lukes Gospel.
I'm not quoting it accurately, but he could say, say not go here or go there for the Kingdom of God. It says in our King James within you, but it should read among you.
Why? Because he was the perfect embodiment of it. And so he calls us to follow him and exhibit that character in this world.
Could you repeat that definition again, please?
Of the Kingdom of God, or of Christ, or both? Well, the Kingdom of God is a moral state that is in keeping with those who recognize the rightful king, but who live in a world where he is now rejected.
And when it's God, it doesn't matter what it is, whether it's.
Power of God, grace of God, power of Christ, grace of Christ, and many other things.
See how many you can find.
With God, its nature and power.
And character.
With Christ, it's the practical side to be exhibited in you and me in this world.
And I I just suggest that in a general way, not to pigeonhole things too tightly, but in a general way I would suggest that. And it does not mean here when it says that that kind of a person doesn't have any inheritance in the Kingdom of God, in the sense that it doesn't mean you aren't a true believer.
But what it means is you are not acting in character.
According to what a believer should be, that's, I believe, the point. If I act according there are only two kingdoms in this world, the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the devil. And if I act in the character of the Kingdom of God, then I am exhibiting what I should do as a believer if I act in the character of the Kingdom of Satan.
Then I can't at the same time say, well, I have an inheritance in the Kingdom of God. The two just don't go together. And I say that because the whole teaching of this chapter is a walk that is in keeping with the position that we've been brought into in the second chapter.
Of being risen and seated in heavenly places in Christ. But as you pointed out, Vern, I'm still here.
I'm still surrounded by a wicked world.
I don't know. Does that make sense, Jim? Yes So. Well, I trust there's no thought even in corners of our hearts today as this to be as to this being the reigning time outwardly. Yet, as you say, he does want that place in our hearts, and I often think of a line of a hymn we sing in that regard. Rain thou within our hearts alone. So with the Corinthians, they were trying to reign before the time. We need to realize it's like the parable that the Lord told.
About the man who went into a far country to receive for himself a Kingdom and to return. He is going to come in a future day and return and take the Kingdom and we're going to be associated with him in that day. But the problem with the Corinthian Saints was that they were trying to reign before the time Paul said I would that you were raining, because if it really was the raining time, we'd be raining with you. But he said this is not the raining time and we find when.
There was confusion in that regard. In Corinth we see the moral.
Degradation and failure that had come in as a as a result. And I'll just say this too, not to belabor it, but.
The the difficulty is if we think this is the reigning time now or we like the Corinthians and there are many Christians who will tell you this is the time to reign. This is the time where a moral force to change the world what happens? We don't exhibit the character of those that are strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
We begin to settle down in this world. Not only are things going to characterize us that we have listed here, or things allowed that we're being allowed in Corinth, but we're going to settle down in the earth and think we should be a moral force to change the world. We're going to get involved in all kinds of politics and things that we think are going to better this world. And brethren, we are not a moral force to usher in the Kingdom. There is a conduct that is in keeping with those who are looking for that day.
And remember too well, it's true. We often say that the Lord's coming for us is really part of our is really our, our proper hope. That's true. But it's not the whole truth it says Looking for Well, let me read it in Titus so I I get it right because there are two things connected there in in Titus Chapter 2.
Well in fact, in fact, just in connection with the comments Brother Bill has made, let's just notice a couple of verses in Titus chapter 2 because I think it goes along with what we are saying and the proper conduct of a believer now who's waiting for that time when they will reign with Christ when he has his rightful place in this world. Titus chapter 2 and verse 11. For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.
Now notice what grace does here. Grace is a teacher teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts. That's the negative. That's what we're not to deny that we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world or this present age. That's where we are right now. And then he says two things that were to be looking for, looking for that blessed hope. That's the hope that we are, we have of the Lord Jesus coming for us, perhaps even before this meeting is complete.
But there's something else that is part of our blessed hope as well, or our hope as well, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Paul said at the end of his life, spoke of those that love, his appearing. That's the day when he's going to come back, brethren, and he's going to take the Kingdom. He's going to be vindicated in this world that spit in his face, said away with him, crucify him. That said, we will not have this man to reign over us. He's coming back.
And who's going to be associated with them in that day? You and you and me? You and I? We're going to be associated with them in that day. Are you and I content to wait that day? If we have a sense of grace in our souls, and grace is teaching us the things that we read in Titus, and if we have a sense that this is not the reigning time now, but we are, the Kingdom of God is a moral sense. It's not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
It is to be what exhibited in your life and mine as those who are waiting for the king. Then I believe it will preserve us from moral evil, it will preserve us from settling down in this world, and it will preserve us from rising up and thinking that we need to take the position of those that are raining now.
How would you, how would inheritance fluctuate in a practical way? Like you're saying, isn't that something?
That's stable that.
This if this characterizes a person.
He would not be saved and it's isn't it? I've always taken this that my brother used to say. God never gives comfort to a careless Christian, so.
If a person is walking like this, you would have no.
Reason to tell me when he was the Lord's exactly. And I knew the brother very well who made that comment, and I believe that's exactly the point here.
As a believer, I can't lose my salvation. And in that sense I won't be disinherited For walking carelessly, yeah, but I won't have the enjoyment in my soul of that inheritance, nor will I have any comfort in my life by walking carelessly. And that's why it says, secondly, in the next verse, let no man deceive you with vain words. And we're seeing that all around us today where Satan has persuaded people.
Yes, you can come to Christ. You can be saved. But you don't have to change. You don't have to alter your lifestyle.
You can carry on with all the things you continue to do so, and continue to do so all the things you went along with before you were saved. Because Satan knows that that kind of a believer, first of all, will not have any enjoyment in his heart of heavenly things, and secondly, he'll be no testimony to this world.
I can't be any testimony to this world if I am pretending that I can.
The Lord is my savior.
Have Christ if I could use the term, and it's a terrible term, but it it expresses the point if I can use Christ and his finished work only as a fire escape from hell, and then live my life to my own pleasure, and in a worldly way and even a sinful way.
The word of God never gives any comfort to a Christian living like that. And that's why. Isn't it that the children of Israel never did fully possess or enjoy the land that God had for them? And And not to digress, but Burns brought up the subject a couple of times and I think it might be helpful to see that the children of Israel, and I know it's been alluded to at three different points in their history, they were in three different positions.
And there were enemies of a different character in each position when they were in the land of Egypt, a type of this world, There was Pharaoh and his hosts, and that is a picture of Satan seeking to keep souls from coming under the good of redemption and deliverance. So when the gospel was preached last night, no doubt the enemy was busy to keep souls distracted because he doesn't want them, as I say, to come under the good of redemption and deliverance.
In the in the wilderness they had conflict with Amalek. Amalek is a picture of Satan seeking to hinder our walk with God through this wilderness world. But when they entered the land has been said there were a number of enemies and the real conflict for Israel never began until they went in to possess the land. And those enemies speak of Satan seeking to keep a true believer from enjoying.
Their heavenly portion, the vast panorama of spiritual blessings that are brought before us in the book of Ephesians and in the New Testament. And the enemy was right there to seek to keep them from the enjoyment of of that those things. And so, in the measure in which you and I today seek to enjoy our heavenly portion and all that is ours in Christ, you can be rest assured the enemy is going to be right there in one way or another.
And that's why on the one hand in the 11Th of Joshua it says Joshua took the whole land. Christ has secured all the blessing for us. Joshua is a picture of the Lord Jesus fact his name means Jesus Joshua took the whole land. But a couple of chapters later in the 13th chapter it says there remaineth very much land to be possessed. You say what was the difference? Well they never did really go in and enjoy and possess.
In a practical way, all that Jehovah had for them. And brethren, if we aren't dependent on the Lord, if we're not fighting that spiritual warfare with the resources we have in Christ as we get in the 6th chapter of Ephesians, we are never going to enjoy all that He has for us. And he wants us to have an enjoyment of it before we get to heaven. We can have an enjoyment of heaven before we get there.
I didn't mean to digress, but I think it's helpful to see those various enemies at various times. And we're in all three positions. We're in the world, we're in a wilderness, spiritual wilderness, and Canaan is not something that speaks of so much of heaven and after death and so on, but it speaks of that which we can have an enjoyment of and take possession of in our souls even now.
We often think of covetousness as money, don't we? But when it uses covetous in the New Translation, it calls it greedy, unsatisfied lust. So that can be covered as it isn't just money. Is it a drug? A person who is hooked on drugs? He doesn't care about money. Hundreds of thousands of dollars sometimes pass through his hands. All he just covered us after.
Is satisfying that desire.
So we I think that's just helpful that it covetous. It's not always money. It can be a lust or something like that, which it says is idolatry. It's something that comes between our souls and God.
Well, if we really realize, as it says at the end of verse 6, where this world is headed, it'll sober us up. Wanted. What is going to be the end result of this world that goes on without Christ?
The wrath of God.
And you and I know what the wrath of God is. We have it in Scripture. The world makes light of it and has all kinds of jokes about the fun they're going to have in a lost eternity, because they'll have all their friends with them and so on, and.
What a solemn thing it is. And if we keep that in mind.
It'll keep us from fraternizing with this world.
We have been brought into the light, and we get that more than once, don't we? We're children of light.
And we're to shed the light in this world. We're here to be light as the Lord Jesus was. And so when that light really shines, the result will be that it will expose those things that are in the darkness.
Not that we have to have a knowledge of them. Unhappily, in passing through this world we do get some knowledge.
Of the evil that's in the world. But I don't have to have a full understanding of all the evil in the world in order to walk a faithful path. I simply need to have the word of God, which tells me the right pathway.
And I will be alike simply by my walk.
And so.
It refers to the fact that in verse 7 Be ye not therefore partakers with them. For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord walk as children of light.
And that doesn't merely mean what we say. It's our entire walk. Isn't it far more important, the way we live, the way we walk, the way we behave, the things we do, and, perhaps more important, the things we don't do?
And that will lend weight to our words if we do say something, but our walk will and ought to bear out that we're children of light.
If we are not partakers.
We are going to stand out.
It was very easy to be our partaker, that we have an example in the next room. We gather there for the meals. The food is spread out on the table.
And we partake of it. It's it's right there, it's accessible and the the corruption of this world is very accessible. But people notice what we partake of and if we don't partake.
Of certain things that the world commonly does, we will stand out. That's God's intention.
I'd like to refer back to Titus chapter 2 for a minute.
We read we went over the verse Titus, Chapter 2.
Verse 12 teaching us that denying ungodliness and willing lust.
That's not an expression that resonates much with us, but what it literally means is to say no to it. The world we're in, a world that says no to God. It says it very plainly.
And that's what denying here means, just to simply say no to it, just as.
Last yesterday, I wish I'd said no to a few dishes on that table.
And I would just add to that, John, and you'll pardon again a reference to what we had before us at Morningstar Camp, but we considered, among other things, choices and habits and if we are going to say no to something.
We have to replace it with something better.
Satan will always fill a vacuum.
And whether it is in the enjoyment of Christ or whether, as Jim brought before us yesterday, it's a matter of service.
Satan will fill a vacuum.
My mother understood that principle very well, and I said this up at camp, that I had two brothers and we were masters at getting into mischief. And her her answer to that was, well, Satan will find some mischief still for idle hands to do. I can't remember how many times I heard that, because then she'd make us get to work and that kept us out of mischief. And if you and I are enjoying Christ.
And that's what we had in the first part of Ephesians. It'll give us the ability to say no as brother John is brought before us.
If we're busy in the work of the Lord, it will keep us from much of the evil that is in the world. Much of the time that we fall into sin is because we have, well, it's a vacuum, Too much leisure time sitting around, nothing to do. And of course then we want something to do, fill our minds and we get into something we shouldn't.
And so here we're to walk in that way as children of light. But why? Because we have something better. And I suggest that's why It brings in the fruit of the Spirit in verse nine. It doesn't develop the fruit of the spirit the way it does in Galatians chapter 5, but it simply makes the contrast between what the old sinful self wants to do.
And what the fruit of the Spirit is, if I'm walking in the Spirit, it says in Galatians, walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh. And it should read, though, that you should not do the things that you would. And so.
Again, as we head up at Morningstar, to erase a bad habit is difficult or almost impossible.
Unless you replace it with a good one.
Why does a new new translation say for the fruit of light? Not the fruit of the Spirit, but the fruit of light, is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.
I didn't know it said that, so you better explain it, Vern. Well, I'm sure you're right. I don't have questioning it. Well, it's talking about light that they're the children of light.
For the fruit of light is all goodness and righteousness and truth. But maybe you better explain that, because I didn't know that.
Go ahead and it's the fruit of the light, it says in the new translation. That is, it's when we walk in the light as the children of light, it's going to manifest the fruit. It's going to bring out what is, what is of Christ. And so rather men, rather than manifesting the things that are listed here that are not as to practical holiness and righteousness, what is the light going to show when we walk as the children of light?
Well, it's going to show those things that are of Christ.
Those attributes of Christ are going to be manifest in our lives. There's going to be a reflection of Christ in each one of us. I'd like to make one other little comment before we pass on in connection with what's been said. Because I believe another way that we are going to be preserved from falling into those things that characterize the children of darkness is to stay away from things as far as we can. I use a little illustration a week ago Saturday.
We were able to go with some of our brethren on a little hike in the Cascade Mountains here in Washington state. And we there were some very narrow trails along the top of those mountains and there wasn't any guardrails or anything to keep us from going over the edge. And it was a long way down there. And what did we do as we went along those trails? Now there were some young children with us. Perhaps I was one of the older ones that was there on the hike and there were some who would be more middle-aged and so on.
And what did all of us do? We kept as far away from the edge as we could. We didn't toy with the danger. We didn't see how close we could come to the edge and not fall off. No, we kept to the side where the mountain was. And I believe, brethren, that this is a warning to all of us, young and old. Again, like I say, there were different age groups on that hike, and those of us who were older tried to make sure. We warned the children and watched the children from getting too close to to the edge so that there wouldn't be a a disaster.
And I say that because I think sometimes that there's the tendency to feel, well, I know how far I can go in that, and I can go on the Internet, and I can look at certain things, but I'll only go so far. Or I can go and participate in some activity with the world. And I know how far to go. I know where to stop. Oh, brethren, as we've already had in these meetings, he that trusteth in his own heart is a fool. And I don't care if you're a young person or an old person here. The flesh in in those who are older is no different than the flesh in those that are younger.
And we need to, I believe, be very careful. It says, avoid it, pass not by it, turn away. And so I just say that as a warning and a little addendum to what has already been said. And then, as again has been said, to have our minds filled with Christ, to have our occupation with him. And then, you know, concentration may sorry, consecration means both hands full, you know, if we go through life with both hands full of Christ.
Where our hands are not going to be so occupied with the things they ought not to be occupied with. You know, idle hands shed innocent blood, It tells us in the Old Testament. And that's a principle. But if we go through life with our minds full of Christ, our hands full of Christ, then our feet are going to follow in the path that he has for us, and we're not going to fall into those things. We ought not to. So if we walk as the children of light, then the light is going to show that fruit or that manifestation.
Of Christ in our lives. Do you think that's commendable? Yes. I think the contrast is verse four. That's darkness. Yes. Good. And we're not just.
We weren't just walking in darkness before we were saved. We were darkness. Isn't that interesting? He says. Here you were sometimes darkness. He doesn't say there was a time when you walked in darkness, but that's what we were by nature. But there's been a work of God in us now.
That has not just brought us into the light.
But we are light. We are light in the in the Lord. And that's what ought to be manifest in a practical way then in our lives.
We often get in Paul's ministry that word prove.
And here we get it again.
Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.
In one sense, we don't need to prove it if we read the word of God and.
Accept it by faith. We know what is good and acceptable unto the Lord. But I believe the thought of proving is that if I walk in the good of it, I will have the practical enjoyment of Christ in my heart.
The same brother that Brother Verne quoted a few minutes ago who said the word of God.
Doesn't give any comfort to an unfaithful and careless Christian, also used to say to us.
It is a most happy feeling.
To be able to lay your head down on your pillow at the end of the day and know that you have sought to please the Lord.
And it's true. It gives a peace and rest in the heart. And so proving has the sense of walking in the good of what the Lord has given us, and finding out, as we always will, that it brings joy and happiness to our hearts.
When it comes to the things of this world, when it comes to what Satan offers, yes, there is pleasure in it. There really is. But it's only for a season.
I can well remember reading the story of a girl. I had no idea. I have no idea who she was, but she was young. She had everything going for her. She was very good looking. She was athletic, she was in good health. She came from a well to do home, and from what I could gather, she wasn't particularly into all of the evil of this world. She'd been brought up well. She didn't get into alcohol or drugs. She wasn't particularly immoral.
But she just enjoyed what would be conventionally called the good life.
But then she found Christ, and after she was saved, it was rather interesting to me to read her comment, she said. Was it a good life?
Oh, she said. In many ways it was. I had everything going for me. I had good friends, everything I wanted in terms of money. We enjoyed ourselves. We had lots of good times together.
And she said, thank God the Lord, even though he wasn't in her life, never let me drift into something which was.
Really. Seriously wrong.
But then she said.
It never really satisfied.
And she said now that I found Christ.
I could never go back. I could never go back.
May the Lord resonate that within our hearts because there is pleasure out there. And you and I in North America we have We live in some of the most prosperous economies the world has ever seen. Unbelievable. Now I know it's not quite the way it was maybe 50 or 60 years ago.
When I was growing up, but still in all Canada, the US, pretty good places to live naturally, aren't they?
And not many of us worry about where our next meal is coming from, or whether we'll have a roof over our head or whether we'll have.
Ability to go to school and get an education and so on. We have it pretty good in this land.
But without Christ, it doesn't satisfy. And it won't satisfy you and me as believers either, even though we try it.
This chapter is all about.
Living in the enjoyment of everything that God has given us, but.
Very specially on the heavenly side of things, heavenly blessings.
No one ever had that before, this dispensation of grace, and they'll never have it again. What a privilege we have.
Someone has said that you can make your choice. You can choose what you do.
But you can't choose the consequences. God chooses the consequences.
That's kind of a solemn thought.
We make choices. God makes consequences.
And you see that, don't you? In illustration or contrast between King Solomon in the Old Testament and the Apostle Paul in the New Testament, we find that King Solomon at the end, near the end, at the end of his life, the last part of his life, he said. I didn't withhold myself from any pleasure.
He was a true believer, true child of God, but he didn't withhold himself from any pleasure. He had everything naturally speaking that this world could offer. And what did he write across it all? Vanity and vexation of spirit. On the other hand, Paul expressed his desire to finish his course with joy, and he could rejoice in the Lord. And of sometimes contrasted those two, because suppose that Solomon on the throne of Israel at the pinnacle of its glory.
Humanly speaking, had written rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Oh, you'd say, of course He had everything his heart naturally could desire.
But suppose Paul, when he wrote to the Philippians, had written all his vanity and vexation of spirit. Well, you'd say. Of course he didn't have anything anyway. He was imprisoned for his faith. He was in the lowest conditions of things perhaps possible to to be. But isn't it interesting? It was just the contrast.
Solomon tried it all, but it didn't satisfy his heart. And there were consequences in Solomon's life, although we're going to see him another day in the in heaven, but with the Apostle Paul, who had nothing of this world. He had something that satisfied his soul. He had walked in the enjoyment of those things that by inspiration he had himself presented to the Saints of God, and that we have for our enjoyment today.
He had served the Lord and felt like he had fulfilled his ministry. He'd fought a good fight. He kept the faith. He'd finished his course, and he finished it with joy. Brethren, all Christians don't. As Bill pointed out there that that young lady she felt at the end of her life that there was had been something missing, although she again will see her another day in heaven. The consequences are never that we lose our salvation, but there are consequences of.
The loss of reward at the judgment seat of Christ. There's a loss of enjoyment of those things now. And sometimes there are things even that we have to reap in this life that we will never leave until we till we leave this world.
So in verse 11 we have.
Have no fellowship, have no communion, same word, have no common thoughts.
With the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
This can be sometimes.
And I don't want to be misunderstood. I'll try and say it in the right way. We tried to say it a bit yesterday in the open meeting.
Does that mean I never rub shoulders with the world or have nothing to do with them? No.
I am in the world, but not of the world.
Some would say, well, how can I be a witness to the word this world if I'm not in company with them And so on.
Very definitely true.
But there's a difference between being in the world and of the world, isn't it? And if, as we've already said, we are walking in the light.
We will find that not only are we able to give up the world.
But eventually, the world will give us up.
That sometimes can hurt.
Pardon a personal illustration. When I was practicing medicine, there was a group of about 20 or more doctors in the small hospital where I worked and they occasionally had social get togethers to which I did not go.
But once in a while, if they held a retirement dinner for somebody or that sort of thing, I felt that perhaps it was a good thing to show up. And I don't say this I trust with any degree of pride or anything like that.
But my wife and I both noticed it that there are those who worked with me very closely, who gave anesthetics for surgery, and who worked most closely with me.
When it came to sitting down at tables at that retirement dinner.
Everyone of them made very sure that they were not at our table.
I knew the reason for that. They didn't want the conversation to go in certain directions. They wanted freedom to talk about what they wanted to talk about.
And you and I will find that if we are faithful to the Lord, if we give up the world, that is one thing. But eventually the world will give up us. Unless unless the Lord touches their hearts and there's a real interest in the things of God. And so, yes, we are going to come in contact with the unfruitful works of darkness. We are going to see it. We're going to hear about it.
And as we talked about on Saturday.
We hear about it more than ever today because of the Internet and social media of various kinds. We hear about the untruthful works of darkness, but that's different from having fellowship with them. I should avoid it, as Jim has been saying, as far as possible. But having fellowship with it is another thing, isn't it?
And the world will soon recognize where we stand on that if we walk in the light.
Though the reproof here isn't always what we say, is it? We think of reproving someone. We think of speaking our mind on a on a subject, or trying to correct someone on on something that they're doing or something they've said. But light doesn't make any noise. You put a light in a dark room and it chases the darkness out, but that light doesn't make any noise.
And so, as Brother Bill has said, I believe just our the presence of a believer who is walking in the character of as a child of light, we are the children of Light. Nothing changes that. But if we walk in the character of those who are the children of Light reflecting something of Christ in our lives, that in itself.
Will, can and will be a reproof. When the Lord Jesus was here he was the light of the world and it wasn't always what he said or did that reprove men men's consciences. It was just his presence.
When he walked into a room or he arrived in a city, men's consciences were immediately pricked. Sometimes they asked him to depart out of their coast. Why? Because his very presence as the light of the world reproved their conscience. And I believe we can have that effect, brethren, because I realize there are some here and who are more shy than others. Maybe there's someone here and you say, I find it very hard to speak up for the Lord. I find it very hard to give a verbal testimony sometimes.
But just show Christ by living Christ, walk in the light. And so we are, as it says in Matthew 5, it says ye are the light of the world. You know, I think that's important to realize because really all that this world is going to see of the light of Christ today is what's manifest in your life. And mine and especially brethren in a day when they've closed the pages of the light of God's word. It's not read anymore, generally speaking.
What light is this world going to see? What reproof are they going to have?
It is what is manifest in your life and mine. There's an old hymn and we don't sing it, but there's an old hymn. The light of the world is Jesus, but that's not quite accurate. When he was here, he was the light of the world. And such was the moral darkness that it says the light shone in darkness and the darkness comprehended it. Not what a deep moral darkness there was that the light didn't even penetrate it, at least to a great degree. But the Lord Jesus tells us now, the Scripture tells us now.
Ye are the light of the world. The Lord isn't here the way he was physically when he walked amongst men in the days of his sojourn on earth. He was the light of the world. But He has passed that responsibility and privilege on to you and to me. We are now the light of the world, and in that way we can. We will be a reproof even if we don't say one word aloud.
As you said a few minutes ago, Jim, and you were, it's quite right that we are not here to be a moral force to change the world.
The corollary to that is, or the opposite to That is, what did they say in Thessalonica when Paul and his company came?
They that have turned the world upside down or come hit her. Why did Paul try to change the outward world and be a moral force to turn the world around? No, but he turned it upside down all right by preaching the gospel. That's the moral force to change the world by the believer, isn't it?
We know what's going to get worse and worse. And I say this because, and you know it as well as I do, there is a strong movement, particularly in North America, that says, as we've already heard, that we ought to be out there to get the world ready for God's Kingdom. And we need to get involved in politics and anywhere else we can in public life to get the world ready for God's Kingdom. No, when Thy judgments are in the world, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
Think that's in Isaiah, maybe 26, but you and I, do we still?
I don't like to quote that verse turn the world upside down, because I don't think I do. But potentially the believer has the power to do that if he's walking in the light, doesn't he?
And in verse 12 it says for it is a shame.
Even to the speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
Today, there's not much that is secret. Things are done out in the open that were done in secret even a few years ago.
Do we recognize those things we do? Does the Word of God speak of them? Yes, it does.
Every moral sin that man falls into is pretty much mentioned at some time or other in Scripture. But here's the point. Not in a way that excites the flesh.
Or excites lust, and that's the difference between the word of God.
And I say to each one of us, and it's very, very sad.
Sometimes you'll pick up what is supposed to be a Christian book.
That tells a story of someone who found Christ.
But unhappily, I say, the publishers know what sells books.
And so they.
Right in a reasonable or a reasonable or even more than reasonable amount of lurid detail.
All the details of the sins of that individual, he or she before they got saved. Why? Because they know that sells books. People like to read that kind of thing.
Talk about the fact that they walked in darkness, and perhaps give a few examples of the kind of lifestyle they led. That's that's OK. Scripture does that. But they go into a lot of detail, which is not necessary, and I've seen it in more than one case in books.
I believe this scripture would bear on that.
Yes, we know about these things. Scripture talks about them and tells us to avoid them. Tells us the consequences of those that fell into those sins. But if I occupy my mind with evil, I can't be occupied with what's in the light, can I? I can't be occupied with darkness and at the same time be occupied with the light. Yes. Are there times we need to be occupied with evil?
Yes, there are.
We don't need to turn to it. It's too big a subject to get into this after this morning, but in Numbers 19 we read about.
Recovery, restoration to Communion from one who is defiled.
But we notice there that the one who applied the water of purification, what happened? He had to wash his clothes and be unclean until the evening. Why? Had he done the sin? No, but because he was occupied with the sin even in restoration.
He was defiled.
For the day had to wash his clothes and be unclean until the even, and so even shall we say it in dealing with.
Sin in the local assembly if it's of a character that needs to come to the attention of the assembly.
There needs to be a dealing with it. Sometimes we have to deal with.
Unbelievers and all the sin they've been involved in. What does it say in the last chapter of or the book of Jude? Hating the garment, even the garment spotted by the flesh pull them out of the fire. Hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
We should never take pleasure in getting involved in sin, even though we will be.
Inevitably brought into close contact with it, even as believers, and necessarily so. But dwelling on it is never to be the object of the Christian.
And so I believe this verse would apply no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. Rather reprove them. And as we've we've had proof.
Doesn't necessarily mean words. It can simply mean our walk and our department.
And can I just say this too in that regard, that when things come to light in the assembly, just as they did in Corinth, things were commonly reported and so on that needed to be dealt with for the Lord's glory, evil needs to be kept to the smallest possible circle. That's why you never find in the New Testament.
That when evil came to light and needed to be dealt with for the Lord's glory and the clearing of sin from the the Lords presence and the presence of the people his his people. That again things weren't discussed in in openly in the assembly. When the when the assembly was together they were discussed in, shall I say the brothers meeting the elders and apostles in Acts 15, where it was moral evil or I'm sorry, where it was doctrinal evil.
They came together to discuss the matter. That's where the much discussion took place. And so often and again, not to harp on this, but we are in a day of communication, aren't we? There's this is a day when communication is so easy and you know it's so easy to punch out a text or an e-mail and send push the send button before we even think about it. You know, it used to be you'd write a letter and then you'd think about it and maybe you'd tear up the letter and you wouldn't send it or you'd set it aside on the desk and.
A day or so later, you say, well, maybe, maybe I just better put that in the in the trash. But today, with communication so prevalent, we often spread things we ought not to spread before we really take time to consider the matter. And so evil always needs to be kept to the smallest possible circle. That's why it says in fact I we could quote but this turned to the verse. I think we've already quoted it, but it's interesting. The order in Romans 16.
Where it speaks of good and evil and how we are to.
What it is to be in our lives.
In Romans chapter 16 just the last part of part of verse 19 the last two expressions. Notice this, I would have you.
Wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil. Now if I'd been writing this, I would have reversed it. I would have put Well, we need to be simple concerning evil and wise concerning good. But that's not the way the Spirit of God has recorded it. And there may be other reasons, but I I just make this suggestion our first and foremost concern and exercise as believers.
Is to be wise concerning that which is good. That's first and foremost. We've spoken of it. Filling the water pots to the brim, filling the cup with wheat so there's no room for the chaff. Filling our minds with Christ and and the word of God, wise.
Concerning that which is good.
Then there are times there, as Brother Bill has said, maybe in a specific situation we need to have some knowledge, whether it's something that needs to be taken up amongst the people of God for the Lord's glory, or someone you're dealing with who's entrenched in doctrinal error. Sometimes I've had to go to my library and read a little bit of what I'm dealing with in connection with a specific situation, but again, that is only if the need be.
We're to be first of all wise concerning that which is good. If we need to have some knowledge of that which is evil, keep it simple. Don't delve into all the INS and outs of it. That is only going to defile you. If I can put it this way. Don't go home and start reading up on all the false doctrines that have ever been propagated and are being propagated in Christendom. That's only going to defile you. Yes, if you're dealing with someone who's entrenched in one of those doctrines, maybe you've got to have some kind of a little outline to.
Counter what what they're saying from the word of God and and so on.
And so, brethren, these are very practical warnings. But I believe these are the things that are going to preserve us. And how am I going to detect something that's evil by having delved into all that's involved in that that evil. No. When, when? Again, we've often used the illustration but at the teller at the bank. And I know a lot of us use ATMs now and we don't go to the to the to the to the counter in the bank. But I'm small town. I still like to go to the counter at the bank and.
I know some of the tellers personally and you pass the time of day, but.
The teller at the bank.
How does she or he detect false money? Counterfeit currency? By handling counterfeit currency every day? No, they'd lose their job if they did. They handle the real money from day-to-day, and then hopefully, if a false bill is passed, they'll detect it because it doesn't have that feel of that which is real. And how are we going to detect evil in its various aspects? By knowing all about it? No, by being being wise concerning that which is good.
And simple concerning evil.
What's? What's that last part of verse 13?
And I've just read it, but all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light.
For whatsoever doth make manifest is light but.
Whatever that makes manifest is what's happening, I guess. I would think that's just saying in, in very concise terms, what Jim has just brought out. And that is, if I'm living and walking in the light, it will immediately manifest something that isn't in the light. And so all things that are reproved are made manifest by delving into all the things that aren't late. No, that's not the point.
Yes, there is a time and a place. Let me use an illustration. In traveling occasionally to foreign lands, it helps to have at least a little bit of an understanding of some of the tenants of a false religion. And when someone approaches you and starts to talk, you can, if I could use the term, talk intelligently with them because you know where they're coming from.
Even within the framework of cults in Christianity.
It was a help to me once when when a 7th day Adventist girl started arguing with me about 7th day Adventism to know where they went wrong on the person and work of Christ. And so there is a place for that, but filling my mind with all that sort of thing, even if I have a right.
Purpose in it is not going to feed my soul with Christ. Rather, I will soon find that if I am walking in the light and enjoying the light, then immediately something that isn't part of the light will, if I could use the term, jump right out at me.
Good 200 and one 201.
Three. Climb up. No transcription. Find ourselves in our lives.