A sentence from an article in the May 1999 Christian Shepherd titled “Unbroken Fellowship of Father and Son” should read: “However, unlike Matthew and Mark, in Luke and John those heart-rending words uttered by our precious Saviour—‘My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me’—are left out of divine inspiration.”
Regarding this most solemn and holy subject, we find our hearts stirred by the following comment, excerpted from the ministry of A. H. Rule. “How was it during those hours of darkness on the cross? Was there any ministering or strengthening angel? Was there any voice from the excellent glory expressing untold delight in His blessed Person? Was there any ray of light from that glory to relieve the awful gloom? God had abandoned the Man Christ Jesus. This is an hour that stands alone. There is none like it in the annals of eternity.”
May the sense in our hearts of the blessed Lord’s love, sacrifice and suffering be deepened as we meditate on that most solemn cry.
O how our inmost hearts do move,
While gazing on the cross;
The death of the Incarnate Love!
What shame, what grief, what joy we prove,
That He should die for us!
Our hearts were broken by that cry,
“Eli, lama sabachthani?”
(Little Flock Hymnbook #215)