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Ezra 7

Esd. 7:23 KJV (With Strong’s)

kol (Hebrew #3606)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 3605
KJV usage: all, any, + (forasmuch) as, + be-(for this) cause, every, + no (manner, -ne), + there (where)-fore, + though, what (where, who)-soever, (the) whole.
Pronounce: kole
is ζcommandedy by
min (Hebrew #4481)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 4480
KJV usage: according, after, + because, + before, by, for, from, X him, X more than, (out) of, part, since, X these, to, upon, + when.
Pronounce: min
ta`am (Hebrew #2941)
properly, a taste, i.e. (as in 2940) a judicial sentence
KJV usage: account, X to be commanded, commandment, matter.
Pronounce: tah'-am
Origin: (Aramaic) from 2939
the God
'elahh (Hebrew #426)
KJV usage: God, god.
Pronounce: el-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 433
of heaven
shamayin (Hebrew #8065)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 8064
KJV usage: heaven.
Pronounce: shaw-mah'-yin
, let it be diligently
'adrazda' (Hebrew #149)
quickly or carefully
KJV usage: diligently.
Pronounce: ad-raz-daw'
Origin: (Aramaic) probably of Persian origin
z done
`abad (Hebrew #5648)
to do, make, prepare, keep, etc.
KJV usage: X cut, do, execute, go on, make, move, work.
Pronounce: ab-bad'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 5647
for the house
bayith (Hebrew #1005)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 1004
KJV usage: house.
Pronounce: bah-yith
of the God
'elahh (Hebrew #426)
KJV usage: God, god.
Pronounce: el-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 433
of heaven
shamayin (Hebrew #8065)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 8064
KJV usage: heaven.
Pronounce: shaw-mah'-yin
: for
diy (Hebrew #1768)
that, used as relative conjunction, and especially (with a preposition) in adverbial phrases; also as preposition of
KJV usage: X as, but, for(-asmuch +), + now, of, seeing, than, that, therefore, until, + what (-soever), when, which, whom, whose.
Pronounce: dee
Origin: (Aramaic) apparently for 1668
mah (Hebrew #4101)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 4100
KJV usage: how great (mighty), that which, what(-soever), why.
Pronounce: maw
should there be
hava' (Hebrew #1934)
corresponding to 1933; to exist; used in a great variety of applications (especially in connection with other words)
KJV usage: be, become, + behold, + came (to pass), + cease, + cleave, + consider, + do, + give, + have, + judge, + keep, + labour, + mingle (self), + put, + see, + seek, + set, + slay, + take heed, tremble, + walk, + would.
Pronounce: hav-aw'
Origin: (Aramaic) orhavah (Aramaic) {hav-aw'}
qtsaph (Hebrew #7109)
KJV usage: wrath.
Pronounce: kets-af'
Origin: (Aramaic) from 7108
`al (Hebrew #5922)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 5921
KJV usage: about, against, concerning, for, (there-)fore, from, in, X more, of, (there-, up-)on, (in-)to, + why with.
Pronounce: al
the realm
malkuw (Hebrew #4437)
dominion (abstractly or concretely)
KJV usage: kingdom, kingly, realm, reign.
Pronounce: mal-koo'
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 4438
of the king
melek (Hebrew #4430)
a king
KJV usage: king, royal.
Pronounce: meh'-lek
Origin: (Aramaic) corresponding to 4428
and his sons
ben (Hebrew #1123)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 1121
KJV usage: child, son, young.
Pronounce: bane

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Cross References

Whatsoever is commanded.
Chal. Whatsoever is of the decree.
let it be.
why should there be wrath.As Artaxerxes believed he was appointed by the Almighty to do this work, he therefore wished to do it heartily; knowing that if he did not, God would be displeased, and that the kingdom would be cut off from him or his posterity.

J. N. Darby Translation

Whatever is commanded by the God of the heavens, let it be carefully done for the house of the God of the heavens; for why should there be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons?